HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-2-15, Page 5r. -40‘, -1 r BUSINESS CARR, JNO. SUTHERLAND 86 SONS 7ty��oy/,p ,t,�l�p �pUMITED z r. I4W c tur'eM,AP'II BdW1P d8I a WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCERAND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LIOENSES Sloe In the Post 00lee, Mthet. 10.4. AUCTiONEERS. Ill S. BOOTT AS AN AUUTION• • 00% ,vin sett for better prices, to better men 1v less 51100 and lees charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anythithg, Dates and orders wan always be arranged at this ofdoe or by personal appl2oatioti, LEGAL ANC CONVEYWI IT. VT M. S1Ii LAII3--- • Barrister, Solialioz, Conveyancer, Notary 1'uWio, ho, Office-13tewart'e Blook 1 door North. of Central Hotel. eolioitor for the Metropolitan Bank, & `c,.tag l'y.3'ai'n°d'da" clA'e4:1'1ai8'.$B" BRUSSELS .100180 Sown GOING Noa'rs Express 7:58 n m I Mail 21:22 n ,n Express - 8;69 n m Express 0:07 p -m c ev'« via.!✓ S ;t 'zzl`fw WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:60 n m Express 12:04 atm Express 5:16 p m I Express 7.46 pm WROXETER Going Beet - 7:06 a, to, and 0:40 p. ,n. Going West - 12:10 and 0:65p. in. all trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. R. stations. 10120. ALLAN, Local Agent. 0 LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON - 6IAVRg Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- matioa apply agents, or " 9 -AO SiTillronfb W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. A. RAYMM1N is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, tic. Bellaire to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. A. HAMA Craa[aro k s r f ' �,r� J QSTATFONT....... 1r R URD. Ontario's Best Business College l Students may enter our classes nt nn- time OO,nluenee your con r1° 110W and 5 ba quallaed for a position by Sfldaunt- mer. During July and Angnat of ls•t $ '11 year we received calls for over 200 �., office assistants we could not sue- -� (B ply. Our grndoatsi nee In dumumd. Write nt 02100 for our free entnlo,tno, D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. - •.Y4Wart4 .ta1,dneW.M tu;.it net n3lac>// THE Best Bral 6 In Canada have parbialpnted in the pre- paration of our splendid Fiume Study (lotuses iu Banking, Ec0nontcs,'HIgher Accounting, Coinmereinl Art,. Mew Corti Writing, Photography, Journal. lam, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and tr. Bookks Itin g Sublet them t interestsfmost ynn and write ns forpirtioutaOs. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 901-7 Yongo 8t., Toronto ISMIStLe.erilien1191071=27211ElltaiD " ALL ' A■ Y\7® Thousands of ambitious young ono• ph) ere fast .preparing In their 0811 11011100 to oo0111y Menai va' position.. ns Ot(05grapltorn, hook it nopere, el ogre. phors, °lull servants in fact evrry sphere at notivltMOS, Y011 may finish nt 0011011e 1f yeti no Wish. PO/1111011N guar• an teed. Suitor oollogo any day. Inds' 'Adult' instruction, Export teheber0, Thirty years experience. Imrgo0t trainers in Cando, Seven colleges, Special routine foe touchers. Aniliatetl. With Commorolol Ethtoa• tor'sAnsoolatiou of Canada, Sur mor Saltool at famous SpOtton Business 001 - lege, London. Wingham Business College 01110, SeOT2On, W. T, iltnh0I2, President. Prin:lpal, ammemmaamemmmisMtasaummam B516i1'9e18e Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, Su000ssor to M. S. Moore, Officio at Ander• WM tiros, Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone No. 20, T, T. M'RAE M. B., M. O. P., <8 $, O. M. 0. -B., Village of Brussels, Physician, l$orgoon, Aoconchour °Sloe al'ooidonoe, opposite Melvlile Obnr01,, W lila,, etreut. DR. F. T. BRYAN$ Bachelor of Medicine, Univwrsit of Toronto ; idoentfate of Oolloge of Physlolnns turd Sur. semis, Ontm'io ; ex•Senlor House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offiooa of I(ete Dr. A. MoKevey5•Smith Block, Brussels, liural phone 46, MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Dopart,nettt of Ophthal- mology, blaOormiole medical Collett.. Chicago, 111.sis prepared to tem eyes and Ht glassesher oover Miss store. Oo dWThursday, Friday And ga nrday, 01 every we Officehours-10 10to 12 a, m. 1 to a p. m. Evenings by appohb- nevt, Phone 1319. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night cells. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satiofootion assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if riot oonveniont to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones, BEL10RAV12 P. 0. P. R. MULHERON :reacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir Master, Melville Church, Brussels. Pupils prepared for 'To,'o,, to Col- lege of tondo Examine tions. Plume 00x PNOUOFOOT, SHORAN & CORE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Sgoare, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, OST, Private runts to loan at lowest rotes. W. P1touDitooT, K, 0. ,T. L, K,LLoRAN E. .1. D. 000a10 Jewitt Brothers Write Home from France. DEAR. ENA AND FOLIce•- MOnday morning in a nice wee dugout from tvhirll we can emerge and brat up old Fritz. A nice day but cloudy and misty but no rain so far. This has been a very quiet trip up here, have had to fight trench foot more than Fritz. Trench feet are a case of ag- gravated chilblains, but are serious, sometimes demanding amputation and always means that the man is laid up foe et flongtime. Theyitis say preventible; so the use hotoil on the feet every day and dry socks at every available opportunity. We send the wet ones back to be washed. How ever, it is hard to keep away from the beastly disease amidst the mud and cold. My teen did capture ora lonesome Fritz the other night as he wandered a little too close 111 a bomb- ing post away out in ft net, of Ilse line. He didn't seem at, all sorry to be taken, li,td been on the job since the beginning, through the Verdun and Bitterne scraps and WON sick of the wax entirely. 13e was rt young, well built fellow too. He says if they thUngh5 we didn't shoot our prisoners that many would conte over yokel tat i- ly. Ile says that their trenches ale worse than otitis and life over there is miserable, especially as we continual- ly worry then, and keep !,{tem on edge, rn' a5 ire say, keep their ,wind up. We exect to move back foe a 1151,1 e rest over Ymus. aril New Years, and are going to give the men a:impact if possible, so that likely the New Year will open peacefully 'enough for us anyway. I suppose yam hulialeys will be over when you get tile, Best lack to you all 111 your w(1 It anii a floppy New Yettt, From 0r,. Mamie, Dec. 18, 1910. This has been e. very gqiet day with ma here, no 1' (2 ides and rt chance to sleep 111 its touch Eli We liked. 00 I got up about. 10 a. In. and loafed until alteruoon, e hen the Olivers went up t' give the Sergeants a game of foot- ball, 132,0, the ball wits out ,d' mon- 111i: sine. Lochs for us too. \V'e had et nhicl:en hliuner and a good one. ton. Ot' course it was a finely quiet dity but we c 111010ee nnrselv04 lurk r 1 his year In be situated fol' the hn11dlty as we are. Nnw for 1917-A Now Year in Prance, mill tL slr01(11' ala 11111' ton life• ly, es PI11zseems to lie kieltli,g quite strongly in the Utast and i'; 1101 down and int yet ILIorevet•, 1 h life is n. k. null health is good and prospects for It thorough gond !irking 10,r phi' 1-111119 still blight, so 200 arn't badly off at all. i Ito Imps I he New Ye,,' will be otie of enrol sv In you deer folks and may II hi', (19 III mine o111' heart's desire- a brut leg foe Fritz and a hap py rr'-inion iii 1',uinda. France hs pr"i1y 11 ploluresgmaJn Many spots but (Lomita is better in all ways, se 1 11:11 , r hove n great hope always in emelt, ju.I 1 1 800 our online crampy and ti„ dei'r folks there Will close now this (list seri bble of the New Year with love to pm all. Or.• Diauo FA.Ttll;lt ANo \I0T1leit,-L have been 110sy whim; In thank my maty friends for s„tel big' the pal CPIs and 90 1110470 not 13211.!rtl 1111' extra tette!, which inlr'ntlrll, AO nolo 11110 will do for this week, I stn putting this in a green envelope which ie.a reel treasure here as When we put our let tors in them, the 11(110re a10 1101, read by our own otters, but 11 read at all, aro road by olllcere (town at t11e, baso. 1 suppose by 'the time you get this you will be Well into the New Year, the year• that 111 going In mean n lot to us, and is going to sew the end of gamy' and then for n real celebration. It willcel•tainly seam gond to got back to Canada and 110100 told ilito civilian clothes. France tied Beigiutm are certainly not suitable to mon llsedt0 tt climate 1;1(11 ours, and Litany o1' Lb boys are feeling the ef1eote of Ib dampness. I bad a little touch o rheumatism while we w'er'e on tile move, but sileegetting Ill to fine waren quarters it is all gone and I au feeling tine. i think I wrote you on Ohr'Islmas inei (ling and so would not tell yon of onr Christina$ 111111li+r. Cur oflieet's are good spun Ls and put up at first class Oheislmas dinner for us. The wards were all decorated and the 1)11tenls were ser veil with a good edit. tier at 12 u'elo0k tend then 111 01111'1 1111 ours alight be at an hour ,then all could be free, we had it at 230p. 111 Since coming hope we have built a fine lig dining hall with a stage so that it could be used for eturert9, ale„ no well its dining hull, It Was opened on Ohrielmtt5 Day and thanks to our officers, our c •. ua et tit m' e unit of 240 men sat down at mire Ina dinner Iilte this : -Oreton tome to coup. ; tuekey and dressing, nlaebed potatoes, cauli- flower, green pens, plum pudding, u e and I It n oranges, es tar g 111119 and rigors. We bred tote of everything and then short speeches, followed by 1t pre8etita- Linn to the cookswhohave to work very hard mol are very obliging. Our offieers voted on whether or not to serve booze and decided not to, which suited many of ns finely. We broke up !about 4 30, \Ve returned to the billet which wets cold and desolate. Some of the boys !vera working nights, while others were trying in various ways to 101.901 that they were homesick, so only a few of us were left ai,d every- one of us were thinking of home, of pest Ohristnrases and what we wield have given for a few hours in the land of our dreams. I went out with one of the boys and got some wood and started a the., so as to make it a little more cheerful, but no platter how pleasant and comfortable the surroundings out here were, I think every fellow that stayed in billets that night was genuinely homesick. .however, it is all over now and we are going along as usual. We, that is our section of about 50 men, are planning a big feed on New Year's night to be held in oar billets. We are having 50 pounds of goose, also tomato soup, tipples, oranges, etc. and expect a good time, I1 is not coshing us anything as our canteen has turned over to each section about 400 francs. January 7th, 1017. -Another Sunday evening and the first tirne I have felt like writing since I wrote hefor•e. I atm in bell and so may not write much, but will send it on anyway this week, 1 was disappointed with our supper. I 10(111 n cold with lagrippe last Sun- day and Was not able to be out at all on Mlnudlty night. 1 lay in my led and listened to the speakers and then went into Lhe hospital where I have stayed until to -day. I atll feeling fine now but won't he doing anything for a few clays, Our officers are very good to tis and insist on n8 taking care of ourselves, and so if we are sick we are put in the hospital and take a and rest. g I was over to the'Y. M. 0. A. to- night and heard Rev, \V, A. Cameron, of Bdror Street Baptist Church, Tor- onto ; he- and Rev. John McNeil, of Walmer Road Baptist, are over here on a special tout'. Oantet•on is a good speaker, gave a good talk, closing in real old evangelistic: style, and had an after meeting to which many stayed. He has spoken 27 times in 25 days in France and his meetings around here have been -very successful. I saw Lorne Burling and young Bentley from Blyth, there, to -night, they have had a fete clays taste of shell and mud. fled 1t letter from Cecil Ramsay, (Cecil is an old Lambeth chum of the boys) from Blighted, in which he speaks of seeingUem'ge. Now I want to tell you all 7 knots about Joe Bets. set. First time he was reported miss. ing, I wrote 50 you, and then next !yelp asked a fellow about 111111 and he said why1111 Joe's n Jt e s n t dead he's 'net over berI went over and there was Joe crippled ep with rheumatism. We had a gond etch and supper together at the Y 1M. 0. A. He said that he wars vwnsetl from that thi, in the tlenritc , I went up that night and thought Joe WAN 0. 1„ but it 51Pn1s the bombers were short of N. C. O's. arid so had to seed for Joe. to lead a bombing raid that 1119111. Ile event rap and Wall lest seen bombing Fritz's dugouts. Fritz look several prisoners front the party and when the names Cattle hark uu Word of Joe, an they think that he must have been Milled brit of course thyro is to little hope, His Sergeal,t. said Joe WON almost a perfert 4011111.1', ahsoltliely trustworthy and $flraid „f nothing. lie was exceed- ingly P11111131' 071111 the men end was a L'•tvorile of those over hitt. As a bonnier IIP had to lead many raids and there is tin wink that needs more mileage mid grit than that sane job and yet he never grumbled. I was e ede consist of wire netting over a' t' yiEARs wooden frame, two blankets, an over. 1 sEyEli o2,he a wa114 et oof sheet acid ase other wide and ends we can pick up I use my tunic for a pillow and most OTUliIJ ofthe fel0081ar the carne. eGlide E i of 1.1 ehIow largo rate and ottler side min, we are fairly eoel)fm'table, Sive es 4Bolts Wa ted We are in the market to per. chase any quantity of Maes- wood, sort Elm, Soft Maple, 13iruh and Ash Heading Bolts At Blucvalc, Beigrave, Blyth, Ethel, Henfryn and Atwood G. T. H. Stations F alf further psalm -does apply to merit, BRUSSL:LS. Nothing Helped Him Until He Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" ALERT VARNER Buckingham, Que., May 3rd, 1915. For seven years, I suffered terribly from Severe Headaches and Indigestion. I had belching gas from the stomach, bitter stuff would come up into my mouth after eating, while at times I had nausea and vomiting, and had chronic Constipation. I wont to several doctors and wrote to a specialist In Boston but without benefit. I tried many remedies but pothing did me good. Finally, a friend advised "Fruit-a-tives'1. I took this grand fruit medicine and it made me well. I am grateful to "Fruit-a- tives ", and to everyone who has mise- rablehealtll with Constipation and Indi- gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take "Trutt-a-tives ", and you will get well". ALBERT VARNER. 50c. a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. planning with him to get him into our unit %vith me and was very sorry to get the news of his disappearance. Ena asked me to let you know all I could find out and I went over to see his Sergeant, Yes, mother, it is sad to think of all the wives and sN eeLhearta that will he iPft in Can- ada, on-ada, but I guess the price is worth while as long as we gain one object which we must, after having paid so dearly. I received a very fine hnx of chocolates from Ena and enjoyed them muehly. Hope you are all well. Yours Sill, G. W. ,ll WITT, 528651, 10 Can. Field Amh l ce. P. S. -Joe Basset was a probationer in Loudon Conference and his home was Listowel. Papers stated that he was wounded, taken prisoner and died in a German Hospital. Ile has paid the supreme price. GE0, JEWITT. Letter from Pte, "Bob" Ellis FATHER AND MOTHER. -Just a line to let you know how 1 atm and - where. I am feeling pretty good to. day. Have been tuck ' with trench fever but getting along pretty well. It is nota very nice thing to have. I came over from Fiance New Year's Day so you see I have made a pretty gond start. The next day got back to England, next stop Canada I hope. You heard that I am in hospital be- fore this as they salt word right off. They are real nice mere, it beats the trenches if you are sieli. It has been pretty wet over there. ;'herr are lots of poor fellows here, ship mads every ay wounded 5 1 1 ''t' e' t lt i c st Ir. I believe a wound is better than being Fick. lint I have been pretty lucky. Have 80011 lots of pool' fellows get "theirs" but you get used to such things. You have numerous narrow P50(11)08 bol you don't think about them at the time but do after. I could tell you Tots 0f stuff but, 1 gness I will let it go till I got home. Hope you are both well. I have not got any learns fen' so long. Got one letter 1u li'rnnee so you see you know nothing about home might be all !lead and you lvouid know nothing about ib, Give my best re. gards to all the people 1 knew. I hope the ,vtu' is over pretty soon, itis 01104- ing a lot of suffering, it is hell 00 en•1h tali right. Well, dear Fa thee and Mother, I don't want you rn get wnt•ry'ing about me as I tun all right or will be 5111111. Will write again smut so good by Nom your loving son Bob. Love to you both and (nod bless and keep you. Wishing yrni and all my friendsaHappy New Year. Address • PTE RoB't 1'tt1R 174207, Sheffield, Wbaunelilfe, War Hospital, Wal it 13 A, B. Block. Jan. 4111, 1917. Gunner Govan Writes from France DitAlt Mass ALoBnstoN,-I am glad to acknowledge the safe arrival of n pair of socks from you, They are a dandy fit and Heel real comfy, 1 might say they came in time In save me getting sore feet through wearing 010211 811013 a friend in the States scut me, liel10ve me, there's nothing like the real woollen socks, house knit, for comfort in these hard 2r'nhy boots. I don't know how to thank von fol this gift, but, maybe it I try and tell you a little of what we de and how we live it will help to show my appreciation. Pereonally I rank as a Gunnel' taut my job is signalling. So far in this war, practically all c0n,hn,rutatinn is by telephones and my work consists of sitting at a telephone exchange, 00n - 1100111l9 the variates units ht our Bri- gade, etc., with the O. 0: and his whiners, Our office and bedrooms is oboe -430 ,feet below the surface, 10 feet wide and about 130 feet long. Our get plenty to eat and while it's not what the got at home Jtl ()minds, It's wholesomeand gets down someway. We've also been well supplied with hoots and clothes se we can't kick on that account. Of course we are al- ways irrumblin9 about something. but I think we do have cause same times. At present our chief topil: and grie- %%flce 15 over "Leave." There's none in eight for the most of our Brigade so that, means we'll have to wait until next Winter as there is slue to be lig fighting during the Spring and Sum- mer. Howsolnever, 'lye ehnuld Worry," the tear i8 .going to he over hefute tit, Iher Winter and Fritz is going to get. an awful licking too. ;'hen it's book to Canada -and 800 below. Well I think meet of n9 will prefee it to the rain, sleet and mud of 1$r11one. 1 MN' your tune is dated March DLII,. 1910. Hoping to hear from you again before NI arch 1917, P. S. -This letter is a little late het I only got the socks to-d1ty, Wore gralt'fnlly, GUNNER WM 004AN. No. 829858, 11. 0 H 101 h 1311e. 0. F. A,, France, Jan. 10, 1917. Letter Concerning A. K. Iapfe Formerly of Brussels Following is e. copy of a letter writ- ten by 11 friend of Ambrose E. Zaino, formol Iy of the Standard Bank staff, Beussele, now at prisoner ill Germany : DEAR SII!, -At the request of your brother, I write these few lines. I was with him at Hannover, also at camp at Staten and be wished me to write you when I arrived in Switzer- land to soy be Was "Jake." Being an N. 0. 0. they cannot force him to work but merely to send hire to one of the exercise camps, where I am given to understand, they tan about 4 hours drill each clay. \Viten I left him on the 7111 (or 17th, I cannot make out the date as it is indistinct) of last month, he was still in camp and likely to remain there for some time. At any rite 1 hope so, as all he had to do was to make himself as comfortable as circumstances would pevlit. As far as I mu aware he has not received any ill treatment at any time. Rot the food in the camps -well a half starved wolf would torn n his o a ' As tt. long as your brie her use r receives his par- cels regularly he wont have much to Homestead Increased Wheat 50 Per Cent. G. E. MEADD, Park. Hill, Ontario, says : "7 nse(1 Homestead Bone Black Fer- tilizer on my wheat. I got one-half more wheat where I fertilized than where I did not." GOOD RESULTS ON GRAIN AND SUGAR BEETS JOSEPH HAIST, Crediton East, On- tario, says : "Last Spring I bought and used Homestead Fertilizers on grain and sugar beets. In both instances I can safely say I met with very good re- sults., EQUALS BARNYARD MANURE F. N. LOW, Park Hill, Ontario, says; "I used Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer on my Fall wheat and 1 find that I can grow as good a crop with itasI1 car withba n d ru r manure, y se I tailed them side by aids." IT PAYS TO USE IT CALVERT BROTHERS, Teller, On- tario, says : "We used Homestead Bone Block Fertilizer on our wheat and meadow this Fall. We solved a strip across the field without fertilizer and the difference between the fertilized and the unfertilized is so great that we surely think it pays to sow fertilizer. We intend using more on the Spring Crop." - Writs Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit, for free book and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. �+o see dN �[J FREE° 7 r4a• 4410 Address a postcard to us now and receive by renlrn trail a MI copy of our new illustrated 80. page catalogue of Garden, Flower and Field Seeds, Root Seeds, Groins, Bulbs, Small Fruits, Garden Tools, etc. - SPECIAL. --We will also send you free a pealed (taloa I 5 of oar elwloe .r. ..a wr iY Giant Flowering O Carnation .vr 69 This carnation is a great favor• tic; (:111 flowers tate large e amt.fragrant ani the plants do well outdoors Transplanted into pots he early fall they bloom profusely from October till the end of My. Exna plants are easily propagated from them by cuttings, "pipings" or laye-ir;, Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premiums, :18 - Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Lilo ted, �A�a%i Qs +Su. .v. rn grumble at. He is quite fit and his wounds have practically healed up. I believe Soften lager 1 is considered AN good as any camp in Germany, al- though that isnot saying a great deal.. You will understand that it is owing to the restricted number of letter's and the strict ceneorehip on both incoming and outgoing letters that he wishes ore to vatite. Wishing you the com- pliments of the season, yn008 sincerely, A. R. SMALL CTL. AM13R08Tu K. ZAPPE MCG. 102, 1'. P. O. L. I. Barrack 81, Soltan lager 1, Hanover. I am sending copies to StraLhroy, Toronto, Toledo, Margaret and Ales, R. Thomson, His rank "RFs" is copi- ed as nearly as I can, what it means 1 can't• imagine. Likely Ford will know, P. S. Sending copy to Harry also. Fred. Davis, a former mayor of Mitchell, has nearly 2000 sheep, 1500 head of cattle, 175 hogs and 75 horses on his large farm atIrricana, Alberta. It taken something to feed this bunch. CIvbbing list -1917- THE POST has made arrangements to club with following papers and will be seat to any address (except the United States 50 cents extra) at the following subset iption prices Dailies POST and Toronto Globe... $4 35 " Toronto World 3 85 Toronto Daily Star .'3 75 Toronto News 3 75 Toronto Mail -Empire..,4 85 Advertiser . 4 35 London Free Press . 4 35 Weeklies POST and Saturday Globe 5240 " Family Herald and Star 2 35 " Toronto Snit 2 20 " Farmer's Advocate 2 05 " Canadian Countryman2 00 Farm and Dairy ...... 2 30 Montreal Witness 2 35 World Wide .. 2 75 Northern Messenger 1 90 It 44 41 The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario The Loyd on Advertiser All Mail Editions $3.00 per yr. Perth County Council passed some vet y good legislation which will give eatisfaclion to the residents of the County at large. Among other things they voted $4000 monthly to the Pa- triotic Fuud or 14 mill assessment on all the property in the County. A deputation waited,on the 0ouucil and asked thata grant of 55,000 per month be made, with the above result. 8400 was else voted to the Children's Aid and $1000 to the County Hospital. Dublin is to become a centre for Flu - trance Examinations, Many accounts were recnmmeded to be paid and a grant of $12,000 to he divided between the Women's Patriotic League of the County was also recommended. SOME faint idea of a real military bom- bardment may be guessed at when it is istated that 62,000 bombs have been dropped on the city of Rheims by the German gunners, resulting in the killing of 545 residents and wounding 652, This war has established many new forms of onslaught and one that has loomed large is the artillery operations. For size, distance, accuracy and destruct - ability this strong arm of the service, ce, an loth sides, has been not only marvellous but devilish as well. JACKSON, MISS., MAN Tells How To Cure Chromic Cough on h g Jackson, Miss."I ate a carpenter, and the Grippe left me with a chronic cough, nm -down, worn out and weak. I took all kinds of cough syrrrpe without help. I read. about Vinol and decided to try it. Before I had taken a boogie I felt better, and after taking two bottles my cough is entirely cured, and I have gained new V1114 and energy"-JoaN L. Dennis. Vinol is a delicious non -secret tonne which is guaranteed for coughs, eok1 and bronchitis and for ani weak, rata. down conditions. F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Breesels. Also at the best Druggists in all On- tario towns. CAR OF us Royal Household Floor Bran, Shorts Sc Middlings I Elie a S Expected this week. Phone 43 or 27 if you want anything in this line, Wt J. McCracken GROOER • i •-1,,..ra1vne vie 1.•1:12,1110 OWN 1 'IN TO I NVESTO BRUSSELS • HCSE WHO, FROM TIME HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN K*IS OF *see OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal rspayafiie 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and tet October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stook will have the privilege of svrrendsring at par and aocrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future wer loan issue in Canada other than an issa a of Treasury Bills or other like short date esourity. Procsods of this aback are for war purposes only. A commiedon of one-quarter of ono per cent Will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments melte in respect of applications for this stook which bear their stamp. For application feriae apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, OCTOBER 7111, 1818.