HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-11-9, Page 1TO c VOL. 45 NO. 19 $1,5o Pay Annum in Advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1gi6 W. Ha KERR, Profitietor New Advertisements Strayed -L. Hollinger. Popular, Romedta-Jess Fox, Looals-nt John's A. Y. P A. Ford Touring Oar-$ Carter. ; isxrict ttebas. Molesworth Molesworth news may also be read on page 5, FINE MAN OALLED.-Tire death of John G. Mitchell, an individual of sterling character and a resident of Molesworth for 65 years, occurred on Saturday, October. 28th, and the funer- al was held Tuesday to Molesworth cemetery, Rev. T. A. Bell officiating. Mr. Mitchell was born in North East Hope and moved to Molesworth in 1851, since which time he has resided there continuously. In March 1877 he was married to Christy Ann Mc- Vicar and of the union 7 children were born :-Jalnes Andrew, prede- ceased ; Mis, 13.obert F. Menzies, Cent- ral Butte, Sask. ; Mrs. Hugh Thomp- son, Palmer, Sask.. Mrs, Martin Calder and Miss Nettie Mitchell, Burgessvitle, Out. ; and the Misses Laura and Ida, at home. Ni'. Mitchell was in his 67th year and had retired from farming last Spring. He was au Elder in the Presbyterian church and a Liberal in polities. His death re- moves one who commended the re- spect of all who knew him and he will he much missed in the community. The family shat'e in the sympathy of a wide circle. Mrs. Tarnblyn's maiden name was Joule lines, of this township and she with 2 sone, Will., at the front with an Ambulance Corps from Kingston, tot and Frank, at home, (the latter was it school teacher but had to desist on account of failure of eyesight) share in the sympathy of a large circle of relatives and friends in their sudden sorrow. Three brothers survive, one living in Toronto and two iii the West. There is also a sister, whose name is Mrs. Snell. The sudden de- mise of Mr. Tamblyn came as a great shock to the community as he had been enjoying a fair degree of health. Belmore Mrs. D. Weir, Teeswater, was a visitor at Wm. Irwin's last week. F. and Mrs. Lewis, 9th ofTurnbetry, were visitors at Henry Johann's on Suuday. Mrs. Jas. Mulvey, Wingham, re- turned home after visiting her son, John, here. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Ferguson are sorry to learn that she is very poorly: J. and Mrs. Douglas attended the funeral of the late James Scott Milne, in Mildinay last Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Milne, North Bay, has returned home after visiting her mother, Mrs. Jos. Murray, and other friends. Jas. Fleming has sold his 200 acre farm to F. Ballagh, Wingham. The. former is holding an Auction Sale about December 1st. The Sunday School of the Metho- dist church intend holding a Christ- mas Tree and Entertainment, Prac- tice begins next Saturday. The congregation of McIntosh and Delmore Presbyterian churches has tendered an invitation to Rev. D. M. Sinclair, Cochrane, New Detaiio. The Young People's Literary So- ciety will hold a Box Social in the Hall, Nov. 14th. Boxes sold by auc- tion. Onme and have -a gond time. Miss N. Harkness and Mrs. J. Mul- vey were appointed as delegates to at- tend the annual Convention of the Women's Institute in London, begin- ning Wednesday, Nov. 8th. Blyth The Entertainment held last Mon - clay evening, under the auspices of the newly organized Brotherhood in the Methodist church, proved a great suc- cess. Rev. Mr. McCormick, the pas- ta,', was chairman. Fine ' musical numbers were given by a chorus of 45 male voice. Addresses were given by Reeds. Messrs. Hawkins, Blyth ; Keine, Londesbor'o', and Miller, Milverton, and J. T. Wood, Brussels. The latter also gave a pattintic reci- tation. Proceeds of evening were $40.00 which will go to the Red Cross. Goderich On November 19, Rev. F. 0. Elliott, of Toronto, will commence evange- listic services in the Baptist church. Lin. Gordon, son of the late Daniel Gordon, of Godel lch, was down from Kamloops, B. O., on a sad errand, having come East to bury his wife, formerly Miss Anna Williams, of Kincardine. The name of Seigt. R. 0. Hays, of Goderich, son of Judge Hays, who re- cently succeeded Judge Holt, appears in official list of those who have been awarded the military medal for dis tinguished bravery on the field of battle. Sunday evening a memorial service for the sailors Inst in the wreck of the steamer Merida was held in Knox church. Rev. Mr. McDermid spoke feelingly of the loss sustained in homes in town and district, but preached the gospel of Hope. Hie subject was "'The Anchor Holding." Hullett SUDDEN DEATH. - Last Saturday evening as Jno. Tenthly), an old and well known resident of the 13th Con., while walking nu the street in Blyth, was stricken with paralysis and fell to the sidewalk. He was carried into Ohelieve's Furniture store and a Dv. called while another messenger has- tened to the Ttrublyn horse, 2e miles distant. On the arrival of Mere. Tam - hip' her husband recognized her but was enable to speak. Arrangements were ab once made to convey the patient to hie home but he passed away when within sight of the home- stead. The funeral took place Tues- day afternoon to the Union cemetery, Blyth, Rev. C. 0, Koine, deceased's pastor, Londesboro, conducting the service. Mr. Tamblyu was born near Oobourg, Ont., about 60 years ago and he was a well known resident of Hallett for 40 years. He was a well- to-do farmer, owning 200 acres of fine land. In church relationships he was a Methodist, holding official position. He was a Liberal in politica and was a township Councillor for a few years. tutees were awarded to Mise Jean Walker, Alex, Sanderson and Jaynes Hutchison, Hans Rasmussen was the winner In the bean contest. Belgrave Elmer Wilkinson has purchased a new Ford ear. Red Gross Society meets at the home of Mrs. David Scott this week, Mr. Kerr, 8rd line, who has been away 00 a visit with his daughters, has returnedhome. Rev. Mv, and Mrs. Boyle took in the Jubilee services at Cranbrook last Sunday and Monday, James Anderson and Will, Cole were on a trip to Monkton last Thurs- day in quest of live stock. Joe Miller's line residence is nearing cotupletion. It has a very fine ap- pearance being modern in every par- ticulan. We are pleased to report that Rev. Mr. Paenaby is recovering from his recent serious illness but is still in Wingham Hospital. The Woman's Guild of Trinity Church met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Archie Brydges. A lively interest is shown in this branch of church work. Bluevale Nelson Steurnol, Gerrie, spent Sun- day with W. H. Haney. Abram and Mrs. Procter and Miss Vera spent Sunday at the home of Jas. Masters. • John Munro bas gone to Jordan where he has secured employment with the G. T. R. Mrs. Bennett Rattan, Lakelet, is seriously ill at the home of her moth- er, Mrs. Milton Smith. Mr., Mrs. and Miss L. McCall motor- ed to Hamilton on Sunday and spent the day with relatives there. Mrs. Sheriff and, Mrs. Ball, Toronto, and Mrs. Bray, St. Helens, spent a few days this week with Mrs, R. Mus- grove. Clayton Procter preached in the Methodist Church Sunday evening. Harry Hopper assisted in the service. Rev. Mr. Thomson is still confined to his home. Wroxeter Dr. A, McLeod was a visitor in To- ronto on Thursday. B. F. Oar, Ethel, was a visitor at his home here on Sunday. Wm. Booth, Sonris, Man., is renew- ing acquaintances in the village. . Lawrie Van Velsor has taken a pos. ition as junior in the Bank of Hamil- ton. Mrs. Schwalm, Hariiston, spent the week -end with her brother, J. R. Wend t. Mrs. O. Stuart, Toronto, was called to the hnnne of her brother, A. San- derson, Howick, last week, owing to the illness and subsequent death of her father, the late David Sanderson, At the regular union prayer service, which wits held in the Anglican church nn Tuesday evening, a special intercessory service for the welfare of the Hut on Battalion on their way overseas, was conducted by Bev. Ml. Robert. An enjoyable Hallowe'en Masquer- ade Party was given at the school nn Friday evening by the Continuation Glasses; The prizes for the best cos - Lead btu ry Miss Maggie Love is hack from a two month's visit to friends in the West. John McGavin has had a roof put over his silo which adds to its appear- ance. Miss Jennie Knechtel is spending a month with friends in Toronto and Whitby. Dougherty Bros. have put up a commodious driving and implement shed, which is a great need on most Farms. The mild open Fall weather is help- ing the farmers very materially with the plowing, storing of the root crop. and other Fall work. Mrs. Hardy, who has been spending the Summer with her daughter, Mrs. David Crawford, has returned to her home at Cannington. Mrs. Crawford accompanied her to Toronto. i• SPECIAL ..•••..•..•N•••.....••••.....••.•......•..I......♦ ♦ .PRICES •, • a 2 •• FOR . PoultrDressed • • • . • e • • . • • ••• • • •r 2 • •...44.•••.•••...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Live Dressed • • Chickens ... 13c per Ib, 16c per lb. Fowl ... ... Ioc " 13C " Ducks... ... loc " - 14c " i Geese C " 13 " • i oc o Old Turkeys ... 15c " 18c• Young Turkeys 18c " 21c Premium will be paid for Dressed Milk -fed ed and Crate Z • Fatted Chickens showing Quality. • Z a ' t a cool hire • bythe legs u • tenet be nicked' dry and birop All Poultry y g y 1 gg until delivered. Geese and Dunks tenet have heads and all feathers cif, Chickens, Fowl and Turkeys may he bled in the mouth .and heads i left en, Othetiwise heads must be bai>;ett off, picked dry, and tips of • wings may be left on these. • Directions for Killing R. THOMSC�N . - H y O Brussels I, 2 Ethel Grey Township Council will meet here next Monday. The bagains being given at G. M. Mitchell's store is the talk of the countryside. August and Mrs. Eckmier have been at Gowanstown for the past two weeks visiting their daughter. Sincere sympathy is expressed with Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson and Rev. Mi. Fair in their bereavement of mother and wife. Saturday from 3 to 8 p. m. a Red Cross Tea will be served in the vacant store in the Dilworth block. Every- body will be welcome, Attend and aid a worthy cause. Owing to Rev. Mr. Johnson being absent on Sunday the Sacrament was postponed. Regular service was taken by R. McKay. Service in the evening was cancelled. This week W. E. Sanders is at Stratford attending the annual Lib- rary Convention for Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties. He ie a mem- ber of the Executive. Jas. Pearson sr., has p niohased the house at present occupied by Mrs. Jaynes. Latter has bought Mrs. Ji McLeod's house at the East end and may take possession soon. Snore of the shareholders in Mount Pleasant °emete'y spent a half day Monday planting Maple trees around the lot, which will add greatly to the appear nice of this well located bury- ing grrnund. Ethel locality was well represented at the Jubilee of Knox church last Sunday and Monday. We congratu- late our sister congregation on the past record and hope the coming 60 years will outdo anything known in its history. AUCTION SALE OF LAains AND YOUNG OATTLE.-Sal nl'clay afternoon of this week, 1111, inst., at 2 o'clock, A. L McDonald, will hnld an Auction Sale of 66 well Fired Iambs and 25 head of gnnd voting wattle at the Vodden Hotel. I.T. S. Scott will be the Auc- tioneer. A gond number attended the service in bi,e Melhndist church, Atwood, on '4mnday afternoon for the late Mrs. (Rev ) Fele. Six nlergymen took part, Revels. M11lyard. 31m,rehonse, Pettit, Drew, eleDnnald and Marshall. Inter- ment was made in London Monday. Mrs. Fair's sister and Rev, and Mee. .1nhnsnn were the mourners. SOHOOL REPORT: Senior Depart- ment Repot for October. Form V. Della McKee 83, Cecil Baternan 68, Bernice Cole 65, Geri. McBee 65. N'nrm IV Sr, -Mae -trodden 79, Glenn Elected 72, Verna McCall 69, Bertha Cele 61, *Quest Dobson 60. Form IV Jr. -Margaret McDonald 71, Rhea Mei,elland 50, Blake Howlett 55, Isma Mitchell 54, Willie Dane 53, Leslie Pollard 49. Form III Sr. -Leonard Kreuter 00. Form 1 1 Jr. -Myrtle McKee 81, Willie Mitchell 76, Lily Sanders 72, Ruby Cleaver 70, Ella Mitchell 69, Lloyd 'Dunbar 61, Mervyn Jllektnier 60, Ralph Rowland 44, Susie Rowland 32, Milton Flood, Willie Woods. E. McLrettAND, Teacher. Jr. Department. Jr. II.- Elinor Engler (honors), Walker Mitchell, Audrey Bremner. Jr. II,--Honors- 1cDonald Owl D doth Dent.Burton N n Lamont,Jennie McKee. Frank Flood, Eddie Gill, Annie Woods. Mt Claes,-Earl Bowes and Ralph Mc- Donald honors, Hanley Eckmier, Pearl James, Alice Davidson, Sr. Primer.- Marjory Thomso, Lizzie Woods, Jim Woods, Ian McDonald, Jim Flood, Fred. Murray. ,1'r, Prim - or, -Tony Gilchriet, Howard McKee, Bob Gilchrist, Glen Eck oder, Gwen - donne :fames, Harold Vorlelcn, Athol Moray, .Si.s•Class. -Roxy Rowland, Wilbert, Flood, Dol is McDonald, Syl- via Thompson, J. HARDY, Teacher. 4•++++++'i'+•l'++++++++++01'+++4" F + ▪ Free Bros.' ,I: + + • Open • 4' Friday & Saturday t + • of each Week -e + + + J' + Studio + + + Now is the time to have your Family Group taken, 4, All work guaranteed as pet man- ;. i • ent and at right prices. + + ++++i:+++ FREE BROS. BRUSSELS Jubilee Services Knox Church, Cranbrook Great Crowds, Fine Sermons, A 1 Supper and Splendid Program. Historical Sketches. Last Sunday the Jubilee services, which began so auspiciously on the previous Sabbath when Rev. Dr, Dey, of Simons, occupied the pulpit, were continued with added interest that will linger as a pleasant memory of Knox Church. Favored with delight - Friday the boys' Primary Class of the Presbyterian Church held a tea at the home of their teacher, Drs. A. L. McDonald in aid of Christmas gifts for the soldiers who have gone from Ethel. The five boys of the class had each been given 10 cents in Septem- ber and were able to realize alto- gether from this $14,60. The total proceeds were 825.00. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. - Regular meeting of the Women's Institnte will he held at the home of Mrs. Wur. H. Love, Thursday, November 16th at 2 30 o'clock, Topic, "Value of pleas- ing manners" and "Making the most of life," to be introduced by Mrs. W. Slemmon and Mrs. P. McKay. Roll Call -suggestions for Christmas presents. A good attendance is asked. Entertainment given by Mies Lottie Tillotson Saturday evening, ander the auspices of the Women's Institute, was not largely patronized. Program consisted principally ' of the story of travel in foreign countries interspers- ed with choice selections of music by the Orchestra, Mrs. Ferguson and Hartley Menzies. Proceeds amounted to about $20 00 which was equally divided between the lecturer and the Red Gross. The sale of candy by Mrs. A. L. McDonald's S. S. class for the Red Gross name to a finish nn Friday even- ing. They assembled at Mrs. Mc- Donald's house, had a Red. Otiose Tea and entertainment, fish pond and other games, Some stereopticon views were given by Miss Isma Mitchell which were much appreciat- ed. Guests left for home loud in the praises of the best and hostess. Pro- ceeds $25,00. Splendid. REV. D. 13. McRAE PASTOR POR 8011 YEARS ful weather the people came from neer• and far so In Cell so that the large edifice was filled to the doors. The pulpit was occupied by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Kinceedine, the well known pastor of over 86 years dura- tion. Text chosen was Leviticus 25th chapter and part of 10th verse, "It shall be a Jubilee unto yon." From this appropriate portion of the Good Book the preacher dealt with the sig- nificance of the Jubilee recorded in the Old Testament and applied its tea"hing to the congregation with good effect. It was an excellent ser- ine 11. 1n the evening the theme was "The Church in Community Life" and was Cranbrook Mrs. Slemmon, London, was a visi- tor with Mrs. R. K. McDonald last week. Dr. Oalder, Misses Adams and Stan- ley, Wingham, attended the Fowl supper Monday evening. Mrs. George Sperling spent the week end with relatives in Lucknov. She attended a memorial service for her nephew, the late Pte. Arnold Reith well. Ibliss Alice J, Forrest gave a mas- querade Hallowe'en party to about 25 of her friends. Miss Forrest is to be congratulated on the success of her novel patty. • Dr. F. A. Parker and Stirs. Link - later, Wingham, and Miss Della Kaiser, Stratford, were visitors at the home of A. 3. Helen over Sunday, at- tending the Jubilee services. 3liss Violet Leitch was elected a member of the Executive of Nnrth Huron Teachers' Association. The paper read by her at the recent Con- vention was commented on very favorably. The usual preaching service in the Methodist chutch here was withdrawn last Sunday on account of the Jubilee services in Knox Church, The pastor will preach next Sabbath afternoon at the usual hour. SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the Report of Sr, Room of Cranbrook Public School for September and October. Examined in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Drawing, Composi- tion and Geography. The percentage obtained is given and the star indi- cates absence for one or snore exatn. Sr. IV, -Mabel Speiran 75, *Walter Knight 72, *Earl Seeker, *Alex. Sperling, *Johnnie Snnalldon. Jr. IV. *Pearl Schrock 87, Lydia Steins 65, Gerrie Alderson 62, *Alex. Steles, *Willie Sinclair, *Harold Penning- ton, Sr, M. -Pearl Alderson 70, *Edith Dari y` er, Emmet, Speiran 70, *Viola ?Jitdi-ill00, Lizzie Berfeltz 65, Calvin °ametnn 64, *Elmer Knight 60, *Almer MoQuareie. Jr, III. -Ralph Noble 00, Marie Baker aker 08, Feed- S n al- Idon 00,*Verne utter 42 *MyrtleItle Lncicin, R. MCNAIR, Teacher. Report of Jr. Ronm for the months of September and October, Pupils ex- amined in Wilting, Reading.. Arith- metic, Spelling, Language and Draw- ing, Sr. i -M. .Baker 87, *E, Pen - I. • nington 71, *A, McIntosh 09. .Tr, IL -- Wilda Seeman 87, M. Sperling 87, R. Speiran 84 L. Berfeltz182, B Leitch 80, Ethel $inirlldon 77, M. Akins 73, A. .1esehke 71, T. Pennington 00, IT, Hunter 60, L. Cltmetnn 05, "0. Dark 04, 3, 13ird 63, *J. McNabb 62, *hl. r.Smalldon 60, *W. Locking 50. Sr. I. - KNOB 'CHURCH, ORANBROOK After the wants of the inner man had been satisfied the musical and literary treat was rendered in the church. Rev. J. L. McCulloch filled his post as Chairman capitally and with wisdom interspersed with wit added much to the occasion, The handled with a vigor and suggestive- ness that should not fail to bear fruit. Rev. Mr. McRae ort -did himself as he dilated on the subject of the hour. He was assisted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. McCulloch. The choir did their part splendidly at both services and the interest was heightened by the two appropriate solos so well sung by Miss Della Kaiser, Stratford, who so kindly consented to take Mrs. J. W. Joynt's place, who was nnableto come from Lucknow, owing to illness. Monday evening the Fowl Supper, served in the Long hall attracted a great crowd. The bill of fare was A 1 just what would be expected from the ladies of Knox church. There was quality as well as quantity served in the best style. REV. J. L. McOULLOOH TEE PRESENT PASTOR OF CRANISROOR AND ETHEL ,means to the women of Canada," read by Mies Mary Jobneton. This indeed proved excellent and was meek ap- preciated by everyone. Paper was re- commended e- nom uded to be sent to the District secretary. Moved by Mrs. Holt, se- conded by Miss M, Johnston that Mes- dames W, and D. McDonald be com- mittee to consult Trustees in regard to paying hall rent and to report on same at next regular meeting, Mov- ed by Mrs. D. McDonald seconded by Mrs. Halt that next regular meeting he held in hall, Thursday afternoon, November 30th, paper to be taken by Miss M. Strachan, During the meet- ing the ladies present engaged in Red Cross quilting and succeeded in finish- ing one quilt, Meeting closed by singing National Anthem. Ladies' Quartette, of Listowel, ably sustained their reputation and are competent to hold their own with the best. Miss Kaiser did herself credit also in her renditions. All were hear- tily received 'and warmly applauded. Addresses were humorous, well seasoned and full of compliment, con- gratulation and prophecy. Reeds. A. J. Mann and D. Wren. Brussels ; R. A. Lundy, Walton ; and Rev. Mr. Boyle, Belgtave, were the speakers. The latter represented Maitland Pres- bytery in the absence of Rev. Mr. Bradley, Teeswnxer, who was unable to be present. Financial proceeds of the Jubilee setvices will read, $825. Those who had the onerous duties of the supper are well deserving of the thanks accorded them, Many have been the changes in the congregation during the past 50 years and to foretell the coming 50 would be a task beyond the powers of the most foresighted, but one thing is certain if the 'congregation and cnunnunity follow the good advice proffered dur- ing this fine Jubilee celebration there will be many victories to report and advances made worthy of commenda- tion. Under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Mr. McCulloch, backed up hear- tily by the cordial support of a large and influential membership, the out- look is promising. To the young people will come office and honors, privilege and responsibility but if they measure up in fidelity and zeal to the record of their predecessors in the good work both in pulpit and pew, Knox church should have a large share in the betterment of the social, moral and spiritual life of the corn - The pastor and congregation are to be congratulated on this Jubilee. Rev. Di. Dey and Rev. Mr. McRae set up lofty standards and striving after their attainment cannot fail to secure an uplift. Rev. Mr. McRae was unable to re- main for Monday evening owing to a very important event, he was interest- ed in on Tuesday, viz the marriage of his daughter, Nurse Ballard to Dr. Lackner, of Kitchener. (Continued on page 4) Walton Robert and Mfrs. Coutts were visit- ors with old friends in Atwood local- tFriday, evening of this week Rev. Me. Craik will speak of the commend- able features of England at a Debate to he held at Moncrieff Church, The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting in the Workman's Ball, Wednesday, No- vember 15th, at 3 p. m, \Ve are hav- ing a chapter nut of Nellie McOlun 's book, "In times like these" read by Mrs. A. 13. Bruce and will have a talk on it and also a demonstration on "Conserves" by Mrs, A Gardiner. Last Thursday evening and Friday morning Rev. R. A. Lundy preached at the preparatory service to the Oom- nntnion in the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. An unusually large num- ber of candidates asked admission to the church, there being about 30 young people from the Sunday School classes, which is mnet gratifying and encouraging to both the Superinten- dent and teachers. I. Leitch 71, J, Noble 70, Lr Jeschke 68, *K. McNabb, 49, H. Knight 55, (absent for 5 exams.) Jr. I. -E. Gar- salilz 82, I. Brown 76, **L. Mann 57, P. Berfeltz 50, **A- Campbell 51, B. Speiran 80, (absent for 5 exams.) Pruner.- Marked on Daily work, Excellent. -0. Knight, J. Locking, M, Brown, S. Mann. Gond-H. McNabb, J. Pennington, G. Knight. F. HOUSTON, Teacher, Morris Township Council will meet Mon- day, 20th inst. Root lifting has been on the pro- gram with the farmers. Remember the Auction Sale at Mrs. Ellen Kelly's on November 14th. Plowing is being rushed along while the good weather continues. Mrs. James Michie has been quite poorly with an attack of appendicitis. Wun. Beyans, 4th line West, is not as well as Itis many friends would like to see him. Friday afternoon of Ibis week will be the time of Wm. Gook's Auction Sale, 6th line. Miss Hazel M.Niched spent i ne past two weeks with friends ' in Blyth, Olinton and Varna, The auction sale of Thos. Pierce, East Boundary, was largely attended tend gond pieces were realized. Mrs.S . Walker is a Visitor at Lon- don this Week with relatives and o1d friends. She also attended sessions of the Women's Institute Convention. The decision of the ingnest over the timelier *demise of time ladies of tom. caster, Ohio, one of wince wee Mise Steetton,was that death onetted fecen gas from the stove. Clifford Shurrie, who was employed in Cheeky in a munition factory, has moved to Galt where he will continue in the name business. Pte. John Passmore, who was re- ported missing since the 2601 of September in France, is now reported killed in action in the Somme battle. John made the supreme sacrifice at the early age of 18 years. His father and one brother are in Toronto. One sister is in Wingham and Miss Mild- red Rnesell is another sister, who are left to moue. Grey Percy Ward and Arthur Denman have returned home from an enjoy- able trip to Alberta. The boys report having a fine time. Wages were good and there was plenty of work although the weather was somewhat disagreeable. IN MEMORIAN,-in loving and af- fectionate memory of Matthew J. Stewart, youngest son of the late Alexander and Mr's. Stewart, 16th Oon., who departed this life on Nov. 9th, 1914. We often sit and talk of him when we are all alone, For memory is the only Friend that grief can call its own ; Like ivy on the weathered oak, when other thins decay Our love for him will still keep green and never fade away. MOTHER, RICHARD MITCHELL DECEASED. - Thursday, Oct. 26th Richard. Mitchell, lith Oon., went to Fergus hospital to have an operation for hernia. This turned but successfully but pleurisy set in and despite all that could be done he passed away last Monday morning. The remains were brought to the home of his son, Wm., Lot 9, Con. 11, on Tuesday and the funeral will take place from there Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, service at 2, Interment in Baussels Cemetery. Mr. Mitchell was in his 60th year and was well known as he had lived for 60 years in the townships of Grey and Morrie before going West 7 ysaos ago to Kelfleld, Sask. He retain- ed his farm in Grey and has been working with his son on it during the past Summer. He was a member of the Methodist Church for long years and was an industrious, honorable man and held in respect by a large circle of friends who were surprised to learn of his demise. Mrs. Mitchell was still in the West and on being ap- prised of the sad event left for the East to attend the burial of her life partner. Site is a daughter of the late Jno. and Mrs. Jones, formerly of this locality, 5 children veers born to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. They are of Grey ; Percy, Mrs. Jno. Bielby and Mrs, Geo. Givens, of Kel- field, Sask. John died. in the West and his body was brought to Brussels for interment. Jno, Mitchell and Mrs. Dilling, of Grey township, are brother and sister of deceased. The community tender sympathy to the bereaved. Jamestown Miss Eva Bryans, Brussels, Sun- dayed at the home of Jun. and Mrs, Fraser, 2nd Oon. Grey, Lewis Mc0utcheon, London, spent Sunday with Ills brnthet', J. J. Mc- Cutcheon, He is always a welcome yisi tor, Mrs. James Straehau and, fatnily at- tended ttended the funeral of the late John G. Mitchell, Molesworth. Mrs. Mitchell is Mrs. Strachan's sister. Francis McBride. Hamilton, with his daughters, Mrs. Alex. Donaldson, Binbr oke and Mee. Rn orC Merle, s Wroxeter, spent Friday afternoon with Jno. and Mre. McLennan, 2nd Con, Grey. Wound's 1NsTITIrTs.-The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Tnstithte met in Victoria Hall Thurs.day.afterno'on, Ocb. 26th, with enn at- tendance of 14. In the absence of the President the meetin • were ably con- ducted by 2nd Vice -President, Mrs, Gen, Eellmier, and was opened by singing. Minutes of last Meeting were road and adopted, Following this came a paper on "What the war Morris Council Minutes of Morris Council meebing held on Monday, Oct. 16th, Following accounts were paid :- Gordon McDonald, rent Of room, $1,00 ; J. Sbortreed, Thomas Miller, A. McEwen, selecting Jurors, each 54.00 ; Jas. Fox, formaldehyde, $6,00; Municipal World, supplies, $1.82 ; Isaac Brown, cement We, $14.50 ; In- got Iron Co., culvert, $76.80 ; T. Stewart, plank, $8.40 ; Gravel an - counts -W. Taylor $8.60; James Gib - son's estate, $4.40 ; F. S. Scott $4,00; Geo. Readman, use.of scraper, $1.50 ; R. Bloomfield, gravel, $L10; Gordon Walsh, repairing Grasby drain, $2.00 ; R. Nichol, clearing award drain, $25.- 00 ; D. McDonald, gravelling, $14.00 ; Alex. Dingwall, inspecting West Boundary, $9.50; Jaynes Gibson, gravel West Boundary, 54.00;.J. Mar- shall, gravelling West Boundary, 52500 ; Bert Jackson, gravol West Boundary, $1185 ; R. Johnston, gravel, $9.70 ; O. Agar, gravel, $1.00 ; ecu hap ravel 16.64 ; W. . Ii i Jae. A , $ Moses, tile and putting in tile, 56.45 W. Jermyn, thawing and laying pipe, $8.00 ; B. Jewitt, gravelling, $45,21 ; Ed, Irwin, inspecting, '$2.25; J. Hunt- er, W. tidy., ,14,00' er utile in ct $ I, Clark, putting $3. 50 ; D. Soinervllle, gravel. $1.10 ;W. Taylor, pine South Bcly„ $8 20 ;'l.'1•eaSrrl'ers of Wingham, Brussels and Blyth Agricultural So- cieties each $10.00 ; J. Parish, pro- tectiug tined from fire, 515.00. Council thee adjourned to mesa on c-tvrN Olerk, Nov. 20th, A, rilA 10 ,