HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-21, Page 1to VOL. 45 NO. 25 $1.5o Per Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1916 4•••••••••••••••••••••••••4.44 4.•••••••••••••••••••••• • : • ' I Brussels Daylight • Store G. N. Mclareo • • • ursiitesururur etch urusasuroru,n,�sseseiet„sr'tmssessi'tie,Nrtrieetete etesi teeeirti't^reea s e • • • Buy • •ehnrch : : ®r O • •daughter, •• • a : • and®� S • ♦ • • For Xmas Presents _ • • • Z l xx E Bell, of Molesworth, spoke the mystic words which made there husband and wife and sifter congratulations the g of ere, td after g about la and were the immediate .relativee of the bride and groom, eat down to a splendid wadding dinner prepared in the boat- ess' best style. Rev, Mr. Be11 acted as toastmaster and proposed a toast to the bride which was nicely responded to by John Pearson, of Grey, and A. W. Beacom, of Hallett, Many beanti- Ertl and costly presents testify to the high esteem iu which the young coup- ie is held. Mre, Pearson will be great- ly missed in Molesworth church in all branches of the work and especially in the choir where she had performed the duties of organist fora number n£ years. 141r. and Mrs. Pearson left that of ht Por their home nn rho 4th Con, g Many old friends wish them a pleas- ant sail over the matrimonial sea. your able and willing services render- ed during the year we wish to present you this cane and we hope and trust that you may be able to use ft for many happy years in remembrance of the Wardenehip and.County Council of 1916. Signed on behalf of the Council, J. LECKIE, J. A. STEWART,iii W. 11. Lours. ++++4 44.44-444.44+401.44,4444.4,44 f• 4, i �• Christmas • t . 4, • halos1 �• .1. ..�--- 7 Your Photograph will renew y old acquaintance and snake •l• a good Christmas Gift. 4. t Have it taken before the ,r + busy season is on. �� a dozen Photos make a doz- �t F en Christmas Presents.•1 rt + l •F, T. FREE B ROS. �, 1 . BRUSSELS i ,i„t,•t,•6 1••IIt„1„i+,i„l,•l,•i„t••t„t,d••6„I,+S,R•,E,d•,l•b 1- _ Wroxeter Russell Reinwald, Newton, was a visitor at the home of his aunt, Mrs, 0. Reis, last week. Rev, Mr. Cooper, Mt. Forest, oc- oupled thepulpit in the Presbyterian on unday.. Mrs. Wm, Lecicie and two children returned to their horse at London af- ter speeding a week with relatives in this vicinity. John and Mrs. Hartley and little of Vankleek Hill, ate;spend- ing a week's vacation at the home of Mrs. Wm. Weir. Ashton Morrison and Miss Annie Hamilton Normal aca ion are spending are spending the Christmas vacation at their homes here. GYey ' TsLarnaNn Nomtaa.—All accounts doe the Brussels, 6, or & Morrie Tele hope Company mittbet pall before January st, im7, Kindly attond to this prmnptly. By Order. Notninatign Day Friday of this week at the Township Hall, Ethel, Mise Florence Oocktvell, Atwood, is visiting her friend, Misa Bessie Smith, of Gre y Remember the Red Orose entertain- meat in school house of S. S. No.3 Friday evening of this week. Robert Carr was visiting his dough• tees, ere. T.Phippeninghrtm andduig the d.allpasb week. Misses Gertrude Speiran. Wynne H.Robb St Denman and Mary Mchomefd, Stratford Norroalites, are home for over the holidays. •The Mrs. L. Huller, who will be 83 years, is enjoying• fairly good health, her memory and intellect being as as if she were but 20.y Rural schools close Friday of this week for the Ohristmae holiday. There are few changes in the teaching staff of the schools in Grey this sea- son. In the item concerning the Christ - mss box to Telford and Mrs. Sellers of anew baby, THE Pos said it was a daughter but it should have stated a son. We apologise to the youngy gentleman. The Sunday School Christmas Tree Entertainment will be held in Union Church Friday evening, 22nd inst, An A 1 program, consisting of Drills, Dialogues, Recitations, &c , not for- getting the Christmas Tree. Be sure and attend, CARD OF THANES, — We wish t0 fotrank the r their kind words and deeds tenderhbors and s ed to our wife and mother, now de- parted, and for sympathy expressed to those remaining. It was greatly appreciated. W M. HvTOHINSON AND FAMILY. A very pretty Maypole drill will constitute one of the interesting num- bees of the program to be given in is ? Firet•clase musical and AND FAM• No. 3 schoolhouse Friday evening, Dec. 22nd, Lizzie Brown in the dia- logos "From Punkin Ridge proves to be a flekle old maid. Guess who she numbers will be rendered. Lunch and program will be well worth the admire Sion fee of 25 and 15 cents. Help the suffering boys at the front. A. D. Grant will occupy the chair. woodshed at the home of Mre. Elias Dickson, 11th Con., was burned down last Saturday night. Fortun- ately, by hard work, the fire was pre- vented from destroying the house. Fite is sopposed Arms to have originated from hot ashes. It was first discover- ed by the Armstrong family on the 9th Con. and Chester Armstrong, whose farm' joins the Dickson farm went to the rescue through the lanehis on horseback abort 11 o'clock. Somebadly of the neighbors knew nothing about it until Sunday morning. Exesosion. — Tuesday morning a- bout 8 o'clock a coal heater in the home of Jos. Ames, 4th Con., blew toplay pieces, supposed from some explosive in the coal. Two window panes were blown out b the force and the stove y was badly wreaked, the parte Hying broadcast: Mrs. Ames was struck by one of them but not seriously injured. The nervous shock was severe. Fire, ashes, smoke, were abroad but Porten- ately the danger from fire was soon overcome. It was a close call. MoncriefF Oar of feed corn will be for sole at MONsnght Station end of neat week, Terme nieoasts T. GWord was received that W. J. Mann, who enlisted with the British Navy recently, had landed safely at Portsmouth, England, lJ ndeavor Society of Knox church sent Christmas presents to the soldier boys overseas who were mem- beta of the Endeavor. It was a kindly thin to do and will no doubt be high -good g g ly appreciated by the recipients. • WARDEN LIVINOSTONE CANED.— Huron County Council closed its De- cember session on ti•c ay, 8th inst., but before doing so took occasion to present their Walden; R. W. Living- stone, of Grey township, with a very -handsome cane in appreciation of his tvni'k during the ;past year, Short speeches were made by Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, and Stewart, of Ashfield. The Warden made a suitable reply." Address was ae fallowe : To R. W. LIVINGSTON, Warden of Huron Co. for 1916 DEAR SIR,—The members of the Huron Co. Council, -at the closing ses- Bion of the current year, take the op- y, great p , P portunit with ]ensure of ex- bhessbilliity,icouttesy and approval partiality with which you have discharged the duties of your honorable and respou- Bible position during the year. We all realize the feet that a very large amount. of extra work has been repair- ed, which has been done cheerfully by you and •all the other officers and meinbera of the Council owing to the cruel war, which, we regret to say, is• still going on in Europe and the end not yet in view, We can only work, hope and pray that it may soon scute and their allies. In appreciation o£ • �— Molesworth Mee. Jane McDonald visited Guelph friends last week. Don't miss the worthS. B. concert Friday evening. It's while: Misa Nellie Elliott is home from visiting friends in Pb. Burwell. Mrs, A. Mann and children Rose- town, Sask., are visiting her mother, Mrs. A. McIntosh, Annual meeting of the cheese factory will be held in Molesworth on Saturday, Jan. 6th at 2 p. m. John McIntosh met with an ac- cident while working in the bosh on Saturday, a log falling on hisleg breaking both bones, we are sorry to hear. Letters of appreciation have been received by the Women's Institute from Phe. George McCallum, Pte. John Holton, Pte. Noble McKee and eat. Graham Hestia for the Christ- mac boxes sent them a few weeks ago. Avery aucceeeeul Red Oroes Tea was held at Mrs. Thos. Simpson's on Thursday last. A splendid report of the Women's Institute Con- ventian was given and the usual business attended too. Mrs. Situp- son and Mise Ella McKee served a de- Collection amounted to $9 5ful 5. CUPID SCORED. — Wedding bells "ang merrily at the home of George and Mrs. Brown on Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 13th, when their second daughter, Miss Annie B., became the pride of R. Joseph Pearson, a prosper- ons young farmer of the 4th Con., of Grey. Promptly at 6 o'clock, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Margaret Brown, the young couple took their places under au arch. The bride, who was beautifully a boquet of cream roses. Rev, Mr, •• OURstocks were never in better shape—well assort-• Op• ed and the lowest prices, for the greater part were • • bought 'before the big advance in prices. • i. - : For Ladies For Men : • • Collars . Ties Ties, shirts • Gloves Mitts Silk Mufflers Sox • • • Hosiery slippers Warm Underclothing Caps • Dress Silks Sweater Coats Handkerchiefs—^all sorts • •Silk Waist Lengths Overcoats Fur Coats n Fur 'Trimmed Coats suite • • Warm 'Underclothing .• • Fancy Handkerchiefs • Boots - Slippers • • Fur Setts and Odd Pieces Overshoes Sweater Coate • • •• • • splendid Assortment • • Fur Coats Cloth Coats Fur Trimmed Coats. • •• •home •• For BOSS • • For Girls • • Ties shirts • • g • • Warm Underclothing Boots Maffiers Underclothin • Slippers t. Se Rubbers Overcoats Suits • : Collars skating setts slippers BOOte • • • Fur Setts Coats Rubbers, &C. •: • c "Unappreciated genius"; solo, Miss ; violin selection, Mr. $ sir ; P iv recitation, Irene Allen ; dialogue, "Schoolmaster abroad" ; tambourine droll mouths. e and Stewart an ge�eion, Mess g, „ ; recitation, solo,Gb Mi s dialogue, Beterdiug io Doris Allen ; ecleetion, Mr. Spell, ; Alle ue, violin selection, g g a widow” , S recite - Linn,AitcMarjo ie dialogue, ?Viola's slay aiss war" ; recitation,aloCharlie Allen ; mouth organ selection, Messers, Mc- De fre and ightened lodger"t Nations Ant em presents werdistributed from the Christmas Tree after which a lath lunch was served. Miss Yuill is the teacher and deserves credit for her enthusiasts. She was heartily sup - ported. - Bluevale Mies Mary Stewart is spending afew days this week with relatives at Tor- onto. weekMrs. ent a few last ww herm. sistall er, Mrs, Beeman,. at Wingham. Peters? ing has purchased the Brink- er property which will make a fine home for him. John and Mrs. Higgins, from North Dakota, are at the home of the letter's father, Geo. Haney. Cameron McDonald and Lhe two elder Thomsen) boys are laid up with the measles at present. A fine baby boy came to gladden the home of Jas. and Mrs. Masters on Monday, Dec. 18th. Congratulations. Fred. Haney, Calgary, spent a few days with his mother who has been quite poorly. She is slowly improv i„g, • Miss M. Duff spent the week -end with her brother, Clayton, who is un- dergoing treatment at Stratford Hos- pita]. The G. T. R. painting gang were here last week and printed the inter- outor sid when weathersll mss. e outside when warm weather comes. John Hockeridge, wife and mother, arrived back from the West. John was in a wreck near Jack Fish and got face badly cut. One horse also was injured. A Christmas Tree and Entertain- meet will be given in the Methodist ro- church Chrimtmas night. A goad pro- gram, consisting of readings, recite - „ tions, mimic, and a entitled The tions, New Minister,” will be given by the young people of the church. Every - body invitee to come and enjoy a good program. • A splendid assortment of r and Nick -Hacks y : Our stocks of Staple Dry : • • • G. N • 'etThe • Highest Prices for Produce. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N• Fancy suitable Goods • •. Linens, Fancy Jewel- for Xmas. • • • • are complete. • • ♦ • • • a La re n • ••••••••••N••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • : • • Xmas in Oar Communit • : : N•aturall Naturally Men's At thehave A4,..--the 1/�� Ours is the Men's Neck Scarfs Neck Ties Hosiery ` Handkerchefs Cuff licks Suspenders Suspender Sets Umbrellas Coat Sweaters Jerseys• Underwear Water roofs p Tailoring the goodsng Depart the and leave E• / �,� ■ ou Furnishing Would re S Buy e n., S• Store with requirements q p both Centpry. ClOthlllg Fur Coats ` fur lined Coats • Barrington Nate Nartt Shoes ---.� Fit is •a.. Suit or Overcoat you want,buy it yy in the 2ot11 Cert- tar Brand,ora r; lair of stylish• ( Y Shoes, buy'the Celebrated l e b r a t e cl Hart[ Shoe not- ' ed for its style, fit, and wearing/ qualities. Bhle and Grey Call and see .O rd 1 • • ■ • • • Silverware • • • • WE handle this class ofgoods in all its lines and • •, : made our purchases to meet the needs of • • • the times. Inspection will prove this. Largest and • • • • best stock in our business experience. • • • Furnishing for r � ' � -c e , 5" mpnn Ill�llt your Men III a, t § _ d� e a k k.rl 1 rt k + ,,;. �tB t s Full Worsted order Store such INevar I •'. ±pleasingPearl �� t' r` ;. ;; "• _ , `„•: line Dii.-:-. 'I 2 r.. i l p. early. filled as :. q I1 I�III a a <* ; ; ' .. ,' '`p Of ultings, I ' Black, 2 • • y • • • before 2 • have Vire : offered such a • Z • Novel and . Exclusive Designs s as We s show • this—Sterling • 2 Season, • • • Mare • •• words • • fail to do • • justice • • t0 them,week • • The Y • must ba seen • to e b properly p y appreciated. • ♦ For Ladies •• • —Toilet and Mauicnre Sets in Ebony, Ivory • and Silver —Hand -pain ted China • —Silverware • —Clocks Nickel, Cuckoo, Quail and Chime• =Small Fancy Clocks in Russian Ivory, Sit- • ver, Gold and Enamel • —Oandlesticke—Nickel and Bross • —Necklaces in Gold-filled. Solid 14 karat Gold, : Set, Sapphire Set and Diamond • _Oomba and Barrettes • : • ts • —Lockets —Umbrellas—Silk, Qoid and Gold mounted s Handles and Canes. • —Brooches • --Signet • 1linga-all sizes • —Diamond Rings • —Combination Ringe, such as Rubies, Pearls and Diamonds • Silver Souvenir Spoons • • Walton English church Christmas Tree on Thursday evening of this week. Many Christmas boxes and gifts have been sent to our splendid soldier boys tit the front. Thompson and Mrs. McIntosh are here fora holiday visit from West Hope, North Dakota, The latter was ii\lilia Sholdice. They are welcome, Why not attend the Christmas ser- vire in the Methodist church next Sunday ? Pastor will preach on "The Home at Nazareth-'• Service in the evening at7 o'clock. Christmas offer- ing will be for the Sustenlation Fund. It came as a pleasant surprise the return of James and Mrs. Farquhar- son, who are residents of Provost, Alberta, to alancity. bootth farrinegtnlearaontwas formerly 1\i+me Belle Tetter, of the 16th Com„ of Grey, before moving to West. Walton Methodists will hold anni- day on December 31st, Preacher Preacher for the day will he Rev. R. J. McCormick, M. A. On Tuesday, January 2nd, they will have a Fowl Supper Prom 6 to 8, followed by excel- lent propane by Herbert Piercy, of Hamilton, expert interpreter of Rem - titre and humorous entertainer. Tickets 25 and 35 cents. FINE SERMONS,—Lamb Sabbath was anniversay day in Dais's church, Good congregatione were present to hear Rev. Mr, Larkin, Seaforth. Morning text was Epistle of the Friesians 2nd chapter and 10th verse, "For we are Hill workmanship, creat - ed in Christ Jesus auto goad works, which God hath before ordained that the should walk in them" from which a floe discourse was preached in which the dignity and value of the service of Christian fo1(r was portrayod., The evening enbject was "Brotherly Kindness” and gave the speaker scope to delineate attitude of the followers of the Elder Brother who went about dourg cod. Choice music ryas ren- tiered b the choir, with M1Se Annie r uao r presiding at organ. 'h g, p d B g The offering for the day totalled $340.75, which proved the generosity of the congregation, Rev. Mr, Lundy, the highly esteemed !meter, who has been here 7 years took the services at Sea - forth. Rev. Mr, Larkin will he wel- come bank to Duff's church any time. Morris Tennraone NoTroa.—Alt accounts due the Brussels, Grey & Morris Telephone Company must be paid before January tat,1917, Kindly attend to this promptly. By Order. See what Thos. Pierce has to say in 'his advertisement•, Will. Henderson arrived home from the West a few weeks ago. Thursday afternoon of this week is the date of Russell Fear's Auction Sale, 8th line. Mrs, H. J, Manning and children, 5th line, are visiting with the Rozell yt� ,d other relatives and Mende tuimulClinton. , Mrs, r. H. Maxwell, who was here nersieg her father, the late Garret Maxwell, has returned to her home in Winnipeg. At the School meeting in S. S. No: 4 asst Wednesday morning the pose- tion beef building a new school house will be discussed. Mrs. Alex. Smith, 8th line, was sud- denly called to the hone of her father, Councillor A. Smith, Hensali, last owing to the serious illness of Mrs, Stnith from heart trouble. Mrs. Writ, Michie, 5th line,• who with her son were thrown out of a buggy while driving to Brussels, by Lhei horse taking fright at an auto- mobile, is quite smart again. It was More a nervous shock than bodily in- jury. Last Sunday afternoon Rev. E. G. Powell, Clinton, conducted the ser- vice iu the Sunshine It_lethodistchurch. Ho. has a grout fund of information on the Temperance question and 011e the office of County Secretary most competently. GOOD Tram, — The entertainment held in Browntown school last Friday eveningroved a decided caterer, Peooeeds amounted to $51,00, which d to the Bluevale Red,. will be hands d,. Cross Fund after the necessary cxpen- ses ars ntet, Rev, Mr. Thomson, of Bhievale, was tile"' Chairman, `engram easIboed of the feilowing numbers i —Chorus, "Boys of the Xing chair/nab°s address ; recite- tion, Margaret McVettie ; dialogue, •• For Gentlemen • • • —Combination Walking Cane and Umbrella A novel device, the very latest • —Combination Sets—Gold Cuff Links Stick : Pin rind Tie Clip • —Watch Chains and Lockets—Gold Filled • and Solid Gold 2 —Watch Fobs • —Violins —Signet Rings. —Eye Glasses • —Hand Reading Glasses • —Canes—Goldor Gold mounted • —Umbrellas—Silk, Gold or Gold mounted • —Toilet Sets in Ebony• and Persian Ivory • —Shavfug Sets • : MARRIAGE LICENSES : We issue them and now is an opportune time a PP • to try one, _ • , Optical I • • ••••••••••••••••••••••N•• • e In all Optical work we guarantee perfect i satisfaction. We n euppty any style of ! Goods mounting, Eyes ter ed Free. t, « C The QL121�1ty • got ♦ i O Jeweller • • �� �� s, • ,:40$ W. H. KERR, Proprietor 'he pastor and congregation are to be ongratulated on the success of the nniversary and the way they are m- iming their indebtedness, Ethel TILlnie0N8 NOTICE.—Ali accounts- due the impale, Carey & Morris Telephone Company net be paid before January let, 1917, Kindly ttend to this promptly. By Order. Municipal Nomination here on Fel. nay Mise Hunter's milliner shop is closed for the season. Dont forget the Red Cross Tea Saturday afternoon. Miss Mary McLelland ie home from the Normal at Stratford. Poet office hours on Christmas Day will be8to9a.m and 4to5p. m. Mrs, R.Close has gone to Kansas for a holiday visit of a few weeks or so. Peace was almost proclaimed bub the men in the West said stick to the tranches. Be careful who you shake hands wibh for the next two weeks. as they may want your vote. If driving into town after night be careful you don't strike the Methodist church, It May be on the road any time now. Mrs. Ira Taylor and three children who have been in the West, are here ou a visit at the home of Chas. Cleav- er, the former's brother. Council has held their last meeting for this year. In all likelihood there will be some new faces around the Board as John Brown, Deputy Reeve is likely to retire. Sad news was received Wednesday by A. H. McDonald, Township Clerk, viz that his brother, who went over- seas recently with the 160th Battalion, was accidentally shot resulting in his death. A real estate deal has been put through between B. F. Carr and H. Speiran- Mr, Carr now owns the Barker farm, 6th Con., and Mr. S eiran, Mr, Carr's residence at Wroxeter. The address by Rev. Mn. Johnson fast Sunday evening at the annual League Rally, was enjoyed by all present. To illustrate the essential traits iu the Christian character he fitted together the different parte of a barrel. This proved very interesting as well as profitable. Cranbrook NUM SETTLE AncouNTs.—As I expect to go to London for the Winter all acconts due me imast be settled forthwith or they will be left in Court for collection. A. RAYMANN. TSLxraoncs NOTr011.—A11 accounts doe the Brussals, Grey & Morris Telephone Company must be paid before January 1st, 1917. Kindly attend to this promptly, By Order. A play entitled "The making of Canada" will be one of the interesting numbers to be given in the Ptesby- teriau church Thursday. Dec. 28th, 1916, Also a pretty Red Cross drill and other musical and literary selec- tions. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross work. Admission 25 and 15 cents., A large congregation assembled in the Methodist church last Sunday to welcome a Cranbrook old boy in the person of Rev. Ina. b'. Knight, B. D., now stationed at Hansell. After an excellent discourse a very pleasant re- union of relatives and old friends was on the program. Rev. Mr. Knight was accompanied by Mrs. Knight and their two sturdy sons who visited at several homes while here, Oranbrook is proud of their sons who are fighting life's battle heroically and successfully iu various spheres, Leadbury Looks something like an acclama- tion election in McKillop this year. We are not forgetting the anniver- sary services at Walton Methodist church Sunday Dec. 81st, nor the Tea meeting on the following Tuesday evening. Box SOCIAL.—Friday evening of last week a Box Social was held in the School house here which turned out very enjoyably, the tidy sum of $51.00 going to the Red Cross. Program was as follows :—Violin selections, James Rea and Ed. Rowland ; solo, Hiss Della McGavin ; recitation, Mar- garet Balfour ; solo. Miss Stevens ; dialogue, 'Josiah Jones" ; solo, Mrs. Mrs. Alvin McGavin ; recitation, Bliss Bessie Blausbard ; violin selec- tions by Messrs. Rea and Rowland. Encores were numerous and many re- sponses were accorded' `Mise Hayden is the hard working teacher, McKillop Mrs, W. J. Hanna spent a few days iu Wingham recently„ Miss Jennie McGavin hopes to spend sorne time in Guelph College. Tier many friends will wish her much suc- cess in her new sphet:e. Special Christmas sermon at Bethel church next Sunday at 2, 30. Subject "The Home at Nazareth". Your Christmas offering will go to the Sustontation Fond, Why not make Christmas brighter by going to church next Sunday with your neighbors ?: Be on hand for the Christmas con- cert at Bethel church Friday night, Dec, 22nd, at 7.80. Members of the Sunday School and their friends. will assist. Yon will hear Obrietmas'' bells ringing and other Christmas selections on the Victrola. A special feature will be the presenting of silver medals and prizes to 17 suc- cessful scholars by Jno. and Mrs: Dundee, the oldest members of the uhuroh. If you want a good tlnte coma and see the happy youngsters, the well -laden Christmas Tree and especially the big Santa Mule who hopes to appear during the evening of fun, Silver offering at the door will, be devoted to the Missionary Fund, CHRISTMAS Day Will be next Monday, MVNICICAL Nomination Day Friday, zenti lust., this year instead of the foie lowing Monllay on account of that being Christmas,