The Brussels Post, 1917-1-11, Page 4( k�c Jr csstIs L1st
r, 1917
1'RE 131 itish Empire a ale t v Ire rap c that cry
baneck this day will do his duty and the
More pronlptly It is done the better it
Nuw would be a good time to settle
the ion existing Irish question while
public thought and action is drawn to
Hue Empire's continuance and unity
.'.•GIVE us this day our daily bread" is a
prayer, we have no doubt, ,that is offered
many a time each day by the hungry
people in Europa on account ot the hor-
rors of war,
Two Brillion British soldiers now in
France represents a host that wily"have
to be reckoned with in the near future.
It constitutes the largest army that ever
fonght under the flag of the Empire,
We are not guessing when we say that
the gal taut lads from this Dominion will
be es ready to do their duty as the most
SURELY there must be something
wrong with the Kaiser's head when he
tenders thanks to the men on the sub-
marines for their wanton disregard of
human life in sending thousands of non-
combatants to a watery grave without
warning and even firing on the life boats
in which they were seeking to make the
PRet1AftLITJE4 look as if on the com-
pletion of this great European war that
Conslautiuople will be deeded to the
Cam, that Alsace and Lorraine, former-
ly belonging to France, will return to
their first love, and Italy will secure
Trieste. The dream of Germany as a
conqueror of the world will likely end in
a hideous nightmare. It is a terrible
price to pay to please the ambition of a
man seeking world dominition.
FROM an article in the Week'y Sun
we observe that 3 Napanee banks in 3
days paid out the almost uublleavible
sum of $35,oOo for dressed poultry and
was about the same amount as 3 years
ago when nearly double the quantity
was secured. The poulrry industry on
the farm is no longer "the provider of
pin money for the Missus". but an in-
tegral part of the profit making of the
farm. Ittoo,000 worth of dressed poul
try was marketed in 5996 in Lennox and
Addington Counties. This is soms.thing
worth crowing about.
Ir is a good thing to have a hobby—
something in the character of a specialty
that we can do a little better than any
body else. The more helpful it is to the
human family the larger the circum•
fereoce of the possible service will be.
What is your special forte 7 You say,
perhaps, you are possessed of no out-
standing qualify but perhaps if you think
quietly over the matter you have a
special talent— maybe dormant— that
would mean much if it were employed
in wholehearted performances of deeds
and words. No time ever afforded bet-
ter opportunities than 1917. Get busy
and polish -up your talent.
DID you fill out your National Service
registration card yet 7 Probabilities are
those who refuse or neglect to do so may
be asked with more emphasis at a near-
by date why the information was not
given. If it is counted as an act calcu-
lated to help the Empire then those who
attempt to dodge the simple duty are
recreant to their trust and are abetting
the enemy instead of fortifying the
Motherland. The victory will only be
assured as we do our individual part
conscientiously and fearlessly. It is not
always possible to shoulder your
responsibility on another. A hero is a
man who does his full duty.
A NOTICEABLE feature of the Municipal
Elections this year was the number of
instances in which men, for one reason
and another, declined to accept the
honors offered, necessitating new uomi-
netions after the Statuary meeting of
the Councils. 'If the law were changed
making it obligatory that the consent ot
the nominee be given the unnecessary
expense and the unsettling of people for
a longer period than usual would be
obviated, A few men ate sometimes too
keen to get into office but there is a
mucb larger number who are too telnct-
antto do their part in adding their
quota to the conduct of public business.
A unln a of cities are appointing;
women on the police force as well as to
the Magistrate's bench. For Juvenile
Courts, possibly, the gentleuess and at
tractiveness of womankind would tend
to give them a bold on the erring not so
easily secured by the more stern, if not
harsh, interpretation of the taw to the
Culprits, Municipalities are increasing
the quota of females on School Boatds
and the mission of the Lair sex In con-
nection with the expansion of the church
and Sunday School was never more
manifest than to -day. All of these
things point to the growth of me equal-
ity of tile sexes end ie a token of good.
CHIOAad 1ia8 p iief;ro 1101ihletlon of
/3,000 141)43 the students Of the bistOry bf
the days to Conte are mnkiug au effete t0
I•' are l 0 8 L t i
dlsouus'•huw t te, u e t alit With
i l b
from a cYtizeshi7 stand of
t ter perhaps
Et how will they,, the L hi0pian, timed with
his white brother when they are able to
control vote enodgh to make them a
forcesuabliog thein to hold the reins.
THERE was a falling aft ail] lynch
law in the United States last year of the
so-called unlucky Dumber of 33 as com-
pared with 1995 Record for 1916 was
e4, 50 of whom were black men. We
are not prepared to lay whether the re-
duction represents a better moral tone
or not, possibly the banging without a
legal trial may be deterring to some ex-
tent the committal of crimes for which
the penalty has so frequently been enact-
ed. It's bed business, botb as to trans-
gressions and the transgressors and does
not reflect a very high degree in the
observance of law and order. The
lynchers often appear to escape even a
searching enquiry,
ANNUAL Convention of .the Ontario
Association ot Fairs and Exbieltioas will
be held is 'Toronto on February 6 and 7.
Such a gathering of men interested in a
common cause should be more produc•
tive of good results° than it is. If all
long harangers, improperly designated
as addlesses, were cut out and a couple
of experts brought who could shedil-
lumivation on the various phases of up.
to -date Fairs something tangible might
be accomplished. Question drawer well
worked and answered in brief form
would supply a good fund of valuable
Wily is it that only about Iin to of
the ratep'•yers in a School Section me
interested enough to attend the annual
meeting once in a re mouth 7 Thele
shoald be a livening up in our educa-
tional affairs anti a better understandiug
ot the provisions of School Law, Melly
a man will put up a kick if the rate is
advanced but possibly never off..r a sug-
gestion as to how it could be kept do s o.
If the rate were only increased on the
absentees from the Annual meeting we
predict there would be the major part of
the Section ou hand, Our heads and
hearts should not permit the shekels to
occupy the place of what is of greater
worth—the betterment of conditions for
our girls and boys.
Composed for "National Service"
Campaign by "Patriot."
If my King and Country need me
I will serve;.
Tho' to sacrifice they lead me
I'll not swerve ;
For the sluggards sod the slackers
Are the Germans' strongest backers—
They will get what they deserve -
1 will serve.
If they want me in the treocbes
I will serve ;
'Mid the shrapnel and the stenches
I will serve ;
For my Country and my King
I will suffer auytbing
All my service they deserve,
I will serve.
I'tt not loaf while others toil,
I will serve ;
Can I plan the foe to foil 1
I will serve,
Power of muscle and of brain
Surety will the victory gain—
With more vigor, vita and nerve
I will serve.
None shall ever charge that I
Did not serve ;
None shall taunt with "You're the guy
Would not serve 1"
When a wounded mac I meet
Limping down the busy street
He'll not hint, "You bad cold feet I"
I will serve.
In the mill or in the field
I will serve ;
Britons °e'er to foemen yield,
I will serve ;
If I cannot man the guns
1 can send supplies in tons—
Thus to help defeat the Hues
I will serve,
In the hot munition shop
I will serve
That the war may sooner stop
I will serve;
Lest on me should rest the guilt
For a brother's life -blood spilt
Glad, I offer hind and nerve,
I wilt serve.
Municipality Representative
Ashfield -0. Stewart and J. P. Dalton
Bayfield A. E. Irwin
Blyth Dr, Milne
Brussels *S. T. Plum
Colborne *G, Young
Clinton las. A, Ford
Exeter 13, F.
Godeetch O. A..*Nairn.
and J. 0. Beavei e
Goderich Twp. W. It Lobb
Grey R. W. Livingstone and *J.
Howick—R, Harding and Pet r Doig
f7'utle t *Gee. 0. Petty
M. Armstrong
Morrie J, Shortreed
McKillop T, Govenlock
Stanley T, McKinlay
Stephen W. Elliott and W. Yearly
Seaforth Jno, A. Stewart
'lrnckeremith H. Odell
nbery T, K. Powell
*T. Brock
Wawanoah Last P. N. Campbell
%Vawenerh West *Jos, A. Mallough
Nationally Adverttssd
The Greatest wall Paper Jaren.
tion of the age.
leo knife, scissors or straight
edge required.
Paper banging mads sasy,
quicker, cleaner and better.
An energetic agent 1s wanted in
this locality to show samples and
solicit orders from householders,
handsomely bound temple books
showing hundreds of beautiful, ex-
clusive patterns are furnished
agents fres.
Over 2,100 agents ars making
large prodts.
Applicant' please state comps.
tion, age, and surrounding villages
can cancra, when full particular*
will be Midland.
Wingham 'W. Iabister
Wroxeter 0. Reis
Those marked with a * are 110W
mem bens.
Blanchard—J. Bellamy.
Downie—J. A. McKay.
Ellice—Robt. Alensttong, Reeve ;
Jacob'Zundt, Deputy Reeve,
Elora—Wm, Scott, Reeve; Samuel
Smith, Deputy Reeve.
North Easthope—J. McCallum.
Smith Easthope—Werner Krug.
Fullerton—Oliver Harris.
Hibbert—A, A. Oolquhoun.
Listowel—J. A. Hacking.
Logan—Fred. Wood.
Mitcbell—Wm. Marty°.
Silverton—George Ooxon.
Mornington—IL 13. Kerr.
Wallace S. E. Smith.
Al bemarle—
Arnabel—D. G. Otaig.
Appall—J, J. Johnston.
Brant—D. Willoughby,
Brant—R. Rowan.
Bruce—J. Johnston,
Bruce—*P. Dobson.
Carrick—Af, Filsinger.
Oarl•ick—"Dr. L. Doering.
Culross—Win. Case.
Eastnor—D. Scott.
Jelderslie--J. E. Cass.
Greenock—D. Phalen.
leucon—J. Wilkinson.
Kincardine Tp —W. H. Rutledge.
Lindsay—P. Forbes,
Kinloss—D, A. McDonald.
St. Edmunds—A. Munn.
Saugeen—G. Christie,
Hepworth—Jas. Douglas.
Lucknow—R. Johnston.
Paisley—J, H. Steele.
Port Elgin—D. J. Izzard.
Tara—J. Morrow.
Teeswater—D. Ferguson.
Tiverton—D. B. McDonald,
Chesley—W. H, Brown,
Scuthmnpton-0. W. Bell.
Kincardine Town—Wm, Hunter.
Walkerton—R. Russell.,
Wiarton—J. J. Tyson.
*Deputy Reeve.
The Doty of the Hour
Sinking for the time being, all dif-
ferences of opinion or politics, it ie the
obvious duty of every 19lutfinipality,
yea of every individual, to do its or his
best to make the National Man -power
Registration as complete ae is human-
ly possible.
The cards go to every man from 16
to 65 years of age. The Government
I eemesoaese`iessoeinThees 00001'dh@v*1)06.0IIS 111010#5
• •
s sem•
• •
A choice stock in all lines, together with
finest quality of New Confectionery,
Fruits, Shelled Nuts, Fancy Biscuits, etc.
Neilson's High-class Chocolates in fancy
Ice Cream, Oysters, Oxo and other Sea-
sonable Delicacies.
Phone 4ox or call at store.
gm scienessolossateseleweemeereelsinaeararemseend
aGrocery and
•Rm A. McKay Confectioner
4 -
a saiec1,Z9•arce•t74riBe9Si®b®A041ENa1 eraedta€3dcescoeetres* nessase;aeiseY••S
. . • _ ¢•e-,-•.,+-�+.'.-- Bar
requires each one to be filled up. The
Government speaks in this for the
whole Dominion, which needs full de-
tailed information ata it never needed
it before and may never need again.
It is the simple duty of every citizen
to back the scheme. There must be
no putting off —130 forgetting— no
"ifs" or "ands" — whether other
methods might or might not have
been better is not now the question.
The. Country is at war—we must stand
behind Dur Leaders. Every woman
and every girl can help. Each is more
or less responsible for the reception
given the cards in every house where
a man lives -1u every place of business
where a -man works—in every store
where a Mall liveries—Lei every Chilled'
or Lodge which a man attends, Help
make the Registration complete. Feel
the joy of landing a band in helping
to win the War --then cm to Victory.
God Save the King
If Germany ruins, and Great Britain
fails—if the heart of the Empire ceases
to befit— what will become of the
other Members constituting that Em-
pire 2 Where tenmId Canada stand if
Gerifiauy were, as the victorious na-
tion, to dictate the terms of peace 7
Do you realize that Canada is the 0115
colony that Germany desires more
than all Others P We have a great and
est.e sp� aper
• Value
In Western Ontario
The London advertiser
All Mail Editions $73.00per yr.
fertile country, which is just exactly
what she desires to grow foodstuffs
for her Empire. lire have tremen-
dous natural resources of mineral and
timber, which she, with all iter
science, would delight in developing,
and site would have a great market to
the 500911 of us for her manufactured
products. Oanade is the country of
her dreams—do not make any mistake
about that ; be under no illusion an to
what Germany would do, had she the
opportunity. If you have lived in
Germany and know what it is to live
under an autocratic military regime,
you know what it will be in Canada.
Annual Report of Ethel Cheese Factory
SALES Lbs, Milk Lbs. of Lbs. Milk to Price
Received Oheese Lb. Oheese per Ib. Value
May 20 92447 8039 11 5 19c $ 1527 41
May 81 ......... 116012 103874 11 24 15;0 1584 12
June 15 ............. 202112 18863e 10.73 181c 3065 38
June 30 207000 180714 11.1. 1040 31134 15
July 15 197694 160201 11.67 1410 2411 13
July 31 179909 150811 11 92 30c 2113 52
August 15 ..... 187501 144608 11,58 170 2532 20
August 31 .... ,172501 147401 1.1 .7 191c 2874 86
September 16 151300 137554 11 1999e 2716 72
September 30 120059 12269 9.78 211n 2007 25
October 16 ..•• 194976 8740e 10 87 2119 1857 40
October 31 ......... 84013 8625 9 86 22e 1897 52
November 65021 50471 0 85 2410 1383 29
1943310 10811.41 11 07 17.07c $29904 45
Value of Oheese, 1910
Deficit from 1915 $ 10 53
Amount received by Patrons 25844 56
Making and all other expenses 4059 62
Balance of Expenditure over Receipts....
$ 20904 45
10 26
Average lbs. of milk to ib. cheese 11,67
Average price per lb. of cheese ............... 17.97c
Cost of snaking including all expenses, per 100 lbs $ 244
Audited and found colrect.
Ethel, Jan. 6th, 1017.
A, H. MAODONALD, Auditor.
FIFO ii113
Principal repayable 1st Ootober, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and let October by cheque (free of exchange at
any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of
Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest,
as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue
in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security.
Proceeds of this stook are for war purposes only.
A commission of one-quartor of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and
stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their
For application forms apply to the Doputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOBER 7th, 1010,
w5;r.` aa..:tttralesaa `Os'W- .r •:t:.2114.:a!era.
tl tele*. Canadian 90111d lira In ili
Pollute), (V 11(9311 he Would have to (lee
>;bottlbl a Peeselan 'ifileee eider the
reeteureut where lie Hitt 3 in It euloltry
where he would be permitted 1,0 think
1 -4pet ill s
inn. 13e
w' tle1'u(It
l ,n it lila is )1 C ( L e
i t s lu t l i
1 i
heat, the° flu,' member other body
ht•r euloufee -trill die also. If that
is so, then it is our huehleys to el rain
every urrve Ln hn'Ip the parentcoun-
tl'y—fl' foe nn other leasem than that
of self preservation. If we are not
privileged to do the greet things we
Mei all help iii the email hilt nO lese.
n1n0sslu•y things, Al'. 3(4 l'seu 3; 3,14 )1I'8
411 mailed un to ruake the Notional
t1egirtration a suecesti.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of David
Tomlinson, late of the Village of
Brussels, in the County of Huron,
gentlemen, deceased,
Notlee is hereby g)von pl1r asst 10 "Tha 1011•
aired others
rtutas of 00t81'is;thnt 011 (pante
and otirer5 hevhlg claims o. wagainst the estate or
the said David 1'amlinamv who diad on or
aboutrre the 27th day of November, A,D. 1910,
4900 regattas on or before the 1st dny of Feb.
teary A. D 1917, 90 0(41)13 by poet ()renalsor
deliver to undersigned Eseohtors, rnammel,
Po't Office,e, their Dbriotisn and Surnames,
addresses and descriptions, the full particu-
lars tiled ah0he 1310 enlwita
of theirne-
uounis and theais,
nature of Idle Poaurfties (If any)
held by them.
And further take notice that after such hest
mentioned date the said Execntmre will
p003510t to distribute the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, ha, Wit r0•
gird only to. the 01°314)0 of which they shall then
hew notice, and the said Executors will
not ho liable for the rail 008019 or 0ny pert
thereofto any)arson 0r p0rseoe of whose
ennui notice shall not have been received by
Own at the thne of such distribution.
Dated this 4th day of January A.D. 1017.
w, J. mccuaORim,( e.',.
Regular Morality Horse Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season as. follows :
THURSDAY, Feb. 1st, 1017
Mar. let, 1917.
April Silt 1917
tact Huron Agrlaultural Society
1meetinga host A 010°1
Till annual t Ee 53) [,
[4010°1 -
tare) Nomuty will es a,v,h01an a y lntut 1117,0),)
111110011111. oawo*eo 0 a 1 January 171h 1017 at
1,00A , lStateeentlRo tneolint, l' hairnetng, the anneal Statement sail, Auditors' liaq)ol Uy
nppobn ting (meters Par the veer 1917, Ste.
1'1008. 111tLLER, Preside»t.
M. SLACK, Secretary,
Bulls for Sale
1 roan hull (calved Oct. 001,1914, sired by Sil-
ver utnr 89373. his grand sire being Gilts Victor
Imp , owned by J. A. watt. Dam was gab
n5 • aufonrfbyais Fenny
1, 58'07041,Glrd Peection'
1 red roan bull calf, about 1 tear old, sired
by Brave Royal 00591; grand Hire, Mildred Boy -
al 35050 ' his dam was aired by a sPloy Mar.
guts bull.
Also will have 0 young bulls on or about
Deo. 22nd, grand sired by Gainford. Marquis
08755, Dup.
Have two more bought which. will arrive
later' whose grand sire tis also Gah1900d Mar-
quis 80755,
Those in need of c but) should call end 900
them at hot 00, Oon. 8, Morris township, 134
miles North. of Walton 049 grovel road,
1330001140 PTEI3.DE,
Phone 5812. 1i, R. No, 2, Brussels.
Farms for Sale
The undersigned offers for sale his Ane 100
acre feria being Lot 12, and pert of Lot 10,
Oon, 5, n114 80 acres on Lot 7, non, 4. Township
of Grey Huron Clonally. On the former is a
gond brink hoax°extra good barn, CO x 100 feet
Oil cemented and water installed, acre in or.
chard, 13s 80 acre,. is chiefly bush. Mao 100
flares, being Lot 12 Don; 0, in 004150 township.
12 sores of extra good Fall wheat and over 40
acres plowed. Both farms in good cotldition.
For further particulars as to prices, terms and
conditions, apply on the premises or write
Telspheae 1010, JOHN JAEttell P.
l 0.
Farm for Sale
'17m undersigned offers her fine 125 acre farm
being Let and w pt 9, (len. 0, 7bwnshlp of
Grey, for sa10. 00 the premises 0 a goad brick
house with frame lcltehen and woodshed ; large
bank balm and driving shed, also s windmi'l,
nod everything In good rap0ir. Land in gra.
nines 43(034, of enitiwtlioo. Trot farther 05*110-
want apply y,�10 The 1ropriat errs on 111e went -
hes 51.1t8. 1118. 1544 BE LLE 8T114ODA N
Phone 909 Ethel P. 0.
House for Sale
Comfortable house and. 34 °are of land for
ansa m. the Village of Ethel. Property belong-
ed tothe estelaofthe late Mrs. Alex. McKay.
(roller, drilled well, &n,. tin che premises. Nor
further particulars appp
10-1,f A. li, MACDONALD, Ethel.
For Sale
Grain warehouse with horsepower eleVatar,
scales, carte, Noor cars, &e.
Also part of Lot 00, Cm,, 5, Township of Mar.
KA. Senores, adjoining the Village of Brussels,
and 8 bending luta on Turnberry street. Nor
leading local and outside buyers will be present pnrticulore apply to 13)1 owuor, J LEORIE.
• AN ES ad•
• 0
• A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly
Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise. a
•Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be
• sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul-
••• cahy Bankrupt Stock. e
• s
• a
• s
• • •
• •
satisfied to 0
—if you are a Bargain Hunter
your wants can be supplied
at our Store.
Call and get our prices and we will be
abide the result.
Joh riitr, Ethel
4•0901.4.0Wses 4,*••a004+R••h40.'.•44.O.S00kRa3`a•••••**Fv0•'b•O*w
111 Ill
The , 1917 Forth Touring Car
f. o b. POrd, 0111. -
You dotl't°need;extravagant claims to jus-
tify your choice when you buy the Ford.
The new model five -passenger Touring
Car at $495 is standard automobile value.
I don't need to make "claims" in offering
you this car• I show you the car, itself, and
give reasons:
The quality, the price ails the service it
gives makes satisfaction sure, You can al-
ways depend on the Ford.
Let us show you the new model to -day --
S. CARTER, Dealer