HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-14, Page 5- _...,..�,.,�.....- - - --•.�--tet WLi a HES& CARDS. JNO, SUTHERLAND &C SONS t��ayg p� , ���bpLIMITED �'w°UD°%6ZPIF a,it=d°adusdo WM, SPEIVOE OONVEYANOEP1 AND ISSUJ] B of MARRIAGE LIOENSEi Moe In the Post *alae, Ethel. 80-4 AUCTIONEERS. L(' S. SCOTT AS AN A UOT1ON • BEA, Will sell for better prions, to better men in lens time and Ions charges than any ocher Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders atm altraye Le arranged at this ofaoe or by psrnonal appltoation, LEGAL AND .CONVEYANCING, �•)t�•/r U. SINCLAiR- 7 e Barrister, soiloltor, U onveyauoor, Notary Public, &o. Who e -Stewart's Biook 1 door North of Central liotel. Solicitor 1or the Metropolitan Bank. Goa. l'a 702ViIP.7J: '14,1JIl;o",fl BRUSSELS GOING 130030. G01N0 Non'ra Express 7;18 a In f Mall 11122 tt ra Express 8:82 n m Express 8167 p m Ceova7rflaJV caelPIO WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express..,.,.... 7:50 a m I Express 12:04 am Express 2:59 p m Express 8:54 pm WROXETER Going East - 7:06a. m. and 8:40 p. m. Going Weed - 12:18 and 9:68 p. m, All trains going East connect with 0.P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Looal Agent, LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON -HAVR Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply ageuto, or ,t 95Kitet; StWarnront W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. A. RAVMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in \Vintlulills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such 08 Piping, \\Tat- ra Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. Aa HAMMANN, Craabraok (3EN i i'krSiL doirdi a STRATFGRD„ QNT.°.o.® g Ontario's Hest Practical Training Mao! #' tl WT713 Ry Commercial, :Shorthand and A Telegraphy Departments. ..1 (7` Students are entering each week. :The 0 demand upon '1131 for trained halo Is many tittles the number graduating, 1,,, Get our free A.e catalogue at once. . MGLACNLANN Principal. Yi ,gym •tor w� rrr vs* :vy � vac vtti '<ay vr, -. >, G r�' .6„t .b, .b,.t .A D..b..n..t._.A Best Brains in Canada have participated to the pro, pnratlon or our splendid Home Study Courses 138 females, Economies, Higher A (mounting, Comol roln1 A r ShoN Card Wr141tg,Photography,journal- ism, Short r WYitn' hortlmnd and. Bookiieeetng.es S0(1 37 the work for pa meet Interests Add roll and write ua • for particulars. Address THE SHAW CORHESPONOENCE SCHOOL 391-7 Vongo St., Toronto 6008062101/151110110990811119163101911938020190 012121122921616611 COLLEGE 1 HOME Thousands of ambitious young poo• flie ore fMet preparing h1 their o307n hotrle9 to °nettpy tuorxt9e positions as stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- phers, civil servants in fact every sphere 111 activities, tl1l1 may Elvish at oollogo if 3011 00 131141, Pus1(10110 guar. 03lteed. Eflter 00110ge any clay. Indi- vidual hlatritotinu. Export t1'1101101'0, Whitby 1 •t nr x ler[ nae. targest ht y y1 e c 1 a 1, g epoottrs in Oanntla,torte S10. oollegos. 9poohfiomed forOolm: r Affiliated With f Cro107)31 l immer uce- roc`s Association 114 [tannic, S1Yil.lrraa• Scholl) of famous 89011011 easiness coI. logo, London, Wingham Business College G13a. 0909 (IN, W'3 T. 241)1108, e (8 r t rind 1. Pr a o i , P pn L3u+6neee (lards Mrs, Deboll., Blkhnet, Indiatna / Mrs, P5'04, Ada1Rs and daughters, hire, ® p JAS. ANDERSON. llama.Ayles orth, Toronto, and i:oiliMee, Of agYe liawa, Guelph ; and n ntuu(pe of VETERINARY SURGEON. friends and relaltuns front Elute, Wel. Seeoeseot' to 2(2, H. Moore, Otlioe et andel, lace, Howlett and Mal ybueo', son liras. Livnry stable, Brussels• 1'elaphupe { No, 20, T. M'R E T A M. B., M. C, P„ d S, 0. 6t 0. H., Village or Bruenei% Phyetoiaa, Surgeon, Acooaolleur 0111oo at resldsime opposite Melville though, Went. OR, F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior Phnom Surgeon of W(18001'11 Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr. A, McEeveyy Smith Block, Brussels. Rural phone 46, MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGiST Personal graduate Deportment of Opphthal- apology, MoCormiok Medical College, Chicago, Ill„ 1s prepared to teat eyes and 8.1 glasses at her 0300 over Mies Inman's millinery store. 011lue days-Wodeosday, Thursday, lrridey and Saturday oP every week, OMHoe hours -10 to 12 n. ni. ; 1. to 6p. m, Evenings by appoint- ment, Phone 121x• OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night calk. Mae opposite Flour 3111, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satiafeotiou Nimrod ; Ohorges moderate. Write or Telephone If not convenient to call. Both Brussels and North Huron Phones, BE2.GRAVE P.O. P. R. MULHERON Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOOAL Organist and Choir [nester, Melville Church, Brussels Pupils prepared for Peron, to Col- lege of Music Examinations. Phone OOx PROUOFOOT, RILLOHAN & COOKE BarrIetors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Mae on the Square 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH. ONT, Private fonds to loan at lowest rates. W. P,toanroor, E. 0. .I. L, KILLORAN H. J. D. Co0333 aFii tri.ct 11. arcs Jamestown AIICTION SALE. -W1.11. Willie 1117.0 annotteced an Auction Sale at, Lot 1, 0811. 2, Grey, for Tuesday, Dec. 10th, at 1 p. re. This 0131111 has been leased to 0. Stokes who is already living on it. List of Mr, Willis' sale maybe read on page 4 T, R. Bennett, Wing. ham, will he the Auctioneer. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following 18 re - pelt or S. S No. 10, Jamestown Ex- amined in Spell., Read., Lit.. Memory Work, 1Vrit. and Histnrp. Total 400. n " ry3s7;8 3 FJl vac Rarn• r IV ]1 tt lu a 37 S. Y 817.7 372 ( 1(1.18113 Fo'I•esl 3558. Jr. I 7. -Ratty et ot ba367,Sperling 11 g :Johnson 1 329, Veto J u almgnn. Sr. III-Gellie Robertson 370, 00,110,3 Moffatt 8713, Stewart Stnillie 308, Grace Xeruagltan 81D, 'Anna Wheeler, *Janet Millet.. Jr. IIL-Robin Camp- bell 889, Louise Fraser 874, Mnagal'et :McDougall 865, Gtotn laeloniee 302, '•lintel Johnson 858, Laura Joh3100)3 811, Harry Robb 340, D111114111 1icDong- all 834, Jessie ,Messer 810. Ex11.01. 11 i Spell., Bead., 'L t, 1 IY Work, Wile, \lih and Daily Work. JI. If. Total 460. - Florence Eckulier 447, Bessie Campbell 447, It /1.1.1,1i1 Thomas 412, Olu'enee Jnhnooi 407, flunelda McDonald 401, Vein Sellers 890, Campbell Robertson 891, Jean eles.cer 877. E, nest Karges 839, Willie Peacock 280. Pt. II Total 225. -Stan- ley Moffatt 179. Pb. I. rarellent- Ethel Johnson, Lizzie Robeetsnn. Gaud-0ltlfor4 1{efllalghatt, Jahn me - Dougall, Pearl Johnson, Veleta Eck- mier. * missed OXa111A, r, BE55rE Alt st.s 'leacher. ) Trowbridge NIRS, WM. COATS DECEASED, -After bel ng in Door health for neatly a year 7111(1 (Ping seriously ill 017370 Septem- ber, the death neral red of 11(5. \Vin, ()oats Monday night of last week, { w ' 1 ter 561. p e tont had S19 ns 11 1 v h y a lived in Blum since a'lit.tle girl. A daughter of the late Alex and Mee e wee • , 11,,1 i 11 1 \ horn in t l 1f t J+jGI a a19 h9 b 'Bram I township, Brant Connty. 13,•ing widely known had respeeted by all, it will be with wideep,end legeel. 711.11 sorrow that the news of het death is received, Two eislerq stn vivo Ibe .1 as. ',rouvulce, Stlhtfrntl ; end bits R0t11 'Penn ice, El'nse. Mask DEATH Ob' 719.8 I(ELr1$OTON. - Thelw dila no Sinrin77 D1,, 3111, I0 Elkhart, Inlliltna, Melia, rtllei of the hate Wm. lzellitigtom Mee i(plli,tg n maiden 1 111L111'' 1011A A ll t lt,11 t nsnt el dl 7 Alts wn.o horn in the Cot,i9 of 'Yet k, Ont She was inn need 1rird I n h K lime, ton when (mite ynnrtg sed stifled nn a farm nn the Std Cott, of WI -1.1109P in the surly sixths, where like n nnnrher of ot:here hen a,1 1111. for l hplimlve, 11. i)0o,', 1he11.n11•1111/1.11.11oe of which had WaltQrl Anniversary sermons will be pre/tell. ed in the Methodist 0111100h here of Sunday, 81s0, Mel.., at 11 a, tu, Itntt 7 p, m, by tarn 1;, J, McCclrreiek, 111. { A., Illyth. Fowl Supper Tuesday, 1 Jan. 2nd, flout 0 to $ after which 1lubeet W. Plenty, Hamilton, willl present n ntiscelittneous pet mem in - chiding tllasl0(1)18e08 nt litet'atire, 1'a melts ilrawatic atones end Imime. ous .sketches. Others will assist. Tickets 35 and 25 gents. Selt000. JRneorer.- Following is re- port foe the 4111110[' R00331 for month of No9Pmbat', 1 Class- Earunhwei in Litot , Spell•, Comp., Ar1111. and Close Work. Marks obtainable 860-R, Bruce 332, D, Murray 301, Iv Ityttu 300, al. Dennison 206, A, Hey 204, (4. Pierce 289, A, Ryan 237. 0. Ryan 219, R Drager 211, G. Pollard 208, *E. Anderson 100, (4.e100:01 101, *I) Meld 70, *A. Riehl 67, *T, Ryall.3 * absent ibr examinations. Primer -Report based 00 class work. 0. Claes Primer -F. Dennison, 0. FIoegy equal. 13. Class Primer• --9e Sholdice, A, lydiatt, W, Olarlc, .1. Drager, J. Shot treed, F. Harris, 13]. Pierce, M. Farquharson, McCall. A. Class Primer -G, Mur- ray, M. Pollard, I. Hoy, M. Bolger, and A. Ryan equal. ADA W, GARDINER, Teacher. Marrts On the evening of Friday, December 15113, ti school entertainment will be given by the young folk of Brown - town locality in the school house. Good piogr•run, lunch, &c. Evet•vbodo will be wrlc"me. Admission 25 and 10 reitn. Proceeds for Red Cross. SCHOOL REPORT, -Fallowing is re- port 0r S. 4 No 1, Morris, for the mouth of November, based an at- tendance, coudnat and weekly exam- inations, Sr'. IV.- Louis Phelan 70, Dick Wallace 64 Jr. IV. - Margaret Brown 76, John Oraig 74, Earl Healy 67, Met llonly 65, Nellie Kelly 02. Sr. III.-- Rebhle Laidlaw 82, Lizzie Feat' '79, Will. Kelly 50. Jr, Minutes Cunningham Cunningham 03, Alice Kit 62. So. II -Nelda [McElroy} 77, David Graig 71, Mary Brown 70, Alary Kelly 63 Jr. IL -George Powell '71, Loret- to Healy '70, Bert Pease (31. Se. P1•. - Alberta Richmond, r00aay Rogerson, Kathieen tMcLleoy, Vivian McElroy, Tommy Kelly, Archie Scott, Welling. ton Powell. Average attendance 25, LILLIAN STEVENS, Teacher. SCII00L REPORT -Following is the motet or S. S. No. 8, \inrris, for Octo- ber and Novrmber,-IIf and IV class- es exm11111041 in Nature Study, Spel]„ idist., Aril h., Writ., Comp., Goitm., Geng. Ste -George Brewer 82, Elva Warwick 71, *Cauleron Alnet(134 50. Jr. IV. -Ethel Gaieties '74, George Fell Bifts•a + + It will be to your interest to call • and inspect oto• stock of Ohriet- • Inas Gifts. It may suggest to 4. yon at once the propel• Gift. We ♦ , 'e' , r lave soft tient variety to imam 1 l t • an easy choice of desirable Gifts for old and yniug. •• • • a 9 + 4 some bright sprits interwoven with k •+ + + . 0 + 4. •+ s + • the hardehire of pinneev life, Thr I latter pa1't of t heir 0,31.181 life was 0110112 nn their' fat 30 on 1 he 4.t 11 Con. 01' 111,11x, neer Tee wbrilye. 11 was there time Mr. and Mro. l4i.11i+iglr•n beulnne well and favorably It nown. Mee. 7(ritiuJt- inn Was a 0nlleiolmil and life inng nl0nlher of the Mei)1071ieb oh melt. Mrs, TCeliiltgtnrl tea8 rite mother of a large told highly 1e.nerled family of children who sllrvi90, except one 1 e daughter who died n m3101191. t f Sts ago* 'those who rnnlnit) ,ie, Genrgo, Mnnitob3 ; Wm. nal John M„ of Norparva; Jumps, Rolland, 141011, ; 1ierbeet)J. anti Pvmpmen:1 13., Sea 111e; ,31tne (Mfrs. Nesbit), Winnipeg 1 Oath. erin0, (Mrs. hied, Adams), 'tornntn ; n Blither!, Indiana. oral Mise IV[attd DI I .I d at Mise Maud tenderly nursed and eared fnr her ltlnthnt'. The remains weirs v For in . brought to Listowel r Lrintrnq 391191'01 elle has been laid beelde her lhatr ,110530 1 who life-decel3094 her neatly 14 years ngrl. '1'he funeral was held rerun Thr r'esi1one° of Thos. Male, a friend of the in)n1ly, eller a 'brief aerv179 conducted by Rev. J. 11, J. alillyard. Thosepfeern1 fl'ollit dis. Jew&Beery Specials Gold filled Necklets and Pen - dente at 52 00 11p. 10k and I4k Gold Nerklete and Pendants from 57 50 up. Gold Snuhulsts 1011 aid 14k. Diltnlnlyd Rings tit. 10 00, 15 00, 20 00, 25 0)), 35 00, 40.00, 80 00 and 8100 00 ill stuck. We can guaranteeeplendid value in. these. Our prices are 1113111• Gents',u awl Ladies' Signet Rings 111 10k 111171 14k. Large stook u e " 1m t anti we do the L .Phot 1 pug' el 3 initials free. 6 g Lndiea' litemehes, Bar Pins. Gents' Ii,nbe. Ladies' Wrist Watches 11'.'1. Hail t0 880 1l19s0- aP 110AT the. best -v, :i08 -.elect ,10, Waterman's Ideal ' + + fountain Peas t L'ith'e' anti Oeuts' Sold Alnunte(1 Umbrellas (tut Glaoo, - Ciilvorwnr e, (21111111, Rte. A Happy Xmas Thought . • O i Make Somebody Happy with a Keidak airPet.rintio o s and E«C a a t NetvT'ear Cants and Booklets. e m Wendt . + Jeweler and Engraver T. • e WROXETER + thrice were blies 11'Iaud Ircllington and +•+••14+440+034401+.0.44+•+.+4 �r, Y[ARS NE SUFF[EJ "Fruit -a -fives" fade Him Feei As if Walking On Mr On,.L14, ON•r,, Nov. 28th. 191.4. "For over two years, I 'vas troubled with Constipation, f ,DWS7)eess, Lack of Appetite and Headaches. One day I saw your sign which read "Veldt-a•tives make you feel like walking on air." This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began. to Pei better, are111074, fee/fine. I have agood appet ire, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. I recommend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends ". DAN McLEAN. 506. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid. by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 74, *Wilmer Kerney 68, frank Gnlnies 68, Ohm lie Bosnian 55 Sr, 111.- M0,',7nlie Granby 00, Winnie Allen 63, Jr. III. -May Warwick 82, Alfred Johnston 71, Karry Garniss 54, *Jack A11911 54, *Fred. Brewer 48. II (Nass examined 111 Nature Study, Spell., Mem., \Vrit, Lnug., Cuulp, Geog.- Janet 7l:Vettie 03, Writer Sellers 84, Adella Tnevey 78, D'a'is Allen 78, Lil- lian C,drniss 74, 13014,1111 5111011 01, Plasm Alnstmit 61, Charlie Warwick 57, *,lint Turvey 50. Sr. L--Ex•unined 111 W110., Cnnlp. ,toil Daily \Vmk.- Dmnthy ahec100•an 94, l(enrrelh Mw Veins 94, Velma Beonks 60. Jr. 1. - Lily 00:•uiss 80, Ohm lie Allen 75, atilt 1Po,Good-Gni Lh Torre 70. Lloyd S 9 liattiilton, Margaret McVeLtie, hazel Hamilton, Hairy Gantlets, Fletcher Fell, Bert Gal 11100, - 51. F. 'S'UILL, Teacher. Grey Newsy notes always welcome at THE Poem, only hustle them along as early 111 the week as possible. Seneca, REPORT. -Following is the repot of S. S, No. 1 for the month of November. IV. Class-Exarnined in Atilt„ Cnntp., Geng., Spell., Hist., Art, 01e111. Work, Gram., Daily Work and Onuduct.-Muriel Hoover 88. 11uo- sel Grant 81, Jessie Miller 78, VVilltte Miller 54, Willie Ferric, 49. St•. III.- Exnmined i11 same subjects 33.11(1 ex- ception of Gram.-13eitraul lieming- way 81, Ernest Oocltr(tne 72, Robert Engle 71. JL'. III. -Examined all striae subjects au So, IIT.-r\Iau3jo•y Hoover 85, Norman 100719et• 82, M0rgtuet. Al. cock 05, *Muriel McNair 48. Jr. H. - Examined in Alith., Geog., Spell., Mem. Work, Daily Work and U n - duct .-Lena Miller 7e Roy Aa tI 76, Elva[ Hemingway 75, Arnold tMoNnir 50, Ida Crtebreule 30. I. Class -Ex - emitted in same subjects as i1. with exception of. Geog.-Kenneth Tyre - man 91, *Ethel Dav1lsln, 09, *Johnny Perrie 56. Prime[' Good -Oar, 1•lenm- itigway, Ge(8ege Davidson. Fair- Cliffnt'd Alcock. Average attendance 202. JEss1E 6l ilENZIES, Teacher. r is h SCHOOL RS.POILT. 1 oll0wing. the report or S. S. No. 0, Grey, for Nnv- 011)1101.. Ent, - Ari1h., Mem , Geng. Hoy 2-2. illlid .a Total 3UU Pass 180 -\\ 11 } Jr. IV, -.3.3'115 , ble,u Geng„ G011111, and Daily Wolk. 'Pend 450, P1100270. Leonard Sinclair 885,*Cecil Hilt 8223, Thomas .lacltlin 27e. Sr. ITL-Setue subjects as Jr. IV. -Lela Ames 874, Joseph Martin 387. Jr. 1I1,-Arith., Mem., Geng., Onmp. and Daily Work. Total 450, Pass 270. -Sylvester Ray - need 305, May Jack lin 308 Sr. IT - Saule subjects as Jt. III. Tetal500, P11,011800 -Eve, n (i} 418, Jehn Ray- nerd a -nerd 425, Lyla Hudson 8U7, Gordon Lowe 197. Jr. II. Arith , Gong„ 011101f. and Daily Wltrk, Total 500, Pees 800.- Winona Frain 4110, Wilfrid Keifer 308, Olan'a Jack lin 332 So. Prink for Daily Work. -Richard Rees 1 Elliott 510, R as Lt the S17 Jr. Ptitu. for Daily \York. -Oar, AInes 843, Jim Tut rlbull 312, Cecil Rltyntu•d 258, Mut, ray Gibson 118, Charlie Reclaim 50. Evelyn Hoy (82) and J no, Rayia1'd (75) secured highest m irks for perfect daily work. Nn, on toll 21. Average attendance 19 5. DDA FRAIN, Teachey, Belgrave THE WAR. -Tho union prayer meet- ing was held Friday even ng in the Methodist. 0hurch, Rev. air, Hawkins giving the address. 'fhete have been many inspiring add) eases at these prayer meetings, the Ministers hold - tug tip high ideals before the people. At as 11100,10g held in 'trinity church int e altbPs 1 Ray. A. AI . He 1P gave e r h v Y g 'elite Transflg nietun 0t ('htlst and there vete neul } good t111111411 t5 brought out on peas-er and what it ie I1' the 01llesa Saviour ill the peeselule of meat events about to happen in his life, would go apart, to pray how much mors necessary for us in the presence of the great and dheadful things hap- pening every day. Loss011 far 00 was prayer a8 a preparation for service and prayer as a 01 e011,111,1 1011 far sacrifice. It was s0 pitetea lt. 11p'"01i 1150 mountain that Peter whiled to bttiid 8 tabernacles and stay thine but no they had to come back t0 a life of seevi0e anti 9)0)1fice. We are glad Rev, 731, Parna(y has got home again. During his illness the other uliniatets bravely kept the meetings going. We R e have it a boatel s id (wee and over e again that the tear is doing nus gond and that 131-10 lo 9. lessm1 111 it for 118, Onr brave soldiers and tartars go out by the hutrrh•eda of tl11nteartds t0 keep 118 iron being annihilated, Glen are slab, by the 10110 of thousands. Men, women and child vett imprisoned, ted�, tt te- t tul•ed, starved, enslaved, murdered, and gallant, ships by the score are alltiileasly gunk regardless of 1lie loss of life and cargo. Honlea past, count. 01)9 laid desolate by fife and shot aria shell and wherein Inas i done Ir l 7. Irl 1 t tr tie good P The world aeeuls to have gone very fee estray an(l we 111911 10901her 5,0 May foe ant• 1737390 defenders for Pet1,19 and for Victory. Ave we as 111419113. utile and Nations living such Byes i FII( Spirella •••.+Q•e 0..4•0..... .. +6.99 e....4.0e40............•♦e . Imasi r iii nity .4• 00. . . 0 t onsets Mrs. W. Rands Wishes the ladies of Brussels and Meanly to know site in agent for the celebrated Spirella Ooreet, Will be pleased to ca11 at your home and demonstrate the many points of excel1e11oy of them. Dates arranged by trilling Phone 508. Also agent,for Walton and vicinity, dirt Vintory could be sntruated to us P Are we qualified to a Marge extent to dict,.21' the destinies of other Nations et in other words have we learned o01 lesson or ie this appalling state of things to go 038 indefinitely till we do leaf 11 11 Is not, greed, graft and sin in many 030)ns rampant der all Lhe earth ? Is net the strong ovPrpnwee- tng the weak in many walks of Itfe P Are not hearts by the millions strain- ed to the breaking point with 5000039 and angnioh of soul and yet the st1 ug- gte for wealth and power and ease goes net, 2.11 are not bad but the in- nocent suffer with the guilty. May the time soon come when the nations of the earth will turn to the Lord their God with true 000I'OW for their sills, with humility, reverence and with love, then 0,114 then only will this turmoil cease and the dove of Peace settle 0'80 this restless storm tossed earth. "Otte ship sails East and another Bails West Hyl the very same wind that blows, "Tis the set of the sails and not the gales Th9tt decides which way she goes. Like Li k the gales of the sea are th waves of fate e As we journey along through life. 'Tis the set of the soul that determines Lhe goal Aud not the calm no' the 0Lrife," Listowel Chas. Lee has sold his laundry in- terest tri T Lee, List1wel's Poultry Show will be held on January 22, 23 and 21. Olvhlg to the liberal response of the citizens, the ladies were able to ship a esti' of waste paper. Afiee 13. V. Kidd left for Toronto where she is employed in one of the Itu•go monition pian 18. At the vestry -meeting of Christ Clm1•oh H. 1:. Elliott, 13. A„ was elect- ed Warden to succeed the late A. St. Gen I•lawkins. WALLACE BARN PIKE WORK OP IN- CENDIARIES -While Gpnege and Mrs. G,hel and children, or Wallace, town. ahiP' were i !ddS afternoon attending the December ar in Listowel, theu hugea barn 11)the 8rd line filled d w ith ha} and grain,was destroyed. A large pig pen and a pump house were also destroyed, but the house was saved by the steeluons efforts of the neighbors, also much live stock, Mr. Gabel has 330 Hesitancy in saying that the Hee was of incendiary 0figin and stated that only six weeks ago he f, net•ated a previous attempt to fire the place, just chancing to smother same live corals that had been scatter- ed cat all hey n the barn for. The , gla_ on : He loss is partly covered by insu,lteee, Atwood Jno. Love, 12tH Com, has purchased a new Ford eat'. Elgin Smith left for Toronto, where he will work in a munition factory. The interior of the waiting room rue1 e'station flies at the G. T. R. start 1 is being painted, ATWOOD (30Y P11ISO,V'E3 IN GR - MANY. -Prue to hospital in the heart of the German prison camp a short message has come to John Leonard, Atwood, from his son, Gordon, Pte. Leonard was reported missing about October Sth, but now iie sends a word of tape to those at home which if sad in itself, gives promise of a futul'e home -corning. I ala sending you a post card to let you know I am fine, hoping you are all the same, I am as m beard a 1i nn r i 1 Germany.. I ( P 9 e t Y p ern in the hospital at present as I got elm[ through the foot just below the ankle, but will soon be able to atop on it again, it will not lame me in after life, I dont think. Send mea letter as soon els you receive this 33114 give ally address to Alexender•'s and tell all the people not to tvtite my Battalion ally 1001.8 as it will never reach me, and send me tt few packets of "Sen- ates" and a bit of cake now and then. But the ane used fine. I received the photos and they are geed mud I hope 11 ,L1 '.1 l 1 soon n t be back to settle down to worst and will 335(890 no ours, My Money will be all right in a little while. Well, ileal' father, I wish this terrible war was 0903, I have seen toe 1011011 already. I will close naw with the best, of love. The Lord will be with you as He is with me. The address given 18, 4, G. Leonard, No. 126834, 3rd Battalion, Ottnadian Ptis. otter, Poultry V1/anted We arc, prepared to pay ,. h highestpricesfor all to kinds of Poultry alive and dressed. Make deliver- ies any time. W. J. McCracken his perms a Iteeidence 27 . . , S i SUverware .• • E handle this class of goods in all its lines and • have made our purchases to meet the needs of m • the times. Inspection will prove this. Largest and v o best stock in our business experience. • • For Ladies o -Toilet and Modeller Sets in Ebony, Ivory • • and Silver Never -..hand-painted Chinet •• + before -Silverware • + -Clunks Nirkel, Cuckoo, Quail and Chime • •• have we -_Small lrcutey Oloeks in Russian ivory, Sil- • + offered ver, Gold and Runnicl• + •--o,n,aiegieks--Nirkel and Bines • .00 such a -\7Pcklate' n(4u1dti11ed.Solid 14karat Gold, pleasing I''e tl i set, Sapphire Set and Diamond • Val'iCt Of -Comb, and 13atvet tes + y -Meshlingo 3 +Novel B,,leelets• + -Locket a • • and-Limhrelh3s-Si11c, (old and Gold mounted • Exclusive llnudl••e and Canes, • o•• Designs "-Brooches + b 4igtlet RIPga--.till al'Le9 •. + as we -Dammed Ringo • Show -Combination Dings, such as Rubies, Pearls and Diamonds s • • : this -Sterling Silver Sotvente Spoons • : Season. • For Gentlemen •• e Mere-Coml:illatiml NVnikin Cane and Umbrella •• worfaildsto d0 A novel device, lite very latest • + -Combination Seta -Gold Cuff Links, Stick +• Pin arta Tie Clip • justice -Watch 011a1114 and Lockets -Gold Filled and Solid Gold • 8 + to them. ---VWatch Pubs t it li 1 o -Signet fringe. e They -J;ye GlnMseg r d must -Hand Rending; Glasses 4. • -Canes-Gold-,leaded or Gold mounted be seen-iJ,nbrelaq-Silk, Gold oe Gold mounted • to be Htttaleo • ♦ -'Pellet Sot, ill Ebony and Persian ivory •• properly -Shaving Sets • a apprec•iated - • • MARRIAGE LICENSES •• e We issue then! and :tow is an opportune time • • to try one, • • 4. e +} �+ In all Optical work we guarantee perfect .1 a• Dn liCal Goads satisfaction. We can supply any style of•il m f mounting. Eyes tested Free. 4, • The Quality . + 4} e • ,leweller• e s • v O •...+46,+.+,+4000SOS.O. OS S 4., 40,!> 300960*+4'dr090•960N0. O••mmoee•fieOG•©easselt!eceat( eCt63voeseameepet6®v'99eoseee••• p • • • • e • • • • • • • • b • • S • • • • • i • s • • A • • • • e 2 d 70 e • 9 e R. W. FERGUSON, Phone 24 Brussels 0111199090608606100 0 9t5W(p®t0tPir2 SGtr+Suttee['+fat seas se••9••••••00 R. W. Ferg I 's Christmas Kure Views COME in and see our display of Christmas Goods VOur i • to buyearly men and boys. advice 5 and have your choice before.. the goods are picked over. • Presents for Dad ' Presents for Boys and Young Men ' neat Sweaters -'— Shiite Cutlet Underwear Goat Sweaters L 0detwenr Shirts Neckwear Gloves Gloves Suspeuder'o Scarf Pins Hosiery Handkerchiefs Suspenders Hats Caps { Caps, eta. Suit et. ? What ut a erne�u � i Now is the time to place your elder, Neat Spring pung you will pay a great advance in prices as Vigil prite.% are hound to c01(21)108 and prob- ably stiffen as wool has advanced 105% since 1914. • i Xmas — REY(AR'S Confectionery and Fruit Store Luscious and Juicy Glllnia Seedless Oranges 25c, 800, 4Ua and 5013. a (103. Malaga Grapes, Dates, Nuts, Table Raisins, Bananas Our Confectionery Is all New and Fresh. See our Grand display of Tub Goods - L' -- a S ll ' Y mike. zein ive tit £ 1 113e1Y tYIHI . i rt ke. 'ewes beton '%'ltatl'ilgivc—aPlpc Pouches Candy for Christmas Giving (Tandy has long been the found/Ilion Gift for' Gimlet. - /nag giving. The Christmas Season 10 here :wain with ell its perplexities as to what one should give. Our stock of Oorrectionery was never more replete with endless varieties, seittabl0 for eve1y one from the oldest person down to the tiny 7018. Fnr stocking 6111119 11ml tree decorating 0111' Candy Counters offer inviting and attractive items 111 CN, Bbxesandy front0(111 Scnvetottieo$1.00. Sce them. A. matter of Good caste CA ,y� AIeoo your order early For thorn. ys `er Atao for your Ohristrtt la brick of s Are NOR w4 111 W. Ar GF? MMAR1 Pht)ne 99 amN,l a v.O ssEt$