HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-2-1, Page 5x fi Ift t BUSINESS CARDS, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS INS a 1 .lfi /v7iALIMITED i5rtENZAP,,ID ONT01,010 WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES lace is the Post Office, Ether, 204 AUCTIONEERS. 7 19. 1300'TT AN - A- N AUOT'ION• j • Baa, will soli for better prices, to bettor mea in lose time and less charges than any ether Audiaooerin East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders eau always b0 arranged at this office or be personal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. \AT 113. SINOLAIR— V V e Barrister, Solioltcr, Oonveyanosr, Notary Pobno, ,ko, Oillco—Stewart's Block 1 door North al Central Ho/o} Solicitor lot the Metropolitan Bank. Ga„'4 .i TOME E „1a.1^d war BRUSSELS 0180 8 OOTR 1N - 010TH G N Express 7:18 n m hIatlGO o 11:22 a m Express 8:82 0 1n Express serf p m C'it9JB:if E dol SNC/PIO WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:50 a m t Express 12:04 am Express 5:15 p in 1 Express 7.45 pm WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:10 p. m. Going West - 12:10 and 9:65 p.m. All trains going EOet connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN; Local Agent. ALLAN LEM0 :;,EF•k'ti,.CrJG".".`en;:isr,.rJ.; Y.:n .t'•' -:.]^: T To LIVERPOOL–GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brnesele. r A.AN AY is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable FIttings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Hepairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. " Ar HAVMAN I Cranbrook e4 ite ✓ Na. CENTRAL/0-, g 2!'.0-GXf 5TRATFORD, ONT. 5 Ontario's Rest Business Iness Co lie e /6 Students :nay enter our classes 01 luny 0 MOM Oommenle your 800.ee now and be qualified for a position by Aiidstum mem During ,cul and August of last 0 y year w0 reneSyed molls for over 200 0 office assistants we could not sup- ply Our graduates are 1n demand. Write at once for our free catalogue. ?. D. A. MOLAOHLAN, Principal. 1, q-ne.M 0108l ,rites rant THE Best ins iu Canada have penial paled in the pre - 'mention of our splendid Henn Study Courses in Banking. Economies, Higher AccountingCommercial ArtShowOard Writing. Photography, Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, 'Shorthand and 800k110eptug. Select rho work whishmost interests yon and write ns for particulars, Address • THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Yonge 8l., Toronto :` &^:, t loseratMELEO ES COLLEGE AT 1 i . Tholsnnde of ambitions y0nug non• Pie fire fast preparing in their own 1000180 to 000117y lucrative positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, tologrn- pkors, alvil servants,1n fact every sphere of activities, 'nn may finish at College,1 you so wish, Positions emir - indeed. Eider college any day, 31:01 vldual Instruction. lilxpoet teachers. '11hh'ty yenta' experience. Largest trainers in Canada, Seven college. Spaniel course for teachers, Affiliated with Commercial Eduoa• tar'sAseooiatmt of unman. Seminar School at famous 89015011 Business Col. lege, London. Wingham Business College Gem.87OTTON, W, T. Mouse, President, Principal,. ■IIA Bust nose Carole JAS, ANDERSON, VETERINARY SURCREON. Sa0oesSol' to M, R. Moore. 0111..o at Ander. son Bros, Lt vory stable, I3rnesei,Telephone NO. S0, T. 7•. M'RAE C. p„ ,$ S, O, 51, 0. 11., \ ilitgo of Brussels. Physician, Sn guvn, Aee•aielion. Office at 1.1 slai :re, apposh r+ 81 'l' leu : newer. wenn:. • treat. - DR, 7', SRYANS Bachelor of. Aledloine, Uuiv81'.sity of Toronto Licentiate of College of Phy0loans nod Sur - goons, Ontario ; toe.Sonior Hoe $it :,,role of We0terl H.napibnl, Toronto. 0115 ,04 of tato Dr. A. McHevey, Smith Intent, Brussels, Rural phone 46, MAUDE 0. SRYANS OPHTHALMOLOCcJST Personal a[adnate Dep arrnitent of oe-cth•,1• mologY, Personal_ 1,-.:eago, Ill., is prepared to 'VA ryas and lit gi ,. sea at her race over Miss A marts m111 u a y Mie° da s—Wodn ,,day, Thureday, Friday and bnturday of every week. O,hee he t rN-10 to 12 a. m, ; 1 to 0 p, m. Evedn',a by appoint- I m ant. Pitons 1210, OR. WAROL,nW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls, OOloa opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed auctioneer foru Huron Co, Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE A. 0, P. R. MULHE.•RON Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir Abutter, Melville Church, Brussels. Pupils prepared for 7'orontoCol- lege of Music Examinations, Phone Mx PROUHFOOT, KILLORGN & COOKE Barristers, solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Strout, GODEBICH. ONT. Private funis to loan at lowest rates, W. PaouDaoom, E, 0. ,T. L, .KILLORAN R, J. D. Cooke nal ebds 4tents FEBRUARY. THIS is Horse Nair day. A GRANroN correspondent writes :— W. W. Baker, (formerly of Brussels), who has beeu confined to the house for several days this past week, is now able to be out again. ST. MARYS Journal of last week says of a former Brusselite :—L. A-13/111 10 able to be around again after having been confined to the house wittl la grippe for the past few days. THE leaders, of fashion state that there willa little b change in MOWS suits the coming Summer. With some of us there will be no change whatever; we will have to grub along with last year's suit. AUCTION Sale of Household Furniture and effects Saturdary afternoon, Febru- ary 3rd, at residence corner Church and .Jobe streets, Brussels. Mrs, Jas. Gil- mour, nee :vers. Dora McFadzeRu is proprietress. BAND CoNCNRT AT BRUSSELS RINK.— Friday evening of this week a Bauch Concert will be given at Brussels shat. ing rink. Adm,ssiou, adults 25 cents ; children.' 15 cents. Spectators 150. Keep the date clear, Friday, February 2ud. COCHRANE — CLINE WEDDING VERY l(ASHIONABLE.-000 of the largest anti most fashionable weddings ever wuness• ad in Moose Jaw was solemu,zed in Z.on Methodist church .last evening at 7 o'clock when Pearl Beatrice, eldest daughter of James S f and Mrs, Celle, 204. ()minion Street, West, was married to Russel Bali Cochraue, youuges, son of Mrs, Mary Cochraue, 1127 Cheetuut avenue, Rev. E G. CAlegwiu, read the marriage service before 0 1e AbetC So guests and (nony spectators. The bride was given away by her fattier and was a tootled by th)ee bridesmaid, viz :—Mise Isabel Straohau, Brussels, Ontario; brass Grace Steedmau, Hamilton, and Mies Gladys Cochraue, Moosej.:w, ail of whom attended College with the bride The bride's little sister, Wiuoua Ciiue, acted as flower girl and Laurette Ma Clelland was ring bearer. William Armstrong, of Winnipeg, attended tb. groom, Lieut. Holmes, W. L. Bakst and Wilfred McDonald acted as ushers The church was attractively decorated With palms and 2)10 5180115010111:11118, Th,. guest pews were tied witb white ribbon Miss Mabel Clarry plltyed I.vhe:.;;rm>' wedding march as the bridal per:y en. tercel the Murrell and also roudered ether bridal music during the ceremony lhle bride wore a Mistiming weanling gown of white D-ateless Sault over 11 petticoat of silver flouncing. The ;;emu WAS trade iu Empire style with bodice of silver lace, Georgette crepe farmed the long bell sleeves. A court train was fastened at the shoulders with satin rosebuds and caught at the side with orange blossoms. 1'110 bride else wore bridal veil with whet cap, caught with orange blossoms. Site carried :e shower bogttet of white 1081.0, valley lilies end smilax. The br decal rids' gowns were yellow silk tulle. They wore hats of gold lace, mauve Georgette crepe and velvet sti'eatners end carried high bask- ets hotted with yellow and mauve tulle, conteDing yellow and Iianee chrysten titanium. The flower gni end ring bearer wore pink accordion pleated dresses, the letter Cal•rying the dug con- cealed In a large Meysimth0u10111. Mrs Cline, mother of -the bride wum0 a black satin end Georgette crepe poen, with touches of silver end black permed het, The groom's gift to: the bridesmaids were gold crosses ; to the webers, lie pins ; to the flower girl Hutt rlug-beerer, Huge and to the groomsmen, a cameo and onyx sttcic pin, After the ceremony A reception end wedding supper was t he bride's hurtle, served a t s 0m which was al decorated in the e s0 wedding color scheme, yellow and m0u70 eli ysauthe• mums. The 8111911 tables cot128111td a vaso of wbito end purple Sweet peas. The bride's table ons decorated with streamers 0f ttille and smilax. Yellow end mauve chrysanthemums formed the centre piece, '1 he bride's cape was 011 e side table. The Misses Florence aid Helen Riddell, M. y Gr.erson, Maud Henan; end Marion Allen 110strt, cl to serving. ;Attrchell's oabtstra played (linen; the rhnit; r, Mr. and Mrs. Cech- rane It ft later in the evr,nur for Win- nipeg. Chicago, New York, Montreal nue Toronto, ronto, wbete they will spend a 1r'-. '11on15's Ir00tyl0nu Tee bride tiere i 11 in n navy blue French velour :net, t'1mm11ud wi'h grey wool embroi .1. ry She were n neve picture hat with , ruin sad upper brio, canary pncotedg- ed ribbon anti ,rimlll.11 with wogs an -1 wi l.1-- rex lu•s, ti's gift of the groom. (p+ F o r 1.. Mr and Mrs, Cochrane will resile a' 1113 Second avenue N. W. :9') tic nom, DAYS,—There are but 199 schotd days corms 1917 The number of day= in eaeb month iu which High, Cuntluualion, Public and Separate srheols will be active, are as follows l twiny. 21 ; Febluar , 20 ; March, 22 ; April, 15 ' Shay 22 ; 11108, 2n ; Sep:ert:- her, 19 ; 00,otle,, 23 ; November, 22 ; I)ecenlber. is Thu terms for the year :We a•: lotion's :—January 3 10 Apr:) 5 ; Apt it 16 to )nue 29 ; September 4 to 11e0,11111er 21. THE St, Marys Journal- of last week 1980)sof a well known Brusselite as follows :—One of the most interesting visitors in town the past week was Robt. Roes, brother of Mrs. 12 McAl- pine. Mr. Ross is a sailor and in that cepaeily hes travelled practically arouud the world 011 his last trip 11e was call - (11 overland from Vancouver to New Yuck, sailing From there South and enough the Paua11a Canal to Chili for a cargo of copper ore which they brought to S -:utile He has also visited the Orion' old new be led to tell in bin quiet unassuming w,y tales of the country, its p •..p e and their quaint and curious eestl Ills, HURON CO. COUNCIL Dr. Milne, Blyth, Warden. The January session of the County Colleen opened on Tuesday afternoon of Inc! week with all members in at- tendance, rh,a appointment of et Warden was It' iii.,' lousiness. According to the usage in lemon County it was the year fere a Liberal Warden and in the camel of the Liberal teembet•s two DAMPS were suggested, those of Dr, Milne, Reeve of Blyth, and J. A. Stewart, Reeve of Seaforth, Dr. Milne winning out. In the Council his Termination was moved by O. Stewart (Ashfield) and seconded by 0. Reis (Wroxeter) anti at the expiration of the period allowed for nominations Dr. Milne was conducted to the Warden's :hair by ex -Warden Livingstone and snbseribed to the necessary oath of oIllee before Judge Hays. In well- chosen words the 2)0stor thanked the Councillors for the honor of the posi- t1m,, Messrs, Campbell, Armstrong, Reis. Powell std Irwin were chosen as a striking committee and their recom- mendations ecom- e 1u udnl tons were adopted, d the o coh t - u puttee. for the year beinas follows : Executive Gummittee J, M. Goven- lock, 12. \V Livingstone J. N. Calup- bell, \V, H, Lobb, \V, Isbister. Special Comwittee—J. Shortreed, J. efereiuley, G. Young, T. Brock, W. Yen: ly. b'ine:lee Committee—O, Stewart, R. 1Ltterieg, B. W. Beavers, 3..A.. Mal - lough, J. P. Dalton. Is,lnclteio" Committee—C. A. Nairn, G. 0. Pett y, J. 3lcNabb, W. R. El- liott, J. A. Ford. Read & Bridge Committee—J, A. eitetvari, A. L. Erwin, Oo,. Reis, I1. H. Neel), M. Armstrong. County Properly—J-. 0. Laithwaite, T. K. Powell, 113. 01 ich, P. F, Doig, S. '5'. Plum. 10,0108 of Refuge—J, N. Culnpbell, T. 1C. Powell, 0, Stewart, P, .Doig. Warden's Omuta t•tee—C. A, Nairn, J. A. Ford, J. P. Dalton, R. Harding, 11. (hlel r The appointment of an Agricultural Represetmit.ative fnr the Onunty is tnuught up again by communications on frt the hru'mers' Club of West West. \Vltwannsh and the \\ es Huron n I ancll.'t•a Association, n,ba th enclnsin pits "I' resnlntinns.passed by these c bodies asking fur such an appoint- ment, 'rho Counties of Oxford and Norfolk MO Asking co-operation in having the Federal (-love: ntn5nt raise the feces - saw funds for Pd.riolic arid Red Cross pmp. see by taxation in place of the present sysl ern. Appltcatiens for the position of ",•noir Antlt)o' were received from (1"o. 1V. Ilolnlan, Tucke'anlith ; P. ;V, Senile, East Wawanosh ; A. '. 05ns, Winghani ; A, Porterfield, le to \Vawannsh ; Paul Powell, Turn- i•rry ; and Frank Metcalfe, Blyth. eel -i ,tn entineee+,ii"it.,t„f,ii.,t ,;,,0,1tt,.i, t• actinic Light 3' Notice OTTC1: is hereby given that owing tri increased ex- pense for coal and other uecrsstuins the price of Electric Light in Wessels will be ad - mowed from 10 to 12 cents per XRoseatt, from December' 1st until coal reduces in prise. .9r •h 'k 4 Burse payable on or befnre (111,10211 or each tnol1L1 and if ,r anot en paid 5 ciente on the dollar will be adcled. For the ennvenielice of , tons jtnyulettts nifty be made to Bliss 1n11t1 111. 1)ullfo'd, at S. Catter's store, 18 Joon Nivins J. At Sharps Manager Proprietor 44' 444444+++++++++ +++++++++++ BE CUI-[F CF1tRM Of O[Y',:OSiPrd Soft, Clear, Smooth Skin Comes W tit Tho Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES", NORAH WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nov. 10th, 1915. A beautiful complexion is a handsome women's chief glory and the envy of her less fortunate rivals..Yet a soft, clear skin—glowing with health—is only the natural result ofprtr a Blood. "I was troubled for a considerable time with a vory unpleasant, disfiguring .Rash, which covered my face and for which I used applications and remedies without relief. After using "]Fruit-a- tives" for one week, the rush is com- pletely gone. I am deeply thankful for the relief =din the future, I will not be without "Fruit-a-tivcs ". NORAH WATSON. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid =receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Messrs. Omens and Holman were ap- pointed, the former 011 motion of Isbister and Campbell, and the latter on motion of Petty and McKinley. John Govenlock and \Vat. Lame were appointed Auditors of criminal justice accounts. The following motions were refer- red to committees : 13y Nairn and Isbister that a grant of $1,000 to the Comity hospitals to be divided equally between the Goderich and Wingham hospitals be made. By Erwin and Ford, that $25 be granted to each public library in the Oonnty. BY Neeb and Dtwin that, 125 he granted to all Ag'i tttodal :Societies es holding Fall Faire in 1917. By Laithwaite and Powell that $2,000 be granted to the four high schools, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham, By Ford and Elliott that Herbert Paul and Ernest Hovey be appointed trustees of the Clinton Collegiate !e - dilute. By Govenlock and Reis that the usual grants be made to Oonlinnation and Fifth class schonle. By Laithwaite and Yearly Ihat Nis Honor Judge Dickson be •.l'poiuted trustee of the Goderich Celli -elate In- stitute, in place of His Holier Judge Holt, who is ill, for the years 1017-18- 10. By Lobb and Ford that $25 be grant- ed to the Clinton, Seaforth and Hen - sell Spring shows. 13y Isbister and Powell that Frank V anatnno be appointedont5d LuVtoP the Win ham High School for 1.17 18-19. 13y Stewart and Beavers Unit H. S. Hays be reappointed Trustee of the Senforth Oollegiale Instil 1111' By Lai1 thnto and Low) that.l ) be n .1 r flowers ti , gen to to buy it tler5 L plan t n - round the court hoose. By Stewart and At•mstrnng that 62,5 be granted to the lemon Poull,ty sooiation for 1917. M. H. Staples, Field Secretary of the Oanadian Patriotic Fund, ad- dressed the Council of Tuesday nfte1- noon in behalf of a grant. Ile 0181,1 he was born nn a faun in Pu, ham County, and worked at farming, hat during the Winter WAS /teeing aN Field Secrete!y of the Patriotic bund, 10 1914 he 'vent to Get malty to study the language, literature and u:u.,ie to some extent and when 'Cat' 'Melte on/ found himself a civilian lu'inewe 10 Dresden, hilt was allowed to go on promising not to hake nn arms re gainst Germany. The official who gave 10al his passport said he meld not ask hits to do anything for (-le'- many but said, "Do all you can for hurmanii.y," Mr, Staples pointed out the three enurres of revenue of the Patriotic Fund, collections in largo towns and cities, municipal and County grants end collections in 1111 - organized districts. The difIenityin Making collections in [oral dist'iets leading to the more peeled adoption of Oounty grants, 1'he County of Wetland was Lhe nt:ly. County which had not made a Comity grime but this wag 011 neweul of the huge eh, ings to the fund in miler ways. This year, it wits estimated that $:3,000,000 ,none than last year would be lowlier -II. The Legislnfnre or Quebec and the Legislature of ()amen were each giv- ing $1,000,009, whirl; would amulet fnr n large portion of 9 1 ge pM 1 the inC(alt e. Sitncoe Onnn2v had 111rid5(1 011 *12(1,- 000 as its 1917 cottrillul.ir+n and Vie_ torte, County on $011,000 The advant- ages of having the fund (tarried on Its 15 was in phare of by the Grime nmrnl, we asked foe by Immo Court Hee, were that the Government would have to snake the grant the In111C 1,1 all rates for the dependents of alddiers of the same rank, which votl1d mean agreat increasein the expense, is i , e nanny de- pendents did trot require assietanee, while other wives of soldiers, with perhaps a large family and no means, would need a great deal 1m01'e. in the ndminidratloh of the fund he present, a great deal of adyice and eminent could be given to dependents which would be eliminated in 0, Government adndt:laterecl fund. The east of ad. ministering the fund was lege than 70,1. per $100, as Most or ilu, work 1088 demi 41:11(11tiotlely. 11. 13. Aloes tie. newel nothing tor his work and paid hie own expellees. The adininiatial- lion in 1111'ot County 'WAN eple'did, Presided, Biydone 01 1hi. Mix Auxiliary also spoke. 11e polo led out the meed of looking toiler the reLurn- toR sentient, helping theta to find suittalnte work, rte, On Wednesday MD:0111g (-1. j41, El. lion, County Seel eiery u1' the (lhild- ren's Aid Snarly, itddreseed the Coun- sil, rending eh -tine of Heroes from the nffieero of the Society to the Outlay fur the rant lu0t ret[ of , 500 raid g > $ eel eilimg a 0onlhnu(nre of such RS- s,otttltre, Mt•, Elliott painted out that 15 steeds of the Society ware serving the Kim; at the front. One of the boys had assigned $15 a amid h of his pay r" the Soviet to he kept in trust for hint and All.. Edlo11: pr"dltn„ d 1119 bee, k ', :.k showing rt. Lalanre of 5200. In tut, anything should happen In the hr.y 11)8 savings go to his little sneer, 10 0111 having been drew ri no to this emet, Aft'. I1111ntt quoted this lllell 1. u; a sa(npie of the good work the 8nctcty was doing. Heiden touch- ed on t11e question of a Shelter for the County and the advantage of a Juvenile Court, The Stratford Shel- ter, owing to the km -Paled cost of liv- ing, had been oblig'-d to raise its 0111(•4„ for children front outside its own territory from $2 to $3 a week. The Police b1aglstates of the County feel they have a„ tirranee in the small fee they receive for the work. Police Magistrate Lockhart, of Auburn, heart given up the position on account. "f the look of adequate pt ()- vision for payment, and Pollee Magis- trates '\ndrew0, of Clinton, and Kelly, of Goderich, presented their case 10 the Coo.ty Council \Vedneuday morn- ing. The fees rue fixed by statute so that the County Council has nn power In alter thein, but these, unless 0uppil 111:11114, seeln absurdly smell, For ire:tame 101r. Kelly pointed out that: it ens ease, in which thele had bpeu 14 adjournments, his fee was Duly Ln r.•uts. In view of the large a- tunteit the mngietrates are eolleeting for sir.' Ununty in the way of tines for the halt rt.ions of the 0. T. A. they thought some furtbei rntnpensatlnu should b,' allowed. At. present they ATP receiving $5 a month from the County for office expenses and risked that. th1,2 be itl1l•eet0pti to 5111. In com- menting un the small number of per- sons at present in the jab), in p'u't at least the result of the C. T, A., the Wa,d,-u expressed the belief that the Goderich jail [cold new do duty for Bruer, Perth, Middlesex and Huron if theta were sone legislation for district jails and Ode would res111t in consider- able saving. John Knox, turnkey at the jail, has applied for all itlel'eiloe 01 salary, bintirul9 to make 11,1 additional grant to the Red Cross Societies of the County of Huron huron of Sweeties $20,000 (making 700 Bus, Wheat from 20 Acres HENRY FRAZIIR, Forest, Ontario, says : "I have (teed mune Hempstead Fer- tilizer for four yeln'0 ail 11 good tomtits, Last 1'',11l I sowed 20 acct's of wheat with 110 11(1151' dreesi ag, 00 pounds in the net g. The yield was 35 bushels per 1551.0, My neighbor did 1102. 1158 fertilizer and his wheat will only yield ahO01 91) bushele per ante. ly wheat 11' littered tleet01', filled better and eon- s( gne1tly produced tune hu-he.ls," WOULDN'T SOW WHEAT, WITH. OUT HOMESTEAD JOHN H, 'ALLISON, Fatkliill, Ont,, says : "I have used Tlnmestead I3one Black Fertilizer for the last three years and I find it pays. I used it in connection with Manure and clover and I would not sow wheat tri them it." GOOD REPORT i , k J.\V.CIRLC-lt-1 [,i,lel5 Ont., 1 O(.. site's ' . . "1 need one hundred and fifty lbs, of 11nme0tead Fertilizer. on fourteen rum's of Lunette, testing it with fourteen cotta of tuifeetilized, and realized fifty- five bn-.h'ls of turnips profit from the fertilized ground. All the ground tures otherwise treated alike," Wylie Michigan Carbon \Nodes, De- 11.0it, for Free book and particulars about their Homestead Boue Black Perri l' znr, oixD 1. €r nv 1 7 713 Address a postcard to tag nen and receive by return mitt A gee, •: copy of our new illustrated ,,. til, page catalogue of Garden, Flower and 1' field Seeds, Rom; neiin Seeds, Cretins, Bulbs, Snell J Fruits, Garden Tools, eti.. SPECIAL.—W• will also send you free a packet *lee 15c) 0f our r choice CD (, Giant F1owerin l.;;1 Carnation Giant Flowe'•ing Carnation This rarnation is n great few, • (.'3 cr 10'; title flowers arc largo no'? /" 18 fragrant and the plants do well oetduers Trautdanted into pots In ted early fall they Mourn profusely from Oct ,her 100 the end of May.1 xt.ra se/ plants are eerily propogated front them by cuttings, "pipings" or laymen,. Ol Send for our catalogue and learn of our other valuable premiums. 58 e Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, CAN.ACA ? 7. 67,71(lae ref' s e Willi the $5,000 already voted, a total grantof . LS UUO and to make el - lo an 1 lowa,ce to police mugistt•ates of $15 et mouth for office expenses, were sent to the executive committee. Morris Council Council met in the Township Hell, Monday January 8th. After Reeve and Councillors signed the declaration of office, Reeve took the chair. Min- utes of last sleeting were read and ap- proved. Following officers were ap- pointed :—A. McEwen, Clerk, salary. $200 ; Thos, Miller, Assessor, $80,00 ; Riehrud Johnston and Peter McNabb, Auditors, $10 00 ; Die Bryane, 0Iedic:51 Health Officer, $50.00 ; H, Johnson, Member of Board of Health ; David Laidlaw and Wm. Abram, Sanitary ' Inspectors, $15 00 ; Robert Shnrtreed, John McArthur, Archibald Cameron, Geo. blathers and Charles 13:hnbrage were appointed Weed Inspectors, salary 25 cents per hour, necessarily employed and 5 Celts per mile travel- led. Following weeds in addition to those mentioned in the Act are placed in the Township By -Law :—Blue weeds, Rattle weeds, Perennial sow thistle, Chicory, Oxeye daisy, wild carrot, wild Tiasel, bind weed, Orange Hawk week. Poundkeepers :—David Jewitt, John Messer, Archie Campbell, David Ram- say, Hobert Gat'ntes jr., John Mustard, William Hopper, Olins, Anderson, Geo. Procter, A. L. Kerr, Bert Carter, Wm. Pipe, Albert T. Oole, W. H. Mc - Lit n Gn tc en Robert. Nesbitt John Evans, Robert Newcombe, Joseph Bewley, Russel Richmond, \V. Al. M tt [ray. Fence viewers.—Wm, Pollock, John Brown, James Jackson, Tiros. Marsh- all, Geo. Kelly, \Vw, Skelton, Jas. Nicholson, Ramey John50n, John Clegg, Ram, McCracken, D Sommer- ville, D. Jordan, \V. J. Heuder.nu, Eli Caviller -ire A. Kerr, \\1111. Bowman, Joseph Robb, 0. F3 Forest. The printing contract was awarded to W. H. Ken at $555,00. A grant of $1(100 was made to the Sick Children's Hospital, Township matte a grant of $25,00 to each of the four Red Cfose Sovietise and advanced $15 00 to each for the County grant. The Roll was received from Oollectoe Procter and lie was appointed Collector for 1917, salary $125 00. Shnrtreed and Johnston were ap- The Beit lowspaper Val l ei e In Western Ontario The London Advertiser All Mail Editions $3.00 per yr. pointed to procure e ro c e the cement Ole for the McNeil drain, Following accounts were paid :— Jae, Cartel., gravelling, Elesl. bdy., $1.20 ; R. B. Alcock, 2 farm Midges, N We Lot 28, Cnn. 8, 131715 Creek draies, $30,00 ; Hovick Insurerce Co, premium on Hall, $1.60 ; Geo. Mason, Minute buok and supplies, $2.011 ; Walter presser & Co., widening read, $511.50 ; Thos. Warwick, repair cul- vert, $2.00; Fred. Churchill, ditch on toad, $10 00 ; D. Laidlaw and W. Abram, Sanitary Inspectors ea eh $15 (10 ; John Moppet', 050 of eeraper, $2.00 ; East Wawauosh Boundary ac- count, $153 97; North Boundary Torn- betry, $2885; Sick Children's Hospi- tal, $10.00 ; R. Procter, postage and balance salary, $28.00; Rod Cross Society, Bluevole, Belgrave, Walton, Jamestown each, $25.00 also 111» town- ship advanced the 00unty grant of $75,00 to each Society. A, UACEWEN, Clerk. Seaforth The second annual Old Times Douce will be held in Oarduo's Opera Ball on Friday evening, February 2uc1. Four- teen musicians and eight floor mana- gers have donated their services and in addition there will be special piping and Scotch dancing, Ladies must bring lunch and coffee will be supplied at the Hall. Admission—Gentlemen, $1.00. WEAK, SORE EUN S Restored To Health By STinol Camden, N. J.—"1 had a deep seated cough, was rim -down, and my lungs were weak and sore. I had tried everything suggest ed without help. One eve- ning I read about Vino) and decided to try it. Soon I noticed an improve- ment, I kept on taking it and today T am a well man, The soreness is all gone from my lungs, I do not hove any cough and have gained fifteen pounds." —F11AN8: Har LMAN. We guarantee V i n o 1 for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, run-down conditions. F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels, Also at the beat Druggists in all On- tario towns. CAR OF Hovel Household auseholri FI or ERMELIENSEBEMIEtiliNEMESSIESEEfloggNE Oran, Shorts & Middlings tom. Tim Expected this week. Phone 43 or 27 if you want anything in [his lisle. Int Jo McCracken GROOER B13tieSE .H sm. • VEST HOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $SCO OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yoarly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stook will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of ons -quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stook brokers en allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. . p For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA, 00rOlt(;R 7th, 1818.