HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-1-25, Page 2Tea is Delicious and Pure
Sealed Packets Only Never in Bulk
teee, sufficiently stut, indeed, should
he be happy enough to reach it in a
epring, to support his weight, but the
chances are that he will not reach it,
It is a terrible risis to rum—a risk
in which failure means a severe acci-
dent, if not instantaneous death; .but
to Saxon's oversyrought feeling it an
doing anything that might )ring a
Web, however innocent, to her eheek,
The walls home is a very miserable
one for Krin, All through the woods
and fields she is haunted by the knowl-
edge of what Is before her, and visions
of her 'nether's wrath, mingled with
Ithoda's censures, uttered in the (dear
pears preferable that he should suffer lady -like staccato she knows so well,
from some broken bones than that rise; up to torture her. When they
Krin should have to endue all the bit- reach the balcony that runs by the
ter reproaches that will be surely drawing -room windows they Pause to
heaped upon her if they be discovered look in and see who are the occupants
in their unsought imprisonment, Per of the room. The lamps are burning
haps, too, even if he did come to the brightly, and at the furthest end sits
ground, he might not altogether lose Rhoda, peacefully reading. Mrs.
Crofton also has a book before her,
consciousness; and if he could only
manage to crawl to the door and turn but her eyes do not rest upon it; her
that unlucky key, all might yet be fencxejoiussexiterrermifieel(yi peaxlvei,znsidanth
en ar:Waist a1111
well. It has grown so late by this a
time that he has lost all hope oe seei n
: speaksaonf she unknown fears.osatthe i
ing any one come to the reecue; if
matters be allowed to continue as they as though(eTicopebeetienogntsioniuneedr.e.
now are, it is more than probable 'hey I
will have to spend the night in this
detested tower, and that is not to be ,.
thought of for a moment: so— -
"Saxon," cries Krin, suddenly rising
Before them, half hidden by the like to know?" asked Krin, with to her feet, s
I shall go M"why don't you peak?
ad if' this goes on 'much
giant trees, rises a tower, old and
ivy -clad. •
"That tower has always had a
white face and frightened eyes; "how. longer. Have you no plan, no idea'
are we to get out?" i Oh, clo something to get us out of this
"I don't know," says Saxon, and place!"
facination for me," says Krin, stop- then, the absurdity of the situation She lays her band upon his arm,
ping suddenly to regard the old pile striking hint, he bursts into laughter, and raises her face imploringly to his.
before her. "Who built it, and how sudden and irrepressible. For a mo_ As he returns her gaze he sees two
long ago?" ment Krin disapproves this line of large miserable tears rise in her eyes
"Oh, hundreds of years, possibly." conduct, but presently—being yaung, and roll slowly down her pale cheeks.
"It must have been uncomfortable and her own laughter ever near— They pierce through Saxon's very
as a residence at the best of Hines, she too gives in and joins heartily in heart.
with all those great open slits for win- his merriment, forgetful of the awful, "Krin, Krin, don't do that!" he ex -
dinner? "I can, 1 will do
whistle. What is inside it, / won- say when they arrive late for
flows' through which the wind must consequences. What will mamma, claims, hurriedly.
I something, but do not unnerve me.
How will proper Rhoda look?
der?" Forgive me before I go, child, for
"Dust and spiders, I should say. "Of course somebody will come making you so unhappy."
Some day we will get the key from old directly to let us out," she says, with " 'Goe " whispers Krin, shrinking
Simon, and reconnoiter. Bye the conviction in her tone. from him. "Go where?"
bye, talk of somebody—here is old "Of course. You remember old, "Look, it is quite simple," be says,
Simon. Sirnon, have you the key of Simon said he would be back here leading her to the window and point -
this place about you?"again to -night, and 'gwith '
"Ay, master,—my 101.1,-1 allus car- meant early evening without doubt."
ries it here," returns old Simon, div- "Then let us go up tairs again, and
ing into one of his numerous pockets, wait for him above, It is so dismal
and producing a huge key, that is al- here!"
most bright from constant friction. But waiting does not bring him. Ile speaks lightly and presses her
"Will you be long here, master, my An hour passes slowly away. The hand to reassure her. But she is not
lord?" he goes on, wistfully, as he shadows grow longer and longer. to be so deceived,
hands the key to Saxon. "I was on "What o'clock is it now?" asks "Oh, no, no!" she gasps, trying with
my way home, and—" Krin, in a low tone, and for the hun- both hands to draw him from the
"Then continue it," says his master, dredth time Saxon examines his window. "It is not to be thought
kindly: "I will keep the key until we watch. of. No one could do it It would
meet again. Do not let me delay "A quarter to seven," he answers, be certain death. You shall not go."
you." reluctantly. "Nonsense, Krin! do not be foolish.
"I shall be up at the house again "Oh," moans Krim in a voice of 1 tell you I can and will do it. Come, were: Danbeney oats mid mMandsch-
to-night wi' a message; ayhap if . anguish, "are we never to be released ? look up, and wish me luck; in five min-
euri barley in 1910; Alaska oats and
you're going there you would leave it How shall I ever face mamma and utes I shall have you laughing at 0. A. C. No. 21 barley in 1911; Dan-
ing to the sturdy branch; sha
spring from here, and catch that (I
wonder did not think of it before).
I shall then descend, open the door for
you, and set the bird free."
13'g Yields Produced by Mixing Grains
The average results obtained from
sowing oats and barley in combina-
tion of equal amounts in bulk, but in
various total quantities per acre, by
members of the Ontario Agricultural
and Experimental Union, show that a
mixture of one bushel of oats and one
bushel of barley, or a total of two,
bushels per acre gave the highest
general yield in grain production in,
1915 and also in the average of the,
Previous five years throughout On-
It was found by experiment at the,
college previous to recommending!
these tests of barley and oats in corn-'
bination for co-operative work,
throughout the province, that a com-
bination of varieties of the same class
of grain gave no satisfaction through
increased grain production, but that
combination of certain classes show-
ed decided advantages; one of the
most marked being that of oats and
barley of the right variety, which
gave a yield of .200 lbs. per acre over
either grain grown separately. Tho
varieties giving this exceptional yield
beney oats and 0. A. C. barley in 1913
wi' Mrs Mason for me," says Simon,' Rhoda? I wish I had never seen this your fears. Now go away from the
as though anxious to regain the tree- hateful tower! Why dol you induce
Stare he is parting with for so short a me to enter it'?"
time. The accusation conveyed in this
"I will," says Saxon, and, with speech 15 so unjust that for the mo-
. mumbled thanks, the old man shambles ment Saxon is silent.
off through the woods toward his cot- "How can you say I induced you,pro.n the mahe: seeding (123.lbs.) was most
fully awaiting him. has recovered himself. "Did you not ing noise through the still air,
Rowden turning the key in the mac- tell me you were most anxious to see crackling of wood, and Krin, shudder-
s ' hyear thelightest. ' '
uccessfttl, these being dry years but
• sive lock, the tower door swings easily the inside? When you said that, ing and half fainting, sinks back upon thatin each
bacicward, and they enter. Within, what could I do but show it to you ?" the friendly bench. gave the lowest yield of grain per
all is dark and gloomy, though a few' "Nevertheless it is all your fault; Is it five hours, or five minutes, or au'
, threads of light stream down from but foe you I would not be here no -w." , a lifetime? Saxon's voice rings sud-
Results from father experiment
the openings above, and there is not "But for Simon, you means, cu ti your, deniy in her ears, as though sound-
with the sowinof miseed grain for
so much dust nor as many spiders own desire." I ing through deep water; and, looking the production of grain will probably
as they had imagined. 1 "It was you opened the door," she up, she finds him bending anxiously be announced at the coming meeting
of the Experimental Union and extra
"Ugh! how dreary!" shivers Krin; insists, pettishly, looking all the time over her. ' interest in the practice will no doubht
and together they ascend the narrow like a beautiful spoiled child as she "You silly child," he says, cheer -
winding stairs that lead into the only sits on the old stone bench, her head fully, "I do believe you fainted. Are he expressed by many farmers whose
other room the tower contains —a turned petulantly from his gaze, her you better now? Conte, the air will chief interest in grain -growing lies in
bare, desolate apartment, void of all eyes watching through one of the do you good, and we can make our the production of a plentiful supply
of feed for live stock. The habit.
furniture beyond a atone bench that openings in the wall for any chanceof escape at last." ! growing the old standard comes out a fixture from the wall. passer-by. "Of course when you did He laughs, and, passing his arra wheat, oats and barley—by themselves
"1 confess I am disappointed," says. so, I went in: who could have done around her, raises. her to her feet, is so get in the minds of mazy farm-
': ' Krin, laughing. "NoW, for what pins.' otherwise? But there! where ii the Mechanically she follows him to the ors that it will be difficult to induce
For a moment he hesitates, then, 0. A. C. No. 21 barley in 1015.
window, and wait over there for me.
taking her face in both his hands, Three different thicknesses of seed -1
kisses her gently. A little later he ing (41, 82 and 123 lbs, per acre)
were used in the co-operative experi-
is standing on the stone parapet that
and the tabulated results
t from the wall There is a ments,
pose was it built?" I use of losing your temper by it? I top of the stairs, but there, even them to change .their method, but the
"I hardly know; not as a watch- • am in a dreadful scrape, an s a gI 1 f lli darkness a deep fact that feed is except one y scarce
tower, certainly, as it does not rise never be forgiven, that is all." i red stain upon his hand attracts her and high in price at the present mo -
sufficiently high to betray the ap-. "You need not make matters worse notice. I
ment should do something toward
proach of foes. I suppose they must than they are," says Rowden, gloom- : "What is that?" she asks, nervously, popularizing any means that will in -
have thought it would look picturesque ily; "you cannot be more upset about stopping short; "is it blood? Oh, crease the supply without added cost.
among the trees." . the whole affair than I am. But"— Saxon, you are hurt!" and this, added With cattle prices as they are, The
"I should like to put in windows, and going over to one of the windows and to all the previous excitement, over- live stock raiser should be satisfied to
oak chairs, and tables," says Krin re- staring down—"even if I jumped out Coming her, she hides her face in her follow his line of farming to the limit'
flectively: "it would be a charming it would do you no good. The fait hands, and bursts into a passion of and give up attempts to win out on .
plstee for tea in the summer, and—" would certainly stun me, if it did no tears. I either of two counts, namely, sale of
A loud noise, fol101Ved by a decidedis worse; and to have me lying insensible "Corinna," says Saxon, quietly, al- grain in case of good prices, or sale I
that?" she murmurs, faintly alarm,d. the least" somewhat wildly, "I declare I am as- prices are very much below the aver -
Canadians wanted for the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer
Reserve for immediate overseao service, Only men of good
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Pay $1.10 Minimum per day—Free Kit.
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NAVAL PATROLS for defence of the Coasts.
Apply to COMmoDords d'EmiLIUS JAmos
Naval Recruiting Officor, Ontario Aran
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Dept. of the Naval Service '
click, interrupts her speech. "What out there would not help matters in though his puleett are throbbing of grain on the hoof, only when grain
"The door closing, I think." "Do you suppose want you to kill hamed of you. I thought you quite eIt such a course is consider -
"Oh, is that all! How loud it sound- yourself ?" says Krin, half frightened; a plucky title girl, and see, a mere
ed too much of a plunge, then at. least
scratch upsets you. Why, your own a particular field should be set apart
toy penknife could give as severe a for the growing of the market grain
cut. I assure you I don't even feel while the majority of the farm is de -
R. Come, remember how late it is."' voted to production of feed. An ex -
He feels a great desire to take her eessive yield, due to the mixing of
in his arms and kiss away the tender two classes of grain, should he well
tears she is shedding for hint, buti worth trying for at any rate,
some inward thought and something There are many parts of Canada
in the time and place prevent him, that are so situated with regard to
Although he did press his lips to hers!soil and want of proximity to market,
before attempting the dangerous feat' as well as climatic conditions, that
that, but for his being fortunate en- wheat -growing is their obvious line.
ough to reach the tree, might have; To these districts should be left the
resulted in his death, still, now Hutt' tvork of providing wheat for export,
dritiger is at an end, he shrinks from and, largely, for all milling purposes,
until such time as through decrease
of fertility of the soil, the farmers of
the districts find it necessary to go
into live stock raising.
ed! Come, the place is uncanny;
let us go on to the house."
But 'Saxon's face is slightly clouded.
"I hope the lock has not shot into
its place," he says, uneasily; "it hes
that triek, I know, though I forgot
all about it until now."
"Nonsense! do not let us imagine
evil," Krin exclaims, nervously, run-
ning down the stone steps, while be
quickly follows her. But when they
reach the door they find it fastened
and locked against them beyond ail
doubts -the key being nn the outside.
"Now what is to bo done, I should
and again silence falls between them.
Half past seven. Half past eight.
The long summer's evening is draw-
ing to a close at last: it is growing
positively dark. For the last hour
not one word has been spoken by eith-
er of them. This slow torture has
proved too much for Saxon. For the
past ten minutes he has been revolving
a wild idea in his brain, and with it
before him is feet losing sight of all
common sense.
Not far from one of the open spaces
in the wall that represent windows
stretches sideways the branch of a
• 2 and 5 lb. Car one,.
ID, 20, 50 end 100 ih. Bags.
is made in one grade only—the highest. So there is
no clanger of getting "seconds" when you buy
Redpath in the original Cartons or Bags.
"Let Redpath Sweeten it."
Canada Sugar Refining Co, Limited, Montreal.
It Pays to' Use Good Fertilizers
Cheap fertilizers are always more expensiVe in the long
run. If they are not well mixed, for instance, they may
produce uneven plant growth, because the fertilizer is weak
in some places and strong in others. Make sure of first-
class results by using
They are very finely ground and perfectly mixed by the most
thorough method known. Ono of these fertilizers Is the right one
for your soil. It will increase your crops, hasten maturity, improve'
the quality and make more money for you. Harab-Davies fertilizers
are true plant foods good for both crop and soil. Write to -day for
bulletins ad our fertilizer booklet. We send them tree of charge.
Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto.
Value of Farmyard Manure.
The cost of manure obtained from
the dealers is determined by the ex-
pense of handling the commodity and
by the law of supply and demand.
The exact value of, the manure as a
fertilizer is not very closely consid-
ered by the farmet, and the dealer is
not concerned in that side of the ques-
tion to any extent beyond satisfying
the demands of the purchrtser, with as
little expense to himself as possible.
To gain an adequate idea of the
benefit derived from using this or any
other fertilizer on a particular crop it
is noceseary that a check plot or strip
of the field, entirely unfertilized, be
set apart for comparison with the
main portion In cases where com-
mercial fertilizers are used on one
part of a field and barnyard manure
on another part, the cost of the for-
mer should be kept strict account of
and its end compared wtth that of
ethe Ori . •
Can you guess it ?
There are housewives whose
cake is always praised—whose
pastry is famous for i ts melting
flakiness—whose firm, light
bread wins daily compliments—
whose puddings are noted for
savoury lightness—whose cook-
ies are so lastingly crisp.
They have o ne rule that applies
to all their baking.
Can you guess it ?
11 Lill „L. rig ese,
Itt`iktfte2 .Meilfettilf*tl';'-'.:1Akft 'I 444'i
the latter; then if the effect of both
is equal, the value of the manure may
be vet down as equal to that of the
commercial fertilizer used.
Of course, with barnyard manure a
great deal of expense is added in
handling, by reason of the great bulk
required in comparison with other
fertilizers, but the humus supplied by
the former offsets this, Lo some ex-
tent, possibly entirely. The value of
this supply of humus is, however, a
matter difficult to determine, requir-
ing as it does, the tracing of effects
through several years' crops.
A mistake made by many growers
of vegetable crops is that of increas-
ing the application of manure unduly
the :text season, after leaving obtained
a satisfactory crop owing to the use
of a relatively small quantity.
A case in point within the writer's
knowledge was that of a man who
made a success of tomatoes in one
season by the use of 20 tons of ma-
nure to the acre; hoping to nearly
double 'his crop in the second year,
and also to benefiti the peach trees
between which the tomatoes were
planted, he doubled the application
of manure, eeith the result that his
second crop of tomatoes consisted
chiefly of vines, and was not as good
as that of the first year.
In general farming it is always
found that light but frequent appli-
cations of manure pay better than
heavy dressings at long intervals. By
this method not only is less excess
lost by evaporation or leakage, but if
a systematic rotation of crops is main-
tained the greatest benefit can be de-
rived from the manure indirectly,
though the conservation ef Lite un-
harvested part, of the crops by plow-
ing them into the ground. A Bad Case.
The proud mother was Showing off
her son to a neighbor.
"Ile grows more like his ,father
every day," she said,
"Dear me," he said. "A ml have
you tried everything?"
A man may be on ttlic right trach
and yet have neateam in his boners,
French Deputy Says It Will TiliCe. a
Genius to Frame, a Suit-
able Treaty.
Under the title of "The Peace We
Need," Fernand Unguent', peputy
ZiOsa:lvados, writes in the Echo de
• "The peace which will conclude this
unparalleled war will be the greatest
event in history, and the treaty which
will ratify it must be a masterpiece.
"It is necessary that the peace of
Europe shall be assured for least half
a century. For her 11 18 a question of
life or death. This war has already
extinguished three or four times as
many lives as all the wars from 1792
to 1815 together. Europa will come
out of it greatly weakened, and will
need a long period to recover. An-
other such bloodletting would spell
her doom.
Treaty Will be Greatest in History.
"A long, a . very long, peace is,
therefore, necessary, and this must be
the main object „of the treaty. The
problem to be solved is, in fact, noth-
ing less than to rebuild Europe, for to
have a good peace it is necessary to
have a good Europe, that is, a well-
balanced Europe, The latter can only
be obtained by assuring a species of
equality between the great nations
and by imposing moderation on the
nation which has expanded itself un-
duly and aims at universal domina-
tion, without, however, destroying it
under the pretext of curbing.
"To draw up this treaty, which will
be the greatest in history, a man of
genius will certainly be necessary, for
he will have the formidable task,
which four centuries have tried to ac-
complish, namely, that of adopting
the Central Empires into the Euro-
pean system. But have we this man
among our diplomats?
"To establish the needed equilibrium
the political factor will not be de-
cisive, as in 1816. The economic fac-
tor has equal, if not greater, import-
ance. Are our diplomats prepared to
consider both aspects of the question,
or will it be necessary to call in the
magnates of commerce and industry
to solve the problem? Seen of the
latter have already expressed their
views on the subject of peace, which
is fortunate, since it has shown us
whither they would have led us.
Nation Should Study Question Now.
"In France private interests have
for too long a period dominated public
interests. After the war WO Shall
know to what extremes this political
regime has brought our dountry. Once
and for an, private interests must be
subordinated to those of the public in
France. It will not be possible for
the Governments to issue peace de-
cisions without the consent of the
people, who will demand to know and
slide' Government was
must,In brerainnfeeermt
afraid of a five -lettered word, 'peace.'
The word has been uttered and NVO
have seen the effect it produced. Now
it is permitted to discuss the topic
and it is well, for at the front as well
as behind the people were fearing
that those, on whom the duty would
s ,gpatu*ibbsleiei edb
fall to snake peace might be talcen by
; surprise by
,prc;nevent and consent to
must study this
question from now on, and the will
of the nation must find its expression.
Serae maintain that it is too early and
- that we should wait for victory. No;
t then it will, indeed, be too late.
"Nothing during this war has turn-
ed out as we expected. Who knows
whether peace will not come more
quickly than we suppose? Do not
let us be taken by surprise by peaco
as we were by war."
Of All the Factors That Enter Into
Life, the Most Deadly.
I am more powerful than the mom -
billed armies of the world.
I have destroyed more men than all
thewareOafr ede
I om mban bullets, and
I have wrecked more homes than the
mightiest of siege guns.
I steal in the United States alone,
over $300,000,000 each year.
I spore no one, and I find my vic-
tims among rich and poor alike; the
young and old; the strong ad weak;
widowand orphans know nie.
I loom up to such proportions that
I cast my shadow over every field of
labor from the turning of the grind -
A0118 to the moving of every railway
trai n,
massacre thousands upon thou-
sands of wage earners in a year,
I lark in unseen places, and do meet
of my work silently. You aro warned
Tam r;hei e In
the henee oe the greets, in the fac-
tory, at railway 11 asinge, mai ott the
sieluq,,A, degradation and
death, and yet few seek to avoid ole.
/ destroy, crush or maim; I give
nothing, hut take all, •
am your worst enemy.
1 AM CARELESSNESS - tettituditin
Forestry Joarnal,
Editor—How's the new society re
porter? I told him to condense a
much as possible.
Assistant—He did, Here's his ac
count of yesterday's afternoon tea
Mrs. Lovely poured, Mrs. abbe).
roared, Mrs. Duller bored, Mrs. Rasp
ing gored and Mrs. F,mbonpoin
INBEEMEMPAISIY1'" legettligillitigntMN
Indigestion, biliousness, head-
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liver ttoubles. And the more
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suffer. Take Mother Seigel's
Syrup if your stomach, liver, or
bowels are slightly deranged or
have lost tone. Mother8eigers
Syrup is inade from the curative
extracts of certain roots, barks,
and leaves, which have a re-
markable tonic and stretigthen-
lag effect on all the organs of
digestion, The disitessing symp-
toms of indigestion or liver
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Symp. There am many imita-
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is the
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