HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-1-25, Page 8A Pie' ere Opportunity can never catch you off your guard if you have a Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak Prlee $7.00 Belt case for same in heavy tan leather $1 5'1 Films developed and Printed, Prompt service. reegoaaguatereeseteleseatreasigams The !Modern nic Contains Iron and Manganese Pepronates, Iron an'1 Ammon- ium Citrate. Lime and Soda G'viceropho'p'tates, Caaenrin, Cod Liver Peptones, Pure Net- her Wine. Is especially t Hielent an a tonic for weak mut tun -down 100(1 - tl,lns, for Coughs slid Colds Vinol le a great remedy. Agree- able to the taste, it will not up- set the most delicate stomach, Price $t no Mottle Try it when you require a Reliable Remedy .dee 0a Store 11RUGGTGT AND 6',\TIONER, ave � f ��s tt, i tl ■ `ice antis rs Items COLD weather. Hots market still booms. Tens is an old fashioned Winter. LENTEN season opens in 4 weeks. WARDEN MILNE sounds all right. Beneszas Gel Guides are getting busy. M0N'rILY Horse Fair Thursday of next week, BRUSSELS Monthly Horse Fair Thurs- day of next week. LAGRIPPE has entered into competition with chickenpox. Tree Pohl` Telephones are Nos. 1 and r s P 3 32 Do you catch on i' Free supply of ice was stored in Brus- sels during the past week. THIS week j. H. Galbraith shipped a car of horses from Walton per C. P. R HURON County Council is in session this week at Go'lerieb. Reeve S. T. Plum is in attendance. THERE is a goodly attendance from local and outside points at Brussels skating rink these evenings. MONDAY evening the Young People's Society of Melville church, held a skat- ing party on the rink and enjoyed a fine time. SKATING PARTY.—Thursday evening of this week Brussels Continuation School will hold a Skating party on the rink, by invitation. TUESDAY February 13th, is the date of the Annual meeting of Brussels, Grey and Morris Independent Telephone Company meeting in Town Hall, Brus- sels, at 1,30 pm, NIGHT train is timed Io minutes later than on former schedule and is now q.o7. A.s this train is almost always nearly an hour late it will not make much differ- ence to the travelliug public. TILE professional card of G. Fryatt Mountford, organist of Koox Church, Kincardine, may he read in this issue. He gives instruction in piano, violin and voice culture, coming to Brussels Fri- days , HARRY KEYS has purchased the resi- dence of Mrs. J. Gilmour, corner Church and John streets He will get posses. sion in a few weeks. It is a desirable property and was enlarged and improved last year. FRIDAY of this week the Perth and Huron Counties District Press Associa- iion will meet in the Board room of the City Hall, Stratford, at ro o'clock, Election of officers will be one of the items of business. BAND CONCERT, AT BRUSSELS RINK — Friday evening of next week a Band Concert will be given at Brussels skat- ing rink, Admission, adults 25 cents ; children r5 cents. Spectators r5c. Keep the date clear, Friday, February 211(1. CIRCLE TEA —Tuesday afternoon and evening a first -clans Tea was served in the Library Board room, the ladies of We lath Con. Grey, being the hostesses. The interest was well sustained with the result the treasury- was fattened by $48 26. 'Tuesday, February 6111, will be the date of the next 'Tea. DIED IN DETROIT.—Tuesday of last week Edward Hillis, son-in-law to Mrs, S. Crawford, Btuseels, died in Detroit of pleura -pneumonia, after en illness of a few days. He went to Detroit from St. Thomas r5 years ago and was a mechanic WDeceased is survived by his wife, a Miss Althea Crawford, a son (Hilton, of Detroit), and daughter, (Mrs. O'Hara, 51, Thomas.) Funeral took place Friday afternoon. He was a mem- ber of the Masonic and I. 0. 0 F. Orders. J, W. and Mrs. Simmons, of town, attended the last sad rites, Mrs. Hillis being a sister of the latter. How IT HAPPENED —The Winnipeg Free Press, of January rode, gives the following particulars of the accident to Ken. Cousley, referred to lest week and who has 8 fighting chance for his life :— 'Caught between the top of a heavy freight elevator andthe joists of the roof. Kenneth Causley, warehouseman in the Canadian Fairbauke.Morse Com- pany, Ltd., Princess street, was badly injured at 11.3o this morning. He may die Cousley, who lives at 625 Lang- side street, and is a big powerful man, was working on the top of the elevator, repairing or oiling the machinery, An operator was inside and in some manner as yet unexplained the elevator ran tip close to the roof crushing Cousley and dislocating his spine. He was taken to the General Hospital. Cousley is mer- ried and has three young children, Att investigation is being made by tete authorities. The elevator is one tiled for hoisting machinery and is a power- ful hoist. It is of the enclosed type and was, it is acrid, iu charge of a competent operator. He was put in a plaster east at the General Hospital. His spine Was dislocated in the accident and doctors thiuk the cast may aid it 10 resume its normal position. Tun Po..g clubs with all the dailies and can save you money. D C. Ross is Chairman of Brussels Sc'+o0; Board for 1917. He's au old hand at the job Tux weather tried hard to work up an old erne b'izzard this week and on most of the roads travelling was eonsiderab'y blockaded by the snow. Trains kept running but considerably behind regular time, o Pon iALn.-134 ton Ford truck, in use only two months. Good condition. For further particulars write Box 528. Senforth, Ont. Co0Poa•rAPLE house for Rale with large garden, fruit trees, etc. For terms apply at THE PORT. 10 Tanen' bred Ynrkrhire sows for sale, 5 of them ore 5 months old and 5 of them 4p,% months. Satnn1E & SnettPE, 13rasseis_. Phone 57. 5 Clomp Cow+ for sale, all coming in during jemmy and February. t4o11DoN STCDnmAr.n, Central Hotel, Brussels. Snt•t' cordwood for Pale at 52 25 per cord in the 1 m.tl. WM S'rnnrut, Phone 2813. hi nN Ey LOST.—SIO0 02 bell lost, Imperial Bank. The dreier will be rewarded by leaving it as Toa PnsT. 2(01' wanted to drive butcher cart. Steady lob. Apply at once. Emcees Recs. Fon SALR.—Two good Durham cows due 10 Calvo CHAS. LAMONT, Phone 2113 lot 10, Oen. 7, Grey, PAIR of young cows due to calve this month for sale. Have also Seed Oslo and Seed Parley for sale. L. HOLLiEOna, Brnseels. Homey for sale or to rent. Innnediate pos. session. Apply to T. B. Thomson, Seatorth, or BMW. Thomson, Brussels, FOR SALE, -1 open of horses, set new double harness, lumber wagon nearly new, new bay rook, set bob -sleighs and box, Will be sold cheap as owner does not regnirn them. Apply at Electric Tight Plant. 3740 NIVINo. DR. PARKER, Osteopathic Physician, visite Brussels Monday's rind Thursdoy'v. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residences. Consultation at Queen's Hotel. A Coon house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply to I. C. IRICHARDS. —o— Jas, and Mrs. Gilmour are spending a few weeks in town and visiting relatives and friends preparatory to going to their bonne in Moose Jaw locality The y form• er has spent 16 or more years out there, going trorn Turnberry township. He has prospered nut West and has a fine farm with modern comforts in home, bank barn, &c, bliss Lin Colvin, Moose Jaw, end Miss Mabel Colvin, Brandon, are home on a brief visit while East looking np millinery novelties and Spring styles for their respective positions in the cities deeiguated. The lager had au exciting experience on the journey by an acci- dent tha derailed the flyer near Schrie bee. Fartnnately it was daylight and nobody was seriously injured. 'rue Epworth League program at the Social evening given in the Lecture room of the church, last Monday, was au interesting occasion, Program con- sisted of a choice piano solo by Bert. Lott ; tine reading by F. H. Gilroy ; most instructi:e address by Principal H. 5, Scott on Belgium and the exhibi- tion of r5c stereoptieou views on "Belgium past and present," which was excellent. Rev. Mr. Wren presided, BRUSSELS CURLERS,—The local knights of the crane and besom ate having some real old time sport at the Brussels rink these nights and have a series of games on the program. Officers for this sea- son are as follows :—Hon President, J. Leckie; President, A. Strachan ; Vice - President, A. C. Dames; Sec. -Tress.. C. Bneker ; Executive, above officers, Gr Oren C. Manners, Gordon McDonald, R. J. Mcleauchlin, D C. Ross and Robt, Dark, Canvassing Committee, Robt. Darla and S. Carter. Club has about 20 menthe -re now with more to follow. 50 YEARS MARRIED —On Monday, January 22ncl, Alex. and Mrs. Ross, Priucess street, Brussels, quietly cele• bested their Golden Wedding. They weere married in North East Hope, by Rev. D Allan in the year 1867, coming then to the township of McKlllr'p where they made their home on a brush farm. Here they lived f c' 43 years, then selling the farts, they took up residence in Brussels 7 years ago. Mrs. Ross' maid- en name was Jessie Cameron and she was born in Perthshire, Scotland in 1839 Mr. Ross was born at Lancaster, Glen. Barry in 1835. Their family consists of 4sons end 3 daughters :—Thomas and AleX , Minnadasa, Man ; Donald, Can - ora Sask ; loo., Richdale, Alberta Mrs. Jam. Simpson and Mrs Jobe Dos - nus, McKillop township and Miss Mar- gmet.atborne. Mrs Robert Boyd, an- other daughter, of McKillop, died 04 years age. A brother and sister of Mr. Ross reside in the West and one brother In Michigan. Mrs, John Stewart, Win- nipeg, is the surviving sister of Mrs. Rose. Although Mr. Ross is 82 years of age he is quite smart, his eyesight being aoacwlnt defective, Both Mr. and Mrs, Ross cej rl comparative good health, Henley congratulations are extended 10 these hardy, worthy pioneers of McKil- lop, Mt KE 'YOUR ®LLA s AT T H E FRONT. 111.9I 1 F :,ANA F y:N I;�a. 'J>, r � 1 THREE -FEAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES $ 25.00 60.00 1'00.00 FO R 66 4a $2'1.50 4'8.00 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO 51500. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 FINANOe OCPARTM ENT OTr AWA THERE has been n large. re -urn of the Registration cards althoughh quite a number dodged giving the dtsutd in- formation, apparentis' fearing some mill• tary entanglement The Hun would he doing business la Canada if the Allies were made of this sample PROM B. C,—In renewing for THE Pose. Mrs. Wilkinson, formerly of Brus- sels, writing from A'herni, B C., says t —Times are good here but eo one to do anything excepting older men as nearly every able bodied man has gone to the front. A nephew of Mrs Coli, Ethel, Oct„ left Thursday for the second time and more will follow when able. Weather is fine. Mrs. Wilkinson is a daughter of Mrs. Jane Walker, Turn - berry street, South, Brussels, MRS, THOS. KENT PASSES AWAY —Last Friday morning Dorcns Styrene, widow of the late Thomas Kent, passed lbat bourne from Whence no traveller re - Mena. in her 89th year. The funeral service was conducted in St John's Church Sunday afternoon, by Rev. R. E. Page Intetmen• in Brussels Ceme- tery Deceased was horn in Co. Fer- managh, lieland. and came to this country over 70 years ago For a good many years Mr. and Mrs, Kent resided at Dundas Former pre -deceased his wife by mann years. A daughter, etre. Colp, lived with her mother, in the Robb Ter- race, Brussels. Deceased was a half sister to Wm. I3ryans, of Morris town- ship Her demise was due to old age Mrs Kent wen a fine old lady possessed of many excellent qualities. DEMONSTRATION CARS. — Despite un- favorable weather conditions there were many visitors at the two Demonstration cars at the Grand Trunk railway last Monday. The exhibits were ;well ar- ranged and with the demonstrator's ex• wplanation were worth a great deal in the vay of practical information upon many topics of interest to the farm specially. There is no doubt but this is the most tip -to date method of imparting instruc- tion and one such visit to a community is often worth a dozen meetings with cut and dried epeecbes. In the evening in the Town Hall short addresses were given by W. J Cook on Home Garden- ing and by J. W. Clark on Poultry. Many question' were asked the Speakers and setisfaciory answers given. Some disc ointment wasfelt thatthe v' pictures promised we'e not shown w ing to inability to use the electric cur- rent here. The cars were taken front here to Wingham by the night train. WEDDING BELLS —The home of Rebt. and Mrs Maiup.izc, Sylvania, Sask., wss the scene of a qu-et but pretty wedding 011W es a evening, dn 1 ean. loth when v ani g, l Rev. Mr. Hargraves united in marriage their daughter, Miss Olive Alberta, and W. L. Jackson, both of Sylva',ia. They were unaltendtd and only relatives were present. The happy couple left on Thursday morning's train for Velment- ver and other Western points where they will spend their honeymoon re- turning later to their farm home at Sylvania Groom is a former resident of the township of Morris, being a son of Peter and Mrs. Jackson, now of 'Tisdale The bride is well knnwn in Brussels and was a member of THR POST staff for several years. Heorty eongratula tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack- son by relatives aud old friends. CAI"r MOOR: Anoaessas A LARGE CoMPANY.—Thursday evening of last week Capt. I, M. Moore, M. D., a form- er resident of Brussels and locality, who had been overseas for the past r5 mouths in connection with hospital work in England and France and who came back a few weeks ago in charge of a draft of sieir and wounded soldiers, gave an interesting address in the audience room of the Public Library, occupying over an hour, The Dr, believes the war will soon terminate and sees only one ending viz the triumph of the Allies In describing the warfare of hideousness he illustrated the protection afforded by the gas mask. The care of rite sick and wounded end the attention given to the fighting force is the very best, under the circumstances, and has done much to keep in effective force the millions of men doing duly for King and Country Or. Moore referred to the evidences of huttumity exemplified toward German wounded end prisoners. An opportuni- ty was given the audience to ask ques- tions which were answered by the "peak- er. A hearty vote of thanks was pissed to Dr, Moore for 11 s address. The ehair was occupied by Rev. R. K Pate, 1 whose rernerks.were most appropriate to the orcasiOl, Miss Carrie Hiegeton rendered 'a patriotic solo with good ef- fect and the meeting closed with the National Anthem, REGULAR meeting of Brussels Branch of the W. C. T. U. will be held Friday nfrerneou of this week in the AttsPeure Room of the Public Library at 3 o'clock. A coed atteuclance asked for. Auceree Sale of Household Furniture anti effects Saturdary afternoon, Febru- ary 3rd, 'it residence corner Church and John streets, Brussels. Mrs. Jas. Gil- mour, nee Mrs. Dora McFadzeau is proprietress Jno E and Mrs Smith, Brandon, and Mrs. (Captain) Darling and daugh- ter, of Edinburgh, have gone to Cali- fornia for a few months Mrs. Darling is a daughter of Mr Smitb, whose hus- baud is at the front. THE 11r'x1 sittings of the Supreme Court for the County of Huron will be held on 'I'tv-sd:.y, March r3th, before Justice Mlfall'ton and a jury, and on Monday, April Both, before Justice Masten, without a jury. A LR'rrEa from Chas. S. Miller, of Yorktou, Sask , a former Brusselite, says :—We are having a very nice Win- ter so tar. Sunday morning was the coldest we have had yet, when the ther- mometer dipped to 46° below zero. A. H. Musgrove, M. P, P„ received the sad news that his tienhew, John:W. Musgrove, son of Dr Geo. Musgrove. M. P. P., Niagara Falls, bad been seriously wounded in France, on Jan 3rd, He was with the Army Medical Corps. Friday of last week our old fr'end Richard Roe, Johu street, Brussels, cele- brated his 85th birthday in the enjoy - mem of comparatively gond health, These old timers who were born in the Emerald Isle were usually blessed with rugged constitutions, THE POST ex- tends congratulations to Mr. Roe iu be- half of many o117 friends. Meeeietoenee —A quiet, but pretty wedding took place at St. Paul's church, John Street, Wingham, whet, Miss Edna Helene, eldest daughter 01 Postmaster and Mrs. Griffin, become the bride of A H Wilford, one of Wingham's pros perous produce dealers, and youngest son of the late John Wilford, Blyth. The bride, who was unattended, wore a travelling suit of taupe broadcloth with white bat with fur trimmings. Rev. E. G. Dymond perforated the ceremony. The bride and gloom were the recipients of many beautiful gifts showing the high esteem in wh'cb they are held by their numerous friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wit - Red left on the alter000n train for Tor- onto, Chicago and other prints and on their retort) will make their home iu Wingham. THE Posr and old friends in Bru•selajnun in wishing Mr and Mrs. Wilford rn vy years of happiness end p'osperity, KICKED 11Y A Fioltee.—Mrs, W. 1 - Wilson, of the olri Wilson homestead, West of Praepect Hill, and her sister -in lav', Mts. Reg: Wilson. of the village called at the home of Wnr. Ilardie, on Nissouri town -line on their way to the Institute at Wellborn on Tuesday, While turning around in the yard the horse took fright and overturned lye cutter. Mrs, W. J. Wilson, who was Miss Sperling, St Marys, before her mar- riage, was injured so badly that a Dr, of St, Marys, and a Dr, of London, were sent for, Her cheek bone below the eye was broken and crusbed in, A part of the bone bad to be removed Bud the rest brought in place, It was sup- posed abe was kicked by the horse when thrown cul. She is making satisfactory progress since the operation, Mrs Reg. Wilson, who is a sister of H, C. White, St. Marys, escaped with little injury Ladles are cousins to J, J, Gilpin, Brus- sel 0, Ohurch Chimes On the evening of Tuesday. February 6th, a Rec'lai will be given by the choir in Melville church, under the direction of Organist Mulheron, Connnunion %yiii be observed in Mel- ville church next • Suu ey morning. The preparatory service, Friday alter• noon -of this week will be conducted by Rev, 1, L. McCulloch, Crtnbrook Officers for the Young Pople's Society in couneotion with Melville church for this year are:—l-Ion. Presidente, the pew- ter, Mrs. Jessie Kerr and A. D, Grant ; President, Miss Belie Henderson ; Vice- Preeideut, Tom. McDonald I Stranger end Cor.•Secretary, Miss Jean Moore ; Secretary -'Treasurer, Miss Grace Stew. art ; Assistant, Miss Mary McDonald ; Organist, Miss Nellie Fox ; Assistanr, Miss Jardine ; choir leerier, Mn,eJ Meadows. These are supported by 8 Committees, A now topic card tial been issued. Guild meets Sunday even- ing at close of preaching service, E$T'D 1873 TA OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE • TORONTO FARMERS Advances to fanners are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ®1 '1 ® Managers The end biennial Co-operative Con- ference of the Adult divisionsof Ontario Sunday Schools Will be held in Wesley Methodist church, Hamilton, Tuesday,' Wednesday and Phursd.,y, Feb 6, 7 end 8. A fine program hes been arranged and reduced fares will be granted on railways, WARDENS ELEC1ED Tuesday the following Wardens were elected for their respective Counties :— Huron, Dr. ]Milne, Blyth. Bruce, 1). Izzarcl, Port Elgin, Perth, 0. Havels, Fullerton. Middlesex, A. J. Blaikie, White Oak. BORN BAnn.—Ie Blyth, on Jan, 11th, 1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, hate., a 0011. Kemp.—In Blrnh ltnn, Michigan, on January tell,, 1017, to Mr. end Mre. Martin Kerr,a eon (Glen Forrest.1 Lova —Ill least Vancouver, B. 0. 011 January 101h, 1017, to Mr. and Al rs. W. E. Long, a sots. LRl'nn.—Am Hallett, on Jan. 11115, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Jnrnes Leiper, n daughter. MARRIED JAOK+ON—SIAINPRiZe.—At Sylvania, Soak., on January loth, 1017, by Rev. Mr, liar. grooves, itir. W. I. Jackson to Ulla Olive Alberto, daughter of Mr. Robert Main• prize, all of Sylvania, Mask. DIED MONT.-In Brussels, on January 19th, 1017, Domes Bryens, widow of Thomas Kent, in her 89th year. KING; In Gerrie, on Tannery 16th, 1517, Mary Jane King, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King, aged 27 years, 4 months and 0 days. AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, trent 8aD.—Eou,ehold furniture, &c., nt her residence, John street, Brussels. Sale unreserved at 2 o'alook. Sirs, Janes Gil- mour (nee Mrs. Dora blalradzeanl Proprietress; F.14 Scott, Ascttoneer. TUESDAY, Pim 81,11, 1017.—Farm Stook, Im- plements, &c., S. 16 Lot 14, Con, 4, Morris, Salo unreserved at 12 o'olook. Allen Spoilt, Prop. F. S. Scott, Auo. Tenders -- Tenders for operating the snow plow on the public roads of the Township of GIoKi Bop for 1917 will be received by the Connell at ile meeting at Winthrop on January Slat next, Tenders to be opened nt 1 o'elnnls p. m. M. MURDIE, Clerk. soNENEBAL STOCK OF b1EROHANDISE, also 01012 and lot for sale at Mnnodelt.. y rare of Innd and stubin nty to tnehad. Get per- tiealare, Price right. ADppl W. P. SC11NOUK, Monar'left. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND 5.0T FOR SAL11.—Goad well and cistern, fruit triton, &c, Also 5 acres Lr corporation with large stable and drilled well. Per further portion. Tare as to price, terms, &e., aPP1y to Toa Pose., Bruesele, G. FRYATT Rin tO UPd TFORD L. MUS. L. C. M. Orenniat of Knox Church, Kincardine • Local representative or London, (Eng 1 College of IONIC : visits Blnovaie and Brussnle on Fri- days. Lessens on Plana, Violin and Vaiee cul- ture, Pupils prepared for 2, C. M. exam. in January 1517, Entries now received Address Box 41, Kincardine Anima.! Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Brosselq, Morris & Grey Telephone t'enpnny will be held in the Town Hall Bras+els on Tnee av Febru- ary t- il o r b t cry 1rts, 1017, at 1 Directors p is.' when r6115 welt be psary bu esstea elected and other necessary business tF. .4. lOJO PT, President, M. BLACK, Secretary. Auction Sales AUC PION SALE 011 FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS —,F. S. Scott, Auction- eer. has beep mstrautet by the underalguel to sell by Public Anotlon at S;§ Lot 14, non, 4, Morris, on Tnesdny, February flch, 11(17, et 12 o'clock, the fallowing valuable property :-1 pure bred Clydesdale stallion 1118:11, de=a'Il+• Cion and pedigree Riven on regret, phone 514, I matched team black mart, 6 yoers old, 1 mete/led team bay mores rising 4 arm 5 years, 1 driving horse 5 yearsold, 1 brawn mare 7 years old 1 bay mare Acing 117.'irs, I bar more 3 years old, 1 ba }• horse 8 years old, 1 driving . A colt 8 years old, 1 brood mare le year. old, 1 , O brood mare 12 years old, 3 colts rising 2 years, -, O 8 conte rising 1 year, 1 Durham bull 2 years old, ' G 9 cows supposed in col o.'2 of them thnro'-br,-ds, 2 heifers, years ped, 2 I+terrs 2 yearn old, 1 O thm'o'-bred heifer 2 years old, 3.'+tu'ing enlves, A 2 ball eolt'ea, 815'dfers 1 pier old, 2 steers 1 O year old, 2 thoro'-bred beifera 1 year old, 1 A young calf 1 month old. 7 pigs ready for mar. E' kat; 8 pine 8 months old, 0 Inas 0 weeks old, 1 O Yorkshire saw, 1 Dearing buuta• 7 ft. cunt - Deering mowers 5 and 0 ft. cot, 1 Ula ver Leaf No. 8 immure spreader, 1 Perrin riding plow, 1 Teeswater gang plow, 1 Pnneh wanking plow, 1 Cockshutt wniknlg plow, 1 Kangaroo twin plow, 1 maple Leaf 2 -furrow walking plow, rolnng coulters, 1 disc, 1 enitivntor with seed box, 1 top buggy, 2 cotters, 1 -et sleighs with flat rank, 1 barrel sprayer, 1 d'•mo^rat, shafts v7hen end pale, about 5'1 tons firetch,ss mixedtine- othy and red clover hey, small orioles too Oats nui002005 to mention. Solo unre'erv,d na P050 proprietor la giving up the. farm. Terms—$5.09 Borley and under cash : aver that amount 10 months Butter credit given on furnishing improved joint Eggs notes. 5 per cont oft for cash on credit Hoge 'amounts., ALLEN s'11011, Hay F. 8. Scott, Auctioneer, Yroprletor, Potatoes per bag Richard Procter, Cllerk, f) a 4r 5, 0 A A 3 5, 0 4, '15 3 o4 14.0004.404.0414 >.3 i,„ 1 DRUG STARE 4 O Palatable 3 0 O 40 9 0 0 • 0- 40 od Lever• 4) Extract E, 6 40 4 4 4 For coughs, colds anti a run- 4 down condition as a result we 9 cannot ton highly recommend the above preparation. Dur- ing last Winter season we had 0 a very large sale of this article • e with 111081 splendid results and r> 0 we unhesitatingly recommend fr it to anyone in need of a butild- gq ate It contains a solution of p re the extractive from fresh cod A livers without hOut oil. This ex - et e tract is combined with Liquid Z e' Extract of Malt, Fluid Extract 0 A of Wild Cherry Beek and the 0 0 Hypophoaphites. In the preparation of Penslar 0 Palatable Cod Liver Extract the medicinal portion is ex- • tracted from fresh cod livers, 0 A the oil entirely removed and p p the above mentioned nutritive • tonics added. It thus is en- 0 • tirely free from the greasy cod oil anti me b adwinle- ir liver t e y t6retl tvitbnut the unpleasant • digestive disturbances which often follow the use of such ep oil, 4 0 0 a A at 4 d O a 4 A a Ip • It has an agreeable taste and may easily he given to child- ren. Put np in 50a and $1.00 bottles. James Fox Drugs and Stationery The Penslar Store n ,440044044o40000e0Aee4-0401 BRUSSELS MARKET 01 80 41 83 6 1 115 1 00 110 85 8"; 1800 1860 1 0050 200 51 b9 9 er its 9 8 C1 A O 43 • 85 2s 1�l g 40 09 8 4) 50 41/ 0i a 113rn O Q3 9 q 0 111 43 e D 8 I4 83 01 H e e 4 eeeeoceoeAcooyeetzeoeseeoO®5EistDat7ticseeeaeo6vexoeeeleeoes tAcaseoeeeoseceeeeeeesse0181 A a r) 16 C1 0 f 0 0 O 0 Y. 0 La Brussels guylight Stem: Wir lir I oLsreo 4PIn4P't"t'II'11'4PIIr0,'le0,lt4r1 S1'lli IIIW'41'4''Ie4,''li �Il'I n4n1111i le'1,"4'W'II'4,4•Ib'Ih•lu'4„Id4,'U,'4i''4t'L^',i'Lel'Vi 11,'41'11'tillli 4x4101 �I114'11114n1''I,HY'lllli tilil'li 4fy,'W'0141I1i 11,'hl'lea,ln ihmey-saving FIP a� NIP fur tau Ladies' Fur Setts Good assortment, 20 to 25 per cent less than regular values. Men's and Boys' Suits A big range, 20 to 25 per cent less than regular values. Men's Winter Underclothing Odd lots and broken sizes, regular x;1.35 and $1.5o, while they last 98G Boys' and Men's Overcoats A big range, 20 to 25 per cent less than regular values. A Few Ladies' Skirts acrid Cloth Coats At from -� to • of regular prices. Men's Fine Boots Some special snaps in all sizes of broken lots Hotall sues oaey l —0 . ko1d 25 and 30 per cent less than. reg. values. 1100 Psis, a O ea GI m t+ E fl d utr"i 45 e s e u 0 r• • 0 9 9 is 1 e! rb el ry 9 0 A to 80 83 B © t'1 �' • s A. t Q is m 0 � d d; B co 0 D 0•m0••eeeee seeseceee 101831 eeceoneeemeeeee••5eecooec see eseeeemeemmeeeee•••••eee otton 00: acry Nice even thread, full yarcl wide, worth at the mill to -clay 13,'Ac. While this lot lasts Special Bargains in These prices are for Cash. Men's Winter Caps highest prices for Produce. 10 02 •d • • 0 McLaren