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The Brussels Post, 1916-12-28, Page 1
VOL. q.g NO, 26 I.K0 Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1g16 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• v ® �I91g�LL(Cg�Pr UtJ13[e Brussels ° Irl n i n I. I. 11, • -1dPn', S+7 d 9� Daylight q i e sesi'r p'4Wetisii L I. I, 1, vt , 1, Tyr 3 r� ,;I 1 = 4 For � � ,• .-- .�,..y„�,, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 Store iJi9 id6 'loae' mistrt�'b'4,'et 1 , g v .; a=te is e o u it � �� � � e qAe 1Fe ® arisser4'lossop,'wasteievi e � • e •Buy a r' =,. _, $c, o t ''. • ° • �s, t "# . i ',4' Z. rd ,, ? ,,, = : t' ' a' 0 �t• ,F« err t,r s: o Q Presents c o New Advertisements Iipeakere Election d Overlooked-1o, Ioat-Tt)>oPR3m, respectively Hog1cey 8hoa , R. Smith. Tined eYShoreeting-J,,,, co. New Ylmeeti a -J,,,,, stibute Annual meetb, •-A �t, Society. 16, 6 (lows for sale-c8orcion McDonald, jneatitl National Service -Dominion Government, gathering to the A. 0. U. W. Halt will be Sleesies Barbour and Bowes, of Cross Bill and Meaforcl, and Mee. \4Tatte, Toronto. Latter will address the Women's In- in the Workman Hall at 2 p. m, NA1sicAl pz'ogru,ur At evenng g' o deavore, The proceeds which will be devoted to Red Cross work totalled $40,95. Tam Armstrong Is the teach- ez•of No, 3, Mrs. Arkles the deceased is 9nrviv by three other' sisters, Mrs. J3ait. Owen Sound ; Mrs. A. Ruttt and Mt Jessie McDonald, of Wiarton ; t1 three brothers, Alex., of Huron Oo John A., of Glen Huron, Sack.. ; a p Hughe William, at present Carn Hu h Manitoba, Pte. McDonald was w known here and was a most like young roan, a member of the Presb terian church and will be mlesed all who knew him, The sylnpathy an will go out to his sorrowing ee tives and friends. Particulars as how the accident happened are not vailable, Ethel Mrs. Ames keeps quite poorly, ,Aiaurioe AleLellaucl is home from Toronto, A. L. McDonald and family were at Listowel. Miss Ella Haneuld is here from Charing Cross. Min hansom, of Detroit, is visiting her sister in town, Dan. Eckrnler, Clinton, is visiting friends in and around Ethel. Al's. Ferguson, Miss Edythe And Clift: rd were at 1Iarrletnn• J. L. and Sirs, Irwin, of Haysville, spent with 0. and Mrs. Eelitnier. 1 t Percy Stephenson is spending the holiday with his brother, Ed., at Megan. Fails. Aliso Elizabeth Hall is enjoying pleasant holiday with relatives at ahoy Beach. Rev. Mr. Fair, Atwood, and dnugh, tel', Mrs. Brace and children, were visitors at the parsonage. I ax. $(e !lards son and clan hLer, y g of L eknow, visited their' grandpar- p Pats, 0. and Slrs, Rayuarcl. February 2nd is the date set fora Red Oross Concert, under the auspices r of the Women's Institute. A couple of the childien of G, 7`, R. Agent AIurra have been nits ill but Yq we hope they will soot be hearty. An appreciative letter was received retort Robert J�. Thomson for thepar- cel sent him 117 the \Vomeri s Institute. home, \V. ti Dole Sound, v sftito o� g with his daughter', Airs. D. J. Huteb}n- son, Alis Edna McLelland went to Tor comingi back b y,S onto ock to Tavistock fo visit her friend, Sliss -Ana Schmidt. Fred. Cole is home from Mowat, 9 Unfrrtunately a few days before leav- ingbe had his foot injured but under the present treatment, in a few days he will be thoroughly convalescent. The Girl's Patriotic Club served tea nn Priciay encs glltnrday of last week in R. o Dilworth'$ shop. Proceeds were $20 00. The girls worked with a will which showed that their heart was in the cause. Hurrah for the girls. Thursday afternoon and eventing of next week pnUlic u)eetiugs will be held here in the interest of the Board of Agriculture and the Woolen's In- statute. Township Hall will be the meeting place. Speakers expected are Gavin.Barbour, Cross Bill ; L Bowes, Meafnrd ; and Sirs. Watts, Toronto, Pro ram 0f music will be rendered at the joint meeting in the evening. 1 g g• 4 On .Sunday rnnrning after Jae. Poltroon sr., had got out of bed Mrs. Pearson thought she heard him fall and when elle came out to see what was wrong sire fopnd him sitting on chair in an unconscious condition. After getting the doctor they found he had a paralytic stroke. Glad to say he is improving a little and re- gaining rolAoin°sness. \\ o1iax's INSTITUTE• -The supple• mentary meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at, the home of errs, Wesley Pollard, Thursday, Jan. 4th. Mrs, Watts, Toronto, who favorably known, will address the ladles at 2.30 also at tle •joint meeting with Agricultural Board in evening ie Township Hall. A cordial invitee l riots is extended .1'o' all ladiee to at- tend these meetings. g • Euterlaiuulent given U7 the Metito- dust Sunday School on Christmas evening was a grand ucePss. The night was exceptionally tine and brought a gond number from a lis- tan'('. Rev. AB'. Johnson filed the chair its his 13Suri1 rood style. Later- tainment consisted of songs, choruses, re stations and dialogues, Some them side s littel•s. It Was no plana I For any ole tl•ho had (L crack in Heir lip and lasted 2 hours, A wore of t:llaelis by \\ tn. Love, seconded by S• 8 S. Ct>IR, was passed to All who took pru't Na.tnnntl ;\nthPm fnJlowe(i by "(vet wive our splendid 1'11811" brought nu to a rinse. Proceeds Sd7.00, NoarTNvi'Itly, - AA the Township Nolniuluinn lab Friday R. Livingston and John Berrien were notuivated.fnc 1h11t'teeveship, the latter retiring, Pr A. McArthur and John McNabb for D01,11( -y 11e1'v F!. For Onnllrlilnl'e, W. l('i'o.er, li'. Collins aa1111 1111111 A:lelIven. n , were declared .elected byWm. Counci11 re w aoe1 im'ttuon. Since 111011 Ah', A1rllwen, who w,ls not. present Fridap, has de- (lined the. honor, heune the new Conn- til will hove to lu'TVLnge 1Lt their first meeting for the INotmltal1011 of an)lh• ('11, lir, Mr Elwell would have made useful member of the. Bou•d, Speech- es tvr're ntnllR by the Ilnlniilet33 pl'e5ell A. H. Macdonald onenpiRdl the chair. I'hore will h(' n run Fur the. Deputy teevea1i next. Monday 1)eill elec- 1 p, y g tion day, ; Pre. It, MoDoNAnn inns IN ENO- n..1Yu.- 1'hR Owen Sound Sim of last Peid',t gives lite following e ticulars 3 h or the sol death of Pte. R. McDonahi, r, ; brother of A. R. McDonald, Township Clerk, or Ethel ;'--A message was ee- iitised 011 Wednesday (001.11111 last b 1 g ; Mrs, Atkles fimn the Record Office, ling (7ltaLN(L,9tAt11 Lhatheu•brotltec, Pie, 11.T„ A:IcT9nnAld, was in 4sptCal Iira,ushott, seriously ill R,th gang.. fees. h1 the 4eft leg and within two ), bona nfLPr ra(0ived word that he hail died, The cable filen the command- tug n'{110er Of tlle. 100th battalion, ; whielt ' Pte, McDonald had been 9 nlstrlbee, stated that Pte. McDonald lead been accidentally shot 10 the leg ; and tlat amputation had been neon- vary, and later the poor' fellow died from gangrene. Pte. McDonald Was raised in Winston and enlisted there last May, going ilieeseas in Or.tober. lila had been etnployrecl at tie Kennedy 1001(dr7 here for a numbers of year's and 1'e.4ided with itis e1etee, Mrs, Arkin, �1$, 1:gi;11:l�t, A, ��tl8t. Besides .{l tsttlxt :Cr5 t i Qrey ]Hiss Jennie Rands is home from Toronto for her variation, New Council will sneer at Ethel Monday, January, 8th, as per statute, Attend the Institute m0etings next week at Ethel, Nlnnerir'ff told WiUamt, Misses Dicltson are enjoyinn' the holiday teen theft schools at Walton and Men kl;ou, Mrs. Sydney Armstrong, is visitin y p at the horns of Jae, and Airs, Arm strong, 9th Onll. Pte. Cecil McKinnon, who is In the London braining camp, was home for a brief halides' A'Trs,'B.. Me(?uarrie, ;fiss Gladys and Mrs. Pringle, of Denver, Col., are spending the Winter in Toronto. Pte. Harvey Hoover has been sent from England to Fiance in the recent ch'oi'r, He is now fn thR.581'1) Batt”' Trusters Of Duke's school have en- gaged bliss Btu'gess, Oollingwood, as successor to Miss Shorts, of Arthur. School will re -open January 3rd. Miss 011a Armstrong,9th Con., has ;Incepted a as teacher near p position Arlon, Halton Co„ rota nod sales g Y and will commence work next week. The 11 nstees of S. S. No. 11 have re- engaged A[ise Vinlet T,eitch as teacher for another year, giving her an in- C.PPaee in salary -not a bad serum- menti,Peery Peter Ritchie, jr. formerly of this township, was elected Reeve of the tnnn}cip lily near Z.-dandie, Sask. We admire Lhe good jnclgment of the -&]Fete's. Dist week Ohas. Lamont was visit- ing relatives and friends at Stratford. He bas been laic! op far the past weeks with a felon and blood poison- Ing but is nearly o. k. once more. A social evening was enjoyed at the bents of Austin and ATTR. R,Lyll al'd, 4th Con., Laura Margaret, the baby daughter, was baptized by Rev. Mr. Johnson after which a fowl sapper was served in the best style of the hoetees, In S. S. No. 0, a contest was carried on in rapid calenlation in Arithmetic and on the closing clay .01 school this concluded. There was also a sheet program and a confectionery trent for the pupils. Miss Ida Frain is the teacher. KILLED INSTANTLY,—As Will., the youngest sol of Hairy Alcock. 14th Con„ was worsting with Jas. Clark it the bush of Thomas Learmont, 10th Qon., \Veclnesday aPternoou about• o'clock he was struck on the top of the head by a flying limb of a tree and instantly killed. The limb was all two men could lift, It was a great: shook to the family and comtnuuity. Deceased was a fine young man.' MATRIMOwTAL.-A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized at the home of J. P. and J1ta. Rowland, Alaple Grove Farm, Gray, on Wednesday afternoon December 20th, at 5 p. m. at which Heir elclestdlanghter, Ieabelia Gladys, wa united 1n marriage to Duncan John Brewer', a prosperous yoing farmer' of Grey, Ceremony was per'- formed by Rev. J. Al. Shaw, St. Al- Uarl s chores, Atwood, in the presence of LL lar a uumUet' of relAHves and g friends of the contracting patties, pleaning :Pilo bride entered the asset on the. arm of her father and took her place undo' an arch of evergreens, to the strains of Siendetsnhn's w=adding march, played by Miss Mae Wilkinson cousin of the gvooin, Aries Roxy, sis- ter of the bride, acted as flower girl, eari'ylllg a basket Of roses. T110 bride looped charming in 0 dress of eremn. satin and tulle vsil with orange bion' some and carried a beautiful hoc net: of 1 roses and maiden hair fern. After 'Lhe celemolp the bridal party (alLere(1 'the linin Loom wirers a sunilluOUs wedding. diviner was served. Gr00111 gift to the hride 085 0 crown btmoc;r of leat'ls to the newel, til a Dell tins Cmhto lite organist 0grill pend. .ant. After tea (.1411 remainder of the evening Was spent in a sor al way, in- teraperse(1 with music and games, Bride dual the recipient of a large number of 119efill tllld costly �,rrsenls ]Viii C11 5l]nw9 thl' high 1',Ieelll lis \Vilil•17 ) e is 11('ltl. They will m'e young coal 1 reHide on the gr'oom's (lee farm on the Obh 0011. of (irey, ria uvurNT,- S, S. No. 8 EN'1t, T. s i'e the somewhat inclement DR, p 1 wear het, 0f last Friday evening, school house t o. 3 witnessed the gathering h n F ,T 1 L li nre within the walls. 1 P e, large gl , tl 118 rant occupied lite clink 011(1 yeas• G 1 's •es admirabl And performed hl, dl Il y After' a few introductory liCtOl'y 1'Rlhltll'kR the fullllw'1ng pl'nj71'l1.111 ]Nits )PPA('Cl1510 :'-1 Recitation, Uhiford Oarc�l[L 1 month organ selection, Willits McDnnLLld, Willie Smith and O mnw•nn Strachan recitation; Ceiling, ; solo, Iii ioo Willie Addle Cardiff ; rcritAll violin • seleetin Messrs, Bishop 11(1111 Morriaol, Smith, Ireland end Smith inn Melville Lamont and hi' twee "$ ) 'ih- FI'ftR01' ii l'YlLOha17 ; tlitlinglie, , ITl alt iog it Iced t )roes Fund " 5 ehsriwters 1(r,ILACinn .Lanra Tii)•nht111, Jennie. Armstrong, Mary Behove and Eliza- o • recital.ion A1iss Vera both Smith , Hoover ' reeitattinu ('notion Sfraeh- 1 e , n Maypole R Aril A[IAsrs Bishn n , A app I 1, i Cercliif, AtR1rArlanP, AIPT,nuehliu, sh(.w, a3nril11 omit \"ffl ; Hilo, DRugi�old Steadiest •' ieeitai'tom, Miele Sinitic dialogus, t"lfi'an Putnpkill Ridge," chnt'actere ; violin selection, Messrs, Morrison, Smith, Treiatltl and Smith tableau, "Tenting to•nigllt.'F After the program a very acceptable lunch was served. Tire singing of "Clod save the -King" wag all indication to disperse. Eve - number on the twee gram was w011, C1eird, the 011[1181150 was attentive at t she c e) mltte0 fully Q.?rl i - satisfied with the-•d6ttlt8 of filets en- Moncrieff Friday afternoon and evening Of next weak the annnnl addresses in the interests of the Board of ll1i be lhel l and Women's institute will be bald bout Speakers 111111a will be Gavin Bar- and is. ; L. Bowes, Toronto, ; and Slra. L. H. Watts, Toronto, Meetings open at 2 and 7,30 p. m, Musical program will be rendered at evening session. The debate came off in good style on the 19th inst„ in Knox chu!ch, •Mr. Lundy in the chair. Subject of debate was whether a Conscription law should be passed for, Canada, 1 Affirmative speakers were Ed. Fulton an and far the Negative and Jno. McPherson W. es, A. aH alMcDo Halting, H. The1; 'edges, A. H. McDonald, H. Mc- Naught and Reeve Livingston gave decision for affirmative. Short mnsi- cal and literary rRgram •• Proceeds Y p' of entertainment was t4pplietl to Snu' day School food, 0. *ice +• � � � BJtaevale Stan. Hall, 'Palmerston, was hot for over Christmas, Mrs. Hewitt spent Cht•i \Vm, and s p mite at the lattel.'s Inoue. Wm. and Alts. 3IILnley, Southall ton, Me visiting at Jtrltn•H.LlI's, Win, anti Airs. Thornton 5p Christmas with Jeff Mutlgrove, W, J. Duff, St. Thomas, ,prat 11 fl days this week with his mother, Miss Eva Duff spent Christ time w1 her brother, Clayton,at'. St,atford, Mrs. Win. Hall and equity so, Chtdan at the howl of \11 n, Y Win. and Alta. Ifs (} s)'n,1 (u1. tori with the lanet'h 1 I les 1 (4. , I Mts. Neil Robb, 811 1'', el l few days this week \) I( h,•1 plies 3' Airs, Allison And c Ih 1• on u present visiting, r•-intiv'u at To; no Misses Plo. Aitchison and Lu Shaw are home for over the b t r t sinews, Sr., Ie o1 the gt..k at present. We hope he will 500,4 o' k. Wm. and 1tII'A.:II r'\li :bass, 11 '711 a few clays this week with iei tt; here. Mrs, M, Masters, Toronto, is spe home of J tog a few weeks at the h m Masters. Rabb. Aitchison attended thefur el of his brother-in-law at Gtu•tph Tuesday. Alex. and Mrs. Smith, Delis spent Christmas at the home of AI MacEwen. Mrs, Rolph is at Brussels this W( helping Sirs. Rotten as Len. Rutter seriously ill with porno T,nirt, Misses Vietta Curtis, Nellie Burg and Mabel Coeltess, Toronto, w home for Christmas, Misses Lanra and Jessie Holmes spending a few days this week w relatives at Toronto, John Maims jr., Cr. 01'ghorn, 0 Greenway and Jos. Olegh'wn, Han ton, were home Inc Chri.Itntss. 'mete war a geed torn out to Christmas Tree Moiid:t-y night i proceeds amounted to vn1.85, Mrs. Jas. Watson and two child) Gladstone, Mau., axe spending S a i 4yeF>ks at Lha UomP of ThoR. Stew Wits, McMichael, Park Smelt Geo, Churchill and Hugh Simian) of Galt, were home for over Clu• a mos. DI's, Ed. and. John Cl ultes, Ph delphia, spent Clltistm as with 11 parents. This is the first Christi they have spout at barna for abou years, A Recl Cross ...Mew Tet. will be 1 at the hone of Peter and Mts. Moil on the everting of Thursday Jaws 4th. Ladies are asked to being t is knitting for the soldiers, for tl who do not car e to knit s.'wln 011 provided, Ten hl tesses arc ' deifies Peter m„tiut, Alex. mon G. C. Biggins and J, :lofflltt, Ln hill be served during the even The visual charge is 10 (ruts and er body will be welnoluR. Come al and do your "bit." ,, :see. :.F • -. pRev. 0 UR stocks were never in better shape—well assort- ° 0 ed and the lowest rices, for the greater art were ° p g 1) ° ht before the bigadvance in prices. • g 'pa ® For Ladies For Men • ° I j Ties Ties Shirts O Collarso Cxlovae Mitts Silk Mufflers Sox 4' Dess Hosiery Slippers \A)ltirm Underclothing Caps o ® Dress Silks Sweater Coats Handkerchiefs—all sorts- pJohn Overcoats Fur Coats 9 Silk Waist Lengths ,'. d L'Oate Suite •Warm tlnderlilotbing Fol 111I11mQ • o Fancy Handkerchiefs Boots Slippers • o Fur Setts and Odd Pieces Overshoes Sweater Coats • : Splendid Assortment a • Fur Coats Cloth Coats •q ° , er O Ftlr rrimme(1 Coate o •' For Boys 6 6 For Girls r o o ries Shirts o o g • 1ParmEIIDderclotlling Boots I'\ Mufflers Underclothing ® Slippers Rubbers Overcoats .SllltB ® • Collars Skating Setts Slippers Boots o • Fur Setts Coats Rubbers, &c. o 0 - Jamestown Lide and Mrs. Jacklin spent Christ- rnas at the home of Miss Christina Beattie, Seafoi'tll, an Allot of Mrs; Jaeitlin, week rfro n Slcackleton, Sask., aeeem- pun}ed by his sister, Kiss Luria, where she spent a most enjoyable Summer. Dou't forget the Red Cross Circle Tea at the home of Peter and. Mrs. Moffatt next Thursday afternoon and evening. Everybody be welcome. \Ve are pleased to state that Mrs. Alex, Atcdraaken, of the North Bay., who• was operated on 2 weeks ago for appendicitis, is making a good ream, ery and will soon be convalescent we hope, John McEwen, who was nominated for Oouncillor for Grey township And elected by acclamation, declined to qualify so a new matt will have to he chosen, Mae is tea modest by Calf as he would make a representative mem- her of the Board. 'e ' A splendid assortment p ® Ty and Nick -oriels o e • Our stocks of Staple H 91 +� a, A t• : G ® ° • Highest !'rices for Produce. ') Q +°®®oo°� u••®o(3�oAaoAma p gaoo'8 ® • of Fancy Linens, Fancy Jewel- • suitable for Presents, o 0 Dry Goods are complete. • O a ,, o 8 15 ° ? � t La, ,. ,:�� ° Gt• o o •o so+o�00009?ACO+©4°9•o0ooso m Cranbrook Mrs. G. Sperling has one to visit P g g friends at Clinton. Harold Sinalidon and family spent y P Obristmae at Winthrop, Misses Leila and Addle Sperling are home from Hamilton for the holidays. Wm. 8ra4vn, Aiiarni, Man., is visit - iog hie mother and other relatives here' - Mrs. Radciatz returned Friday after spend}ng the past three weeks with lel. sister near Hensall. John McNabb, of this locality, is in the field for the position of Deputy Reeve of Grey, and will poll n goon vote WO expect. He ran last year against bth }te Brown. At the lied Cross Concert }sera on Thursday inlay evening of this week one of the i.nleresting numbers will he "Mak- lg OLLuada'a Flag.' Don't fall ill at- tend and cid a moat deserving eaoon GE's A eld in Lon ' social afternoon will be held hl Long's Hall, Thursday, 4th, nndPr Lhe auspices of the Red Uroes Society. One of the in esCing features of the day will he the drawing of the ticket Por the pig. Lunch will be served. Come and en- soy youne. f, everybody wrlrnnte. of the Christmas visitors in the village !vete :-The Ur- vtOre in g1111a1•t family, Dwelt 011111d, at .tile `oise ; Mrs. lieltoorn and daughter, Miss Celia, Ol nt n, at Mrs. Spar- ling s ; Miss Calder, Taranto, at Jno. Peeress's ; 0. Fiscliir trod family and Fred, and A(e ( Fischer,3(1Mis ICAb e son :Lt F. R, (411000 ; ilia Misses Abbe son anis 11 r. Duncan, Toronto, at W. Al -g :11:;,•37,,,:t;,, Misi Julia Baker, Port Hut'- , Basket s.. Naturally -` ,., �� At the rtfler9 Ours is the 1Vlen Heck Scarfs ii Heck Ties • (f r llio�epJ (l IlorJ�er� Handkerchiefs 1�% e Cuff¢ I L [mks Suspenders . Suspender I 0 ([ Seth Iik umui i iia$ Coat Sweaters JerseGrp �C ys Underwear ^� Waterproofs ° ° Tailoring Department x leave, the goods and - n E.} s 11 s xe`t- 3 a ` "�- ,,,,' '' it j'__ 'id _�l ay»r es t s e r� �� d ' g l -• , �° ¢ ��ui t tore with requirements Cl 11 Century ?nth 6�i�turJ {+j kinThey Chit 1r Fur Coats Fur lined Coats Barri�tou Hats Nartt Shoes - --- mer Flt IS a rJUlt or Overcoat you want, buy it in the 20th Cen- t(1) Brants, or );til' Af 5t 1. , l y S110hS, buy fire Hart Shoe, not- ed for its style, fit and wearing 1•, qualities, ) Blue and rare Call and see y yh ' a .,a ,. �. ' . er=farmesseimJAu. Furnishing Furnishi for r a �t U re �x,;, , �1 s =J +` .. ''" � youry h� Men 1/111 .'... at' F S ' ` ; � { ?i:.a ,' i ''', ` ..l may '\"7•-' , .. `�` r\ "' • order' !! ;"+�... Store such _ - � ., 1 • l w i. `: 1 " tr.= l.ss a4 \ """ '�' .1 `A t "' h� i ' e .. : . ' •,.` r, ,';; r'c ., , , x - & I i F ''u 1 line Worsted early. . ti a,y ,»°_• "�°' -,- i A?'.. \- '• �' ''• . Vii- •. •' . 4 '3,?•i �onlgtleu=ht0rnf 1 `.: ti, filled as IIII�•��III�' M� + '' ' ,, 1' M ! ,a .0 c x21 ' �. •.a: ;. �a.xCelebrated180 t �' of Suitings, t¢ y Black °. � •.' IVlorris H. L. and Airs, Humphries, Lout are holiday visitors with S, and i Walker, Oth Line, nP Tim old 0/110011 beet: to their job for another year. Serves tl rt ht, They will meet January SU a and Mss. Wheeler daughter, Southampton, are visit t elalives in Mortis. Grey and Braes Arra. A G, Robeltsmn and sun, FI neat Ottnl an 4Mis Slam xle s1 ,. with Al1An and 111 ^ .1 I 1 sus VO MIA. George Mei tin and child, Georgetown, are oinking a visit Ales, Wm, Miehie's, The forum, daughter, Clarence and sirs, Rate, D.>h were holiday VI+1 te1'H with the All' famines, 81 es, Rat 7, 1811, mita, of Michie. H. and Mrs. Prencis, of'l'ill,. tilt. were hero 00 a holiday visit at home of Wm. end 11 r5, Beynns. former is A hr0th'•r of t11P hostess, Miss Dora Wagon, who is too.( a at Hepworth, and the tllis'..s I, from 131Lrri5bon lnrr4litp, ,uv ..t t. t. 1'PBpRrt11'e ilUlh eA for rile emelt i1,1'. t Christmas visitors (L1 the 1"11" Henry and Airy. Bone, welt, \ and Airs. Oal'tllieliiiel 113 iult'oid. latter is a daughter. Air. ('nrnair` is employed in a munition factol•3 Brant County's capital. Pte, Alex. Conon, who went o seas wish the 971,11 L3aitalion, 1 0e.11l Hughes, [Lill. 0001 after p 1 drafters into the Princess }.,,ts., heel) ill with plenri57 at :leaf Y 1 T \i •Pa Oarup. lis is a son (r r Colon, 51.1, line. Wo wish hi sled reanvet' at I. ' Y y' 0, and Mrs. Michie, of nevi were welcome visit018 to the All hmmP, 61h line, over E�Urislmas. former has been with the Po P e of Woollen l aotnri', H. spoler, for a pa8116 7MLl•9 and be iooks as 1f ditties of his position agreed web I 111111. He is a level-headed young. -the kind the world needs, BrA0tttMA'r0ON,•'-Last Fettles the Nomination there was a full reeerttati0u of zatrpay+ers, all in 1 humor and no fault: finding. Me Shorireed Fraser and J(ahnstnn i nominated for Reeve 11.101 Ale Elston Y0111, Laidlaw Johnetmt , , I' Ca90A fOP (70t1t1'C311b18, :tl�l't01! tall °0 Walton Wile. n11111IC1 sal fills is all in GI's 1y I„1v ll' 1111 1 11A tl'. - I} yes Reev g inexl' :'itI clay for the 1.1ef,uf,y Rceve:(h,p. Genii se and Ales, Ferguson and Miss ) g Tenn, 7.Ou nL°, teem1i-s holtdi use at the g h.., „e R. and Airs. Ferguson, \Val- o r I 1 , Gilbert; Grigg has been rsnewing old r f s i t ion } 11 l s in this near7, His Jaw, is w 1 s,' in the \Vast a 1, Moose Jaw ' whore he. is thin well. g , will y 1111 'Lumley 6th, Institute ettnt0 and Women's Illeti LaltP will hn11Ae. and A. 0. U,. meet. '1'118 l be the \\, hall will be tbs me.eLlug places, Next Sunday will be anniversary day in the Methodist elmecb here, 1 Rev.:\L, McUoe)litck BI 1.0 will nem- Y pY the pulpit at 11 rt. 10, and 7 p. m. l vs r Tuesday choice following l(. li Fowl supper a• musical and literary l fI funk ANVOl7NC1,Di],,N'.G-l.lte' eTl'--• lPll6 is almolneet of Edna lel (Nellie.1- daughter and Peter' aril Alrs: Mc- Arthur, Walton, to G}IUert George r Grigg, Moose Jabv, Sask tion o gg, , ,( t f Geo. and Mrs. Gri Seato.•th Ont., e Ogg, , , 117 nrarria a to Lahs taco li •1•i , g p q v Januast3 Lncl. On the 1901 of inst . August list Miss Annie Sage, forturi l of \Valbor was 11041.811 in nu4l't'legr, at Calgary, with Harry J. Gould, :They will go to the y lattsl s ranch nextSpring, They took a250 mile motet, but 0n a wedding tour, Old Mende in this vicinity will wish them happiness and prosperity. Saturday of next' week the Board of Agriculture and Vonisn's Institute will hold pl'blle tneetingellire, After'* !loon m0eti71 for the men will as- fei b . 96nlblb in t110 school house, Joint W. H. KERR, Proprietor Rd the matter over it was agreed that 1, Mr, Yuill retire and the old Council sa I were then declared elected for 1917.. et • Considerable diecnseion took place re- twrdiug the appointment by the at Oouuty of an Agricultural Represens e5, tative, and a resolution was unani- WE namely passed requesting the Reeve to Ule use his influence with the County y- Council to have a Representative ap- by pointed. Aresolution was also passed of asking the Oouneil to grant $100 for la- Red Cross worst, Wm. Armstrong to asked the Reeve to have the County a- Council petition Lhe Government to use all possible means to have the per eels going through the mails sent stns sly and speedily to the soldiers at the front. The (food Roads Movement ue cis(, got 101 airing, The meeting shed by surging the National Au- st. ,hem, Roh=u'd Johnston was chair - mum Cunnril for 1917 will consist of p- 1i..+ve, loo. Shortreed, Councillors, W. 0. Laidlaw, Dune. Johnston, W. Rtit H. Pr11881' and W. Elston. Belmore tit Mies Annie McGi'ogan, Toronto, is ep noir' the holiday at her home. "'t b -. 1l H'tgan, Riverdale, is visit- "'• 113(1 111 the home of 11. Weishar. . I 'cine Barton, Toronto, is the i"• ,o +1 h.4, brother, James, 17th con. 11ems,. Beigrave, occupied the 18• pe. )•i iu 1.110 Methodist church Sunday :1t „ 1,,t,_. t"• en sett ars. Lowry spent Christ- ihL n1 •bo home of their daughter, • \a1 W. ( Nichol, Toronto. ist '9111. and Mrs. Abraham, Hunts - vine, :old Ptes, Wesley and Russell L At.tsluun, who are training at Galt, :..pent 111) helid.ty at their home here. s e 1ria outs (Tree entertainment held nd 1 1 rue Jl,.lhcdist church last Wednes- tLR. 'itte evening was :L grand success, over 821.00 being realized. The Maypole drill, whish was given by 12 girls, was e' x Inorily applauded, also the dialogue, on 1 Advvi using for a Husband." Santa OL(tie was present and shared his gifts with all, est 18 8.63 sre Lre ith n. tit - lie nd en, ew tet. 'r, on, 181- ilA- teir 11118 t 15 tell ;lit !ery hci t lose I be. les- att, nob '1'y- lllg 011, Its, olds sem mod iog els. n111 orb +1•l: •eft al s IL oil ', �h lr i t•4, ail (1i,' The i'let d,l•, t'l 111. i'he in 1'81 ton -trial Inas chis Alex, in 11 ler, 'The t'bes the the -1111 nm1 at rep - 101111 Bete, VPt'0 8515• and Bing Wroxeter J•tmes Wylie and son, Greer, are visitors in Toronto this week. Gordon Morrison, London, spent Christmas under the parental roof. Mies Cassie McDougall, Mt. Forest, spent the week end with her parents. ilrs D. Fisher has gone to Hamil- ton where she will spend three weeks. Elmer Beckingham, Wingham, visited old friends here on Christmas .I n('. Lamer, Howiok, has moved to Mrs. 0. Smith's residence on Howick 4,11881.. Fred. Davey and family visited over Christmas with relatives at Grand Valley. ;firs. Stocks and little daughter are . spending a week with relatives in Toronto. 1,0slie McLaughlin. Swift Current, is spending a mouth with relatives in this vicinity. A number of our young people en- joyed a skate on the Wingham rink Uhristrmts night. (too, 31011,1osh, Montreal, was a visiles Ili the hone of Jno. Davidson (14.1181.h' ver e holid J s.thIlcl'hl enay., of Sault Ste- Marie, is the guest of his parents, Jno, and Mrs. McEwen, Tnsherry. Miss Etoil Reis accompanied Mise Me im,1.111 on her return to her home at. Militant last Thursday. Norman Katbtleisch, who left here 6 40111'8 ago for the West, is now visit- ing his sister, Mrs. 0. Reis. Lawrence Lovell, of North Bay Normal School, was th6 guest of his uncle, W. S. McKelcher on Sunday. Melvin Rae, youngest sor},iyf Jas. K. Rae, is visiting his home here after an absence of 8 years spent in Alberta. Mia Cason' Harris returned to Tor- onto on Tuesday after a short holiday with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Harris. Mrs. A. G. Robertson and son, Dan., of Metcalf, Oarleton County, were her • for Christmas on a visit to the 1leKerc her families. They were wsl- 1'nlle 41511118. hev. A. Love and family are holi- daying at St. Thomas. In the absence of the former, Air. 1•Iopper, Belgrave, ( ,•'•upir(1 the pulpit in the Methodist chin eh on Sunday evening. \ I the N,111111111 1011 meeting, held in the Town }Kill on Friday evening the chi (Seinen end Reeve were re-elected h\ Rr(lahlnlion, Some say Reeve Reis ni•(y be 0 candidate for the \VI rdeo'5 chair. M ;sees lies"ie Lovell, Beatrice Howe, P(.,.11 11'11118, 'Margaret Anderson, ('lar a Rol he,Yord, Lulu Rutherford, ids.: 1 131 Hamilton and Lizzie Sander" sos, 111.1(}lete, are spendinlg the Ohrist nine 1'8, 0111 11 at 111e11' homes here, 5,'(,('1e earl you gat a better oatatto f; -III any village P (.non Clad:. --A large and apprecia- tiv.• endlence assembled in the Town hall hist Wednesday evening to enjoy 111,; annual Concert of the Wroxeter Cmltiml Lt:inil• (:lass. As 11911x1 there w•it•v an excelleet program which was pressured nv follows :-Ohorus, "Men of the North", by School ; chairman's address , recitation, Helen McLean ; presentation of diplomas t Presenta- tion of (4 11501* Scholarship ($15.00) to Iatlhleen Rutherford ; valedictory, real.} by Vete, Johneon ; school paper, teed by Alex. Sanderbont song, I'i)rh1 Little Island", by 4 boys ; in- strumental solo, Alvaretba Stinson ; eon;, ' lilts off to the Flag and Thing" i1,1 1 girls ; instrumental duet, 'Nina carr and MIS, Hastie ; song, "The sone of the Empire" by 4 boys ' play, "The Crimson and the Blue". The chair Was °coupled by 0, B. Sander. son, who in his short address made particular reference to bhe number of fo'Tner members of the 'VV. 0. 0., who ort. now %veering the King's colors. The pror.0rds, which san°utlted to $4:4.00, will he treed to assist the boys of the 101st Battalion,