HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-28, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
GEP 1441,11 OA"ZBf0
13usiners Oards
$uooessor to 1,I, H. Moore, OJloe at Ander.
son Sroa. Li very stable, Brussels, Telephone
Mee In the roti Office, Ethel. 80.4
. EER, will sail for better prices, to
r myeq in lees time and less charges
n or
met charge ather nything! DatesEast
a d orders
bays be arranged at this oafoe er by
nal application,
a barrister, Solicitor. Conveyancer,
Ary t•ublio, &o, Office -43 tewart's Block
our North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
aIND ZWIPNY! . "41'14A.1T
301070 SOUTH Goma Nnrvor
rete 7:12 a m Mail 11:22 a m
rens 8:82 Din I Express 8:57 p to
To Toronto - To Goderloh
Express 7:50 a m Express 12:04 am
xpreis.....,.., 2:50pm Express 8:54 pm
Going East - 7:05 a, m. and 8:40 p. in.
Going West - 12:19 and 9:58 p. m.
Alltrains going East connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent:
Fine, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
95Ki. StW'ISrontb
Agent Allen Line, Brussels..
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pamps and Stable
Fittings, suoh as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stook, &c.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
A.6AYMANN, Cranbrook
1eat,isv�a-'y--raYC?z,4-2r.e.t,-,'ar,h- �
Winter Term from Jan. 2nd 2
_ a
ONT„ �•.
liA FgRD., � .
Wehnve Commoreial,Shorthand
and Telegraphy Departments IN
The courses are thorough, up-to-date it
and p, natic0l. The instructors are ex- n
erl n
e cod andIn
P we place ante. of
s n
0 191 tl.
P p We are receiving scorns of
applications Write trained hale we09 cannot
rt supply, at once for partiaathtis'
Ci D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
!419' viiy '
\. V,av'4SY
.O�i A � civ ver vm vst
.0� v.,v r,y
d�.tr..ts.�d. .1
i RA
Best Brains
In Canada have partioipatnd in the.
A000tioMog, Commercial, Art, ShowCard Writing, Photography, Journal-
ism, Short Story Writing, Shorthand
and Boo n ere. Select the wrk
which Moat interests you and write nsfo1,rtionlarsAddress
391-7 Yongo at, TorontoL
houses to clammy Mora tiro poll Elons as
P e, atvfl servants,1181 fast every
hntee y
i, Enter
college x81 d n
s ay. Dull.
Thousands oP ambitious young peon
le aro fast preparing in their otv0
atimegrnphers, bookkeepers, telegra-
sphere of aotivrtlos, Yon ma Nish at
collegeif. 0020 Wlsh, Pesitiyona guar•
Vidnat instr'notion, Export teachers.
Thirty years' .experience, Largest
trainers in Canaan, Seven colleges..
Special aonree for teachers.
SAffiliated with Oumu,an-
f9Bn.nolohoaamous Sptoueess Co-
10ge, London.
Wingham Business . College
Gee. SPotu!n
nN, VV, T, Moose,
President, Prlaelpel,
M. B.. M. O, P:,. ♦-S. Q.
514 0, H„ Village -of Brnoeels,
Physician, $urgoml, Acoottaheur
01Hoe:at roaidenae, opposite Melville Uhuroh,
William a0root,
Bachelor of Modieine, Unlveraitry of Toronto ;
Lioentiate of College of Phy0lcr0n0 and Sur-
geons, Ontario ; ex-$onlor.. House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto, Oliloes of lateDr,
A, M0Kevo Smith Block, Brussels,
Rural phone 45.
Personal. graduate Department of Ophthal-
1001097,. 00ormic5 Medical College, Chicago,
Ill.,' is prepared to test eyes and It glasses at
her office over. blies Inman e. millinery store,
O111eodays—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
and Saturday of every week. Office hours—l0
to 12'0. tn. ; 1 to Up. ,n, Evenings by appoint -
meat, Phone 1219:
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls, Moe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Choir Master, Melville Church,
Brussels. Pupils prepared for TorontoCol-
lege of Music Examinations. Phono00x
Barristers, solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from H0milto»
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. PR000900T. R. C. ,r, t,, KILLOp.AN
H, J. D. OooxE
rani i atm Pins
READ THE POST clubbing offers.
ADvexrrsrNG brings good results,
Prove it, -
Notes on the Sunday School lesson
may be read on page 2.
Coln weather, the thermometer fre-
quently ducking to zero,
THE POS'!' gives the Dews, Make coins
parisons and we are satisfied to abide by
the results,
JOSEPH QUERIN has sold his bay driv
er and invested in an iron gray colt
said to possess speed.
Miss Hazel Lowry a ow y rs a member of th
Bank staff, 'Brussels. She i
well qualified for the position.
O u t
War tax beinglevelled on the
sale o
tickets of admission to the rink, th
price will have to be increased, the pro
prietor paying the tax. Adults will pa
'scents and children under 14 years, 1
'1'210 KIND WE LIxa.—An old sub
scriber in Morris township sent' '1'H
POST the folio ing good cheer not
last week, which was very much
appreciated you may be sure:
!)EAR SIR.—Please and enclosed $1,5
my subscription to THE BRUSSELS POs
for another year, 4Visbiug you an
family a Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year with many blessings.
Yours truly.
BETTER FARMING.—Monday, Januar
2212(2, 1927, is the date ennonnetd in th
Grand Trunk Railway's itinery of the
"Better Farming" Demonstration.
car will be at the depot, Brussels, with
exhibits of grain, fruits, vegetables, &c.,
&c. lady
Aspeaker and 2
e t
will also give addresses in the Towo
Hall illustrative of
a the work with th
put pose of interesting the people of this
community in Canada and the many
flue things al our disposal: Keep - tab
00 the date. It is announced far enough
ahead to give a good chance.
DEATH OF JOHN McVtcax.-Tuesday
Dec. 12th, John McVicar, a cousin to
Mrs. D. Livingston, Brussels, Mrs. las.
Strachan, Grey township, end Mrs, JOo,
MKohell, 1'luleswortl, crossed that
bourne from whence no traveller returns
aged 72 years, Interment was made
in Deuoit. He deed ill a hospital in
Chicago. Mr, McVicar was a newspap-
er matt in his earlier days in boson and
a nephew of Editor • McVicar of the
Goderlcll Signal. lu ye olden days. The
Times of Detroit made the following
relel'ence to deceased in their issue tit
Dec. 1401 —John: ,McVicar, a big figure
in the political life of the city in the days
when Filigree was the people's idol, was
borne to the grave in
t Elmwood cued enure-
tery, Thursday-moruing, by four pail
bearers supplied by an uutlertaker. No
ass dropped t bnlf-•t
g pp e s teff, ricer diel a
siggle.beli toll out a message of sorrow
as the motor hearse and three carriages
of pall bearers and mourners wound
their wee through the city to the bury-
ing ground Four Silver -haired veter.
ahs from Detroit Pon 0. A. R., were
the only represeoativl of au organiza-
tion present ut at the las[ rites. A city
alight have forgotten one of the men
who spent bis Life fighting the city's
battles, but the tie that Muds the tneu
who were joined lu the forces that pre
served the union stood.;i1, this instance,
nobly above the ways of the city. Tile
civil war. veterans were honorary pall.
bearing. ,Their post hal delegated theist
to drape a huge American flag over the
casket of their comrade, The services
were held In the chapel of W. R. Ham.
Ilton & Company, No, 26 !Elizabeth st.,
West, About a score of mourners Were
Seated in the little chapel while the ser.,
Vices were held. Rev. Chas. A. Cary, a
relative of Mr. McVicar Vwa,• ofaciatedt A
little rod of nen
1 and
women o
grotip stood
outside in the cold while the casket was
being moved into the hearse: Whether•
choice o r bychap
byoc0 the cl
auffetlr of
the leveret car drove around Park street
and passed the Pingree memorial moan- i
anent, MnViear was 005 of Pingree's
Lieutensutc, Mrs, McVicar, the
widow ; Mra, Anila Armour, of Cbicogo
a osier i and Prank M, Cary, of Lafayi
este, Ind„ a brotlier•iu-law, were among
the relativesattending, The repreeeeta.
rives of Detroit Post were :—Command
Wiltiagl rebein , N, 0, 'Tho,pas, W,
Lowrie and E. A. Caudler. Burial Was
"Cera rLE Sn'Aas,"— !Thursday evening.
Dec. c3th, the 'Little Stars" Mission
band 05 Melville cbpreh held their an:
nual gathering and a' fine time was en-
joyed, Mrs. B. S, Scott, the capable
Superintendent presided and the follow.
ing program was well rendered :—
Hymn 26 ; prayer ; chorus by the Band ;
reeitatiou, Lawson C101100,; solo, Mar-
garet Wilson; talk by Rev, Mr. Mane
an the First Christmas; instrumental,
Kathleen McLaren; reeitatiou, Wiuui-
fred Meadows, to little helpers ; reci-
tation, Lenore 'Thies ; physical drill ;
solo. Marjorie Campbell ; recitation,
Inez McNichol ; Scotch solo, Jack 011-
van ; • instrumental, Wilma Galbraitb ;
Christmas acrostic by the boys; recita-
tion, Merne MoLauchlin; chorus by the
older girls'; solo, Miss Gertrude Dead-
man ; recitation, Margaret Moore ;
Dolly's ,Lullaby ; instrumental, Doris
Ross and lean Vox; report by Secretary -
Treasurer ; collection ; cantata ; candy ;
'•Gad save the Ring." Proceeds,
1115 40, which makes a total for the Band
tor Missions of $5o oo, 'a most respect-
able sum for the tittle folk,
afternoon "all lust., Rev. John Blair
left Stratford for Winnipeg, to assume
his new responsible office there. Rev.
Fr. Blair, whose home is in Stratford
and who has a lost of friends here and
throughout Western Ontario, has been
appointed Vicar General of the new
Catholic arch -diocese of Winnipeg.
O01y 7 years ago Father Blair was or:
deiced, It is not often that an honor of
this kind is conferred' on so young a man,
This isa matter of personal choice, as
His Grace Archbishop Senott, who was
recently consecrated at Ottawa, request-
ed Bishop Fallon to allow him to take
Father Blair out of London Diocese
with him. Many valuable gifts have
been bestowed on Fr. Blair since his ap
pointment was made known. His form-
er parishioners in Wingham, Brussels
and Walkerville gave him substantial
testimony of the position, of love •and
esteem held among them. His brother
priests in the diocese presented him with
a beautiful address and a purse of $400
in gold. As Vicar -General of Winnipeg,
Father Blair will hold a very responsible
position, but his past successes obliter-
ate all foreboding of failure, He enters
into his new duties at once, but Arch-
bishop Seuott will not go to Winnipeg•
for a few weeks yet;
SIONARY AT DEIRUT.— Relatives and
friends here of Rev, Ira W. Pierce.
tnissionary in Asiatic -Turkey, are wait
ing anxiously to learn if he will be re-
leased when the new order made by
Turkish military authorities permitting
American missionaries to leave the
country goes into effect. No word bas
been received directly from him by rela-
tives since the outbreak of war with
Turkey. After the Russian drive to
!Xmas s
* -h
+ ®amsemio•
It will be to your interest to call V
and inspect our stock of Christ- +
man Gilts. It may suggest to A
+ you at mice the proper Gift. We q
+ hove sufficient variety to insure •1'
• an easy choice of desirable Gifts $
for old and young.
Gold filled Necklets and Pert- +
dientsat$200ti,, +,
and 74k Gold"r
Pendants fo
n 47 50 u
Gold Sunbursts 405 anti 141c. ,•1,
Diamond Rings at 10.00, -15 00, •
20 00, 25 00, 3500, 40.00, 60 00 sa
• and $100.00 in stock. We +•
can Rumen tee splendid talue •
in these: Our prices are
1 ight.
Gents' and Ladies' Signet Rings •
in 105 and 14k. Large stock
to select from and we do the +
engltsying of 3.initials flee. •
Ladies' Brooches. +
• Bar Pine,
• Gpnts' Fobs, +
Ladies' Wrist Watches •
Don't fail to see these— ;'
we have the best—a nice 4 -
selection. +
Waterman's ideal
Fountain 'Pens
Ladies' and Giants' Gold
Mounted Umbrellas
Out Glass;,
China, Etc. 4
Happy +
Xmas Thought
• Make Somebody Happy
With a Kodak
•k o ak
ss'PatrinLiclX iiue and New Bear
el 1
Cards and Booklets,
• •
. R. Wendt..
Jeweler and Engraver +
R .-
•F++4+•4*+*+*'N*'1!.Ml 4t Ali+.*•1!•
shall deeply reepacl' 1110 memory aid ei
14811,0 that tithe will recoltcilc us t0 out'
loss, but I 811,911 always relncruber 101,81
F[IJ ' [ll([ Yoe ivllr;t he ,vas a cod u
friend." Al' g 'rad erne CIuhbio List
tether message reads ;—
There were a great many tears shed
1,ER! fol Jen as be woo liked by all, and one
" tiling certain we know we have lost
the best men in this part of the �^-
After Taking Only One Box Of
"Fruit -a -tines"
"It is with great pleasure that I write
to tell yowler the wonder/816 benefits 1
have received from taking "Fruit-a-
tives". For years, I erns a dreadful
sufferer from Constipation and Bead -
aches, ands was miserable in every way.
Nothing in Hie way of medieines seemed
to help me. Then I finally tried
"Fruit-a-tives" and the effect was
splendid. After taking one box,1 feel
litre a new person, to have relief from
those sickening Headaches".
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Van, he with other missionaries was
taken to Beirut and because their was a
British consul there heob'alned a British
passport. This may prevent his release,
although he is American born and was
sent to the country by the American
Board ot Foreign Missions. He went
out two years ago before the commence-
ment of the world war, taking his wife
and family and all his household effects.
Nearly all of the latter were lost on the
trip, only a piano arriving at Harpoot,
where he went as professor of tlteolagy.
Information gathered by the American
Board of Foreign Missions states that no
boats have been allowed to enter the
harbor at Beirut for many months.
Rev. Mr, Pierce's wife is Miss Georgia
Ross, daughter of R. K, Ross, formerly
of Brussels, 1
TELEPHONE NemtoS.—All accounts due the
Brussels, Grev Se Morrie Telephone OomN,rny
must be mild before January 1st, 1917. Kindly
attend to this promptly. By Order,
SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the
report of Cranbrook School for the
months of November and Deaembee.
Sr. Rohm. Exam. in Arian, Grain.,
Hygiene, Writing, Spell."' Deasy.,
Read. The average percentage is
given, The star indicates absence far
one or more exams. Sr. IV 0.—W,
Knight 74, M. Speiran 71, *A. Sper-
ling, J. Smalldon, *E. Baker, Jr, IV.
C. (a) —Lydia Steins 70. G. Alderson
70. P. Schnook 62, A. Pennington 46,
*ri. Steiss, *W. Sinclair. Tr. IV (h)
T,.. Beer fellz 81, E Dark 78, P. Aldersnit
71, E. Speiran 71, C. Cameron 70,
17 Knight 67, *V. Mitchell 02. Jr ITI,
(r) —M. Baker. 75, V. Hunter 75, *R.
Noble 54,•P1
. bma111
on 50. II(c) —
Ws Speiran 60, E. Pennington 60, B.
Leitch 00, M. Baker 60. R. Speiran 59,
M. 1.9 Spatting 59,;McIntosh canto L 40,M.
MGNAIR Teacher.
Jr. Room. ExaminedinArith., Geog,
Wu''it., Spell., Comp„ Read., and
Memory work. Sr. II,—A. Teschke
79, E. Smalldon 76, .T. McNabb 75. *L.
Berfe11z71, 0. Dark 08. L. Cameron 67,
*Ai. Pride 82. Jr. 1I.—E. Stnalldon 07,
T. Pennington 64, *F. Hunter 62, 3.
Bird 59. *M, Akins 41. *W. Looking 29.
SI'. 1—K. McNabb 79, I Leitch 57, *L.
Jeschke 56, IIs Knight 49, 0J, Noble 37.
Jr. I—A. Campbell 79, *B. Speiran 69,
*E. Gol'ealitz 67, I. Brown 61, P. Bee.
Feltz 58, *L. Matte 85. Pr'imar'y, mark-
ed on daily work. -0. Knight, J.
Locking, M. Brown, 13. McNabb, J.
Pennington, S. Mann.
F. Roosxow, Teacher.
TrOtEPUONE NOTION—All accounts due the
Brussels, Grey .t✓ Morris 'Telephone Company
must be paid before January 1st 1917, kindly
attend to this promptly. y B Order.dor.
Renew foe Tau POST. We; give the
FINANCIAL,—The total receipts for
the township of Moi•eis for the year
1916, including $40r051 from the pre•
vions year' were, $53,591,47. Disburse.
ments include the following :— 130;4110
and bridges, $1572.17 ; miscellaneous,
$470.28 ; drainage, $7257.50 ; deben-
Wiese, $0394.44 ; school purposes,
51234 35 ; stationery and printing,
$116.80 ; salaries rued allow/111ms,
$904 35 ; Board of Health, $299 78 ;
Ohluity, $233,30; County rate,
5260,13 ; LORDS paid, $200(100 ; I»ter-
est, $35 26'; total, $24127 99.
The following is taken by THE POST
from It Petrous pa: per end refers to a
a son -to -lacy of1 V.
1 I. Watson, a
fnenter well known resident of the 5th
line t—Nord has been received in town
relating the nature of the acridenb
that catised the death of J, S, Blake,
Mr, Blake was Superintendent driller
forthe nal
A nit'*r lino 1t
Oil Co.On. + t
Egypt and at the time of the accident
was superintending the drawing of
casing to shut off water in a well, by
cementing the hole below the casing.
The strain was tan much for the der-
rick whirl collapsed mid a piece of
timber struck 1151,. Blake on the head
before he could get out of the way.
remitting in instant death. The acct.
dent occurred' on the afternoon of
October 2452, at 5 o'clock. The bode
Wee taken to Suez by boat for burial
Ori October 27th a distance of 1810
miles. The last t'ites were performed
at the grave by the Ohoroh of Eng -
bund clergymen. 6 cabs conveyed 50
Europeans, 17 of whom wore Petrous
Mends to the cemetery. The flowers
were from Cairo and were very
beautiful, Out of 198113ct for 11:1r.
Blake all the Ocemp14,,y's st.ealnship
flags in Suez were lowered half -must
end all the Oo'e. woeks oe the difi'0retit
c nceseinn
A were •lose
t d down from
t 1
Wednesday until 151otiday It was
with ex Letitia 90rt'OW dist the news by
nettle was V confirmed
by the Company.
ire had been- in the employmentoof
the associated ' n
Companies for a nom -
bee of ears and wits` hi8 highly esteemed
by all. Ile' was held in high esteem
end atfee'
tion by all the oleo of tvhohl
he teas in charge. They looked no 1,0
him and respected
I,inr for his good
qualities and kiixleces to them, Otlo
message reads :— "the day of his
death wits a sad one for us all and X
country, lie had 10010 influence Iyltll
the Oompany than any other Gana.
(Ilan." Another letter reacts :—'Ml'.
Blake was so good to us all but I think
the good must go fit's,, His life was
that of loyalty, co etanty and dexo-
: tion and he ever tried to be the Helper
of his fellow men." Many old friends
os this locality sympathise with Mrs.
Blake and daughter, alias Borneo, in
their groat borenvoutent.
Mise 011a Armstrong has resigned
her school, No. 9, McKillop township,
T1s t'eriewing subscription to Tan
PosT for 1917, Pied. Go•salitz, of
Hinubuldl, Sask., formerly of this
Meanly writes as follows :—By the
label Ou THE POST I See that it is tithe
fru' ale to send you $1 50 fur renewal,
I wouldn't like to be without the lame
news, Just a few winds for liurn-
boldt, Humboldt lac always been a
busy place but this year beets the
record, %vial good crops and good
prices brings more lite than ever,
Threshing is not clone in entire places
here yet. The wea1lret is idle, 810 001d
to speak of and no sleighing yet bat
very good wheeling.
Scii0OL REPORT.—Following 10 re-
past of S. S. No. 8, Grey, fol Nnyeru-
her and December. Those marked *
have missed examinations. Examined
in Reati,, Art, Comp., Liter„ Hyg.,
Hist„ Spell. arid Ariel. Jr, IV.—Sa-
die McNair 84, *Jas. McTaggart 73,
*Jas. Carmichael 45. Jr. I11.—Gen.
McNeil S2, Margaret 25JcNair 79, *Mat-
jory Fulton 00. Examined in stead.,
Alt, Onmp., Lit•, Writ., Spell., Arith.,
Laing. Sr. II.—*.Fer'gus MtTeggart58,
'Annie McTaggart 49. Jr, II.—Harold
Spiels 31, *Howard Mitchell 58. Iet—
Violet Heath 66. Pt'irn,—Stuart 31c-
Nitir, Excellent.
SCHOOL REPO1tr.— Following i8 the
report of S. S. Nn. 8, Grey, foe month
of December. All classes, except Lire
primaries, examined in Read., Comp.,
Hist., Spell., Writ., Gene. Honors
375, Pass 800. Jr. IV.—Elsie Smith
877, Willie McDonald 378, Willie
Smith 372, Annie Deitner 800. Sr.
111.—Roy McFarlane 348, Ohas. Deit-
nor 196. Jr. III. Willie Bishop 852,
°Jifford Cara ifI345, *Cameron Strach-
toe 185, *Elizabeth Smith 180. Jr. II.—
Examined in Read., Writ. and Class
Work—Laura Turnbull 78, *.Melville
Lamont 70. Sr. Int,—Examined in
S51110 subjects as Jr, II.—Fraser Strac-
han 80, Jennie Armstrong 75, Maly
Dei trier 70, Primary — Good —Jim
Smith, Harvey Stevenson, George
Turn t II. *missed b t d exams,
T. A.H.,1reTnoxo, 'Teacher.
John Rnli mann and familymoved to
the Holt farm which lie hantved
leased for
atom l
)Ii [o
a Is
the Robinsonf r
farm which he has pur-
Beni Cook, Midland, Mich., a form-
er resident of this locality, is visiting
at the home ofhisuncle, 13. 3. Cook
and with other friends here.
The house and contents belonging
to Mrs.Jane Wakeford narrowly es-
caped being destroyed by fire. hit's.
Wakeford had gone into a neighbor's
for a fete minutes, leaving the coal oil
stoveburaieg. In some way the flame
caught on to some blankets hanging
nearby and in a few minutes all were
in a blaze, People passing noticed
stuokeissuing from an open window
and at once proceeded to find the
cause. The conflagration was quickly
disposed of but 1101 before consider-
able damage had been done; but it was
indeed lucky that it was not worse.
The loss was covered by insurance and
a suitable adjesLment has been made.
During the severe 9
%ate elentrioal therm
which passed over this section recent-
ly, Geo, tVakefnud's barn, 6th Con.,
was steric& and bred. 151 '. Wakeford
was in the building at the time and
although severely stunned by the
flash which struck only . about 12 feet
from where lie was putting down feed,
managed to tramp the blaze out. The
bolt descended to the stable, killing a
pig and injuring 3 mare so badly that
they had to be killed. 2 horses, one a
valuable 3 year olcl, also had to be
destroyed 82,198, owing to their severe
injuries. The Karn was badly damag-
ed, and the loss is a big one, Building
laud stock were insured.
• Wroxeter
regret to report the death on Monday,
December 11th, of Isabel Harris, wife
of Thomas Hemphill, of the firm of
Messrs. Cook Bros. Ss Co„ millers and
grain buyers of Hensel). Ales, llerup-
Ilill y i''
had only n leen s ou
0 1 sl ill for a
few days from that fatal disease,
bileunionin, which despite the very
est medical atteiltiol and the services
of two trained nurses was unavailing
to stay its progress owing to the fact
that the deceased had not been ett'oug
for some time previous and had been
sui'leeing snmswhat from heart
trouble which made it very bald to
fight against the disease, Mrs, Hemp-
hill, totit.ther with her husband and
family moved from Wroxeter some 8
)'ettee ago and during • that time had
gained tit the alllctfoh of relatives and
the esteem of those who had the pri-
vilege of knowing her. . Of a quiet and
retiring nature, she was a most es-
timable woman in all respects and one
with horn association led 10 the
arltniration of diose fine qualities of
which she was 900sessed, She leaves
to mourn her loss, husband, 2 sons and
2 chtuglliel's :—Thos. G., Wroxeter ;
Alvin W. E„ druggist and fancy
goods merchant, Henson ; Mrs. Ooe
Itellll1 li
Onnlrensall, also Mrs, W. R.
y e, Nelson,, B. 0,, who is and has
been visiting t i h' r Mother t theti for some
time, What
made Mrs, ii.empltiles
death more sad was that only within
Old .l l
t alt years 11
n Ole had nuns her p y .ed lot bus•
band through a 701'y'severe attaok of
pneuuloinia and lints been attending
her slaughter, Mrs. Smythe, who was
veryill n to the tine
p r of her own
hitless, and %9110 is still (strife ill. Only
within the past year deceased moved
into their beautiful home al the East
THE POST has made arraugemeets
to club with following papers and will
United States 50 cents extra) at the
following snbsctiptiol priceg t—
he sent to any
Daiaddliresess (except the
POST and Toronto Globe., $4 35
Toronto Wolld 3 85
Toronto DailyStar 8 75
1'or'oulo News 8 75
Toronto Neil -Fan pies4 85
Advertiser4 35
London Free Press . 4 35
POST and Saturday Globe... $2 40
" Family Herald and Star 2.85
" Toronto Sun........ ... 2 20
" Farmer's Ativocate...... 2 95
" Canadian Countryman2 00
" Farm and Dairy 2 30
Montreal Witness 2 35
Worlds l't'itle 2 '75
Northcutt Messenger 1 90
end of out. village which she was con.
stantly adding to its borne comforts.
She will be greatly Missed front the
Methodist eberch as well as in the
quiet social life in which she always
Walla welcome one. The funeral look
place from her hntne on Wednesday
for the Hensall Union cemetery and
was very largely attended by relatives
and f,•iends both from a distance and
front the village and vicinity and deep
sympathy is felt for the bereaved
SCHOOL REPORT.— Ethel Pnblie
School Report for November and De.
('ember. Senior Dept. Farm V.—O, '
Bateman 83, D. McKee '74, 13. Cole 70,
G. McKee 67. Folin 1V. Sr.—M,
Vodden 88, V. McCall 83, G. Elford 70,
Q Dobson 73, B. Cole 08. Fot111 IV
Ir, -117, McDonald 78, R. McLelland
64, I. Mitchell 01. 13. Howlett 59, L.
Pollard 55, W. Dane 54. Form III Sr,
—L. grader 70. Form IV Jr, -54,
1icKee 79, L. Sanders 72, E. 'Mitchell
'70, M. Eckmier 86, R. °leaver 68, R.
Rowland 03, L. Dunbar 61. Willie
Mitchell CO, S. Rowland 47, 1V. Woods,
E. McLELLAND, Teacher,
Jr, Dept—Sr, II. Honors.—A. Brem-
ner 432. Pass—Walker :Mitchell 308.
Jr. IL—Honors—E. Dane 417, Pass -
13. McDonald 361, J. McKee 805, E.
Best Newspaper
In Western Ontario
The Wedge Advertiser
All Mail Editions $3.00 per yr.
iiflve Gro,cery
Groceries, Fruit
Confectionery, &0a
New and Ohoice,
Car of Bran and Middlings
to hand.
Try Royal Household Flour
Our 'plume is 48.
W. McCracken
M CraCKep
Gill 281, F. Flood 269, A. Woods 241,
0, Lamont 208. (iris I. Honors—E,
Bowes 302. Pass—R. McDonald 316,
H. Eckmier 236, P. James 146, A.
Davidson 48. Sr. Primer.—M, Thomp-
son, J. \Voode, L. Woods, I. McDon.
aid, J. Ftnod, F, Murray. Jr, Primer,
—14, ,N1'Kee, T. Gilchrist, G. Eckmier.
13. Gllthrist, (4. James, H. Vodden, 4.
Murray,Jr. Glass.—R. Rowland, 8,
Thoinpson, 1V, Flood.
7. HARDY, Teacher.
Turnberry Councll
Minutes of Council meeting held in
Bluevale, Friday Dec. 15th. All the
members pl'esent, Moved by 'Wheel-
ea—Moffatt, that minutes of last meet.
ing be adopted. 'Picassoer's annual
statement was laid before the board
and adopted on motion of Wheeler—
Moved by Moffatt— Wheeler that
eatery of Reeve and also of each
Cortnrilior he, reduced to $60 for the
year 1910..Moved in amendment by
Adair—:Bolt that Reeve get $65, and
each Councillor $55, for present year.
By casting vote of Reeve amendment
was carried. Accounts were passed
and cheques issued :—Geo. A, Finlay,
dmuage to buggy, $4 ; J. A. McLean.
lumber, $4 10 ; W. l3obinson, repairs
to grader, 53.25 ; J. Wellwood, put-
ting an culvert, $10.00; H. B. Elliott,
advertising, $4 • McKinnon Bros.,
gravelling, $41,13 ; D. Holmes, in-
specting, $4 ; Mrs, Sllropehall, error
in assessment, $1 ; Miss B. Burgess,
relit of hall, $13; 1ts, Hooper, refund
statute labor, $1 ; Mrs. O. Tate, Tress -
nem Woman's Institute Bluevale,
$50 ; Wm. Yeo, error on taxes, $2; T.
Finnan, gravelling, $4; F. Gutteridge,
bill of tile, 559.27 ; T. K. Powell, road
con. statement and telephone, $69;
A. Wheeler•, road corn. and affidavit,
$55,25 ; W, J. Adair, road corn. and
telephone, $55 %Vm. Bolt, road corn„
555 ; P. Powell, part salary, postage,
report of fires, $121.50 ; P. McLean,
part salary, postage and statement,
$70 40 ; G. Wilson, salary error and
charity, 579.55. Meeting adjourned,
U1tE.—A Dominion o i amt Prohibition o
C m
mittee has been organized in a con-
feeence as Ottawa of representatives
of temperance organizations from all
the Provinces, with the object of
pressing for immediate total prohibi-
tion as at war measure.
++++++4-1.4.++++++++++.++.4•+4+++.t-+++++-9+4++++++++•b•f•'p$4'J d'
+ t
+ Do Not
ane tt
+ +
thin in Furribre Store +,
4' +
Ii Expensive 4.,4:
1W E have a great many small articles in the way of
4. Furnishings and Furniture that are quite within ;
+ the range of ordinary gift -giving. For instance we have
+ Jardiniere Stands tbn,t are very moderately priced.
Shirt Waist Boxes that will delight any lady.
+ Medicine Chests, au essential in any home.
+ Mirrors to suit every purpose.
Pictures of all sorts.
+ Novelty Goods, Secretaries, etc., etc.
Or if you want to go a little higher in price, we
have high grade goods in Furniture to suit all rooms.
T. Something for the home that will be there for years will
be the 'most appreciated gift you can give.
+h We are agents for Pianos sure to please.
+ They would make a delightful Present.
•1. . _.•....wv..•••• _.-
.I� F
q+'. ++++++++++++4.++8"f•'t+++*++++•1.++++a"¢ t•II•4 44,4't,04.,i:•h r.+t l'als'y
A Music Cabinet is not expensive.
A Conch is a very comfortable and cosy article of Fur.
What more useful article than a Kitallen Cabinet.
Dressing Tables, Dressers, Chiffonieres, Stands.
Brass, Iron and Wooden l3edsteads, Springs and
Hall Seats and Mirrors,
Settees, Drawing Boom Chairs and Buffets.
Cabinets, Dining Tables and Chairs, etc., etc.