HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-19, Page 8The Soldier's Ko•ak The Vest Pocket Kodak is the ideal Soldier's Kodak, It is never in the way—is smali and light, weighiog only g ounces. and will make clear sharp pictures le. x 2feinches. Comes at $7.00 Tan Leather Carrying Case, with loop for Soldier's Belt, $t 50, Films Printed and Developed. Toilet Preparations Reagan Cream of Almonds, 350 bot, Pearl Tooth Powder Makes pearly teeth, 250 Rexall Shaving Lotion 25c Violet Deice ;I'aleum 25e Djerkis Talcum 350 Rexall Cold Cream Large Jar for 250 Cream of Witch Hazel In bnik 5c oz Cream of Roses In bulk 5c oz, Harmony Lilac Lotion Has real odor of lilacs, 5oc Florida Water 25C and soc The WPrhaa Store F. R. sriniTH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, Poi Delos llama INDIAN Summer should follow this Squaw Winter, THERE is a carpet of Maple leaves now spread on Mother Earth. A O0Oney number in this locality took shares to the War Loan, Goon —The Women's Institute do - flared t to,00 to the British Red Cross Fund for Trafalgar Day, Their done - fleas. are :ewer; timely. "SHauLD women i bave the Fran- chise?" Atreed the debate in the anthem:ft ronin of the Public Library this Friday evening at 8 o'clock and fled out. TREASURER BLACK will pay the prizes of East Huron Fall Fair at the store of Walker & Bleck, Friday of this week. Thepriz'e list was well taken up although the entries were not s0 numerous in some Claeees a5 usual. GEo MULDOON and P. Scott's equines took part in the races in connection with the postponed program of Wing - ham Fall Fair Thuisdav afternoon of last week The former's mare took 3rd money in her race and Mr, Scott's horse was 4th. A NO'MBER of auto owners are running their cars without permits or markers and quite a number are going out for pay or gain without a chauffeur's license which is against the law. If you get pinched the blame is on yourself, It is not fair to those who have taken out a license. FILLED INSTANTLY.—From a letter received from the Chaplain, the family of George McMillan, Brussels, learned that Pte. Charles Mciefillan was instant- ly killed, along with 8 others, in a dug out by a high explosive shell at the Somme, France, They were buried in a little church cemetery back of the lines, A photo of the plot of Charlie's last earthly resting place is expected by the family. HYMENEAL. --A quiet wedding took place in Ainslie St. Methodist church, Galt, Saturday, October 7011, when Miss Edna Lillian, daughter of J. Gordon Howell, Galt, became the bride of Alex, D. Lamont, 8 A., of Walkerton, The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. M. Wootten. B' ids was', charmingly dress- ed in a traveliiug suit of gray Faille taffetta and hat to match. She was given away by her father. The happy couple left at 3 45 for a short trip to Hamilton. Wonswen.—Mrs Wm. Brown, Moot - rose avenue, Toronto, (late of Stratford), received a cablegram officially reporting the wounding of ber son. Pte. W. T. Brown. He was in action 8 months and enlister, one year ago with the and Canadian Pioneer Battalion, Previous to donning his Majesty's uniform he was connected with the Bell Telephone Co, at Stratford and was well known around Listowel, Pte, R. G. Brown and Sergt. F. Gerry, of the rxotb Bat - teflon, former is a brother, and latter a brother-in-law. Ren CRoss Wo utuaS — Following message is from the Executive Commit- tee of the Canadian Red Cross ;—"The Executive Committee of the Canadian Red Cross Society having taken in re- view the amount of stores now in Band in England, France and Canada, and the great demands on the Society for its own undertakings awl for the assistance of our Allies, assures the women of Canada, that although the latest informa- tion from Franco and England states that further supplies of roller bandages and surgical dressings are not Deeded at present, yet, the demand for socks, shirts, pyjamas, dressing gowns, hospi- tal suits, &c., is urgent and practically unlimited and the Executive Committee calls upon all Red Cross Branches and Auxiliary Societies to continue or fu - crease their efforts for the Society's work." Ladies are asked not to knit any more ribbed socks, excepting the 4 inches at the top Use coarse needles and follow ttte directions. DIED SUNDAY EVENING.—After illness from Onngestion of tbe lungs, Richard Jewitt passed away at the home of his brother, Wm. Jewitt, Mill street, Brew sets, last Sabbath evening. Deceased was only in bed for a few days, hence his death came as somewhat of a sur- prise to those outside of the immediate neighborhood, He was born io York. shire, England, nearly 8o years ago and came to Canada with his father in 185n For the first mo years they lived in Peel County and then moved Westward to Morris township where they located on i the end line. Here the subject of this !Ghee continued to live until coming to Brussels 7 years ago, making his home With his brother, He was a member of the Methodist ohureh and his sent was seldom vacant nor his testimony want - fug. Mr. Jowitt never married. The funeral took plane Wednesday efternoon the eervice being conducted by deceas- ed's pastor, Rev. D. Wren. Interment was made in fancily plot, Browntown cemetery, Thomas Jewitt, Siuevale, and Williatlt, Brussels, ate surviving brothers, VOTERS' List Court Thursday fore- noon of this week before judge Dick- son, in the Council Chamber. A. T. CURRIE shipped 3 pair prize Ancooa fowl and a pair prize bantams to Wm. Currie, Edraos, Manitoba, last week. Tats is Trafalgar Day and is the date set apart by the British Red Cross for the appeal to Canadians to generously contribute to this noble cause. If every body gives it a lift it will he one way of showing cur spmpatty with the God -like effort of aiding the sick and wounded. RED CROSS CIRCLE TEA. — Tuesday evening of next week Mrs, W. Rand's 'Good Cheer" Sunday School Class will be hostesses at the Circle Tea in the audience room of the Public Library, from 5 to 7 o'clock. You will receive a hearty welcome if you go and aid a most deserving cause, —0— SMALL silver square huekle pin logit. Will finder kindly leave 1t at Tag Poker. Fon SALE.—Three choice Spring calves, also a brood mow, due to farrow In January. Will be sold reasonably, 8}44 Lot 16, {ton. 5, Grey, D. J, BUeoaINSON. ANOoNA Rooetern for ante. Prize stock. 75 cents each. MOBS KELLY, John Street, l5rnasels, Foa SALE.—,A good Durham grade calf nix months old. FLETaimm Roe, Brussels South. STRAYED from the slaughter house yard, a bleak faced, short tailed ram lamb, marked with Agrioulturel red on the neok. Any in- formation leading to its recovery will be thankfully received. A, CURATE, Butcher, Brussels. BLAOE and yellow horse blanket lost. Ini- tials on leather strap. Will finder please leave it at THE Posy. BURNT:alien timber, pine roots, ,&o., good furnace wood, to be had for hauling away. Ni Lot 27, Con. 8, Morris. JAS. PAATsa. LBATIIER guantlet lost on 12th Con. of Grey. Will finder greatly oblige loser by leaving it at Poem. FOR SALE, -6 Spring valves, a 8•year•old roadster colt broken to drive or work, and a oow, 8 years old, to calve about Christmas. Ei Lot 15, Con. 5, Grey, Phone 4117. WESLEY eon Me MAY Pullets for Bale, Idles M. HALr,TDAY, Brussels. FOUR yearling steers and two yearling half - ere for Bale, Apply Lot 11, Con. 11, Grey, Phone 245 JAMB FISCHER. W000LEN rug lest in Brnesels, Please leave it at TDE 8022, JosEra A0T22. SrLVna watch found. Owner may have it by proving property asdpayiug for this nottoe, Tan Poa,e. i FOR SALE,—The large frame building next the bridge, Broesels, now used as Implement wsreroont with flue stabling underneath, ciao the building lot immediately South is offered for sale at a very reasonable price, For far- ther partionlars apply to J. H. GALBRAITa, Brussels. A (soon house for Bale with etable and fruit trees. Apply to I. C. R10mAans, CARD OF THANKS.—We With to tender our heartfelt thanks to the many friends Who by word, deed and letter were so ready to sympathise with us and give e word of cheer in the great loss we suffer- ed by the death of our soldier boy, Charlie, in France. The kindness ex- tended was a ray of light 'n a very dark part of life's journey and was greatly appreciated Yours gratefully, GEO MCMII.LAN AND FAMILY, FELL AND BROKE HIs ARM —While engaged picking apples In the gardeu of his grandfather Jewitt, Mill street, Brae - sets, T n -sets Thurs nof da week,Staple Hall I son of Wm. en1t last Mrs. HallGrey town- ship, fell out of a tree and broke his right arm near the wrist. Stanley bad been attending the Continuation School at Brussels and the accident will inter- fere fora while with his studies but we hope he will soon regain the use of his RTC], ADDRESS AND PRESEN'rAT-top. —Friday evening of last week a company of friends of Miss Cora Bell assembled at the borne of James and Mrs. McAteer, Thomas street, and presented her with a gold ring, set with pearls and t ubies, accompanied by the following address : —DEAR CoRA,--It is with feelings of re• gret we have gathered this evening on the eve of your departure from our midst to say Goodbye. We are sorry over the ad event whicb has occurred that necessitates your leaving town to make your home, in the near future, else- where, Yon have our best wishes that malty of the jays of life may be yours, that the links of friendship wbich bind to the old friends le the home town may not be broken by your departure and that youmay meet with kind and loving friends wherever your lot may be oast. In going away and meeting new friends there lsone True Friend, Jesus Christ, wbo will go with you and never leave you alone. As a smelt token of remota brenee we ask you to accept this ring We will often think of von when yon are gone and a hearty welcome will await you whenever you may find it conven- ient to return. Signed on behalf of vour girl friends in Brussels. The ad- dress was reed by Miss Belle Henderson and Miss Alice Wilton made the presentatiob, The gift was accepted by Miss Bell who briefly thanked the girls for their kind words and highly esteem- ed present, Brussels would always hold a kindly plane in ber thoughts and etre wished the good people of the piece many happy years, 4 4 FOR 4444444449.4•144411444.49•9•••44.4••••44••444•••• SPECIAL PRICES 1 Dressed Pou Itry I • Live Dressed • •°. Chickens ... 12c per lb. Igc per lb, Z • Fowl ... ... Ioc " 13c " • • Ducks,,. ... Ioc 14c Geese ... gc '° 13C t' • • Old Turkeys ... 15c I$c i4 • Young Turkeys ISc rt 21C Premium will be paid for Dressed Milk -fed and Crate e Fatted Chickens showing Quality. • • • Directions for Killing • j All Poultry must be pinked dry and hung by the legs in a cool place • • until delivered. Geese and Ducks must have beads and all feathers off. •Obiokens, Fowl and Turkeys may be bled in the mouth and heads • • left on. Otherwise heads must be taken off, picked dry, and tips of • wings may be left on these. •• • • • • R. THOi ISON,, Brussels o 6 •••4•••0,.0004.•,.,...00•• o••rraa••••••••••60aae44409 THE PosT gives the news. Help us do it, DIRECTORS of the Fall Fair met last Saturday 'afternoon and closed up the business of the Fair after receiving re- ports from the Secretary•Treasurer. IN the notice last week relatiug to the demise of the late Mrs Harris it was stated inadverteutly, that she was mar- ried to Wm. Bell. D should have read Wm Harris, of course. - Last Friday while helping tidy -up St. John's Church Miss Polly Askin fell down the front steps and from the ef- fects of the fall fainted. She was alone in the church at the time. THE house an Thomas street, recently the home of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Har- ris, has been purchased by Roy McKay, grocer, who will take up residence therein in the near future. It will make a convenient home and we wish Mr, and Mrs. McKay many happy, prosperous years in it. TEACHERS' CONVENTION.—,The annual Convention of East Huron Teachers' Association will be held in the 'Gown Hall, Wingham, Thursday and Friday of this week, October eeth and 2otb. A good program has been arranged and a large attendance of teachers from the East Huron district will be present. gibe schools will holiday tor the two days. DEBATE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE—On the evening of Frday, loth feat , at 8 o'clock, a public debate will be held in the Audience Room of the Public Lib- rary, under the auspices of the Women's Instittute, on the interesting topic of "Whether women should bave the Fran- chise or not." Affirmative will be up- held by Misses Carrie Hiagston and Belle Henderson while B. S. Scott and 'Pt o-. Arms'rong will support the nega- tive, An offering will be taken for local purposes All will be welcome, THE LA'rE ALEX. BRYANa.—Tuesday morning of last week Mr. Bryaus was apparently as well as ever and called in at the Stanched Bank to transact some business about noon. While stsnding at the desk writing his name he was overtaken by a stroke of paralysis and would have fallen to the floor had he not been supported by Manager Semis Dr, Bryans was summoned and bis uncle knew him and spoke a fete words to those who Were at hand Observing that the stricken man was not rallying be was conveyed to his com- fortable home on Queen street. His power of speech was gone but for a time he cou'd hear and appeared to know a part of what was said to him, Later Mr. Bryans lapsed into unconsciousness, which continued until he passed away Thursday morning. The subject of this notice was barn in Ireland in the year 1845 and he was consequently in his 72nd year. Along with his tather's family be came to Canada when about 2 years of age. After making their borne near Dundas, Ont , for so or more years they moved Westward and bought a farm on the Eastern boundary of Morris township where the family locat- ed. Mr. Bryan%continued on this farm for56years,retiring rn careen when v w to 3 o J g be sold audetu t ne o Brussels urchav- ing a home from Geo, Brown, now of Toronto. In March 1879, Mr. Bryans was united in marriage to Miss Margar- et Gallaher, of Wroxeter locality and she one son (Dr Edward, doing bis duty at present as a surgeon in France) and two daughters, (Miss Ina, at home and Miss Berea, who is teaching in TorontL) are left to mourn the sudden demise of hus- band and father. Deceased was a kind, obliging man, industrious and thrifty and was an interested member of St. John's Angi'ean church, holding the office of Warden for years. He was well and favorably known, 58 was evi- denced by the very 'tree atlendence at bis funeral from various points. The service was held in St, John's church, Saturday afternoon, the chancel being, draped in beck. Rev. R 15. Page, rector, coodueted n most appropriate service, the edifice being crowded to its capacity. Pallbearers were Albert and Wm. Gallaher, brothers -'n=ew, end Edward and Harvey i3tyans, end John and Dr. Fred, Bryans, nephews of de- ceased, Many people came miles to at- tend the last sad rites to an old friend, Wm. Bryaus, of Morris township, the oldest brother of the family, is the sole survivor now. Among relatives from a distance were lyra Goodfellow and Miss Ada Geelaher, Toronto and Mrs, Chapple, Hamilton, sisters of Mrs. Bryans, The suddenness of Mr. Bryans death when he was apparently so hearty and vigorous cone as a great shock to the community and should remind pen. pie that "Here we have no coutittuing city," Widespreadsympathy is extend- ed to Mrs. Bryant and family is their sudden and unexpected bereavement Judging by appearanee deceased had few marks Incident to old age. Mr. Bryans bit, fair to live for another 20 years, his father having attained the royal old age Of go odd years. Interment wet Made in Brussels cemetery. Captain Wallace McLaren, younger brother of G N. McLaren, Brussels, has gone overaeas with a Calgary Battalion fo do his "bit" for the supremacy of the Empire. We hope be will be among the heroic boys wbo will live to return. Elmer McKay, who was employed with George 'Thomson, grocer, has gone to London where he has taken a posi- tion it' one of the Express offices. We wish him rapid promotion. C Baker, Cranbrook, has engaged with Mr. 'ritomsou. SUDDEN DEATH. -- Dr. Lowthi• an, brother to Mrs. Geo. Rogers, now of Portage la Prairie, and uncle to Mrs. A. C. Dames, Brussels, died on Sept. 3oth, in his chair while sitting at his desk working at tbe ledger. He was a pope - ler physician and had resided at Union- ville, Mich., for 36 years. He was bore at Princeton Ont., in 1848. Mrs. Dames attended the funeral BRAVO FOR BRUSSELS SCHOOL,—Wed uesday evening Principal B. S. Scott handed in $36 55. the gift of the school for the British Red Cross. Teachers contributions were included. Rally was as follows Continuation School .$ zo to Miss Bell's room r0 on Miss Henderson's 3 85 Miss Buchanau's, 2 6o Total $ 36 55 An amateur picture show, home made candy, &c„ were some of the mediums of gathering the coin, Well done, WAS WON BY M ISS ROBINSON,—Sever- al months ago Mrs. J, H. Galbraith, generously presented a hand painted tankard, proceels of the sale to be ap plied to the fluid for Brussel,. Company of the 161st. Tickets were freely sold until the fine sum of over Stir oo was in band. On the evening of I:re Brussels Fall Fair Concert the ti ,wing took place. Postmaster Scott a;.s in charge and after mixing up the tickets in a tzar asked little Miss Lawrie, of Hamilton, to draw a ticket, The lucky No. was held by Miss Margaret Robinson, of town, who was present and received the china. Go1NG WITH A GOOD Swr:r; —We are pleased to state that the et,t I-Itticul— tural Society in Brussels is being initiat ed with a vigor that spells out success to a marked degree. Tl•e law demands an initial membership of 5o ata fee of $i oo each and some were dubious as to ability to secure the requisite number but in a mouth the roll has already attained 75 with more to follow. Walton thanks to the energy of Mrs. John McDonald, (Director) and Mrs Jim Watt, is rep resented by no less thou 3o names with prospects for others. The roll at pres- ent is as follows :— D C. Ross Mrs, Ross J T. Wood Mrs. Wood Mis. P. Scott Jas. Fox H, L. Jackson T, Hemphill A Strachan 0'. S. Scott G H- Semis Mrs. Stunts W H Kerr Rev. A. J Mann BSoot S, t Mra, Jessie Kerr Mrs. Ament R Leathirdele Miss McDonnid bliss Grace Stewaat Dr, McRae Alf. Baeker Miss M McLauchiin Jno. Wright F. H. Gilroy Mrs. S. S. Cole Fred Hunter Dr. Hamilton 1 J Gilpin Miss Armen Mrs P Lamont Mrs R. Black Miss hi. Smillie Miss Peel Geo MoD,tnald Mrs, G. McDonald Miss Bailee Mies Jane Kelly Mrs Jas, Ballantyne Mrs, Garf, Dubber Mrs Geo Muldoon A C. Dames F. R. Smith Mrs. J. Dowtaiug Mrs. W. W, Harris Mts, Jas. Harris Mrs (Rev,) Lundy hers. A. Gardiner Mts. Jas, Bishop Mrs. Rod. McLeod - Mrs. Juo. Ryan Mrs Enoch Clark Mrs. Fred, Miller Mrs Geo Hoegy Mrs ;no. Walt Mrs, I). McCallum Miss A Ferguson Mrs. Geo Dickson Mrs. W, Shortreed Mrs. Wm, Anderson Mrs. A. Sholdice Mrs. W. Clark Mrs. Jno. McDonald Mrs. O. Turnbull Miss Knox Mrs. IId. Dennison Mrs. John Berry Mrs.'Phee Bolger Mrs A. Knight Mrs, W. McGavin Ar. Mies S. McCallum Sties I Cunningham Mrs, J. J McGevle Mrs. Jas. Lawson Mrs Robt. Reid Though late in the season it is expected that every member will be supplied gretis with a few well selected varieties of flowers for Fall cultivation in the reepective homes The spirit With which the organization of the Soolety has been characterized means a forward program le many a borne and garden Those who purpose becoming members should hand in their fee to B. S. Scott, Secretary -Treasurer or Tat POST, 50 that the annual meefieg in January will se see A membership of at, Nest the rooted • , , en 8 hundred. Bluevale locality has 5 them. Highest P 0 hers as a start. through the kindness of A Ill hest 1 ? i • g Prices for Produce Mrs. r GP hkoberf Black one Of he llirectorsN !i s.r We expect anorher visit from W. Hartry t 0 Sesforth,.represontetive of die Province. • •••4.•••44.4••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••NO.•••••••4•••4••••••••4••44s•••4•t►f'• i eeeretreirsesee • .�I STANDARD BANK OF' CANADA HEAD OFFICE' - TORONTO Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department gig ta7s SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. L.T'D BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, D D 0 Manager. N al Hortlt ultural Society, who conies to give a practical address on "I•Iew to lay out and care for a flower garden." Due notice will be giveu of the date. People We Talk About Miss Mae Wood le visiting relatives in London. Mrs. Wm. Martin was a visitor in Tor. onto over Thanksgiving. Miss Marion Forrest is visiting in Tor- onto for a while. Miss Irene Berkley has gone to 'Tor- onto to take a position. • Misses Isabel and Per'e Dark visited friends in Wroxeter oo Sunday. Mrs. Piuntsteel, Clinton, ryas calling on relatives and friends last Sunday. Joe and Mrs. Schwedron and children were holidaying for s few days in Tor- onto, Mrs. Hays, Lucknow, has been re- newiog old friendships in Brussels and lout ity. A. L. Booth, 'of the Bank of Nova Scotia, spent a few holidats with Detroit friends, Neil S, Ma 'auchlin is back from a trip to the West. He met many old friends while away Mrs. T Tay or, F. A. Wright and Will. Long, Toronto, ,vete visitors with Jno. and Mrs. Long and family. Rev. George Jewitt, Springfield, was here this week attending the funeral of bis uncle, the late Richard Jewitt. Alan Mann has beet' home undergo- ing treatment for an illi -rued eye. We hope be wilt soon be as well as ever. Min. joo, Stewart, Toronto has been visiting her blether, Reeve Leckie. The visitor was a former resident of Brussels. Albert Denny, of Saranac Lake, N Y., is here on a holiday visit with rehitives and friends. Mrs Wm. Oakley, Brus- sets. is his mother. Mrs, Major Johnson and daughter, Margaret, Mrs. Wm Browu and Mrs Sergi, F. Gerry, all of Toronto, visited Camp Borden Sunday. Will. and Mrs Gardiner and 2 child- ren, of Lion's Head, were visitors at Fred Mel racken's, The former is a brother to Mrs. McCracken. Mrs, Wm. Ross, of Argyle, Mich , was a visitor last week at the home of Alex. and Mrs Ross, Princess street, She is a sister-in-law of the former, Mrs, A, Roe and daughter, Bertha, of Sault Ste Marie, are enj, yiug a holiday visit at the homes of Mis Crich, Alex, Roe and others in Brussels and locali•y Principal Scott and Misses ltudine, Bell, Henderson and Buchanan, of Brus• avis sebool staff, are in attendance at the Teachers' Convention at Wingham this week. Miss Anna Douglas, Stratford, was reuewiug old friendships in and about Brussels She was a former resident and Itis a large circle of friends around ,:ere, George Freeman, Toronto, has enlist- ed with the 16gth Battalion se bugler. He is a nephew to ince and Mrs. Bate- man, Brussels, and Mrs. Harry Attwood, Grey township, Robert Tbuell is home from a trip to the West. "Bob" is still of opinion that Ontario leads the van when it comes to comparisons. He was driven to the station in a cutter. Huron Co. Council A special session of Huron County Council was held in the Court House, Godelich, Friday of last week, all the members being in attendance. The call was made to decide what the County would do in the way of a grant to the .British Red Gross So- ciety, After some discussion it was moved by J. Leckie, Brussels, seconded by Dr. Milne, Blyth, that a levy ofmill on the County equalization, $42,400,00 be made, which would equal $21,240. This was carried, Money will be borrowed by the County until the taxed are collected in 1917. This is the Fairest way of making a grant as all municipalities will pay their share, BORN BOYLtt,—At Fortin Lake, Seek., on Oat, 9th, 1916, to Mr, and Mre. J. H. Boyle (nee Miss Amy Brett, a eon—Robert linen. BUTTERY —At 2058 Scarth street, Regina, Sask. on October 2nd, 1910, to 51r, and Mrs. Bar- ry Buttery. a son—Hugh Chester, NAYLOa.—ln Sraforth, on October 1st 1916, to Mr. end Mrs. .8 A. Naylor, a daughter, TAYLOR, --In Morris, on October 411,, 1010, to Mr. and Mrs Albert Taylor, a son, MARRIED SING—EVANB At the Presbyterian Manse, Byraeeels, on Oetoher 1101,, 1916 by Rev, A. J, Mann, B. A„ air, Wm. A, ;ling, Alma, Ort., to ells, Ellen, daughter of Btr, and Mrs ,Tae Evans, Morrie township. LAMoffs —How t the Ainslie street, Methodist church, Galt, on October 71•11, 101.0, by Rev. 1, M Woolton, 51r, Alex D, Lillian tdaaug,l ter of Mr, to0, J. EGar Oar - don Howell, Galt. MIa'oHSLL—M[LLea—In Jamestown, on Oct. 911., 1916, by Rev. A. J. Diann, 13. A. Brus- sels,Mr, Wm. lnitchell, Gray township, to Miss Nellie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Miller, Jamestown. DIED BiyANa,—In Brussels on October 12th, 1916, Alexander Bryans, aged 71 yearn and 6 months. 'Teems—In Brussels, on October 15th, 1916, Richard Jewitt, aged 79 years, 10 months and 28 days. AUCTION SALES ToeanAY, Com 24,—Paris stook, implements, .@o., N}, Lot 22, thin 2, Al orris. Sale unreserv- ed at 1 p. in, Arthur Shaw, Prop•, Jno. Purvis Auc, Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised statutes of Ontario, Chapter 124, Section 60, that all creditore and others having chime against the estate of John Mason, dem-need, who died on or about the Third day of May, A. D 1010, at the Townehlp of Morris, in the County of Baron. in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vaneterle, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Twelfth day of November, A. D. 1910 their names heir claitms, ind dwriting,vand the nature j01 the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a Statutory declaration And further take notice that after the said 12th day of November, 1016, the Exeoutore will Proceed to diotrtbnte tbo nsaets of the said de- ceased omen6et the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the elation of which they shalt then love notice, and they will. not be liable for the said aasete or tiny part thereof to any person of whoee obdms they shall not then have received notice at the time of such distribution. Dated nt Wingham this 14th day of October, A. D. 1916, 10.4 R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0,, Solicitor for the Executors, 414444+44449$644444444444.4 FOX'S Drug Store • • ♦ II r,••E••'rm+'ti•,e,.l•++.1••F++'i''F•i ++ • Xmas Greeting • Cards 0 • May seem a little eerie rte ••think of Xmae these beauti- ful Autinnu days, nevet'the- • , lees it will not be long until Ithe season will be with us. , Wehavejnetreceived abook of very handsome satnple a Oat ds at prices ranging from 16c up. f We will be glad to allow you to take the Sample Book •• home and look it over at your convenience and any ey order placed with us will re- ceive prompt and careful at- tention. • While the are pleased to ex- tend the above privilege we • wish our customers to feel • Piee to look over the soul-; plea without feeling under • • • any obligation whatever to • d buy. • • • • 4 e • • • 4 4 •44 4 • • • Y • 4 Some Useful Articles for • Our Soldier Bos •o • • : Soldier's Pocket Photo. Holder, i • Morocco leather, suitable for • •• 1 or 2 Photos, 75c. •e 0 Soldier's Pocket Writing Case, a 4 in leather, at75e. •• Soldiers' Arrive Service Mirrors. j • Price 500 4 et Soldiers' Money Belts in canvas A 4 and leather, at 50c and 85c. o• eit ee Any one of the above will make • • • a suitable gift, • O• F' 4 e DRUG STORE o The Penslar Store o 4 w P •6400•••4r•0••••••O'3••••• BRUSSELS MARKET . Oateat 41 55 tl 50 Barley Peas 2 00 0 2 00 Batter 81 82 Eggs 85 85 Hoge 10 05 10 85 Hag Potatoes par bag 1 80 2 p E DUCAT= AND REPINED MAN OR Woman wanted, to handle aubserlption renewal colleotiona In own locality, during snare time or evenings. Salary and commis. Mon paid. Apply giving refer moos, Nee ewnl Depertmeut, EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD, Toronto, Ont. 15-1 Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted fore S No. 5, Grey town• ship, dare,, County. Duties to commence Nov. let, 1916, Salary at rote of 1000 par an- num. Ir90tisfaotory applicant will be engeg- edfor following year, l FRANK COLLINS, Apply Secretary, 10.2 Ethel, Ont. House for Sale • Comfortable house rind ;l4 none of land for sale in the Village of Ethel. Property belong- ed to the estate of the late Mrs. Alex, McKay, Cellar, drilled well, &c„ on the premises. For further particulars apply to 16.11 A. R. MACDONALD, Ethel ^c a ilk,. •44 N4N•f 444$4.44.44444.•4440.••••A •4•••40•••044..44•.4•••••• • Brussels Daylight Store • G B McLaren S t,a,,.„„,"1'It^I' ,. a,, • , 111,1 •i a , • ' a a • • h, u I u t. h , b b s e to h^t,'t'hdh,^t'Al\, AltPld\,'\,'Ma,n n'hrlr'n1m'nrartl4,°0'hr whn'iA4Jh,'h,'h� It; tr'hPAM,'U,'\i In'tdtM,^Wlbsballh� It'a� er'W4p't • 'c t't,'e,o • i • • • • • 1 • c • f4•i'•bi,•y,B,1,•1•++. • hf 6rPR •1 l•FF •F • � d 4 Ew . FALL r •F• L GOODS• •r • •'. . • • It • 4 e • • • ic VIe[xcptiooaI1 are showing Veine . : : + • IN• + . 2 P•1- Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats • + $ t Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Suits and4.• a Overcoats i oMen's and Ladies' Fur and Fur Trimmed Coats + e o• aeLadies' ies and Children's, s, Mens and Boys Winter Underclothing * e • °e * All sizes in the Celebrated 'Turnbull+ • 4 make 4, • " All sizes in Boots• t and Rubbers (Granby Rubbers wear like Iron) i • • C•aps • • $ Men's and Boys' Winter and Fall r • • 1 s• •4. We will be pleased to show you our Stocks z•• • •" • .8 +++++++++++++++++++++++-e++ •e • a 0