The Brussels Post, 1917-1-25, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
Walnut Garcia
Sucoosaor to M. H. Moore, Oaloo at Ander,
eon Bros, Livery stable, Brussels, Telephone
No. 29,
T, T. M' RAE
WM.. SPENOE' M. B., M. O. P., a3 S. O.
CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER m• O. H„ Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, Aceoueheur
of MARRIAGE LICENSES OOoe at residence, opposite treet. Melville Church,
mow +,s
Mace In the Post 01110e, Ethel. 80-4
• Halt, will sell for better prices, to
better men 10 less time and lase charges
than any ether Auotlonoer in East Huron or
he won't charge anythf og, Dates and orders
can always be arranged at tyke o111oe or by
p 000070) appllaatien,
e Barrister, eoiioiter, Conveyancer,
Notary I'ublio, &c, antes—Stewart's Blook
1 door Nor Si of Osutral Hotel,
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
Earn r , !.via; lirr.orail
GoiNO ;300TH G0lNa NORTH
Express 7:18 a m I Mall 11:22 a m
}express 8 Am 2 o Express 8:57 p m
CaNd1D,aM F—aarPw
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express 7:60 a mExpress 12:04 are
Express 6:15 p m I Express 7.45 par
Going East - 7:06 a. m. and 8:40 p. m.
Going West - 12:19 and 9:68 p. m.
All trains going East oonneot with C. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent,
Flue, modern •team -
,t. era — equipped with
• ovary oomfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
"r .: S 'Ilr'onto
Agent Allan Lino, Brussels.
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stook, &c.
$,epairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
Aa HAMANN, Craubrouk
res ekeVeee ifs eze'rec eeeel`Q. fi rte%"",
Ontario's Best Business College
Students puny enter our °hisses et any
time. Commence your course now and
be qualified for n position by Midsnue
mar. During July and Angust of Inst 4
year we reneived galls for over 200
office assistants We ennld not 0090
ply. Our graduates aro In demand, tt
Write at once for our free calologuo. 1
D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal e�
est Brains
10 Onnada have nr 1 I ate
In the pre.
Courses of an splendid Henn, Higher
A000te9 in , Commercial art, higher
Aor Writing.
, Photography, Art Show
Omd Short Story WrI lSg, ,lnut•nnd
Ism, Booktein . Select
the work
and Bookkeeping. Sothe work
which most lyre AEe you and write ns
for purtloulnrt. Address t,
301-7 Vongo St., Toronto
Thousands of nntbitloue 7011119 PRO'
We ore fast preparing hi their own
homes to motley Mora ti v0 positions ne
ntenogrnphere, bookkeepers, telegra-
phers, oiv11 servants 10 fact every
sphere of nobivitlos, yon luny perish nt
college if you se wish, Positions g00r-
.telcollege g1n7
vfanel Instruction, i , Export teachers.
Thirty yea00experience. ieBv. Largest
in od, Seven colleges.
Special course for o
Ad with Commercial Ednca•
tor'sessoetnElon o8 Canada.
Sellout at famous 8potten Baslnoss Col-
-INingham Business College
GNC. SPOTTON, W, k', 13101len,
President. Principal,'
Bachelor of Medicine, 'University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of :College of Physiciano and Snr-
Beono, Ontario ; ex•Senlor House Surgeon of
Western Hoopltal, Toronto. Offices of late Dr,
A, McEevey, Smith Block, Brussels,
Rural phone 49,
Personal graduate Department of 0pltthal-
mology, McCormick Medical College, Ohlongo,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes and at glasses at
her eMoe over Mien Inman's millinery store.
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Moe hours -10
to 12 a. m. ; l to 6 p. m. Evenings by appoint.
meat, Phone 1210.
Honor graduate Ot the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night Delle. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Choir Master, Melville Church,
Brussels. Pupils prepared for Toronto0ol-
lege of music Examinations. Phone 60x
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W .
7.110301,00T, B. O. • J. L, KILLORAN
H. J. D. Comte
i iric et%
Rev. DR. Hose OALLED.—At a arnl-
gregational meeting of the Willis
Presbyterian Ohnrch held here last
week. Rev. J. E. Hogg, D. D , of
Southampton, was given an tutani-
mous call. The Hulett' Presbytery
met on Friday to deal with the call.
For almost 50 years Rev. A. Stewart,
now of Toronto, was the minister in
this church, and he will supply the
pulpit until the new minister is in-
ducted. Captain F. 0. Harper, Chap-
lain oftheGrey Battalion was mini -
ter until he resigned to tette the osi-
g p
tion of Chaplain.
Joseph Sproat is visiting in Bel -
Seegt. W. T. Hays was in town say-
ing farewell before going overseas.
Miss Jean Ross went to accept a
eituatiol es book keeper in Toronto.
Wm. Govonlock, Chicago, spent a
few days with his father, J. R. Goven-
lock, North Main street.
Mies Minnie McDonald, Toronto,
has leased apartments iII the Campbell
block, which she intends to occupy.
Colonel and Mrs. Wilson went to
New York to visit R. A. and Mrs.
Wilson and be present at the
marriage of their youngest daughter
Margaret Isabel to William Addison
Holt, of that city.
Directors of the Seaforth Hnrticul-
(ural Society have added to their
Preminnt Liet, which for the past
years has been the best in Lila Pt'n-
vince. Society has donated a Targe
number of hnlbs and plants to the
Town, Postofllce, Collegiate 11081111110,
Public and Separate schools and are
taking up the -l1 atter of itnpinv8tnent
of the G.'1`. R grounds at the depot.
An endeavor is being made This year
to Ming membership up to 300.
3, 0, IloThon cotnpletod his 23rd
year in the butchering business in
Annual ongregalinnal meeting of
Se. Andrew's rhnl'oh will be held on
Monday ,Lan. 29th.
Myth's 001111011 is having pl1nn00
pieced in the electric light. plant and
Fire Chief Smilers' residence,
AI I.he nh0tinn sal-' for Inxr's en the
.Lis. 13nn•fixtures, \V, Montilla, who
i h Makin bovines
was formerly in t 4 baking
11718, purchased the whnie stark of
fixtures, bidding the amount of !seen,
Chat les Haggitt while sleigh riding
on the G. 'I', R. embankment went
over the cement: 11)041 311171 chopped
fifteen feet to the ice of th'1 elver,
He had his log told 1 here ribs broken,
7'he tamvellil'10 indite is very dis-
ci:WaBed with the clninge in the Grand
Trnnk I imetllle in this section, in ea-
ting nff tern to esenger trains per day.
As the 0. P. B. ie nil: taking off any
triune, however, illyth will tint be so
badly off.
\Vovd was reeeivr(1 of t,e -teeth of
Ja11100 Blackhrnitgh at his home in
Anaconda, Montana. Tlerensed was
a benther ledely of Wihina,r, Robert,
Joseph anti Nathaniel Johnston 1 351831
Mrs. Robe Brown and etre. Wesley
Parrnw, all of 1.0tvn 15)311 vicinity.
Win. and ,Joseph lnhlrntlm rand A\11•s,
Far'roav attended the nb.egides.
The anteml meeting of Morris Dis-
trict, Orangemen held in the Myth
Orange hall, t11'ew a good rapfeaenttt
Linn from r
h lodge.a
After re alar
business fnllovina
nitrate! were elect-
:—\V. D. M , Herb Braadhul'n, Bel -
grave I 1), No Relit. T0W1l80nd, toll-
clesbnro ; Chaplain, Rev. W. 13. Haw-
kins, Blyth ; Reaot•ding•Secrotary,
r Financial -
Mei, B1md13urn, Belgrave n nrin I
Secretary, Murray 3ohnstol, Rel.
,rave ; TI'ettsurel', F. klagg'tt, Blyth ;
D. of C., Rnht. Bruce, 110))11e0110ro ;
First Lecturer, J, McLarty, Auburn ;
Second Lootut'or, J. Wlghtntan, Bel -
Atm. It,i M Mritay f.•dbblMlti it lei;(t:F
Now Oapt, 1t. It, Sloan Ian week,
He la recovering rapidly front hie ill-
ness and finites soon to leave the hos.
De, 1J, O. Wilford, Tomtito, visited
his brother, Mrs. A. 13, Carr More dot'-
ing the week. He lute obtained a coin:
miseiou in the Uanadian Ar'tny Medi-
cal Oorpe with rabic of Oaptafn and ex -
peals to go overseas about February
$1amfa•c1 Zhrumerman has returned
from the West,
hit's. W. A, Irwin is at present visit-
ing her son, Harold at Medina, Ohio,
Women's Institute shipped 40 pairs
of sox to the Red Cross Society last
RObt, Stinson, Rockhevan, Sask., is
home on it visit to his mother, eioteeo
anti brother,
.1, R. Williams has gone on a visit
for a few months with his daughter in
Ohestee McLaughlin, Winnipeg,
formerly of Goerle, is visiting friends
here at present.
J. S, and Mrs, Jardine, Tugaske,
Sask., are spending a few months in
and around Gorrie.
Richard and Mrs, McGrath and Joel
McGrath were in Toronto attending
the funeral of the late Mrs. James
Miss Edith Evans underwent an
operation in the hospital, Toronto and
we nee pleased to know is recovering
-Host favorably. Her sister, Mrs. W.
11, Gregg accompanied her.
Ae Lhe last regular meeting of Gorrie
Council No. 409, 0. 0. 0. F.. following
officers wet a elected for 1917 :— 0. C.,
D. J. °e'ther's ; V. 0., Miss L+', Potter ;
Rec., Mrs. R. Ir. White : Asst,-Rec.,
Mrs, J. N. BeswiLherick ; Treae., Mrs,
Jas. Walker ; Prelate, Dirs. Won,
Stinson ; Marshal. R. H. Carson ;
Wardon, Mrs. T. Andrew ; Guard, T.
J. Shot; Sentry, J. T. Shorn ; Trus-
tees, hits. R- F. White, R. 11. Carson,
Mrs. Wm. Stinson.
Over $800 was collected in Atwood
by the canvas made a few weeks ago
for the Patriotic League.
Andrew Robb, 12th Con., delivered
a 2 year old steer to Monkeon that
weighed 1380 lbs, for wleich he secured
9 lents a Ib.
Bums' ANNIVERSARY of Melrose
Camp, S. 0. S., Atwood, will be held
in the einsio Hall, Thursday evening
of this week.
A series of meetings are to be held
tinolghout the township relative to
farming Olubs in connection 8vitlt the
"United Farmers' of Ontario.
W. G. Inglis has rented his 100 acre
farm, Lot 23, Con. 8th. to Chester Lit-
tle and his son Murray has bought the
Inane place, Lot 23, 0011. 7. Posses-
sion will be given the first of March.
The annual meeting of the Cheese
factory was held on the 13th inet,
The business for the year proved very
satisfactory. Amount of milk re-
ceived 1372190 pounds, making 1225941
pounds of cheese, amounting to
$22,113 09. Average price 18,088 and
the pounds of milk to snake cheese
was 11.19.
The annual meeting of the El
District L. 0. L. wasElms. held in the
Orange Hall, Listowel, Jan. 9. There
was a good attendance. Usual pant
was Maga to True Blue and Orange
Orphanage Homes, and $25 was do -
netted 70 the patrintic societies of
Elena. Following officers were elect-
ed :—W. D. M., J. Iliman ; D. M., J.
Glenn ; Ohaplain, G. Laing ; Sec.. J.
Alford ; ]fin, -Sec., J. Harvey ; Treas-
urer, S. S. Bothwell ; Lecturers, G.
Raines and G. Thompson.
Ladies' Aid of St. Alban's church
met at the home of Mrs. Flank Den-
nis, the occasion was to spend a social
night with Rev, and Mrs. Shaw be-
fore their departure to Hanover, and
to present to thein tokens in respect
to their valuable service while among
them. The ad(b'ess was read by Mrs.
Peachey, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Gilmer
and Mrs. Bouz0 Made the presentation
of chairs and n silver mug to the
(laugh Ler.
they village, on Sunday evening, Janu-
ary 7th, one of the early se11lees of
Eluiu township, in the person of John
13, Hamilton, sr„ passed away at the
age or 81 years, The flue Mr, Hamil-
ton had been an invalid for past 2
years. Born in Sootland he came to
this country many years ago and
litter took up residence in Perth
Oouuty turd for uutny years lived on
his farm, 011 the 8th OOH. Elena, after-
wards sieving to the village. A
funny of 3 sons and 4 daughters sur-
vive. They nee Jen), 13. and Thomas,
fanners of Elute, Thos. living on the
b.•n esle1ad ; Nellie and Nesbitt, of
OTIOim is hereby given that
owing to increased ex-
pense for coal and other
1100088111:108 t110 price of Electric .t.
Light lit 130ns8sls will be ad- +
venni from 10 to 12 cents per
Kilowatt, from December 1st
until road reduces hi price. 1-
hates payable of or before t,
+ the 10113 of each m0n1b and if
not 8o paid 5 cents on the dollar
* will be added.
• Tr
Or the entivr.nimrce nF pat-
l 1
inns payments may be made to
Miss Lulu M. Dunford, at S.
yo Cal'ler's Aare.
• Jno, Idivins J. A. Sharpe I
Manager Proprietor y.
++++++0+++ ++++++++++++++
—1917 -
, '1'111: Posen has route arrangements
"Fruit -a -rives" Soon Relieved
This Dangerous Condition
682 G1.lunARO ST. BART, Tosoo'ro.
"For two yours, X was a victim of
Acute Indigestion and Gas In The
Stomaet& It afterwards attacked flay
Heart anal had pains all over my body,
so that I could hardly move around.
hied all kinds of Medicine but none
of then did me any good. At last, I
decided to by "Fruit-a-tives". I
bought the first box last Juno, and
now I am well, after rising only tkree
boxes. I recommend "Fruit -n -lives"
to anyone suffering from Indigestion".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa,
Atwood ; Mrs, Clarke, St. Pant, Min, ;
Mrs. limiter, Torout0 ; and 301111, of
Texas. There are also two sisters,
Mrs. Jon. Graham and Mrs. Lemuel
Pelton, of Atwood, Deceased's wife,
who was Bleu Gibb, predecenged hint
about a year ago. Funeral wan held
Thursday afternoon from the family
residence to the Elna Cemetery, and
was conducted by Rev. W. D. Mc-
Elena Cheese factory held its an-
imal meeting. Auditor's report and
financial statement read, discussed
and adopted, °nunnery being as fol-
lows :—Total pounds of milk received
5,764,121 ; total pounds cheese man41-
facLured, 529,3271 ; total cash 1eceived
from all sources, $96,206.46: average
lbs. milk to Ib. cheese 10,88 ; nvea'nge
lbs. milk to lb. cheese from May to
November inclusive 11, from Decem-
ber to April inclusive 1055, 11vertlge
price; per Ib. cheese 231' yea0 18.138e,
average price per Ib. cheese from May
to December inclusive 18,392 from De-
cember to April inclusive 17,386 aver.
age test for the season 3,318. Mr.
Oliver, cheese maker, gave an interest-
ing account of experiments which had
been made with high vs tow testing
milk, more particularly one that had
been made recently, in the company's
factory. 100 lbs. of milk testing 5 per
cent. had been merle into 07000 Malt-
ing 14 lbs. of cheese, while 100 lbs. of
milk testing 31 per cent. had only
produced 911 lbs. of cheese, the relative
values at 25c. per Ib. being $3.50 and
52.88. Jas. Donaldson was re.ap.
pointed Salesman and J. J. Ballantyne
Auditor. Old Board of Directors
wets re-elected, namely :—Adam Wil-
Jas. Mitchell, Jas. N
bigging Jas. Donaldson and 1 E.
Shearer. At subsequent meeting o
Directors Adam Willoughby was ap-
pointed President ; 3)18, Mitchell,
Vice -President, and J. R. Hammond
Secretary and Treasurer, and Ivy D.
Smith Auditor, for 1917. Norman
Hall's tender for filling ice house for
$45.00 was accepted.
A. Purcell is attending the 0. A. 0.
Guelph, where he is taking a short
course in draining and dilchiug.
The many friends of John Scott,
postmaster, will learn with regret
that he is coufined to his bed with
Andrew .Kay was in town last week
making arrangements to remove to
Toronto where he will matte his reel -
deuce in future. Mr. Kay has resided
in Listowel for about 37 years and
naturally regrets emu ew'l, a1 leaving
the old mem. He has seemed a good
position in the city.
George Gingrich, employed at the
Banner office, caught his brand in one
of the Gordon presses, dislocating two
bones sill necessitating cart•yiug his
61'111 in a splint,
Mies Helen N. Hawkins, graduate
nurse left for Hamilton where she has
accepted a position in the Hamilton
General Hospital, Miss Ilacvktus will
be in charge of surgical wall.
Airs. T. L. Hamilton was appointed
second Vice -President of the Wont -
en's Missionary Society of the Strat-
tnad Presbyterial at the annual sleet-
ing held in Se. Marys. Treasurer's
repor7 87.t sheaved receipts lot 70110
Word has been received from Pte.
N. R. Bamford, stating he had been
admitted to the hospital. Pte, Bam-
ford is likely suffering front rhemu,a-
t ism, owing to the damp weather and
the ex nerve the battalion has had to
endutr'eduring the pase mouth. It is
hoped that he will enjoy a speedy
Last Thu' eday's Brantford Daily Ex-
positor prints the following obituary
notice of a former i eaident of Wing -
ham : Death has removed a well
known and highly respected 01118011 of
Brantford, in the person of Louisa
Tremain, wife of Robert..Elliott, High
Secretary of the Oanediauo Order of
Foresters, who passed away this
morning at the age of 61 years. Atte.
Elliott's death, which noenrreel at the
home of her eon -in -late, H, J, 113111ey,
55 Palmerston avenue, mune de a
(hock to a wide circle of ft•iends, and
very general sympathy Will be ex-
tended to the sorrowing husband and
other u17)obees of the family wile sur-
vive. Deceased was born in Orno,
in the township of Ohne, Ourlit m
County. In the yens' 1870, she was
married to Robert Elliott, c C Listowel
coming with her husband to this city
in the year 1905, Since ent"itlg here
the late Mrs. Elliott has, been a much
thought of member' of runt Avenue
Methodist church and whether in
church work or other walks of life she
made friends innumerable, who will
regret vel'7 much to learn of her de-
mise. Five daughters, Mee, F. '11.
Walley, of St, Thotnas ; Mrs. B. J,
Hartley, of this city ; Mrs. 3, 13. Pair -
to club with following paper's and will
be semi to any address (except the
Milted States 50 cents extra) at the
following subscription prices :—•
POS- and Toronto Globe $4 36
" Toronto World ..........•3 85
'• Toren to Daily Star 8 75
" Toronto News 8 76
r1 Toronto Mail Empi e4 35
" Advertise!! . .... , 4 35
" London Gree Press . 4 35
Poe' and Saturday Globe `12 40
" Fainly Herald and Star 2 35
Peron to 51111 2 20
ratetner's Advocate . 2 95
Oanadiao Countryman. 2 00
Farm and Dairy 2 30
Montreal Witness 2 35
World Wide 2 75
Northern Messenger 1 90
bairn, of Beamsville ; Mrs, R. E.
Saurnders, of Alpena, Mich.; and
"Pet" at home ; and three sous, II. 13.
Elliott, of the ' Vingltant Tinges ; W.
J. Elliott, of the Ingersoll Chronicle ;
and Frank E. Elliott, of \Vingham,
are left to mourn het loss. Two sis-
ters aural two brothers also survive. A
.funeral service at the residence of Mr.
B'u•tley, Saturday and the remains
shipped to Winghalu for interment on
Turnberry Council
The first meeting o Turnberry
Council for 1917 was held in Bluevale
on 940nday, Jan. 8th. Ail the mem-
bers were present, viz., Reeve, T. K.
Powell, and James Moffatt, Jae. I.
Scott, A. Wheeler, Wm. J. Adair,
Cot n e i l h'rs.
Afteraignfng declarations of quali-
fication and of office, the Council re-
sumed its regular business with the
Reeve 11) the chair.
Moved by Wheeler— Adair that
minutes of last regular meeting be
adopted. Carried.
Following Bylaws were then regul-
arly passed : — (1) Scott—Moffatt—
Thee whole 0ouncll be appointed Road
Commissioners for the coming year.
(2) Wheeler—Adair—That R. Black
and B. CruickRhanks be Auditors for
year at eatery of 512 each. (3) Adair
—Wheeler•—That \Vat. King be Asses-
sor at salary of $05 00. (4) Adair—
Mcffatt—That W. Oruickshanks be
appnirlted a member of Board of
Health for this year.
Scott—Moffatt—That WOlmatl'S In•
stitute, 1Vinghinu, receive a grant of
$50 0 Woman's In
stitute Eadies, a
$50.00 andWoman'sInstitute, Blue-
$20.00, for Red Cross work.
Moved by Wheeler—Scott that the
Auditors start on Jan. 18th, 10 a. m. to
audit Treasurer's books.
Moved by Scott—Adair that Coun-
cil on .tan. 12th examine road on Oon.
10, 1t miles East of Scott's school
house, incidentally another little sink
Following accounts were passed and
cheques issued : — Sundry accounts,
$2 95 ; Woman's Institutes, $120.00
Municipal Election, $60.
Next regular meeting of Council
will be held in Bluevale, Monday,
February 5th, at 30 a. m.
How Vinol Made Her Strong
Bealleville, Ohio.—"I wish all ner-
vous weak, run-down women could
have Vinol. I was so run-down, weak
and nervous I could not sleep. Every-
thing I ate hurt me, and the medicine
I had token did me no good. I de-
cided to try Vinol, and before long I
could eat anything I wanted and could
sloop all night. Now I am well and
strong, and in better health than I
have been for years.—Mrs. ANNA
MmLIsog, llcalIsvillo, Ohio.
We guarantee Vinol for all run-down,
weak and debilitated condition&
F. R. SMITH, Druggist, Brussels.
Also at the best Drlggists in all On-
tario towns.
Address a postcard 0 us nn;0
and receive by relit n Reel a cg
copy of our new Illus rat- 4/o•t. %
page catalogue of aerie
)''lower and Field -Seeds h t (;t�
Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, 4+.'a c.)
T7utl8, Garden Tools, etc
SPECIAL.—We tolll also
sand you frac a packet (oalue
15e) of our choicer
Giant Flowering'
Giant Flowering Carnation This carnation is a great favor- tiQ'!�
tic; tate Bowers are large and
fragrant and the plants do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots in tire.
early fall they bloom profusely from October till the end of May. Tatra
plants are easily'propogated from them by cuttings, "pipings" oY laycrin;;.
Send for our calalogue and learn of our oilier valuable premiums. 18
D^ar�c,�h�t7�&_ Hunter Seed CO., Limited, CANADA
qt\JY�I'JtI`it2f7YNta`Vi 'FTy'f7a (: 4. i aN Y,®ed),'ij Viv
A Day That Is Coming
In the life of every Canadian woman
whose husband is "Somewhere in
France" time is yet to be one of two
outstanding days :
The day the telegram arrives telling
of the bread -winner's death or wound-
Or, the day the bread -winner comes
home, safe and sound, to again take
up the duty of winning the family
Against these two days—one of
pain, one of joy—it is equally the duty
of Lhe wife to save, If the husband is
lost, the task of supporting the family
falls on the wife ; if he is saved, the
burden of supporting the family until
he is again earning money will fall on
the wife's savings.
It is the duty—the proud duty—of
the Canadian Patriotic Fund to help
the woman make provision for either
of these inevitable days. Are you do-
ing your part to make it possible for
the Fund to do its duty ?
East Wawanosh Council
The first meeting of the Council for
1917 was held 013 Januaary 8th, the
member's thereof being J. N. Camp-
bell Reeve and Messrs. Buchanan,
Currie, It win and Mr.Gowan, Ooun-
cillos. Having each subscribed to
the statutory declarations of qualifica-
tion and of office, the minutes of last
meeting were read and approved.
All of the old officials were re -appoint-
ed for theat year resent
p y the same
salaries with the exception of the
Assessor, $5.00 being granted that
official on account of extra work in
connection with school statistics.
Communication from the Sick Obild-
ren's Hospital and the Children's Aid
Society asking for grants in aid of
these institutions. $5.00 was donated
to the Children's Aid Society. Six
copies of the Muuicipal World were
ordered as formerly for Council and
Clerk. One dollar was refunded W.
Hewett, being error in dog tax as was
also $1.22 amount of Mrs. Rogers
taxes part Lot 33, Cote 4. Bylaw No.
1, 1917, confirming the appointment of
township officials and By-law No. 2,
1917, appointing the Council road
Commissioners were both read and
passed. The following accounts
were paid :—Trustees of Belgrave
school for Nomination meeting, $4.00 ;
George M. Elliott, grant in aid of
Children's Aid Society, $6.00 ; The
Municipal World subscriptions, $6.00 ;
W. Howatt, refund error in dog tax,
$1.00 ; R. Harrison. sheep destroyed
by dogs, $12,00 ; 0. Campbell, refund
of taxes, part Lot 33, Con. 3, $1.22 ; C.
Oampbell, refund of taxes part Lot33,
Con. 4, $1.22 ; 0. Campbell, balance of
salary as Collector, $15.00 ; Treas. of
Hullett, settlement of boundary line
acc011i11, $8.22 ;.J. Youugblutt, town-
ship share repairingYoungbluttdrain,
$1.00 ; J. T. Coultis, unloading and
delivering Ingot Iron pipe, $2.00 ; J.
T. Ootuitie, tile and delivering on E.
belance$of7pr'inting cohe ntract, $26,06
A.. Porterfield, salary as Clerk, $140.00
postage, $15,00 ; reporting fires, 50
cents, Donnell adjourned to meet
Monday, Feb, 12th,
Temperance Rally at Stratford.
The annual Convention of the County
of Perth Temperance Alliance was held
in the Y. M. 0, A., Stratford, on Wed-
nesday, the 171h Met , and resulted iu a
splendid meeting.
It had been the intention tendon of the ex-
ecutives of Huron and Perth Counties
to hold a joint Convention in Mitchell,
but on account of the change in train
service that was impossible, but a num-
ber of the executive of Huron attended
the Stratford meeting and made quite
all acquisition to the program.
The Treasurer's report showed the
Perth County Association to be in a
good condition financially etally and it was
agreed that the Field Secretary be re-
engaged for another year jointly with
Rev. Mr. Powell, who has been Field
Secretary for some time past, has given
great satisfaction and has showed him-
self well qualified for the position and
devoted to his walk.
His address at the Couventiou was of
much interest.
Addresses were given by Rev. 3,'F.
Knight, Hansell, President of Huron
County ; A. T. Cooper, a former Presi-
dent of Huron ; and Rev. A, J. Lang-
ford, Mitchell.
An interesting part of the program
was a short address from Captain James
Moore, M. D. from overseas, v seas tubo was
given a rousing
'the As- When be closed bis remarks,
the audience, standing, sang the Nation-
al Anthem.
R. B. Hamilton, Treasurer of the As-
sociation, spoke on the future financial
problem. The discussions of the various
questions was very interesting and
brought out some important informa-
tion. The same officers were elected for
the ensuing year and are as follows :—
President, T. L. Hamilton, Listowel ;
First Vice -President, D. G. McBeth, St.
Marys ; Second Vice -President, Hugh
Richmond, Atwood ; Secretary, C. V.
Blatchford, Listowel ; Treasurer, R. 13.
Hamilton, Millbank, The Executive
consists of these officers anti the Presi-
dents of the different municipalities.
Royal Household Flour
Bran Shortsis & Middlings
Expected this week.
Phone 43 or 27 if you want anything
in this line.
W. J. McCracken
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Principal repayable let October, 1919.
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OCTOBER 7th, 1916.