HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-12, Page 8bull Cherry Bark Cough Syrup p A•O•••••••••••••c•io•N••• ••••••..*•. ••••••O•e•••,• SPECIAL PRICES if you have Papering to do this Fall we h til he pleased to show you 'annWes et our large and up-to.date or Pearl Tooth Powder will keep , ed, of Wail Paper. This is a good your teeth white, healthy and hema- tite... io Paper. [Ifni -25e packages. Will stop your Cough -252 & 50c, Rexall Catarrh Jelly Relieves cold iu the head -25e tube. Rexall Mentholioe Balm • • 4 • • It's handy to have alumni. It's • healing properties make it a splen- did Application for burns 11trses or • skin affections of nykmd 25e jars, • Rexall Glycerine Soap • ♦ 0 Makes you feel fresh and clean. Fragrant and absoletely pure. Large • cake r5c ; 2 for 2511. : Rexall Toilet Cream For sore, chapped hands or face use Resell Toilet Cream -25c bottles, Rexall Tooth Paste ?he tic fad Store F. R. AI7H 1'RPGOIHi' AND S'TAT'IONER. 4t cal /.iebm ;jtems SHARP frosts RAIN ,s band y needed. Mot ILANt raver I5 very low, '1'HANR-GtvINel Day was very quiet in to -t'; Sea, '1. It and Friday evening of this week, I ut'u i tv r next week will be 'literal. gar 1• v. y131 contributwn rea y for lc -.d Cross Fund. lei . i' V or's' List Court will be la- Lettuce Chamber '1'htlrsday Ed s' e t et 10 a. m. At 2 p m. British Tied Crass Society Phis is a Mot is L . _ r List vl will come up tor re- well deserved cause whose splendid �ltee.'(i )t .;'e Dickson is expected to work should call for a very generous ,tars; .: SALE OF IOUsENol.p EF2Ec50, support. —(r ,• to tine demise 01 Mrs. E —0— iLan., n ,-iicnrn Sole of her house - '11 . tt• wilt be held tit her late Pim SALE —A Spring calves, a 3.year-old haul e, 'I'h. ^..<� roadster colt broken to drive or work, and a I 1 rret, HrusS_'S. Friday cow.8 years old, to calve about tlhristmas. Ei 9 en r.'„. week, at 2 p. m. F. S. Ill Y.1, f \ 1'81. tt'!• 1'I'1•AL —On QCs• Stb tv0n'1 . ,i- -1110 2' dl t'v Pte Edward Gar - km, lieu: -.e ., teat Ws brother, Pte. Tom Gr rt+�u, a ii., was 111 the trenches, had died of '., eunds received on Sept. 24111, Wn0Lt.rN nig lest le Rras','1b, Please leave lie v: s; .,'n„!::�: tit i to yc'nug men 81110 1181 Tar•, PoeT. JasRPIl AMER. gave h:-- . .:, i ,r Freedom'; Cause. A 55Er132022 and ease lost. Will finder kind- ly ,1,•:f' 1v 11•x82 then! at T112 POST end greatly oblige .t, 4 sisters and 5 br0thera the owner. are est 1 , !weir., the loss 01 a mach 2111822 watch found. Owner may have it loved on •coil bother, by proving property and paying for this notice. Os til pLe t5l;T, see then —1)Oren- Ton Pow, Dntec'rocs of East Huron Fall Fair will meet Snurday afternoon of this week to close up the business of the Fair. Accrrow Sale of Farm Stock, im- plements, etc., this(Thursdit) afternoon at R Griffih's, immediately South of Hrusseis. Sale at t p. m. 'late Council should see that Tern - berry street work is completed at ogee and the rotd opened up to the public. Agreement called for the finish over a month ago THURSDAY of next week will he 'Trafal- gar D..y when the canvassers appointed will call on you for your donation to the Ler le, on. 5, Grey. Phone 4117. wxsmty Hn3tsEa. MAY Pullets for sale., Mt2a M. HALLIDAY, Brussels, Form yearling steers and two yearling heif- ers for sale. Apply Lot 11, Con. 11. Grey. Phone 245 JACOB F16Cntta. wend•, ” 1'• 1111 O, Uansda's foremost A 2Ra5Rc•rwn11E person wadies to rent living hair (orris 'l r¢ners and manufacturers rooms, down stairs, if possible. Leave word at THE PprT. will pay a >opo..ia; visit to the American 2051085 weeks old for sale also a yoke of Hots', Bru',e,s, tc, display and demon- steers rising 2 years. S, ly Lot 20, Con 7, Mar• stra'e the uewo-' creations in fine hair lie. AI.FII8D 86T7010, Blyth P. Q, R. R. No.2. goods For adzes anal toupees and wigs Foil $ALR —One horse rising i years, 1 filly rising 2 years End 1 general purpose mare 6 for mem with are La1.l, A free demon- yrare old. Apply to GU.. 001.815, Brussels atrall"n of any Style i3 available to any- South. Phone 510 one ii tel ., c. rt- 7 Pigs a weeks old for sale. Apply at Lot 18, THERE W Is a great crowd at the depot Con. 2, Grey, or phone 21018.13T, bICA GLIBTra. Tneaday a1 2ping to Lid the brys of the FOR 'A LB.—Thr large frame bulldog next 16rst f:u'ewe:` rind wish them Godspeed the bridge, Brussels, now used ns Implement as tht y face ID.W relationships t0 the wereroom with floe stablingunderneath, also the building lot immediatelSouth 1s offered for sale ata very reasonable price. For fur- ther particulars apply to J. H. GALBRAITH, Brussels. A c001) house for sate with Stable and fruit trees, Apply to I. C. RICHARDS. war le •i,e r expected voyage to Eng- land, Rev 1) Wre-a offered a few ap- propriate remark, and proposed three cheers for the soldier !addles, which wereiven with a vi that then the g m a meant very hearties' support from the home con:reentry and the united hope that they a , e to t r may i e 1 tr .d r return. 'rue Red y Cres, Circle i , atd•d :y5 00 to each Bras - ((elite +, a ptr 1, tuft w the shape of an exchar;e ,.tier fur that amount pay- atle on arrive: in the 0':d Laud. Rost:DAY,—Advantage was taken of Fair JL y b: the Rd Cross Society who put on a fres.. Day, the proceeds of wiric, vitt he applied to the British Red Cross Fund, 10 be canvassed for on Thursd y next. in Brussels, Mrs B S. Scott Was asked to take charge of the work and .he enlisted a number of young ladies lad young girls to assist, They worked so energetically and Lound so mann willing customers—a refusal being a rarity—that the splendid sum of $144.- 00 was real zed at the close of Friday 1n the sale of irises The assistants were Miss Alice WL'i11',5, aided by Nellie Fox, Gertr ide M':Kelixe, Lena Barkley and Marguerite Wilton ; Misses Levine Sin- clair, Liura Ament, Minerva Jones, Isabel Su lichen ; Miss Irene Barkley A FINE WOStAN ewes AWAY,—At 11.45 assisted by Muriel Hoover and Pauline . Wednesday night of last week Mrs, Wil - Barkley ; Misses Winnie Long and Ilam Harris, Thomas street, paid Lovette Hnilautvne, Miss Strachan Nature's debt, aged 75 years While headed the list with sales totalling she had been quite ill for some time the $33 65 ; Miss loves was a good second , end came very suddenly, Deceased's With $32 61 : Miss Wilton & Co. gather• maiden name was Elizabeth Morrison ed in $24. to ; Miss Barkley and deputies and she was born near Glasgow. Scot - $19 9n ; Miss L»'ng $15 05 and Miss Sin , land. When 17 years of age site carne Glatt $11 53 'Inc Red Cross is very ; to Canada with relatives and located at grateful to those who assisted in the , Cromarty, Hibbert township, Perth Co , work and return tha0ks to the hundreds ; where she married Wm, Bell 58 yearn of patrons who donned the pretty white I ago. After a lengthened residence there rose. the family removed to Atwood where Rouge 82,11,1IAN ANSWERS THE CALL. I Mr. Bell died 24 years ago, aged 62 years,Mrs. fiarrle took upresidence -•-Last Friday, nr, Huntsville, Ont., , Roger Clarke Deadman, son of G, A. - to Brussels in 1894 where she lived con. Death -nen, Brussels, passed away at the early age of 27 years. He had been liv- ing in the Northland for sometime in the hope of building up his health, which had no' been pest r bust for the 4 few ye•{rs. Roger was born in Brussels and grew to voting manhood here enjov- ing the respect and esteem of both old andyottng. He took up booking asa profession and rose rapidly until he at. tabled an excellent position et Winnipeg, which he had to abandon owing to fail- ure of health. He put up a brave bet nnsaceessfel fight. since then during which he received the best of care, He is survived by his father and 4 ei5lera (Mrs. (Rev ) Flied, 'Toronto ; and Misses Kate; Edith and Gertrude) who share largely in the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. The retuning were brought to 13r11:812 for interment. the funeral takiug place last Monday afternoon, R_ v, Mr. Mann conducted a suitable service et the parental home speaking on the words "We all do fade as a leaf." Pallbearers were F, H. Gilroy, Dr. ,Bryans, Rev. Mr. Hind, Chaff, Richards, S, Wilton and Chea. Crena• field. Roger Deadman was a fine spirit- ed young man who will be long reine l- bered - —0 - While in the Standard Bank on Tues- day t day about noon Atex. Brvans, Queen street, was stricken by a paralytic stroke He was ceeveyed t, his home and has lain in an meconselOns condition since, we regret to stale. He is ahnut 7o years of age but has been a very healthy man. We are sorry to state Mr, Bryans passtd away Thursday morning as THE POST was goiug to press. DEBATE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE —On the evening of Friday, 20th inst , at 8 o'clock, a public debate will be held in the Audience [loon] of the Public Lib- rary, Tinder the auspices of the Women's Iustitute, on the interesting topic of "Whether women should have the Fran- chise or 110'." Affirmative will be up- held by plisses Carrie Hingston and Belle Henderson while B. S. Scott and 'Phos. Armstrong will support the nega. dye. An offering will he taken for local purposes All will be welcome. sinuously until her demise. 'Pwn (laugh. ters survive, Mrs. las. Donaldson, At- wood, and Mrs, R. H. Green, Cal ego In addition to children who died in their lettuce, Mrs. James Bell is de- ceased end Wm, W. pies( (1 away July rat, 1916 One Meter of Mrs Harris. Mrs. Chas McVey, is a resident of Cleleland Mir). Funeral service took place Saturday afternoon, Rev, A, J. Menti, deceased's pastor, condueliug it, Pallbearers were R Oliver, R. Hender. son, Geo. McMillan, S. Wilton, P, Scott and A. R. Currie, Interment was mode in the family plot in E -ma Centre Ceme- tery Deceased had cared for her 2 grandchildren, Cara and Will 18511, after their mother died, Will. being only 6 menthe old et the time. The subject of this n0ti08 Was a good hearted body ever nearly to lend A helping hand to those need me it and had a wide circle of friends who respected and esteemed her for her menu excellent quolities. She was a faithful member of the Presby. terian church and always heti A warns Spot in her heart for her native land. M'qa Cora Bell will go to Cayuga in the nlr-.autime with her aunt, Mrs. Green, after the cele of household effects Friday afternoon of this week. • • • • •• • 0 • • • • • O • ♦ 0 0 O ♦ FOR Dressed Poultry Live Chickens ... 12c per lb. Fowl ... ... 10c Ducks... ... IOC " Geese .., .,, gc Old Turkeys ... .15c " Young Turkeys 18c r' - 21C Premium will be paid for Dressed Milk -fed and Crate Fatted Chickens showing Quality, Dressed 15C per Ib, 13C 14C " 13C rr 1 8c Directions for Killing All Poultry must be picked rlt'y and hung by the les in a cool place until delivered.Geese and Ducks must have heads and all feathers off. Chickens, Fowl and Turkeys may be bled in the mouth and heads left on. Otherwise heads must be taken off, picked dry, and tips of wings may be left on these. R. THOMSON, Brussels O 0 0 • 0 . • 0 0 • 0 • • . • s 0 O • • • • 000♦6060.0l»11 5 $•••0060600 ••••00000004.0•a••0049 SPECIAL meeting of Huron Co. Coun- cil Friday of this week. Annual Thank -offering of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of Me ville church will be held 'Thursday evening of this week. Rev. Mr, Little, St. Helens, will give the address OWING to the continued illness of lodge Holt Barrister R. C Hays, of Gederieh, has been appointed Deputy Judge of Heron Co. and will assist in the judicial work but wilt re(911 his practice. He is well known to many in the County and has a large experience in legal work. DIED IN WIAs'roN —Mrs. 'Thos Gil- pin died at her home in Wiarten on Sunday morning, Oct, 8th, iu great peace, atter an illness of many mouths. Although at times in extreme suffer ing it was borne with Christian resignation and trust in her Heavenly Father ' Who (Meth all things well." She was in the 73rd year of her age. Emma Street teas a daughter of the late Mr Street, Streer,ville (titer whom the town was named) and the dearly loved wife 0f '1'Itos. Gilpin, one of the leading busi• time men in Wiar'on for years, who Med 3 years ago last August, AL's- Gil- pin was au educated, refined, gentle- woman. who taught school for a num- ber of rears previous to her marriage. She took a deep interest in the Metho- d•st Church in whim] she gave her talents liberally wherever needed, whether W. M. S , Ladies' Aid, W. C. T. U. or S S. Deceased was greatly beloved and respected. Her home was where she reigned supreme as queen in Iter husband and children's hearts. She gave to her childieu the loving ctu•e, gu'dance and counsel of a wise mother and her 4 children, all of Wiarton, Herbert, Victor J of Gilpin Bros.. Ada, wile of Walter S. Newman and Miss Olive, who so lovingly and tenderly cared for her beloved mother through her long illness 'rid ministered so patiently and faithfully to her every want, rise tip and call her blessed. Mrs. Gilpin enjoyed almost perfect health un- til a few mnnths ago when symptoms of heart trouble made themselves manifest but she met it bravely and Fearlessly. All that kind physicians, trained nurse and loving relatives could do was at no however ver and thecense avail end eud- 'l w thinly at last. Funeral was held from the late residence on Tuesday afternonu to Wiarton cemetery where she sleeps hes de her partner of many years in sure and certain hope of a bright immortality beyond the grave. 'rhe pastor, Rev. Wm. Prudhant, M. A , conducted the obsequies. The late Mrs, Gilpin and her family have frequently visited in Brussels, she being sister-in-law of J. J. Gilpin, town. People We Talk About Mrs. Robert Kerr bas gone to visit her daughter at 'Toronto. Miss Rose Bird, of Toronto, was visit- ing in tine locality for a few days, Miss Beatrice Ha'ris was home from Toronto to her grandmother's funeral. Mrs. John Cardiff has returned to her home here after visiting at Clinton and London. Jacob Wilton, Guelph. was in sown for a few day 4, calling on relatives and friends Sergt. Norman McGuire, of the lloth Battalion, was Ilonle for his last leave before going overseas. Earl Cunningham has been ill from blood poisoning in his arm His 'pother Iraq been here nursing him Jno Henderson, Chas. Richards and Drugglat Menu Armstrong, 'Toronto, Were home fpr Thanksgiving. J H Cameron and Mrs. S. Stemmer],, London, were renewing old friendships in Brussels during the past week. R Leatherrlale arrived hotne last week from an extended visit to Winni- peg. He enjoyed his stay very much. Lloyd Jackson, George Edwards, Roy S'ewert and Stuart Giant were home for Thanksgiving From Stratford Col - reunite 12mes and Mrs. Grille, Elora, and S. and a Grille, io t a 1 Mr., G II Liv cel were vistto .5 AI the home of R and Mrs. Leathertlele, Brussels. D, and Mrs. Robinson, Mitchell, were Visitors at the home of W, and Mrs, Robiusr'n, Queen street, The gentle- men are bre Iters Pte. Victor D.>upe was wounded in France In the neck and arm and to now in the hospital. He is A nephew of J. J, and Mrs. Gilpin, town. George Irwin mud Russell Brown, spent a few days its Brussels renewing std acquaintances They Dame from Toronto io the fornmer's car. Mrs J T. Mason, Merlin, wag home for a visit with her parents, A. and Mra, McGuire, and to See her brother, Sergi, McGuire, before he went overseas Mrs. R H. Green was celled from Cayuga last week owing to the 98210119 illness of her mother, the late Mra. Har- ris. Mr. Green was here for the funeral, otato es Choice home grown Potatoes for eating or seed, $1.80 per bag. Choice Carmen No. 3 Seed Potatoes, $2 10 per bag. After Nov. lot the Oarulens will he $2 25 per bag. I planted, on the Danford property, about an acre tvitlt Alberta and New Brunswick Potatoes and the other acre with home grown ones. The latter out -yielded the for- mer by over 2 to 1, 1 would rather give $5 00 per bushel for home grown seed potatoes than have the imported ones for nothing. See a sample of the Oal•mens at the Fair. Geo. A. Best Miss Addie Lott, 'Toronto, is home 501' a 515+1. Mrs. Jno. Downing spent 'Thanks- giving i:1 'Toronto. Mrs Goocl vin, Kincardine, visited with Mrs. J A. Kyle. Mise Kathleen Wilton was home for • Thanksgiving from her school at Elm - vale. Mrs, Tno. Howard is hack to town after a visit of several weeks with rola- ; Lives. Sergt. 1. F. McGregor, of the Isg'h Battalion, was visiting his sister, Miss McGregor. , G N. McLaren and family motored to Alliston and Camp Borden for Thanksgiving. Miss Pearl Baeker, who is leaching at Kitchener, was home for the Thanks- giving holiday, Mrs, J. T. Ross was laid "n last week but is considerably imp . -• d now we are pleased to state. Mrs Hugh Lemont and Miss Mary attended the Lamont—Howell wedding at Galt on Saturday of last week. Arthur Ward anri family have re- moved to Brantford where they purpose making their home. We wish them prosperity. Mrs. Patrick and delights. 1 rine, were visitiu Mrs no Mewling, ' the g i fnrmar's mother iu ,town, Their home is et Kitchener. Mrs, P Scott has been laid aside From her usual activity by an attack of sciatica but her many friends hope she will soon be as well as ever. Miss Annie MvQnarrie, Moukton, and 1, C. Priclharn, Toronto. spent the Thanksgiving holiday et the home of P, and Mrs. SlcQuarrie. Mr and Mrs. Bettger end two child• ren, Monkton, motored to Brussels last Sunday and spent a fete hours with J. T. Ross and family, Miss Berea Bryans wa called from Toronto on 'I'ueeclay ntv ng to her father's illness. She had been home for Thanksgiving returning Monday. Fred. Wood has gone to Loudon where he is attending the Collegiate preparatory to entering on a course at the School of Practical Science at Tor- onto. We wish him success. Sergt. Gordon Ross Kincardine, was here last Saturday calling on Tela- fives befnre leaving for overseas He is a' 01 of Robert Ross, formerly of Brus. cels, and a grandson of David ROSS, sr., of town, Mrs Hamilton, of Edmonton, who ha+ been visiting tier mother, Mrs. T. Ennis, on account of the latter's prior health, left fur her home this week in the West. Misses Hingston, Downing and Bailey and Rev. D. Wren, F. H. Gilroy and W. H Kerr were at Wingh:m Wednesday attending the EpworthuorIh League And S' uu. day School District Convention, I. F Rowland and Miss Mary. 'Pikers - burg, w - re in town Sunday and hinuday calling on old Monts, Miss Isabel Streahms returned tvillt them in their car. Mr Rowland is well pleased with hie lewof inew pe. t the seams(' sots of Rev Harold Kerr, a sec n W, E. nod Mr., Herr, Vancouver, 11 C., has gone orerseas with the Vancouver Batlaline, many of whom are University sll>dents, He has been training at Camp Hughes, Malt. EST'S. 1873 STANDARD BARK OF CANADA tHEADOFFICE - TORONTO EVERY good Bank has a RESERVE FUND as a.pro- vision for lean years and the inevitable rainy day. This Fund has been 000umuleted from Surplus Earnings and is a source of strength and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one is in a safe financial condition. Our Savings Department offers an ideal opportunity for establishing YOUR RESERVE FUND. 209 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, It3O ' Manager. Meet Sabbath ntot'ning Rev, Mr, Wren will euutinue lite series of ser- mons on "The wifehood of Jesus" when his subject will be "His Compassion", Rev, R. McCormick, M.. A BI th will preach at the eveuig service. y 'i'',e Sunday School At Home cm Monday evening in the school room of the Methodist church was a very, pleasant gallering, Rev, D. Wren, pastor, presided and after bis timely re- marks the following well rendered pro- gram was preseuled: -- Recitation, Marie! Hoover ; solo, Bobs Campbell ; dialogue, Merrier Wood and Gordon Best : song by members of the Primary Class ; recitation, j T Wood ; solo, May Armstrong ; rcuitation, Miss Irene Hoover ; Poppy song by Miss Bailey's class ; Club swinging, Misses Ida and Ella Raudi ; fleetnro song, "Nearer my God to Thee", Miss Hingston taking the solo ; solo. Miss Addie Card•ff ; i p'esentalion to Roy and Nlrs. McKay, of a dez •n silver spoons. Short appropri- ate address was made by F, H. Gilroy ex.>ressing good wishes to the b. ide and groc n. Clara Ander-on presented the gift. hir. McKay briefly replitd thank- iug the school for their ktuduess. Con- fectionery was generously dispensed, this being the treat of the Blues, who were the Inners in the recent attendance contest, The National Anthem and the Benediction brought the iuteresting gathering to a close, Belgrave This locality patronized Brussels Fall Fair in large numbers. Mark Gander(' sturdy baby was one of the prize winners in the ilaby Shaw, 1e anniversary set -vices anniv rsar sevices of the Presbyterian church here were held last Sunday when splendid sermons were preached to large congregations by Rev. Mr. Smith, }Ieissall. We are sorry to state that Rev. Mr, Parnaby, Methodist minister, was • taken to Winghant hospital this week, ill with typhoid fever. Many friends wish him speedy convales- cence. ACCTtosr SALE,—Joe Miller is hold- ing a clearing Auction Sale at his i farm S } Lot 7, Con. 4, Mot )181 00 Thursday afternoon of next week. Ho purposes moving to Belgrave and will r1111 cattle on Itis farm. l A farewell aocial evening was en- vyed in the O. 0, F. Hall on the even - lug of Thanksgiving Day, for depart- ! ing anldier brays, under the auspices of the Patriotic Society anal Wm. Auxil- iary. Sapper was served and a short program rendered. The buys lank their departure Tuesday morning amidst the cheers of relatives and friends, Ohurch ()filmes Rev. Mr. Miller, Milverton, ocet5511tc1 the tittlpit of the Melhocllet church last. Snnrlay and gave two good sermons F. H Gilrey gave an address Wednea clay evening at the Snndav School C0e- vention in Wisghnm nn "The challenge ogfrathme tomorrow". Miss Hingston, of Brussels, took part in the musical pro- . The union 'Chapksgiv[ng service held In St. John's rhuday fo 8150 not 155)5815' 9[15(111relt,Mnn811. Revrenoon Mr PSge gave moat appropriate sermon. Offering wee (liken for the Red Cross Fend, Bluevale NEWSY NOTES.—Miss Bernice Shaw W110 borne front Stratford Normal over —1 Mae Powell, Lon- don, holiday.—Miss .l (ss t P w y brother,. don, spent Sunday with herb , Pte. Flelb. Powell,—Mrs. Jos, Smith visited relatives at Dungannon last week.—A large number from here took in Lite Helmets Fair, hast Friday. 1 —Wm, Thornton has had his house painted and new eavelrouglrs put on and has now everything right tip-to- date.—John and Aire. Geddes have arrived home after spending past couple of months in Western Canada. —David and Mrs. Bell, Seaforth, spent a few days wills the tatter's sis- ter, Nils. Geo, T4,tney,—Ail of the 101st SOW [er boys were hurtle on last leave this week and expect to go over - setts shortly. We wish them well.— Miss Laura T. Holmes, our teaeh01,, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Peffea's.—Jas, Ailchesou has beet quite ill stud under. Ute Drs. care. Hope he will soon be o. k.—The anniversary services in Lite Methodist church on Sunday were well attended. Rev. G. J. Kerr, Gorrie, gave two very impres- sive set mons. The Tea Meeting Mon- day night was well patronized, $55 00 being taken at the door,—Mrs. John nsgrove, Winghiun, spent a few days this week with Mrs, 1:11, Musgrove.— Thos. Bradnock, Gorrie, shipped two cars of cattle from here to Buffalo on Friday.—Lyle and Alts. McKinney and Aurally, Toronto, spent the week end with tlie former's 511115nts here,— Mrs. Hayes and daughter, Miss FFnr- ence, London, spent, a few days this week with Mrs. Hay sr.—Alex. Andersen, IJanovee, spent a few days this weep renewing old aequaitittu>ces iu the village.—'OVil-ianl Stewart, Howard Stewart, Pte, N. Pollee and Miss C. Potter, Bowling Green, motor- ed up and spent a few days tvll11 T1105. iss rl ea Werth. r AJ Laura T.1 hn Stettl' t— . v er Walton ryas borne fpr the week cud.—A gnie1 but pettily wedding teas atllerYllNl. d at the e Queen Street:, e Methodist church, Toronto Friday, October. 6111, when Rev. J. O, Coch- rane united Miss Elizabeth M. Po- cock, and Chas. 1,), Enright, Toi'ontn, as 11(1511 and wife, The happy couple spent their lIntleymoou at the bride's parents home, A. and Mrs. Holmes.. They r 't hev left on eft lnonn tin11 1V1011(11 1y, FOP Tnrunto where they will take tip housekeeping. --There passell away at Taranto oil Sunday, Oct, 811,, Miss Llleabeth Thnitlae, daughter of Philip and iMla. Thnhlas, aged 45 years. For ie invalid butshee Lrs she has 1 en ani >val d i, a bore uppatientlyto the last, Funer- al on 07aestlay was largely attended. Mr. and Aire. Thomas have the sym- pathy of the 0Otrrlrtitlllly, MARRIED LDNDy—KsNNDDY•—At Limehouse. Ont,, on Thanksgiving Day, by Rev. It, A. Lundy, Thomas Walton, 11omas James Lundy to Mies Joan Kennedy. DIED DSADtMAN.—At Huntsville, Ont„ 00 Octob- er 0th, ens1916,. Roger Clarice Deadman, aged 27 y "b'28 Donald Wr, aged, on Oct. 81h, 1010, J)ni,std Flshur, used 71 years and months. Iroaeywn —At lexaleher, Husk„ on September oHu 28th, 1016, Alexander Hugh, 008 of Hugh loll Mre. Forsyth, formerly of Morrie township, n{{,',ed d months and 27 days. GILSfN: In .Wiarton, on October Atil, 1016, Emma Street, widow of the late Tltamos WIpin, in Iter 70rd year, HAntne,—Tri Brussels, on October 4011, 1910, Elizabeth Morrison, relict of ate Into Wm, Herrin, aged 76 years. b1ONTOOstesy,—ln Gerrie, on October 4011, 1016, Mary Oorbett, wife of Win. bloatgour- ery, aged 76 years. AUCTION SALES Tna6DAy, OoT.24: IIDarm stook, implements. Fifa., 5134 Lot 22, Coil. 2, Morris, Sale ttnreesrv- ed nt 1 p, m, Arthur Shaw, Prop„ Jno. Purvis Au0. • 0t006040000e00.00944•00009 Drug F Dri9 Store! • ♦ d•1'++++++4 ++4'++++4'040 • • 0 Xmas reefl n Cards O May seen) a little early to 0 MORS of lae these beanti- g 0 rut Autumn days, ueverthe- ♦ • loss it will not he long until A the season will be with mt. We have just received a book 9 • of very handsome sample • 0 Oonds at prices ranging from e 0 15eup. • X A 0 A O • 0 2 2 • Y t • • • • O•• • • • • • • Some Useful Articles for Our Sldir Boyse Boy • • Soldier'e Pocket Phntn, Holder, �► llorecnu leather, suitable for • 1 or 2 Photos, 75c. Soldier's Pooket Writing Case, 0 • in leather, at 750. • p Soldiers' Antive Service hfirrors. 0 Pelee 50c. • OSoldiers' Money Belts in canvas H ® and teatime, at 50e,, and 85c. 0 Any one of the above will make g a suitable gift. 0 • a�O • 'Sale will be glad to allow you • to take the Sample Book 0 home and look it over at • ynne convenience and any melee placed with as will're- cetve prompt and careful at- A ten tion. • While we are pleased Lo ex- re tend the above privilege we • tt'our Gtis101ters to feel • free to look over the stun- 0 pies wlthont feeling under • • any obligation whatever Lo buyish. • A P. R. MULHERON 0 Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir Master, Melville Church, 0 eruaaele. Peens prepared for Toronto Col- • lege of Mimic MIxam ilia tions. Phone Ox • Auction Sales AUOTION HALE OM 1.ARb1 STOOK, IN. xs,a,tssTB, CO.—John Purvis, Auctioneer, Lae received instructions from the undersign- o ed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at 1,1, Halt Lot 22, lion, 2, Morrie, on Tuesday, • October 24(1,, lit o'clock sharp, the following • valuable property: 1 Perohercn litre 4 years 0 old, 1 gelding rising 8 years, I leliy rising 8 0 ear I r R fill lain • 2 sore 2 Spring colts 2 YS Y t y. P g cr mares rising 6 years supposed , t. a PI ssla foal, b sere 0 012, 2 heifers iner calf, 2e dry cows, 5 steam 2 yearn. Ste,rhalters2 sera old, hollers CAIVe, 15 rigs 8 months year cid, tl :spring c'14str Piga 0 months old, 90 hens, 1 is mower (178 binder 0 horse rake nearly Hew, mower 0 lender net, 1 horse rake arae y new, 1 hay lander Honor, 1new, 1 dim. 1 pea harvester, 1 land railer, l and thorny 1 a dim. 1 see acuter rectus, 1 co-ed drill, 1 jack, 11) in Howls Dorn ingter with carriers lill1 5111 - plow 2 walking plows. 1 fanning mill, 1 aciuf- fler,1 set 2000 ill welgh scales, hay fork, ropes and pull eye immolate, 1 set of clings, 1 wagon and hay rack, 2 sets single. harness, 2 sets double harness, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 turnip sower, 1 Dream separator, 1 milk anri about 400 bushel of oats, quantity of hay, chains, forks, whinietrees and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale without reserve as proprie- tor is giving up farming. Terms; 5,11 sums $1000 end under cash; over that amount 11 months credit given on fernlehi»e approved joint notes. A1RTHUR SRA W, Prop on credit 0 0 DRUG STORE The Penslar Store 0 BRUSSELS MARKET — '.ehoat . '51 46 91 00 Oats 65 55 Peas 200 200 Barley 80 85 Etter ill. 2 Eggs 85 B5 Hogs 10 50 10 60 00 Potatoes per bag 1 80 2 00 A • SS•••o•••••••e••••i••••• 04,00(24040040115168404040 • • 6 • s • • O m • • • a 0 • • a • • •40 • 2 0 • a • • 0 ••• • • 0 • New coatin s r sig ' OUR NEW OVERCOATINGS HAVE ARRIVED. NEWEST PATTERNS. CALL AND SEE QUALITY AND GET PRICES. Guaranteed Eifel Overalls - ir25 R. FERGUSON Tailor and Outfitter - Brussels a e 40 0 15 a 40 40 CP O 19 1, 0 (9 t3 tp e 0 1D G 00 63 e9 811 xy,kMgirstYfprte ••600tsaw7f5+•9••e•••et0•0•••••AO040••040.4040 Gl e.ee,ee••eoseo.e•eeoeeseoe•••••seseeeesoc ese••59••e••.a 0 ..0 • N ' Boots and 40 �' i> � tit is a. • •("e'er' Yy,. D t , ,� At former prices t? oo • , i, } e .� . M1. 1 .,i�.� Early buying and with the G 0 '�'� ' t x� ' ' cash enables us to place r) W Footwear of all kinds before �' o �.b:;i a 5 s'� O 9 >, r Y- - t- 0 you atfo r' uformer prices. � es We t) • Y o. f have Our Fall and Winter ee+ ri r Ji' `l C stock uealtly all complete o and your early buying will save yUtt'nioney. • 0R • .0 0 i • • 40 0 • • m Harness Department a le artment e gentry anti Liglst 11at'ness, Robes, Mankato, Rugs, Whips, A full tLock at Lowest Pri0e5, Repairs in Shoes or harness promptly done. Phone 47x to a • et)Rly ;chards e, Pira.fn Morrie townshipp, on septemb8r 22ntt, o. ABIs, to Mr, awl bare. Wm, Pipe, It son, : ••••••06004•44q440440•e•44 404•4444e4•4444•4444444•44e I3 a EitEt rig