HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-28, Page 46 testis ^lit
"A dry Dominion" is the watchword.
eleenY New Year to every reader of
1'11a Pose'.
CIIRrsT6fA4 numhers of various publi•
cations are to hand but fete of therm out-
do the Farmer's Advocate.
Paomarruter of the l;quor tragic is
England looks like a probability nudes
Lloyd George, the new Premier.
Kuhr Comity Council is moving to
ILive tit 17 eninien G rerorneut grant
tee .,da'ttee to :be Moraviantown reser-
viviou, 33 er the red then Domthere
lave r alisted out of a population of 85
melee. outside of sisal) boys. If they are
sacal enongh to fight 'bey might bo en-
trusted with the baltot. 0 to danger
armed be that the crooked pale Ince
politician inhtlit put bad into their heads
wheu it c.une limo t mark tltelt' ballots.
lhere lutve been cases of that kind on
INDIANAPOLIS News hits it off very
well when it say, :-The way prices keep
going up makes one wish that when Sir
Isaac Newton invented gravitation he
bad made It a little stronger,
GRAND jury at Sr. Thomas declares in.
their report that closing t ft saloon eas
been most bene8eial to the puh'ic 'file y
did not hazard much when they pied
that statement. "He that runs may
"A MILLION more men we dot aril
£400,000,000" is Britain's Folly to tits
Peace proposal. The war ie n0•.v co'tiug
over $20,000,oco a day. 1t is dreadful
to think of such folly in the ee,th Cen-
A PATCHED up Peace is no tame; par-
ticularly after all the blood.hed and io,s.
Militarism must be destrcyi.d and the
rights of the stiletto N:+tion, gu:mnnteei
and until that is accompiisti tl there does
not seem to be tuuch chance of calling
off the dogs of war.
Hoff. A. E Kxrtp• the new Minister of
Militia, successor to Sir Sam Hughes,
was elected by acclamation in Best Tor-
onto. It is expected he. will do his best
to lee that Canada continues well in the
front of siand'ng by the 11 ,tyi: Ct-5 t1.
Wrrie the various changes in military
offrcers and the formatio of several new
Governments it is anticipated a very
vigorous campaign will be waged this
Winter by the Allies. The en 1 will
come more quick'y if this ie to::e.
ANyaon,/ in thew: days who ,,peaks of
V ,
womanhood as the 'we:1'4,r wotna
should have his heal exam d by a
specialist. Heroines is a very mild des'-
gnatlou for the manner the fair sex are
doing their part since the war com-
PROMOTER; of p1 z..• 6 ;1t's, w h lint:'.
ands of dollars to h' diviled by'be phi_,,
should be sent to "jug" for their want cf
even Common deeeucy (1 ,'"g a period of
SO much that should gall for repression
and sober thought. If the public world
refrain from attendance the biuhers
would soon have to seek greener pas-
THERE was a great hustle in Christmas
passenger trtedic on the raiiways, Co -
fortunately with the rush at the lto:iday
season it is now some clime to keep the
trains up to scheilule time and unless
specials are utilized it c•+n scarcely he a -
•r i'
voided- People trlve,.', ., with child-
ren should avoid the night trains where
it is possible and thereby give the kid-
dies a show.
Ix view of the large increase in the
cost of production the Daily Ottawa
Journal and the Daily Free Press et that
city have amalgamated. It looks as if
the action of the paper mills will drive a
number of newspapers to the jmlrnalistic
cemetery, unless better rotes and guar-
antee of supplies can he obtained.
Other cities may follow the example of
Some folk complain at the oft repott-
ed requests how those interested in Red
Cross endeavors. We would like to say
we are getting off Very easy If this is the
only sacrifice we are called upon to
make. Instead of barring the way there
11' 1 of elf rt to d
t tribe
a redouln
shoe g
our "bit so
that no comfort wit
witheld from the heroic lads who are
fighting for the Empire. Hurrah for
every worker, old or young, for the Red
Cross, -
Is Uncle Sam, is anxious to bring
about abiding Peace he should have
taken a more active interest toward Se-
curing it than writing notes to the Nn -
tion causing the war. It is all well
otougb to talk about cessation of hosti.
lilies but what about tyre rights of the
smaller Nations that have been tramp-
led upon end the outrageous wrongs
committed ? Shaking hands aged mak-
ing it ep will not redress the grievaueee.
This is not the time to toile Peace.
There must he reparation, a crushing or
the iron hand, and a williuguess u,
guarantee an order of affairs that will'.
not threaten again the privileges of the
countries without the maintenance of n
standing army of millions. The Allies
do not appear to think that Pret,ill 't,tet
Wilson bas improved the present cotdi-
tion of nattoual affairs by hitt suggestions
and little attention will be paid to his
Every :Wan in Ow mtaa Will Have a Card
to Fin Gnat Soon
National Servies' Week is di awing
very near and the resin that the first
twat of the Now Year hears that title
i5 :alurlhi' .a which everyone in
donates tett=.:to 'Met est, 'rh, tion Ore
i , 0 1t, a yr 1:1 „insult+try
me. ' f ' eon, tel wt's, the ages
lit y, is, IJ fill 4111. nue of
i, 1 lir bowel nnient 14
.ti:, , ❑,
tlitough the i'ubt Of-
t ::n• The t'•i,nlell ale iit-
f 4r;l r.l :n -r sae li et,-opetatiuu 19
is; suint; tllitt their
nt1'-f, 11. 0.1n.,:1 ti- this importvlit
y. 'ltt•, childreh are interested be -
c tu.e , ip•ir ,ohool teachers have ex-
piaioe',1 1 then tlir- meaning of No-
d ;$'t -vie' and the way iuwhich
father •:tel 111 big blethers at home
ha\ to reply to the various questimos..
ltlit • ill file 1,Intt„i'i and vet U1'11
the cod pre/mete. is 11 good Now
1 tees 1 .01,1'' ion for eves y 1001
throltqloott11 Dominion and it has
Ili•• iotant:tr ' of h•'ing easy or fulfil -
i - 1tI It 001} means a fete minutes'
c^tend tire'u.;lit. Thr pms1111M M in the
1eo get; stn, hard week, fur he 1105
not only to deliver the duds ; he is
rl',potl.iole also for their proper re-
tnt•n. Prompt meeting of the answers
will make the postman's work very
mini]. easier.
National Service means that we are
to get hitt, that frame of mind which
trill 51500 ua to think of the needs of
'he'e ur try. to realize that the intet'-
• t.' f tib' State have a greater claire
01 us titan out self-interest. This ap-
plies to everyone, ft'otu the highest in
the laid to the lowest. The Prince of
\Cale; coags "I serve" may well be
the limbi of every citizen of the
lit i t i h Etn;,t. r' at this time.
'lee 1r::re many ways of serving the
ponos h..sel •s gist to tite front.
The its ; on the• ratio arid the methan-
e. i:, a wee -lollop trny be serving the
eerien't, u -fully as :I,e man in the
I r urge,. itIvery nein shout': be doing
tin' %Yolk whirl, represents his most
1. (,amt tV.
lit f. rare t u
It be
n lt+ Ul should The wit. Is tear ho t ,
1 t r,
0a,.hit F u- 'rt at lessons. 'Terrible
t, are Its • lyes t , those Who have
f:.i111 in (','.radian manhood hope and
itelit•ve that the maim) will erneigo
from this experience a stronger and a
Irrt tor people. If the meaning of Na -
i, eel s evice is thoroughly grasped
0,1 properly understood, if the
Ht-„', ono tit's call for information is
pondrd to in the right. spirit, the
cooling year will he the banner year
in C,,nadtt't lhistory,
totter from rte. Clarence
The f, ll'+witig letter is from Pte.
('toren 1 ,-tnett, now at Shornnliffe,
le ,;;Land. lie i•• itson or Joseph and
sir., 1if "nett, Walton :-DEAR JloTH-
R.- I gimes you will have got my
,thea letters by logs- time and answet-
ed thein, hue thought I would wlite
dimities this meriting. It is now 7
' lg and you
mottling , Irk Thursday stilt m Y
pe ,pie ell hint lir gohar to sleep, 0001
houri,1111 }ante from 0111' time and
Engli,o Ilio',
Well p,u't of our Battalion Is on
leave and will be hack tomorrow.
'Leger sure will be eurpti0('11 when 200
of them are 101 -ked nut t0 go to the
trenches eiuoflay morning. The
',tido,: (tune front he'ulgnarters yester-
day lfoc 2011 from Snlr Dattalinny 'They
will he pirkr,l frnrn the ftdlncvs net
on lens' •,+o do rust think I will go with
them iconnsr+ they have to give PV0t
mora pass first. Probably there will
tie a (hate 0tH. of Dur (Jntnnany When
su0 collie 11,11 our leave but do not
huow fel ' It',. For my part I would
like to 188 anytime, but will w•.ttt un -
n ( i r bito
r t. lhfl i nt a f
k' I the nye t t
t 1
tunes }1,,, in NI \\ r have 1110 00
$ooty 1101, y -'t, in - t ruin. r h;ttir only
lied (i int -dwt '.iter we le tided. I
,❑ t fill lyse' i I. e iu 1 n t t
ion 1 t 1, r r, r
up a new Y. M. el ,1, +1 100 11.1110 it
;sett if the ,job will only last
Ing ori ugh. You see I hill still foil('
nt nn 011 iy ;ing. isty you will have
known uu it this tittle that Lieut. P
ort ,
r ntele. drilledd Is fol-
t -
I i,1. {- for ,L ht1b 1urT
kill,11 In 10.1 in ❑t 1111 Wag afine
t••llo'v and 5 11e from (in0 t,rh,
R'eli I wets tlnett to the P,oglish
Channel we are only ,ahem 20 rods
from the r herr nosy 1111(1 rite see fee a
l jig way over the Witter, There are a
lot of ships on the :valet dile inletting,
1 urn sittoig at the whitlow of our bar -
rode; tut can ser eat on the channel,
T11,1 arrneiry 1, flee, 1t ee'tainly roust
h0 it fine country to drill iu, in the
I got a letter horn Jessie Fertile the
other d-fv, She told Inc to corneas
weal t1rn ultl. pot know he
husband was cleacl ? He died a year
,ego. She i1,8ke1 1150 to write and tell
herr what 'nation she could meet me at
and inid me how 5110 tv011111 be fire09-
iti, yh,t said 1 Would never find their
place as I.di/d,teo' was vont) it gig
place, hot 1 guess 1 have been limn-
suing around enough this last while to
turd ebonite any place 1 want. That,
ueverwor•ries me nosy, althongti the
streets in the cities in tide country
11511 lilte tt disks, and some ate Bo nar-
row only Iwo riot meet together in
thein. 1 wrote her a card yesterday
and t[ll eI Idiet not know where
would burl at, 18tihibnto' brit stere
5" itl,l 1111111, up her pine,, Tom Sav-
age and I etre going nee 11. Johnson
Was coming but, the Beal Cruse has to
go to &nether place to take a course
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given under the authority of the "War Measures' -
Act, 1914," that during the first week in January, 1917, an inventory will be made
by the Post Office Authorities, of every male between the ages of sixteen and sixty-
five, residing in Canada.
National Service Cards and addressed envelopes for their return to Ottawa
have been placed in the hands of all Postmasters for distribution amongst the
persons required to fill in such cards. Every male person of the prescribed ages
is required to fill in and return a card enclosed in an envelope within ten days
of its receipt.
Any person who fails to receive a card and envelope may obtain the same
upon application to the nearest Postmaster.
Ottawa, 15th December, 1916.
Director General.
v -
and our machine gun section hoe to go
away too. There will not be much
left of the Battalion soon.
We are all 151 nue barracks now,
moved up from our tents last Suoday.
r guess it trill be getting pretty cold
over your way nosy and it soon will be
Christmas, but le does not look like it
here, Any of our Battalion that is
not drafted over to France, is going
to be billeted in Folkestone, a oily
about a mile from 001' camp. Two
streets of people have been ordered
out of of their houses. Sonia fine
hulets have been turned into billets
too. It sure would be flue to go into
billets sit, the towns.
Some of the fellows Ow4 have seen B. e
Dennison. I sure would like to see
hire ton. \Ve are going through Lou-
don and will stay off a day coming
bark. We will get 6 or 7 days.
\VIIen yon write tell me if our let-
ters are censored or not, I would like
to know. t will write to ltlamie next.
I guess I owe her a letter. How is
Florence gelling along, going to
school all the time, 1 guess ? They
have some dandy schools here. It
looks funny t0 see girls driving train
care, girls in hotels and taking men's
places everywhere. The girls and al-
most evetyone down home oertalnly
do not know they are living. The
people work for all they get in this
country, everything you buy is clearer
here than at home. We went down
town last night and bought something
to eat, It cost us two shillings and
two pence or 52 cents, so that is not
vet'y cheap. I got three pounds to gn
on leave with yet, that is fifteen dol-
lars so I can have a gond time on that
here. The paymaster keeps back
twenty dollar's, so the never got our
last pay. It is kept back so if we get
into ahnspital we can get some of it.
Well I guess I will have to close for
this tune, as it is time to go to work.
Your loving son,
To rho Editor of Tan Pon:
9th appeared an Associated Press de-
spatch referring to the death of Pastor
Russell, the great evangelist, To the
end was tacked on a piece stating that
he died "wealthy was puguaaoue
and pet'sistent and had misled some
lea or Words t
leo o this osiers.
I lust Tine posy but this is the sub-
stance. I wish to continent 06 that
In last week
's "Week
Sun" Itud the following f :- "An
testate of $200 was all that, Pastor
Charles T. Russell left, according to
his will, which was published in the
D,'cember issue of the New York
Watch Tower. The estate is be-
r us -
'assn Rus-
t+ l e l to his widow. P
teat I t
sell, who was founder of the Watch
Tower Bible and Tract Society, specie
40 years in evangelical work.
The above ctiSpoeea of the oluu'ge
that he died "wealthy," The moths
would soon starve to death on that.
Nothing fs more untrue•" than the
statement that he was "pugnacious,"
fot he was one of the kindliest of men.
Ile pointed out the 0550,5 of the so-
called orthodox pteauhers in a kindly
He wan certainly "persistant," His
death showed that. He died in hat,
neee, preaching to the last to teach
the world the real truth about the
11e has led millions of the Iranian
rare into Lite right path.
Any one who has read his "Plan of
the Ages" arc convinced at once that
he is right, Chapter and vet'se are
given foe all his statements. }lie style
is clear.' and simple. The book men -
tinned above is now In its 4,560,000
edition. It is sold et a very low price
for the gtlatlity of the book. He has
also distributed millions of tracts free.
The toed s poor get "'Tho Watch
Totver" free. This shows his Christian
spirit. I now close, for the present. 1
am writing this leiter because hun-
dreds of your t'eaddrs, as welt ns nes
self are great admirer's of hie worlte.
Horne ministers have saki that he
teaches 0 false doctrine. What his
readers want are proofs. Their -"ipse
dist" went dn. As one of the misled
I would like some of those erudite
ministers to point them out.
J. I'I. Two61soN.
lieufryn, Dec. 23, 1916.
Walton Methodists will hold anni-
versary day on December 31st,
Pt'earher• for the day will be Rev. R, J.
McCormick, M. A, Blyth, Tuesday,
January 2utl, they will have a Fowl
Supper Iron 6 to 8, followed by excel-
lent program by .Berbers Piercy, of
Hamilton, expert, interpreter of litera-
1 entertainer.
and h
urnornas et
Tickets 25 and 85 cents.
East Wawanosh Council
The 'net meeting of the °mitre l for
1916 was held nn December loth with
all the members present, Minutes of
last meeting were read and approved.
Ootnntunication from Lieut.-Ool.
Brown from headquarters Military
district at London, asking the Domicil
for their assistance and co-operation
in bringing the different units now
quartered in Western Ontario up to
full strength received and filed, R.
Harrison, was present and asked for
compensation to the amount of 812.00
for a sheep destroyed by dogs lately.'
This claim was laid over till next
meeting. 33.00 was ordered to be re-
funded R, Cradles, being reined error
ring tax. Metiers, Cole root Jonston
addressed the Council claileiug an in-
justice had been done to them by the
Council of late having placed 3 eul-
vertson road off Lot '40, Con. 9, and
threatening to take legal proceedings
against the Municipality if injury was
done0 their respective properties
p p
through the putting in of these cul-
verts. The Reeve poured oil on the
troubled waters by suggesting as a
remedy that if the parties mentioned
were not satisfied with the onlveete
being pelt in, that a reconsideration of
former awards under the D. and W.
Act affecting these same properties
would perhaps be a satisfactory solu-
tion to this matter. Reeve also in-
formed a delegation of Indies present
on behalf of the Belgrave Blanch of
the lied Ones Society what procedure
to take so that they could participate
in the amount of motley granted by
the Camay Onuncil at their last meet-
ing, $5,000,00 being set aside for
h s amount t
Red Ones
purposes, 1n9Pa t 1 I
R 0
i 1
divided among the different 14 t
cippalities according to the last equaliz-
ed assessment. On motion of Buchan -
After nearly a year and a half of this
partial prohibiblon the people have
voted strongly for total prohihiLion-
that is to say, for abolition of the
Government 51o1'ea,
ST, Ma1LYs I3o'rlsL OABE,-A ver
diet for the plaintiff was returned at
the. County Court, itt the action of
James A. I%IuL,aren, proprietor. of the
Royal Edward lintel, St. Marys, a-
gainst Rev. 'John Knight, of Hensel),
tor damages for trespass, Defend-
ant was assessed $1 tirtlneges and will
also pay .the costs in the divisional
scale, 11 was alleged by the complain -
'shut, that on July 20 'the defendant,
with a constable. searched his per'n1-
ises fur 1Iquot', `N+I liquor was f1nnd
and the plaintit? contended that the
raid made at that time, when there
were neatly guests about the place,
! would seriously hart this business and
asst to bad reputation on his house.
The case lusted nearly a day at Stmt-
ford and after tsvo hout's deliberation
the jury brought in the above verdict.
an and McGowan the Treasurer was
authorized to pt'eptu'e 200 copies of
Financial Statement and also that the
Onlleculr be given timo till Feb. 1st,
1917 to return his roll for the balance
of taxes remaining unpaid, A large
number of accounts which appeared
in the Financial Statement were
ordered to be paid when the
Oouucil adjourned.
On the Temperance firing line.
♦ iectric
Light +,
▪ OTICE is hereby given that
owing to increased ex-
• pensefor coal and other
+ necessaries the price of Electric
,h Light in Brussels will be ad-
* vttilced from 10 to 12 cents per
I Kilowatt, from December lst
until coal reduces in price.
2 Rates payable on or before
4. the 10th of each month and if
i• not so paid 5 cents on, the dollar
,+r,' will be added.
2 For the convenience of pat-
i' roe payments may be made to
'E Miss Lulu M. Duifoid, at S.
4. Darter's store.
Jno. Slums J. A. Sharpe
+Manager Proprietor +
d, S. Robertson and J. W. Graham
81,' Marys, represented the plaintiff,,
while Mr. Ottrnerol, Godevich, ap-
peared on behalf of the defendant'
Banish the bottle 1 is the new war .
ery. The bottle did .not go out with
the bar.
Bulls for Sale
1 roan bull calved Oot, It d.1014, sired b Sil-
ver tit,n' 89.171, Ilia grand alrabeale bliss Vletor
Lnp. , owned by J. A. Watt, Dam was got by
Perfection 8100 ; his grand dam on sire's nide
is Fanny 11, 08, 07911, Galaford Perfeptfon's
1 rod roan bull calf, about 1 year old, sired
by Bravo Royal 00051; grand sire, MildredRoy
al 158868 • his dam was aired by a spicy Mar-,
quip bull,
Also will have 5 youngbutte on or about
Dean 22nd, grand sired by -Gainford Marqul9
88755, Imp, '•
Bove two more bought which will 14
later grand sire is also Gal,lfor•
quill 88766,
Tloae in need of a bull should coli an
thein at Lot 80,'Oon, 8, Morris townshl
utiles North of Walton on gravel road,
1'18061AEl 1315110•
Phone 6012, R, R. No, 2, Bra
Farms for Sal
The anderalgned offers for enle his fl
acre'farm, being Lot 12, and part of 'L,
Oen, 6, -and 80 mores on Lot 7, Oon. 1, Tow
of Grey, Enron Oounty, On the former
good brick house, extra good barn, 00 it 100
all oementetland water installed, more in
(used, tc 80 sores la chiefly busk. Also
acres, being Lot 12 Oon.0, in same town.
12 Cores of extra good Fall wheat and eve
acres plowed. Both farms in erne condi
Ear further particulars as to prEtlions,tel P. termsO.
conditions, apply 0n the premises or write
Telephone 4010,
JOHN JAowsote,
Farm for Sale
T1s undersigned Offen; her line 126 sore far
being Lot 8 and W pt9. Con. 5, Township ,o
Grey, for sale,. On the premises is a good brie .
house with frain kitchen and woodshed: large
bank barn and driving shed, 51ae n windmill,
and everything in good repair. Land in first-
class ditto of cultivation. For further 3)81'110.
niers apply to the proprietress on therem
lees, 6111-4 ISABELLE STRAOHAN, .
Phone 409 Ethel P. O.
House for Sale
sale imr, the Village of Eel et% Property belod ng
ed to the estate of the late Mrs. Alex. Molloy,
Collar, drilled well, 0c., on the premises. peer
further pnrtiotthtrs applyto
10-tf A, H. 6fODONALD, Ethel,
For Sale
Grnln Werchonse with horsepower elevator,
settles, sorts, door earn, ,40.
Also part of Lot 80, Oon. 6, Tawnehlp of 6for-
ris, 29 acres, ndlointng the Village of Brussels,
and 8 building lots on Turnherry street, For -
particulars apply to the owner. J. LEO&IE.
4•+••••••••••••••• 0••••••• 40••0••0••••®••6.0.0•••••• •
-- •
it's comical to see nn
)i • how the Toronto t
e o
Daily • to era that have goon fiaun1,iu •
papers g
large advertisements -.for the liquor •
trade have climbed down from their •
perch and shut them off, The public •
is in 110 mood to parley with the •
papers who won't do so. What about •
the mail order business as dangerous •
to Ptohibitinn as the advertising. a
The Government should attend to q
that phase of the question and do it et
quick. ♦
OAN'T CARRY A FLASK, -The. first •
test cars under the Ontario Temperan- •
se Act as respects the carrying of a
flask %vas disposed of in a judgment of •
Sir Glenholme Falconbridge, 0. J. K. •
B., in a. manner that leaves the man •
who caused the rest the choice of pay- •
ing a fine of $200 or going to jail for •
three months, ••
LIQUOR STORES Go -It was on July •
1st, 1915, that hotel bars and private •
liquor shops throughout Saskatche-
askatche wan gave place to Government dis-
pensaries established in a few centres. •
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
held in Brussels this season as follows :
THURSDAY, Jan. 4th, 1917
Feb. 1st, 1917
Mar. 1st, 1917
" April 5th 1917
Leading local and outside buyers will be present
b•esememae eseseaseaseoe00m•••e•o••••a.O.O••••••••
A choice stock in all lines, together with
finest quality of New Confectionery,
Fruits, ShelledeNuts, Fancy biscuits, &c.
Neilson's High-class Chocolates in fancy
Ice Cream, Oysters, Oxo and other Sea-
sonable Delicacies.
Phone 4ox or call at store.
t} c
• R. A. 1S`
ore tManif)00:34ittgidia eataF
Grocery and
c K cp-itytl n
Confer r o e
0 000 eatroat nem eo•e enereeOIe••mum"
A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves , sold at greatly
Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise.
Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be
sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul-
cahy Bankrupt Stock.
If you are a Bargain Hunter
your wants can be supplied
at our Store.
Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to
abide the result.
John Kreuter, Ethel
• or
X00.r1•N1f••••.0.0.••••••0Gfeet ••••A•••00tett 00•••00••••• •
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The 1917 Ford Touring g Car
J. o L, Ford, Out
You dont need:extl•avagant claims to jus -
tify your choice when you buy the Ford.
,The new model five -passenger Touring
Car at i495 is standard automobile value.
I don't need to make "claims" in offering
you this car. I showyou the car, i
,itself, and
give reasons.
The quality, the price and the service it
gives makes satisfaction sure, You can al-
ways depend on the Ford.
Let us show you the new model to -day-
S. CARTER, Dealer
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