HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-12, Page 4East Huron Fall Fair
Agricultural — Brood mare, Elston
Card I1, Wrn Armstrong, '1' 11 Bulger;
'horse colt, E Card,ff, '1' H Bolger ; mare
col', Win Armstrong, T 1-1 Bolger ; 3
year old gelding or filly, Walter Yuill,
1` H. Bolger ; 2 year old 011y, Austro
Shaw i & 2, Walter Ytdll ; span of agrl-
cullersl burses, W J Arbuckle, Gee
Hamihon, H Gilmour ; sweepstakes, W
J Arbuckle.
Heavy draughts—Brood mare Cana-
dian bred, W '1` Grieve, Juo MeGavin ;
registered brood mare, R Nichol, E Car-
diff, Ino McGavin ; horse colt, R Nichol,
W 1' Grieve, E Ca•dlff ; mare colt, Jno
Mer vin r & 2 ; 3 year old gelding or
ally R R Watt ; 2 year old filly, R R
Walt; yearling gelthog, R R Watt, W
T Grieve ; heavy draft team, R R Watt, I
Win Hemingway ; sweepstakes, R R
Judge—A Whyte.
Roadsters— Brood mare, Wm Paylor,
Herb Manning, Geo Muldoon ; horse or
mare colt, Wm Taylor, Geo Muldoon, '
Stanley Wheeler ; 2 year old filly or
gelding, A Carr, S Wheeler, L Nichol;
x year oltl fi'ly or gelling, Bannerman
Bros. ; buggy horser5t, hauds aiul over.
I U Smith, R A '1'humpson, A Mc-
Lauuhlto ; buggy horse under 16 hands
high, L Lott, Ralph Love, Wm Hem-
ingway 1 pony 12,4 hands or under, J 3 I
Fryfogle, H Arnent, las Williamson ;
roadster team, H Tohaun, W Johnston,
:las Williamson ; sweepstakes, Levi Lott.
Carriage—Brood mare, Wm Lamb -
kip ; 2 year old file or gelding, A Stev-
enson, Bannerman Bros, A G Bishop ;
carriage epee, A Johnston ; sweepstakes,
v✓ 0 Long ; single carriage horse, W
O Long, M McDougall, Bannerman
king of tntupkins 0o,, A Sloan, Joe
Armstrong ; Mamt, Mrs F Nichol, A
Sloan t 'err 1i s Sham, \VW
SI( It N pr 1 a s le A r
Aemetl'ong ; it I Grbenings,' \Vm
'Armstrong, A Sloan ; golden russeLe,
Elston Cardiff, A Sloan ; Blenheim
pippins, A Sloan, Jed Garvin ; tenurial
sweets, Win Aetnatroug, A Sloan ;
Ontario, A Sloan, Jean Moore ; weal-
thy, Joe Armstrong, W It Broadfoot
Alexander, Jno Ferguson, A Sloan
Ribeton pippins, Elston Cardiff, A
Sloan; colverte, Wm Arrest'ong,
Elston Cardiff ; Roxbury russets, A G
Bishop, Irene Barklay; Canada Leda,
Elston Cardiff, Ed Galvin ; Cayuga
redatrealce, A Sloan, A 0 Bishop ;
F allawater, Jno Urerar, A Sloan ;
Gravenstein, Joe Aenrstrnug, ASloan
Maiden's blush, A G BF
Bishop, bits
Nichol ; Peewaukee, W R Broadfoot,
A Sloan ; Ben Davis, A Sloan, Elston
Cardiff; Wagner, A Sloan, A G Hish-
op ; 20 oz pippins, A Sloan, A (4 Bish-
op ; crabs, Wm Alderson, Joe Arm-
strong 1 varieties of Winter apple 5 of
each named, A Sloan ; vat reties of
Fall apples 5 of each named. A Sloan,
Mrs E Nicbol ; apples any named
variety not in above list, Jas Burgess,
Wm Armstrong ; Fall peace, Rnnnen-
bury & Son, Mrs 1) Robb ; Winter
pears, Mrs F Nichol, Mrs A Yuill
plums any variety, Ronnenbury &
Son, Mis D Robb ; varieties of plunk
5 of each named, I 0 Richards, Ron-
nenbury & Son ; clusters of grapes,
Ed Garvin, Jaa Jackson ; peaches,
Mrs Dr Grieve, Jae Jackson.
Judge—Thos. Curry, Brussels.
Early potatoes, Jno Greene, R J
Hoover ; late potatoes, R 3 Hoover,
Inc) 0rerar, 1111stou Cardiff, Peter
Stewart ; collection of potatoes, Jon
Crerat•, It J• Hoover, Eleton Cardiff ;
swede turnips, R J Hoover, Peter
Stewart ; white field carrots, A Cur-
rie, Jas Jackson ; Altringhain car-
rots, Mrs F Nichol, Jas Jackson ;
scarlet Nantes, Wrn Armstrong, Jas
Jackson ; early horn carrots, P Stew-
art, Jae Jackson ; blood turnip beets,
Jas Jackson, P Stewart; parsnips, Jae
Jackson, Jno Creme ; Winter radish-
es, Joe Atrnstrong, Jas Jackson ;
sugar mangolds, A McLauchlin, Elston
Cardiff ; mangel wutzels long red,
Wm Artustrong ; long yellow man -
golds, Wm Armstrong, A Currie ;
yellow globe mangolds, P Stewart,
Jas Jackson.
Judges—R W Livingston, F 5 Scott.
Red onions from seed, Jas Jackson ;
yellow onions from seed, P Stewart ;
onions fl nm dutch sets, not quality ;
dutch seta, P Stewart, Jas Jackson ;
potato onions, Jas Jack on, Jno
Urerar; yellow Canada cn'n, Jno
Creme, Jae Jackson ; el ow dent
turn eo Ormesix fodder
J G sic eke f/ t der
corn, A Hewlett, Joe Armstrong ;
collection of corn named varieties, Jas
Jackson, A Carrie ; Winter. cabbage,
I 0 Richards, Jae Jackson ; red pick-
ling cabbage, Jas Jackson ; cauliflow-
er, Mrs D Robb ; yellnw field pump-
kin, Jae Armstrong, P A Mc4rthul ;
mammoth pumpkin, Joe Armstrong,
Tas Jackson ; squash, Jas Jackson 1 &
2 ; lar ge tomatoes, I0 Richards, Joe
Armstrong ; plum or cherry tomatoes,
Miss J Kelly, Mre D lenbh ; butter
beans, Ed Garvin, I 0 Richards ;
white beans, A Howlett, P Stewart;
round striped citt•ons, Mrs (Di) Grieve,
Mrs 0 Turnbull ; long California cit-
rons, Jaa Jackson ; watermelons, Joe
Armstrong, Jag Jackson ; muskmel-
ons, Jlts Jackson, Joe Armstrong ;
cucumbers, Jas Jackson, Jim ()velar ;
heads sunflower. Jas .Jackson, Irene
Barkley ; collection of garden pro-
duce, Jas Jackson.
Twenty-five pounds tub batter
horne made, Wm Armstrong, Mrs W
Rands, Wrn Taylor, Mrs A Yuill, A
Howlett ; five pounds table butter,
Wm Armstrong, P Stewart, W Alder-
son, Wm Taylor, Mercer Cardiff : 50
pounds factoy cheese colored, W E
Crochet quilt, Norma Hermiston,
Mrs (Dr) Grieve ; knitted quilt, Mrs
(Di) Grieve, Irene Barkley ; patch
work quilt, Mrs WTamlyn ; log cabin
Mrs (Dr) Grieve, Mis W Tamlyn I
fancy quilt, Myrtle Livingston, Mrs A
Yuill knotted or tnfred quilt, Mies J
Kelly, Mts (Dr)
counterpane, nter
Annie Menzies,Margaret Anent
hooked mat MPS A Camerae, Annie
Menzies ; man's working pants, Els-
ton Cardiff, Mrs A Yuill ; man's work-
ing shirt, Annie Menzies, Mrs A
Yuill ; man's pair wool socks, airs A
Cameron, Mrs iV Tamlyn ; home
made candy, maple cream, fancy
candy, Mrs D Robb, A Howiett ;
maple syrup, A Sloan, Mrs 0 Turn-
bull ; honey strained or extracted,
Wm Armstrong ; grape wine, Mrs D
Robb, Mts (Dr) Grieve ; rhubarb wine,
Margaret Anent, Mrs A Yuill ; rasp-
berry Wine, Mrs F Nichol, Mrs (Dr)
Grieve ; elderberry wine, las Jack-
son, Mrs D Robb ; tomato catsup, Jae
Burgess. hers A Yuill ; apple jelly,
Mre A Yuill, Mre (Dr) Grieve ; grape
jelly, Mrs (Dr) Grieve, Mrs A Ynill
raspberry jelly, Win Alderson, D 0
Ross ; collection of pickles, A How-
lett, as Jackson ; collection of earned
fruits, Mts A Yoill, Mrs F Nichol
hard snap holne.marle, Mrs D Robb,
Wm Taylor ; 5 o'clock tea, donated by
Ladies' Institute, Margaret Ament;
8 articles of food suitable for a ;yolk-
ing man's supper, Mre A Yuill, A
Howlett, Mrs F Nichol.
Judges—Mrs Jno R Hamilton and
Mrs Jacob Long.
Home-made bread white, I 0 Rich-
ards, D 0 Roes 1 home-made bread
brown, Mre A Cameron, Geo Kerns ;
hone -made bread currant, D 0 Rose,
I 0 Richards ; buns, Mrs D Robb, Mrs
(Dr) Grieve; tea biscuits, Mre D Robb,
Mrs It Oliver; dark fruit cake without
icing, Win Armstrong, A Howlett;
white fruit nake without icing, Mrs A
Veil', Mrs D Robb 1 layer cake dark,
Mre A Ynill, A Howlett ; layer, cake
light, 10 RTchatds, Margaret Ament;
oatmeal cakes any kind, Mrs R Oliver,
Mre 0 'Turnbull; cookies any kind,
Wm Alderson, Mrs D Robb; dough• 1
Durhams—Bull 3 years and over, Rot t
Shorneed ; leech cow 4 years or over,
A Hewlett ; notch cow under 4 years,
A Huwiett, Wm Armstrong ; best fe-
male any age, A Howlett ; best male any
age, R Shortleed.:
Jerseys—Milch caw, Joe Armstrong,
Holsteins—Bull any age, Wm Lamb-
kin I & 2 ; female any age, Wm Arm-
strong, Wm Lambkin,
Grade Cattle. — Milch cow, Joe
Armslroug t & 2, W K Broadfoot ; 2
year old heifer, Joe Armstrong 1 & 2, G
A Best ; 1 year old heifer, Wrn Bryans,
Ve R Broadfoot, G A Best ; 1 year old
steer, G A Best 1, 2 & 3 ; steer calf,
Joe Armstrong, W R Broadfoot 2 & 3 ;
heifer calf, W R Broadfoot 1 & 2, Joe
Armstrong ; fat cow or heifer over 2
years old, Robt Scott, Walter Yuill, W
R Broadfont,
Judge—Geo Downey.
Leicesters—Aged ram, R 1 Sanderson,
W R Broadfoot ; sbearliug ram, R J
Sanderson , ram lamb, R J Sanderson 1
& 2, W It Broadfoot ; ewe two shear and
over, R J Sandersou I& 2, W R Broad -
foot ; sbearliug ewe, 1 S Cowan 1 & 2,
R J Sanderson ; ewe lamb, R J Sander-
son, J S Cowan 2& 3; pen, R 1 Sander-
son, W R Broadfoot
Downs—lames Connell was the on'y
exhibitor and swept the class,
Berkshire—Boar 1 year and over, J S
Cowan, Jas Nichol ; boar under I year
and over 6 months, 1 S Cowan ; boar
under 6 months, Jas Nichol, J S Cowan ;
sow, year and over, J S Coven, Jas
Nichol ; sow under 1 year and over 6
Inontbs, Jes Nichol, J S Cowan 2 & 3 ;
sow under 6 months, J S Cowan 1 & 2.
Jas Nichol ; pen, 1 S Cowan, Jas Nrchoi
Yorkshires—Boar 1 year and over. A
Stevenson ; boar under 6 months, A
Stevenson 1, 2 & 3 ; sow 1 year and over,
A Stevenson 1 & 2 ; sow under 1 veer
and over 6 months, A Stevenson 1 & 2,
A Currie ; sow under 6 months, A Stev-
enson 1 & 2, Wm Armstrong; pen, A
Tamworth—Boar under b months, W
T Grieve ; sow 1 year and over, W '1'
Grieve ; cow under 1 year end over 6
months, W T Grieve ; sow under 6
months, W '1' Grieve 1, 2 & 3 ; Peu—W
1' Grieve.
Judge --Geo. Downey.
Old Brahmas, Ronnenbury & Son 1 &
2 ; young Brahmas, Ronnenbury & Son
1 & 2 ; old barred Rocks, Haggitt Bros ,
Ronnenbury & Sou ; voung barred
Rocks, Haggitt Bros., Ronnenbury &
Son ; old Rocks any other variety, Ron-
nenbury &S
Son •Youn
Recite any other
variety,Ronnenbury & San � Youu
r Son1
W antlottes Ronnenbury & old
v v
variety, othery,
bury & Son, 1 & 2 ; young Wvandottes
any other variety, Rouoenbury & Son, 1
& 2 ; old Rhode Island Reds, Haggitt
Bros. ; yonng Rhode Island Reds, Ron-
nenbury & Son ; young game, Haggitt
Bros, 1 & 2 ; old white Leghorns, Wai-
te Scott, A Currie ; young white Leg -
horns, Walter Scott, Haggitt Bros, ;
old brown Leghorns, Walter Scott 1 &
2 ; young brown Leghorns, Walter
Scott x & 2 ; old Leghorne any other
variety. Ronnenbury & Son, Haggitt
Bros. ; young Leghorns any other varie-
ty, Haggitt Bros, t & 2 ; old Mluorcas,
Jas Jackson, Haggitt Bros. ; old An-
cones, A Currie. Haggitt Bros;
young Anconas, A. Currie 1 & 2 ;
old Orptngtons, Haggitt Bros, Ron-
nenberg & Son ; young Orpingtons,
Ronnenbury & Son x & z t old Polands
Haggitt Bros ; old Hamburgs, Haggitt
Bros ; young Hamburgs, Haggitt Bros ;
old Bantams, A Currie, R 1 Sanderson ;
young Bantams, A' Currie 1 & 2 ;
turkeys,,Ias 'Jackson ; geese, Jas Jack.
son ; ducks, Haggitt Bros, Jas Jackson ;
young ducks, Jas Jackson, Haggitt
Bros ; collection pigeons, A G Bishop,
P Stewart.
Judge—Wm Carter,
Collection vehicles and implements,
Geo Kealitet ; single buggy harness,
1 0 Richards.
White Fall wheat, W R Broafont;
red Fall wheat, I.'IiLnn Cardiff, Jas
Burgess, W .R Broadfoot ; barley 6
rowed, W R Broadfoot, Alex Mc-
Lauelilin, '4V J Sharp ;• white oats, W
3 Sharp, R J Hoover, 1W R Eroadfoot,
Judge,--Robt Biack, Wroxeter.
i3aldwine, W Armstrong, A Sloan
famuese, Joe' Arntetrong, Ed Garvin ;
mice, Margaret Ament, I 0 Richards ;
a t a ndt Lamont, \
w. J ,I A•.
cols A e ht eta u t
ter; ehol•t bread, Andrew Lamont, I mn t, Potatoes
t a d ,
I'A141eArt1lur • apple pie PA 1JuArth-
nr, Wm Artest'rotig ; pumpkin pie, I
U Rl rohs de, Mrs A Yeill • lemon ie
Wm Alderson, Andrew Lamont ; tart
pie, Mrs A Yell!, Mee D Robb , collec-
tion of Pitney baking, Mee A Yuill,
Margaret Amen t,
Judge—J Carder)
Embroidered five o'clock cloth in
cotton, Annie Menzies, Margaret
Atueut ; filet 01 (toilet 1011011 cloth, M.
Autent, Mars. Geo. Muldoon ; batten•
burg cloth, tilts. 11. W. Taurblyn, Mts.
Muldoou ; drawnwork clotTi, tiles.
Muldoon, Mrs. W. M. Sinclair ; cut•
broidered tray cloth in cotton, Myrtle
Livingston, Annie Menzies; eulbroid.
eied centre piece in silk, Norma Her-
miston, Mts. Scheak ; c•rnbroideted
centre piece in cotton, bliss Brooks,
Mrs. H. L. Humphrey ; embroicleeed
centre piece 111 'lark linen, Mrs. A.
Yuill, Airs. W. M. Sinclair ; embroid-
ered table set, centre tray and 2 doilies,
Annie Menzies, M. Anent ; embroid-
ered mount mellick work, Myrtle Liv-
ingston ; embroidered roman, Myrtle
Livingston ; embroidered hedobo,
M. Ament; embruideted hardanger,
11. Atnent ; embroidered wallachain,
Jean Moore, airs. A. Oenlerot ;
embrrndeted french beading, Jean
Moore, M. Amain ; embt•oideted abaci -
ow, 0, Hemingway, Al. Livingston ;
eulbroidered cross stitch, NI. Arnent,
M. Livingston ; embroidered punch,
0. Hemingway, M. Auteut ; embroid-
ered french or solid, Mrs. Scheak, Mrs,
Muldoon ; coronation braid work, el,
Anent, A. Menzies ; Italian cut work, •
Mre. A, Cameron, Mrs. 'l.'amblyn ;
Irish crochet, Mrs. H. L. Humphrey,
N. Hermiston ; fanny knitting in cot-
ton, 2 articles, firs. De, Gtieve, N.
Hermiston ; crochet work in cotton, 2
articles, M. Atueut, Irene Barklay ;
crochet week in wool, 9 articles, Miss
Brooks, ales, A. Cameron ; crochet
work in silk, M. Livingstone, dies
Brooks ; late, honitou or point, 1. 0.
Richarde, Mrs. Tamblyu ; lace Leneeif-
fe, Mrs, Muldoon, bliss Brooks ; fancy
shirt waist, Mrs. Tantblyn, Mrs.
Sebeak ; child's - fancy dress hand
trade, M. Livingston, Mrs. T4uublyu ;
laily's fancy apron, Mrs. Titnrblyn,
Mts. A. Yuill ; fancy collar and cuffs,
M. Livingston, Miss Brooks; tatting,
M. Livingston, N. Hermiston ; hand
made handkerchiefs, Miss Brooks, A.
Menzies ; fancy uuderwaist, M.
Atueut, N. Hermiston ; best idea of
aon, Mrs. Wm. Alderson,
M. Livingston ; laundry bag, M. Liv-
ingston, Miss Brooks ; embroidered
tea cosy in eyelet, Mrs, W. M. Sin-
clair, Mrs. A. Yuill ; sofa pillow, shad-
ow embroidery, A. Menzies ; sofa
pillow battenbueg, Mrs. I. 0. Rich-
ards ; sofa pillow hand painted,
M. Livingston, 1. 0. Richards ; sofa
pillow embroidered in dark lined,
airs. Scheak, Irene Barkley ; actor
and balder embroidery, M. Anent,
Mrs. A. Yuill ; table runner in dark
linen, M. Anterat, Jean Moore ; beau
and wood. bead embroidery, M.
Arnent ; table napkins initial,
Mrs. George Meldoon, A. Menzies;
trial] crochet beg, Mrs. Sinclair, I. O.
Richards ; fancy work bag, Dont
know, Joe Armstrong ; crochet table
mate, Mrs. A. Yuill, Mrs. Tamblyn
fancy pincushion, A. Menzies, Jean
Moore ; haled -made baby bonnet,
N. Hermiston, airs. Tamblyn ; bed-
room slippers, Mrs. Schenk, Myrtle
Livingston ; pair of fancy towels, M.
Livingston, NI. Anent ; pair of pillow
cases, Mrs, Schenk, I. 0. Richards ;
set of underwear 3 pieces, A. Menzies,
Irene Beu•klay ; nightdress with croch-
et yoke, Mrs. Mnldoon, I. 0, Richards;
bed set of pillow cases and sheet, el.
Autent, Norma Hermiston ; best col-
lection ladies' fancy work, M. Anent,
Norma Hermiston.
Collection of amateur photos, A
Turnbull, Ai Ament ; collection of
hand painted china, Mrs 11 L Hump-
hrey ; single piece hand painted china,
Mrs 1)r Grieve, Mrs Huruphrey ; band
painted vase, Mrs Humphrey ; tea set,
Mrs Hnnlpllrey ; collection six pic-
tures, el Liviligaton, airs Humphrey ;
oil painting, landscape or marine, Mrs
Tenthly n, Mrs Humphrey ; nil paint-
ing, study from stili life, el Liy'ing-
stun, Mrs Humphrey ; oil painting,
any other, alis Humphrey, M. Living-
ston ; water color, landscape or
marine, M Livingston ; water color,
any other, a1 Livingston ; portraits in
either oils or water colors, a1 Living-
ston ietute in sepia el Livingston •
1 aL 1
P 1 o
1) ()Ross ; animals in either oils r n •
water colors,M
• pastel,
NI Livingston crayon drawing, block
and white, Mrslablyn, Jae Nichol
pen and ink or pencil sketch, 51 Liv-
ingston, Elston Ottrdiff ; pyrography,.
M. Aleut, Mis nimbly') ; pierced
brass collection, M. Livingston, 111
Judge — Miss Norma VansLone,
Table bnquet, M Atnent, Mrs A
Cameron ; hand boqueb, 141 Ament,
Mrs A Cameron ; collection of cut
inmate, Mias 3 Kelly, el Amour;
pansies, airs Cameron ; phlox drum-
mondt, Miss Kelly ; asters, 51 Anent ;
stocks, Mrs Cameron, Mrs D Robb ;
petunias, las Jackson, M Atnent;
dianthus, M Amen ; gladiolus spikes,
Mrs Carnet on ; verbenas, til Anent,
Aire O'I'urnbull ; collection of sweet
peas, Mre Cameron ; collection of
naeLurtiurns, Miss Kelly, D 0 Rose ;
collection of roses, Miss Kelly, D 0
Ross ; 6 varieties ootdoor flowers,
Miss Kelly, 141 Anent ; beet floral
novelty, Miss Kelly, tit Anent ; get an -
hum in pot, M Ament, Mies Kelly ;
tuberois begonia in pot, M Anent,
D 0 Ross ; collection of dahlias, 111
Arnent ; coliection foliage plants, M
Anent, bliss Kelly ; collection of
ferns, M Antoni, Arise Kelly ; collec-
tion potted plants, M Ament, Miss
Judges, Mre B 5 Scott and Jae Foe.
Boy's penmanship, Douglas Walker,
Jas Lowry, Russell Grant ; girls pen.
tnanehip, Tnex McNichol, Iiathleen
McLaren, .Luella Fulton ; best enileo-
noir weeds, R J Hoover, Jae Burgess ;
best collection of seeds of Common
weeds, Jas Burgess, Archie Stewart ;
best nature study collection belonging
to a school, Ida Hunter; echool ex -
A car load of Potatoes has
just art 'vett, Guaranteed
steak for Winter 18e. Price
;f2 00 a bug of 00 pounds.
Car flourand Shorts
Household t
to hand and ready for the cus-
Choice Stock of Crocerles always on hand.
Goons delivered to any part of
the town. Phone 48.
W. J. McCracken
hibits, Walton Public School, Mrs 0
Judges—B le Scott and Miss Jar-
Ohildi'en's work melee 13 years. -
8 button -holes, Ntuy i\lcLauchliu, Mrs
W Alderson ; newel iletting, Mary
MoLauchlin, S AIcL,tnchlin.; plain
hemming, Jlfary Mcbanchliu, Mrs W
Alderson ; darning, Mrs Alderson,
D 0 Russ ; patching, N 5 McLatichlio,
Airs Alderson ; best dressed dull, D
0 Ross, Mary McLauchlin • hand em-
broidery, D U Russ, N 5 MCLauchliu.
Bank of Nova Scotia, silver cup for
best dairy cow, 0 R Martin ; ladies'
hitching and driving conlest, donated
by A 0 Diuues, F Sp/tiling and 'C A1•in-
sLr•ong, it IJi,hop, Iva Hitt tis ; Rich-
ards & (Jo, foe tidiest single driving
outfit, Levi Lott ; Alf llaekee's, for
bread, Belle blcUonuld, Mrs A Yuill ;
Alf Backer's, for apple pie, Mee \N a3
Sinclair ; Gen Thornsol's, for bread,
\Vol Mrises ; Downing Bios', for col-
lection of poultry, lduggitt pros ; \V
14 Keir's, for bread, Belle McDonald ;
W H 1Crta's, Inc butter, Wm Arm-
std•ong ; J Leckie's, for table butter,
Wm Ai nisti ong ; Wilton & Gillespie's
for brown bread, Mrs ROliver ; Gerry
& Walker's, for winner t.f most prizes
in 111111111 en's department, Mary Me.
Lauchlin, hers W Alderson ; A Slrach.
an's, for collection of asters, Margaret
Ament ; Mrs Jane Thottemn'e, for col-
lectinn of pieserved fruits, Mrs A
Yui Il ; Walker & Blaek'e, foe winner
of most prizes in baking, Mee D Robb ;
G N bleLateu'P, for year old roadster,
Alex Carr ; H L Jaekeon's, for butter,
Wm Armstrong ; J T \Vnod's, for pen
of sheep, Jas Connell ; P Scott's, for
table butter, Mrs Geo Muldoon ; Jas.
Fox's, far winner of rnost prizes in
flowers, Margaret Anent,
Presentations to Rev. 0. B.
McRae, Mrs. and Miss Mina
By Arnow Congregation
Rev. D. B. McRae, wli 1 has been
pastor of the Armow r eigregation,
Bruce Co., for the past 4 years, has
tendered his resignation and will retire
after a long and successful ministry of
about 42 years, 35 of which he spent
at Urau,bronk. At Lha close of the
weekly prityerset vice last week sup-
per was set ved ami the retiring pes-
ter, hie good wife anal estimable
daughter were made tete 1 •'stents of
kind atddic'ast's accent pani,<t by choice
gifts. Rev. air. McRae received a
purse of ruoney, Mrs. McRae a Casser-
ole and Hiss Mina asilver cake basket
and peal handled knife. Addresses
were as Follows
DNAn Mit htoRAa; Ws, the members and
adherents of Chalmers church. At mow, have
learned witli regret that the tie w•hicl, binds
easter and people Is about to be severed. We
hops that the rest upon which yon are enter-
ing may prove beneficial t0 restoring your
health and that In the providence of God
many happy days may be before you and in
the evening of life, es you take h retrospective
view, may you be mmmforted by realizing that
fully srendered mankind
till,. few years d faith-
have been our pastor we 1101• felt the liar.
mnny there existed between y.ur preuohing
and your practice. Your 01 mpnthy for is and
tacit in dealing with us have won both our
confidence and our lasting ru„pect. We also
Wish to voice our appreciation of your esteem-
ed wife and family and avopro you that they
wall be missed from their various fields of
labor here. Our expression of good wish ex has
a tangible form ,on we exit
assumed you to no -
t e erne from s We are I
cep this p u . pleased you
have decided to reside go near no that mutual
inteve 111
your active sowing
still be01 he coop& and though
yours nose eases. of the gospel seed in our
midst now centre, aweg treat shed on
revealcon reg congregation
EveSign. 0 behalf of
the congregation by Eve. MOCs mason
Ran nie
DNAs Mao. molten—We, rtheoh members of
the Wab M. t of ,toex Molinaro es to y hour , de•
riga at this time, to express to you our high
regard and ettoun for e aha very dischargedefficient mans
ao r Presi env while d!,aveyour duties
as our President t you
tle hat the
beer been among
yo. Weou aa give yon ache the vyery helpful aid
time will neverbeforgotteullby nem We can
always look book with pleasure to your great
kindness and to the happy relations which
e n
have rlwoto minted beast o members
end 0x,
gr mfr pon and
w and ope that o his cmc
spared to and we would hope that you maybe
spared to continue the good work in different pahour been Master...
vin though a ould ass
part of our 511 0111,1 vineyard, We would ash
yon to nesprs el this the tole from he ve y
mem', exf oIrn a the love which every
member of attr Poolity bears toward you
and MI a alight , Signed
of behalf
among ua. Signed on behelP of the W.
M, S.
Niger,. P. Oa stmeLb,
Mag. W, S, SUTTON.
M185 MORAN.—
DaAttTNAOnNa, We, your Sunday Sohool
soholars, talie this opportunity of presenting
you with this small token of our love and
esteem for your kindness to us in the 'peat.
Signed on behalf of your S. S. aleeg.
O. AND M. 811101,
0. AND J. Molyan.
Eph. McCarty, the representative
Elder, then gave a very fine verbal
address expressing the regi et of Lhe
congregation that bliss McRae ryas
about to leave the nomnlunity, Ile
said that she had taken eo much re-
sponsibility in the church work and
such an interest in everything in the
community that they felt het plaice
anulct not be filled.
The teplles were brief, kindly and
appreciative, solidi a reciprocation of
the good wishes, Mr. Menne and
farniiy will take up residence in lihl'
cardine in the meantime. He is the
Modetator of the rongl'egation during
the vacancy. The many old friends
of the ?tunny In Brussels and locality
appy, elide 1 In' kItelrteee of the Aritiew
Following lot lI rs wile a'ch'ed hl•
Miss 'elite M.,yllet•ty from 11• a hl tills
"Somewhere lo lilt i towhee,"
S,•pt 811,, 1010
HELLO 515—glow tare en11 fits?
morning? elope you are well tie n
leaves inc hl 1.11.1 Volk of cnndltiow I
am lotting it peelty quiet Ihls 11uprn-
ing. Y,,u n4.01d holly know that
there was a war u 1 I just, got your
letter of Aug, 20th, last nigh', jn.r,
after l bad been sewl1i g n few alio
redone to old Fritz so I was very
pleased to iteau• froth you and that you
are well. 1 gilt at couple of Tl0E I3itOB•
BELS i?OSTS with your leiter and ciiy
you have no idea how good ie ie to
get a letter or it paper when yon are in
the U•etiehes. I sun using Thlt POST
Inc a writing pad and ant Sitting in
our little 0ng-ont about its big as a
good sized chicken coop but, it is our
home while 111 the trenches or at least
the have a share in it with the rats.
They seem to have full swing around
these parte. The other night one of
them ti led to carry 1 If my rues I i a
brit I ,almost had to chase hint with
ray rifle to stake hint drop it. They
h ive fie' more liberty tban the have
here, why they rtiu all along the pee/b-
eet and get beck quite safe. 1f we
get out over the parapet anti ant in
No mam'e land." why we would stand
a stint chance of routing brick again.
None of tliose chances for Willie, for
Fritz and I are not very good. friends,
benne he heaps nu his side of the fence
and I keep on mine. Well, El -ie, you
asked ine if I got I hat snap that you
sent hack to me of f'Inreoce it has not,
retched me yet. I think a lot of iny
mail goes reentry for Amy writes
regularly but. Idon'L get there regular,
You asked me if I wanted anything.
Well I get socks tool towels but I LFII
yon a box like the Iasi one you sent
world go gond. '!'lie boys in 1 he bat-
tery often get a ptu•cel from borne but
it don't last long whim the all get
mound, Olt 1 say talk about eats,
why the other day we were nut foe a
rest, I went and bought 4 eggs for iny
breakfast. They are ruin th 5 cents a
piece but they tasted like being at
home. I think that; is about all ynit
can get here that is the same as in
Canada. Of course the beers are Bel-
gians but the eggs are good anyway,
Yestei day we bought a can of peach-
es so we are living high while the
money lasts. We get 30 francs a
month and a franc is worth 20 cents.
\Ve have lots of fun with the money
here. It goes in centimes and francs
and looks looks like soap wrappers to
roe. It goes like them too. The fel-
low who is cooking for ns in the
•trenches has just asked me if I would
like a piece of steak for dinner and the
piece of meat lie has for us is Mrs.
Guess it will be a steak o1 the side,
mostly side. What do you think ?
We sure have lots of fen over here.
Well yon asked rue for Harry's a d-
dtees. You will have it befnae unw
for I sent it in one of my letters be -
fore 1 left, Brarneltott. I will send it
in 11,1,. 11111 r to Melee n111 9, Pie, Harr"'
ties ben y, Nit. 12211 U, Uo. 11 1. F.
Yukon Land-, 11111 1)iri•inu, France,
1 have"loll heard 11, 111 b,111 hu Ply but
'< u w brit.
a o1 1i Ir 11 uu'v I a
1 I 11 1 t
1 til
h hie y. u r ill have to excnee MY
I emit led tar 11 ve In hold out, paper
in 1 1.1 land 111 11 ell', 11lth the other
Lill ,l.ynllweyg00lhere Inthe front
Ib ,• 1 ),iii e- 1 h, d h ,,,,t• 1.1119 r 11 fro
1bitilur, h, 11 tie 10 hear fl+'n, you
111r 1 10,. „, p, 1 1 Its ).nue ever lov-
lee tem le 1 , \\ ILL
I', S —'Pall 111e lit n•sels boys 001 to
L,. 11, 101, I I;: n WWI , i y I, ger laver 1,01e
fin i+ 1, 110141. 1h+u1 (:,11011 Bolden.
' Sulnewitelo in Belgiliut"
,yep'. 12th, 1910
DEAR SJST4te,—I I ow I itke I he
111easte of tern iog Mince few lines
Lu -night hoping you ore veil us it
liotvae 1110 al pt, eaemt, We are 0111 lit
rest hillfta f n• a while and doff know
very muck when we Si a baric. You
NUN We nee not Ill , the
.11.4011.1y, they
geuerelly do a little 1•atigne Io -day.
!Vent for a bath and believe me, we
needed it for it is about two weeks
Slone we had one and we got all clean
clothes. Ibrutkesa fellow feel fresh
after being in the trenches but it was
riot too had this last tithe its it was
pretty dry. It rained the first night
we were in but was flee the rest or the
time. I geese yon will know Iopg be-
fore Ibis thitt I tun in France. I beard
that, Mrs. Wilbee had told yon that I
teas about to leave but I have been in
the trenches quite a few times tine,
tun getting so that I would sootier be
there than out here because there is
more full there and lots of excitement.
L have not wr•ilten George lately but
I roust get. busy some 111' these day. I
dot'' know if I wrote dint while 1 tens
in the trenches o• not. I wrote quite
a few as I like weitiog there, only juet
about the time I get interesting in the
IeLlel• a few big gins start. up, then the
have to look out for old Fritz send-
ing soneLhieg over 10 us. 01' i'nur'e*' I
tau just. aching for him to send (Iver
e .ii ethhlg so that I can give hint a
few hack but he anon shute up when
I and the rest of Lhe buys get busy
with the Knox, 114111 in charge of n
gun and 1 sure like nothing else better
I hell to send Iain It few over. Well
Elsie I guess I will have to close as the
boys have got 1110 Mandolin going toil
nre singing some of the 0111 songx
Wel I like to join thein. \Vc have
a rnncett here nearly every night
when weave out. Am lying fl tt nn the
Bum *11111ng this Ieiter, not a very
gond position. Well, I geese I will
close with love from your loving
brother, \VILE MAYBERRY,
No. 127618.
P. S.—I wrote you the other day
after I gut yam. Inst letter.
first-class farm in Morris Cheap
The undersigned is prepared to poll the
North half of farm lot No 18. in the lot Con.
of the Township of Morris, cheap end on enr•y
terms. 87 sores cleared end 18 ocraa in blip!'
House is good frame on stone foundation, IM
story, 20x80: kitchen 15,120 ; barn with stone
stabling Ong) and 66x85 ; oonorete floors in
stable. Soil good and clean with 2 neres of
orchard. Farm falls away from the buildings
and hes considerable tile drainage. Fences,
wire and cedar rails In good condition. Farm
has 8 wells and spring creek nt rear. Rondo
Ate ion. Pl Only
1011 at endofBy ear. Mar fur-
ther particulars apply to the underaigned,
8' S. SCOTT, Brussels.
Many women with disfigured complexions
never seem to think that they need an occasional cleansing
inside a, well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal
bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions—as
well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because
the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates
which Nature -cannot remove without assistance. The best
remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which
stimulate theliver to healthy activity, remove fermentation,
gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole
digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at •
night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get
Chamberlain's today—druggists 25c., or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 15
Soft, Clear, Smooth Skin Comes With
86 Drayton Ave., Toronto.
Nov. 10th, 1015.
A beautiful complexion is a handsome
woman's chief glory and the envy of her
less fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear
skin—glowing with health -18 only ilia
natural result of "are Blood.
"I was troubled for a considerable
time with a very uupleasane, disfiguring
Rash, which covered my face and for
which 1 used applications and remedies
without relief. After using"1•'ruit-a-
tives" for,one week, the rash is com-
pletely gone. I am deeply thankful for
the relief and in the future, I will not be
without "Fruit-a-tives".
50c. a box, 6 for 22.50, trial size, 25c.
At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Notice is hereby given that a court will be
held, gursoant to the Ontnrlo Voter's Dot Act
by His Honor, the Judge of the County Court
of the County of Huron ht Connell room, Brus-
sels, on the nineteenth day of October, 1910, at
tan o'aloalt In the forenoon to hear and de•
termlne complaints of errors and omissions In
the Voters' flat of the Municipality of the
Village of Brussels for 1018.
Dated this 29th day of September.
Tiling° Clerk, Brussels.
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held. pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lh.ts
Act, by Ella Honor the Judge of the' County
Court of the County of Hume, at Township
Hall, Ethel. on Friday, 20thday of October,
1818, at 11 80 o'clock a, in, to hear and deter-
mine 001110110b0R of errors andomissions in the
Voters' ids' of the Municipality of the Town-
ship of Grey, for 1010
Date) the 29th day of September. 1018,
Clerk Twp. Gray.
NOtlee is hereby given Ihet a Court will be
held, pnrsnant to the Ontario Voters' Lists
Act. by His Boner, the .ledge of Om County
Court of the enmity of Boron, at the Counell
Chamber, in the Village of Brussels, on Thura-
dny, the 10th day r t October, 1010, et 2 p in,. to
hear nod determine emnuhdnts of errmw and
mois'lpns in the Vetere' 1.14 of the 0 ,onirl•
pntily of the Township of Hort Is for 11110
Dated this 28th day of September. 1110.
Clerk Twp. Morris.
up to #5. Whir le uhsD eels. Moll to no
and we whl malt" ot€.r, 11lulant 1101a1,oer will
return teeth ('1•nY TOOTH WORKS 6118
Chamber Commerce Building, Rookie,ter, N Y.
13 8
COMPORT 4ELS 111101( HOUSE and ee
acre of lend for kale, well located, in the
Village of Ethel, A Iso headrest posture farm,
NA Lot 21, Con 8, Grey township Good wat-
er on farm, Will also d1.pone of pony, hoe -
netts, buggy and cutter. Apply to
0•tf Phone 5910 Ethel,
Value -in -head
Chevrolet "Four -Ninety"
L°The Product of. Experience"
Powerful and
Quiet Running
Price Complete $675.00 F.O.Ba Oshawa -
Regular Equipment, Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains. Electric
Horn. Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield, Speedometer, Electric Stalling tend Lighting
Syseertt. Ammeter. and License Brack els. '
NOTE,—OwIn to the great demand far this Car, we would suggest 9 Ogge placing your order early to insure delivery.
We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two•unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting Sys-
tem, with f3o01ix Drive, sotne type and grade as used on the highn ed cars, y
A complete line or Repairs will always be in stock.
P. AMENT, Agent Brussels
• •
• •••••SNS••S•SSS•••i•••••N•••••••••••••••••••ei•••••N•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •
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