HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-12-14, Page 4III
g _ Aura _..
The 1917 Ford Touring Car
o L, Ford, 0111.
You don't need extravagant claims to •us-
y choiceJ
when you buy the Ford,
The new model five -passenger Touring
Car al $495 is standard automobile valu
I don't need to slake "claims" in offering
you this cal'. I show you the `car, itself, and
give reasons.
The quality, the price and the service it
gives makes,satisfacti(m sure. You can al-
ways depend on the Ford,
Let us show you the new model to-day—
S. CARTER, Dealer
Che Vint
THURSDAY, DECPMf ER [4, z916 ee
AoI you in favor of Portio Owner-
ship ? •
Wooer] Lloyd George. He'e a hostler
end does things. is
WHAT about a Community Day in
your municipality in 1917? a9
Booso the Red Cross work. Perhaps
oue of your own relatives overseas will 0
!hare in your industry and zeal, •
Ors of the problems today is the high
cost of living but there is another one
closely allied to it viz the high cost of
SANTA CLAUS and his mythical rein-
deer outfit is due at your house Sunday
night of next week. He is a very decent
head at kbeping engagements too. •
SOttETI1N0 more practical will have to g
be done to meet the possibility of the
re•oecurrence of the terriblely destrute
tive fires in New Ontario. The coming
Provincial Legislature will wrestle with
the subject It's a problem all right.
Is you value your citizenship and wish
to see the best men placed in positions
of trust to promote the common goods
don't miss the Municipal Nomination on
k'riday, zznd int: Have you a new
idea along the line of progress? Don't
be afraid to place it before the public as
that's the way we often advance, In the
midst of counsel there', safety.
WHEN will the war be over ? The
Russian Premier says when Russia pos-
sesses Constantinople and the Dardanel-
les, so as to assure a free outlet to the
Mediterranean. For r,000 years this
has been the wish of Russia and it looks
as if it will now come to pass. Many s
man will fall before the consummation is
attained but the Allies have agreedto
prosecute the war until this object is
gained among other well d.fined plans
AT the Winter Fair a Jersey cow won
the Dairy test, She is owned by Jas
Flagg & Sons, Edgely and bears the
name of Sunbeam. i95 3 pounds of
milk, testing 5 4, was produced in the 3
days. This is the first time this breed
has won the honor at Guelph, 66 6 was
the best day's s performance butt
at home
she reached6 8pounds. Although 7 ou h to
years old her record last year was 18,744
p•lunds of milk and 1,156 pounds of
butter. Good for the Jersey.
Is a few ocean steamships were avail-
able they might convey a regular "raft"
of armchair warriors across the Atlantic
to hoists up the dragged out war. That
they know more about the war game
than Generals Haig, Joefre etal is beyond
question and they should not be com-
pelled to keep their candle under a
bushel. Perhaps a conscription law
might be necessary in addition to their
cabin fare but it is really too bad not to
give them a chance at real leadership.
To provide for United States labor
shortage in the North it is sal.l loo,000
negroes have forsaken the South, lured
by promise of good wages. If they are
no better toilers than some of the Cana-
dian "coons" it would require about a
half dozen of them to take the place of e
good bustling white "brudder." Of
course a mac don't require to have a
black skin to be a slacker as some of the
pale faces are a great sight stronger on
the "Yo ! heave" than they are on lifting
with the handspike.
Wins there are many new routes to
make your exit from this world some of
the old fashioned methods are still intact
Mrs. D. Raymond, of Ghapleau, Quebec,
tried one in the use of the coat oil can,
with its contents, to help kindle a fire
sad succeeded so well she and her 3
children were buried ou the same day.
Notwithstanding this and many other
such warnings folk will go ou just the
same and allow other people to practise
the Safety First principles. When did
you use the coal oil cats last ?
A TERRIBLE game of bluff has frequent-
ly been played in the boosting of pro-
posed towns and cities and in many
cases the greenhorn purchasers were
well skinned. Often the lots were
abandoned partially paid for, and later
sold for taxes. Port McNichol set out
to wildcat an embryotic city but the other
day 1735 lots were offered at a Tax sale,
84 of which were sold, The Govern-
ment of Ontario, or other Provinces,
where paper towns are boomed, should
have something to Say as to the methods
adopted d and thereby safeguard the ic-
terest 0
s f thealas:
tt l
g s. No matter if
the bait is "gilt edged" end people are
tumbling over one another to secure it
somebody should have authority to say
"Thus far shalt thou go and no further."
Of course the war possibly gave some of
these mushroom cities a bard bump but
' bnumsters flew too high for years be-
fore the war and probably hostilities
only hastened what was already a fore-
gone conclusion. We don't know when
peopie will become Wise and less greedy.
Remember our Harness Department
G Phone 47x
i ••••••moose®83®9003906®908.6••••••0••61•••®•••••••••
adle '1-7ne
dh o es,
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
.ti comfort, very durable.
When you discard
hem you want another " just like the last one."
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part or
the buying.
Here are a few:—
Ranging froim $2.25 to $4.50
wide. Anyone who hits never germ or
been in t
an ocean tiller has no illua the
sloe of these boats. We pulled out in-
to the btty about ;t o'clock on 1'nesdey
night, Here they spent the night aid
• next clay loading coal. It takes an
• immense of uantity of coal to do one
S trip. Sailors were busy on Wednes-
o day getting ready for the trip, putting
o up woelesa etlid slaking thdnge look
aneat. Left l:Ialifax harbor about 4 30,
Passed tine training vessel Niobe tool
r•s tboy tel gave us a send off,o The hands or, our ship played ''The
is Maple Leaf" "0 1 Canada" and ended
m01111 "Rule Britannia." We also gave
• them rousing cheers and everyone
was feeling pretty gond, We iutve 4
• othor boats as companions, the troop-
ships Corsi n t, Southland and Em-
press o1 BOOM' and the cruiser,
e AUuadere Castle, The boats were
one ahead of the other fora long time
at five'. but hoar took othee formation.
Our Ors. day on boatel was Nov, lot
and I think the most of the boys will
remember it the reatof their lives. I
thought I would not be sick but just
a as soon ae the vessel got out into the
9 ocean it started going up and down
0 tool rolling and it wasn't long until
the boys were. good and sick. I was
laughing at some other s when sudden.
ly I could feel myself getting sick and
its soon as 1 could get up away went
•Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks and Satchels
Richards & eo.•
THE Western farmers, if they stick to Pte Chas Forrest Writes
their proposed anion, will exert a power- . r
ful influence on the political affals cf
the Provinces of Alberta, Saska'cl:ewan
and 11'lanitoba and the Dominion al
large. If wrongs exist in the EN. video.
and Railway lines then United Glatt,
Growers' Co. shculti have backing
e lough to see that they are redressed
Care should be taken, however, that
while they attempt 50 break in on com-
bines that they don't tangle thetnselves
in the meshes of combinations detri-
mental to the best iuteres a of Canada.
Porno milk bottles are among tb•, uew
inventions that have met with favor.
Washing is eliminated of course as it is
a one service receptacle. It is closed
with aP ositive metal seal cal an
d tl t pro-
ro-cess of mannfacture renders it antiseptic
and sterile. The shape of bottle is coni-
cal and breakage is practically cut out.
We noticed a wideawake Yankee is test-
ing out paper underwear and we suppose
before very long readers of THE I'osr
may be able to turn their weekly budgets
over to be manufactured into wearing
apparel. Nothing like paper.
HENRY FosD, whose Tomo is so intim-
ately connected with the automobile
business, says the large breweries that
will he put out of business next year
when Prohibition comes into effect in
Michigan, Can he set to work to manu-
facture denatured alcohol to take the
pace of gasoline tor the purposes of
propulsion in connection with the buzz
wagons, 13y practical experiments be
says be knows whereof he speaks and
thinks the day of alcohol fuel for auto-
mobiles and tractors is at band. It
might be safer to have the spirits in the
car than in the chauffeurs.
Now is the sea,on to exercise care to
avoid damage by fire,. The record
shows that last year there were 51 fires
from defective and overheated stoves
and furnaces ; cis from defective and
overheated pipes, chimneys, &c. ; and 8
by live coals and bot ashes People
often growl about the harshness of iusur•
once Companies but we guess they often
make settlements where the damage is
possibly blamable on the householder
who did not live up to the requirements
of the policy. Fire is a good servant
but a bad master hence it is wiser to be
sura than sorry.
Brussels Council
The regular meeting of Brussels
Ontincil was held Monday evening of
last week, the Reeve told Councillors
Iiewibt and Walker present,
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts were presented:
Jesse Winter., wood $ 0 00
it. Oliver, salary 4(1 00
Geo, Kerr, Board of Health,15 00•
Gerry & Walker, miscellen-
eons+ Turnbet ry pavement, . 10 10
0. Pope & Sun, tniseellatlenla, 25 30
R. Oliver,f i
Board of
disinfecting 50 houses at $2
for rrieaslee &c. 112 00
Moved by Hewitt" --Walker, that
above accounts be paid. (tarried, 10
that the a 1
same rebate be made on Skatng Rink w
as hist year, Carried. hot
Moved by Hewitt --Walker, that an
Sign boards be placed North and lin
South on'Tnrnbet'r•y street with name lit,
of village .also warning as to "No ire
vpeeding" as guide to motorists, th
Engineer Nivirta, or the Electric
Tright plant, so;keri concerning taxes
on the plant. Council ago end to al-
low whatever woe earned by Deem -
low 14111, but would not agree to cut- du
ting off light earlier, a8
nembert151b, tgiper Statute et or De- es
from Shornciiffe
DEAR MOTHER, -It is some time
since we left (tamp Borden but I will
try and go over the [Muga of most.
Importance. I am not going to finish
this to -day but will wait until we Re-
vive at our deet 1llatidnl so than I will
be able to give you my right address.
I twill pperhaps go over scone things
I hat I li vs written before as I al Moat
forget what I told you. We left
Camp Borden about 8 15 on O.;t.. 27115
and were lea by the 14211ci Band and
122nd Bntteldnu lined the road while
we matched through with full packs
and all out 1quipna+ut. The boys
were full of cheer and feeling fine,
We some loaded immediately upon
e'en r ,
hu our
train and started g tee uP on
our long journey. furY
over e a little
Mita 1 'h
:tea when w • found mud
i LhaL tv
r e
would not ul go tin smolt Toronto, but
did col any much in the way of con
Malta Went through the towns
()011ie, Lindsay, Peterbor•o', Omit
Falls and Montreal. The Liisdsa
people supplied the boys with lunette
which were very acceptable. \V
at1'I'ived at Montreal about 0.3
Oct.. 28th, and were there until oboe
880 o1 0. Started Eastward over th
Government railroad, passing over th
St. Laurence river bridge. .81 is ce
tainly the longest bridge that I haw
ever seen, Some told us that it was 1
miles. 'Wet two trains out on th
bridge sot that will give you some ids
and they would 008 lot us go out on
pact of the twat f n' ('ear of getting
tvttshed overboard as t be wind WAS
blowing very strong mid the wavpe
tvoitld come right up over the' forward
pto'I of ills ship and it looked pretty
rough indeed, Ju November there is
always a large swell to the moan
u'hictt makes travelling very uncut-
Portable, In June 0r Julir Obey Bay it
allowed to give the port at which we
Arrived) on the 13th awl thou 0n to
Shin ue l
We like things here fitie. I slid not
1Isiuk L'ngltuol tots such le fine !taco,
This is 111mgdaty, Nov. 13th and a
Isprart!rttliy smooth trot it, le fairly
good. We in viol'. in port (We are not
ly day. The sun woe ehiuing, hiids
were Singing and at 5)1155 lid day, We
bad another median) exam. Lo -day and
Anew baking firth has been organ-
ized in Listowel, known as .1, 11, Mc-
Donald & Oo. A, 'Yule will be mono -
ger of the new company.
•-+++ :-1'+sl-1'+ .,;.4.++++++++++++
.p _or +
1' 1
,t, +
there were a gnoolly uumher turned +
down, being too young. rl'ttey won't .l.
allow auyoni% 10 go lo" the trenches •t•
under the eg6 or 19. Under that age +
they are kept in a Battalion until they
become old enough and given ext ea
bottling. We cannot. give a descrip-
tion of our clamp as that is forbidden,
may be able to give IL some time,
We saw large dirgibles to -day aid
aeroplauee and could heal' the guns in
France. We certainly are getting
closer to the trenches. I saw Alf,
Innis, (he was at our place one night
all that ryas in my stomach mud it with 7s r, McEwen) you will perhaps
sure felt as if it were earning LOU. I remember him. lie is tnedically unfit
thenght I had au idea what, sea sick
nese wits but I have found out like
many more, that t did not have much
idea what it. was, We went 212
miles from 430 on Wednesday until 12
o'clock on Thursday. Had mu fourth
innoculation oil Wednesday and are
pretty near getbiug (bed of inunenla-
tious. I think it bad a good deal to do
with the boys becoming sick as some
of thein would have been sicic if they
we5e mi 1:11151. Thuisdrty we went 304
miles, next day 280, next 280, next 285,
next 100, next 247 and they olid not
put out the distance to -day. Nov,
2nd was a pretty (Inc day with the
it8 ile fell tufo a hole one night while
on a night manoeuvre and broke both
his feet. lie can walk around and
they are retaining him for light work,
such as guard duty. We enjoyed a
chab with hint and hear him tell of his
experience. He said there were
only about 100 left in the original 8411t
Batlalinni, so it sure must be terrible
at the front'. I do not think we will
be able to keep the 181st as one unit as
the 133rd and 142nd who came with us,
were split up to -clay aid pub in other
Battalions, so I guess. we eau say good-
bye to the 181.t as a Batttalion. I
hope we do bur will knew in a any nrr
most of the boys nu deck ly lug in the so 1te I think they are a splendid bunch
sun but many were unable of men and have been commented
to get ou deck told who were terribly upon by officials at different pointe.
sick, Sone of them looked as pale as , They are clean and so far have never
death, °fetid' not keep from vomiting ; been attacked by vermin of any kind.
and being unable to eat it was The bedding on the'' ship contained a
Leerily hard on them, I could not eat few bed bugs but otherwise it was
anythingbtttanorld apple os' biscuit perfectly clean. They lake gretttpse-
rne 0 clays but I did not vomit any cautions against anything, On board
after the Oast clay so managed pretty ahfp I thought I should have starved
well. Pt atilt Shaw never was the as l could not seem to swallow atny-
leaat bit sick and I wait certainly sur- thing but apples and oranges, every -
prised at bin being able to go aeouud thing else made me sick. We surely
when the most of theist were an ill. lead to pay for our fruit, Oranges
I hove a peat joke of Frank, if we were cheaper than apples and we wet e
get baric to Otuinda I sure will remotes able to buy them 3 for 10 cents, while
bear it and keep hint in mind of it.' apples Cost us 25 cools for 8 but tae
We all had life baba and were al- would have paid any price for them,
ways snppost 51 In wear them when on English money bothers the boys here
decic. Also had the unmber of OUP and we are taken in SS they do not
life boat in which we would go if any- know all the different 001118. They
thing happened mad we knew exactly have half -penny, penny, six pence,
where to go if we heart the whistle 'shilling pieces, 10 shilling pieties and
blow four blasts. We fell in at that pounds. nave two five dollar bills
place every day Se that the boys and have been unable to get them ex-
tget to know h
v L e exit e
et la ,
place. changed for English more but will
r g y
Theyaural •
t of
1precaution likely tic.getdone n
i el It d In eon We et 0
g �
against torpedoes .
edr es hitEnglish g rt r .
p certainly is in c wfor
y o a 815 hill.
Well,mother, I will finish this to-
night but wilhwrite again soon. Say
you can give this to others to read as
i1 is too long to write many times,
Well I hope this will find you enjoy-
ing good health. Bye-bye for this
time from your loving son.
No. 654770, Shornclife camp,
the wisest course to Lake They say
1_ we had tt splendid trip fur the month
1f of,Nnvembe• but I did not enjoy it
h very much and I wasn't alone in say -
y Ing that the voyage wasn't much of a
s, pleasure trip. Rev, Mr. Wesley was
e saying that he could not understand
0, anyone taking the trip for pleasure.
t We really had only one rough day
e --
t�-•••••••••••••••+••.b•O••••••••0••••O••••••••••••••••• •
i 2 2
e X M1t8=191
by I • •
of the length and size. We also had 2
a splendid view of Mount Royal and 2
Montrealaft eronmingover the bridge. • ••
The trees certainly gave it a beautiful.4.++4++++++A•
T+d-1-e++++++++.1 •
coloring, grand view of a moon-' Z 4O
taro or hill at St, Hilaire and had our•
best vi there. view die. We travelled along •
4 c.
• •
+44÷++++,e++++++++++++ +•t•
++++++++++++'F+++++&++++++++++++++•!•+•F A
• •
until we name to the town of Ohoudi
ere, when lye had a abort route march,
which went a long ways in snaking
Lhe boys feel good. Ths train gets
somewhat stuffy when riding in it fru'
some time astd it gets cleaned and
ventilated while we are away. Chausi
ere is certainly a Prencb village as the
people did not seem to understand
much that we said, The children
would ask for souvenirs but were dis-
appoiutecl unless they were in the
fm rn of dimes or uicklea, We started
from Ohaudiere about 7 o'clock and
passed places tinting the night that
we would very much liked to have
seen. We did not get a glimpse of
the St. Lawrence t iver or Quebec, al-
though we were able to see the lights,
Morning brought ns near Carnpbellton.
We were near a river which empties
into, I think it is the Bay of Chuleus.
\Ve enjoyed it fine along here. Huge
lumber yards were located. At
Canspbellt0n we had a route match
through the town which freshened us
up once 11101'0. We also saw large
piles of lumber and posts and ties
here. Left Campbellbon about 9.30
o'clock and went along the Bay of
s and down to Nowmastle.
\Ve here went for another short
ento'ch, Newcastle is rather a pretty
place and Lite people seemed very
patriotic and wished us Gud-speed,
The Hotel seemed to be the centre of
interest for the most of them, Leav-
ing Newcastle our next, town of inter-
est was r\lonktos. Bete we had an-
other marsh but were unable to get
a good view of the town on account of
darkness. Leaving Monk ton we were
unable to site anything more until we
landed at
t llalifnx, where we arrives
about 1 no r
tt4 o'clock
8111 we
kept in 0515
trnitls until ttboat 7 30, Could not, see
anything of interest as there were
(nachos on either side of tie, Lined up
Meta nt7.
30 bad roll r
.all, marched In
e dock but were not loaded until
null o'clock.
1 .1 he Mind
in hi
g which
were in for his c
L time t t.
Vi 9 very
ge and built ptineipally of concrete
sl everything holly for the hand -
g of freight, Thy 8t eaTrish !p, Lao -
el r . `
was lying r ,
s tl alio
std and iv
s e.
3 k a be-
g loaded for the voyage, We ween
e first Battalion on hoard, IOSih
Oxfords coming o1 shortly after and
the 133rd arriving towards eve0ieg,
Being first, we were located in the
lowest part of the vereel in which
they can put troops. We eerttcinly
I not get a gond place for sleeping,
it was stuffy and dirt not have a
a vepry large boat 1042 ft. t. llong ae nd 68
2 •
• •
• •
• •• •
• •
• •
♦ •
••� G i l l Soedlese fol 18c.•
♦ •
•G 1•
Sl 11 d J gd s •
• •
• ♦
Wo have as usual a good supply of Fresh Groceries for Xmas
Baking :—
New 'Raisins at 12?c and 150.
Best Seeded ec Raisins at 15c and finest '
Good Currants at 20c,
New Lenton, Oran ge and Citron Peels,
Good Shelled Almonds s 11n(1 Walnuts.
Fresh Dates, Spices, Extracts, flaking Powders, &c.
Dry Goods For
Notwithstanding the difficulties in procuring many lines of
DryGoode c have Ie r
w vo 1 en very fortunate in rotting together a
choice selection suitable for file Xmas Season as well as Staple
lines for every day requirements.
Ladies' and Children's liandkerohisfs at; 5c, 10c, 1211c, 15e, 20c,
25c, 855', end 505..
Men's Handkerchiefs at 5r., 10e, 1210, 25c and 35e.
Ladies' 001115r•s at 25r, 50c, 75e, $1.00 and $L25,
Necklets et 25e and 355..
I•lair Ribbnna at. 10n, 124a, 15c, 20c and 25e,
Pitney Itibbnne, 25e, 35c nod 50e,
Ladies' laid Gloves in White, Tan and Blaelt, $1 25 and $1,50,
Ladies' Genuine Moehn Gloves in Grey at $200
A splendid range of Si11(8 for waist' and Di'engrs in black and
the popular shades (0.W* 00, $1.25, *1 50, $1.75 and $2.00,
Also have a good range of Wool Dresses, goods which are the
best value to he inacl in the Parade.
A. good nange of Children's and Ladies' Furs at right pekoe.
An exceptional gond selection to chnoae from its Men's and
s r
Boys' Ties sat 255: 605 and 75e.
Men's 1
1e SttB at r
1 00
and `h ,'1.
Out. Sweaters and I,Tmlertvem' ore good value and well assorted,
Gond waren Crops at 50e, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25,
Wo hope to please you and at same time gnitralltoe to give
you the very best value for your money. Thanking ,yon for
your kind patronage and hoping to see you often.
Yours 'Truly,
OTIC17 is hereby given that T.
+ [�• owing to increased ex- g.
9• pease for teal and other '
+ neeessusies the price or Electric 1e
Light itt Brussels will be all- +
11 tool redw
cea in price•Nvanceerfrom 10 to 12 molts per
Kilowatt,flnl December 1st.
Rates payable on or before
the 1001 nl' each month and i1'
+ not so paid 5 cents on the dollar
will be added.
For the convenience e1' pat -
eons payments may be made to y •,
Miss Lulu M. Dueford, at S,
Garter's store, • ,l,
Jno, NivinsI
J. S, Sharpe +
4. Manager Proprietor P
AUCTION MALEOF rooma•1'0CT{, Tilt
105555(8, 4e.-1' 11. Bennett, Auction,
ea,, has horn Innlrnated by the nuderetenee to
gall by Po bile 4ualow at Lot 1, Oow e, (grey,
on flue -day, Dee 1051i, et 1 p. n,,, the followls'
Valuable properly ;-1 inure 01•earm old In ' fors!
tot t harm '1'y pe, 1 mare tl servo 01d, 1 drh'hg
Mare 6 years old, 1; lire VY 51(056 gelding 2y ears
fold by Drulnberle Chief, 1 Spring filly •lgy
Lothian Hypo 0cows anpposed ,n colt, 1 cow
due to calve I✓lob alb d sow due to calve Feb,
218E 1 2•year old heifer due Genitive Deo. 28rd,
U steers rising 2 years, .9 heifers riding 2 years,
.10 Spying/1514/10 1'eoW due le. farrow ,tan itis,
18045 napposed In ptg,1.thorol bred Yorkshire
hog 0,pitorl1 week, old at time or ante, i lam -
bar wagon, nand roller, I set 9 -section iron
harrows, 1 root nulper, 1 tvet,m trough, about
20 tons n5 mixed hay, Itbonf IUU bushels barley,
about 000 bushels cate halo onrasorved as the
lenno has expired. Terms -5500. and -under
wish ; over that amount 10 months aredit giv-
en on furnishing approved 101551 antes, 9 per
Dent off for each on Credit amounts,
Wltt, WIO bIS, Proprietor.
Farm for Sale
The undersigned offers her fine 126 ecce farm
beblg Lot 8 and W pt U, Con. 0, Township of
Grey, Por sale, On the premises is a goortbriek
house With creme kitchen and %rho Bated ; large
bank barn and driving she'd, also a 'windmill,
end everything in good repair, Land in first-
class state of caltivatlon. For further portio.
niers apply to the proprietress on the pPrem-
Phone 900 - Ethel P. O.
House for Sale
OomfortabIohouae not % acre of land for
sale Ur the Village or Ethel. Property belong -
to the estate of the late lel rs. Alex, ItloSay.
Cellar, drilled well, doe,,on the premises. For
further particulars apply to
18'tf A, Il. MAUDONALD, Ethel.
For Sale
Grain Warehouse with horsepower elevator,
Settles, carte, floor eons, ..to.
Also part of Lot 80, Con, 6, Township of Mor,
io, 20 Het, adjoining the Village of Brussels,
and 0 building luta 00 Tttrnberry street, For
particulars apply to the owner.
There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick
headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc,, if he or she will take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They cleanse the stomach
and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the
whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning.
All 4501511,, 258, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16
• 9
• •
• x-`. •
• ♦
•• J
® •
• • •A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly 2
Reduced P•rices as they were bought before the rise. •
2• •
Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be •
sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul- •
cahy Bankrupt Stock. g
• If you are a Bargain Hunter ••
2 your wants can be supplied •
•at our Store. •2
• •
• Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to 2
•• •abide the result, •
• ••
�ohn rEthel
••••04,0•060••♦♦00••♦•44 roe.
• •A••'e•e•rl