HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-21, Page 8Ch ristmas sh ,xESIM ; - ti The Christmas Season with its rush and exoitement is here, and while our stook Is even larger and better assorted than other years, we all know the story of the early bird, &e„ s0 Come as early and as often as possible, Already many Cue. Comers have expressed their surprise and pleasure at finding the Christmas goods so fine this year. Here are a few suggestions :— Boxed Stationery In pretty Chrlstmae packages and at the old prices, which is some consideration, when the paper market has been the way it is lately. From 15o to $8,00 a box A Happy Christmas Thought A Kodak Preserves the picture story of good times. Kedalcs front $7.00 up• Brownies from 52.00 up. Good line of Snap Shot Albums at from 150 up to 50.50. A Box of Chocolates No Christmas oompl ate without a box of bCod Chocolates. We have Lowney'o, Her ox of Chocolates • When in doubt stun n Prom 25o up to 52.50 a box Manicure Pieces Iu Ivory and Ebony—Nail Files, Manicure Scissors, Cuticle Enver, Buffers and Corn Knives. The moat of the pieees are to be had for 25o and 35e each ; some of the oth• ere are 50e and 75e each. Toilet Pieces1 Useful and beautiful pieces in Ivory and Ebony are the Mirrors, Hair Brnshes, Clothes Brushes, &o., and besides in the Ivory there are some entirely new ppieces saoh as the Picture Frames, Pin Clushione, Talcum Powder Holders, Trays, &c. The New Books Always a source of pleasure to examine the new Books of the Season. Soma of thein are ; Rhymes of a Red Cross Bien by Service, Dir. Witting leeo it Through. The Worn Doorstep, The Woman Gives, Rod of the Lone Patrol, by Cody. The White Comrade, by Catherine Hale Also many Gift Books, Bibles and Hymn Books. Pictures and Statuary Wo have some choice =Wens in these, that it will be diifloult to pews by, if one is fond of boaatifying their home, Also in brass. there are scone new shapes in Jar- danieres, Fern Pa.:, ,to. See the new Serving Trays— Great value at 32.50 each Casseroles, $6.08 each, Headquarters for Santa Clans This is where Santa Claus snakes very fre- quent visits these days for Ino supply of Dolls. Toys, Picture Honks, Blocks, Games, Sleighs, Carte, 800.—A full supply. Christmas Cards Booklets and Picture Post Cards, the de- signs are very pleasing and the Greeting Cards are to b0 had frons 2c up to :0e each. Christmas Postale—New deslgne, 25c dot. Others at 5c each. Christmas Tags and Seals A Few Other Lines Flash Lights, Leather Purses and Hand Bags, Fine Perfumes and Toilet Waters, China, Fancy Baskets and Magazines. ?"fie "eStore Fe R. SMITH DR'QGGIST AND STATIONER. Pad betas Items SLEIGHING tip top. Busmen is lively. MERRY Christmas to alt, SKATING expected for Saturday night at Brussels rink. NEXT monthly Horse Fair will be held Thursday, Jauuary 4th. POSTOFFICE hours on Christmas will be 8 to g a. m, and 5to6p.m. FRIDAY was a very cold day, zero tem- perature a good part of the time. CHR1sTMAS Day will be a public holi- day and business places will be closed. M. YOLLECK sbipped a car of scrap metal to Wingham and another to Guelph last week. STATUTORY Council meeting was held Friday evening and business for the year wound up ONLY about $zoo of taxes were left un- paid on the 15th inst., in Brussels. 5 per cent was added to these on that date. CURLERS.—A meeting of all interested in Curling will be held Tuesday evening next, at 7.3o o'clock, in the Board room of the Public Library. Y ScxoGL Cotfcert this (Thursday) even- ing in the Town Hall. Program will be an excellent one and proceeds go to, Red Cross. Dont miss it. DIED IN HAMILT0B, We are sorry to state that Mark O'Rourk died at Hamil- ton Wednesday. His wife was a former Brusselite, her maiden name being Miss Nellie Jupp. No particulars are to band. MuttromAL Nomination Friday of this week. In Brussels Nomination exer- cises will be held in the evening as asset, from 7.30 10 8.30 o'olcck, A good attendance would do much to stir up the dormant condition manifested by many. AFTER the last meeting of Brussels School Board Secretary -Treasurer Black invited the members of the Board and the teaching staff to the restaurant where they were regaled. A short pro- gram of toasts was carried out in which the compliments were passed round. Oveacome. nY GASOLINE.—While work- ing one evening about 8 3o on his new linotype machine in the Clinton New Era office, installed only two clays before J. L. Kerr, proprietor. was overcome by the fumes from a gasoline burner, which. heats the metal, Mrs. Here who hap- pened to he down town, called at the office and found Mr. Kerr unconscious. A physician tees hurriedly called and Mr. Kerr taken to his home, where he soon recovered. A Peobnsthe CAUPAIGN.—The Christ. mas Seel Campaign of the National Sant. tritium Association, has been in fell swing promises to be a greater success than ever before, Already thousands of seals have been sold, and a large number of repeat orders are being received Buy- ing these little seals is such an easy way to help. They may he had in any quantity from one up. Every seal sold aids in the maintenance of Needy Con- sumptives, Surely you can spare a few cents for this great Cause, Dian IN WINNIPEG.— Wednesday of last week the spirit of Elizabeth Grills, widow of the late Samuel Hallman, took its flight. Deceased was born iu Galt nearly 70 years ago and was married to Samuel Hallman in 1867, at Roseville. After living on a farm near Platteville for several years they took up residence in Bruseels where they resided until re moval to Winnipeg 31) years ago. Mr. Hallman pre deceased bis wife by 5 years, A son Freak and daughter, Mrs, Cope, both of Winnipeg, survive. rulers! took piece to Elmwood cainr- tery, Rev. Mr. Houston, of Grace Methodist church, eotrduating a suitable service, Mrs. Hallman was a fine type of womadhoocl and followed nursing for a number of years for which she appear- eci to be specially adapted, She was kindly, sympathetic. intelligent and in. dustrioes, backed up by a devout Chris - Can life, Deceased was a sister to Mrs. R. Leatherdalo, of Brussels, The bereaved share fn the svmpathv of a wide circle of relatives and friends. Two returned soldiers were in town Friday cauvaeeing for Toronto publics. tions, the commission to go for the Sol- diers' Fund. They met with success. CHR1-.'rMAs RAILWAY RATIN — Single fare, good going Saturday, Sunday and. Monday, returning Tuesday z6th. Fare and a third, good going Tb. g,�5ay, etst Sunday inclusive, returning y, uesdey, 27th inst, NExT Rad Cross Tea will be he'd in the Audience Room of the Public Libr- ary, Tuesday, Jan. g' h. 'rhe A Y, P. A. of St. John's church, will be the hostesses. Regular meeting of ladies for work ne r Tuesday et usual hour, 10 Cows far sale, due to calve during Jana - are and February, GORDos MCDONALD, Central Hotel. Brussels, HOUSE for sale or to rent. Immediate pos- session, Apply' to T. R. Thomson, Seaforth, or Robe, Thom on, Brussels. TELEPHOeN'Noesoo.—All recounts due the Brussels, GI & Morrie Telephone Company must be paid efore Januar 1at,1W7, Kindly attend to this promptly. I., Order. Fon Sala, -1 span of horseirfset new double harness, lumber wagon nearly new. new has rack, set bob -sleighs and box. Will be sold cheap es owner does not require them, Apply at Electric Light Plant JNo, Navies. B y1 a Da• PARSER, Osteopathic oda loins, visits ander Monday's and Tlinrsdauli Chronic and nervous diseases successfully y Queued. Botts reafdences. Consultation at Queen's Hetet. WANmen,—Cattle to feed hay or straw. Ap- ply at THE POST. PURE tired White Wyandotte Cockerels for Bale, Also several welt bred Durham Bulls, Taos. PTEROE, Phone 5612 Lot 80, Con. 8, Morris. WANTeD,—Wood in exchange for cash or honey. G.A. DHAHRAN. Hoven and len for sale. First-class two-story house, centrally lnonted. For further partic- ulars apply at :DAB Poor, .A aeon house for sale with stable and fruit trees. Apply to I, C. RICHARDS. —o BRUSSELS SKATING RINK.—OW1ng 10 War tax being levelled on the sale of tickets of admission to the rink, the price will have to be increased, the pro. prietor paying the tax, Adults will pay 'scents and children under 14 years, to cents. Men are at work now getting the rink ready and skating is expected at an early date, THE School Trustees whose term ex- pired are M. Black, S. Wilton and John Cunningham, They are all eligible for re-election for another term and not av- erse to a return to the Board if the rate- payers say so. If THE POST is allowed to voice the sentiments of the electors we say Acclamation Friday evening at the Nomination meeting. AT the Red Cross monthly meeting Tuesday evening, which was slimly at- tended, Ita decided to remit too 0o on d was to headquarters Several interesting commuuicattons were read and action of Huron Co Council as to grant of $5 Doo for purchasing supplies for the various working units in the County reported. On motion it was decided permission should be asked from Red Cross Society before entertainments are announced as under auspices of this organization, A large share of work was reported by the Circle. A NIGHT 1N THS SKIES,—A most enjoy- able and instructive evening was afford- ed ou Friday, 8th inst., at the illustrated cleutific Lecture given by Rev. Dr, Marsh, of Holstein, in Mecvrlle church, tinder the auspices of the Wilting Work- ers. The views of the heavenly bodies weresplendid and with the fine explana- tory address by Dr. Marsh a fund of in- formation was pert et the disposal of the audience and the heavens Will be a new field now to those who enjoyed This treat, Thejectarer has devoted years of study to this most interesting of subjects and Is well worth hearing. Illustrated songs and views of notables added to the pleasure of the hour, Rev. Mr. Mann wtu cliairm in and also manipulated the lantern iti gorvl style, "A night Itt the skies" stinn'd" be -on the prgq,g�ram of many a Young People's Sc.,Abty as it CROUCH fail to be educative and the scientific faote and points of interest given will r pen many a window into a sui j:et that is of Absorbing interest we are sure. A hearty vote of appmecia:Son was tendered Rev. Dr, Marsh, wee 0000 0 000 0 MUM 00 0000 0 ONO 00 0•00 00 00 0•00 00 00•00 000 0 • • • • • ••• • g 0 • w 0 e 0 C•9 a ge • ••• • m R. W. Ferguson's Christmas Store News e "OME in and see our display of Christmas Goods efor men and boys. Our advice is' to buy early and have your choice before the goods are picked over. • • and Young Men 61 Presents for Dad Underwear Shirts Gloves Hosiery Hats Coat Sweaters Neckwear Suspenders Handkerchiefs Caps Presents for Boys Coat Sweaters Shitts Underwear Gloves Scarf Pine 'Suspenders Caps, ,,etc. What about a New Suit ? Now is the time to place your otder. Next Spring you will pay a great advance in prices ae .high prices are bound to Continue and prob- ably stiffen as wool has advanced 105% since 1914. g R. W. FERGUSON, Phone 24 Brussels O sea ease eetrareo•oe••seamee rsecooNee•arsm,•oseeaecoccfsceso Christmas Groceries, Fruit Confectionery, &c. New and Choice. Car of Bran and Middlings to hand. Try Royal Household Flour Our 'phone is 48, IN. J. McCracken TUFF—GILL —A pretty military wed- ding was solemnized at St. Paul's church, Stratford, on Saturday after- noon, znd inst., at 2 30 o'clock, when Louie, eldest daughter of J. W. and Mrs. Gill, of ge Strachan Street, was united in marriage to Frederick 'I'uff, e member of the 5th Divisional Overseas Motorcycle Corps. of Toronto, in the presence of numerous friends sod rela- tives of the young couple. The cere- mony was pet-term:d by Rev, J W. llodgius, rector of the church. The bride, who was charmingly attired in Ceylon silk and over.laee and carried a boucle' of lilies of the valley and violets, entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her away Sh`e was at- tended by Miss lessie Tuthill, of Strat- ford, while the groom was supported by C. Maynard. Little Miss Annie GUI, sister of the. bride, made a winsome flower girl. After the ceremony the guests adjourned to the Sparta restau- rant where a dainty wedding breakfast was served. Numerous lovely gifts, in- cluding a check from the bride's broth- er now serving overseas, indicated the high esteem in which the young couple are held by their wide circle of friends. Church Chimes Report of Maitland Presbytery is given on page 5 of this issue. Next Sabbath the themes of both ser- mons and music in the various Churches will he along the line of the Birthday of a King, Monday being Christmas Day. ANNIVERSARY.—Last Sunday was the 40th anniversary of the present Metho- dist church and the occasion a duplica- tion of many of the past years, with add• ed interest on account of the preacher being one of the old boysof this locality, in the person of Rev.Jno. F. Knight, B. D., of Hensel!. He gave a splendid sermon in the morning, most befitting to the anniversary, using as the base Solo. moo's prayer at the dedication of the temple. in the evening "'The King and Convict" was the theme in which Agrip- pa, Festus and Bernice and Paul were the personages delineated. It was a well directed discourse in which the value of character end the choice of the Saviour was emphasized. Rev. Mr, Knight Miss Ella Kerr left last week for a visit with Mrs. \rim. Moffatt, her cousin, at Sanit Ste Marie, Ont. -. A welcome visitor to town is R. W. Ross, marine engineer, who will spend a vacation at his old home, William street. David Moore has been ill at the home of his grendfatber Telfer, Church street, but is improving nicely now we are pleased to a'ate, Miss Ella Inman, accompanied by her niece, Mss Duneida McDonald, James- town, I Ate gone to Chicago for Christ. mas with relatives, A and Mrs McGuire and Mrs. Rankin are away to Merlin to enjoy a holiday visit with 1. T. and Mrs. Mason. The later is the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Mac. THE PosT is pleased to state that Mrs, (Rev) Mann's health, which was none too vigotous for a time, has greatly im- proved by the treatment she has been recusing, 'Phis will be welcome news to her many friends, R. W. and Mrs Jewitt and 8 children arrived here from K•neaid, Saskatche- wan, for a holiday with relatives and old friends 'Phe former is a son of Wm, and Mrs. Jewitt, Mill street. Mr. Jewitt has spent a number of years in the West and is very hopeful of that laud of prom- ise Mrs (Dr) Cavanagh and Miss Irene are here for a holiday visit with relatives. The latter has just completed her term At Clinton 'Model School and Mrs Cavanagh has spent the past few months in the same town, going there from Owen Sound. Mrs. Cavanagb's son is doing duty on the fighting line in France with a Battery that went from Guelph last Spring. Christmas Sunday in the Churches Next Sabbath will be the day before Christmas and consequence the services of the various churches tt es will be along the line of Jesus and Bethle- hem. ST. AOtBROSE CHURCH Services at 8 and 11 a. in, with Rev. Fr. Fallon in charge. 4 ST, JOHN'S CHURCH Special Christmas services Sunday next. Martins at 11 a. m.—Voluntary, "Andante Oelebre;" by Betboven ; "Venite Exultemus Domino," Sir John Roes ; "Gloria," G. H. Loud ; "Jubil- ate Deo," E. Philips ; Ante Commun- ion ; Carol, "Carol, Sweetly Carol," Perins ; Sermon,—"Behold I bring you good tidings" ; Anthen, "Christ- iane, awake, salute the Happy Morn," by Maunder, soloist, J. G. Jones ; "Gloria in Excelsis," 0. Zenner. Vespers at 7 p. m.—"Voluntary, "Offertoire in F," Read ; "Gloria," E. W. Schuch • "Cantata Domino," Handel ; "fuse Dimittis," glitz ; Carol, "The Manger Thi'oue," 0. Steggall ; Sermon,—"Tire effect of the has a good command of language, a! Nativity" ; Anthem, '"There were unique way of impressing truth and Shepherds, keeping watch" ; colo, speaks with a :igor and ferveucy that strikes the spot be aims at, His efforts on Sunday were much appreciated and enjoyed. The choir gave a good ac- count of themselves. In addition to the anthem In the morning Misses Pearl and Isabel Dark sang "Why net note" in good voice. At the eveuiug service the anthem was well sung and a ladies' sextette was given by Misses Hiugstnn, Cardiff Rands, Dark, Bailey and Cun• ningham, unaccompanied, entitled "Make me a power for God" and show- ed harmony, melody; and a clearness of of enunciation that was most pleasing. Financial proceeds of the freewill offer- ing was $8'.5o, with a number of enve- lopes expected to come in vet, Rev. Mr. Wren was at Hensall for the day. People We Talk About Scott Ament is on the sick list in an English hospital but we hope he will soon be o. k. Miss Maggie Walker has been ill with an attack of erysipelas but we hope she will soon be all tight. Alex. and Mrs Ellis, Queen street, have been real ill bat we wish them speedy convalescence. It reported that Pte. Harry Wil le, formerly of Bruseels, has been wounded sgaln. We Hope not seriously '1', and Mrs. Meintosh, North Dakota, were vis tors with George and Mrs. Mul- doon, Brussels. The ladies are sisters, R. Henderson was on the sick list during past week threatened With pneu- monia but fortunately it wee checked in time, James and Mrs. Farquharson, of Pro- vost, Alberto, arrived here lest week on a visit with relatives sial friends, The latter is a daughter of W. and Mrs, Tel. ter, town, Bells of Bethlehem," J. G. Jones ; Voluntary, "Prelude in A," Ashfotd, Special meeting of the A. Y. P. A. will be held at close of evening service, Topic, "Christmas Gifts." According I T'D 1077 'THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE + TORONTO FARIVIERS g Advances to farmers are. made a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS FO1ANCH, G. H. SAMIS, D D .J'- Manager, to the custom of the Anglican church the colleotions at the Oheistmae ser- vices are presented to the Rector. MELVILLE CHURCH Following will be the program of music in Melville church Christmas Sunday, the first anthem being rendered to minutes to 11 :—Anthem "Unto usa child is born," by Asa 13. Wilson ; an- them, "Glory to God in the liigliest," by S. C. Cooke ; Anthem, "Behold I bring you Good Tidings," by Norman Church- ill ; Postlude, "The Hallelujah Chorus," by Handel.. Evening service—Anthem, "Moly Night Divine," by Carrie 13. Adams ; bliss V Walker will sing "'The star of Bethlehem," by Stepbeo Adams. Rev. D, 13, McRae, Kincardine, will preach at both'services. METHODIST CHURCH Morning— Organ Prelude, "Qui Toliis," Haydn ; Anthem, "Un to us a Child is born," Wilson ; Sermon— "First Righteousness—then Peace" ; solo, "Star of the East," Kennedy, Miss Hazel Lowry ; Lucliee' Trio and (nixed quartette, "Glory to God in the Highest," Misses Hingeton, Dark and Cunningham, Messrs. Wheeler and McCracken ; organ poetlude, "Hallelu- jah chorus,"' Handel, Evening—Otgan Prelude, "Gloria" Farmer ; Anthem, "All Hail the pow- er of Jesus Name," Robertson ; duett, "Rock of Ages," Pearls, Messrs. Wheeler and Jordan ; Sermon— "David Lloyd George,"—the man on whom the eyes of the world centre." Anthem, 'Holy Night Divine," Adams ; duet, "Jesus Birthday" Sul- livan, Misses Cardiff and Ounnfng- harn ; obligato solo and chorns, "Peace on Earth," Lorenz, Mise Cat ; organ Postlude, ,. "Pilgrim's Song," Wagner. Belgrave Last Sunday Rev. E. G. Powell, the efficientand industrious Co. Temper- ance Secretary for Huron County look the services in the Methodist churches. Rev. A. M. Boyle will preach next Sabbath evening in the Methodist church. Clayton Procter will take the services at Brick church and Sun- shine. Rev. Mr. Parnaby is able to move about now and hopes to resume hie ministerial duties in another week or so. He has had a long spell through his illness. The union prayer meeting will be withcirawn during the holidays but will be held again on Jan. 6th 1917 in the Anglican church at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday last the children of Trinity church Sunday School donated $4,00 to buy Christmas cheer for the children inh i inthe Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. Belgrave Methodist Sabbath School will hold a Christmas tree in the Foresters' Hall, Christmas night. A good program is being prepared. Adrnission 26 and 10 cents, The collectors for Belgrave Branch of the -Bible Society have finished their work. $101,66 is the result. Last year the Branch sent $90.80 but the $10 per year increase in the con- tributions has been accomplished again making 5 years in succession Hutt at rt has been done. Last week the ladies of Trinity church packed a Targe box of clothing for the fire sufferers in Hamburg, New Ontario. Tho Ladies' Guild of St. Lukes there will distribute the clothes, Box contained 0 new quilts and a lot of second hand goods for men, women and children. Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle, Mrs. David Scott and Miss McClelland, President, Secretary and Treasurer of Belgrave Reel Cross Society, attended the Council meeting at the Township Hall, Morris, to see about their share of the County grant, Reeve Short - reed instructed them to bay goods to the amount, of about 5100 and pre- sent their bill and the Council would pay it. mas = W. A. GREWAR'S Confectionery and Fruit Store 11111.••••••• Luscious and Juicy CaliforniaalSeedless Oranges 25c, SOc, 40c and 50c, a doz. Malaga Grapes, Dates, Nuts, Table Raisins, Bananas Our Confectionery is all New and Fresh. See our grand display of Tub Goods Exclusive gifts for men who smoke. Ar I es That's what Pll give—a Pipe Pouches es eandy for ehristmas Giving Candy has long been the foundation Gift for Christ- mas giving, The Christmas Season be here again with all its perplexities as to what one should give. One stock of Confectionery was never more replete with endless varieties, suitable for every one from the oldest person down to the tiny tots. For stocking filling and tree decorating our Candy Counters offer inviting and attractive items in Candy and Novelties, Boxes from Se to 83.00. See them. Jit matter of Good Taste Placa your order Carty for thorn, est,, o. r%,Afeoforyour Cl0rtatmasbriok01' 'i CO Cream W. A. cREWAR, Phone 99 BRUSSELS Tuesday evening a Social meeting of the Belgrave Farmers' Club and Wom• en's Institute was held in the Forest- ers' Hall. An enjoyable program was introduced by the Chairman, ex -Pres. Robe. Coupes, who gave a fitting ad- dress on present-day mode, as follows : — Recitations, George Ferguson, Chas, Wighiman and Mrs. W. Scott ; violiu.musie, Alex. Stewart, J. T. Bell and Miss A. Fiudlater ; harmonica, Wilkinson Bros. ; duet, Mesdames Boyle and Nicholson ; solos, Jae. Tay- lor, Misses McNeil, Procter and little Miss Lowry, of Wroxeter, who en- tranced the audience with her naive style and sweet voice ; address, Rev. Mr. Boyle, on "A War Time Christ - utas." Accompanists were Mesdames Taylor and McCallum and ?Sieges Jean 1 Geddes, Maudie Bell and McNeil. I Lunch was served and a thoroughly good time enjoyed. After the usual vote of thanks the meeting was' brought to a Biose by singing the Nat- ional Anthem. , • BORN MA6msae.—At Blnevele. on December 18th, 1916. to Mr. and Mrs. James Masters, a eon. •••••••••••••••••f•••••1•0 IFQX'Sj IP • $DRUG STORE: • 2 FOR '• ••4, •mas Gi!ts• •s............÷...........2 Tile greatest worry is not the 2 buying of Xmas Gifts so much • as knowing just what to buy. • Below we enumerate a partial 2 list of some of the many useful • gifts we are this year showing : • • Auto•atrap Razors Bill Fulda ♦ Bootie in great variety, some of this • year's oopyrights, also a fine aesort- • meat of reprints which we offer et • 660. 2 • Chin —Me Cards and Booklets • China—Many Manu handsome fleas our hand. • painted Nippon es well as our usual Z stook patterns. Cameras • Choeolntes—Some dainty peoka es at 2 the well known "Willard" brand. Cloth Brushes, Ebony 2Comb and Bruch Setts in Ebony and White Ivory, • Crumb Trays Ebony and Ivory Manicure Pieces Flashlights, 1150 assortment Fountain Pena—"Theideal Waterman" $2 60 and up. Gillette's Safety Razor Hair Brushes, splendid values Hand Bags - Hand Mirrors, Ebony and Ivory Jerdinoroa, Brass maim China Jeel Boaea ilitary Brasher Perwfumes—eSome very handsome pkgs. Pictures, framed, very eaitable for bed- rooms. Pipes, covered Shaving Brushes Shaving Strops Smoker Setts, Braes Snap Shot Albums Tobaooa Jare Travelling Oases 'Wrlting Setts Xmas Decorations 2 ♦ • 2 • 2 2 • • • • O • • • • • •• 2 O • Seals, Tags, &o„ in great variety. • • White. and Yellow alums, very natural, • • • 6o each. • Roves, full blown and bursting bud, 15o. • • • Polnsettiue, very fine, 10o and 15c. • Holly Wreaths and Vines, Artlllciel Snow. Folding Paper Decorations, Tineel. Garlan0e Paper Bells Ribbonzene and Tinsel Cord Hinoki Rope, a new garland decoration 2 made of wood fibre, very lasting, is red and green, a splendid decors- • tion -12 feet for 100. • • MARRIED • PEAneoN—BROWN,—At the reeldenee of the bride's permits, on December 18th, 1010, by Rev, Mr. Bell Molesworth, Mr. R. Joeeph • Pearson to Mise Annie B., second daughter • of Kr. and Mrs, George Brown, all of Grey • township. • DIED • For the Children HALLtcAN —In w,..... g on December"I8th • Samuel Hallman, in Ther 70th year. • Hu rentL .—In Hensall, on December 11th,. • 1918, Isabel Barris, beloved wife of Thomas • Hemphill, formerly of wroseter. • • • • • •• 1910, Elizabeth Gril e, widow of the late 4, Bulls for Sale 1 roan bull calved Oct. 8rd,1914, sired by Sil- ver Star 84474, his grand sire being Gilts Victor Imp , owned by .7. A. Watt. Dam was got by Perfection 9100 ; his grand dam on sire's side is Fanny Id, 88, 6764L Galnford Perfection's dain. 1 red roan bull calf, about 1 year old, sired by Brave Royal 00901; grand sire, Mildred Roy - n1461368 • his darn was sired by a spicy Mar- quis bull. BRUSSELS MARKET Also will have 8 young buns on or about Deo. 22nd, grand aired by Gainford Marquis Wheat 51 50 88755, Imp. Oats 56 Have two more bought which will arrive Peas 210 later whose grand sire le also Gainford Mar- Barley 00 quia 88756, Butter 89 Those in need of a bull should Call and see Eggs 80 them et Lot 80 Con, 8, Morris township, 134 Hogs 11 60 miles North of Walton on gravel road. . Hay 8 00 Phone 5612. T 8, R. No. PIERCE, B rsele• i Potatoes per bag 160 Our stook of Toys, Dolls, Games, Pic- ture Bonks, &o., be shows in our Special Toy Department to which we extend a cordial invitation to the children to visit nt any time. • James Fox • • Drugs and Stationery 2 • The Penslar Store •••••••••••••••.••••••••e♦ $1 00 1 0 50 10 00 00 200 .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2• • • •• ♦a' • • X • • ` i� • l S� •• 2 • 2 • •• •trachan s • • • • ♦ • • +++++++++++ • ++++++++++ �.+++++++++++++•1••S•-7••1•++•1.3•++•h+ • • • • •Groceries • • • We have as usual agood su 1 of Fres • pp y h Groceries for Xmas 2 •Balling :— •• 2 • New Raisins at 12ic and 15c. •A • • o•2 •• • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 9 • • • • • • • • s • • •2 • 2 • • O 0 2 p2 Beet Seeded Raisins at 15c and finest Seedless for 180. Good Currants at 20o. New Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels. • • Good Shelled Almonds and Walnuts. • Fresh Dates, Spices, Extracts, Baking Powders, &o. • ♦ •2 Dry Goods For Sh pping Notwithstanding the difficulties es in 1r ocurin g many lines of Dry Goods we have been veryfortunate nate In getting other a choice selection suitable for the Xmas Season as well as Staple 2 lines for every day requirements. • • 2 • • 2 • Ladles' and Children's Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10o, 121e, 15e, 200, 25e, 85c, and 600. Men's Handkerchiefs at 5o, 10c, 123o, 25c and 85o, Ladies' Dollars at 26c, 50c, 76e, $1.00 and $1.25. Necklets at 25o and 85c. Hair Ribbons at 10c, 121c, 15e, 20c and 25c, Fancy Ribbons, 25c, 85c and 500. Ladies' Kid Gloves in White, Tan and Black, $125 and 81.50. Ladies' Genuine Mocho Gloves in Grey at 52.00. A splendid range of Silks for Waists and Dresses in blank and , • theular o shadp p e a es at $1.00, 51.25, :8150, ,$1.76 and $2,00, Also have a good range of Wool Dresses, goods which are the best value to be had in the trade, --A. good range of,Childron's and Ladies' Furs Cyt right prices. An exceptional good selection to choose froitr in Men's and Boys' :ries at 25c, 50c and 75c. Men's Fine Shirts at $1,00 and $1.25, Our Sweaters and Underwear are good value and well assorted. Good warm Cups at 50c, 750, 51.00 and 51,25, 2 1 • i 2 • • 2 2 • • We hope to please you and at same time guarantee to give you the very best value for your money. Thanking you for your kind patronage and hoping to see you often. • Yours Truly, A. STRACHAN 2. • ••••'••••••••••d••••♦••••••••••••r••••••••••••••Wi