HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-11-23, Page 8Christmas Boxes FOR THE Soldiers Overseas Early as it may seem, parcels for the Soldiers in England and at the front, to be in time for Christ riles, should be sent at once, Here is a list of a few of the things, in our line, friends are putting In ; Tea Tablnide-Put up in tin boxes containing 100 tablets of finest tea, sufficient to make 100 cup% prloe 40u tin. Oxo GRESS-In tine of 4 cubes 10e tins of 10 cube.; 25a. A cube makes a cup of beef tea. Gum-Rexall gunt, 5 flavors, Spearmint and Peppermint, Female] value5 for 10o Alao Ohlaklets- Double Mint and Wrigley's Spearmint. Chocolate Bara-T,owneyls Nat 101111 Chocolate Bare, Pure Milk (11thoolate Bars and Choc. olate Cream Cakes 50 each, Hay lees Oh000lates-In decorated metal boxy; 51.25 each, To Write Home -Send him a new Fountain Pen, preferably Waterman% of the new self•filling type, 52.50 each and UP. Useful Toilet Preparations Carbolic Soap 10a rake Calvert'e Concent Carbolic; Soap, 111 tin boxes, 86o Panay Toilet Soap, 100, 16a and Hoe crake, Rexall Showing Stick in handy metal ease, 25a. Shaving Powder Ma, Cold Cream and Olentholine Balm, 25o lar. Snap Shots Perhaps a few Snap Shots of the obi home surroundings might be HS =Oh appreciab. ed as anything, We can develop and print your films, A Magazine The Christmas Numbers of the different Magazines are miming in. 7.7ze "4&J�Sore F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Xing et,i 4tems Local, news on page 5. A NUMBER of wells are dry. SLEIGHING livened up business. ADVERTISE your strayed or straying stook. TiE POST to the close of mr7 for $1 so. LITTLE or no water in the swarnps, so the huntsmen affirm. AuromoineEe continue in use, the roads being in good condition. NEXT Monthly Horse Fair will be held ID Brussels, Thursday, December 7th. $1,538,000 is the total reported by Ontario for the British Red Cross Fund up to date. Fuzz specimens of deer and moose have arrived from the North as proof of the prowess of the local huntsmen. PUT the Christmas seals on the back of the envelope instead of the front. It is contrary to the postal law to do any. thing else. Don't forget. FRIDAY afternoon of this week the regular monthly meeting of Brussels Branch of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the Audience room of the Public Library. A large attendance hoped for, AMONG EXPECTED EVENTS ARE :- Skating. Rabbit pie. Holiday trade. Snow shovel brigade busy. Christmas Entertainments. Short days and long nights. Santa Claus working overtime. THE Editor of THE Posx was treated M a choice supply of moose steak deem Parry Sound District, by Walter S. Scott, Brussels. This king of the forest weighed about goo pounds bot made a great m stake wheu it fancied it could run away from the unerring aim of Walter Scott and his companion at the time, Percy Stephenson, formerly of Ethel locality. Mr Suet says the hunt- ing was good and no shortage of hunts- men. Fraser Ernbury, tbe well known shot, of Morris township, has lost none of his woodcraft judgiug by report. RURAL MAIL ReurE No. 5. -This week Z McCallum handed over the Rural Mail route No 5, covering the 4th and 3rd lines of Morris toweship, to George Morris, of Brussels. 'l'he form er has been in charge for the past 4 years are has madeEtauncb friends who will be sorry to see him go. Mr Mc- Callum purposes removing to Toronto, where he has a position in view. He sold his house and acre lot, Turnberry street, to Walter Holmes, who gets possession in the near future. We wish Mr. Minis success in his work as Cour- ier on No 5 The patrons will find him ever ready to perform his part in contri- buting tortheir welfare, Brussels and neighborhood, while regretting the de- parture of Mr, and Mrs McCallum and Miss Dolly, wish them every success in the city and hopes if they don't feel at home that they will return to town. PARCEL POST To SOLDIERS OVERSEAS. -Send all parcels by parcel poet through the post offioe to your sons or friends as it is the safest and cheapest way to British Isles, viz , 12 tents per pound up to ex lbs. to France ; up to 31 lbs. q- uints, lover three lbs tth to 7, 32 cents. II pounds to Britain and 31 lbs. to France is the most you may send in any 0110 parcel but you may send as Many parcels as you like. By sending there in this way they go direct from Brussels office to the parcel post in Montreal, where they are distributed for the Army poet office in Loudon, England, and there distributed to destination. They are the only ones who hove a record, no express Co. has nor can they get it after they leave England es that is a secret only known to the Government, who run the Army and also the post office. No trouble with customs. F, 5 Scoter, Posttnaster, Brussels. SOCIAL Evaluate -A goodly number of the members of Western Star Lodge, 1. 0 0. F , No, 149, Brussels, assembled in their Lodge roorn, THE Pose- block, last Friday evening to enjoy a social hour with their friend and brother Odd. fellow, Past Noble Grand Stephenson, who was about to remove to Burford, after a few years residence in Brussels, as butter.rnaker at the Shamrock cream- ery. An enjoyable time was spent with carpet balls and other game', followed by a lunch and a short program of eulogistic speeches by several of the brethren, who regretted the removal of a faithful member and a good citizen but wished him aud his family the best of success in their new honle. Bro. Stephenson made a brief but fitting re. ply reciprocating the good wishes aud regrets at severing old ties, After forming the tnystic oircle, "He's a jolly good fellow" and the National Anthem • brought the proceedings to a close, Noble Grand E, G. Plum was in the s thee, Mr. Stephenson has proven him- I ' self worthy of the confidence of the people of liressels and THE Posir is lum- py to recommend iiim most heartily to r the good folic of Burford and locality 1 and aelc them to use him as well es he deserves, He'll fare all right if they do, I HURON Co r ounce will convene at Goderich, Tuesday, December 5th, at 3 o'clock, BUY a package of Cbrist MRS seals from the school pupils 4o returned soldier boys are being cared tor this year in the Muskoka Sanitarium as the result of being "gassed" or colds contracted in the trenches. DelitIsTACAs TREE ENTERTAINMENT.- 011 the evening of Tuesday, Dec 1201t, a Christmas Tree curd Entertainment will he held in the Methodist Church School room A fine program is being prepared. Fuller particulars next week. Keep the date clear. -0 10 cows VCR fLLE.-2 dowel with 0810 85 foot; 8 springers; 1 now dna to aalve let Deo ; sows to milt in Deo, All van be here Saturday. °mums MoDorieLn, 0.6.11. load of Western feed oats at Brussels G, T. R. Thursday and Friday of this weak, r5.1',15.055511, Brussels. DRITING mitt lost on the 0th Con. of Grey. Finder will greatly oblige by leaving same at THE POST, Fon Sera. -5 span of draft colts rising 1 and 2 years old respectively, filly and gelding in each. Lot 28Oan. 11, Grey township_ Phone 055. f SaARTE, Brassels R. No. 8. CHETRoLAT car for sale, in firet-olass run- ning order. Has only run 2,000 miles, For further particulars apply to JAS. OtAttn, R R. No 2, Brussels. Phone 427. 20.02 wanted, clover or mixed clover and timothy preferred. Will also buy a fete good 2 year old steers, Enquire at THE POST. LOVELY clover honey in 5 and 10 pound polls. G. A. Dialutisti. HOERR and lot for sale. First-class twoatory house, centrally located. Dor further partic- ulars apply at TEE PosT. 12 PIGS 5 weeks old for sale. Lot 8, Con. 5, Grey Phone 5014. "HILTON PARR, 10 PIGS 214 months old for sale. W14 Lot 14, Con. 6, Grey, GBO, FRASER. FOR Sam -Three choice Spring calves, also e brood sow, due to farrow in January. will be sold reasonably. 113.1 Lot 16, Con. 5, Grey. D. J. HuTonINSos. FOR HALE, -The large frame building next the bridge, Brusaels, now used as Implement warerooin with fine ;Ambling underneath, also the building lot immediately South is offered for sale at a very reasonable price. FM. fur- ther particulars apply to J. EL GALBRAITH, Brussels, A GOOD house for sale with stable and fruit trees, Apply to 1, 0. RIOHARDS, -0- RED CROSS BAZAAR. -The class of young girls taught by Miss Ida Bailey, in connection with the Methodist SUE - day School, purpose holding a Red Cross Bazaar in the Board Room of the Public Library on Saturday afternoon, Decem- ber gth. There will be a sale of Fancy work, aprons, &c., also home-made baking and candy. Proceeds will be devoted to the Red Cross funds. This sale will t'fford a chance to secure gifts suitable for Christmas presents at a low cost and at the same time the sale will aid a most worthy and deserving cause, Mark the date on your calendar - December gth and make sure to attend. 'rhe Belgian Tea given in the Public Library Audience room, ruesday after- noon by the Sunday School classes taught by Mrs (Rev) Mann and Miss Belle McDonald, passed off quite suc- cessfully. A very tasty lunch was serv- ed. Proceeds for this most deserving cause totalled $6o oo, of this amount 66 oo was realized from the sale of Bel- gian flags. During the evening an ex- cellent program was rendered consisting of a talk on Belgium by Mrs Brines, of Henfryn, who also gave a song In the Belgian language ; solos by Misses Ger- trude Deadman, Verne Walker and Beth Kerr and Dougald Strachan ; instru- mentals by Miss sardine and Mr. Mul- heron. The ladies who were in charge wish to thank all who assisted in mak- ing the evening such a grand success The next Tea will be held on Tuesday, December sth and will be provided by the ladles of the 4th Con of Morris. FRASER-KEENAN.-A pretty wedding took place at St. John's Pro -Cathedral, when Edna May, eldest daughter of Mrs, Frank H. Keenan, was united in marriage to Dr. F. C. Fraser, of Sud- bury, by the Rev. P R. Seines, As the bridal party entered the church, Wag- ner's "Bridal Chorus" from Loheugrin was played by Miss Sophie Horner. The bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Miss Ella Keenao. The groomsman was Reginald Thurst, The bride who was led to the altar by her brother, Bartley Keene!), was becomingly attired in a tailored suit of navy mannish serge with large picture hat of block silk vel vet with old rose trimmings, wearing mink furs, with a cornea boquet of lilies of the valley aud sweetheart roses, The bridesmaid wore a tailored navy biue gabradine suit with grey picture hat with oicl rose trimmings, wearing a corsage boquet of American beauty roses. The groone's gift to the bride was a diamond necklace set with pearls, to the bridesmaid, a gold brooch set with pearls and amethysts and to the groomsman a (bartered scan pie, After the ceremony a -wedding luncheon was served at the home of the bride's moth- er. Later, the Nippy couple, ethicist a hewer of rice, confetti and good wishes eft for their new home in Sudbury, Dr. Fraser is a son of M, and Mrs Procter, King Street, 515130111 His navy old Wds enin this locality extend many congratulations cord wish himself a nd bride A long, happy add prosperous I Beuesete Electrie Light eteitem ep 1)4`10 S to he run on a bit and miss plan w eel cannot be satisfactory to either proprietor or patrons. It sboold not be elt people could read the description of the scenes of suffering at the Iron end of the great woilc of mercy being done by the Red Cross they would b more runtimes to help along the work o the Red Cross, ADVERTISING Is the education of the public as to what you are. where you are and what you have to offer in skill, tal- ent or commodity. The only man who should not advertise is the min who has nothing to offer In the world in the way of commodity or service. Tug Posy had a cell on Tuesdey from Alex McKercher, of Elowick, and 'rhos. Sanderson, of Spokane, Washington State, The latter is visiting the old scenes of bis youth and renewing old friends. It is past 31 years since he went West and this is his first vied back to Wroxeter and Gerrie localities. He's a very welcome visitor, SOCIAL GATHERING, - Next Monday evening the Epworth League of the Methodist Church purpose holding a So- cial gathering in the School Room when an excellent musical and literary pro - grant will be rendered and refreshments served Rev Mr, Hibbert, of Wing - ham, is also expected to be present aud give an address. 'the admission fee is only rse Don't forget the date -Mon- day, November 27t12. TUESDAY evening of this week, Mies Biggar, who has been engaged as mil- liner with Miss Inman this season, re- ceived the sad news of the death of her mother, in Hamilton. She had been dowu street shopping and took a stroke, lasting only a few hours, Mrs. Biggar had visited here with her daughter over Thanksgiving and made warm friends during her short stay Miss Biggar is deeply sympathised with in her unex- pected bereavement. She left for her home Wednesday morning. A NIGHT IN THE SICIEs,-The WiIIing Workers of Melville church have ar- ranged with Dr Marsh, Holstein Ont., to give "A Night in the Skies," in Melville church school room, on Friday, December 8th. The heavenly bodies, will be seen through the largest teles• cope in the world, Mare with its snows, Jupiter with Its baits and moons, Saturn with her great bands, rings and moons, the Sun with Its spots and fires, 400,000 miles high, the rocks and hills on the moon, the mountain ranges and valleys, comets, nebulae and stars by the million. The heavens declare the glory of God. Don't miss seeing those rolling wonders that people immensity Rev Dr. Marsh will present these on canvas and will tell their story and their myeeries. Il- lustrated hymns will intersperse the evening's program. Poultry :W LONDON Advertiser gives a former Bruseelite, in the person of 'Eddie" McKay, now a member of the overseas aviation hustlers, the following send- off ;-There will be exultation in Weet- ern University over the exploit of Lieut A E. McKay. ex -arts man, hockeyist and footballer, en putting an end in the career of the great German aviator. Beelke, "Eddie" made one of his sensational rues for a touchdown He is one or the big scorers in Fimie's machine Only two years ago. aa a first year arts man, he won a great game here against Sarnia be stealing the ball from a fumble and running 40 vards It was that game that clinched the Dominion -Meier championship for the Western University, Xis either hockey or foot- ball he was always lithe as a cat, cool and bard as steel, a heady, fair and clean sportsman. These manly qualities have certainly enabled Lieut. McKay to become so conspicuous an aeronaut, Is the destruction of Boelke he bas won glory for himself, his University and Canada The Western motto, Veritas et Utilitas, Truth and Service, he will brand on the forehead, so to speak, of many SU (wetting Hun. • People We Talk About Rory McKay is back from the West where he spent the past year Miss Nettle Fox was visiting Miss Ada Moore, in Listowel, last week Miss Eva McCracken has been visit- ing in Toronto daring the past week. Druggist Fox is combining business and pleasure in a trip to the Queen's city. Mrs, Jessie Kerr was visiting her sis- ter. Mrs, R. McAlpiue, at St. Marys last week. Mrs A. Strachan and Miss Isabel are enjoying a visit with Toronto friends this week, Will. Bell was on the sick Het from an attack of la grippe but is able to be about now, Wilber and Mrs. Baker and children, of Granton, were callers on friends in town on Weduesday. F. S. Scott is at Toronto attending the Convention of the Independent Tele- phone Companies. Mrs, F. P. Moore, Teeswater, was visiting at the home of Alex. and Mrs. Ellis, Queen street. P Stewart and Richard Cardiff at. tended the funeral of Jno. B. Smith, of Princeton, Ont., formerly of Grey township Mrs Robt. Dark was at Monkton last week owing to the illness of her broth er, Veterinary Shine, We are pleased to hear he is better. Pte. Fred Campbell, of the 14gth Lamirion Battalion, now quartered at London, Ont , was borne for a visit of a few days at the parental home, A. H. Wilford, Wingham, was in town last Monday. He is recruiting from an attack of typhoid fever but looks well and is 50 full of business as usual Lath Week Mrs. K. B. McLear, Sea- ford), sister to Mrs, P. Scott, Brussels, received notification that her sob Ellice, was in a French hospital, being slightly wounded in the face, He went over. seas in October 1915, with a Regina Battalion, We hope he will soon be o. k, Lieut. Howard Clef has had a period in the trenches and crime out unscethed. This pleasieg sews was received by ble parents, •Rev. W. T. and Mrs, Cleft, Stratford, In a letter from the young of- ficer, who is now attached to the est Bettelion and hes been in Freeze for two or three Months, Lieut. Cluff states that he occupied a dugout with two other officers, and they Were quite comfortable The letter adds the Lied. Cluff has been moved to the North of France to a big ached of in- struction for a five weeks' course, be. fore rettuthing to the trenehee, anted We Are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of Poultry alive and dressed. Make deliver- ies any time, W. J. McCracken Store 4a PHONES {Residence 27 Church Chimes A Dominion.wide Prohibition Crusade Is to be organized in the near future. Rev. D. Wren will give two Mission- ary discourses, on 'Opportunity and Obligation," next Sabbath in the Metho- dist church. Last Monclsy evening Rev. Mr. Craik, Walton, was uuable to give his promised address at the Epworth Leconterhe pastor conducted tbe service, combin- ing the League and mid week prayer service Will the Bible Society Collectors in Brussels branch, who have not yet re- ported, kindly do so by the est ot De- cember if possible. A number of books have been handed in showing nice in- creases in most cases. Let us do our duty in our office,00 the street, and at home, just as faith fully as if we stood in the front rank of some great battle and we knew that victory for mankind depended on our bravery, strength and skill, Executive meeting of the Seeley School and Epworth League Board of the Methodist church, was held at Tor- onto last week. At that meeting Rev. S. T. Bartlett, General.Secretary, was relieved of many of his duties in memo tiou with the work, in order that be may take a Captaincy in the militia He is expected to do much recruiting work, especially in and around 'roronto. Ile will be attached to Major Williams' staff ' STILT" SUNDAY'S TELEGRAM -In re- sponse to telegrams from friends at Detroit Advising him that Michigan had gone into the Prohibition column, Evangelist Bev Seeley, from his home at WiL10011, Lake ludiena, sent the fol- lowing iyp al message, in reply to der : "I am overjoyed with the result Coll d et sleep much last night tbinking about dear old Michigan. She certainly did Mt the bonze crowd a solar plexus blow. I am sure there is crepe on the (loots of hell to day -Praise God from wenn all blessings flow. (Signeed-"W. A. See- nav " BRUSSELS CADET CORPS In accot dance with provisions made by Department of Education a Cadet Copps has been funned in connection with the Continuation Sehool, Brus- sels, Ott account of the scarcity of the boys it has been extended to in- clude boys of the Entrance Room as well. The following information as to the aims and methods of bathing will be of interest to parents :-It is optional with each school whether a Cadet Corps be established. Where a Corps exists it is opbional with each student whether he becomes a member of the Corps or not. It is not the purpose of such an organization to foster the growth of the military spirit. Where the in- structor exercises good judgment such is far from being the result. Because a boy knows how to "Form Fours" and perform various other formations with promptness is no more likely to make him inclined to a warlike aim than the knowledge of how to load a gun is likely to tnake hien a menace to society. The Department of Education re- quires at least one hem each week devoted to dtill and physical exer- cises in every school hence the Cadet Corps merely extends the course. No additional time is taken from the regular school program. Cadet Corps training aims to secure physical development through its exercises and to insulate the habit of performing specified work with promptness and dispatch in a willing manner -to train in discipline, obedience and re- spect for properly constituted author- ity, It develops the very qualities that go to the making of a good, ef- ficient citizen, The Brussels Corps hat the follow- ing officers : - Instructor, Principal Scott; Section Commanders, H. Out, rie, B. Campbell, A. Fox and 0. Best. (Rev.) Lieut. Page has been very kind in giving valuable aid in organization and directing progress of writ*. This work is along the lines of training re- quired by Stratlicotia Teust. The school intends this year to enter this competition and get its share of the Frante open to all the schools carry- ing on this work satisfactorily. Each room has its opportunity. The government provides signal flags, rifles, material for target prac- tice, etc,, free use of Cadet Corps as well as making grants for uniforms. For duration of war uniforms are not received and rifles (excepting for tar - gee practice) are not issued. Word was received that Mrs. S. A. Humphry, Mitchell, who was visiting ih Toronto for some time, had been seriously injured 11) an automobile accident, The cal- overturned while trying to pass a buggy en a narrow road, Her sister, Mrs. W. A. Hack. nay, who was also in the car, escaped unhurt. Miss.Hazel Reeves, of the Canadian Express office, Mitchell, was the lucky winner of the $05 phonograph given by H. Tuck, merchant, tenor, in the voting contest. She obtained 0,128 Votes, Mier; Jeer) Hicks CAMP close with 80711. Mies Winnie McHenry obtained 2,041, 581' '0 1871 TH STANDARD BANK QF CANADA HEAD OFFICE TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 239 BRUSSELS BR•ANCH, G. H. SAMIS, •El 0 CI Manager. LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY BANQUET Fine Time Enjoyed Tuesday evening of this week a Laymen's Missionitere Banquet was held in connection with Brussels Methodist church, which passed off most euccessfully. Tables were eel itt the Sunday School room, at which 50 men were seated. A. fine spread wits sevved, the menu consisting of soup, meat, salads, bread, butter, pie, cake, tea, &c., under the direction of the Women's Missionary Society, who proved themselves to be firsti-class caterers, At the conclusion of the supper and the social time accompanying it a program of addresses on Missionary themes ensued that sparkled with wit and wisdom, calling up the encourag- ing successes of the past and the opti- mism that should characterize the future if Christian people approach the ideal set before them of a redeem. eel wovld, by answering the Divine challenge and responding to the "Go Ye" of the Gospel. The speakers were Rev. J. H. Avnup, assistant For- eign Missionary Seeretavy, who de- lighted the audience and his address will live long in the thoughts of his auditors. R. B. Hamilton, of Mil- bank, President of Stratford District Epworth League and an enthusiastic worker in almost every department of service for many yeaes, spoke on "Money and Miesions" and was thoroughly practical. The ladies were cordially thanked for their assietance by a motion nice- ly presented by J. T. Wood and Rev. Mr. Wren. A vote of thanks was passed to the speakers on motion of W. H. Kerr and 0. Armstrong. H. L. and Mrs Jackson contributed an instriimental duet, The chair was ably filled by F. 11. Gilroy. Banquet concluded by the National Anthem after which Rev. 111r, Arnup offered prayer. The latter gentleman went on to Clinton for Wednesday, Gode- rich, Thursday and Bayfield Friday on the same mission. He is splendid- ly qualified for his work and his cam- paigning is sute to do good. BRUSSELS BOY SLEW FAMOUS HUN MeKiscx agtit.have Helped ill Sub.Flight Lieut "Eddie" McKay, a former Bursae's boy, born in Oxford County, and whose mother lives near Stratford now, is, according to a letter received from a London officer at the front, one of the two aviators who were responsible for the death of Capt. Boelke, Germany's most famous battle aviator, who was killed recent- ly on the Western front. According to the letter, Lieut. Mc- Kay and his brother aviator engaged 12 planes. Ten of these they routed and the latter two they cleverly jock- eyed into a collision 110 11 high altitude with each other. Capt. Boelke, de- stroyer of 40 allied aeroplanes and personal favorite of the Em- peror and Field -Marshal Von Heiden. butg and the idol of the German Etn- pive, was in one of these and he eel the other enemy aviator were hurled to their deaths far below. Lieut. McKay, according to the let- ter, was warmly congratulated by Gen. Sir Douglas Haig for hie feat and is said to be in Hite for a handsome decoration. A few days before, ac- cording to the letter, which says that "Eddie McKay is getting more Jenr- ette here every day, he went up -with four ()thee aviators and beat of an attack by 20 German aeroplanes. For this McKay and his comrades were congratulated in orders." Official British and German dis- patches told of the death of Capt. Boelke, but it was not previously known that it was a London, let alone a Canadian aviator, who was one of the two who sent him 00 his death. McKay was a student at Western University London when be enlisted in the Royal Flying Coves. Ile was very popular and was a fine hockey and football player. Two other brothers ate also at the front. The Get -man Emperor was repre- sented at the funeral of Capt. Boelke and notable Germans present included Crown Prince Ruprecht and Gen, Von Buelow, Huron County. As a result of a meeting there is hardly any doubt that the 5 cent con- nection charge through Hensel' and Exeter centrals will have to be in- augurated. To PRITVIINT REOHITITING.-Frank- ly admitting that thew mission in Canada was to discourage recruiting among young nren 111 Huron County, where a series of "revivals had been planned, ten workers of the Menno- nite religious sect were turned back to Detroit by Canadian immigration officials at Windsor. The party, con- sieting of 6 men and 4 women, was headed by "Bishop" John Fry, an Indiana farmer, who °Deena to be the leader nf the Mennonite denomination lit the States of the Middle West and in Western Ontario. When question- ed by officials, "Bishop" Fry declared the Meetionites were opposed to war under any circemstances, and that if 11 membev of that Church enlisted he would be promptly excel -num uicated. Chief Immigration Inspector Reynolds took the party in hand on hearing that revival meetings had been plan- ned for the express purpose of hinder- ing receuiting, and made out depoita- don papers for the men and women. Fry appeared to be plentifully sup- plied with money, and said the Men- nonites would persist in their deter- mination to prevent young men from enlisting. ••••••444......4.444.44.44.0 The I Penslar •- Remedies! Bch & wuuSa • • I • Palmetto Compound • We unhesitatingly recant - mend this preparation foe any case of kidney or min- • ary trouble. Out, past ex - penance with the sale of this • remedy has given us many splendid results. 500 and $1.00 per bottle PENSLAR • CATARRH CREAM • • A splendid article for Cat- areb, Hay Fever, Cold ip the Head, &o, The pleasant feel • - ing of warmth that follows its use and the pvompt relief that ie &yea makes it a pop • - ular remedy for this tronble. Iti collapsible tubes 25c. • le- PENSLAR CHILDREN'S • • COUGH SYRUP • • Contains no opiates of any • kind and may be given to • the youngest child with the meet pleneant and satisfac- tory results, 25c per bottle. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. PENSLAR CHILDREN'S LAXATIVE • • • • A deferrer remedy designed I especially for infants and children. It will give sada- faction in chronic constipa. • Wm and the digestive die- • turbances of childhood, and as it contains only the mild- • est laxative it may be given • to young infants with per - feet safety. * 25c per:bottle • • • • James Fox I • Drugs andiStationery • • • • The Penslar Store • • * • ••••• * • ** ••••• •••••••• •411 • DIED FELLA -InEast Wawanosh, on November 15th, IMO, Simnel Fells, in his Band year. 111.exwitm.-In Morris townehip, �u Novem. ber 16th, 1516, Garret Maxwell, in his 80th year. SmiTn.-In Blenheim township. on Novem- ber 16th, 1018, Sohn B. Smith, formerly of Grey tOwRSIHN, iti his 112.td yenr. SEILING.-In Logan township, on November 10th, 1510, Mary Boyd, beloved wife of John sailing, aged 99 yeare, 8 months and 24 days. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat el 80 51 55 Oats 05 68 Peas 2 00 210 Barley • I 00 110 Butter 80 20 Eggs 90 40 Hogs 10 20 10 10 ENT 850 500 BORN MoChlturimillkortr.lsisltouw.itixtrosn. IRT'e t overn- Meeting of Huron County Council MorOauley, a son. The Council of the Corporation of the Conn - AUCTION SALES ' by of Huron will meet ill the Council Ohara. Tinter/AT. Nov. 28TH -Farm stook, tropic- bar, In the TOWil of Goderich, on Tuesday, the rdements, 92c., Lot 28, Con. 8, Grey township. 5th day of December next, aka o'clock. Sala unreserved at I p. rn. Thos. Davidson, W. LANE, Clerk, Pron. F. S. Seat, Am Dated Nov. 20511. 1016. .....,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.......................,. Brussels Daylight Store G. N. Mclaren • • • .„,.,,,„.J„.„,„,,•,,,,,„,.„.„„,„.,„„,„,,,,,,,,.„..„,,„„,„,,,,,,.,,.,.,,,,,,..,,,,,,..,,..,,,..,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • • • 4, • • • 4, 4. FALL • iirui • • • • • 4. • • • • • • • • 9• • • • • • • • • * • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••••*••••**•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e* o -.4.4++++++++4.• MEW NIEINENWI 9 4.9 4. 4. G00 Ds 4, We are showing Exceptional Values IN Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Suits and Overcoats Men's and Ladies' Fur and Fur Trimmed Coats Ladies' and Children's, Men's and Boys' Winter Underclothing All sizes in the Celebrated Turnbull make • All sizes in Boots and Rubbers (Granby Rubbers wear like Iron) Men's and Boys' Winter and Fall Caps We will be pleased to show you our Stocks 9++++++++++++449+++++++++9 +94.99t44 +94-414+44-1-1-1-1-1•94-1.4-4.99+++++ Highest Prices for Produce G. N. 4 s • • • • 0 4) • • • • • • 4.• • • • • • • 9 • • • • • * * • cLaren f