HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-12, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS �o �1 LIMITED eQe 4'eFe�rINCS Qi°8P14°SPir O ema18Yo WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER on' MARRIAGE LICi+3NSE3 Mee In the Post °Wee, Ethel. 10-4 AUCTIONEERS. 11 13. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION• • Ban, will sell for butter prices, to butter men in lose time and lees charges I than any other Anotioaoer in East Huron or he won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. XV M SIN(JLAIR- V V • Barrister, Solloitor. Conveyancer, Notary Public &a, 1l aloe-Btewarre Block 1 door North of Central lintel. Bollgltor for the Metropolitan Bank, Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Successor to M, H. Moore. Office at Ander. sot Tiros, Livery stable, Brussels. Telephone No. 20, T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. C. P., d S. O. M. 0. H., Village of Brussels, Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur Office at residence, opposite Melville Church, William ,.treat, DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto , Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur- geon., Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr, A. MuKevey, Smith Block, Brussels. Rural phone 45, G. H ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. Office in Isard Block, Wingham Phone 249, Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Persons) graduate Department of Ophthal- otology, McCormick median' College, Chicago, I11., is prepared to test eyes and at glasses at her office over Miss Inman's millinery store. Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a. m, ; 1 to 0 p. m, Evenings by appoint. meat. Phone 1210. OR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite Flour 811Il, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed. Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satisfaction assured ; ()hawses moderate. Write or Telephone If not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P.O. PROUOFOOT, HURRAH It COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, an. Office on the Ng mire, 2nd door from Houlihan Street, GODERIOH, ONT. Private fun•ls to loam al lowest rates. W. PlIOm8r OOT, K. (I .1, L. T LORAN H. J. D. COOKE r�"0'� �ocm�4a"a�ssaifi'a't��4ie�va'a'P�a`Y6��S CENTRAL /0- /(dliZISUP+ 1 STRATFORD., ONT Commercial, Shorthand and 1 Telegraphy Departments Student,' may enter et any time, We place graduates 1n positions. During 4 July and Augu4 we received applies - M' tiro', fur over 200 Bice assistants the re oouid not supply. Write for our free % 0018)0gue at once. D. A,,MCLACHLAN, Principal. .�itr,AvfTa t. ntfirAw,KIX9..9MAvtIVOY S I Svq.4, i THE Best Brains In Canada have pnrtlei luted In the pre. nitration of our splendid Home Study Courses In Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting, Commercial Art Show Card Writing, Photography Journal. lam, Short Story Writing, Photography, and Bookkeeping. Seleot the work which moat interests you and write us for particulars. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 381-7 Yongo St., Toronto COLLEGE AT HOME f nnrb young Deo. The fa15 O "9 119 Y I s rr oda in their own pj1ie 0911 (net ) preparing hmnog'n offer'', ookkrtdve positions as pliers, lvil s1 servants, epees, tologrs- spher, of vii serWu,ts in toot ovary college of you so tai , P may apish lit college it von so lleg any day. gam, anteed.ee eletal, Enter college any t I Ln's. vldnnl Instruction, Expert tension's. Thirty years' oxperlenne, Largest trainers to Canada, Seven colleges. Special coarse for tenoho•o. Affiliated with Commercial Edson. tore Association of Canada. Saintlier Sohoot at famous Spotton Business Col- lege, London, ondoh. Wingham Business • College Oso. S1'Omv0N, W. T.'Menem, President. Principal. HELP FOR OR WORKING G WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Here Is a letter from.a woman who had to work, but was too weak and suf- fered too much to continue. How she regained health :- Frankfort, Ky.-"I Buffered so much with female weakness that I'could not nmrt„ do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound that. I tried it. I took three bottles and I found it to be all you claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am able to do all my own work again. I recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub- lish my letter if you wish. "-Mre, JAMES CO LEY 516St. N Clair St.,Frankfort,Ky No woman suffering any form of Y female troubles should lose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham'o Veg- etable Compound a fair trial. - This famous • remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism, A11 women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice, -it will be confidential Blyth fair a Success Blyth (Fair was (favored with fine weather ,on Tuesday and Wednesday, and everything pass- ed off without a,n accident to maw the day. The :Blyth IBand- was in attendance. The two horse races resulted as follows, - 2.40 Trot or Pace. R, McLaren ,,,.., ,., 2 McManus ... 4 L. Charlesworth ,,,,.- ,-- 1 Lott r--... ,., 5 Towne , 6 Gardner 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 5 6 4 4 5 5 5 4 6 6 Green Race. Jas. Alton ................. ... 1 1 1 R. Griffith :..... • 2 2 3 Cockerline , 3 4 2 W eston 4 1 5 McDougall .. ,: 5 5 4 R. Welts .,,... -„ , ., 6 dr Taylor e,7 6 6 )Following were the prize win- ners ;- r HORSES .-General purpose - brood mare with foal, R.. •Ferris ; foal, R,Terris. J McElroy; 2 year year old gelding or filly. L. Fear A. B:igham i 1 year 0111 ge,dine cr filly, A,Brigham; team, Jas. Col- c]pugh. etegel'.rul►ural-broad mare with foal, H.Little, T. Dale, Wm. Pat- terson; foal, R, Wright, T Dale; 2year geltding orfiley, E. Taylor. Jas. Dale; team. J. Wright. 'Heavy Draught -mare with foal, Wm. Grey 1 and 2; foal, W Grey, T. McMichael; 2 year gelding or [illy, RtWatt; 1 year lrelding or filly. T. McMichael, R Watt: team R. Watt :best four colts, T MCM.eh ael, Wm. Grey Carriage -brood mare with foal. R,•Ferris; foal, R' Ferris; team, T. Swarts. Roadsters -brood mere with foal Wm. Taylor; f O I\nTaylor; OC' 2 year geedi1 g or fill(', A.1 ovicr, J. Parrott; 1 .year gelding or filly T. Coulter; driver, Jas Hiekenbot- tom.. A Brigham, Ed Haggitt; lady driver, R.Ferrie, H Johaen; team H,Johann. Jas. D:le, Jas• waliums- son; sweepstakes, R Watt -Judges-W.H Cruickshank, on the heavy horses, Chas. MaGregor, light horses. t • CATTLE-0)uiihams.-1bj11'h cohv with calf, R. Harrison, p. Laid - Law ; 2 year heifer, J. Barr, 3 Scott (year heifer, D Laidlaw, J(131trr; heifer calf, J. Scott, D, L idlaw bull calf, D. Laidlaw, R • Harrislan ; herd, ])Laidlaw; aged 'bull, le Shortrec d. Grades -Milch cow with calf, R Harrison,. J. Scott; 2 year heifer, D Laidlaw, John Scott; 2 year steer, John Scott; 1 year heifer, 1'. Scott, R. Harrison ; 1 year steer, J Barr, R. llaarrison; 'heifer calf, I Scott. J Potter; iter c, if .R b H r i on tat steer, J. Barr 1l and 2; tart cow o n heifer, J. Barr, 1 and 2; best an- imal, R Shortreed -Judge-IIe Sin.th, Exeter S'HEEUP-Cots \violet -Ram lamb, aged ewes, sbeteriing ewes, ewe lambs, Wm, Potter , Leicesters--Aged ram and slieall nig ram, Jets. tine]] & Sons; ram lamb, agerr ewes, shearling ewes, ewe lambs, Jas. Steil & Son:, Chas: Wi 'htm t ig aT . • Bhiopsh redown- Shra'i ng r m aged ewes eine lames. J.&IF.La;5- 1aw,, Any other kind -,Fat sheep, Jas. Snell & Son, Chats, Wightm:ui -.Judge-N. Cumiug, PIGS.- orshire- A ] t e prizes went testae. Alton Tamwor:'h-'A rt d 'bo:lr J s. Alton • Chester White -Young boar and young sow, R. Bennett Improved Berkshire -Aged 'boar brood sow, young bold', ,Jas, .Alton young sow, J, & as Laictlaw 1 and 2. -Judge--N. Coming POULTRY -Turkeys J. Jackson', Alton; geese large, Jas. Alton; geese small, 3.3 Pollard, J. Jack- son; rouon ducks 3. Jackson' J.3 Pollard; other dudes, 3,J. Hag- git, J.J. Pollard; hsmburga swing led, J.1FIynn, J.J, Haggitt; ham - burgs pencilled, .1,'Fly'nn 1 and net Wyandottoe, white,' M, Livingston; wya.ndottes, shiver, J, J. ,7113ggttt, Mrs.'Howlett; Ileghlorna white, J. J,7 aggitt, R J. TuieCormick; leg - borne, 'brown, J,Jaekson, land 2; leghorns, ,any other, J.J. Iiaggitt 1)anti'2; orpingtons, J. Hteggltt, M, Livingstone: brahmas dark Mrs. Howrie, H., eeittle;minorcas, Jas, Jackson, 1,J.I3aggitt: black span- ish, Mrs.'Rowrfe; do•kins, R. Short reed, Jelelynn; andalustans, Mrs. Howrie; barred' rocks, 'J. 3. Pollard H, Robinson; white rocks, J.J. Hag gift; red game, J, J. I3a'ggitt 1 and. 2/ bantams, J 'Flynn; nolands, red caps, rhode Island reds, J, J, flag gilt; anaeonas, J.rFlynn fat live chickens, .1..J Po]Iard. l.uenea fowl, Jas. Alton. -Judge-A.Baeker. SPECIAL PRIZES -J, ,W'iitslQn'j1 for best lady driver. R,1Ferris;Dr. t'fdTagga.rt's best 51b4autter, Taylor t Jae. Dodds, best grade cow J. Scott; Blyth Standard, i year general purpose, L.1Feer; J. S. Chellew 5 1bs butter, W. Taylor; Blyth Standard, durham 11: Bee, J. Sto,t,T.StJWatt,he'vie t egg-, i. Sloan, ea,s. Jackson; W. N. Watson dressed chickens, A.7cowlett; J Rapson, dressed chickens, Mrs. J. Ms ones,; Beyth Standard, siugye driver, Jas. '1itchenbottom; 'Map - son Bros„ 10lbs butter, Mrs. Men- zies ; Dr. 'Milne, 10 lbs butter, C. W ightman ; I. McMillan & Co„ 2 loaves bread. C. Michael W;gg htman ; T. Mc Son, M 1 & S n best stallion and colts, '1'.1Vlcbli ch ' eel; Myth -Stan-• dard, bust foal carriage class, R. (Ferris; J. M.'Hamilton, best col- lection of poultry, J. J. Haggitt; Blacken. •& Sons, best (dressed ducks, W. Potter; Blyth Standard, best turkeys, Jas. Jackson 1 J. 117„ Hamilton, best herd shorthorn D. Ladfllaw; Women's Institute, best baking, Mrs. J. Menzies, A. How- lett,: j. J. ow-lett„'J.J. Pollard. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS -Crock butter 20lbs, W Taylor, A. How- lett; loins of butter, C. Wightman. R. Wightman;••5ibs, butter, Chas. Wightman, J Poniard; 21oaaves of bread, Mrs. Menzies, D. Laiflaw ; 2 loaves of bread by girl under 16, W. Scott, 'Hazel Scrimegeour; ex- tracted honey, 10 lbs.. A. B. Carr, 3. & F. Laidlaw ; 5 lbs of honey, A.B. Carr; display of bees, A.B. Carr; maple syrup, .Mrs. Menzies, R. Rech mond ; colt+,ection of canned fruit, J.J. Pollard, Mrs. R. H. McGee; grapy wine„W, Scott.At ce Gtl"isP- ie; tea 'biscuits, R.GMet.owan, CT Laidlanv ; buns, D. Laidlaw, 3. J. Po1(,a,i'c1 2 pies, (D[Laidlaw, A. Howlett; workingman's lunch,Miss S. Can -ter, A.'Howlett: layer ,cake. Mrs. Menzies, 14, G. McGowan; pr, dressed chickens, A.'Howlett, R. Cl. McGowan; tomato catsup, D.Laid-. laity, Duncan Laidlaw; pickles mix ad, Jaa. Jackson, Mrs. Menzies; .pickles any other kind A:Hewlett, Alice H. Gellispp ie; home made soap, Young, W. Taylor; g -Judges Mrs. D. Geddes andMra, W. J: Geddes. GRAIN -Red fall wheat, A. Mc-, Gun=an White fall wheat.,, R, Short - reed. A.McGowan : six rowed bar- ley.. A. McGowan; two rowed 'bar- ley„ R. G. McGowan : oats long, H young; oats short, R. G. McGowan, R. SJhortreed ; small peas. 11„ Short- reed ; timothy, seed, R, Shortreed, Mrs, Menzies; ensieage corn, A. Howlett.,E. C. Smith. -Judge-John Potter. ROOTS -collection garden pro- duce, . J. Jackson, J. J. Mason, Mrs. Menzies; early potatoes, J. Jack- son, J.J. Pollard; late potatoes, J. & $' Laidlaw, R G:McGowan ; cot lector] of Potatoes Mss Li ingston field ca. ros, J 111. J.,ek on, W Scott garden carrots, B. C. Smith, Mrs. Menzies,: swede turnips, J. J. Pol- lard, D. Laidlaw a turnips any other kind. J Barr , beets table use, 'Mrs. Menzies, E. C. Smith; )sugar beet , mangolde„ J. J. Pollard. A. McGow_ an : ,Tmango d w rze s J.J Pollard, Batr• Mangold rze1s globe, J.Jackson• &angels's wmzele, ) of flow: intermecttate> F , J:Ba r dames Jackson , pumpkin, Mrs Menzies J. J. Mason; red onions, J, Jackson, 11.3. Marshall; yellow onions, Jas. Jackson, W Scott, Pickling on- ions, Jas. Jackson. White field beans, J. J. Mason. J. Jackson. Citrons. Miss Menzies, J 3. Haggit Watermelons, Mrs. 3. Menzie, Jas. Jackson; catbbage named, J. J. Poleard. J. Jackson , red cabbage. 3. Jackson; celery, J.JL permed, .1. & dr. Leidla w 1 field corn dent, B C. Smith, J, J. 'Mas,on ; (flint corn, J.Jackslon.• E C. Smith; sweet earn, J Jackson, J J. Pollard: -Judge-Ed. Lear. elUIT--named winter apples, A. Steen; named fall apples. A. Sloan: baldWil' .,R. Ricilmon,l ; kf; '.g. green - .1g and northern •apy, A,Sloan; ribston pippin, R,Shortreed; gol- I012 russets, A. Sloan, D. Laidlaw; rox'boro russet, 1. Barkley seekkno- further, A. Sloan ; wagner J. J. Pole Lard, ,A, Sloan : nen day le, A. Sloan. I. Barkley ; grev endtei n, BlenheSen p:plpin, A. Sloan, tapnan sweet, R. Shot•treed. A Striae s. mann, R. Rich mond, A,Sloan, Stark. A. Sloan; snow, A.Sloan; Ontario, R. Rich- mond, Jas, Denholm: canals red, le G McGowen;col arts R.Short! eed 1les,SOldces. A. Swan. I. tiarkl ey 20 oz. pippin and any other var- iety mulled, A. Sloan; crab apples, J. Jackson;. _winter pears &Sloan, E. C. Smith ; fall pears, J. Pollard, Mrs. Menzies; named plums, R. Shortreed, 11,B McGetvan; col- lection of plums, J. Jackson, A.13, Carr; tomatoes, 3, Jackson, J. & 11'l,Laideesw; golf *cave of'.gsdtpes, W.Scott, J. Jackson; peaches, Jas. Jackson. -Judge-W. Fothergill. g PLANTS & 'FLOWERS- .collect ton of foliage. A Gillespie, L, Burl- ing; ferns, C. Dodds, display of plants, C. Dodds; ge.ranintns, D. Symington, C. Dodds; 'hanging basket,. L. Burling, D. Symington. -Judge- Mrs. R, .13, McGowan CUT FLOIWERS-Daah1h55,' sand pansies, Istrs, Howrie; asters. Mrs. (Howrie, , W. Scott : hated toquet, .T, Pollard, Mrs.-,Howrie•; table boquet D. Symington, 3, Pollard -judge-Mrs R B. McGowan FINE ARTS -,Animals in o2;, $1's Menzies, Miss Livingston ; animals water color, Mrs, Adams; pierced brass, Miss 'Livingston, Mrs. Law- Son; Pail 11.110 ink sketches, Mrs, Howrie, Mise Livingston; . hand Painted china, Mrs, How ie oil Paintings, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Menzies; water tenor pa,nting, Dies Li ingston.M 9 11 wri . f to eiL,M.:5. $ow't'ie,Ml •e L,viogst,11 fruit L, meter teslor. Mies Living- ston, Mrs.'Hewi•ie; figure nllntiug 10 oil, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Adams figure painting la W_ter color, Mrs., A Tay,o. K s. Lt inve on;p aci.ue Miso Symington,. Mee. :o. Taylor; painting ou silk, Mrs. E. Adams, Miss Symington. Land- scape, in oil MIS, 1:. Adams, Chas 'Fraser, I.undscepe, water color, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. A Taylor. Or- nament, Mrs, Howrie, Miss Livin- gton, Burnt work on leather Mica Livingstone. 1301121 work on wood Mies Livingstone. Painting on bolting cloth, 18515s Livingstone Mrs. Howrie, Hand painted plates Mrs. 'I'iowrie, Pencil drawing. Miss Livingston, Mrs, Howrie; pasfteeli3r. Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; painting on glass, Mrs, 15. Adams, Mrs. lluwrie. --Judge-Miss Brigham. CHILDREN'S COMPETITION - Crochet work in 'Pool, Mrs, 'How_ ria; work in cotton, Mrs. Howrie; pdneil dna(tvitng, (Ja!s, Tierney, C. 'Fraser; sofa cush:on,C.Fraser. SCHOOL CHILDREN COMPBTI- TMuT rNga-ret- cohw1adnr nS .under R1-yte1alrs- , ren under 13-E. McGowan- C- 1. children under 16, W. Scott. -Judge-Dr. blcTaggart, LADIES WORK -Applique- work Mrs Lawson. Miss .Livingston; bedroom slippers, 1. Barkley, Miss Livingston; battenburgg lace, Mrs. Howrie, Miss 'Livingston; •11aby„s outfit, Miss Livingston, Miss Sym- ington. Crochet quirk, Miss Sym - ire ton, Mrs. Howrie, couching, )Mrs. Howrie, Miss Symington; cushion top inlace, Mrs. Tamblyn: crochet work in silk, Miss Living- ston, Miss Symington; cushion top embroidered. I. Barkley, L. Burling crochet work in braid, Miss Liv- ingston, Mrs. Tamblyn, collection of ladies work, Mrs. Lawson, Miss , Livingston; crochet work in cot- ton. Miss Livingston, Mrs. Lawson : cross stitch •embrloidered, Mrs. Tamblyn, Miss Livingston; em- broidery on bolting cloth, bliss Livingston, Miss Symington; eye- let centre piece Miss Symington, Miss Barkley; embroidery on sillc, Mass Symington, Miss Barkley ; em- broidery., Kensington, 'Mee. '/Lowrie Mice Livingston; embhtoidery ro- man, bliss Livingston, Mrs. Tamb- lyn, embroidery shadow, Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Eowrie; toilet set, 'less Livingston, Miss Symington; pin cuahlion, Mrs. 1 amolyn, Miss Carter: handerchief case, Miss Livingston.,Miss Symington: move t a• e. M ss Symington M sy Living- ston etchin on mat Mrs. m Tablyn bL ss Synlingto ; corset cover, Mita Livingston. Mre.Law son; work 'b ag, R. B. 'McGowan, Miss Llvingetofe; ep15on. )Mrs. E, Lalwson, Miss Livingston ; gents mitts, Miss Symington, Mrs. How- rie, honiton lace Miss Symfngton, n; Mrs, Ta.mbltytlla,rdanger, hiss Symington. Mrs. 'Howrie; bandker chiefs, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Howrie; irislh crochet. Miss Symington, Mrs. Lawson; knitted quilt, Miss Symington., J. Wright; knitted lace bliss Symington, Miss Carter: wool shawl, Miss Symington, Mrs. Tam blyn; kitchen apron, Mrs. Menzies, Mrs, Lawson; lace lea ndkenc1sef, Miss Livingston, Mrs. }cowrie; laundry bag, Miss Livingston, Mrs, Symington; mount meleick em- broidery, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; table mats, 'Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Menzies; set doylies, ' hats Livingston, Mrs. Tamblyn; pillow shams, Miss Burling, Miss Carter; patch quilt in cotton, Miss Sym- ington, Miss Barkley; patch quilt in cloth. Mrs. Menzies .pianoscarf f Miss Livingston, Miss Carte I photo frame,Mrs. Taylors Mr s Lawsonrpillow case, Miss Living cyton, Miss Baa-keey, punch 0201' Mrs. Menzies. Mrs. Howrie; woolen socks, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Carter; Quilt, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. 'Howri.e; quilt, silk, Miss Baski.y; ribbon work, Miss Livingstone, bliss Bar- akley. Sofapillow, Miss Living - atone. Slumoer robe, ,D. Lade - law, L. Burling. Tatting, bliss Livingstone. Mrs. Howrie. Centre piece; Miss Barclay, Mrs. Carter. Talble cover, bliss Barclay, Mrs. H. Maurshdll. Trlty sloth, Miss Liv- ingstone, Miss S Carter. Tea cosey, Miss Livingstone, Miss S. Carter, Towels, embroidered, 'Miss Liviugstone, Miss S. Career bio centre piece, colored. Mise Miss Livingstone. Wes Miss Symington, Miss L.,ingstono Wallachian work, pegs. 'Bowrie, Miss Livingstone. Work drawn, Miss Livingstone, bliss Barclay, :fancy netting, Miso Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie. -Judge-Miss Ross. HURON FALL ASSIZES Justice Sutherland presided at the iLtings of the Supreme Court of Contain, le Goderi:lt last week. Court opened 011 Tomalley rtf5ernoon and closed late Wednesday afternoon, There were six cases ml the docket, but the time of Lite Court wits occupied chiefly In hearing the cane of Wel, more vs. Marlin, an action for the anise notion of the will of the hale Mrs. J. 0. Martel and foe the conver- sion of i 15150 11 property. The plaintiff Was P G. Wet rltre of , Wein-wee, s 4 the late Mes, ala tin and the defend - ant ler cad- tent was J. 0 Matin, her husband, all of Godei'aeh. W. Protn11'oot, E.. 0., and J, L, Killoran were counsel for plaintiff and Chas. Gal row for defendant. .hul90010nt wall reserved. The outer 0.4(11+5 on the list were dis- posed of as follows : Govonlock v. Conley -an actign re- sulting iron the horse races at Mit- chell on May 24, 1915. The piain0lf wits ass Wm. Gcvenl ck, of Seafof4li, and the tiefan(lant was N. 13. Conley, of 'Ibronto, Who noted as starter and judge at the raises and presnnled to suspend Govenlock for an alleged tide - demeanor. In c0neeetie1 with the st n ale1)'c r o umsta lose the pinintifl'reome aline ego severed a vel dist against The Lendou Free Press for libel. in 1.his ruse it eeLtleinent wits reached out n1 mute, defendant agreeing t0 pay pl 11,1111' $$7 and each paying his own acme, It. S, Hays (Seal or' it) for platin. tiff; del'endauL 1101 represented by euttosel. Steep 0. P,•rdtte--,111 n051011 fur With Ili. 'lnuldfcrre,l 111 Sr rat ford. nil I togs enluuo'ucing (equine 3, Slaters of St. Joseph, dioteee of L1tuliltnn v. Wolsli et al -adjrnu'na'd tis November Oil bags. ]tubete 13e11 Engine &Tbreslier Co. (Seaforeh) v. Smith -en eel Jim for the 91.11.1' ,l nmrhtuei y R. S. 111ys for ph,io111'; defend/4ot not reprr8Pnlyd,' .1 r& 1 for plaintiff for $1,757 03 told Intel e -t, with c1,1a. 5111)1.1) Is a in Hoer living in the \Vest. elner;set, et ul v, Stedelbsner et al. -iv"! inti on li "noel gl0Ke x11(1 glia 1nlee. \\' Ise n'Ifeel , K. C„ ter ldainlilf.-I ; 11, feedetils 1 n1 renesentetl bycnllns, 1. JuIgn1,•u1 I',n phllelltfarep $1261231. 1111 '' 1 111(1 (' .10, Tho pin;uliffe etre Steil .1 \boll -on eittl Jetties Fatten, of Ki„1•„1,11, t•, 111.(1 the defendants J nllli• L S'rd elbatel, 1,1 Berlin; and 8 Imurl le 'eke'', of Lislim el, Howlett Council 1'he O..uteell met at Fordwieh nal S,•pt.211,01. in Oo,k's 1l'ta•l, pursuant to ,uij urn merit. Members present. Reeve ;n chide elinnles of lost nae. t• i) 11 read And adept, 1, einem, f Npollon-Ai nisi soe, applications for O+llerl10 tt 1.x•s erre Considered. Mori l by ANun' rolig-S)a,t14111, that tiitni,ll he Onu1"rt1.,1• for \Vest- al n 1)1vid],n 111111 \'4411, Ja11nirsol for El 1st Diet:due. Carried, Moved by \Villiuinso)-•Itnig, that the appoinl- inen] •111 (11 of Aa5P$a111• (IP left Durr until the October meeting (Jai ;h Moved 1)v Arn1srroig-Spnt.tnn, that By -late No 6, appointing Onllectors be lend the ,Ills Li ow and passed. (Serried. A huge number of necnunts were ordered lit 1)P paid. Connell adjourned to meet ,eet Wednes- day OrI,nbl'1• 18th, 111 the Township Hall, Otto ie, when the Assessor' will be ohp.'inted. The Provincial Arena A, o het ;t dieation of the tremend- nil. 'teenier interest in what 11 going oi, 1n 11),• i,PI:ehen and another sign tip,' I1)' whnh• heel( and mind of the p ,,,I 1s centered unceasingly in Fla d 18 /11111 ;n France, have been supp!,.•,I by the charade(• and extent of the elewdo 11'cking to hear Mr. R w. II tell of his experiences at the ('1' 11 This week Alt•, unwell hits sp' ken three Eines :-At Massey Ilan Lo the petite vee 1,1 me), n.1 the front ; at the O,':ulinn ()lob to the business sten of Toronto and the banquet n the III i t t a t 1 t f T..•1ra 1011 Leber Congress In the rel„ rsenhUivrs , f the working uien of 01 nils, 3lr, linoll1 will onto visit t1 n •n I lure 411ory . in Ile prnv,nre Witt hg Iht• 51, 1 i of 011,11 he saw during his visit to Great Britain and France. The most remarkable of the meet- ings up to the present undoubtedly was the one in Massey Hall which was arranged by the Women's Euler- geney Corps to give relatives of Cana- dian soldiers a chance of hearing a message from them. Two hour's before the meeting be- gan, women were lined up on the stn Bet in front of the hall and a num• het of them who had brought their babies with them were sitting an the slips and on the curb of the street, 1)nriug the Meeting the immense hall was crowded baynnd its 0lipaeily with SO audience composed Ihaetequa•ters of women, a laige number of them with babies whom they could not leave at (mute. There was a good tl •i1 and crying bythese deal of talking ( y g babies during the meeting, but ne;th- P object- ed ei the s taker nor anyone else nl eat - I Y 1 e 1)P d n this in t1) least -rather they y welcomed 11, for 111Pte little children belonged In Canadian fathos at the front and an snrh (erre he most Wel- come quests tent could possibly cove. The women eagerly listened to every wed of the story of life in the trench- es RS Ail'. Rowi1l had an opportunity of viewing it during his four days' visit to I.he Canadian front. Among other Messages from the Oemelians which Mr, Rowell brought back were these -"Take care of the womeled who come home" and "Send us mole and more men a9 re-inforce- Inents." Perth County FINED FOR SERVING DEER AT BARN RAIBINC,-Tho minimum fine of $50 811(1 0(4010 was imposed on Joseph Taylor, of Ellice Township, in police court at the adjourned hearing into the charges laid by Inspector R. T. Kennp. The defendant several weeks ago had six kegs of beer purchased from Lite local agency of the Kitchen- er. Lion Brewery and delivered to his faun for consumption at n baric raie- iug. The purchase and delivery of the beer was shown in the evidence, also that the seller had assured the purchaser that ;t was not illegal to take liquor into Canada Temperance Act area for Ibe purpose intended. P. R. Blewett, Counsel for the de- fendant, argued that the neighbors at the barn raising were "guests and that, therefore, the beer was for "private" Justice of t pllvale" nae a he Pence T. H. Beattie and James Dickson, who heaid the case, did not neeept his interpretation of the Act and levied the fine. Mr. Blewett intimated that the case will be appealed. Ethel Judge's Voters' List Court will be held here Friday, 20th inst. Notice may he read elsewhere. L Raynard has given up black- sntithing and Mr, McNeil's brother, from Walton, is assistant now. 0. Hansuld has treated their hard• ware store and Dr. Wardlaw's reed - deuce to a coat of paint. 11 makes a groat hnprovement in appearance, 'TllANKS FROM TEE NORTH. -The following letter was received by Mrs. Andrew McKee from Cochrane and refers to the goods sent recently by the ladies of this locality to the fire sufferers i- Matt Ootis1N,- We tee. ++++++.('+++++++f++++++++++•' i• •D t d' ! 1 %d +++.14•44+++++++++++ Are You Bald ? Have You Thin & Faded Hair �t• •F Display of FineHairQo,3d 4. • AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS on Monday, October 16th ▪ 1'b"'hueat in0.1nelions In L 10IES',TRANSFORMATIONS, POJ2- k PAi)O17i15, \' SVA 19 y0ll1' appearanle not )5 lint, it should Ill' hrpause of the hu'k of liA7111, 'Then Cnu1P untlsee Dorenwend's At the +++++++++++•:-+i• V L1), 152'i'O , std 4• For Men Who are Bale! + 4.�, 3i THE'DOR1aNR'END I'OU• 4. r PEE represents the high- • :t• '!ta estaclliPvemPltt In the art 111 k 4' i hair constructing. Fet 1) e - t i vei ht, h 4enincud eo nntur 1 ♦ 0y® n appearance that the closest d o �t` observe'. could Int tell it from 'i' kadr ▪ \,\, Your,)vll hair. They mlwot i- " be disturbed or l.P1(10ved except + t. • ae the we,uer'n wish. NOTA FAD BUT AN ABSOLUTE N11OES• .F k s'rry TO EVERY el AN \V190 IS BALD, + i, 4. k 4.4. q - •r r •F ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++4'+4+•F+++4 -i' r•Fd•r 4,++++++4'+++++++++++++ 4- k Have a Demonstration on Monday, October 16th + (ONE DAY ONLY) DORENWEND'S + Head Office and Showrooms 105 Yonge St., Toronto eel veil Ole five bales of cloning a few dxysago for which our idol lel.' Aid wish to thank you very unn•h. Y tv rates' Aid are certainly gond ,11 quilt making and they were very +ueceot. able Its sit many lost (111•;i• !eliding and clnlhing too. As our ti, In el arry 18 out of town and will not be h' Ino' for n ample of weeks I atm )sailing I leis personally. We have 001r half 111e nuking d18)l'ibuted anti evelynne feel* so grateful for the warm end useful things it contain; when \\'inter is sit Close at. hand. Many are sleep- ing in tents these cold nights and found the quilts especially acceptable. Remember• me to all the ftiende. Trusting this will find you all well and wishing your Aid col tinned success, I aro, Your loving cousin, E. LAVINA WARRELL, 25 CENTS gets THE Pos'r for the balance of 1916, excepting to the United States 15 eel's has to be added if papers go therefor postage. •••.• ••••♦•♦••••♦♦••♦♦•♦••• • • • • s • • • APB id HEATERS • • • A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly i Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise. • Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be • sold at Bargains while they last: Belonged to the Mul- • cahy Bankrupt Stock. •• • • If you are a Bargain Hunter o your wants can be supplied • at our Store. •• • • Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to • • abide the result. • • • • • � l John krllter e E t • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • •• • • • ♦ • • • • •• • • •P • • • ••• e • • • • • 111114 1 quell' 61III�p "MADE IN CANADA" The 1917 Ford Touring Car $495.00 052 u f. o L. Ford, Ont. Streamline effect, tapered hood, crown fenders, new radiator with larger cooling are theprincipal ne surface -these w features p p of the 1917 model The demand for this new model has been so great that Iam having difficulty in ob- taining sufficient cars to satisfy my 'cus- tomers. To insure delivery of your car, I suggest placing an order to -day. Call and see me - Se CARTER, Dealer BRUSSELS It 1 111 11111 ---7,--,41141111/14 Le i