The Brussels Post, 1916-11-9, Page 5114414:' Q
4 -
111381t4E0 COOK
Geszpis O.Perazeio
Elise in the rest Office, mete 90-4
btu:, meeena,173111.:sentimIcier buttiitlefearolti,es, to
than any other Auctioneer in East fittrOungeo;
he won't (Marge anything, Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or bf
p mons( applioation,
A -
N/V M,
N otary.P MAT. 1 tligatii—t°11.t °Iv°anrvt'eslaBlcorli
1 door NorIli of (natal Hotel, e
Solicitor ler the Metropolitan 13 an it,
Gamma remelt Rammer
Express 7:18 a in I Mail 11:22 a m
Express 8:82 n m I Express 8:57 p ns
Colwaerax PaCIPIV
To Toronto To GoderIch
Express ........7:50 a In I Express 12:04 a m
Express 2:00 p in I Express 8:54 pm
Going East 7:05 a, m. and 8:40 p. m.
Going West - 12:19 and 9:58 p. m,
All trains going East connect with 0.P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora end T
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent,
Fine, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windtnills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, Am.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
f- A. HAYMANN, Cranbrook
rft rAaravisarga rg.2%egaraxygmstz
Commercial, Shorthand and 0.
to Telegraphy Departments
,1 Students may enter at nny time. We
>- 51100ttee greduitt sin positloneiDuringLu1i1oATi7t7ereelvgiaca-
could not siiPly. Write POr oirfeg
40 catalogue at once.
• D. A. McLACHLAN. Principal.
‘a,,X3?-1 w..l7a.O1037.4 307A,V3YOWA..Y.SPNI..7.,/
Best Brains
in Canada have pa rtleipa bed in the pre.
iteration of our splendid Elaine Study
Courses 10 Banking, Economies, Higher
Accounting, Cbminerelal Art, Show
Card Writing, Photography, Journal.
ism Short Story Writing, Shorthand
and. Bookkeeping, Solent the work
which most Intermits you and write ns
for particulars. Address
391-7 Yong° St., Toronto
Thousands of ittubiblons yonil 9 lq:0-
ple are fast preparing In their own
homes to mummy IttertitIVe positions as
abenographers, bookkeepers, integre.
&era, civil servants, in faet every
Seller° of mitivittes, You Iona finish nt
' college If you so wish. Positions monr,
1 a:eati, File ter 47;d—" ---ay. 7,1112
vidruil instruction. Expert tettehers,
Thirty years' experience, Largest
trainers in Clatinda. Seven ocilleges,
-Special oeurse fee tetielters,
Affiliated with. 00111111erolal Educe.
tore Ansoolalcon of 0111111(18. Summer
Reheat at famous Spotter) fluidness Col.
lege, ',ended,
Ifloghom Business College
0110.SPOTTON, W. T. Monett,
?resilient. Principal,
00/11141411 COM
Succesnor to hf. Et, hfoore, Office at Ander-
son Bros, Livery etable, Brussels, Telephone
I tiatth, 0,11, bovilitIgi 06 0148
ed to gland 61:1140 Weeks ago(
rieae been appointed Pertilastee of the
Ottnadiab Military School, at 81101.511 -
Witte, and; according to latest reports(
has between nine hendred and one
thonstuel sten on his pay roll, For
the time being he has all the work to
do himself, though assistance had
been prondeed him.
8., M. C. P., S. o. •
M. 0, B., 'Village of Brussels.
PhYsieffin, 'Surgeon, Aeomutheur
°Moe at residence, opposite Melville Ohureh,
William street.
Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of Oollege of Physician° and Sur.
geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto, Otffins of late Dr.
A. MvKevey, Smith Block, Brussels.
Rural phone 46,
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur.
goons of Ontario and Graduate University of
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In leard Block, WlnEham
Phone 249. Post Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S.. L..D.S.
Persona/ graduate Department of Ophthal-
McCormick medieal College, Ohioago,
Ill., is prepared to test eyes and At glasses at
her office over miss Inman's millinery store.
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
to 12 a. m„.1 to 8 p, m. Evenings by appoint.
ment, Phone 1219,
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollege, Day and night calls. Office opposite
Flour 10115, Ethel,
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co,
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone If not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones,
Teacher of
Organist and Choir ?dilater, Melville
lege of music Examinations. Phone 80x
Barristers, Salinity., Notaries Public,
Office on the Square4door frorn Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
H. J. D. Comas
Mistria 11.e.bas
Scsmor. Regons—The following is
the Report of S. S. No. 8, Grey for the
months of September and October.
Examined in Spell.. Arith , Writing,
Geography, Cotnposition and Gram-
mar. Those marked • have missed
examinations. Jr. IV.—S. McNair 82,
*J. McTaggart 46, *3, Carmichael 44.
Jr, 1IL—M, Mende 84, G. McNair 71,
M. Fulton 89, Sr. II.—*A, McTag-
garb 54, F. MeTaggart 20. 3e. IL—H.
Mitchell 71, *II, Weis 64 L—V.
Heath 72. PrinutrY.—S. MeNair, ex.
cellent. A. J. FORREST, Teacher,
Miss Agnes Sangster visited Mrs.
A. Thomson, Atwood.
Geo. Thompson left Tuesday of test
week for a short business trip to the
Mrs. Charles Ellis retuened to Tor-
onto after visiting for a month with
Miss Nellie Elliott.
Pte. Will. Atexistrong, 195th Batt.,
Clamp Hughes, called on friends here
on his way to Halifax.
David and Mrs. Mitchell and Miss
Jean, Toronto, are visiting Isis
Mother, Mile Rohe Mitchell.
315, and Mrs. Elliott are home from
a two months' trip through the West.
Mrs. Joint McIntosh is elan home.
Annie Elliott, Jean and Alex, and
Mrs. McDonald motored to Ct twine -sok
Susisley and visited Miss Mabel
Miss Dean, our schonl teaeller, had
the misfortutie to break a, small bone
in Inc, ankle and school has been
rinsed for a %Odle.
The Women's Institute shipped 12
Christmas boxes to soldier Mende in
England and Fetuice. They also sent.
85 to the fund for baying °Inlet nuts
Isoxpe for snifflers without friends and
82o 00 10 the prienners of War Fund
besides their regular shipment of
shirts and socks.
Miss Gladys Oat -debut is the new
ergimist in Ontario Street elethrelist
Committee (1,J, Waill9 114'1 r(11. !he
West to look after his collections and el'
•ithee 11119111059.
Pb'. R. Smith, who was meleely for •
Com lie, returned lo tewn
A few oar load of sugar beets were
shippee from this etation.
Robert Clutiningbarn left for See -
forth where he secerecl employment
In a ;hell factory(
D. Chtts. McMatie, formeily of
Atwood, who is now Sa
at lopika, has
been wounded in the wrist by pieces
of shrapnel,
'Elie ladies of the Patriotic Society
of Donegal, met all the home of 3. S.
Cowan, anti filled 11 Christmas stock-
ings and 2 bnxes for our soldier boys.
Mrs, (Rev.) H. J. rale was taken
seriously ill with appendicitis on
Monday of last week and on Warles.
dan y was operated oat her home here.
Jim. Btell speea few days in remit
after being several weeke in South-
ampton. He left last week for Hespe-
lee, being employed as assistant at the
G. T, R. station.
John Love, 101.11 Con., 11119 erected a
fine commodious cement drive shed
and immu
pleent hose during the past
season winch greatly adds to hie fine
set of farm buildinge.
Vilure and Mrs. Arnett and son,
Nelson, Detroit, and Mrs. C. Wells.
Portland, motored to London and
spent a week with relatives at Thorn -
dale, Fullerton and Cat lingford.
Anneal meeting of the Maple Leaf
Beef Ring was held at W. G. Inglis.
Officers wet e elected for 1917 and busi-
. twee of 1916 finielied. There were
11,092 lbs, of beef killed in 1910, aver-
aging 50o pounds a week. Mr. Inglis
who has been the butcher for the past
14 years resigned. After the business
WEIS finished Mrs: Inglis 'served a
dainty I u Lich.
Councillor- Tierney was called to
Goderich owing to the illness of his
late R. Cott left for Parry Sound
whet e he will spend a few days hunt-
ing deee.
Friends are pleased to see Mrs. 3. 0.
lieffron able to be about after her re -
emit severe illness.
There are a few cases of measles in
town at present but they are reported
to be of a mild farm,
Blyth ()reek, East of the G. T. R.
arch, is being straightened and in so
doing considerable land will be re-
1 There is a great scarcity of water in
the wells in town and some people
have to carry water quite a distance
dteven then it is not always the
Bert. and Mrs. Allen, John Melville,
W. Oatiephell and Blatt. Herrington
left for Parry Sound District where
they will spend a few days of the hunt-
ing season.
Mrs. Archie Bell received word that
her brother, Pte. Edwin Gossel died
iamb wounds received at the front.
Besides sisters and brothers he leaves
a widowed mother to mourn his loss.
Thos. 3. Coulter has been getting
things in shape around hie been prior
to his retnoval to town when he will
devote his whole tisue to looking after
his horses, "Ike Medium" and "Mae
The following relates to a nephew of
Mt's. Thomas Woodcock, Blyth :—A
cable received at Brockville states
that Capt. Rev. W. E Kidd has been
awarded the Military • Cross. He
brought in four wounded men under
heavy fire and with Captain, the Rev.
Mr. Thompson, dug the graves and
buried 150 Men. All the help they
had were the shells dropping around
them, making holes in the earth,
Oapt. Kidd went overseas as Ohapluin
wit 11 the 2(01 Battalion.
At the last monthly meeting of the
Women's Oliristian Temperance Union
Mrs, Al. Young, President of the So-
ciety, was surprised by the; pi esen ta-
ds -In of a Life Membership Certificate
for the County of Huron, in apprecia-
den of her long and faithful work in
the Tempeeanee cause during her resi-
dence in this County. The donor of
the gift was airs. A. B. UM 5, In 1 e -
spit mling, to this act el' kindly remem-
brance, Mrs. Young remarked it was
not tile first generous act of airs. Carr
its helping along the great cause,
which she IL0 Wall as 1101' Illlsbami, has
dom: In nets 1.1, prinnote. Mrs. Young
hey heels in All the following offices :—
PI esident of the Seciety 6 years, be.
sides se! vine: ninny years as Secretary,
nical and County Superintendent of
LQ, M. s •
Live Poultry taken Wed-
nesday of each week.
being Imitorably discharged 010117 the
W. G. Smyth 111111 accepted the pesi-
Bon of caeetttli Pr of the Public Sell
sueceerling W. J. Oremee wee Iists
leten the faithful revelator for over 25
Curtin Oallitielee, Venerniver, B. 0 ,
'510051 visite-Iv with J, and Mr,. Cun-
ningham. Ili'. Cal I a ti Pl` left 01 i ti ton
when be was 7 years old and this is
Ins flush top back,
Miss Mabel Augustine, Port Col-
borne, takes a wish Inn as cleric el the
G. T. R. freight eluele mid 15'. W, 110l.
1.tvity, Moiltroill, is the new baggage-
stleh at the statinse
Leppiligtate MI 01(1 ANA1-
111,111: of Clint oti, dropped dead in S. J.
Andrew's Cement; Works in his 74th
year. lie had been doing some repair-
ing to a chitnney 051 his house and had
gone to llin cement works for some
eremite, and while waiting to be.
served fell to the floor and died in a
few minutes. No inquest wits 1101(1 Ste
the doctor decided that death was
caused by /t pstritlytie stroke, His
two sone, V 111155,, and Tbottins, are
members of the 1.01et HIM0116, on the
Way to 5551 Eastern camp.
We are making Special
4, Bargains on SATUR-
DAY of each week. Call
and inspect. It will pay
• Millinery at
• Half Price
Phone 2215
e" —"erelasieeel•Wes
R111111E81 ONE
No Sign Of Dropsy And Kidney Trouble
Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES"
Port Robinson, Ont., July'ath, 1915.
"We have teed "Fruit-a-tives"
our houso for over three years and
always found them, a good medicine.
Our little girl, Iiallie,was troubled with
Kidney Disease. The Doctor said she
was threatened with Dropsy. Her limbs
and body were all swollen andwe began
to think she could not live. Finally, we
decided to try "Fruit -a -Byes". She
began to show improvement after we had
given her afew tablets. In a short time,
the swelling had all gone down and her
fiesta began to look more natural. Now
she is the healthiest one in the family
and has no signs of the old ailment,
We can not say too much for " Frult.a.
tires" and would never be without
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 250.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receiptof price by Fruit a-tives Limited,
Scientific Temperance and has helped
in every agitation for ad vatteed tem-
perance laws, since the Due kin Act of
Obicken thieving is again on the go
here, another citizen losing 20 fine
fowl. Tile owner who was awakened
by the squawking 00 1110 ducks, called
his son, and they both went out to
see what they could find. The thieves
observing a light made a getaway,
leaving a pair of ducks lying on the
roadway. It is thought the fowl are
being stolen and chipped away to an
outside place, as rigs have been heard
(hiving on the road at late hours of
the night.
The Standard says :—The Silver
Recite] contest held in the Methodist
church on Tuesday evening, was with-
out exception, 011e of the best ever
held in the County. Attendance was
good, the contests keen and an enjoy-
able time spent by all. In singing—
Miss Mildred Brown was awarded the
medal in accordance with the decision
of the judges—Bliss -Reynolds, Wing -
h55,0 ; Miss Farquharson, Witighani ;
and Dr. Kirkby, Helmet ve. Gladys
Fawcett captured the medal for
Elocution with, Air. O'Rourke, Clinton,
and Mrs. alceIantis ant] ales. South -
cote of Clinton, as judges. Mts.
(Rev.) Powell, °Hilton, presented the
silver medal for singing and Mth.
M. Young for elocution. W. 0. T. U.
pins were presented each of Ole other
contestants by Miss Bentley and Mrs.
Ring. Miss Pearl Giclley acted as
accompanist. event ceedit is due
Mrs, Stothers, Mrs. (Dr.) Allison
and Mise E. Metcalf who had clunge
of the training of the ontilestants.
Rev, Me. Powell, Secretary of the
enmity Temperance Association, was
present and 511120 5511 address on "Do-
minion wide Franchise for Women."
Proceeds amounted to 821 65.
B. E. Cresswell has returned feom a
trip to Colorado.
eirs. S. Dickson left to visit her
daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) B. A, Corbett,
Russel Hays has enlisted with the
67th Battery in 'l'orotdo wheee he will
remain foe the 'Winter.
Robert, el eKinley, Hum') Road, has
purchased the house in Harpnehey, at
present occupied by 3. Dodsworth,
George A. Stanley, Lucan, preached
at the alissionaey anniversary ser-
vices in the Methodist church last
Mee. jetties (Eine, win has been
visiting ab the home of Mrs. J. H.
Broadfoot, returned to her home in
Thos, and Mrs. Rands end Miss
Mabelle have returned fvom spending
a couple of months in Willow Oily,
North Dakota.
Mayor Stewart and Reeve Stewart
were in Toronto, members of a MI.1111-
cipal Association Deputation, who are
Waiting on the Goveimment in con-
nection with police fines going to
municipalities instead of the Province.
J. D. Ilinchley, 1.1)1( 111011 represetite-
ttivet of the London Life Insiteance,
delivered a cheque for 82,000 to Mrs.
3'. M. Govenlock, being the amount of
a policy Parried by her son, the late
Pte. Thomas E. Govenlock, who was
recently killed in action in Femme.
CARTER—JAB:MIN. — A quiet wed-
ding took place at, the Methodist par•
entiage, Seafortie Wednesday (diet. -
noon of last week, the principals be-
ing James Carter, Bullett, and Miss
Mary Jeriniti, eldest daughter of Eel -
Wesel Jertnits, Huron Road *West.
Rev, et McKinley petformed the e-
mony. A reception was held at the
home of Mr. jertnin at, 1115511, It ittege
nutnbee of guests being present,
805ru YEAR.— Alexander Davidenti,
ono of the oldest and most prominent
residents of Seaforth, entered Minn
his 80th year on Wednesday of last
week, Mr. Davidson is old in years,
of course, but 1159 looks belie it, and
he. walks down town every day with
most, of the gigot, that has character
teed his actions for many years, It is
Yeatt3 Shills ha 041110 tiettforth and
there are only 4 of the business wen
of that day who are still 10 the fote,
They tthe Thomas Stephens, Jetties
Beattie, Sam. Dickson and Alexander
Ste wave
Mr. Illcknell has got the Baron
drain nearly completed.
Plowing, is well advanced and the
grous] id J.11 excellent condition,
William Rose left, last week for
punt:Much to 511911 his brother, Fin-
lay, who has been ill for some time
with typhoid fever.
Pluck sympathy is felt for Daniel
Manley who had one of his legs
Woken 01 sheet time ttgo. As he is ite
old man it will take longer to mend.
Apples have been gathered /11 and it
is a lean year fin, this kind 00 ft uit,
J. J. Irvine has between 40 und 50
has eels but he is one of the fortunate.
cities this year.
This plane teamed little front Hal-
lawteen [wanks 5 hie year, as must of
the children were off the etreets after
dark because of a tonsilitis epidemic.
Art eceetsional gate suspended from a
telegraph pole was about the litnit of
damage done.
The directors of the Winghtun
GN1101 al Hospital have been elected as
follows :— R. Olegg, President (re-
eleeted) ; other Directors, 3. A. Mc-
Lean, R. Vanstone, Dr, A. J, It win,
Dr. R. 0. Red mond, Dr. 3. P. Ken-
nedy, 0. P, Smith, '1', fe. King, H. B.
Elliott, A. H. Mus 'rove, M. P. P., and
Mayne J. We McKibben.
FIRE.—During a terrific lightating,
rain, snow and hail storm which nese.
ed over this disteict Thursday even-
ing, the large barn of Steven King on
the 1t55 Oon. of 'Turn berry was struck
by a bolt and burned to the ground.
Neighboring farmers came to Mr.
Ki I sg's assistance and rescued most of
his stock, but all the spasms's crops
and implements were deetroyed. The
loss is estimated at 153,000 with insur-
ance suffieient to covet. it. The storm
WAS 111(101 disagreeable, Starting with
rain, thunder tuid lightning, the at-
mosphere cooled rapidly and hail fol.
lowed. A quarter inch of snow cover-
ed the wound 111 Winghatn, 'The
sidewalks anti pavements were icy.
Word wits received here of the
death of annther hero, olio left here
with the /1st Battalion, namely,
Om p. T. V. Hughes, who at one time
wits u. mail clerk and ran on the pas-
senger train to London. It will be
reinembet ed be WAS on the LI ain when
it. was wi eeked neat. Ildet ton a couple
nf years ago. With him was Nelson
Yu' es, who is also serving with the
185,51,Shortly after 150 501. better of
hie Innis ies Cm p. Hughes enlisted
with the 71st Battalion and went
OVNIRANS. He -vas transferred to an
English Battalion. He was well liked
hos,'. He Pante feotn Tiverton. He
wee; about 25 years of age and joined
055 10 private. He was made a Gen poral
aft er he was transferred to a British
Soldier Writes from England
The following letter is from Lieut. H.
R. Rutherford, a sou of Rev. Mr,
Rutherford, of Pine River. It was ad-
dressed to a cousin at St. Helens :—
London, Eng. 29, 9, 10
DEAR Wile —Perhaps you have al-
ready heard that I am in Blighty enjoy-
ing Enwiand's best, after having stopped
a couple of iron rations that Fritz had
no further use for. He pretty near
made au undertaker's jab of it, but may-
be it WAS Isis saving knowledge of
"kultur" that would not permit his—
sympathetic, loveable little person that
he is—killing me. In arty case whether
through luck, Providence, Saving
Grace or sone other dispensation laid
down by the Shorter Catechism, he was
robbed of a corpse. By all the rules,
regules ions and secret signs of musketry
I should at present be a two weeks'
member of the R. I P. Club, but not yet
for a while anyway, However I have
every respect for Fitz's snipers. In all
emit:Ability I shall early marks emblem
atic of that respect also.
Although he bas to be banded it on
the score of accuracy, the laurel doesn't
belong 10 111111 when it is a case of decen-
cy or sportsmanship I will explain.
He had already stepped one of our offi
cers through the neck, which is legiti-
mate fighing. When he was bit I got
three or four rnen, and we were perform-
ing the ditties of stretcher-bearers—
lifting him into a shell hole to dress him
Then it was that Fritz showed what kind
0 a •
et •
a. Robes, Blankets
• Plush,
. Halters, Rugs Z%trporro0,-
Light and Heavy Harness I
. *
2 Trunks and Satchels I
0 •
0 Boots rad Shoes •
• :
• Comfortable and Warm for all Feet and
o •
• •
e Rubbers 0
• to suit them all at Lowest Prices.
: Phone 47x
Richards & • eo
• •
• ••••••••••••••••••oceoratzeo ospe••••••••••••••••••••••••
of a fighter he was, for he got two of us
right together with the same bullet.
Luckily it didn't geteither of us badly—
grazed the other fellow's groin and con-
tinuing on its journee, bored through
my right arm It didua Mite long to vet
that fixed up, as it needed only light
treat niece
This was laking place amongst a con-
glomeration of shell holes, no trenches
and they resembled the top of a bowlful
of boiling porridge, It was at our far-
thest point ot advance, 1100 yards from
where we started and the disconcerting
part of it WAS that we—our partieteer
part of the battalion—had no light le he
there at all. This error arose owing 10
the fact that there had been an unevold
able alteration in the officers %din went
in. As this change took place just n few
minutes before we went up, it was but
natural that the new men should lie un-
acquainted with the ley of the lend. As
a matter of fact I did nut know I was go-
ing up 1111 15 minutes before we mot
off I had not read the orders, &c , and
was entirely ignorant of what was to be
Our cmnpany was battalion reserve, to
be used at any time or place teem) need-
ed. After the boys went over the top
from the front line, we moved up from
the support line where we had been and
waited in the evacuated trench for fur
ther orders. We heti a wonderful op•
porlunity to wrech from these the whole
attack. Believe me, it was beyond des-
cription. The h-rnha, dment that WES
put up by our 50,12 551W $11/101y hellish.
No 0178 0(00 ever imagme ,o hat it was
like unless yori experience it, those who
did experience have no great desire to
go through it again. Our aeroplanes
were thick up above watching and
signalling back to artillery and old Fritz
kept peppering away all the time.
Anyway It was too much for Fri'z
The German front tine was ohliterated
and they were killed like rate Some
bunches of prie mars came running back,
hands up, wildly gesticulating, saluting
and doing everything imaginable to let
us kuow they had euough of it. They
came back by platoons, with only one
TOM/1y as escort, but the shimmer of
his bayonet was enough to make the
boldest Huns think of his Iran and kin-
der befoie doing anything rash.
'Phe tankte too, put the wind up them.
No wonder either. They sure are most
fiendish looking things—look part ani-
mal and part machine They travel
along over trenches, shell holes and
through houses like a emu cutter. At
one part of the line there was a particn•
tarty strong point to take in the sbape of
an old sugar refinery and at another
place a sunken road was strongly held.
Mr. and Mrs Tanks—they are male and
female according to the weapons they
carry— accounted for both of these
troublesome p05400 001111 immense econ•
omy of life for us I saw one though
that had apparently got ditched and ley
there heaving and grunting away like
thrown horse. The last I ssw of it, it
WAS still there and Fritz was shooting
over a free variety of stuff at it, which
wasn't very pleasant when you had to
pass r ght by it. The b ws went right
through and took what was required
anyway and did it in short time too,
We went up to dig a trench for support
after things had cleared up somewhat.
As I said, instead of getting to our
proper place 500 yards behind the new
line, we landed up in front. A nice
pickle we were in too—very few shovels
and no ineane of showing our planes our
position, for they were now overhead
getting the positions of our front line,
but we didn't have the material with its
to show them. The result of that was
of course, that our artilleiy, not being
informed as to our position, put a bar-
rsge on just ahead of us—in fact- some
fell short. Well, there we were between
the devil and the sea. Fritz sniping and
our own artillery going short. Of
course, mind you, such occurrences are
only too COMMOU in a big show such as
we had on the Istle but despite these
little clicks—uucorafortable and some•
times fatal—the whole show as yon know
WES a success.
Well, to get back to the time when
Fritz eot me in the arm. After getting
it in a sling, I started to walk back over
the land to our old line. To get there
meant Blighty and the comforts of
civilization, but Fritz was still sniping
and worse than that, our artillery WAS
falling short. I crawled along about
fifty yards when bang on the head and
the lights went out, the curtain fell and
I thought sure I was going to have a
hard time explaining some things to St.
Peter and Co. Second thoughts con-
vinced me that I bad better take a
chance on that and I came to. He had
plugged me clean through the steel hel-
met and the bullet drove a piece of it
(the 11010)01) 1010 my forehead, also beau-
tifully lacerating my left eyebrow, I
just sat there for a while thanking every-
body and everything I could think of
that should be thanked on such occas-
ions, and after tying the wound up I
started on the way again. It wasn't
very healthy all the way across No
Man's Laud—or at least what had been,
but was now ours—but I =tagged to
make 11., and believe me, the price of
stocks went up considerable when I
landed back in our old line. From there
the going WEIS good, for it was at least in
trenches, and after about re miles I got
to the ambulances, had a shot of Scotch
and started on the way to Blighty. I
WAN 111 base hospital for to days and just e
came over here this week. Hope to be
out tied around soon as wounds are do-
ing nue. 'Phis is a terribly long letter,
but 1701 550 ng any friends here, I must
make up for it in letters.
Give my best to Ole rest and any
others *tering.
Rev, J, W. Stephen, Nissouri, late
of Toronto, has accepted a call to
Ernest Avery, Mitchell, left for
Southatnpton, where he has accepted
a situation in a chair factory.
Mitchell Advocate says :—Since the
Canada Temperance Act came into
force, our Police Magistrates have had
little or nothing to do. It has worked
wonders, and people would be very
reluctant to go back to the old state of
Principal repayable 1st October, 1919.
Interest payable half -yearly, 1st .April and 1st October by cheque (free
of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent
per annum from the date of purchase.
Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and
accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment
made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of
Treasury Bills or other like short date security,
Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only,
A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog-
nized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications
for this stock which bear their stamp.
For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOBER 7115, 1916.