The Brussels Post, 1916-11-9, Page 4zu the t>?ts:el.g post Jubilee Services THt,IRSDAt, NOVEMBER 9 1916 p 00 5 ,o Dta'roR licenses issded ill Out. ario duringpest year, briugiug over i$65o,000 into the Provincial treasury and yet people talk of it being a "hard year,'" It (foes not look much Tike it by the above illustration, pewterer/ix. Winter Fair will be held at Guelph from Friday, December rel to the firth All entries must be made be. fore November 151h, Are you planning to attend ? Let the toys go it only for a day They will never forget it. MANY opinions are offered as 10 who really started the European war end there is apparently a divergence over the sud,jeet but there's not much doubt in the miud of the world as to who will finish it whether it closes in one or two years. Doauatoly wide Prohd)ition is bring sought and it will et ni t y a long pull, a strong pull and a pull altogether. Where nearly every Province has ex, pressed itself in favor why should there be a halt in cutting off the source of supply -the worst sinner in the lot to aid infractions? A FREsii haul was made on the tad'es of 811 111 au l locality who were pur chasing gonia across the boundary tine and expet:nog to sneak them in without they }V Ill i customs inspectors trtb b .1 th-m and hundreds of dollars were paid '.v -r '1'neir names sh, uld have Men poli i.hrd. Tut, is the seasou of the year when Mehl prowlers may be looking up sup - pries for the coning Winter and secnr tug them without ar-king the consent of the owner. A sharp look out might have a goerd eff<ct in putting 51r. Thiel where he would have his board free un- til after Jack Frost had completed his campaign. GREECE.is having her own troubles as she was sure to have by her dilly dally- ing program. There are times when both nations as well as individuals have to grit their teeth and 110 things. A- musing yourself 011 a merry-go-round may be fuu ter a while but you get cff at the same point yeti got on without being able to report progress. Out-and-out is better than goiug round in a circle and Greece is finding it out. Owtno to the short' ge of help and the bad weather which delayed the grain threshing in Saskatchewan and Alberta prnvioces permission has been granted to run the machines on Sunday as long as necessary and good weather con- tinues. While this may be permissible in urgent cases there is a tendency to forget that there is such a Command- ment as "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holv, &c." What is "urgent" will be the problem to settle. PEOPLE seem to forget that Honesty is the only policy for [quare going folk. During the past week Tux Pow noticed where dealers were Sued for selling bogus maple syrup, others loading up costumers with dirty seed or stuff that would not grow and a few evading the law by witholdiog the war stamps on pateut medicines It will take a good many sales to make up the trues iu sorne cases but the want of principle is a great- er loss than the coin, Be square. THE nextrld' Wo a Sunday School Convention will be held 51 Tokio, Japan, on the close of the war. This is a special invitation on the part of the Japanese. This Association represents 304,000 Sunday Schools in all countries with a membership of 3x o0o no o. When a person links n s up with the Sunday School they join bands with an institution of strength, merit and importance. How much doY ou do to help It along g WHAr's Ireland doing for the war? This is query often asked, Statistics nowat hand state that since August sat, 1914, ftp to now 57,533 Roman Cattle - lies and 4159 Protestants,making a,total of nearly memo have signed up to;fight for the grand old flag, To this must be added the many sons of Erin who enlist. eft do other lands. When all are mourn crated it will be found that the Sham rock boys were not behind In gIantity or quality when it came to stauding at Jobb Bull's back. W. J. Buwssa, recently Premier of British Columbia. and who was reported among the defeated has been re-elected by the overseas soldier vote. The patties now stand Liberals 37, Conserva- tives to. Womac suffrage was carried by 3 to 1. Franchise comes into 'effect next JantIer v. Prohibition, n which was carried by 3,199 will become law on July 1917 The new Government will soon get down to business and B. C. par- liamentary business Is expected 10 hum. i+F ,��,,v'..-....:•(h�4aGi1r"/;i'>'f" '+ipaki�li+;�� Sgt, li��l family awl clt{lpinl llln8G nitv11111tt 111tve Spirilla 1dng 11O70e trowel tttvny. After the t'eslguatk'n u1' it, v, 1(1•, hrlgh•nn nn• Knox lurch. Galan bro.ojr til the Lln>P nl' 1trv, jt, ll ittcltue's Church, Rte dtluLiun iu 187O, Iho ppfl. teas Hlled by stwlenls and pudaiUlucvs. 01 or se S- 1 Messrs. 1 D (tl l 1 g n 3, t (Continued from Rrst page) ,um Rat'. DR. DE's! The Slulcoe Itefot•uler of June 1511, 1910, gave the following interesting scotch of Rev. De. Dev on the eve of his retirement from the pastorate of St, 1'aul's Preibytsriau eltureb alter 40 yeal'l' service. the 1)v. being pre- sented with a purse of $1.10,00 as gift frnm the e0ngt'egalion. lie con - Unites to make ltia home in elilneoe ;- Although 42 years have slipped a- way since Dr. Dey, then a student, preached to Oralbrook and Ethel eougregations, he has stood the test very well and appears to be quite a hearty and active imam yet. His short visit to his old parishiuuers wife utneh enjoyed. REV. DONALD B, 51 ()Rag who requires no introductino to the REV, W. J. DEY, M. A., D. D. "It is with feelings of deep regret and sympathy that the members and adherents of St. Paul's PIesbytetIan Church, Simone, have learned that through physical Mill mil ies title be- loved pastor, Rev. W. J. Dry, Al. A„ D D., has been compelled to give up the active duties of the ministry and the pastorate of St. Paul'•! Church, Dr. Dey has leen a minister of the Presbyterian Ch arch for 0591' 40 ysal S. His rivet charge was at Spencerville, in the County of Grenville. He was induo10d as pastor of St. Paul's Church, Si melee, in 3auuary, 1391), corning from Erskine Church, in the City of Hamilton, on the unanimous invitation or the eongregstiom. He found us fete in number, thine being only a little over a hundred II11rnI)FIe at the time. There was a nwrlgeg. 1udeb(Sdne5') on the church property of $1,500, Within a very few yeas, through the influence incl rfFnits of Dr. Dry, the richt leas paid and the mortgage was rldscharge'd, The history of the congregation store De. Day's indur•tinn hay been one of clnstnet, steady growth, not only 111 0)11rhers, but in grace and good works. The present member- ship is av01• 310. ander his sound gospel preaching the missionary giv- ings of the eoeglegatiorl have in- cleaSPd manifold, Dr. Dey has al- ways taken an advanced position in the cense of 1(mperanee and ander hisleadeeship a vett' strong temper- ance sentiment Iraq grown up in Lhe congregation, which has mule its im- presei)u on the cottonn1)11)y. For over 20 y9etrn Dr. Dey has tninistPled faithfully to his lingrega• n (l n and has ht 1091 n(P n - 1 1 v h tl lutxLnr•. H1a ministrations in time of 5o'rnw or trouble have brought.c0mfnetan(1 eon - solation to the hearts of many or his eongt•egation and;svill long be IPOlen)- het'ed d1 not y L a f0ty. H9 hay metaled our y0uug people and baptized nm' children until a rongrogation has grown 119 that knew nn other pastor, He has taken an active part in the work of the ch))rel) as a whelp, boli, in Presbytery, Synod and (aenemal As- sembly. Par a number of years he has been Chairman 'nf the Hymnal Committee of the General Assembly and has by his efforts added material- ly to the hymnology of the chnreli. Dr, Dey (131s rtltvaye taker, an active interest in all public questiol5 for the betterment and Motel uplift of the remolonit y and by his cm,sietent Christian life and rnnduct hart gained the respect and esteem of not only his own 9enple bot the public generally. Through his efforts the moat friendly feeling nf Olu•istian brotherhood and fellowship has grown up with the other religions denominations in the town and the atrnng feelings of sect have to a large extent disappeared, Dr, Dey has always faithfully preached 019 pure gospel 1f Christ to the salvation of many mule, Evan- gelistic and nissineary in spirit he has been Melt tutu-int/II in developing a like spirit in his congregation, p s e gregatinrr, I n all Ihe years of his pastorate Dr Dey hits been ably aseleteri by his esteemed wife, who has so faitilfully and diligently discharged all the duties of the ieal pastor's Wife." people of this community after his so- journ for 30 yeses among [.hent, was born in Glengarry County, Ontario on March 2St1, 1815, he being the eldest sou of Jun. McRae in a family of 8 sons and 4 daughters. He lived there until 13 years of age, attending pri- vate sahonl do Bethel Hill church, in which Rev. Ralph Cnnnor''sfather was pastor for 18 years, the school being taught by Colin McKercher, afterwatd a Presbyterian minister. Mr'. McRae [vent before the Board and got teach- e's certifieale and taught for a year at the priueely salary of $144. He was fond of Farming and was an ex - pet t plowman hence his time was well filled in at the old homestead where lie boat ded. Coning West to Simeoe Co. he taught for 2 years at Elinvale. By close stuffy Mr, McRae passed exeminatinn nl Ktiox College in 1800, entering at New Year and 5ecueed his first year's 01(0 Ging in April. After a nnt,cl9 building experience nn the farm he 1 el maned to college in October and spent the next Summer vacation on the Mission field in townships of Tay arid Me'dInitrt and Victoria Har- bor, Strome Co. 31(1 veat'e holidays were spent. 0l Pine River, Centre Blume, 151591 side, Enniskillen and Pinkerton and last year found him in Chatham Preshvtei y far a while and then over t0 Elmira, Illinois Stale, 'here hisi In uayrl' . I1Ltnne were rawtu fl- ed by $1?5 00 a Ssb10th, plus ('x911095 from Windsor, Al an ordained Mts- si(marV 1119 Ps y Dist 1)11 afford - Pd hitt a wide field, after bring licensed by the Owen Sound Presby- tery. In 1870 the subject. r of this sketch excepted tt call t1(0 a e e t btnokund Ethel where be Iabol ed sucr'•essfully and as- siduously for 30 years, 'l'his work lied been part of 13r)1y1els and Walton charge under the late Rev. Dr. Fergu- son and had Ilesars, Fowlie, Dey and 'I'hnurvol as students. During Alt•. McRae")) incumbency the Cranhrook H1111 el) WKS 9nh1rr911 7511(1 improv00 by brick v,•neee and the horse sired built. ile had 0 strong charge with 0 wide Heli to cover but through the chang- ing years he looked nfler hie flock with azeal and fallhfnittenn 11)11- ens touch cherished by the families 01- • (et9111ed and he was all ever' welcome• Visitor.• A year previn118 to locating at (Iranhronk, the reverend gentleman Z made to good select.inn for his help• meet in the 9('rson of Af188 Matilda Thomson 51)11 installed Het. au q teen of • the new rnall0e. That Mrs. McRae - perfni'rmed her peel es minister's wife • throughout the Ingg pastorale 18 amp- • ly borne Ont by the golden 119itd(ua • held or her awl her kindly, sunshiny, • untiring effot'ts will never be forgot• - ten. Two sons, (John, Druggist, at Van- • 50)159)•, B. 0., and 1)r.'1''. T., 13108191t,) and 3daughters, (Mrs. John Fergscan, - HP1198els, MIS, (nurse) Ballard, ICi1ch• • ener and Miss Mina at hotne) are the sue,' vin membersof W g Lh Pamll• The first 99881011 01 Knox ehnreh, Orenblook =misted of Nell and ,108, A 51eNair, inn Shiele and Geoge Pat- terson, all deceased and the late ,tae, Spence and Jas. McKelvey, of Ethel. In the first Deacon's (Joliet 'Were L, Mrs. W. Rands \Moues the ladies of Brussels and 'locality to know she is agent. for, the celebrated Spirilla Covent, Will be pleased to cull at our home anddemonstratethe many points of excellency of them, Dates arranged by oalliug Phone 508. Also agent for Walton and vicinity. McNeil and Jiro. Cash. The praises were led in the congregation by the late Jia. McNair, as preeento1. On resigning 115 0wtnbrook and 1..1151 charge, Rev, Ale. McRne was called to Chula es chtu'ob, At umw, 13rnre On., tvhr 1'e he spent lite pest 8 years and to 1he reg) et of the con - g) 9gr1tinn yeti) ed -11)14:Fell and has tn.ken a residence on Pi Incest: sl feel, Kincardine, where he will 9uj1y a well earned rest with the best wishes of ,s large circle 1f old friends. Although Rev, \L•, Mcltae is in his 78,11 yea) he enjoys coop3uative good hea11J1, which we tr ust tune be lour con tinned. The presence of Rev. and Ales McRae was m tteli enjoyed on this Jubilee oceasien of ICuox chinch, cal- ling back tluuly incidents and experi- ences xperiences 1)1 1 he 7791110 agelfe. RF'v. J. L. A1o0ur.Lo is Rev. Mr, llcOullocll first saw the light of day in Sange-i township, Retire County, his parents cnulillg ftinu Stadium!. Air. 3100111 .011 se, was itl':wiet•and afterward it Merchant After school bey days in Samgoen, 11 next step of the new pastel• was to 1 moist advanced course in Port Elgin. He gradual rd from '15n'on)n liitile 0. 1lege in 1904 and front Knox Col I ge in 19(18 11(35'. Air. I\IcOnlloch was licrlised by Toronto Presbytery, and hill ll0(ed in11 St. Paul's Owen Sound, his only ()huge. Airs. McCulloch ie the eldest daughter 01 the bate, Rev. Pie•1 Tar ranee, of Mo3laster Un1etosi- ty and both come to this charge with u splendid record in the vnrinue de - partite -ma that run i1 line with the du les , f 1119 pastor and his wire. Rev. rued Mrs. McOullrlch lin ye 11501 Very heartily l'eC5ived awl Pvei y 8)31,1 weak so faithfully carried on at Ortmbrrok ewd Iilhel bus moved fora aryl toil h the spit it that is a joy to both pastor and people. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF ,1{NOS CHURCH 1'he history of the congregation dotes back as far as the year 1855, when the Gnvernment was petitioned to grant the present site, which they did, the only cost being for the deed, Services were held pre- vi(trs to the building of the church in the school house which was then sit- uated on the farm now owned by Jae. Knight, 12th Con., 3i mites East of Oiaubrook. There was no regular organization until the timet -whet, the late Rev, John Ferguson, was indm01- ed dutn the pastoral charge of Brus- sels, Cranhrook and Walton. Servi- ces were held in Granby. ,.Is once in two weeks, Brussels pe -r1 half the salary arid Cranbrock and Walton the balance, First church was built by 2 or 3 parties in a district furnishing the timber and hewing it and hauling their portion to the site. The late Jnn. Hunter had the contract of build- ing. ?Imminently among these who were actively engaged in 111 • election of a church the following mimes might be mentioned : Jarues Shaw, laugh AIr.Neil, Lachlan McNeil, Neil McNair land family, \Vm, McInnes and family, Robt. Leckie, Donald McNeil and those the 1'011101 nig relies ulighe be 111911 OII14 , ! a ler rt Phnnison and 9owlie, The proem. manse which .has had a 11101 ()ugh eei05111 011, Wag Mill (1101 (5 Lhe Summer of 1870, Red was randy for onrupaocy a few .m01111(8 after Rev, Me. Melt 30 LVaa I1(lu(lyd 108 !Ma - 10) A new first-class einble was er)eled five ;cars ago. Ili Fele lar y 1888, lenders wet a asked for lite bay- ing of a stone I'oundntiuu veneer big %villi Mick, plastering autl Mlle)wise repairing Knox 11113Th, lit the mortar r•fJuly folios iug, the uhureh bufldiog was 0105ed to the Nnr11) side nf 1 he let and a stone fotrldntinu built under it by Win. Davk. The struc- ture wa8 then veneered with white brick by D. A. Lowry, nt' Brussels. D Zimmer had charge of the cementer work and paiillhig. James ('uIIt111 teas a elteirman of the Managing Coinlnit.tee. Nine ninnl118 liter nu Sunday, Noveivher 4111, there -opening sel•vlcea were held, Principal (Javan, of Knox College, Toronto, preaching Iwo i1(5piring 6111)11 ne. A eepor1 of l he event it) THE Potter stetted "tl1a.t the elmir which lett in the musical services was conducted by Wm, Mc - .g lliatel'."' A good Sunday Sehnol, a Thriving \V, Al, S , and alive Pndenvm' Society are nrgaiti5alinrin in connection 3Vi111 Knox chinch well elesetvim; mention. - Turnberry Council 12egu0le meeting WAS held 011 Oct, 23131 in Blnevale es advt.,' Beed. Minu- tes of lest sleet mg rend and adopted ml natio) of 'Messrs. Adair and 814- P fair, 1+011nwing erre-mitts were received and settled fee -\\'111. Elliott, (11vii and tile, $13911; J. Rut h,rfimA, 1ep, to eolverl., $3 00 ; \Vel, Deans, culvert, SIB 00; Roht. if"gg, ref, lo bridge turd culvert. $25 00 ; Alex. Moffatt, culvert, 31400 ; .1. Lovell, Gravel, 81 80 ; II. Boll, reunanee, $200 ; 3. E. H111u1 h, rep. to culvert, $200; M. B. McLencd, cleaning nut ditch, $3110 ; McKiennn Bros., gravelling, $1925; Oo11. Chill, inspecting, $200;Time. El. (4rny, perund statute bluer, $3 00 ; J. Robinson, Mintage)), $1 00; W. S. ICing, Owlet of Revision 11314 selecting Jurcry, 80 00 ; 131s. J. Bnrg*ss, rent or hall. $5 00 ; P. Powell. Voters'. List and selecting Jurors, $8242; A. G. Smith, grant to number! Agricul- tural Society, $25 00; 1'. K. Powell, selecting Jurms, $8.00. Next Council meeting will be held in Blnevale, Nov. 201h, at 10 a. 1(1. P. POWELL, Clerk. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels this season as follows : THURSDAY, Dec. 7111, 1010 Jan. 4111, 1917 " Feb, 1st, 1917 Mar. 1st, 1017 April 510 1917 Leading local and outside buyers will be present Sysp:epsia'. for. -.:Usk."' There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented'stomach, etc., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. A8 druggists, 25s, or lir mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company. Toronto. 16 CHAMBERLAINS TABLETS •••••♦•••••♦••••♦••••••♦•• 4•ss•4♦♦♦♦•♦••♦•••♦••••♦•s • •• • ;RANGES and HEATERS? • A fine stock of'up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise. Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul- cahy Bankrupt Stack. If you are a Bargain Hunter your wants can be supplied at our Store. • • • • • •. i' 4 Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to abide the result. 4 • •• - John Kravter, Ethel ♦ 44•4.1.44i7••••♦••♦••••••••41•04•••OH•••••••••••♦ ••••• eepeorrestrere ram for Sal° •. 100, or move, sores sf laud op 9th con. 51oFrle honk Karel anddrlvingg)si,l da1(5 nbory frame bonne with good .kltohen wood shed 1313(1 con' 111(155 deft and bald (vat@1 on the premises, Inogunningwatt, nt bxok of form the Tenr nnnl Gedo^0l8ld 70oabed1)mlloalIOst er 1111th. will 31 u d a1 teaeooeble pries. 31o1 lm 1lur p5i'tic ulxletn ply. tonnnrrn • 17 4 w„ ,...,Myth House for Sale Comfortable house wad 35 more of bind for sale 111 the Village of Ethel Property belnng- ed to the egoist tit' the late 1trs. Alex. McKay, Cellar, drilled well, &r. on the premise,. Far further part km rs sane to 1841 A. 19, MAODONALD, Ethel. First-class Fermin Morris Cheap The nurlersigned Is prepared to sell the North half of term lot No 18 in the int Don, of 015 Tow mill p of Morris. rimy and on easy terms 87 aorea °leered and 18 acres 111 bush, Boase is good Prunus on stone foundation, Ili story, 20x80 ; kitchen 15125 ; barn with stone stabling 50040 and 55585 ' lemm t° floor,' in. stable: Oofl'goad and clean with 2 agree of orchard. Perm falls away from the bei 'di n(,s and Ila8 considerable file drainage, Fences, wire and cedar rails In good condition. Perm hes 8 wells and spring creek at rear. Erwin good. Only one mile from Blnevale G. T. R. station. Possession at end of year. Mor fur - Cher partloalare apply to the undersigned, F. 8. 8COT!', brussels. For Sale Grain Warehouse with horsepower elevator, scales, carts, floor care, &e. Also part of Got 80, 003, 8, Township of Mnr- Notlko to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Roger Ctaike Pentitnan, gate of the V lage of Brusse lti w the a Comity t[ Huron, gent ie O deL°afied, Notice ie hereby -Elven p 118115nt to "7115 Re. vexed Statutes of Ontnclo, [lust all oreditors paid others haying claims ((9111)105 the estate of the said Roger (1hirkeDead man, whodied on, or about the Sixth day o1 t1otO1>er,'A. D. 1010, are required en or before the 1811 day of Nov, ember A. D 1910, to send by postprepaidor deliver to George A. bondman, of the Village of Brussels, the or the estate of thedooeesed, their Oloastent and fiurnau5n, addr00585 and desnrlptloso, .the full minim - WA Of bh(ar maims, the statement or their tee eounte nod the nature of the seeuritlea Of tiny) held by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned data the said Adadnistrltor will proceed to distribute the na80t8 of the desonsed among the portion eetitled thereto, berthare- gard only to the claims or whlah he shall hea have 'lotto), and the said Administrator will not bo liablefor the saki assets or any part Iltereof to any 1)015011 or persona of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him et the time of such dletrllrstion Dated this 80th day of October A. D. 1010. W 51 SINCLAIR, 18.8 Solloitor for the Administrator, Auction Sales AUi TION SA1.0 OM WARM 870CIC, IM- rovetaNre, &o: 1l'. S. Soott, Auotloleer, has received iustl notions from the undersign• ed to sell by Public. Auction 01 81 Lo* 10, 5th Line, Morris, Friday, November 1800, at 1 n'oloclr, the following valuable property: -1 driving noire 12 years old, 1 good lisevy draft mare rising 5 (5118, 1 polled Anglia cow doe to calve March 511, 1 Durham cow due to calve r15, 20 acres, adjoining th@ village of BruseelP. Marek 1sG,1 grade row, 8 esIled Angus calve', anti 8 building lots on Turnberry street. For 4 Ds"roan cah'ey, 7 #brern rlmbng 2 years, l particular, apply to the owner. heifer rising 8.years, 4 heifers rising 2 years, J. LECKIE. 12 pigs 2E months old, 40 brown loehe n young hens: @d brown leghoen pillets. 1 sing).- plow, 1 twin plow. 110 -hoed eel -glib -ill, 1 disc harrow, • 1 Set iron harrows new, I top bury stonily Notice to Creditors • Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re. 5(000.Bt,tunea of Ontario, Chapter 121, Section 05, that all creditors and others having ,hdms ngablet the estate of John Meson, dew -need, who died 011 or about the Third day of May, A. D 1918, at the Towoahlp of Morris in the County of Huron. 111 the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. 'ironstone, Wfughnm. Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Twelfth day of November, A. D. 1918, their Mettles and addresses with fun particulars of their claims. In writing, and the nature of the 50ouritire tf anyt held by them duly verified by n Statutory declaration And further take notice that after the said 12th day of November -191A the Exemitors will ;wowed t0 distribute the assets of the said de- ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whieli they shall then have notice, and they will not be liable for the paid assets or any part thereof to an,v person of whoa° claims they. shall not then have received notice at the time of 500(1 distribution. Dtted at Winghan this 14th day of October, A. D. 1918, 18.4 11. VANATONE, II Wingham P. O., Solicitor for the Executors, new, 1 lumber wagon. I mot brb-delg is new, hay rank, I en! ter, 1 light wagon, 1 cream 10p- 'traitor o -'trator 00010. new, 1 cross out sew, 1 set double harne'P, I set single lowness, 'shout 25 tone 110v, 8110 bushel. oats, 200 1ns0bels barley, qqo� lustily 0f boot wlteet, 4 eorde hang wood, whif set rens, 0.eky0k0, spades, ahoveiq nod. other articles, ,S alle without reserve as the proprietor hes Bold his flume. T93•1081-811 sums of 3500 and under Dash; over I hat e"nnunt 11 months credit given on fore, -king approved lofnb notes. 4 per cent R for cosh on credit 'mounts. WM. GOOK, Proprietor. AUCTION SA 1.E OP FARM STOOK, GRAIN 581) ser -M S Scott. Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the undersigned to 8011 by Publh, Auction at S Lot 0. non, 7. Mortis, on Tuesday; Nov. 1410, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property :-1 gelding riming SYearn mired by King Lynn, 1 fitly 2 years old. , 1 socking colt. 8 cows supposed be calf, 4 steers 2 years old, 2 heifers 2 Tsars old, 8 yearling calves 8 young calves, 18 pigs 01001tth8 old, 1 ane with litter of 10 et loot 2woelfs old 1 Yorlfshs esow 1 year old, 7 pigs 0 weeks old, 001 bushels oats for Peed, 20 (004 good hay. Everything most be mold to close estate. Teems :-A 11 Pum+ $1009and under mesh; aver Mint amount 12 months credit gfvan on furnf- shtng approved joint motes All parol uida newt be settler[ before Auctioneer leaves night of sale. MRS. ELLEN KELLY, Executrix to bf. Kelly Estate, 1..021020/611..111 •♦••♦•••••••••••♦♦•♦♦••♦•• ••♦••♦••♦♦•••••♦•••♦•♦•♦•O •• • i •• •• What about Your Watch• • • • • as a Time -piece? w 1a eH • • • i it tea S�IvA. Are you one of the thousands of g ° f • • - • ` • 1 t dk'C vlf4H vi. r ' •• Canadians, who, year after year, '' c10 ssiL0 9• • \. 4 0:' 4 • carry a deceptive, unreliable Watch ? .' /f 4 • ••- If so why not "RIGHT ABOUT•:• • FACE" TO -DAY and get a real time-kee4per ? • •• 2 Now the question is, do you really want a Watch • • • that keeps accurate time ? • •• • • • If you do•, come in and see our line of HIGH • •GRADE WATCH I_S. Our prices are right. j • • ••• J. Fie WENDT • • 4 •• • Jeweler and Engraver Wroxeter p ••♦•♦♦♦♦♦••••••♦s♦4s•O.46•• 0s♦s♦♦•••••444414,•♦•1041•0•♦ • 4 r 0011, 5- 4 waw III �I I. i II II IIi 11111 Y Willi,R"•i'S'�11N•di` = 111111 Li :a a r,-„ 111 1 i. P_•••-• . . _ l�t� Ili 11(1801NE to 11, : �� I ! .S y� III III 1I l� III a a• .x, "f1 t i11. ["MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 Ford Touring Car $495.00 f. o L. Ford, Ont, You don't need extravagant claims to Jus -'.111, tify your choice when you buy the Forci, The new model g ufive-passenger Touring I g Car at $495 is standard automobile value. yoI don uitthis needcar- 1 to makshoew y4 o' oclaimsuthesarin itseoffering , , give reasons, y The quality, the price and the service it gives 'slakes satisfaction sure• You can al- ways depend on the Ford. Let us show you the new model to-day— S. CARTER, Dealer BRUSSELS III =e = 1.==Ai IS =:ice' =-fit=f ma r 0011, 5- 4