HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-1-25, Page 4t be tiv1sE.el last '`fleiRaDAY, iANUARYee, tg17� CANADA''s motto to -day le ''Give and bet." S'rAri» by the Red Croak: and ha'riotic funds, 1917 (s the 5oth year of the confedera- tion of this Domiaiau, If It werenot for war there would be some "deluge." ADMIRAL. DEWEY, the 'U, S. hero of 'Manilla Bay and the sinking of the anti- quated Spanish navy, is dead, He was never troubled much with big head. TRosx West Simcoe tooters would be good heeds to send to the frout as their mud throwing batteries would do great execution, especially when combined with gas. Pu'r the Militia Act in force in Can ada and all the recruits necessary will be secured to bank up with earnestness the gallant lads who are already doing their part to keep tate Red, White and Blue flying. DoeneIOH Parliament opened its ses- sion Thursday of last week. There are eo seats vacant besides those represent- ed by M P.'s serving overseas. The Government bas now a small majority in the Senate. WEU.s there is every necessity for a recruiting boom the thinking out of best pians to look after the boys who come home from the front should not be overlooked. They must be dealt with most considerately. BETTER sleep will be obtained by many when the German raider on the mer- chant ships of the ocean is captured or sent to Davy Jones' locker, The Kaiser is a past master on a warfare of piracy on the seas. We don't think that the Queen city should lose the insane asylum as it will be bandy to accommodate such fellows as appeal to the police to discover whether they are married or not, pot- witbstanding that a woman is on hand to testify for the affirmative, 6 000 auto licenses are to be issued 5, for r9I7. it is said, and they will be ready by February 1st. The Provincial Government does not appear to think there is going to be any slump in the car business this year. It is a little gold .nine for them from an unknown source r0 years ago. SREAK a good word for your com- munity and prove to the people you meet that you have no grouch and that your liver is all right. Folk often get tired at the everlasting grumbling some people are always ready to unload. Be an optimist for 3 months es a trial just to see how it would go. PLO WING up the Royal parks that have not been cropped for possibly hundreds of years is a notable victory for the com- mon people io England and also evi- dence of wisdom on the part of royalty nd the entr . These acres ill be a g y w used in growing crops to help in the war pressure. HAaRY THAW does not require a medi- cal certificate to prove be is crazy. If the people had to vote on the question Harry would be elected by acclamation. He's a great find for the lawyers and the law courts. Talk about a hen laying golden eggs he bus the poultry yard beaten a mile—barring the goose family —and he has a good lead on it, A NEW champion has donned the arm- or in defence of Woman Suffra a in g the Dominion Parliamentar arena ht Y the ersou of Donald Sutherland M. P P ' for South Oxford, and has given notice of a resolution in that behalf. Every constituency should see that their rep- resentative is made aware of what is expected of him along the line of sup- port of this desirable legislation. D1n you say you were tired of the con- stant calls for money for Red Cross sud Patriotic purposes ? Supposing the tired soldier in the trenches said he was tired and dropped his rifle, the machine gun operator knew be was tired and failed to reply to Fritz, or the aviator sew tired of hi ai i s r scout n What g g then ? Von do not require to be told,, you ktlowthe answer, "We'll never let the old flag tall," KITCItENER bas Mut down tbelr police force froth 8 to 5 owing to the clanged conditions since the Ontario Temperance Aet came into effect, Even a men with a wooden head should be able to understand that grog Is a dead nigh for either individual or un ' - w t m tri g polity to Marry; 'rhe above Is practical proof that Prohibition pays good divi- deucla even in dollars and cents, If good for s province it Should be better toe the Domiyieu. l oVaitelMl'N1's dtfdolti Bee to it that tyle eettlrnet1 or returning soldier boys, who ba•ve been m tithed for life ib the terrible confi.et, will never be permitted to feel want. Where they are able to supple. ment their assistance by their own ef- forts they should do it. It removes the idea of being on the °barite list aucl ed. uouragesthe thought and act of first; class eare. IF King Constantine were shunted from the throne of Greece he would be id great fettle to join a first class circus as an up-to-date Somereaulter er sword swallower. He sure has a cotton string fora backboue, but perhaps he is not lord and master in his own house and' if this latter is a fact many a married man will deeply sympathise with him. Poor Connie ! playing jumping -jack for all and sundry cannot be much fun after all. $6,iso wits paid the other day for a Gucrusey cow. It was the good name of the breeding that boosted the price. The value of a good name for either man or beast is not easily estimded, hence it should be the aim of everybody to keep chnr.,eter unspotted is both word and deed No easy task is undertaken w`ten a person sets out to do better but it bespeaks much toward the winning to decide to do so and then to make the effort. Ni ver surrender, never haul down the flag, fight and win. Rural Mail Box Instructions A rural mail Courier has asked for the publication of the following clipping in TRs Pose :— W arning is given to all rural mail box holders that Instructions have been re ceived from the Postoffice Inspector to the rural mail Couriers that they are not to put [;;amps on letters for the senders, 'that they must leave all letters in the boxes that have no stamps on, That they must leave all money in the boxes that is intended to pay for a letter bei'ng sent without a stamp. Be sure and keep a supply of stamps on haul sod deu't put the Courier in the position of incurring your dis. pleasure by refusing your unstamped letter, His instructions are that he Mnsr and he will hereafter. All Couriers have stamps to sell on their routes and the public must provide themselves with stamps '1'lrese orders are explicit and the rural mail route Courier must follow instruc- ii 4 1' eland a chance of dismissal 0 n o Don't blame him if he leaves your letter in the box, when not stamped, the fault will be yours. EAST HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Meeting—Jno. Ferguson, Prea,dont., The annual meeting of East Huron Agricultural Society was held Wed- nesday afternoon of last week, in the Oouncil Chamber•, Thomas Miller, President, in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The Treasurer's Audited Report was read, the abstract being as follows ;— RECEIPTS Legislative grant $ 281 00 Municipal grant 46 00 Membetabip fees 1916 . 109 00 Membership fees 1917 .......,107 00 Special prizes • 60 00 Pair Gate receipts 774 80 Booth fees.., 19 00 ' ' n and 82 60 Gta d st Entries for speeding events27 50 Concert receipts .. .. 230 30 Share Excursion to Guelph,.,, 7 26 Bull service fees ...•.•........• ,53 00 Balance from 1915 192 45 $1952 86 EBPENDITUBE Prizes paid $ 624 15 Field crop competition 76 00 Fee to Fairs' Association 1 00 Depaetunental Judges.....,20 00 Local Judges.. 21 00 Band and Concert talent154 25 Insurance • 5 00 Expenses, grounds, &c......... 131 30 Livery, drayage, posting bills. 27 60 Printing.. 74 00 Jleals fur Directors and judges 14 75 Oaretakera at Palr 13 76 i 'ke s 11 t• .. 14 00 (, t e e s t a r r e'' al r 75 00 c eta Treueut tea a y y Kee of Society's bull 50 00 Physical drill by soldiers ,.... 48 60 Speeding events 14.4 00 Special prizes 87 60 Halance on hand,....• .......... ... 442 15 $1952 85 Report was adopted. e b n me nbers for 19 7 was ren . r, t f .t 1 d b Robb, M n ald s end- Moved cD n ec ed by Jae Bur gess that Field Crop Competition be held this yearand that crop be nate, Carried. Slaved by J. Burgess and le. J. Honvc n' that we ask for expert Judges fur Fall Fair fon Heavy and Light l(onaes, Cabtle, Sheep and Hoge, Ourried. n no ion oo O rot of tiV, R. Br adfn t sec- c ondec 1 . T u r n a l 1 A .,t r o tt Secretor w s instructed to forward $1,00 Lo A. Me- Farlane fee for membership to Fairs' Aesaoiation. Moved by P, Scott, seconded b�y T, Archibald that East Huron Fall Fair this year be held on the 'usual dates, the first Thursday and Friday of October. Carried, hollowing officers were elected 'for 10 r1.or,Prosi eat cr d li J, Le e President, Sno. Fergueon ; est Vice- f. resident, P, Scott ; 2nd Vice-Presi- t fi 1 tit 1. A'C1 d' t libel Directors G, N. , MtLarelq Thos DHlller, Ales, Stewart, lt. le, Downing 11. L. McDonald, W. 11. letoadfnot, R. Nichol, O. Turnbull, R. 3, llnnvet' and P, A. McArthur ; flatly Directors, Mrs. Geo. Muldoon, Mre..1 IL Galbraith anti Mr's, A. C. Damns ; Auditors, F. S. Scotb and A. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE JAN. e. 1817 NEXT WAR LOAN DEPARTMENNT OP FINANCE OTTAWA Strachan ; Secretary -Treasurer, M. Black, R. Nichol, T. Miller and P. Scott were appointed a Committee to let nontroctfor necessary ditching on the Fair Perk next Spring, Plans will be laid at a meeting of the Directors at an early date for' the Fall Exhibition and udder the new management I917 Fall Fair should be a top noteher. Days May Come and Days May Go but the Mud Stays Here forever. The advet'tisementts used to say— "Just 4 more days till Christmas," but to view the big headlines would cause little enthusiasm here. The day will in all probability be spent much the same as others, although we are hop- ing Lhat the powers that be will con- descend to give us a rest fol• a few hours at least. We are still muck -mixing and at tiimee absorbing a little mixture of which there seems to be an abundance. Robert WV. Service penned a little ar he n ime I su ase ne t verse at o e t pP '�1 about ex teases treuchee, buC it ;it sG p our feelings here : "It isn't the foe that we fear ; It isn't the ballets that whine ; In isn't, Lhe business career' Of a shell or the bust of a mice ; It isn't Lhe snipers who seek To nip our young hopes in the bud ; Nn, it isn't the:gnne, And it isn't the Huns— It's the mud, mud, mud. The disagreeable weather is natur- ally affecting, to a considerable extent the troops from Canada, and the Medi- cal Officel'e are busy men, hospital ac- commodation ie taxed to overflowing. With the exception of Gordon Hoff- man, who has been a very sick boy, but is now on the road to recovery, the Milverton platoon have enjoyed fairly good health, The "Overseas bark" is a common complaint, but is not a serious malady. We are now all housed together and Bill Rosamond who has been superannuated bo head- quat'ters, being a little aged for active service, looks after our palace. W m. has no small task keeping the boys in der. he meals etre cattle d from or r the cook -houses to the huts. Haven't as yet heard grace said before tbe re- past is disposed of. We were somewhat surprised to note in papers from Canada a state - melt by Lieut. 'Torrance concerning troops now coming ft ern that country. Possibly the cub reporter of the Her- ald got his wires ci ossed, for in some respects the information was far from correct. As regards the fit men being sent to school°, there ie not a little of truth. Already men with whom we crossed the ocean have fallen in France and officers of our Battalion are in the front line trenches. Thele is a system in vogue as far as I can see of making training battalions of certain units, Into these, other battalintts ate drafted and as arule the N: (1 O.'s are sent to take differ- ent courses and are then held fur a certain time to train the new men as they some in. In the assertion that many men unfit for service are taken to England and sent back without ever seeing France, I believe there is a heap of truth. Today men who are costing the Canadian people possibly $100 a month are detailed to ramble up and down guarding such important iuslitutnns ae water tanks, wash houses rand coal yruds. This may be necessary but in 005001in language it appears to me as hlawsted rot, Take a mat's view of the situation, for- getting politics for the moment, and the outcome of any reasonable think- ing must be that the people of our land are being bled white situply because he o erument bus not. et decided to t v y lock horns with a difficult problem nd force men who ane fib and able to a take pat t in the big show to get into the khaki uniform. There are thousands of young men in Canada to- day—trot lacking in courage or manli- ness—who would without doubt face the Huns with as much dash and spirit as those who fell at the Somme, Givenchy orFestubert. Ye u ask why are they not here P My belief is that 90 per bent. have not the nerve to break the home ties that bind them fast, They are holding back, fearing more the sight of a mother's tears than German bullets. Most evet'y Bran in the army to -day will tell you he lost more sleep over• enlisting than he inas since signing up. I see there is still a strong appeal for recruits but is it not high time to cease such acts of folly as have here- tofore been perpetrated. A stu- pendous amount of money has been squandered simply to advertise that Canada has raised so many hundred thousand troops, If Quebec is a draw back to conscription why not send a e them fe O rtario battalions to mak w r F e habitats s that behave. Snore oP t t t I noticed on the way through wouldn't be much missed anyway. "Your Man on the Job." Seaford, England, Dec. 21, 1916. DRY BRITAIN IS INEVITABLE To the Editor of T11B Poem: The following is condensed from au arLicle in the Globe of January 6Lh "'The belief is in the air that Lloyd George, win, two years ago, was m favor of State purchase and was forced by the Opposition within the Cabinet to drop his proposals, will now press the liquor question to an is- sue. T.he chief protagonist in the movement for drink flus been Arthur Mee, a Journalist. He bus been the Peter LheHermit of a- crusade which now appears to be on Lhe point of Victory.' PRAHIBITION INEVITABLE "Do you think Prohibition is com- ing Mt•. Mee ? I said." "It is as in- evitable as victory" he replied. "We stand face to face with all the forces of ecientiflc deviltry, and though the things Edison said the outer day are rather hard they are also rather tune. Our people and our Parliarnent both have been "overbeeied." You know how slow we -are, to move. 11 was our freedom that stood in the way—the very thitag we are fighting for, I1 was that which brought us nearer to defeat than we ever have been. Man has so much freedom in this country." tech at school that "Although we s alcohol is poison, for the miserable pit- tance of a few pounds apiece, we allow a hundred thousand men to sell this poison, and then .nen who grow rich selling it we put in the House of Lords. A trade bus so much freedom in this country that it can carry on its work despite the fact thatthe King of England has declared that it pro- longs the war. The free habits of the people have been a sort of fetich with us always. A man can do as he likes, and it was not until the end of the South Aft lean war that the first doct- or went into a school on behalf of the State to see that the children were well enough to learn. He found Lhat a mighty army of them were not fit to be at school and we are beginning to alter that now. But still there are parents who will not let the school doctors see their children. 'Things are coming to a pretty pass" they would say "when a man can no longer do what he likes with his child." When you think ue slow remember that our very freedom makes us so. A man is free in Britain whether he °hind that fact evesltornot. B des r v for the state of thin s lies the cease g that hell nigh break the hearts of those who live in tiia little lancl, who know what she has done and What she might yet do. It is a pitiful thing Receipts and Disbursements of the Howick Mutual dire Insurance Company For the Year 1916 Recel to p eh b 1 nee t ecember 51st 1016 Ca na a n Cash received ns 8xnd pa me ofa ri r y ,eY o[ riot ears p Y et hlrsour from avestm " from investments Expenditure 10220 8 s 0 22881 82 961 15 1681 16 80000 00 $ 42070 58 0000as: Trustees 16. S. No. 1, Normanby, damage to school house by fire Rum stove .... $ 05.00 J. Mock, Minto contents of house, defective chimney....,... 110 00 J. DeYonn , Minto, datninge to house, lightning 88 tri A. Jrorbes, tttinto, liouse destroyed h Ore, defective abhoney 800 00 R. Poen1,• sr„ Morris, bull killed li8htning ... 28 00 J, MONieital, Menillop, damage to louse, lightning" 25 00 (0. S. Maker, 1lowiok, cove killed, lightning 80 00 1t (lathers Bowick, steer killed lightning, 85 00 1L A. Taylor I3ox'ick, heifer killed, lightning - 80 00 1V, S, Mitchell '14trnberry, heifer killed lightning 75 00 Cp Walter Wallace, damage to barn, 2 cows killed, lightn'g 100 00 D. Maaaaldlin, Osgood°, Ilarnage to house, spark from stove 90 00 litre. M. ii erling, Gro , heifer killed, lightning 00 00 111. Whitfield Grey, heifer killed, ligghtningq 85 00 Kre nutty' lHowlok ]colt. )tilled r11 i titdingglttning. 40 00 q 8 00 sw killed li htnin T Fite a and, o , g i. 60 110 H. R, Copeland, A'linto, naw killed, Ilglttinisg L, T'eacock, H,dlett, sow killed lightning 78 50 J. Mal.onnan, grey, steer killed, llglitnin 80 00 J. Chamno , Wallace, steer killed lI Multi 00 00 W. J. MCCmnit Wallace, stomago to 05511, anuen unknown 87 00 Ii. graluger Ii°wick, hoifar killed, lightning 70 UO J. J. Kelly9, lrlorr1e, steer killed, lightning 60 00 Mrs, M. Livingstone, grey, colt ,Iamagqed lightning 26 00 J. D. McEwen, Morrls, steer killed, Ifghtning 60 00 10, Forrester, Ilarnn, mare killed lightning 105 00 M. 11, Nonmm�, Minta, roil kfllotl llgh Ening ,,... 95 00 W. Davidson, Morris, oontonts air barn, cause unknown 4487 70 A. 10. Murray, Morrls, hoiforkilled, lightning 08 60 10 0, M ehan,n ey, olpn, saw kilted, lightning ,.. , . .. • 00 n, Machan, 1'4roy, enit rinlll, ]lig thin 740 00 q. DunIOP, gray, hoifar killed, Bgbening 60 00 ki ro soy kllle 1 li Ittnin g O5 00 R, T. na n q v { B r. , 1t g f rt - 85 00 a. Kerma Morrls hot li damn o II ,1ltg Y, B K R nk a Cincardiim maekili d if h in 170 00 J. L, 1ttIi, i 7 o g to g T. Smith, Morris, asst rilled lightning 49 00 M, Campbell, I3rncn, barnan'daantonta, Bre from burning wo0tls 700 O5 O. M, nknowon, E,1Yawanoeh, barer and contentq onuso unknown . 2000 00 R, 1't. Sonet, el Wawnberry olsar kil ls,t tug h anise unknown 85 00. 1V, J. CamphaO, Turnborr1y1 64, l gtllod, Ilghtnfng 86 00 J, McDonald, Grey, edit killed, Iiglttning - 86 00 00. J. Dnrreoh Wallace, steer ]tilled ligghtning ................. 4^7800 .1 51olwo1, Irlinao steer killed, ligfntnling 68 00 i 1 71 htttln 95 00 A, 13nrr 1Vn nnoeli °alt k llw w t n 5'J b0 t u» t ti i k bettor kilt°{ li �t 111 T. nl t r, all H, v c, 1, B B 86 U0 , eo0uw ❑+htuin 1 B emp, Carrick° dun 1 t 6 B yugr 8U 00-- ' v•killed H htning J lliam aCarok, all , g . , Baird E1 umbo ry, nuoe an, cow eets s rkfroinl, 20 00 I ]laird, Turnborry, house old contonte a ark (ton chit»Boy 100 00 1 H. Rolle, Wallauo, haysttwk, cause unkCnown 100 00 T Balt, Wallace, hoose ted contente,•tirefrom chimney •• 1200 00 S Kinin Turnl'areb ban and contents, lightnin 2201 UO J Melravi h, Turnborry, oontonts of barn, lightniing 82 00 10 J, Hooey Huron, two heifers killed, lightning 05 00 E Snelling, X101, l ce, two heifers killed, lightning ., 06 c0 1 A. lfing, howls*, house ted contents tllefective chimney 100 00 'T. wheaten 'Turnborry, barn and contents, cause' unknown 2u50 00 W, 00. Lorulb, W llace, cote killed, lightning 00 00 pp r 1 li + tnln 26 00 1v. S. ,,sol Art, Tr,na f, tae ktl ed, Lh R, J. Rna801 Aethur,into, b a to it d co lightning 88 00 D, & k ford, Ito, ek,,lamageaid t nts of am l h tk'n 2108 70 q, S. Cook, 1, owlak, ,, da ge o to rn, fl h of �Uarn, lightnig 01 7fi 11, B, Cock, ,, ltawtc daaina to harp, lightning 48 72 R. McDttosh, Howiak, damage to contents of home, caul oil stove ,. 61 26 Mrs. F. Dickson, (Xray, damage to house and contents, unknown 146 00 78:losses under 826,00 Oach 770 66 Commission to agents _ 1104 80 Commission ori collootnons 4: 20 Law coats 11 50 Fuel 65 08 Repairs to furnace 2781 Stttt,tigating end npfusti11 olaima 022 90 Statutory Assessment and License foe - 10.4 OS 'Travelling expenses 88 50 Taxon 125 02 ]tont 0 00 Bearoters' faeos,, salary 1200 00 nireotors'to0s 802 30 Auditors' fees - 80 0U fritting, statio eryAnd advertising 180 05 Postage, telephoto and express 107 05 Presit ant for services 20 00 Care of Ball, annual meeting 2 00 r utunl l Ire ilndorwrit0rs Aoso i L ie M cit n Wo , ,,, ,,, 10 00 Call o 1nereturned to Vsliay holders 910 01 Cull on'1'elnpltmlo stook 70 00 Subscription 15 I'atrintfu]rand 600 00 Sullscrl tion to Canadian lied Cross 1+knd 00 00 p 0 1st n enrol n of g nada Wa• Loan ,,,,,,„1700 r,8 Coo , e depo al Oanadn IVa. Loon 11700 00 Cool, ea ""11. it: Royal Hark of Canada, TI0I'rI000a„.,,.,$ 00 01 Standard flank of Cauda Brussels 180 84 Banko(llnmilton, Wroxeter 812.0 80 Cant ath0al of0oo „ .,. ,,, x 12 88 8404 18 8 42070 60 (.0 to' lint 11. Ill tt'Upl ttltlt foil it yam!! anti spore we allowed 1t pt'lvttte teethe in Britain to stand iu the way 1,f Yios I1ory fot' our elites ; while civile',',Lion lies been corkingend reeltin0, (treat Ili italn has been boiling ts'ilh drink,” linty Iha nkfu1 %se ehoulcl be for our partial Prohibition iql, 100 still goon 'fooling” lvith Bo ea11ed "tetuperanc6 beer" 1 bah enintnina inure 1111411 a large litblelynitnlftd or 11l'nng. lvhibitey in over y ghtss," 1.1. A1oNosA, M. B,, el. O, P, S, N• HAT'S you' bol by? 'fila 1'o 'r 1)01erea i•1 [gine fram:else. Notice to Creditors In the 11'alter of the estate of David Tomlinson, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of 1Iuron, gentleman, deceased. Native is horeliy give t pursuant bo "T1fe lit. vlsmit Statutes of Onta io," Unit ail ct'editors and others having alalia° eglllltet the este be 01 the bald David Tomlinson, who flied on or about the 27[11 day of November, A, D. 1010, are required on or before the 1-t day of Feb- runry A. D 1017, to send by past prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Exeenbore, Brussels Post O81oe, their Ohrl-ilea and Nurnnma', addresses and descri tions, the full pm'ttoL- lore of their claims, the statement of. ttheir ae- count•s and the nature of the secut'ities (if any) held by them. A n,l further take noble° that otter r+uoh .last mentioned date the sold ltxecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the particle entitled thereto, having re- tsard only to -tile claims of wglfah they shall then have notice, and the said Exeoutors will not bo liable for the skid 12toute 0t' any part thereof to any t' person. o• persona of wIiOoo claim notice shall not have bouts received by them at the time of sash dlttrihmtton. Dated this 4th day of January A, D. 1917. A11ES lllJ OQ810•SSN� E0000 0l'0. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be hold in Brussels this season as follows - THTTRSDAY, Feb. let, 1917 " Mar, 1.31, 1917 " April 5th 1917 leading local and outside buyers sill be present t0,•0rr. 0*iwansacr mesa' aarxran4 ,:;.. :0 TteIIdoIID for Note School Roue Tendon's will ba receive'd by' the undersigned up to 1Pebruot•y tied, 1017, 01 05» In , for the e•eotiort 01 it brick 00lieol helrse In fi. t4. No 4 losyrbe neonnattlW. tilt NfoOiit hon i b,al 6 26 OthLine, Morris, 'Pito lowest or Boy 001140r neb necessarily co5opbed. Le JO1.RDAN, $ea -Tree ,. 0. Hound Strayed Strayed ml the promisee of the undereignod, l,et 0, 001.2 Gray on Dee. 28011, n hound dog. Owner• may love 1111m by Iiroving pprof Bete and paying expenses, A. 13Al.LINC+ALL, Bulls for Sale 1 roan. ]full enlved 001. Ord,10(4, sired b Sil- vorStar 84474, his grand areboing Gilts Victor Iinp , owned bp J, A. Watt. Dam was got by Perfection 0100 , his grand dant on sire's side is Fenny Lf. 88, 67541, Guhltord Porfeotio»'s dam. 1 red roan bull calf, about 1 year old, sired bp Brave Royal 00091 ; grand sire, Mildred Roy - 01 25858 ' his dmn was aired by a spicy Mar- quls bull. Also will have 5 young butte on or about Den. OBnd, grand elred by Gainford Marquis 88766, Imp, Have two more bought whith will arrive Inter whose grand sire is also Galntord Mar- qulo 80755. Those in need of a bull should cull and see them at Lot 80 Oon. O, Morrie townehip, 136 miles Nort18 of 1V, lton on ravel road, ' 14051AB PIEROE, Phone 5010. 1i. R, No, 0, Brus8elo, Farms for Sale The undersigned offers for sale his fine 180 acre POrnt being Lot 12, and puri of Lot 18, Oon. 5, an11 BO acres on Lot 7, don. 4, Township of Grey, Hpro0 County, On the former is a good 1,risk louse. extra good barn, 00 x 100 feet all cemented aid water' installed, acre in Or•- oha•d, huo y0 acres la chiefly busb. A leo 100 Bores, being Lot 12. Con.6, 1n sante township, 12 Bares of extra good 1x1)11 wheat and over 40 am'es plowed. Both farlas in good condition.... For further -particulars Bs to prices, terms and conditions, apply on Ibo premises or write JOHN JACKSON, Telephone 4010, Ethel P. O. Farm for Sale The undersigned oflors her fine 125 Dore farm being Lot 8 and W pt 9, Oon, 6, Township of Grey, for sale, On the promisee is n good brick house with frame kit0hen and woodshed ; large bank barn and drtving abed, also a windmill, end everything in good repair. Land in first - Mess state of cultivation. For further panto. niers apply to the proprietress on the prem- 1ies: MRS ISABELLE BTRAOHAN, Phone 409 Ethel P. 0, House for Sale Comfortable house end g{ acre of land for sale hl the Village of Ethel. Property belong- ed to the estate of the late Mrs. Alex. Molloy, Collar, drilled well, &e., on the premises. For farther porttoulere eppl • to 15.1? A. I1. MACDONALD, Ethel. ei4e9♦♦4400♦04$00.0 *°004.009 344004600♦ 000300.444'♦4•♦•0 ee era�M��t' ♦ t • t „ 8 o A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly o Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise. O S O I i 2 • Call and get our prices and we will be • abide the result. r • ♦ 2 Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul- cahy Bankrupt Stock. if you are a Bargain Hunter your wants can be supplied at our Store. 0 • • ♦ 0 s e 2 • A • • 0 m 0 9 e m m 0 • • • satisfied to e 0 a e m m ♦ s 0 m m 0 ♦ • ee•e'oea♦ll•ooesse 0Omm•441.404.♦04'44900.404'004' eeeee♦ee♦00.0 =d a1 �— illi I II 4 ' III a l s's; ,,e �1 1 u 3 �( i✓ iI I I r IIIIBRUSSELS I e a IIII III II I I► II I IIII I IIID �t6Uit4i t ��p�iii �ii�1 >1i 'ti' 1aj; .,:.. )IhnUti]1.tltl9rsu c ,u� .f ' Ft�y�p I P_ r. °tri " txta"rst"t a r . � 1 _f:� a7� -31,rm, _,:a, �,-!"�, "MAT)E rN CANADA"4 The 1917r,Ford "Tourin ""Car e.� to �E .r �a $x'95.. ® f. o L. Ford, ono, YOU doll t netld%extravagant cretins t0 Ju5- tify your choice When you buy the Ford, The new model fi - (: ve pass _ager Touring Car at $495 is standard automobile value. Ii , u ' I don t need t mal o t:e clriims ul ff `tin a E g you this car, I show you the car, itself, and give reasons, The quality, the price and the service it gives makes satisfaction sure, You can al- 4 ways depend on the I ord. Let us show ou the new model to -day — Y Y ,a -n �f ... e ��h"fi 4d ®®®� d+tT �n � F,s .� =d a1 �—