HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-19, Page 54f 44 As :tea GUM DARDS. JNOU SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSVIPSNCII OVENZPJF ellYnfrlf o WM SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND IS SUER or MARRIAGE LIOENSES moo le the Poet Office, Ethel. 50-4 AGM UNEER*. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • non, will sell for better prices, to bettor 1100 1n loos time and lees charges than any ether Auctioneer to Plast Enron or bewon't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this of1ae or by ereonal application, LEI)AL AND CONVEY MING . %7 T M. SINULAIR- 7 'r r Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pnb11o, deo, UNoe-8towart's Brook t door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for theMetropolitan Sault. BOND ?VENN E9d9'R °ZIJ WSF BRUSSELS Gu0NO 502015 GOING NORTH Express rese 7119ain I Mail 11:22am •5 m 9:82 m Express rase 8. 7 P re P P Express P CCxialk4VV PoictezC War -TON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:50 a mExpress 11:58 am Express 8:19 p m t Express 8:54 Pm WROXETER Going East - 7:05 n. In. and 8:40 p. m. Going West - 12:10 and 9:58 P. m. All trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, " { . Al.,LAN LINE To YY M• ' tb, .e5.�•‘‘ LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON -HAVRE, R Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or "95Ki._ StWToronte W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in \Vindtnills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. rill•119S•• MIME JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. 8510oeseor to M. H. Moore, Office at Ander. son Bros, Livery, stable, Brussels, Telephone No. 22, T. T. M' RAE M. 6.. M. 0. P.. 4 S, 0. Brussels. M. 0. 8„ Village at B n Surgeon, Phyataia , Sug2. , Acoouhour a Office at reeldenoe, opposite Melville Clmroh, Wlllhua street, DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, Unlvoreltyof Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur. goons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon 0f Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr. A. Mc%ove Smith Block, Breesels. Rural phone 45. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S.. L.D.S. Graduate ofRoyal College of Dental Sur- geonoof Ontario and Graduate TJniverelty of R oronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office In Ward Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of O hthal- mology, Ma0ormiek Medical College, Chicago. Ill., is prepared to test eyes and at gleams at her office over 111109 Inman's millinery store. Officio days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a. tn. ; 1 to 0 p. m. Evenings by appoint. mane, Phone 1219, DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite Flour 2.1111, Ethel JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Satisfaction sutured ; chargee moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P. 0. leholp of the antral bang Beretta let i Iecticlns atldllev, Walter IIIillsotr gave a solo, The funeral Was one of the largest ever seen iu the locality, and was attended by many wile were wembors of the late nnnister's con- gregation - 25 Yeats ago, Interment took place in Greenhill Cemetery. Deceaeetl ie the father of MIB, (Rev.) elcOormick, of Blyth, Little Mies Frazer, who is too young r for 1 soldiers i socks o sew o the I r 1%0 knit thought of a pitta by which she could. help In another way. On Fair Day I she emerged a dainty basket of flow- I ere wh)olt she sold as boquees and thereby realized 50 cents which she gave to the Red Gross. P. R. MULHERON Teaoher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL ' Organist and. choir Master, Melville Church, Brussels Pupils prepared for Toronto Col- lege of Mimic Exominntiona, Phone 80x PROURFOOT, MORN & CCOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Ind door from Hamilton Square, q Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. P80008000, I3,. 0. .7, L. $1 LLOSAN H. J. D. Coons • B istt't t C'.cl;o Grey in the -Fallow to SCHOOL REPORT, -Following r C g r 11 ort 5f S.S. No. 6,for Sem- ember. x re tp p h .fninS)ell. ember. All classes examined d Spell., 2.Png'Arith, Read . -Total ural 850,pees s 210.- Entrance •ance Wilfrid Hoy 272. Jr. IV. -Lennard Sinclair 324. Cecil Hall 809, Thomas Jackie' 260 St. III. Lyra Ames 822, *Joseph portio 188. , Jr. 1IL-Sylvester Raynatd 267, *May acklin 221. Se. II. -John Ra hard 312, Evelyn troy 807, *Gordon Lowe 72, *Lyle. Beeson 64. Jr. 1I -Wilfrid Keifer 819, Winona Frain 308, Clara Jltcklin 211. Sr. Prim, -Richard El. Nott, good -Ross Lowe. 3r. Prim. - Jim Turnbull, Pearl Ames, Cecil Ray - nerd, MnerayGibson, Charlie 13ndsotl: Those marked * missed one or more exams. I. 13. J. 18AIN, Teacher. IHAVMANN, Cranbroak re�•m,,v7 a'4o,-,ta`rg al 14RAyza'i'le'a"lim 1/7 CENTRAL SITRATFQRDe °Nie a.. k. Commercial, Shorthand and A fie Telegraphy Departmonts 'S A Students may enter at tiny time. We p1 rt pisco graduates hn uoeltlone. During Sr i a , oleo $ 5 u+ w2. cele ved � .t ,lul • nr p over I I XI 110»( fno Ovel' deeply, Writ x101' sats we pr Onu(l not tlnpply, Writs for our free pr antalogue at intoe, Y D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal. 0 t�p� te,1'Ararpc0bvyv,, raypvevyG:'rbras'trGY,r4w4h THE Best Brains ormrenearrooranZensermegOaysle 0 Unaada have pnrticlpnted In the pro• nitration of our splendid Rome Study Cournee in Banking, Ronnu,nios, Higher AnomieMeg, m rbinI Ar G Sl on Oard Writing. Photography, Jon run, Short Story Sellg, Shorthand and Boot kioptte. Select the work ramoatint you nod write n2. [oparticulars. Addroas TUE SHAW OORRESPONOENCE SCHOOL 301.7 Yongo 8t., Toronto wormarmarellliii COLLEGE AT HOME rlhonennda of ninhlt)ous young yew osle are tart preemie); it their owit ihomes to oo0npy laorativo position*, 00 stenographers, bookkeepers, telogen' pllern, civil am•vont,1� in 7008 every 85110,0 0r aotlyltiOo, You may finish of aollega it von no wish Peeitto110 gnnr• anteed. Enter college any day, Ind,' Viduhl lnatruotion, Expert teachers. Thirty years' experience. Largeet tralnere In (Maeda, Soren aollogee. 8pe0Is1 00arso for teachers, Affiliated with cmnmerotal Educa- tor's Onof RilP.hla+ min mer School Mincers O S hi u bless Ooi• Olhaot fhlnous, Otto B R N of 9 p logo, London. Wingham Business College Ger), Sr0*'los, 1i'r. T, 9501180, President, Prlaelpat.. Ethel A fide black thorn stick is now sported by Jas. McLelland from the old sod. This was all he re aired to fit hien nut as a typical eon of Erin. SCHOOL 1318PORT,-The following is the report of S, 0. No. 1, Morrie, for the month of September, based upon weekly examinations, attendance and general profleieucy :-Sr. IV,-Lnuis Phelan 70, Dick Wallace 66. Jr, IV,- Margaree Brown 09, Earl Reilley 01, John Oralg 60, Mary Healey 58, Nellie Kelly 50. Sr. III -Robert Laidlaw 79, Lizzie Fear 68, Ernest Nivins 57, Will Kelly 44. Jr. IIL-Oharles Cun- ningham 55, Alive Kirk 50, Sr, II - Mclda McElroy 76, David Oraig 75, Maty Brown 72, Maty Kelly 61. Jr. IL -George Powell 80, Loretta Healy 70. Ss. Primer, -Annie Richmond, Allan Pease. Jr. Pelmet.- Alberta Richmond, Vivian McElroy, Mary Rngar t Kathleen McElroy, en Rogerson, Powell, Tommy Kelly, Wel- lington Scott. L, E. STEVENS, Teacher. FROM BLAIRMORE -Tile following letter to THIS POST, speaks for itself and is from a fnt•rner Ethelite DEAR FRIEND. --Enclosed find $2.00 for your paper int two more years, before the rice comes in. It Is always a trent for me to get TEE POST every Monday. 'i'he harvest, is very nearly over now out here and threshing is In full awing at present. Weather has been very fine so fat' but help is scarce this Fall, although paying big wages. The cnal mines here have only about 75 % of the men they should have and of cotree things are very dear. Flour is $5,00 per 98 Ib„ batter 500 per ib., eggs 450 a dozen. The Crow's Nest Pass Batt„ No, 192 is leaving Oelgary this week for vP seas 08 some Eastern point. Most EIJI the boys in the Pass 1 ' 11 noetruly, r in ' , I ramal a e tt ..v EARL L. HORNIER. Bel,grave PArRIOTIo SOCIETY, -Annual meet- ing ofthe Pntrioele Society was held on Monday evening, October 2nd, at the home of Mrs. 13oyle. The scone officer's were re-elected for the coating year. The repent of the petu'.e work was read by the Secretary. The fol-' lowing articles were shipped to Hy. inert Hall, London :-334 peer of socks veined lit $277.00 ; 6 pair of wristlet., $1.50 ; 5 Balaclavat ceps, $5 00 ; 77 military shirts, $10200; 25 snits of pyjamas, $8126 ; 148 haulages, $8 88 ; 70 yards grime, 8850; to th" Itad (Misr Hospital, Slr ff oeurl). e, $100.00' Western IT ierlsit y Unit, $2500; O:cundiltn 11nst,iIsI, Rattlegrtte., Eng- land, $50.00 ; Om'nwall Hall Hospital, 15,hglnnd, $50 00 ; Belgian Relief Fund, $75 00. •9unietyhoe adopted 2lirison- ors of tear in Normally for 6 menthe and lits sent $30 In support them, The following donations have been he- 'a)ved with thanks :-Mr:v, H. Johns- on, $100; Ari re. 0enrge r\1 nisi ring, 9;1,00; Mrs Robert Nieholoar, $100; etre, Abe Proetee, $1.00; Mrs Ohms. Campbell, $1 1)0 ; suss Sproat, $i 00 ; Jas. Cunningham, $'100; Mrs, ltnb). Anderson, 500, Plus imeiuess for the year amounted to $1188 93. Listowel Hatveet Thanksgiving services will ha held in Christ Church on Sunday, Oct. 22nd, The preacher on the oc- casion will be . Rev. W. H. Roberts, the Rector, Gorrie. In a bad automobile accident on the Florndale road about smile from Berrien, bliss L. Nickel, daughter of W. P. and Mrs. Nickel, sustained very set ions inJ nl,eRi which for a whileile were thought nghb prove fatal. s Stuart druggist, J. A. spent Thanksgiving in Mitchell with his mother. Although hlr. Stuart's mother ie 81 veers of age she is bneily engaged knitting eocks for soldiers. Since the war broke out Mrs. Stuart has knitted 222 pails of socks. Last month she knitted 15 pairs, or one sock every day. Jas. Simpson and fainly, Wallace, have the deepest sympathy of Ole comnuuity in their piesont hour of sorrow. Their son, Harold, was re. cently wounded in battle at the Front. Word has since been received that he has flied in the hospital. I - Blyth d Rid nnWl es a Class Circle ark e g emotion e f *10,00 fw'en hits Inures Logan Annivet sole, sprviees oP 1 he Metho- dist, church, will be held Sunday, Octobrl 22 ,d, al, 1l a. In and 7 p. m. Rev. 3. 1V, 11J,helt, 'Wingham, will be the preacher The hey, 1111' 14011i 11111151' 'the auspices of Ihe Red Crosti Circle mi \Vedneaday 4111 )nst„ wee a thorough success, $64 50 being me ed roe the funds' of the Snob'I5. Atigl)cau chin elms in titis district at bite Iiotvest 1heeksgiving services held lust week, nnnir)b 1021 the fal- lowing eespe05iye anmunls:-r3lylh,. $75 ; Aubutst, $76 ; Beloreve, $112 1'he clenitllty 11,42: gives the name Of Pte, Andrew 1'ilthhi0k among the emended. Ile trill he remembered; having dispensed lined refreshments ab the Oommeeciel for some years, Rene \\"M (lotovJN.-The funeral services of Bev. 'William Godwin teeth held Wednesday afternoon of hist week )h the Methodist chorale Rings. villne and were )11 (hitnge of Rev. J, 111. I3nlmes, London. Telbutea to his ,nernoey were peed by Revs, W. 17. 13 r William n R, 111 k8 Millso , , ' t h Walter lila M nd\Vt L r fort a Y (9 n1 stere of the Windsor District were Rpresent and took pie t in the ser vier ev. 'Williere Godwin wets one of the beat known nil nietcl"s of the McLhodisb Church in the London Conference and was held In high eel sin by ell. The • FELT 1.1fi a NEV PERSON After Taking Only One Box Of iir ' F not -a -tires 11 EAST SHIP UAltnovR, N. 8, "It is wItli great pleasure that I write to tell you. of the wonderful benefits 1, have received from taking "Fruiter - tires". For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Coestipalica and Head- aches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing In the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I finally tried "T'ruit'a-tives" and the effect was Splendid. .After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Ileatlaches". Mete MARTIIA DEWOLFE. 508. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. 'You Alone." A sumptuous wedding dinner was then partaken' of after which Rev. D. Cantwell proposed the toast to the happy couple and to e wch g p the groom replied d in noel i u felicitous terms. Gueste were present to the number of about 70 from Wing - ham, Bhteve3e, Brussels, Seaforth and other pointe. Gifts were choice and 'mummer; testifying to ,the esteem in which the bride is held. Amid show- ers of confetti the bridal patty took the afternoon train from Walton on a short honeymoon in Hittuiltnn, the Wide travelling in it costume of Rus- sian green velvet, Goderiah COLORS OF. 161ST- BATTALION DE- POSITED WITH SHERIFF. With due ceremony the colors of the 16181 Hur- on Battalion were on Sumday, the 8th inst., deposited with the Shet'ifY of Huron Co., for safe keeping until the conclusion of the war, Lieut. Col. Coombe presented the colors which vete received by Sherif Reynolds after a ceremony cnndueted by Rev. otheri were 3. B. P n Ilam. g Speeches made byLient. Col. Coombe, Dr. J. R. Holmes, Onunty.Tleas,, and Sheriff Reynolds.' Local detachments of the 161st Battalion, the Battalion band and a great concourse of civilians were present iu the Court House Park where the ceremony took place. McKillop Freeman Hackwell has been on a visit 10 relatives at St. Thomas. Pte. T. Broom, who formerly resid- ed at \Vinthrnp, is among the wound- ed in France. Dennis Brothers have sold $2,000 worth of fat cattle off one of Mr. Irvine's pasture farms. They have still 30 bend remaining. William and Joseph Bolton, who both belong to the l 1120810 were hone bidding gond-bye to their parents and other relatives anti friends. 1t. is up to the people nP Huron Co. to be genernu9 towards the Reti Cross, whether Canadian or British. There is a multitude of wounded to be cared for at the present time. •lame'. Mm lin received word that his brother -in -hew, a 1111011 named Jer- dmn, Who resided at KinkorOL, in Perth (aunty, fell down the cellar stairway in 1 lie darkness and was killed. PTE. T. E. GoYENLocs KILLED, - W111•21 was received from Ottawa by 1. \V. Gnveitinc c,. Reeve of McKillop, that Itis 9[111, 'lemmas, who left here with Lite '89111 Signalling Cottee had hear trilled in France. He wa8 a young man i'f peomi5e and re favorite 18)Ih all, He was well known in Sea - forth where he attended the Onl- Iegiete. The family have the Ii nttnw. f all in e ei t s sympathy o u n at the home of A. surprise iso piety met 1 e Y r Ila. es them, 10th Un 1 .Lau h , Z p nn !•1a1tu 11115 evening„ Olt 7811, to bid (1re0 ell to Pte. John Woad prior to his departure with the ]61st Battalion and presented him with lL signet ring 16111 hand0nllle pipe as a token or esteem and reluemhralloe, Address wets read by VV. Morrison and pees- e«lation was made by S. Godkiu. Evening was pleasantly spent in games and tntt8)e. The ptayere and bash wishes of the cowr nutity ac- company company Pte. Wood and his brave court teles. Pivier're. We:MemG, --On September 28111 the home of 'Thos. and Mrs, Archibald, IllcK)Ilop, was the scene of a delightful event when their eldest daughter, bliss Mary Margaret (klaytne) vette united In marriage to Roy C. 1'In'vey, Llnevale. Rev. D. Carswell oilielated and Miss Ellie Atchibald, cousin of the bride, played the: wedding march. Bride was be. wittingly attired in ivory satin and carrying a briquet of bridal roses, looked chroming as oho advanced leaning oil the arta of iter father ana took her Mohoa under a beatt1fl el arch OPwhite r en Al Iter side were ] rte and green. two sweettong heaters tiauglt tens of Me. and riles Ryan, Melilllop, After the cemamnny tongtetellaiiotis were. extended told timing the signing of the register, Mite'i'nrvey, sister of the groom, sang in fine Voice, "Ver Seaforth ' F, Holmestend has returned from a trip to the West. Me J and Mrs. J. W. Mrs. Andrews vi (' h lits. T. 1 Daniels were stn g Thomson, Main Street. cable from Reid 5. H Re received a ca England laud st stn 1g thathis son, Lieut, Major Reid,.had.arrived saFeiy The boys of Miss Scott's class in the Presbyterian Sunday School are again remembering our boys at the front. This time they have sent boxes to Corp. Harvey Doi mice, Pees. J. Hol- man, A. Muir and W. Pinkney. Each box contained cake, fudge, to- bacco, gum and 2 pairs of socks, The boyo in the 011850 &VP Oecsil Smith, Gordon Bays, Olande Patterson, Jack Sentt, Reg. Kerslake and Harold Mc- Nabb, • Choice home grown Potatoes for eating Or seed, $1.80 per bag. choice Carmen No, 3 Seed Potatoes, $2.10 per bag. AfterNov. lse the Oarulees will be $2 25 per bag. I planted, on the Denim u rn eftyr about an ae e with Alberta aud vsv Brunswick Pot oss and the other acre with hoose grown 1 • ones. The latter out -yielded the for- 1 tie mer by over 2 to 1. 1 would rather give $5.00 per bushel for home grown seed potatoes than have the imported ones for nothing. See a Sample of the Clemens at the Fair, • • • • • • • • 0 • • Geo. A. Best their part In the very best manner. Total receipts for the day were o -- Gat" receipts, $41200;'PaerioLic booth $87,00; Concert, $133 55. Atwood The congregation of the Methodist chin eh at Donegal, intend holding their anniversary services on Novem- ber 121.11, At four shows, Listowel, Mitchell, Milverton and Brussels, R A.TIm1np- 80n won three firsts, silver map and one second on his driver. Joseph A, Priest, Gilbel t Plains, Mane and a former resident of At- wood was killed on Saturday rda Y October cul horse a kick from 2. n 7 nklc tl , byyoung Be was 70 years of age. Andrew and hire. Bannerman, Log- an, announce the engagement of their [laughter, Agues Ellen to Thos. R. Sherbert,London, the marriage to take place this month. Anniversary services of the new Methodat church, Atwood, were held on.9nnday and Monday, October, 15111 and 16611. Rev. Geo. McKinley, SsnPot'lb, preached at 11 a. m. and 7 p. rn., Sunday. Special offering for Building Fund. Choice music by the choir. Molldty evening a fowl supper was served in the basement of the chute!' from 6 to 830, followed by a gond program. Ford wich Springbank Oheese Factory will manufacture butter during the Wint- er months, colnmencieg when the cheese season is ended. Mrs. Fred. Gadke left Monday of last week for Klekton, having received wore that Iter mother, who has been seriously i11, cues much worse again. Rev, and Mrs. Walden, Misses Eva Mahood and Mabel Schaefer were 113 Wlrtgltam Wednesday of last week attending the .Epworth League Ool- ven time A letter was received from Pte. Wesley Downey, who is now in Eng- land in a hospital, He was wounded in the side of the (01121 by a piece of flying slier, but not very serious, Ire expected to be Rept in the hospital about two or three weeks front the time he wrote. Howick Fall Fair is over for anoth- ee year and Saturday's Exhibition sur- passed anything yet held by the So- ciety. Weat}het was all that could be desired and large crowds flocked lo the gretl«ds, visitors and exhibitors being present front it distance of 30 and 40 miles, All the exhibits to Stock, Grain, Pruit, Dairy Prndnce, etc., were of the finest quality, and the competition was extensive and keen. 'Ihe Highland Band from Mt. Forest furnished splendid mn9111 (hir- ing Cha day and were flinch appreciat- ed, p1ecitt- etPaCtrotic Booth on the gtnuuds n erest and all 1 wee ! another item of who were so minded wove e well fed at a very small cost. In the evening a concert was given in the hall by the local court of O. O. P., and proved to be the beet entertainment ever pro- (uced here. Hall was emanated to the doors and the performers executed Potatoes ermleelleseliallereeeisimislmiemeargeom A car load of Potatoes lute just arrived. Guaranteed stock for Winter use, Price $2.00 t bag of 00 pounds. Royal Car Hour rands harts Household to Irene told ready for the ces- tomer. Choice Stock of traceries always on hand. Goods delivered ort of to an the town, 'Phone: 48. McCracken �V t J. McCr • • • • • D d 0 0 • a (4 0 e • • • • • a • • • • • Wingham POSTPONED FALL FAIR. -The larg- est Lwd ever meet] at \17 111 1Fair tans in attendance .Thursday of last w, Pk when the adjourned events were e0u+4udetl, From early in the .1110rn- inh rigs panned 111 frntu 2611 directions. As 1110 nen teem advanced antotnobilea sunpl,'ulenled the horse-drawn cnn- v\ power and the trains added a large glee ,t, It is esteemed that upwards of .111011 p'ople were on the grounds atel they came from a radius of 35 ruffles. '1'he hotels were all filled, but the accommodation was ample and ever yhrely n•ae satisfied. There were no aec)dents to mar the day. The lae • seen here in man 5 \\[l'Htla best Y yea, 9 and thetrack was in first.cltss t n coed), d),io1. Burns)des, Kincardine 'n •ha , were the t � 1 .1 W1 m \ at T"lirlte >_ r re- sults oliowin ere starting td 1 g J g g sults :-2.30 trot or pace ; (hobbles allowed.) Jubilee Boy, A. A. Miilson.........1 1 1 Doug Davis, .7. Litt 3 2 2 13)lly Dundee, J. Alton .2 3 3 Ohipstov Belle, R. Ormiston 4 4 4 W. J,, B. Ormiston 5 5 5 2:50 trot or pace ; (hobbles barred.) Mac Doyle, A. E. Louttitt...... 1 1 1 Topsy Todd, G. Muldoon 3 2 2 J. hl„ P. Corrigan 2 8 4 Philip Admiral, L. 0. Charles - 6 6 3 worth Philip Border, P, Scott. ........ ....a 5 6 Miss SpIiinx, W. Grey • ......... • 4 4 5 2:40 ttot- SILn Toy, W. Holman, Monkton...1 1 1 Toddy Direct, J. W. Pinkey, Biwa Mud 2 2 2 Andy Redlick, A. Bossenberry, Hensall ........................... 8 3 8 This 58165 the best race of the day. Farmers' - Brownie, 5. Miller .....................1 0 1 Daisy Sidney, \V. N. Henry 2 0 '2 Saila' Boy, J. 0. Higgins 9 3 8 L. Ferguson, 0. Servers ............ 4 4 4 The baby contest was won by Misr Daviel leindlay's baby, Wingham citizens' band delighted the fair pat- rons with a program of excellent mus - 1e. The concert in the evening drew a capacity house. Robert Sturdy, hostler at the Queen's Hotel, suffered a broken leg toward neon on Thursday of last week the result of being kicked by a strange horse, whicb he was tttteuding. The horse belonged to one of the patrons of the Fair. Mr, Sturdy's left leg was broken below the knee, He is in the hospital. Z acreetreeiberaremesseeeeaserr • 18 18 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New Over - coatings OUR NEW OVERCOATINGS HAVE ARRIVED. NEWEST PATTERNS. CALL AND SEE QUALITY AND GET PRICES. Guaranteed Eifel Overalls - $1115 s R. FERGUSON ••• • Tailor and Outfitter - Brussels S •S • ar.itr3••••eaceseereawieor.00\oors 41•••••111••••1•••••••••••••• Z1 was on the way to recovery. Capt. blTofe a art is G - eo. MoTa gar-, of town. g Mts. D. Tiplady received word of the death on Sunday, Oct. 8111, of her sister, Mrs. A, Akeni, Livingstone, Montana. The demised lady, whose Maiden name was Elizabeth Mellow, was born and spent her girlhood days in Clinton. Family left here abaft 28 years ago. She is survived by her husband and a family of 4 daughters. Nes. Akan was only a little over 50 years of age. Wroxeter The Agenda (Kansas) naive of September 29111, speaks as follows of Rev, Mr, Lackland, who recently re- moved from Wroxeter :-Last Sunday morning which inaugurated the com- pleted Federated church movement was well ba Y h ; aobserved fith neservice, The church was packed. Rev. R. S. Lackland addressed the audience in a forceful and eloquent Manner. He is an orator, scholar, and worker. The people greeted him enthneiastieally and commented highly upon such of his work as they have seer and hens d. The choir since they have been re- organized, showed in fighting fen In both morning and evening. Special music by quartet and duets added to the value of the service, An earnest invitation is extended to all to attend these services. Clinton The pupils of the Model School con- tributed $12 to the Oavell memorial fu 1111. Ur, 'William Shaw, Minhlgatl was nJohn Shaw, of tl er ht the u st his br, 1 guest , town, Ed. Steep, son of Wnl. and Mrs. Steep, Clinton, is repented as being admil:t.ed 10 a hospital in France suf- .fel'ing from a wound in the eide, Mrs. Ja11.1e8 Fair, Calgary, formerly of town, wag badly burned a short time ago by the explosion of gas in her kitchen range. Fortunately Mr, Fair and the fatally were there and help WI19 immediately at hand but even then she was badly burned about the face and chest, CLINTON 1304 DIES OP PNEIfitorair AT FRONT. -D, S. Cleft received the sad news Thursday morning of the death of his son, Pte, George Newton Oluff, who was serving with the 8rd Cana - direr Divisional Supply Oolutmnof Ihe 19181hr115al 'Traits lo•y of pneumonia. Pte. Oluff enlisted in Clinton in Febru- ary of this year, leaving for the front about the middle of April, where he had been in the thick of it most of the time since, but in all his letters hone, excepting his last, written September 26th, in which he said that for the first time since going overseas he was tine n feelings well a9tunnel, n a w r, "nu elf 2.e i>iovar he always expressed himself being as well and happy in lois life, and proud of the chance to do his bit•" Word wee also received (hat Calm Bander Ma'L'aggatee of the 3rd .)'bil- 1 lery Brigade, bad been woetided, but Pte. ha. Kirkwall Writes os from the Hospital DEAR SIR :CND BRO.-Jost a short letter fu t'eulembrance of the times I used to be in Brussels at the I. 0, 0. F. meetings and otherwise. If you have room ne your paper for a little of this as I am nota very gond news- paper correspondent and it i8 the first time I have ever undertaken to give an Editor the chance. I have lately returned from the fighting area of France where there are a great many good and just as many horrible sights to be seen. Itis not necessary to go into detail but very few of the good ones are only to be seen back out of range from the artillery but up where it has hall the chance to lodge its iron compliments things are very badly destroyed. Near Ypres, where I was first, the Germans used to do do their sharp shooting with rifles and machine guns but down where 1 met with my mis- hap they did there sniping with 9. 5 and whizz -bangs. Fritz has been driven back where it keeps him guess- ing for his range and his aeroplanes all, which is a good a w have 510 a t la 5 Y job. I met mine on the 5th of Sept. then left for England, landed in revery good hospital. They give as three fair good meals a day and an issue of cigarettes once a week, Of course they do not last a week. The (Uneaten Red Owes party comae every week and any thing we want they take note of it, then it is sent from London, The weather here has been cold and wet the last few days but it doesn't worry therm as they have very little ' harvest to take off. Ithink this will Lime. I am im- proving m b onoYIl for this a r proving 2.e fast as can be expected and think one more week will see tn0 crit of here, W)sbing you the best of health and good luck, I remain, Yours fraternally, No. 150451 PTE. JNO, KIRKCONNELL, 16111 Canadian Scottish Batt. Bagthorpe Military Hospital, Notting- ham, England, Sept. 21st., 1916. (Note by Editor -The above letter is from a son of Juo. Kirkconnell, 16th Coni, Grey township, who was wound- ed in France.) Chatty letter from Nokomis Sask, From a Former Bruesellte s let- ting a few Imo DEAR EDIT oR 3u ting you know I am well and hoping this may find you all the same. I also forward $1 5o for subscription to ToR Pos'r, which you may still send to my former address, Benmidji. Minn, 622 3rd St, 1 came to Nokomis about two weeks ago to look after our interests, as we have our farm here, rented on shares. Threshing is about half over and the crops in this district are very good, con. sideriog the damage done by hail and rust. Summer fellows are allyielding 20 to 30 bushels per acre older land is less, which is good for this year. Rust has done more damage than hail. g e a Prices ere high, which will more than make up for the damage caused by hail and rust. There are no acres Summer fallow on our place which will go es bushel per sere or better, but we are not threshed yet as the wealher bas been wet end broken for the past week, but e xpect to be threshed soon. Mrs. Mooney is not leavirg very good health of late but Lisle is healthy and has grown to be a big boy. He is in High School now, Well 1 will close for this time but will write again later after I go back home. With best wishes to you all I remain As ever. Very truly yours, HARRY MOUNSv, Nokomis, Sask. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels this season as follows THURSDAY, Nov. 2nd, 1916 Dec, 7t11, 1910 Jan. 4th, 1917 Feb. 1st, 1917 Mar. 1sb, 1017 April 51h 1917 -0- leading local and outside buyers 8111 be present •.48.•..••.•••••.••••••••• 4••••®^•••••••.•••.4'••••••• • • • • • • • • A • • •• •• s • • HEATERSI RANES � .• A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly i Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise. Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul- h Stock. ca y Bankrupt p • • S If you are a Bargain Hunter •• •, your wants can be supplied • • e atourStore. •A • • • Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to • • abide the result. w O • • 1 •• i ,thel • � J •• ♦ • S ••••N. /N1.b •+*e.•®a•eh0f•••tC...•••••No•••••s/•