HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1917-1-4, Page 4"MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 /Ford Touring Car $495.00 f. o 6. Ford, Ont. You don't need extravagant claims to j us- ofYYoft choice when you buy the Ford. The new model five -passenger Touring Car at $495 is standard automobile value. I dont need to make claims in offering you this car. I show you the car, itself, and give reasons. The quality, the price and the service it gives snakes satisfaction sure, You can al- ways depend on the Ford, Let us show you the new model to-day— S. CARTER, Dealer J3RUSSCLS _ _ Ilii y _ _-- (1 Orbe trouts Vast THURSDAY, IANUARY 4. 1:917 Wal't'z 1917 now. • AUSTRIA is reedy to cry quits, Have. you .ordered your aeroplane yet ? PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON had uot the close shave for the Presidency of the U. S. as first Litlnouneed. 696,66& is Said to be the correct majority. Pace, CRERLMAN should be a good man for his new Agricultural position as assistant to Premier Hearst, who in the meantime is also Minister of Agricul- ture.. CANADA is receiving great advertising through the war. roc carpenters are now asked for to go to Europe to aid in erecting a mammoth munition factory. The Cauueks are the boys when work is to be done. ALBERTA Legislature is called. by Pre- mier Sifton to convene Tuesday Febru- ary 6th. This will be the sal session of the 3rd Parliament. A bill dealing wish rural credits will be among measures of special interest. Tree vacancy in the Provincial House by the death of Hon. J. S. Duff tneans a bye election. Liberals have nominated Isaac Scott as their standard bearer. West Simcoe is not noted however for majorities on that side of the house but you never can tell. DID you fill out your pedigree on that Government cat 2 The pity is that the information sought bad uot been secured a year ago so that the practical ends sought could have been put to work then. If this does not fill the bill pos- sibly Conscription may SoltR folk are vele fidgety if they are in debt while others appear to be uneasy unless they are, The British Natiooel debt is over £2.500,000,000. Whew 1 that's big enough to satisfy almost any- body. Some moons will wax and wane before that is liquidated. Byo the aid o f thousands o f loads s of loam plus 2 tons of grass seed a goodly portion of the Sahara at Camp Borden is expected to put forth a dress of green neat Spring. If continued as a camp ground, as is the present intention, no one will feel sorry over the abatement of sand storms, even if not entirely con- trolled, r)oasaioe Parliament is summoned for 'Thursday January ie. It will be a fighting session as a General Election is expected to follow closely on proroga- tion. Premier Borden will attend the House for a month and thea go to Eng- land to join the otber Premiers in an Itnperial Conference. HON. P. CBAse CASGRAIN, Postmaster General of the Dominion of Canada, died last Friday of pneumonia, He had caught cold while visiting Naw York and his demise came as a great surprise Deceased was in his 65th year and was very popular. Although a French Canadian he was British to the core, Hon. A. Sevingy wilt likely succeed Mr Casgrain. As a rule the church stauds for brotherliness, decorum and "in honor preferring one another" but the Ruthen- ian Presbyterian gathering, held at Saskatoon, had whirlwind sessions. Eggs were thrown and furniture took wiugs at the command of some of the brethren. Some cheaper missies than eggs might have been utilized altbough the omelet is usually a good spreader and a noticeable color is left where it hits. To add to the secrecy of movements on the battlefields, where a large num- ber of mules are.. utilized with batteries, transports, &e„ the musical braying has been eliminated by a surgical operation, From the lower order to the higher may result in the removal of the verbose politician in the days to come. tunny a man has made a donkey of himself by his bray who might have passed for e wise man bad he kept his mouth shut when he did not need to speak. Clubbing list THE POST has made arrangements to club with follow' tg papers and will. be sent to any address (except the United States 50 cents extra) at the following subscription prices :— Dailies Pose` and Toronto Globe,.., $4 36 " Toronto Wotld ..,...,8 85 " Toronto Daily Star 3 75 Toonto News 8 75 Toronto al all -Empire.,4 86 Advertiser 4 85 London Free Press 4 86 Weeklies Pose` and Saturday Globe $2 40 Farnily Herald and Star 2 35 Toronto Sun 2 20 Farmer's Advocate 2 95 Canadian 0otltryman, 2 00 Farm and Dairy. 2 80 Montreal Witness.-,..,,., 2 85 World Wide .............. 2 75 Northern Messenger 1 00 u I'r is high time that the law or regule- tions'as they relate to the government of Model Schools and their graduates was amended, As at present constituted Trustee Boards and the teachers hardly n know where they are ata d it is Confus- ion confounded, They should either stated on their merit or the present ridic- ulous regulations, if not the schoo's themselves, crit ort, No dout h good practical work is being done by the Model atid the teachers do well from ft bat the "short date" business is grossly dnfeir and the Education department Should remedy it if they desire to do what is right and give everybody a square deal, Trustee Boards should register a kick and pass it on to the Minister at Toronto. 61 11 ,1 66 11 position In the maddening crowd surg.. toe g forward grasping a few p imi es, perhape eorely needed at borne. This is no Puritan temperance lecture - 1 it's straight facts—and I must confess to witness such an occurrence fills a parson with totalling and disguet. JOnglend le fighting foo' £reedont—w heti shefiuishee the fight she should try and get it eta angle bold on the (Hill atone that hangs on her own *leek and shake free from some of the anligeat- ed cuetorne, which are, to soy the least, degrading. From our nftlllp we can, on it clear day, hearthe boom of the cannon a- cross the channel, which fol'cibly re- minds one that the lead pills tore still flying in Prance. Rumor has it that the 110th will be a reserve battalion, that is will not lose its identity and a draft will likely be made within the next few weeks to go to the tieing line. Nothing authentic, however, has yet been issued fl out head - quartet's. AN empty bread bisket may in the near future deal the death blow to the P;uropeau war as it relates to Germany and Austria. The gaunt wolf or hunger has already asserted himself and the people may rise in their might as they feel his bite and destroy the destructive system of militarism. BAoI rn10NT of vodka has been the making of Russia and although her im- mense army has been up against it ou account of unpreparedness they have the "Come back" power and will denm- onstrete it in the nearby future. Russia has a population of 170,000,000, 80 per cent are peasau•s. Properly armed they would prove an invincible bost. Alter the war there will be a new and better condition in Russia STATE control of the liquor traffic is ooe of the possibilities in Britain, It this hoary headed enemy could be throt- tled in the Briti: h Isles the war would not be in vain iu its moral influence to King George's lend. The colonies have set a good example and itis about time for the mother to get a move on when the children have led the way. Old customs die hard but there seems to be many a fellow who knows better pump. ing air to the gasping system that has it . sappedg the soar v and vi al t v of mil- lions in that land. Awake 1 Awake 1 Ir is generallysupposed that the hes. baud is the head of tate house but in not a few instances it is only a supposition A New York woman, who is a Magis- trate, had her hubby and 29 others be- fore her for disturbing the peace while on a "lit up" Christmas eve. Mrs. Anna Smith sent Mr. Smith ai.d his pals to jail for 3o clays. Christmas was the opening day of the sentence. That's the kind of a wife to have, 'talk about woman being the "weaker vessel" ask Mr. Smith's opiniou, letter from Sergt. McGuire Following is a letter written by Bengt. McGuire son of A. and Mrs. McGuire, Brussels :— The favorite pastime to -day seems to be letter -writing and with few ex- ceptions the men are busy penning missives to those across the ocean, who though not near are still dear. No doubt many a wail of discontment has been sent to Canada and in some respects the men have good ground for complaints, however, much of the grousing is needless. It is common saying in the army that it's a soldier's privilege 10 grouse. The past week has been spent in fairly stiff drill, causing for a day or so aohhtg muscles after the two weeks' vacation while travelling from our Canadian camp. The weather for the first few days was tolerable but since that time we have heaved nary a sigh thinking of that dry climate in good old Ontario. I believe Kipling at one time scratch- ed off emnething about Canada, "'The Lady of The Snows," but he auto had some nerve, The snow storm, which descended with a fury here yeeterday, was a fair ituitation of our snowy' blasts. To -day the men are preparing for trips to different parts of Euglend and Scotland, The majority of the Milverton representation intend spending their leave in London and are living in hopes of viewing some- thing out of the ordinary. England with its quaint old build - legs is picturesque but the people are almost as old fashioned as the build - Ings, They have not as yet got away born numerous old customs that seem Co cause considerable amusement to those uncouth individuals bred and retired in the wilds of America, I have been told that Calladiane are not at all popular here, no doubt be- cause they carry that air of freedom whovever they go. No g meoaer an or y any other merchant in Canada ever receives bows end becks ft•on his customers, In fact such 'waters aro r'eVereed. The, shops are all two by twice affairs. You can eutet' in prop- er form, but as a rule you have to back nut. England can handle more bushtess in ten minutes than tha tnoat Important stoves here Handle fn an hour. The "pubs," or booze joints are pool' imitations of our hotels. They sell enough firewater, Lord known, but the bare era only small counters i thejostle each and there eirtnere jother' to get in tench with lire fairies who 1 he elevated position of booze- hold t slingers. 'These conrlitione etre per- haps eevolLitlg enough but add to it the eight of women trying 10 hold a MODEL SCHOOL The following is the list of pupils who passed the Model School exam- inations tecently at ()lint00 and were granted certificate, names being arranged alphabetically :— Jessie E. Bather, Dothan'. Blanche V. Besse, Moorefield. Jessie F. Black, Chesley, Olive F. Brooks, Mitchell. Lrene M. Cavanagh, Owen Sound, Eliz•rbeth M. Clifford, Dunnville. Ethel M. Conk, Wiat inn. Willa R. E. Gox, Goderich. Iva Disher, Fenwick. Margaret L. Drummond, Mitchell. Ellen 1,. Evans, Jarvis• Florence M. Hillman, Newbury. Gladys L. Minor, St. Thomas, Irene M. Morgan, Ripley. Marie Murray, Ripley. Norma M. MacLennan, Ripley. Isabel E. McLean, Mitchell. Edith M. McMichael, Seaforth. Helen A. Rollaway, Clinton, Edna L. Smith, Merlin. Edna J. Warman; Clinton. Clementine E. Williams, Goderich. Margaret A. Yuill, Goderich. Brussels Branch Bible Society Following are the returns for 1916 for Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society which are very creditable to this ben ner branch :— Collection at annual meeting, July 17th...- .. $ 5 05 Binssels. N.—Mrs. Skelton and Miss Maggie Ross 15 96 East—MissL Leatherdale and Mrs. J. Meadows 23 05 West—Miss M. Smith and IsLs F. Spaeling 18 55 Grey 1 yP —Cens. 1 & 2, hna sea Simpson and \irUnnald 4 05 Cons & 4, Misses M. Strachan and McDonald.,.. . 4 25 Onus. 5 & 6, Mesdames MCArtli- ur and Dou.rherty.............. 7 45 Cons. 7 &8, Miss A. Cardiff and airs. Alex. Armstrong .,. 4 80 Cons. 9 & 10, Mise B. Arm- strong and ;\irs. A. Lamont... 12 25 Onus. 13 & 14, Mrs. Cochrane and e1iss F. Alcock............. 4 50 Cranbtook-A. J. Helm . 28 45 Ethel—Misses Dunbar and San- ders, (bal. ft cru 1915 $3 00) 20 50 Morris Twp. -31.d Line, Misses Anderson and Yuill. ..... 6 60 4th Line, Misses Black and Wilkinson 8 75 5111 Line, Miss herr and Mee W. Cook 325 6th Line, Mrs. W. Bernard and Miss M. McOutcheon 5 40 70. Line, Mesdames D. McDon- ald and T. McCall .......... 6 65 $175 01 Money Was remitted to the treasurer at Toronto to be devoted to the spread of the Gospel in this and other laude. Total for last year was $164.45 and for 1915, $1501.9, Thanks are due the collectors for their good work. New Year's Message from the Governor-General moon oos000m0000000. (0.0641,/ee0SO/0S000s000soo a 1s 9 s 11 • _1!1_..I.......r..�a.w 4 3 C e • es 0 • • • • • • 3 • 13 • • • • 0 • • • e • i • A choice stock in all lines, together with finest quality of New Confectionery, Fruits, Shelled:Nuts, Fancy Biscuits, &c. Neilson's High-class Chocolates in fancy boxes. Ice Cream, Oysters, Oxo and other Sea- sonable Delicacies, Phone 4ox or call at store. PROMPT DELIVERY. .. $ z A li • 13 4m A• •• • • • 0 a 1 Farms for Sale m Nsr _ BSt The undersigned offers for sale hie fine 180 I Grocer and acro form, 110tng Lot 12, xnd port or Lot 18, 'Q Y = Cot. 0, ran 80 xores nn Got 7, Con, 4, Township R. A. McKay Confectionery• of Grey,Flp05(5,e sty, On the former is a • • 1 good brick hoose, extra good barn, 601100 100 feet • ® Value 1 all cemented end water installed, acre in or. • nctree bein80 g ,05I 2Oon,5 In bush, towiB Also C ps•e♦0te,eo.eseemJerr®••.also0gJoesesQtarPp•p1Rd?•n1aNS9eleP80450 In Western Ontario 12 acres of carte good Pall wheat and. over 40 -. _. .. .yrs acres plowed. 13otlt farms in good condition. M _-. . _ . .... ,. . . _. - - For further particulars as to priees, terms and the train to a standstill, but tint be. fore the mother awl ahiid wete slight- ly hit by the engine, although they were thrown chute of the traolt. Mrs. i)iekeon -received a haul slinking up rued tuns lot iiised While the little girl eseapt'd tvitlieut much injury, Seaforth Miss J anal •Goveillook, who has been spauclble some weeks at the bottle of her le other, • R. Goveltloek, Nneth 1M7ain Stelae, left for Victoria 11 0. • J. G. Andersen, el' 11r Taylor & Andel ime Ou, wee iu town at•ruiging the U'iulefor of the Lase of their fac- tory Imllding 011 the ,Main street to the freed 11.nhinsno 151fg On. el les Marion Brown le spending the holidays with her parents, Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Brown at the rectory. Mise Brown hoe been appointed to the surf of the Toronto General Hospital and Will begin her duties as night super- vittee of the I7ntergenoy department early in the New Year. The East Huron Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING Tho on0051 meeting of Best flnron Agrleal- ternlS Seemly will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, en Wednesday, January 171h, 10171st 1,00 p m, Business of Ute meet htg—lleoeiving the Annual 131'ntemont and Auditors"Report, appointing Officers for the ear 1917, &0. M. BLACKf,lSecretaryedent, Bulls for Sale t roan bull otilved 0,4. 14.91,1019, shred by 511. • lit Visitor Im,or89171,his.6.W1nit'sbeh,l,O s Poli , tion 0 by J, 1A r Watt. Dam was hos de 10 Perfection 4100 ;hie grand don, on eke's side 1s Penny W, 88, 07041, Gainford Perfection's dam 1 red roan bull calf, about 1 year old, sired by Bravo Royal 000911 grand hire, Mildred Roy. al 45809 • his dam was shred by a spicy Mar. Bele bull, - Ales will have 0 young bulla on or about Deo. 22nd, grand sired by Gainford. blarquls 88755, Imp. Helve two more bought which Will arrive later whose grand sire 1s also Gainford Mar- quis Moe. Thoee in need of a bull should sell and see miles North of Walton o» Morris township, IP; TI)OMA 8 PIERCE, Phone 5912. 12, It, No. 2, Brussels, A SUGGESTIVE COINCIDENCE An interesting fact has developed in connection with the Pa1110110Fund, It has been found that, broadly speak- ing, the sums granted front the Fund, NS Supplementary to the separation al- lowance and assigned pay, bring the total income of families on the Fund, in each province, to a parity with lite cost of living as estimated by the Do- minion Government's Labor Buieau. This result goes to conflem the sub- stantial accuracy of the Labor Bu- reau's estimates, and also indicates that the admini_ ....'os of the Patel - r eondiliots; apply on the pCJn CR3I r write The Condon Advertiser I JOHN JACll,e1 P, BeeIIiveGrocer Telxphette 4414. 1Cthel P, O. �� _,a All Ma c t ons S;.00peryr. Farm or a e roceries, The undersigned offers her fine 125 acre farm Fruit being Lot 8 and w pt 0, (Jon. 0, Township of Confectionery, &c. New and Choice. Car of Bran and Middlings to hand. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS Grey, for sale. On the premises es a good brick house withframekitchen and woodshed; large bank barn and driving shed, MAO a windmill, and aver,rtlting In good ropnir, Land 1n first- clo8x state of ouhe proprietress For furnter pe,tln- ulers apply to the proprietress on the prom- ises, a IAABELLE STRAOel ., Phone 409 Ethel P. O. House for Sale Try Royal Household Flour Comfortable house andsere of land for BRUSSELS sale in the Village of Ethel Property belong- edto the estate of the late Mrs, Alex, McKay. W.J.McCracken Cellar, drilled well, &o,. on the premises. For further particulars Re alar Monthly Horse Fuus will be >UDONALD Ethel. otic Fund in each province are keep- Our'phote is 48. ing their grants reasonably close to the actual wants of the people de- pendent on it. Naturally, the cost of living In- c' Notes as the move Westward, and therefore the grants from the Fund increase also For illustration, the average greet. in Prince Ed woad Is - lend is about $tn 00 per month, while in Biitish Columb;a it is nearly $21 00. The at'r'n•noe over the Dominion is about $16,00. Itis estimated that the degree 01' comfort ensured by the Patriotic Fund is practically the same in each Province, notwithstanding the difference in the average grants. Atwood We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Arthur Wynn, of Newry, and hope she may speedily recover. Annual meeting , 1' the Elma Re- form Assnciation will be held in the Music Hall, lrtiday, January 5111. Annual meeting of the shareholders and patrons of the HINDI Cheese & Butter Manufitetnring On., will be held in the Factory buildings Satur- day, January 611i. Thos. Parker has sold his fine Nina on the Gravel road Ninth of the vil- lage to Morton Gray. 1511•. Parker in- tends having a sale and will move to Atwood. Following comprise the Township Council • Reeve, William Scott ; Deputy -Reeve, Samuel Smith ; Coun- cillors, Win. ()nates, John Inman and Chas, Valiance. A. CLOSE CALL. — Saturday aftel- apply to g 14•tf A. B. MA to . m Sale TIIURSC.AY, Feb. ler; 1917 For Mar. 1st, 1917 Grain Warehouse with horsepower elevator, t scales, carts, floor cars, &c. April 5111 1917 Also part of Lot 80, Cot, 5. Township of 1,lor- ria, 29 acres, adjoining the Village of Brussels, —n— and 6 building lots on Trtrnberry street, icor Leading local and outside buyers will be present partionlara apply to the owner. J. moms. held ' Brussels this sseason as follows •••!•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • O •• • s • e ♦ • • ♦ • LIL RSal♦ RA • . c® : • • A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly : • Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise. • • • t tees M. torn, Dec. 23rd,when Mrs. J t t o Dickson children were cin t t ltd chute I e,.kaoe u going the station to take the train for Bette - sets and walking on the cinder path alongside of the main track to the station platform, was suddenly hot-, lined to see her little daughter walk- ing in the ciente'. of the track with a fast special train approaching. The ♦ mother immediately went to the res- • cue and in so doing saved the child's • life. Engineer seeing the danger np- • plied the emergency brake bringing 4.++fi••D'd.4•+•i•'i•i••t••Fir•F•t••i••F'!••it•ti•4•F1••A•S••F•k•F'I••d•d-i••t••1••i•d••4••D••F4'i•'I••t••1••l•'h;$4 • Do Not Imaine that Every ++,++ - ♦ Je : thingin a Furnitur Store • .� Is Expensive i' i• Ottawa, Dec. 80. — His Excellency + the Governor-General as president of T. the Canadian Patriotic Fund has is- 4' sued the following New Year's appeal 4' one behalf of the Fund : Twice his Royal Highness the Duke •i' of Connaught appealed to the people 'p of Canada iu support of the Canadian 4 Patriotic Fund. The prompt and i• generous response on each occasion I. proves how truly Canada appreciates ,is, the debt which she owes to her sous who are fighting for the Empire. •?• Heavy as the sacrifices have already been, the Dominion is as determined as ever to carry the war to a success- ful conclusion and however 011010ua the burden may be, she is equally de- tertnined to help the fautilies of those who are serving in the array and in the navy. The administration of the fund has been most successful and economic and subscribers can be fully assured that their contributions are beingexpended to the best advantage, Fifty-five Dimmed Enmities, com- prising one hundred and fifty thous - 'I' a' •F + e• + + •F + and individuals, are to -day dependent np(m the fend and it is estimated that + twelve million five hundred thousand i. drillers will be required to tweet the + requirements of the next twelve •p months. The enm is a large one but when the n e fully realized I am circumstances 9 atL l 0 F confident that the people of Canada will willingly contribute the amount necessary for the fund to continue its patriotic and beneficent work, r i rad DES ONSI3lIt)0. (Signed) Belgrave L. 0. L,—The following is the result of the election of officers in Belgrave I,No. 452 for the ensnn term I. a, g —W. M., Bert Bradburn ; D. M., P. W. Scott Chaplain, John Wight - man Rec.-See., Mntrra Jnhneon P, rnau ; y S , Robert Owet,e ; Ti eas., Rnht Me - Cray ; Leet., Mel. Bradburn ;A of 0., A. Bt'ydges ; Committee, Bert Wat. son, 'F, Nethery, J, Noble, Wm, Love, 0, Nethery, , Jr 8' i' WE have a great many small articles in the way of I0 Furnishings and Furniture that are quite within the range of ordinary gift -giving. For instance we have : Jardiniere Stands that are very moderately priced. Shirt Waist Boxes that will delight any lady. Medicine Chests, an essential in any house. Mirrors to suit every purpose. Pictures of all sorts. Nuvelty Goods, Secretaries, etc., etc. Or if you want to go a little higher in price, we have high grade goods in Furniture to suit all rooms. Something for the home that will be there for years will be the most appreciated gift you can give. A Musk Cabinet is not expensive. A Couch is a very comfortable and cosy article of Fur- niture. What more useful article than a Kitchen Cabinet. Dressing Tables, Dressers, Clliffonieres, Stands. Brass, Iron and Wooden Bedsteads, Springs and Mattraese8. Hall Seats and Mirrors. Buffets. Chairs and Boom hn s • in C Settees, tees Drawing Cabinets, Dining Tables and Chairs, etc., etc. We are agents for Pianos sure to please. They would make a delightful Present. L , Walker & Black FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING • Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be • • sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul- j cahy Bankrupt Stock. ♦•• 0 • •O • • • • • • : Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to • • abide the result. '1' ♦ •• • A • • • +• • Kravter,• •JohaEthel AZ ♦ + •♦•♦♦'♦♦♦•U♦♦♦•0♦♦••0••••♦Oil♦••♦•♦O•••♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦4'••4'♦• 4• i• i' If you are a Bargain Hunter your wants can be supplied at our Store. tF +4-• 49 fie -14+F•F'M4•M8"WP'N'F'i•+F'Fa'•P•F'F4i'•F'Fal'„'F'b„ i" 1••F„II•4:40,ai'dte, + Hifi 1115k- 111111 ill 16, 61.6 40 .4 4 1 I .5 AIL