HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-28, Page 8Overkk&i No doubt thorn is someone yell had intended to remember at Cltrietnies but who was overlooked. We still have many things that wottld make suitable gifts, such as :- The New Books We have found a good demand for the new books and among the best sellers are :- Itlr, Britling Sees it Through, by Wells The Worn Doorstep, by Sherwood The Watohmen, by L. M. Moetgonuery Boxes of Stationery Can always find 'a place. A good selection to choose from at 25e and yon, also a few of the better boxes left. Flashlights At $t 00, $I.2o and $1.65. They are very useful and convenient, Manicure Pieces In Ivory and Ebony. If the frleed you are thinking of is collecting these, one more piece would be just the thing as a present. New Years IreetteXatHeamsetraesisuseesSEVIMiX Cards Our New Year Cards are noyw on display and we invite you to come in and look over these at your leisure. Large Range of New Ysars Greeting Cards At 5c, roc and r5c each. The de- signs are veru pleasing, and the words suitable tor this occasiou, New Year Post Cards Fresh New Year Postal Cards at 2 for se and 50 each. When writing your after Christmas messages send a New Year's Card, 1917 Diaries At 051, 250 and Ane. the s'wtcf , Store DRUGGIST ..N.1 STATIONER, Xrar �p ay1 ClricKENPDX has been on the program b K',( Q�� ti�� at several honles in town. 1 HURanAv of last week was the sbort- Goon BYE 1.1 1916. RENEW For THE POST. LOCAL news on page 5. GET ready to write 1917.. READ the new story in Tun POST. THE skating rink has been well patron- ized. HAPPY New Year to all the readers of TIIETOsT MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of next week, A FEW automobiles are still running. The sleighing has been fine. RURAL School::annual meetings were held Wednesday of this,week. A TELEPHONE has been iestapecll at A. H.'tienry's, Brussels. No. is'86. NExT :Monday will be the Bete of Municipal Elections where contests are necessary. ecSoME very tasty window dressing was done for this holiday season by a num- ber of the business men. A SALVATION Army officer from Wing - ham canvassed Brussels last week selliug the'Christmas'War Cry. CoNTINUAytoN auci Public Schools closed Thursday of last week and will re- opeusWednesday,of'next week. BRUSSELS Postoffice iIwill observe New Year's Day, and will only be open from 8,to'g'a.' m: aud7from's to 6 p. m. THE Rural Mail Couriers bsve had a busy time during the past few weeks, more particularly when trains were late. They filled the bill in good style how- ever. j IF you-see:a'"atrange man smiling at you on the street during the next sew days don't get alarmed, He's probably only some candidate fora public office, who doesn't want to;,make:a ;mistake by missing anybody. BRUSSELS Red Cross Society is very grateful to S, S. No, 3. Grey township. for $4o 95, the net proceeds of the hustltng school entertainment held last Friday evening. It was a fine "lift" to a good cause. Ranter Y the cellar of a Brusselite was visited by a sneak thief and 30 or 40 bottles of pickles and fruit were taken, If discovered the nervy intruder will go where the high cost of living will not affect bis pocket for a while. MUNICIPAL ELEc'rION -Next Monday will be Municipal Election dry in Brus- sels, the only contest being for the Reevesbip. Candidates are J. Leckie and S. T. Plum, Polls will open at the Council Chamber and Library Board Room at q a. m. and close at 5 p. m., with N. F. Gerry and P. Scott. as Re- turning Officers. The Colman ors and Trustees were elected by acclamation. AUNT oa EDDIE MCKAY DIES IN LON Doti, -'The death occurred in Victoria Hospital on Saturday evening of Miss Bella McKay, aged. 8o, a resident of Zorra for many years. She was an aunt of Eddie McKay, the young London aviator, whose recent exploit in sending to his death Capt. Boelke, the king of German flyers, won him fame, (and a former old Brussels boy) For some time past Miss McKie made her home here with another nephew, Alex. McKay, of 054 Cierence street, London, The funeral was held on 'Tuesday to the C. P. R. depot and interment made in the family plot at Entbro. MILS, T. ENNIS DECEASED - At 4.30 o'clock Christmas morning Mrs. Thomas Ennis passed away at ber home, Brus- sels, in her 77th year. She had been ailing with heart trouble anti dropsy for the past year and on Friday had a stroke of paralysis from which she did not rally. Her maiden Llama was Fanny Jane Taylor, end she was horn and mar- ried in the township of Vaughan, the latter event occurring 5g years ago last Sunday, Shortly after the wedding Mr, and Mrs. Ennis moved to Cran- brook locality to Lot 16, Con. 13, where they resided until moving to Brussels 14 years ago, selling their too acres which they had converted from a hush lot to a fine homestead to John McNabb. There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ennis a family of 6 sons and 6 daughters as follows:- R. C., of Saniao, Sask.; Frank, Edens, Man. i Sydney, Kelwood, Seek. 1 Jou, Buchanan. Sask. ; Will , Idaho ; and Fred., Brussels. Jou is de- ceased, Mrs. Jacob Long, Cranbronk ; Mrs, J. R. Hamilton, Edmonton ; Mrs. J' T. Brown, Stratford ; Mrs. P. Smith, kelwooc1, Seek, I Mrs. W. McLachlan, Glendale, Man,; and Mrs. 1, Hollinger, Stratford. The two latter are deeeast d, The subject of this notice was a heavy woman, jolly and kindly, industrinue and ever ready to do a good turn. She was a member of tate Presbyterian church,' Funeral takes place Thursday afternoon and interment will be mode In Brussels cemetery. The bereaved will be deeply gymppatbleed with, espeo- faily Mr. Ennis, Who is 82 years of age and Edgar Hollinger, who has lived With his grandparents smee the death of his Mettler, est dee of the -ear. Sun rose at 7 49 :uvd s, -t et 4 43. Daylight will soon be sive d. now. DON'T tercet the Red Cross Circle Tea 'i'ue day afternoon and evening, lanty ry gilt, The A. Y. P. A. of St. lr,! is church will be i, charge and et' rrbndy, men, women and children i be wecnme. SINGLE rn.e cu the railways for New soar',, gond ening Saturday and Mon- ei,y mei returning Tuesday. Fare and a !hurl, good going Thursday, Friday and S lturctay, to return Wednesday, Jan. 3rd. 0— ID Cows for rale due to calve daring Janu- ary Bud February. GORDON MCDONALD, Central Hotel, Brussels, Los'r.--itetween Walton and 7th Line, Mor- rie, a hair's onrae. Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at W, J. Neal's store, Walton, or at Tile 0',1,T, BI•u?sale, CARLOAD or $our, bran, shorts and feed flour at Grand Trunk, Brnamel% Friday and Saturday of this week, ALF, BACKER. Horse for sale or to rent. Immediate pos- sesm n. Apply to T. R. Thomson,. Seaforth, or Bobs. Thomson, Brnssel9, Pon SA1,T.-1 spau of hovse', set new double harness, lumber wagon marls new, new hay reek, set bol -sleigh,. and Lox. Will be sold cheap as owner does not require them. Apply at Stearin i.,ght Plant, 200 N1vras. Dn. PAaxna, Osteopathia Plty-toian, visite Brussels Monday's and rhnri.d"y'a. Chronic and nervous diseases succe'ofally treated. Visite residences, Consultation at Queen's Hotel, WANTED. -Cattle to feed hay or straw. Ap- ply at Ten POST. Pros bred White Wyandotte Cockerels for male, Also several well bred Durham Bulls, Tiros. P10005, Phone 0012 Lot B0, Con. 8, Morris.. WANTED. -Wood in exchange for cash or honey, G. A. flso nxAN, House and lot for sale. First-class two-story house, centrally located. For further partic• 'altos apply at Tee PosT. A 0005 house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply to I. C. RICHARDS, —0--' WEDFEIDAY morning a pedestrian re- quired to be quite an acrobat 10 keep on his feet owing to the slippy side of the walks being up, caused by the thaw and freezing, BEFORE leaving for her vacation Miss L. Bell, one of the Public School teach- ers, sent the following interesting note to Mrs. P. Scott which speaks for itself and may stimulate others t -DEAR. MRS, :SCOTT, -At your suggestion we have kept a hank in our roam for Red Cross collections. From these and a candy sale we have now $8.00, which we give to you for the Red Cross, BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. -Saturday afternoon of last week East Huron Board of Agriculture met in the Board Room of the Public Library, Brussels, and arranged the program of Winter meetings. The dates are as follows :- Thursday, Jan. 4. Ethel ; Friday, " 5, Waterier ; Saturday, " 6, Walton ; Monday, " 8, Winthrop ; Tuesday, " q, Harlock ; Wednesday, " ro, Belgrave. Speakers will be G1vin Barbour, Crass Hill ; L. Bowes, Meaford ; and Mrs. Watts, Toronto. See the posters. BRUSSELS NOMINATION. -There was a slim attendauce at the Town Hall Fri- illy evening at the annual Municipal Nomination meeting. Following names were premised :- Reeve, Jno. Leckie and S. T. Plum. For Councillors, Geo. A. Best, 0,t, Fraser, Richard Cardiff, D, Walker. W. C. Smith, W. J, McCracken, S. Wilton and Dr. Bryans. Four of the nominees retired electing Messrs. Best, Fraser, Walker and Wilton. For School Trustees, nominees were M. Bleck, Jno, Cunningham and P. Stewart, Reclama- tion. A platform meeting was In',titut- d, with F. S. Scoft in the chair, but the °Div nominees present were J. Leckie, 8. '1'. Plum, M. Trager, Dr. Bryant and M. Black. The only contest is for the Reeveship. GET A CAan.-National Service cards containing 24 questions will be here the first week in January anti you are ex- pected to bo given ono by the Postmast- er, and then you are requested to answer the questions and return the card to the Postmaster who will forward it to the National Service Commission at Ot. tawa. Cards are to bo given to every male between the ages of 36 and 66 in- clusive, The questions asst your mune, age, where you live, where born, where father and mother were horn, Whether born a British subject or naturalized I married, Bingle or a widower ; who you iuppnrt ; how long sick last year 1 have you full uta of your arms, legs, sight, hearing; What do you work at, whom for, have vim a trade or profession, le so whet, are sou working now, if not, why not ; would you he willing to change your present wnrtc for other necessary work et the name pile during the war tee you willing if vnttr railway fare is paid to leave where you now live, and go to Sema other place in Canada to da such work t 006000o990000004400.90444+44440444,4 4,6o4.44.4+r '44444.4 ,44 4 • 4, ♦ ♦ 4 4 44 ♦ 0 ♦ 0 ♦ ♦ 0 a 4 9 ♦ 0 4t d e 0 • • • e ♦ a a • a 4 4 9 9 0 • Richards OFFER CKEY ♦ • m e At the Following Prices 0 • Ladies' - $2 25 n Gents' - 2 50 o c2 Boys' - 2 25 4 All having ankle supports and y felt padded insoles, being dur- m able and comfortable, • Harness Department• o • Harness—Heavy and Light, Robes, Blankets, Bells f Trunks and Satchels. 4 • 4 . • • • 3 Phoove 4ax Richards ' 01.,>e • 0.40004.0* 404 .40.,” 4414o*.4.44+60468 THE sleet storm did damage to the the telephone lines, T'LEPHONE Co. Directors will meet Safnrdcy to close up the year's business. NET consignments of the latest books have been placed ou the shelves of Brus- sels Public Library. LAST Saturday night's train slid ea!' reach Brussels until scary r o'clock Sunday morniug. 'There was a big list of passengers. DRUG sTOREs of James Fox and Frank Smith will close Tu.'sday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 8.45 o'clock during the Winter months. SKATING RINK, -The rink is open for skating Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day evenings and Saturday afternoon and evening. Hockey Tueedsy night 13y notice elsewhere it will he seen that R. George Dark, of Gilroy, Sask., sou of R. and Mrs Dark, l3russels, Was united iu mai rine" Miss Ellen E„ daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Holmes, of Mountainside, Man, W. wish the young couple many happy, prosperous years. Goon FOR No, I, -The treasuwvsof Brussels Red Cross is richer by $45 45 from S'. S. No. I Grey, the proceeds of a recent school entertainment, under the management. of Miss Jessie Menzies, Donation was appree&ated. A FEW peop'e iu remitting for renew- als for THE Pon' are overlooking the fact that our rate is $r 5o instead of IS Lott. The la, ter atnnunt will be duly credited on address label for 8 months and if balance is forwarded will be ex. tended for full year. Church Chimes Rev. Mr. Wren's discourse on Lloyd George last Sabbath evening was well timed and full of interesting pointers relative to the war. 'Che Christmas pro• gram of music by the choir was excel- lent and well sustained to the last num- ber. It showed careful and faithful practice and training under the direc- tion of Mrs. Addie Wright, Comment must be made on the special music, so well rendered, on Christmas Sunday by the choir of Melville chureb, Great credit is due Mr. Mulheron for the excellent training he is giving his choir and his efforts during the past month were well set forth on Sunday. His ef. forts are greatly appreciated and we win') him continued success in his work. Sunday evening Miss V. Walker sang "The Star of Bethlehem" by Adams in excellent voice which was much appre- ciated. Rev, D, B. McRae, Kincardine, I occupied the pulpit and gave ap- propriate discourses. People We Talk Afoorat R. Thomson made a business trip to Toronto last Frldey. Miss Annie McQuarrie is hone from Moukton for a visit: Athol McQuarrie was home for his Christmas pudding. W. and Mrs. Gillespie were Chrietmas visitors at Seaforth. Harry Keys is borne from the West after an extended stay. Mies Hazel Burgess is home from Toronto for her vacation. Charlie Richards wee home for his Christmas turkey from Toronto, Mrs, Stuart, Toronto, is a visitor at the home of lames and -Mrs. Fox. Harry Duncan is home from the West for a visit of a few months. Miss Irene Vannorman, Wingham, teas the guest of the Misses Ross. Miss Laura Ament is home from Stratford Collegiate for the vacation, M. Yolleck and daughter spent a few days in 'Toronto during the past week. Robt. anti Mrs. McAlpine, St. Marys, were here for Christmas with relatives. J. L and Mrs. Kerr, Clinton, were at the former's parental home for Christ. mos. B, S and Mrs. Scott are enjoying their vacation with relatives in Colllsg. wood. Eli Snaith, Loudon, spent Christmas with his mother end sister, Princess street. Miss Edith Deadman Is tinder tine parental roof for a holiday yisit from Toronto. Will. Long and Mise Winnie are under the parental roof here for a holiday from Toronto. J. '1', Red Mrs, Wood •nd son, Merner spent the 'Christmastide with relatives at London. R. K. Ross, of Olean, Ohio, is enjoy. ing a short holiday among relatives end old friends. Lawson Wright was home from the Queen city for a Visit with his mother and brother, W, H. and Mrs, Peter, of Bervie, were visitors et the home of Pio, Hun- ter last week Mr. and Mrs Taylor and fertile, Owen Sound, and Mrs. and. Miss Hum. phreys, Toronto, were visitors at the home of James And Mrs, Jolles, BrnsSols. Misses jo Ross and Beth Kerr are here from Toronto for a holiday. „ James and Mrs Ballantyne and Archie spent Christmas with Clinton friends. Miss Gertracle Ross is here for a short visit from Fort William where she is teaching school, Mrs. (4 F Eddie and Mrs. McDowell, London, enjoyed Christmastide with Brussels relatives, bliss Ruth Sinclair is home from Tor- onto, where she was attending the Con- servatoty of Music. Chas, and Mrs. Howell and sons, Tor - nein, are holidaying at the home of S. T. and Mrs Plum, town. Pte Wilfrid Lott, Toronto, and Mise Addie Lott were home for a holiday visit with relatives and friends. Geo and Mrs Heist and children were here from Chesley over Christmas with the farmer's parents, Miss Muriel Brothers and Mies Beat- rice Harris gee home from school in Toronto for the holiday, Mist. C'ara McCracken, Toronto, was home for short vacation. Miss Muriel Kennedy aceomnsnied ber. Richard Stevens hag taken a situation for the Winter in the Wingham Aax mill He is an old band at the job, Rev Georgie anri Wire Lewitt and Miss Ena, of Springfte r1. are holiday visitors with relatives and old friends. lyirs. George Edwards Miss Minnie and George were at W. and Mrs. Bailie's in Eima for Christmas. Earl Cunningham was spending a holiday at his home at Goderich He made the trip in his roadster car. Robt and Mrs. Ross and children, Kincardine. were in town during the past week renewing old friendships. Lloyd Jackson, George Edwards, Roy Stewart and Stnsrt Grant are home from Stratford Collegiate for the holi- day. Mrs. Lorne Stephenson and son, of Burford, were here for she holiday. They are well pleased with their new home. R. and Mrs. Leatherdale and Miss Leatberriale spent Christmas at the home of R. A. and Mrs. Pryne, Toronto. Sato. Bell, of Teeswater locality, spent Christmas with relatives hare, Mre, Bell anri little daughter, Wilma returned with him George W. Colvin, who is emploverl in the office of the Massey -Harris Com- pany, Ltd , Toronto, spent Christmas at his home here W. H. and Mrs Merldinger, Hanover, were visitor% at the home of N. F. and Mrs. Gerry, Brussels. Mrs. Merklieger is a daughter. Garfield Jamieson, who is filling a position as baker in St Catharines, was here for Christmas visiting relatives and old friends. Pte: Whitfield Roe was ltom' for Christmas. He has enlisted with a Sig. noting Corps and is now in camp at Wintlsor, Ont, Among the teachers home from Tor- onto for the hr'tidav are :-Misses Down- ing, Bryant, Armstrong and McCracken and John Henderson, Rev, J. E. Hunter and dans,,hter. Miss Madeline, Charing Cross, were welcome visitors here for a few days at the parent. al home of the former, R. and Mrs Griffith hnve removed to Wroxeter 'Phe former is not yet decid- ed what he will do but the rest has greatly improved his health. Dr. George Ross made a short visit to the parental home from Chatham where he is stationed in connection with the Military Camp wintering there. J, H, and Mrs Cameron and Mre. S. Slemmon, London. have been visiting with 1. Leckie. The latter's sous, Jacic, Bob and Charlie are also here, Ino. J Gray WRs home for Chi'lsttnas from Brantford where he is etnployed. He expects to move his wife and family to the Telephone city next Spring. Walter and Mrs W llbee spent Christ- mas at the home of their son-in-law, anri daughter. F. and Mrs. Mee, Stratford, Oran Wilhee was also in the petty. Mrs, Wm Jewitt, M111 street, wee seriously ill rlturing the past week hut is Considerably better now, we are pleased to state. She is past 8o years of age. I Miss Jardine, assistant teacher ip Brussels Com ineIlion school, is spens1- log her vecstion at Milton. Miss Bell. of the Puhiir School staff. is at Allen Craig Misses Elsie and Kathleen Wilton are home train Dunnville and Elnlvale, re- spectively and Joe Wilton of the Stand- arc113ank, Midland, was also a visitor under the parental roof. lack Leckie, 01, A , went to Stratford Wednesday to piny the part of best man for Mr. Grano, bushiest; manager of Toronto University, who was wedded lo Mies Robertson, of Stretford, on that day. George Thomsotl is able to he back to the More after a few weeks' absence. He rubbed a miffitlre on his face in re - neve nettralgia. e-lfevenettralgia, Sense of the epl,litattnc got in his eyes aed also poieoned his face causing him considerable trouble. 66T'D 1878 tifW� STANDARD sA K Or CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. \ 239 BRUSSELS BRANCH, C. 11. SAMIS, ®® E1 Manager. iota ti k Wasows Letter to Brussels Voters I am credibly informed that certain patties in the town are busy spreading a story around the village. via, : That I arm planning to have the business part of Ttu'nlleet'y streeb torn up, pav- .ed, cemented, &c„ next Summer, and to have William street unproved in the same ma &c. &0. WhatI un ter, wish to say is that stories as to both streets are absolute falsehoods. Street improvement has been talked of in the Council, and no doubt 000- side 00side of the Council, but we concluded some time ago not to undertake any further expensive street improvement until the war is over, as by that time we would have tested the durability of the aLreets already made, to some extent at least. In so far as William street is con- cerned I have heard it suggested by parties, outside of the Council on two or three occasions, that it should be paved like the Main street,' and in every ease I have opposedsuch a prop- osition es being ton expensive and be- cause it did not require it, but should, together with 111111 street West, be improved in the same way as Princess street, which stood the heavy traffic of last Sammy well, Wily did the storytellers not bring up these matters at the Nomination ? I invited them to more than once. Why ? Because my answers would have frnstraLed their plans of spread- ing deliberate falsehoods, J. LEO erre. Brussels, 27011 Dec, 1016 , Molesworth Geo, Menzies, Iowa, is at his home here. Lorne Campbell is home Nom the West for a visit, Don, Pllintt, Toronto, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, China. are visiting the foririer's aunt, Mire. (Rev.) T. Bell, Roy and Mee. Fraser and Mise Mar- jorie were at Councillor kraser's for Christmas. Special Prayer services will be con- ducted in the Presbyterian church next week, commencing Jan. 2nr1. Next meeting of the Women's In- stitute will be held on Thufeday, Jan, lith, instead 00 Jan. 4th. Meeting will be in the evening at 7 30 and a 10c Red Cross Tua will be served. Gentle- men invited. Belgrave Past Watvannsb Council was re- elected for 1017 by acclamation. Nomination was held here last Friday, under the direction of Township Clerk Porterfield as Returning Officer. Date of Board of Agriculture and Women's Institute meetings will be Wednesday, January 101.h. Speakers will he Messrs, Barbour and Bowes, of Oross Hill and Meaford, respectively, and (Aire, L. H. Watts, Toronto. Let- ter will speak to the women in the afternoon. To Weerne0It.-Lieut, R. L Fergie- -son, 38rd Regiment, has been attached for duty to the 21st Regiment guard. details, Windsor. Lieut. Ferguson, who is 7o Belgrave boy, wits one of the first officers to ho selected from the 101st Batt to go overseas in a draft of officers, but was unable to pass the medical examiner on account of his araszesWesessEAS heart. Ile is still serving his country to the best of his ability this soldier boy is the eldest son of W. and Mrs. Ferguson, 5th line Morris town- ship. 1)IADTOND WEDDING+ --Robert Mc- Murray received an invitation to the Diamond Wedding of Thos. J. and Mre, Kelly, of Belleville locality, for Monday of next week, Mits. Kelly ie Mr. McMurray's sister. Mr. Kelly is 84 years of age and Mrs. Kelly 83. The old couple are natives of the Emmett -1 Isle and have been in Canada since 1838. Both are enjoying good health. B snnsand 6 daughters with their families will attend the 60th anniversary of the fine old couple. Only one child is deceased. Election Cards To the Electors of Brussels : 04444w tt44000.4+0b4444066 0440 e .y e• } reethN 4 ♦ 4, 4 • • We wish Q to extend t m all our Custom o Very Hearty • New Year @laain • • • 9 ai 4 m 6 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, -T am a 0 candidate for the Reeveship of Brus- ♦ sets and will esteem it a favor if yon ♦ will marls your ballot in my behalf 0 next Monday. Have been a Domicil- A for for 4 years and a resident of Sims- O cele for the past 35 years. If elected ♦ I will do my best in the interests of ♦ our nnunicipality, \Vishhig you a ®' Happy New Year. Yours truly, 4 13. T. PLUM. o To the Municipal Voters of Brussels : 'LADIES- AND GENTLEMEN, -I take the liberty of asking you for your kind and long continued support for the Reeveship this year -my last year and my 2St1i year• of service for Brussels and the Township of Grey. Thanking you for your support in the pant, with confidence 10 anticipa- tion of your coointled support on Monday next, and wishing you the best of health and prosperity during the coning year and all the years of your lives. Yours very truly, J. LECKIE. To the Electors of Grey Twp. I run again a nominee for the office of Deputy Reeve and solicit your vote and influence. If elected my object is to recluse the Township tate to 3 mills on the dollar and by changing the system of management this can easily be accomplished. Wishing you the compliments of the season. JOHN McNABB. Ladies and Gentlemen : I am seeking promotion from the office of Township Councillor, which I have held for past 7 years, to the Dep- uty Reeveship of Grey. If elected it will be my aim to advance the Meer - este of nut' municipality both at home and abroad. As I will not be able to see all the Electors I take this oppor- tunity of soliciting your aid next Mon- day. Wishing you the compliments of the season. Yours truly, P. A, MCARTHUR. 4 • • James Fox • • And also to return our SINCERE THANKS to all who in any way assisted in' making the past Xmas sea- son one of the best in many years. Very sincerely, Drugs and Stationery The Penslar Store • 4 4 4 • ♦ 9 • • 9 • •♦ 0 4 4 • • ♦ 9 0140.443R0.04460♦4414441404440 MARRIED Baawan-Rnn'LAND-In Grey township, on 1 December 20th.1O, by Rev. Mr. Shaw. Mr, Duman J. Brewer to MIPS Isabella Gladys, daughter 00 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rowland, nit of Grey township. DARE -13,1m s -At Mountainside,. Man., on Den. 12111, 1510, R. George Dark, of Gilroy, Soak., only son of Robb, and Mrs Dara, Brussels, to Miss Ellen E„ daughter of W. and Dirs. Hoboes. DIED ENErR. 7n Brus.els, on December 221th, 1010, Fanny Jana Taylor, beloved wife of Tilos. Ennis, aged 70 years, 10 montha and 21 days. BRUSSELS MARKET -_ Whoat 1160 data Peas Barley Butter Eggs Hogs 'Inv Potatoes per bag 2 io 60 11 CO 80 51 60 00 2 20 106 42 60 1900 2 OD East Huron Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of East Huron Agricul- tural Scelety wilt be held in the Town Rall, Brussels, on Wednesday, January 17th, 1917 at 1.80 p.m, Buainesa of thenleobing-Roceiving the Annual Statement and Auditors' Report appointing Officers for the year 1017, &Ce THOS. MILLER, President', Irl. BLACK, Secretary, :e. THIS nARD'MuST DE FI LLab IM AND PROMPTLY RETURNED DY ALL MALES 0Cr0EEN THE AGES OP 11 AND 65 INCLUSIVE.' J NATIONAL NA N�•:, < CANADA. SERVICE. 7. What le your full name i ............................. .. .... , ,, .,, , 2 How old aro B. In what country i 3. Whore do you Iivo.7 Proviso.. ...... ..... ....... ,....... 4. Ramo of oily, lawn, l village Or Poet Oltco............-..............................6,.,..................,.,.....,..,.... ra. Haw much limo haus you lost In last l2 months from sieln000? ,.. _...,,.........,.-...,. 11. Nava you full use of your arm,? ..-..,.,,.,_........... ..... ,, 12. Of your logo?.........-........... ,.. 13. Of your sight? .............................. 14, Of Your hoodoo? .................... ........., .:...... .. 5, In what country was! your father born? ( ,.. .,..... 7. In what country was a Wore you barn a BMA ..... 1e. Which oro yen -.married i single or n widower? J ....„.•...................... ........... 12. How many persons booidoel yeuraaif da you 5(2)0,17 f ..................,.........,......,........ 17. What aro you workIna at far a Ilvin07....................................................................................................,...,,.............,...,,,.....,...,,. _.....,.,., ,,.... 15, Whom do you work for?,.,..,. ,,,................. 21. Aro you ry0rhi52 now? .. .............. 22. If not, tyke?........... ......... _. ........_ ...,.., ..,...,... ........,..,,.�. 23, Would you bo willing to Osage your present Work another necessary work nt the 03so nay eerino thn war? ........................., ........ 26, Aro you WiIIng,11 your railway faro 1s geld, to loave Where you new !Ivo, and 5o to enmo othor pima in Canada to do such work 2...,...... ,05raoer,ONS ren -use IN THIS CARD 050ON THE OTHER slam. IT 501,1 0 QUranawa, COUNT TOUR ANSWERS cs y