HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-1-25, Page 1VOL. 45 NO. 30
1.5o Per Amaro iii Advance
New Advertisements
Tenders-M.M rd o
P 1
Poiisl Reading bolts -P. onfoMarrtt
For seta (3 ul b 8 Soeforth.
House for eels I'na nob%
Oard or ha s-0, Speer.
pard al Thanks O; Ilan tik
A n Hua ism enthr F -M. lilaok,
Sows for sale-Shurrio , Sharpo,
Homo and lot for sale-Tns Posm.
Honlestead Fertilizer -Minh. Carbon Works.
air .CSt1.tCt 'tents
ANNIVERSARY. --A week from next
Sabbath Rev. Mr. Abery, Londes
boyo', will preach anniversary ser-
mous in Knox church at 2 30 and 7.30
p. In. The choir will supply special
music and an offering will be taken at.
each service. Monday evening a
choice program Will be given when
the choir will be assisted by the pope
lar Lawrie family, of Hamilton;
Readings by Misses Lily Harrison and
Lulu McDonald ; and addresses by
Revds. Messrs. Doan and Ferguson,
Monkton ; McCulloch, Oraiibrook ;
andAbery, The chair will be occupied
by the pastor, Rev: Mr. Lundy.
Next Wednesday evening the .For-
esters pul'pose holding an At Hume
in their Hall open to the members,
their wives, eweethearts, &c.
Friday afternoon of this week, at
2.80 o'clock, the union Patriotic prayer
meeting wallet held in Trinity church.
Rev. Me. Boyle will give the address.
Reeve Campbell, East Wawanoeh,
is attending to his duties at; County
Councillor this week at Goderich.
We would like to see him grace the
Warden's chair some day,
In the absence of Rev. Mr. Hawkins
last Sunday afternoon, who was at-
tending a funeral at Auburn, the ser-
vices in Trinity church was taken by
F. Metcalf, Rlyth, in an acceptable
The Congregational meeting of the
Presbyterian church was held Tues-
day afternoon. Everything was found
in good condition and satisfactory
progress had been made. Alex.
Porterfield was appointed Secretary
Treasurer instead of P. W. Scott, who
Card of Thanks
I wish to very heartily thank Grey
township electors for the vote accord-
ed me for Councillor last Tuesday.
My ambition will he to do my best in
advancing the interests of our muni-
pipal ity during 1917.
Yours truly,
500 Bags Potatoes from 5 Acres
W. A. CRAIG, Sarnia, Ont., says :
"This year I planted 6 acres of pota-
toes on clay land applied 000 pounds
Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer to
the acre broadcast. The piece was
cultivated six.times and Spring plow-
ed. It was harvested August 20th
and yielded 500 bags fine merchantable
Potatoes, I have used Homestead
Fertilizer for 5 years and always got
good results. I would not plant pota-
toes without it."
Corn and Wheat Doubled
TIMOTHY DUNHAM, Saltford, Det-
ails), sive •
"I used fifteen hundred pounds of
Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer on
ray corn last season and was vett'
much pleased with the reeults. I also
nsed;Len hundred pounds on my wheats.
last Fall, and am already eatistied that
it paid me well to do it, as there are u
few spots that the drill missed sowing
and the wheat thine isn't More than
half as good. I think this ought to he
enough to convince any persue wheth-
er it pays to sow fertilizer or not."
Write Michigan Carbon Mete, De-
troit, for free book and particulars
about their Homeillead Bone Black
•]••F'Fir- ..,.!!••h't'....'d.4.4., 7•i'+++......+
Free Bros.'
Studio - Brussels +
friday and Saturday
Each Week
Picture framing Neatly Done
Best Newspaper
In Western Ontario
The London Advertiser
All Mail Editions $3.00 per yr.
lilts filled the otice 'for the past 20
vato. A sl tbslraniial Marimba was
t10(1 a in the paid hr's Paial
Officers for the I ud a Aid Snriet
of theMethodich are -Presi-
ry st hued)
dent, Mrs W. 0. Procter Vice -Pres
Mrs, A. Procter ; Sec., Mrs, McOal-
luni ; Treas., Miss Edna Sctfndrett ;
Auditors, Mrs. Joe, Brandon and Mrs.
(Rev.) Parnaby. Balauee in hand,
$30 00. First meeting since election
was held at Mee. Joseph Brandon's on
Tuesday with a good attendance.
Gunnel Robt. Masters wits bit on
the nose by a piece of shell recently
but not seriously .wounded, Be has
been at the front since last July.
The second annual Old Times Dance
will be held in Oardno's Opera Ball on
Friday evening, February 211(1. Four-
teen mnsieians and eight floor mann-
ggers have donated their services and
in addition there will be special piping
and Scotch darning, Ladies must
bring lunch and coffee will be supplied
at the Hall. Acltnission-Gentlemen,
Ex -REEVE GLEN DEA).- William-
Glen, ex -.Reeve of Stanley township,
died at his home here Monday in his
57th year. Up to last month, when
Mr. Glen moved with his family to
their new home in Olieton, he had
been a lifelong resident of Stanley
township, about 3 miles ft nm Olin ton.
He had been in poo' health for abont
a year. He is survived by his wife,
also one son, Edward, land three
daughters, Mrs. G. Elliott, Clinton ;
Mrs. Saunders, Goderich and Miss
Bessie at home. I•Ie .was a member
of Clinton Presbyterian church, had
represented Stanley in Huron Co.
Council for a number o:f years and was
a prominent member of the Conserva-
tive party.
Monthly Horse Fair Saturday of
next week.
B. F. Carr, Ethel, visited his home
here last week.
Reeve Reis is attending County
Council in Goderich this week.'
Richard McMichael from Manitoba,
is visiting his mother and other rela-
tives here.
Mrs. M. McLennan and Irwin Duret
have been on the sick list during the
past week.
Crosby Leckie, Aylmer, was a visi-
tor with his brothel, George Leckie,
last week.
Rev. Mr. McKercher, of Waterloo,
occupied the pulpit in the Presbyter-
ian church on Sunday.
Mr. Howe, of Toronto, addresser)
the congregation of the Methodist
church nn Sunday evening on behalf
of the Belgians.
The annual meeting of the Hawick
Mutual Fire Insurance Company will
be held itt the 'fawn Hall, Gerrie,
Tueedlly, February 13th, et 2 p. to.
Retiring Directors this year ate
Messrs. Jackson and MoKercher, both
of who" are eligible for re-election:
BURIED AT SOMBRA.-The-fu decal of
Mrs. Louise Rivers, mother of Rev,
G. W. Rivers, B. D., pastor of the
Dorchester Methodist, fo'meily ul'
Goerie, took place Monday afternoon
at Sombre. Deceased was in her 77th
year and is survived by two other
sons, Dr. J. H., warden of the Pro-
viurial jail of Lethbridge ; J, Frank,
of Empress, Alta. ; and four- dangh-
ters, bis; Paul Gustin, Sarnia ; Mrs,
Boylan and Mrs. L. J. Robinson,
Dresden and Mrs. .T. J. Kewley,
Soni bi a.
Harry Ames left for his home at
Arden, Man., Man(lay last
Wni tying -never het on an election
or a horse race. They are both uu-
cet'l ai 11.
alias M. Fletcher, of Glannis, is a
visitot at the home irf her brother,
Edward Pletcher.
Those wishing to do knit ling for the
Rt.d Cines ran get wool by calling 00
Mee. (Dr.) Ferguson,
Ernest 51aginn and sen, (}Intence,
Penn ilia, were 1velCotite Viei rote at our
v ]tae this week The t 1 (Center i.
Mtge 4 9 tl
nephew of Mts. S
dire aid a formernri
resident of this locality.
Reggie lieunswo th, sot of Joseph
Hemsworth, 11iWindt, of book inn,
Sask., has donned the khaki and ie
now home fin 0 short hnlidiry berm e
going into it+liniiig camp in Regina.
A very h,terestingand profitable ad-
dress was given by Rev. Mr. Steven-
son, Toronto, in I hit Presbyterian mid
\lel.linclist (Cltnrclnes on Sunday oe
food's Dray Allinoute from text Minh
53:13.14, The tn.lendance was very
small on eccotint of had weather.
The Mel hod 1st Chinni, rafter +a long
hard a
Lull haat, s Met r .
t t Packed els
destinat.inti. Many thanks to all
those naltsidere who have so willingly
assisted in the work. Seine 10101)10
have been very slow to sign (111 and it
looked s'tnetimee ns though it night
be a matter of coitstn'iptir'n br'f"t'e'the
enntract was ended. Ifntt nn'
y can't
Y 1 you can pay,
The annual meeting of Ethel cheese
factnt'y was held, as per announce-
ment, Reports were presented will
adopted. Board of Directors for 1017
consists of Harry Speiran, Andrew
McKee and D. W. Dimino.. W. 1a.
Brown was re -appointed Salesman
and, Treasurer. Be will get $3,05 next
year for making the cheese, paying
all expenses, B. A.. Thompson, Dairy
Instructo, was resent and gave a
good address. present
was not
as large ns it should have been.
Goon 'I'IMIS 0o111INC,-Do not forget
the Billet IItahnne tin the Tnwrwhil
Hall, Friday evening, Feb,211t1; Hader
t auspices of the tied tiVomel'
the c J is
'wahine.sto nun will nsisC F
P en o
dialogues veadinge, recitations,
choruses, So, Proceeds in aid of the
Patriotic work of the Institute. Ad-
mission 25 and 15 cents.
At the annual meeting of the Pres-
byterian church the reports presented
were very saliel'aotory. George Mc-
Call and 1Vi11, McInnis were elected to
the Board of Mtutagers and Cecil
Rrtkmier and 171wyn Thompson were
appointed nshet'e, De. Ferguson is
Seceetary•Treastner of the Board.
Rev. Mr. McCullochpastor, gave a
short appropriate addiess.
Wnr Ifilox DJ<CEASED.-Last Sat-
twday WVio. Knox, an old and highly
respected resident of the 13th Oon„ of
Mullett township, died in St. Joseph's
hospital, London, aged 80 years and
3 months. Funeral took place Wed-
nesday afternoon to Berns' cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, 5 sons and
a danghter. Mr. Knox was the last of
the family of brothers, Ho was
among the early settlers of the town-
Miss Etta McKee is visiting friends
in Toronto.
Miss Annie Thompson, Edmonton,
Alta., is visiting her aunt, Mts. S.
A Re(] Cross Tea will be held at
airs. Joe McDonald's, Thursday Feb-
ruary Soli. Business session of the
W. I. will continence at7.30 p. nt, and
program at S., Everybody welcome.
The Partnere' and Women's Insti-
tutes held very eucccssfnl meetings in
the village on Saturday and the Wo-
men's Institute wish to thank the
Fa: mors' Society for their liberal col-
lectiou,.which amounted to $8 54.
The Women's Institute sent pat cels
oontaining 2 flannel shirts ands pairs
socks to Ptos. Alex. Hustle„ M. Sharp -
Joe Packer, Oolin Murray and Cpl.
G. Hastie. Also soaks to Ptes. Hance
McDonald, Geo. Seehaver, Fred, See -
haver, Liu°, Torrence and Dune.
Assessor Miller has commenced his
annual tour of the township.
. This week Reeve Shortreed is at-
tending County Council at Goderich.
James Bowman, M. P. went to Ot-
tawa last week for the opening of
Dominion Parliament.
We were very sorry M bear of tete
death of Richard. Bielby in the West.
He was a fine young man.
If you wish to follow the prevailing
style you will have to run the gaunt-
let with measles or lagrippe,
Mrs. Ray Fear is the new organist
at the Jackson church, which post she
will no doubt till competently.
Last Sunday's and Monday's storms
rather tangled ttp the roads. Some
sideroatis are closed up fat the balance
of the Winter, by appearances,
A wood bee and patty was on the
program at Alex. Brewer's, 4th line,
Met week when a gond time was en-
joyed. Ramer has it that a house-
keeper is in prospect.
Lyon Findlater, Broderick, Sask„
and Dr. Miley Fhndlater, of Lead,
South Dakota, left. for their respective
hones Last Monday. 7.'heie father is
improving quite nicely in health,
S. S. No. 1, known as the White
School, is busy in the preparation of
an Entertainment for Red Cross pur-
poses, Date will bo Friday Feb. lath.
Iliss SLevous is the teacher of the
school. An autograph quilt is also oil
the pi ow am.
A. cleating Auction Sale of Farm
Smelt, implements, est., is announced
by Allan Speir, 4th line, for Tuesday,
February 0th, tot 12 n'clnrk, with F. S.
Seat, as Auctioneer, 111r. Speir pur-
poses taking a well earned rest after
ninny years Spun t 1111 tho fart". List
of Sale nett' he read 011 page 8.
remains of Ilse late Mies Nettie Find -
Wee who died on Wednesday, Jan,
at the home of her aunt, Mrs,
(fivers, in Washington. D. 0., was
br ugh t to the home nl' her father,
t1 m. irii d 11,1er, Lot 2, Oon. 2. Morris,
and +h.• funeral WAS held to Wingham
aennetP, y of 'Newby and was largely
attended. pantie/trees were her three
brothers brother-'
t m law nephew rn.e
w and
con in.e n n
D n !sed was is bright ,
woman end ld had been '
1 e n ill only
a few
day+. She is survived by 7 brothers
and sisters, viz, Dr, Mary, Dakota ;
Sirs. ,Toho Clegg, 5th Oon. Morris;
Ales. Young, Del:tett ; who was visit-
ing her sister, when she died ; Lyon
and George, Saskatchewan ; also lilies
Annie incl Will, ab hone, Rev, Mur,
Petrie pastor of St. Andrew's Presby-
tirien rhnrch, Wingham, conducted
the services al; the house and grave.
Fret no rhags of the brain was the
mune of the demise, She had not
been ragged Int,` years', Deceased was
a clever and ambitions young
For several years site wits gassistant
Su peel t end en t of the Deaconess
Home at Blsntark, North Dakota.
MATRutoansats-The Iroquois (Ont)'
News, of bust week gives the following
report of Denggiet T. Dark's marriage
to MisLr(
s Oke of that town,
local in-
terest cent erin
round the feet Lnt that
the r ooh 18 a st
.m n
f Wu
this locality :-A quiet and pretty
wedding took place on lltureddy noon
Jan. 18th, in thepresence of the rela-
tives and intimate friends of the bride
when Nellie Dell, eldest daughter of
Alton aur] Mrs. Locke, became the
wife of Thies G. Dark, druggist Midoptician, of Biggar,. Sask. iRev, Mr.
Coates officiating. The throwing ronin
in which the eetemony was performod
was prettily decorated for the occas-
ion. Tho beide was given away by
her father and looked eherining and
winsomeninPd in aba
4u 1FnI Georg-
Lutfa lta en lawe Will) White hitt
to match and 1 touted an aq
tos ire
oth cream n a+un roses and lilt ofthe
valley. Miss Dater played Lohc:u
gtnn's wedding tumuli with inspiring
effeot, The g,00ut's gilt to the bride
WAS u handsome and rosily sear coat.
After the ceremony a 1ellghlful bridal
dinner was served. The happy could.
left on the afternonn train on a shot t
honeymoon trip to tblontreal. They
will return to It'ngnois on Monday and
leave the same evening for the West.
The bride's travelling suit was of
white Berge, trimmed with black vel-
vet and fur. coat. The bride is one of
Ienquis prettiest and wet popular
girls, who leaves behind a large circle
of friends who join 10 heartiest con-
gratulations for their happiness and
prosperity. Mt'. and Mrs. Dam it will
receive their friends at the home of
bee parents, on Monday, Jan, 2211(1,
from 4 to 0 p. tn. before leaving for
their home ar, Biggar, Sask.
ENTERED INTO RESP.-11ro1 day of
this weep, Eliza Jane Fell, beloved
wife of George Haney, Bluevale,
answered the roll call. Deceased was
born in Huron Oo. near Londesboto,
on Nnv, 301h, 1800. Her parents own-
ed the brick yard North of Wingham
for a number of years and the deceas-
ed received het' education in, the
Holnes school, Turuberry_ She was
a sympathetic neighbor, a loving wife
and mother. Besides her sorrowing
husband she is survived by six child-
r.'en, viz :-William H., Bitevale
Fred. N., Calgary • Mrs. R. J. Biggins,
Hannah, N. D. ; Mrs. J. Vaueatnp,
Teenbetry ; Pte. Howard, of the 101st
Hurons and Harvey B. at home. Jno.
Fell, of Morris, is a brother. The
funeral was held Thursday afternoon
to Ebenezer cemetery.
Goon TIME. -The Sunday Scheel
entertainment held recently in Vic-
toria Hall was quite a success, pro-
ceeds being $4.3.00. Program was
varied, enjoyable and well reudered
and was as follows :-Oho'us, "The
Maple Leaf" ; prayer by Rev, Mr,
Thomson ; address by chairman, F. H,
Gilroy ; solo, Miss Hingston ; solo,
Miss Aitchison ; recitation Miss May
Johnston ; club swinging, Misses Ida
and Ella Rands ; unveiling of Roll of
Honor of 26 men by Ernest Kargus
followed by hearty clapping of hands
and singing of "God save our splendid
men" ; address, Rev. Mr. Thomson ;
recitation, Miss Mary Miller ; reading,
Mr. Gilroy ; solo, Miss Ida Rends ;
address, Jas. Bowman, M. P. ; solo,
Miss Hingston ; solo, Miss Aitchison ;
"God save the King."
Sam. Campbell is keeping well we
are pleased to state.
Thos. and Mr's. Thompson were
visiting James and Mrs. Pearson.
The latter is a sister of the former.
Reeve Livingston and Deputy Jteeve
McNabb are at the County town this
week attending to their duties as
County Councillors,
Several schools had a holiday on
Tuesday on account of the school
houses being polling places for the
Municipal electron.
ars, (Rev.) R. Pearson, who was
visiting relatives and friends in this
locality, returned to London last
week, Mrs. Robert Peatsou ac-
companied her for a visit.
A letter received from Pte. Wes.
Attnatrong, who is doing his duty in
the trenches "Somewhere in France",
says he is enjoying good health at his.
strenuous job. He is aeon of James
and Mrs, Armstrong, 10th Oon.
Mrs. Jabez Jernyn, 10th Con..
underwent a second operation in a
Toronto hospital recently, the fleet
proving unavailing. We hope she
will soon show permaneut improve-
ment after the lapse of so many
tuotths of ill health,
Late word from overseas says that
Rev. Bobert Pearson, B. A., who went
overseas from Calgary as a Captain of
one of the Companies from that city
and who was wounded, is able to be
about again and has been sent back to
France to take charge of Y. M. 0. A.
work, He's an adept at that class of
work and will be able to emnnth the
way foe twiny a soldier bny we hope,
OnncKERs.-The Gtey. Checker Club
had an enjoyable meeting at the fine
new residence of Wesley and Ml's.
Stephenson on Monday evening. g A
friendly practice match WAS ie led
10 of the members, the sides icing
captained by Alex. '.mill and Gen,
Hutchinson which ' sn
ilted inn vic-
tory for the re,latter by the narrow mar-
gin of one game. A number of the
ladies evinced considera l
t e interest in
the game also and interesting times
are looked forward to in the Club,
Mr, and airs, Stephenson entertained
the Club right royally and received a
vote of thanks for their hospitality.
The next meeting will beheld Friday,
Feb. 2nd, at the home of sa. Ynill.
Sunday anniversary semitone were
preached in Union Oltneeh at 11 and
7.80 by Rev. Hugh J'. Fair, Atwood,
The diecou'ses were iuosm appropriate
to the occasion. Despite the iuclem-
enay of the weather the congregations
were good. Monday evening a fowl
Slipper WAS served in
s the usual fiesta
class of style of the ladies L
y a i c lits con-
re anion. he musical and i
1 et literary
g g Y
program following was A 1, Talent
consisted of Miss Webb, soprano solo-
ist, London ; Miss Dora .13tadley, of
the same city, violinist and contralto
soloist; Miss Smith, elocutionist,
Kitchener; and address by Rev. Mr.
Fair. With such a galaxy it was nn
wonder that the hours sped away with
delight as the audience enjoyed the
musical and literary treat. Union
folk are to be congratulated on lInn
curing talent of steels Worth, Chair
was occupied by the pastor, Rev, Mr,
n in it
manner. Pn0-
of the anniversary y
The municipal contest for the Coun-
cillor's chair at lir: Township Board
took place no'L'ueeday. Storms of the
few days previous put' some of the
roads in poor shape for travel and as a
coosegnen00 a comparatively shall
vote WAS polled. Oliver 11 1(115 won
nut by a majority of 11 over R. L.
McDonald and will take his seat at
the next Council meeting. Vote
stood as follows
.'3 g y c.
A to 1Ethel 5 17 7 G
Bryon' ,. 7 8 15 2
Shine's 27 8 1 5
Du)ce.'s . 4 22 (1 5
Mo ei'iefe,, 34 24 0 21
Oranbrook 22 55 1 2
Tur1bul1's) "48 2 27 1
147 180 05 93
Rev. A, B. and Mrs. Dobson are in
Toronto. where the former is taking
0. E. Wade left for Sault Ste. Marie
to tape a position, The blacksmith
shop here is in charge of John Glean,
McKillop Council will meet on Jan,
31st at Winthrop, at 10 a. tn.
The Gorden farm in McKillop has
been sold to Mr. Connelly, Logan.
At a well attended meeting held in
Oaldel's FLtll a Literary Society was
organized for the Winiter mouthe with
the following officers :-President, A.
Oulhiu ; Vice -President, Robert Scar-
lett ; Seeretaey, Mabel Bullard ; Treas-
urer, Lorne Hare,
Annual meeting of Duffs church,
McKillop, was held Monday, 15th inst.
Congregation had reason to rejoice in
the splendid reports submitted.
There were increases in membership,
also in giviugs for Local purposes and
Missions. After meeting allthe ob-
ligations of the year a balance of
$10'3,10 was left in the treasury. Fol-
lowing are officials for ensuing year :
Treasurer, James Kerr ; Auditors, F.
Fowler and W. Scott; Managers, F.
McKercher, S. Smith and A. Hender-
son ; Trustees, R. liahkiik, R. Forrest
and M. Murdie ; Collectors, A. 0,
Henderson, F. Fowler, R. Hogg and
R. Forrest.
very sudden death from heart trouble
of John Aitoheson occurred ut his
residence on the Northern road, near
Winthrop. The family had left for
Seaforth and there was nothing to
indicate his sudden collapse, he hav-
ing assisted in hitching up the team
before slanting. When the family re-
turned they found him lying on the
kitchen floc` with life extinct. He
wits alone when he died anti had been
Jutting in the time repairing some
harness. Deceased was 73 years of
age and was born on the Aitcbeson
homestead, 2 miles from Seaforth.
Those who survive are 2 sous in the
West now here on a visit ; one son at
hone ; one married daughter, Mrs.
Donald Calder, residing next farm ;
Miss Nellie, and her youngest brother,
who have made their hone at an
uncle's since their mother's death
some years ago. Sit'. Aitcbeson was a
Liberal in politics and a member of
the First Presbyterian Oltutch, Sea -
The corrected O. P. R. time table
may bet end on page 5 of this issue.
A nuntbee in this locality will be
aeon driving motor cars next season.
Many old friends of Mrs. Jas. Mur-
ray are sorry to hear of her serious
illness at the home of Mrs. David
Moore, Brussels. She is receiving the
best of care.
Sunday morning, February 4th,
Rev. Mr. Abery, Londesboro, will
preach in Duff's church and will con-
duct lie anniversary services at Mon-
orieif 111 the afternoon and evening.
Rev. Mi'. Lundy will take the work at
Mrs, John McDonald was re-elected
a Director of Brussels Horticultural
Society at the amulet meati
has sent a fns list rCnames for the
nembels i n roll from this totality
who will share in the options for bulbs
flowers, fruit, &c., to be offered to the
near future to the lnetnhets.
The new list of officers for the
Young People's Society of Duff's
church for 1017 is as loliows :-1-1041.
President, Rev. R. A. Lundy ; Presi.
dent, W. G. Neal ; lst Vice Pres., Miss
:Tenn le Knoell el ; and Vice -President,
Robt. McFadzean ; Cor. -Secretary,
Miss Annie Ferguson ; Rec,-Sea., Miss
dna (lunningharn ; Treasurer, sun,
aleAt'thur ; Catechism instructors,
Miss Ado Gardiner and
T. McCall.
The 1451101 Committees were also.
struck to aid in the various depeLd•-
ANNUAL MEETING.-Dntf's church
has had another gond year. As the
old year closes we wonld, as a con-
gregation, give praise and thanks to'
Almi*hly God for o lit
� eodn
way in
which Be has
guided ns and wouldild
say unto His name be all the honor
and glory, We can only trust that
the yeat' has for every one been a sac-
eess in the deeper things of life -the
things that are hidden from our eyes.
Financially the year has been once of
success in all departmentsof the work.
'L'heta% was a total revenue of $2,735,
Of this $060 was fm Missineery and
1 enevolent purposes and $500 on re-
duction of mortgage, All of the ofd-
cere of the past year were re-elected,
William" McCall Was chosen Chairman
Heading Bolto
'We are in the market to pur-
chase any quantity of Bass-
wood, Soft Elm, Soft Maple,
Birch and Ash Heading Bolts
At Bluevale, Redgrave, Blyth,
Ethel, Henfry n and Atwood
G. T. B. Stations
For further particulars apply to
P. Ament,
of the Board of Managers. The new
Manager's elected for a term or 3
years are :-John McDonald, Robert
McFadzean and Walter Davidson.
LOST TRACE ON HIM. -Anxiety is
felt as to the whereabouts of Sapper
Lewis 0. McDonald, No. 502064, form-
e1ly of Walton, who enlisted with a
British Oolurnbia Battalion of sappers
and miners for 'overseas service. He
has not been heard from for the past
5 months. Mr. McDonald had spent
several years at the School of Practical
Science, Toronto, taking up civil en-
gineering and was a clever student.
He is a younger brother of Jno. Mc-
Donald, Walton, and Gordon McDon-
ald, Brussels. If anybody reading
this notice has any information con-
cerning Sapper McDonald and his
overseas experiences, the relatives
would be glad if they would com-
municate with them.
Earl Rathwell is home from the
West where he has spent the past
BY FIRE, -Last Monday night while
Wm. and Mrs. Michel, 12th Oon., were
at Union Church Anniversary Tea
meeting, their house, located a half
mile or so distant, was consumed by
fire. When discovered it was too late
to avert the destruction and every-
thing was consumed. How the fire
originated will never be known but it
was a black night to be so uncere-
moniously deprived of the comforts of
home. Insurance was 81800 in Elma
Mutual Co., but this will in no wise
cover the loss. Sympathy is felt for
Mr. and Ml's, Michel.
Brussels School Board
The Statutory meeting of Brussels
School Board was held Wednesday
evening of last week, with P. Stewart
as the new member in place of S.
Wilton, who was elected to the Coun-
cil Board.
On motion of R. Leatherdale and J.
Cunningham, D. 0. Ross was chosen
as Ohahman for the year.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Secretary -Treasurer Black present-
ed the annual Financial Statement
which was adopted on motion of
Messrs. Leatherdale and Stewart.
Moved by J. Cunningham, second-
ed by R. Leatherdale, that A. O.
Dames be re -appointed by this Board
to the Library Board. Carried,
Property Committee -Messrs. Cun-
ningham, Stewart and. Black.
Visiting Oommittee-Messrs. Ross,
Leatherdale and Fox.
Board then adjourned to meet cm
the second Friday evening of each
Noarly 100 Members on 11011
heorganization meeting
of Brus-
sels Fon ticnttutml Society was held in
the Public Library audience room, as
per announcement, with Dr. Grieve,
Seaforth, District Representative in
the chair, and a goodly company in
Following wore the officers elected :
-President, W, H. Kerr ; Vice-Presi„
dent, F. S. Scott ; Directors, Jas. Fox,
J. T. Wood, D. 0. Ross, B. S. Scott, T.
G. HempphillWroxeter), Mrs, R.
Black(Bluevale), airs. B u va e( S. S. Cole
(Ethel), and Mrs, Jno. McDonald
a(Walton) ' Auditors H. L. Jackson
nd G. H. Samis. B. S. Scott was
chosen Secretary -Treasurer.
Metubership totals 05 at present with
expectation of goodly additions be-
fote the Spring season arrives. $1,00
constitutes the membership fee with
4 options offered every member in the
way of seeds, bulbs, nursery stook,
&coh ler , A r miler will be issuedIto
s rtl
giving information.
g g theinf
o tion.
After the business was transacted
Wtn, Hartry, Seaforth;, Vice -Presi-
dent of the Provincial Horticultural
Society, gave a comprehensive and
practical address on Roses, Gladioli
and Begonias. He answered nntner-
nus questions and solved problems for
flower lovers by both theory and his
own experience,
Both Messrs. Haetey and Grieve ap.
of the holdin of a Flower'
Show and the intention of Brussels
Society to carry on an energetic pro.
gram of beautifying Brnassls,
On motion of B. S Heutl seconded
r s ! rl
Mrs. P. Scott a hearty vote of
It rSeaforth
the ks was tendered he e the
visitor for their kindness andhelp.
A i n
Mr, Binary 1n reply expressed th.
pleasure of coming back to his own
old town and invited the members of.
the Society to visit Seaforth flower
gardens next Snntiner,
Dr. Grieve and 311'. Battey promised
to come back to Brussels to some
other meetings of the Hnt'licultural
Society and complimented the enthus-
iasm shown in its organization.
Pte. Harry Mooney Writes
DEAR MR, KERR.-My Last letter to
Tate POST bore fruit as I gut some
very newsy letters from Brussels so 1
am going to write again in hope that
this one will be just as euce..essl'ul.
I have just got back from it shooting
course at Mytchett ranee, near Alrler-
shott. Near where we were the Royal
Flying Corps were stationed. It was
a very common sight to see 8 airships
flying around, like huge birds at: one
time and every day airships passed
over our heads on the way In ,Prance.
Just one more sign that England is at
last "Awake."
Never before has England shown so
definitely that she is in this war to the
finish, as she has at the present rime.
England's motto now is "Fight or
Work" and before May four million
men are to be called up to be placed
by the government in the line of SP1.,
vice to which they are best fitted.
Germany's Peace bluff is a sign that
the fear of overwhelming defeat is be-
ginning to bite into her heart and we
can't stop now, till we matte that de-
feat, a grim reality. Until then,
Peace, an honorable Peace, is impos-
I was very notch surprised and
pleased to find the Btuee County bat-
talion near us here, as I know quite a
few of the boys. So far I haven't
come across any of the Hurons bet
may meet some of them in France.
I saw some of our boys coming off
the trains at Charing Cross, London,
and by the look of their thud caked
uniforms the Somme is hardly a place
for pink teas.
Well, Mr. Kerr by the time you get
this I will be in France doing my bit
but my address still will be A. Go.,
203rd, 254891, Army P. 0., London.
and would like to hear from some of
my old friends.
Wishing you and all my old neigh-
bors the very brightest New Year, I
am happy to be one of your old S. S,
boys. PTE. H. MooNEY,
234391 A. Oo., 203rd At my P, 0.,
Jan. 5th, 1917, 'London, England,
People We Talk About
Earl Cunningham is pulling along
nicely now after his operation,
Miss Annie Schmidt, of Tavistock,
was visiting old friends in town.
Letter received from Burford says
Lorne Stevenson is improving.
Mrs. S. Carter was visiting relatives
and friends at Clintou during the past
Mrs (Dr.) Cavanagh is now able to sit
up every day and is progressing most
D. G. Hogg, an old resident, has beou
q uite ill for several weeks but we
wish him speedy recovery.
Mrs. Jas. McDowell is on the sick list
and her sister, Mrs. Montgomery. Sea -
forth, is taking care of her,
H. Montgomery, Detroit, and brother,
Jno., Seaforth, were in town visiting
their aunt, Mrs. las. McDowell.
Mrs, F. S. Scott has not been having
good health for the past few months but
we hope she will soon l better,
Harold Gerry arrived home from
Guelph hospital Thursday night of last
week, He is getting along well.
Harold Levasseur has gone to the
Wingham foundry to learn the mou`ding
trade. We wish him the best of suc-
Will. Keys is here from the West of a
holiday visit, It is years since tie flrst
went to that land of wonderful possi-
Mrs. H. Mason, Toronto, was rt visitor
at the home of Gordon McDowell for a
few days. She isa niece of Mrs. Jas.
We are sorry to state that Miss Mar-
garet Walker has been very til from
pneumonia this week but we hope for
early recovery,
Station Agent Kyle was called
Cbesley, on act t (
account of the serious cou-
t tion of Mass Kyle, all } aunt. Mrs,
Kyle and children also went.
Nurse Taylor, who was caring for Ml's.
(Dr.) Cavanagh, returned to her home at
Wingham ou Wednesday, the patient
not requiring her care any longer.
Garfield and Mrs. McDonald, their
son, Wm. Gordon, and Mrs. Wm. Gord-
on returned to their home at Niagara
Falls, Out., on Wednesdny of this week.
Pte, Wilfrid Lott was home from Tor-
onto for a few clays. He had been hav-
ing bis tonsils removed and was resting
of. Wilfrid may joie the aviation corps.
Last week Nurse Rutledge, of Chu -
ton, who had been ministoriug lu the
home of 'rhos, Walker, Elizabeth street,
left for ber home, her duties being com-
Major E N. Lewis, M. 1'.. has re-
turned to his home in Goderich after
organizing and escorting r safes
v to
Prance e a battery L d ns. lit of aua in e
Major was alsoat the war Lieut for a
few weeks,
Rev. Charles Edward Stafford, it
superannuated Methodist minister, fortu-
erly of Brussels, was killed in n C. 1'. 12.
Wreak near Elora last June, and Ole
company twill pay $2,000 and costs to
the widow.
Pssiut.ay District meeting of the
Goderich District will be held h tli
Methodist church, Bivth, on 'Tliursday,
Feb. 23rd. Rev, J. 0. Ford, of (lode-
ttich, will preside,