HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-1-4, Page 5SOMERS CARDS, JNO, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED BlSHrM IC fic MUM" 04731110 WM. *PENCE OONYEYANOER AND 1SSUEB, or MARRT1GE LICENSES taee f th t n 6 ,.; ".dJIeo, Ethel. 110.4 AUCTI 1.41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • Raa, will sell for better arias, to better wen in letime and leas charges than any other as her Auctioneer in East Huron or he went obarge anything. llates and orders ono alwdye he arranged at this o19oe or by personal application, LFCAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, 4:o, Office—Stewart's Block I door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, Gismo TREMOR B3igm''n' BRUSSELS G01NG Somog GOING Nonni Express 7:18 a in I Mall Ora a 111 Express.... , 8:82.b In l Express 8:57 p m t.'s$dea4R1ax Fra &'dltde WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:50 a m I Express 12;04 a m Express 2:50 p no Expreae 8:54 p WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a, m. and 8:40 p. m. Going Weat - 12;19 and 0:50 p. m. All trains going Emit connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. statlona. 10E0. ALLAN, Local Agent. ALLAN LINE To LIVi:RP00L-GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fiac, modern ateam- .ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, Of " 95!{tSiiittroat0 W. 14. KERR. Agent Allen Line, Brussels. A. HAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in 1Viudmflls, iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowlsfor stock,9ac, repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call, A. P1YiMI NN, Cranhrook Water Term from Jan, 2nd alma/LI / J WrRATFQR D, QMT.�•w, D 3 I We have Commercial, Shorthand and Tolography -Departments The courses are thorough, up-to•dnte g Q and pia:Weal. The Instructors are ex- b4 perteueed and we place eraduatea In iY poaltlonn. We are reoetvmg scores of x9511006103 0 for trained help we cannot Co5 supply, Write at once for particulars. D. A. McLAONLAN, Principal. THE Best Brains lu Canada participatedhave- in the pre, partition of Uttr splendd Hoene Study Oonrstw In BAniring, EppnofNoa, Higher Accounting, Commercial Art, Show Onrd Writing, Photography Journal- ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work Which meat intaresta Sort and write us for particulars. Address THE SHAY! COOHESPONOENCE SCHOOi 391.7 Yongo 8t., Toronto dembletewisiMasamstrallffismseetteibme COLLEGE AT HOME .ems.1.2mitotorsaarwavowernaom. Thousondo 0P,nn111Elnaa young p0n• Ile are fast preparing In their own 500100 to occupy iuorallvo position+ as stenographers, bookkeepers. 1nlogre- plu0t•a, civil 0urvnnts in fact evory aphore ofOotivlties, '`tort 0107 11.19112E 0011020 IT you so 10196. POe1EI011a guar- anteed.. Enter 00110ge any day, Indl- vi[hinl Instruction, Expert tllneliers,. Thirty yOara' experience, • Largest trainers 10 Canada. Seven colleges, SpOAfStllntod tvlthh teach era. Educn• toe's A03001ntion of Canada, kun.mer 80h001 at fa1110138 seethe) einsIneaa cot - Idea. London. Winghem Business College gso, Srnxi�ou, W, 0', Sttw8e, Prosidcoit. PrinMpal. aeseniumn Buuine.a Carta JAS, ,ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, SUoOeasor to M. 12. Moore, Office at Ander- son Bros, Livery Maine, J.3ruseela, Telephone lie. 26, T. T. M'RAE M. B. M. C. P ,i Si o. • E. 0. B. Village. Or Brusaele. Physician, Surg090, Accoucheur Officeat 3091den09 opposite Melville Church, whew), street. DR. F, T. B#?YANS. Bachelor Of Medielue; University et Toronto ; Licentiate of Oollege of Pbye701ans end Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Burgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Of/besot late Dr, A. Melievey, Smith Block, Brussels. Rural phone 45. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of pphthal• 3001097, McOormiok Medlosl Oollege, Menge, I11, 1e prepared to tent eyes and Ot glasses at her office over o f 1 v Miss I :man's millinery 1 her for ys e, Office aTrade Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hore—l0 to 12 a. ul, ; 1 to fl , on. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1210. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. O1Hoe opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Boron Phones. BEEGRAVE P.O. P. R. MULHERON Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOOAL Organiat and (Moir Master, Melville. Church, Brussels Penile prepared for Toronto 0*1. lege of Music Examinations. Phone 60x PHOUOFOOT, HILLORAH & COOKE Barristers, Solicitors,' Notaries Pubtie, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hoinllton Street, (00DEBIOH. ONT. Private tondo to loan at lowest rates. W. PnOuDPOOT, IL O. .9, L. KTLRORAN H. .1. D. 00080 • gxat li esus Pons 1917, ANUARY. EW Council next Monday. CALENbAtts are short crop for hate. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week. L. Ruttan has been seriously ill but we hope he will soon be as well as ever. Mrs. Stewart Scott is: visiting rela- tives and friends at Guelph and lorou- to. Have you not a distant friend to whom THE Poor tor a year would be a welcome gift ? Mlss MARY FEAR, who is teaching near Toronto, nf0 was visiting s g relatives in Brus- sels and Morris. TRAINS have been very late. Don't know what would have happened if there had been heavy snow. THREE cents a week for a weekly paper (that is $,.5o a year) is the cheap- est tiling on the market to -day. You have to be nice to the coal man. these days so that you can get one of those half ton lots when you are short of fuel. MODERN fireplaces have been built at the residences a W. A. Grewar and A. Strachan, The work was done by Mes- srs. � Park & Brown, of Fullerton. Moms some uelooked for change should occur, n the mcar (utule, the nation likely to come worst out of this war is the 'United States of America. A NEARUY exchange says it will riot the uames of 11 subscribers in good staudlug and also the names of those who have discontinued the paper. It will make lake lute in C t reading, 89A $4,000,000 Horst.—" 'he Devon - Shire" will be the name of Toronto's new fonr-million.dol ar Hotel which will shortly be erected on the site of the Yonge Street Arcade. The Devonshire will he fourteen storeys high. We have not decided whether or not we will patronize the " ev." FoLxs who send unsigned items of news to THE Pose: might as well leave them unwritten s MN' must know who the writer is. i cent will pay the posts age it rneiled, when envelope is lett Un- sealed and ' Printer's Copy" put ou the corner of the envelope. Some people seal the envelop and putt a cent or 2 cent stamp on letter and we are taxed up double postage on account of insufficeut stamps. f e t o es I c i D s u n t $5000 906 RED CRoss,--M the De cember session of Huron Co. Council $5,000 was voted to be expdutled in the puteb5se of supplies of material for the Red r supplies Coss workers, division to'be as per ratio of asseostneot, ']'his is the way the dlvislon will work out if taken advant- age of : — Ashfield. .... ........ ..., $ Colborne.............,, ., Goderich Grey Hay Howick Huilett . ..t•.. McKillop Mortis ..... ........ ...... ........ Stanley ............. Stephen Tucke rsm ith Tnl'nbet'ry ........ Osborne. Wawanosh E... .....•.•. Wawanosh W .r 304.40 179 05 259 30 336 30 283 i6 397 85 302 45 315 15 293 14 251 18 322 20 283 go 191 75 '284. 40 i88 8o 189 So $ 438.-z 1 .5 Mayfield $ iG 70 Brussels.,, ....,....37 75 Blyth . 31 90 Clinton ...... ..... , ...., •........ Exeter 63 35 Goderich 167.'35 Hensall 29 45 Seaforth... 88 z5 Wingham t..... 82 8o Wroxeter 17 70 80 5,0 $ ors 75 Reeeip1ed bills for goods will have to be produced before the treasurer will honor the clelm, 'rue PONT heartily apt proves of the grant but think whser tributlon could have beau arrived at, I A Few cars of hard coal calve to iia last week anti helped relieve the presst on the noticeable shortage. Miss PEARL BAOIOER, who WEIS hon for the holidays has returned to 11 position as teacher in Kitchener. ANNUAL meeting of East Hur. Agricultural Solely will be held Wrd nesday, January ty3h, in the 0020 Chamber, SKATING RINK—" the rink k is open f Skating Moutlay, Wednesday anFr day evenings and Saturday afternoo and evening. Hockey Tuet.day nigh Dox"r forget the Red Cross Circ Tea 'Tue,day afternoon and eveuin ,lauuary 9th, The A. Y, P. A, 'of S Iohu's ehurch will be in charge an everybody, then, women and childre will be welcome. A MITCHELL currespocdent says of a former 13russelite:—John Pngb, who bas been in Cochrane for the past six months, has returned home. He had been engaged in putting up a number of brick buildings m that town, THE mother of A. E. Hersey passed away recently at her home in 'Toronto, Mr. Hersey was unable to attend the fuuer i a on account of being 111 with the grippe, Deceased had not been in robust health for some time. HARRY AINLAY, of Edmonton, eldest son of Watson Ainlay, formerly of town, has enlisted with the tont Fusiliers of his city and is now busy traiuiug as well as drilling 725 cadets. He has bee teaching in Edmonton. The Huns wit have a job looking down ou Harry, as he is considerably over 6feet tall. Boaem OF AGR1cULTURE,—The dates tor the Winter meetings are as follows : 'Thursday, Jan. 4. Ethel ; _Friday, 5, Moocrieff ; ' '8 Saturday, " 6, Walton ; try 31 Monday, 8, Winthrop ; 'Tuesday, , g, Harlock ; Wednesday, '• to, Belgrave, 8 Speakers will be Gavin Barbour,, Gross Hill ; L, Bowes, Meaford ; and Mrs. Watt's, Toronto. See the posters. 801 I green are)), decorated with 10800. •00•••••••••••.,�••••i••• math After 3ong.l'atulethon8, tbo guests •®..•.�..•..le.•*��.���•N�N fi whiieh nnlubered 00, eat down to 8 � � i l � 8n1nptut'us repa86, The bride was the y teelpieut of many beautiful and use. NI gifts. Evening was spent in in- Richards & eo. Hum MOST_SEYEREelrnntentalmuffie, singing and, social Cil chat. Young couple will reside on the 8th Oon., of Morris, beginning married !if with e tlt0 best wishes a oP or i - Dreadful Pains Ml The Time Until He tbel' many f'iends' Took "F129JIT-A-TIVES". t, le t.d n LIEU',, CLUFF HAS IMPORTANT POST.— Lieut. Howard.Cluff, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cluff, Stratford, and nephew of Barrister and Mrs. Sinc'air, Brussels, has recently received an important pro- motive at tete front, according to word received by his parents. Lieut. Cluff recently completed a special course at the army instruction school at Boulogge and has been planed iu command of a company of officers and N. C. O's whose duty it is to instruct the men who Come across from England • and are to be drafted into the zest Battalion. Each Battalion furnished a similar company and Lieut. Cluff's friends will be creased to learn that he has been entrusted with such an important work. HYMENEAL.—On Tuesday, December t2th, Miss Vera A„ youngest daughter of Watson Ainlay, of Lomond, Alta„ formerly of Brussels, was united in marriage to D. Munro, at the Methodist parsonage in that place. The bride wore a chiffon shadow lace dress, trim- Ined withfur v a11(1 rosebuds and travelled in a wine colored velveteen dress, with black silk plush seslette coat and black velvet bat and white ostrich plume Groom's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace, to the bridesmaid an amethyst brooch and to groomsman a pair O f cuff links Mr. Munroh P as built a flue uew home in Lomond and has 320 acres 2 miles from town and a j' mile from Mr. Ainlay. Mao), old frieuds in this locality will be a unit in wishiug Mr, and Mrs. Mnero many happy pros- perous years in their new relationship. Mr. Munro has 4brothers and 2 nephews in Frttuee and Egypt. They went from Scotland, Grey SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the 1'epnt t of S. S. No, 2, Grey, for No- vember and December, Sr, IV. Ex- amined in Hist., 00711p„ Grain., Hy- giene, Read.. Writ., I,teog„ Spell., Arith., and daily work.—J. Nolan 08, A, Turnbull 68. Jr. IV. Exam°, in same 'r i 1e sob e . le AsSf . Iv.—J "n• � 1 I nbutl 79, A. AlcFatlreau 68, *U, Nolan 50. Se. III. Sauce eubj•'cts as Sr. IV.— if. Johnston 72, O. RhrkcOuuell 63, J. Kit-kcotinel' 58, Glass L-13, Johnston good. Pei roar.—L v i n Ct u n tin r r. (,hnm good. 'Those marked with * missed one exam. Aatx ROE, 14'aeher. 'Walton $28.00 A .I300.—Jautes Simpson is some fanner, He recently sold 14 dandy hogs that brought him the sting sutra of $3130.00, or $23.00 01.01 aver- age p99 hog. Price was $11130. A. few years ago you could have b0nght a good ether for leas 111031ey. This is he ilu'ulers' Itltlit]ga MI tI it should help eve] ybnd y else when he sloes well. 13,1$0 CROSS —Report of Walton Red Cres, Wenn from June 191, until Dec, 31st, 1910 Proceeds of Peas, 8311327 donation iron] Red 03080 RINI 1Vome.l's IIISIBUto, $51.02 ; 1101141,i011 :'4•'t•4.4.3• 4.4,x tlt 4.F4. a nletre c F 4• 4 + Light + I 4' 4. + 4.4. + 4.4. ▪ O1ICty is hereby given Uutt owiil3 1.0 inerefaed ex- .1, pops0 for coal and other 0 4• neecssaties the price of .Electric at 4, Light in Bt ussels will be ad- + 0(tuced from 10 to 12 ,.ells per t, Itilnwatti, Bente December' let R, milli coal redue00 inP 3400, + Hates payable on or before the 10th .of each 58011119 and i1' not so paha 5 Dents on the dollar Will be added. Notice •1' + For the convenience of pat- reins payments may be h1nd0 4.0 Mhis Lulu M, Danford, n0 S. 2 Carter's store. 4. Jno. stains J. A. Sharpe Manitgrr Pt'oprictat' !FM,F'$+ +.4.5444 +'h4'4.4-1.44.1ele'4+ MR. LAMPSON Verona, Ont., Nov. 11th., 1915. f11 suffered for a number of years with Rheumatism and severe Pains in Side and Back, from strains and heavy lifting. - When.I had given up hope of ever being well again, a friend. recommended "Fruit -a -tines" to me and after using eke farad box I./ell so much better that I continued to: take them, and now I am enjoying the best of heath, thanks to your remedy". 'W. 111. LAMPSON. If you -who are reading this—have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or suffer with Rheumatism or Pain In The Back or Stomach-Trouble—give' °Fruit- a-tives" a.fair trial. This wonderful fruit medicine will do you n world of good, as it cures when everything else fails. 50o. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. from Women's Institute. $25.00; do - Dation from Mortis Council, $25.00 ; donation from Miss Young's school, 81.00 ; received for 13t11;i1111 Red Oross (Trafalgar Day), $127.40 ; proceeds Walton Box Social, $00.85 ; Leadbnly Box Social, $44 05 ; sale of Red Oross quilt, $800: proceeds of quilt, 844.25 ; total, $731.74; expenditures, $722.20; balance on Hand, $9.54. hiss Clara Crawford, :Teeaaurel'. The following ertir, a les have beotlpP hi s ed to Hyman hall, L01tdnn Ont ;—Flannel shots 123 hospital ;Mins, 11 sock., 280 !mire ; t•0wela 080 Held cu IlinhS 8 ; pyjama Snits 20 ; 8111190, 1. Vilified at $718.70. Mrs. A.. Bruce, Secretary. Blyth John Leith has leased Dr. Allison's residence and will shortly move to it. Miss Lillie Carr, of the Deaconess School, Toronto, is spending her boli• days at her home here. W. J. Mains and his sister, bliss Annie, of Belleville, are spending the holidays at their home here. Miss Gladys E. Laundy, who has been teaching at Colony's 131ty, was spending the holidays at her home here, Roy Denhohn, who has been at- tending Dental College iu Chicago, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, 3,1o. and Mrs, Deeholtrl. Reeve Dr. Milne again tide year ex- emplified his ganetosity by presenting each of the town officials and the Editor of the Standard with a Christ - mils box in the way of fowl. George Sturdy had the misfortune to be slightly crushed. While tying a horse it sttd( e 1 nl beenwe unmanage- able. netg y u 1 na e- eEbie Luckily he had no bones broken and is uuproving nicely. Miss Rebecca McGowan, of Vancou- ver, is at present on a visit c0 her brat here and other friends in this vicinity, also to- bid farewell to her nephew, Dr. Steakhouse, who was home for a four days final leave before orosaing the ocean to assist in the war. Morris 391111nl01'3' Council meeting will be held next Monday. Newton and Airs, McCauley and fancily have moved frmn the Otii line to the 5th tend ore 1(099 located on the farm they purchased last Pali front \Vat. Conk. We wish them Many pensper0no years on their 100 acres. files, Wm. Ability and son, Roy, Toronto, Were here for the 01176911nte holiday ranewiug old friendships in \loris and Brussels. Although resi- dents of the Queen city for years they have never lost interest in their form - et• old hntn0, SCHOOL 1.11BPORT,—Following is the report for S. S. No. 9, Morris, Class V.—Lxam. in Gram., Alg., Aritli., lliat. Spell.—Oona Skelton 75, Edna McCall 72. Jr. IV,—►list , Grant A,it11 Comp.—Glen Kelly 03. S1, II. —Comp , Arith , (33.03., 'Liter„ Spell. Katie Laidlaw. tit, Bert i9e1ly 52. Part TT,—Geog., Atilh., Spell„ Camp. —bray Watson 71, Gootgn Kirkby 05, Katie Readmit?) 55, Printer— Lely Kirkby Mary belly. Jr. Pelmet.— Good—Grace rimer—Good Grace lit tiitigliol, A. Loan:arm 13At,LANTYNn, !`earlier. HYMENEAL.— Wednesday evening, December 20th, at O p, in. a pretty wedding took place at J Iverb rten Ledge, the home 01 Rohm!, Neuv- rnmbe, uncle of 111e pride, when Mise (Marlette Mabel, only daughter of Alps. John 'Walllte0, was »71lt0d in multiage to Francis Oliver Bell, eon of 3110, and Mr's, Bell, slit Cent, of Motels, Brido entered Lilo parlor lean- ing en I.ho arm of her brother, J, Basil Wallace, Detroit, Mich„ to the strains or M>'ndeisohn's Wedding March, played by Mrs. Leslie :Fear, sister of the groom. The b16d0 looked ch35rlu- Ing, being gowned in white voile, with satin and lutea ttintulings and carded n 011ow01 bequet of white. Chpysanthe- 17187110, Rev. R, 3, 11c0ot•mhek, pastor of the Methodist 011111011, Blyth, per- formed the ceremony under tett ever- Fordwich The T.. 0. 13. A. Lodge of Fordwich shipped to the Oonvalescent Hospital at 9:oeotito, on Dec; 20t13, 50 jure of fruit. J. A. Reichard spent a couple of days in Uxbridge and Toronto, hav- ing accompanied his brother, Etl„ down in hie auto. Dr. stud Mrs. Workman were in Port, Oalbotne over Oheletmas. The I'orrnor's mother is confined to her hole with a broken collar bone, Alias Vera Solherati, daughter of A. 0. S,Itherau, of this village, 9110 re. oently graduated as a trained nurse, has offeeed lien services to the Empire by eel uuteering to go overseas. Congratulations are extended to Rev, Fulton Wallace, of Toronto, who reeently was given his degree of 13. D. Fulton is 15(1 ofd Findwi011 boy and one of whom we are justly proud, Trowbridge Miss Alice Booth was in London for Christmas. Lawrence 11leCeae, Toronto, spent a day or two with her parents. Ed, and Mee. Coates and family spent the holiday at Wiartou. Mrs. R. A. Orane is very ill at the house of her brothel, J. R. Code, Jnselih and Mrs. Johnston spent Christmas with friends in London. Miss M. Johnston, of Goderich, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Labor. Miss 01. J. Collins, a Deaconess of Detroit, is visiting her mother and sister. Joseph and Mrs.Johnston are spending a few days with friends in Lnddou. Ileo. 0. J. Mnol'eliouse and family were spending the holidays with friends at London. Mrs. Joe Bumble, Strathcona, Alta., is visiting with her father, Edward Medd, after an absence of 9 years. Miss May Melvin, Burleigh, and ltIiss Hazel Melvin, Toronto, are spend- ing the holiday season under the par- a"14%. i41e. Mrae and family and Mr, and Mrs. Itnochtel, Durham, visited over 0hristimtts with 0, and Mrs. 0osens. Rev. and Mrs. Tiffin, London, are visiting with her father. Y •. 3 . •. • • i . a • . ••. •• O . •• • . . ..-L------0 FFEg----,— HOP-1K —. HOCKEY 13A OTS I the following Prices Ladles' $2 26 Gents' - 2 80 Boys' - 2 26 All having ankle supports and felt padded insoles, being dur- able and comfortable. t ' Harnessva i�"���E tmeH"9t Harness—Heavy and Light, Robes, Blankets, Bells Trunks and Satchels, Phone 47x Richards & Co. • . f A.....0..•...1...ORB+aa+sou•&An+ssn•G•ker�sarr34.0a0•.•....NN • Gilbe,•t and Mea. Smith and Mt•s, Peter Rothwell and little son, from Saskatchewan, etre guests at, the home of their' mother, Mts. T. Daily. Miss Edna Melvin was presented with a signet ring by a number of be0 tidy friends in ronneclion with the Christmas Concert T1,e Chi•istnlas trees were well laden with gifts mid the boys and girls land nearlg all °that's, received 81 sack of candy. Goderich Next sittings of the Supreme 0011,6 of Ontario in Goderich, Will be 3n Tuesday, March 18133, before Justice Middleton and a jury and on Monday, April 30, before Justice Masten with- out a jury. Wilfrid Brie Brown, who sailed the Upper Lakes on Ole Midland Queen, and was well kn0wu to many in Gnde- 1'io11, was one of those resettled when that boat was torpedoed off the Elig- lish Coast, He is now a Lieutenant in the British Navy and is engaged in mine.swesping in the North Sea. He states it is very interesting work. 1 INtlt t;T.—A net in Church, a farmer residing at 4.ubuun, fourteen miles from h«, e, WAS 100nd dead In hie barn i on Sunday morning, December 10th, and Friday his body was exhumed raid br,a]ght here for an inquest to be menet Saturday by Coroner Hun- ter, who is being assisted by Provin- cial Detective Reburn of Toronto. Church was found lying Ina etall and rt terrible injury to the bead was be- lieved to have been caused by a kick 1'eonl a horse. James Blocker, the hired man, said he went out to the barn 20 minutes after his employer left the lmase, and discovered Church lying dead. The }loves, which was in the stall, had 0110 11001171 the manger. The fact that no inquest was held at the time set a lot of stories afloat, with the 1 eonit, that (3310 attorney -gen- eral was advised in the interests of justice (ha) t1n inquest be held to clear away any mystery connected with the death. The arrival here of the Pro. villein] detect vs was the first step itt the investigation. Ohurch left, a wife and two chflilreo WHY DOES THE CANAW4?1 PATRIOTIC FUND REQUIRE 50 MUCH MONEYI This question is often asked, by persons and by municipal councils, when the matter of liberal giving to the Fund is brought before them. They are entitled to the most complete answer, for the Fund is the people's. They created it, and it is they who must maintain it Now for the reasons. There are 149,230 of them. The Fund asks for so much money because Canada bas given her men so lavishly to the Great Cause. Between 300,000 and 400,000 have volunteered. If their families need help, this. Fund provides it. In October 53,693 families did need it. These families comprised 149,230 persons, nearly all either mothers, wives or children. Is it any wonder that so Great a Need requires so Great a Fund? HOW GREAT IS THE NEED OF MONEY The sum expended in October, 1916, was $991,514.00 The average payment to each family was,. 16.29 The average payment to each person was • 5.73 The cost of administration was 15,464.00 (Ln above averages, stems paid for broken periods not included.) Pay special attention to the figures concerning cost of administration—including expense of campaigns for raising money. It is the ambition of the managers of the Fund to keep the costof raising and disbursing it below that of any voluntary fund ever created in Canada. Their aim is to hand to the soldiers' families as nearly as possible one hundred cents for every dollar subscribed. They succeed in handing 99i cents. The sum received in October as interest on moneys in banks was about $11,500. Take this from the cost of administration. The remainder is $4,000. And that, therefore, is all that had to be deducted from sums paid in. That is to say, of every 5100 paid by generous givers, 599.46 reached the families. Is not that economy which should give confidence to every subscriber? Does the magnitude of the Fund, as well as its importance, begin to impressou Mr. Citizen-: h o Y w a is -being -asked -to -subscribe -$100, or you, Gentlemen of the Municipal Council, who are being urged to vote $100,000 for 1917? Does the REQUEST look as large as it did now that you know something more of the NEED ? Since the war began the people of Canada have subscribed to this Fund .$1694959000 For 1917 they will be asked to give—and will give 12,500,000 Of this sum Ontario is being asked to guarantee—and will guarantee—at least 6,000,000 This is one million more than in 1916, but every dollar will be required for Ontario's families. Not, much chance for individuals or counties to economize by cutting down their contributions, is there? On the contrary, the giving must be on a scale more generous than ever. And why not? If we can't FIGHT, isn't it a Privilege rather than an Obligation to PAY? ONE WORD MORE No man should ignore his personal responsibility towards the families of those who are fighting for him, simply because his Municipal Council is taxinghien slights owe for the same these people far more. Perhaps he is too poor tomore. slightly h e objeve, generousee owes cheque to his local Patriotic Fund Commiee, or payil it to If not, itis up to hien to give a THE CANADIAN PATRIOTIC C FYTND, VITTORIA STREET, OTTAWA SOME OF THE 149.230 REASONS WrY THE FUND NEEDS S0 MUCH ]MONEY