HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-5, Page 8If you have
Papering to do
this Fall
we shall be pleased to show you
samples of our large and up-to•date
stock of Wall Paper. This is a good
time to Paper.
Rexali Cherry Bark Cough Syrup
Will stop your Cough -25e & 5oc,
Rexall Catarrh Jelly
Relieves cold in the head—asc tube.
' Rexall Meutholine Balm
It's handy to have around. It's
healing properties make it n splen-
did application for burns braises or
skit) affections of : ny kind-2,yc jtrs
Rexall Glycerine Soap
Makes you feel fresh sud clean,
Fragrant acct absolutely pure Large
cake 155 ; 2 for 255,
Rexall Toilet Cream
For sore, chapped hands or face use
Rexall Toilet Crean) -25c bottles,
Rexall Tooth Paste
or Pearl Tooth Powder will keep
your teeth white, healthy end beau-
tiful -26e packages,
?he Store F. R. SMITH
fetal betus 4itins
BRussELs Fair leads them all.
NOT much danger of potato famine
this week.
25 CENT'S, in advance, secures THE
Pos'r for the balance of tete.
SEVERAL letters from soldier boys are
to hand but too late for this week's
ARTHUR WARD'S auction sale last Sat•
urcley niter:mon went with a good
swing F S Scott was the auctioneer,
BRus,Et.e Voters' List Court will be
held before Judge Dickson, on Thurs-
day, 19th inst., at to a. m. in the Coun-
cil Chamber.
BEcoreE a member of Brussels Horti-
cultural Society and help in a program
of beautifying your property and the
town generally
THE Wingham Advance jogged past
another milestone, A. G, Smith, the
manager for lobo Joynt, is turning out
a newsy sheet and we trust the Advauee
will continue to advance.
THERE was a great rush last Saturday
at '1 HE Pos'r to take advantage of the
last day of the $t.00 rate. THE Poste
will now cost 3 cents a week instead of
2 as iS the past 20 years.
ian writes as follows :— Noting the
special Prize List in THE PoaT this week
I would like to know if the prize babies
are to become the property of Drs. Mc-
Naughton, McRae and liryans?
Yours Truly,
SAVE FUTURE '1'RcUBLE.—The person
who took a gray woollen sweater from
the seat of a buggy in the Methodist
church shed last Saturday afternoon is
asked to return the same to THE PosT
unless they wish the law pet into service
to secure the garment and punish the
offence. There is only one name that
can be given to such acts.
WEDDING —A quiet wedding took
place at Sr. Andrew's Manse on Wed-
nesday evening, loth inst., when Miss
Cora Hingston, daughter of A. curd Mrs.
Hingston, Wingham, became the bride
of Edward Hawkins, of Preston; and
formerly of Wingham. Mr, and Mrs.
Hawkins will reside in Preston and will
have the best wishes of many friends.
day night Mrs F S. Scott had the mis-
fortune to miss her footing at the top of a
back stairway and fell down head first.
Her neck and shoulders suffered some-
what by the contact with the landing
but the miracle is that she was not killed
or very seriously injured.
wend's of 'Toronto, Canada's foremost
hair goods designers and manufacturers
will pay a special visit to the American
Hotel, Brussels, to display and demon-
strate the newest creations in fine hair
goods for ladies and toupees and wigs
for men who are bald. A free demon-
stration of any style is ;available to any-
one interested.
THE house and lot known as the
"Danford property lurnberr y street
South, has been disposed of by Arthur
Ward to James Evans, 7th line, Morris
township, who will get possession next
Spring, Mr. Ward and family will re-
move to Brantford. It is Mr. and Mrs.
Evans' intention to retire from the farm
and make Brussels their home, which
will be a very sensible move we believe,
day of next week a clearing Auction
Sale of live stock, implements, feed, &c,
will he held by Richard Griffith, the
hour of commencement being 2 o'clock.
Sale Is occasioned by the sale of the
farm. The piece is immediately South
of Brussels on the Morris side of the
gravel rued. F. S. Scott w 11 wield the
hammer. List may be read on this
page of this issue of Tots Pos'r. Stook
and everything is in good condition.
Wren received news this week that one
of her brothers, Pte. Arthur B Mallory,
who went from Winnipeg with the 61st
Battalion and was drafted into the Sea -
forth Highlanders, was among the
wounded at the Somme. Another
brother, Ezra, is in the hospital with
trench fever. Out of 7 Winnipeg hove
who boarded in the same hoose, and
went to the front 3 have been killed, 3
wounded and one in the hospital. We
hope good news will soon come of speedy
Tax POST overlooked mention of the '
Fall millinery openings: in last week'e
issue. Miss Inman and Miss Ross merle
large and very testy displays of the new-
est creations in the Millinery Art and
the etceteras that go to make up the
necessary adornment of the same,
Mnny lair visitors called to see the Fall
styles and compiituented the milliners
on the excellency of the exhibit. Num-
erous sales and a large number of orders
proved the satisfaction felt by those who
reeponded to the invitation, 3f yotl
have not been to see the trees goods don't
delay as you can judge better by a visit
than by a column we might write.
R. THuntsoN is loading auother car of
live poultry this week.
A NUMBER. from this locality attended
Blyth and Teeswater Fair Wednesday
of this week.
'!'HERE will be no Red Cross Circle
Tea next week but the ladies will meet
as usual Tuesday erter000n,
WINOHAM Fall Fair as it relates to the
out -door department was postponed last
Friday on account of the rain and will
be held Thursday of next week.
On September sntb, William Turn-
bull, Brussels North, passed his 82nd
milestone and barring his eyesight,
which has bothered him, is a vigorous
HAIR Goons.—Miss Glenn, the repre-
sentative of the Glenn— Charles firm,
Toronto, will he at the American Hotel,
Brussels, Weduesday of next week.
Read the advertisement on 1st page this
A aEsveoTAane person wiebee to rent living
rooms, down stairs, if possible. Leave word
at THE PosT.
HOUND strayed tram Brussels October 8rd.
Be is black and white V slurped tear In sight
ear. Bad leather tan collar. Any informa-
tion will be thankfully received at THE POST.
Phone 81.
LADY'S purse lost on Princess street, con-
taining a hitt and Rome silver. Finder will
much oblige the lover by leaving it at THE
20reGe 8 weeks old for sale also a yoke of
steers rising 2 years. S. Let 20,Con. 7,Mor-
ris. ALFRED BUTTON, Blyth P. O., R. R. No. 2.
WANTS. -400 bushels of feed wheat and 800
buahela oats. R. TuOmsoN, Brussels.
FOR HAVE —One horse rising 4 years, 1 flay
rising 2 years and 1 general purpose mare 8
years old. Apply to Geo, 000vIN. Brussels
South. Phone 860.
7 Pigs 6 weeks old for sale. Apply at Lot 18,
Con. 2, Grey, or phone 208
Hone, SIOALL1ay2R.
LITTER carrier, good an new, for sale, cheap.
Apply at THE POET.
FOR SALE,—The large frame building next
the bridge, Brussels, now used as Implement
wereroont with flea stabling underneath, also
the building tot immediately South ie offered
for sale nt a very reasonable price. Par fur-
ther partteulars apply to J. H. GALBRAITH',
A Ooon house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply to 3. C. RICHARDS.
LEND A HAND —The Women's Insti-
tute will be very glad to have the as-
sistance of all who can aid them in their
task of serving refreshments at their
boo'II on the Fair ground on Friday.
Funds will be disbursed locally.
Miss Ruby Plum while visiting at
Clinton stepped on a nail in an upturn-
ed board. The nail pet.etrated her foot
through the sole of her shoe aod a visit
from the doctor was necessary to dress
the wound. She is improving nicely we
are glad to state.
Mrs (Rev ) Ferguson is in Toronto at-
tending the marriage of her niece, Miss
Georgina, daughter of T. Lockie Wilson,
Superiutendeut of Agricultural So-
cieties, &c The fortunate groom is a
Mr, Woods, Collingwnod. Wedding
takes place to -day (Thursday 1
Asst. Depot Master Bateman, Mrs.
Bateman and son, Jack, of Toronto, are
here on a visit with relatives and old
friends. Mr.with
Bateman has been
the G. T. R. 26 years and is as steady as
a clock in attending to his duties. 1 -le
is a brother to our townsman, Jere.
Bateman and Mrs. Harry Atwood,
Grey township.
THE PosT hopes to see : '
Marriages by the dozen.
Militarism hite the dust,
Money moving freely this Fall,
Map of remodeller) Europe shortly,
Many members in the Horticultural
4feetings opened promptly at hour
Municipalities continuing hearty support
to Red Cross work.
Wednesday of next week, lith inste a
great gathering of Liberals will be held
in Landon when addresses are expected
by Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Hon,
'I'. Norris, Prime Minister of Manitoba ;
and Barrister George W. Rowell, Tor-
onto. Banquet will be held in the
Winter Garden. Return tickets on the
railway, at 111,• fare. Several are talking
of attending trona this locality It pro.
miser to be a great gathering. See
further notice on page 4 of this issue,
RED Cams MEETIso,—The register
monthly Ref! Cross meeting wee held
'l'neaday evening. Treasurer's report
wan read. It was decided to proceed
with a canvass of the locality for the
British Red Cross work on Trafalgar
Day, Thursday, rgth inst., and collect-
ors were Appointed as follows :—Brus•
sets North, P. Scott and D. Walker;
Brussels West, G. N. McLaren and D.
C. Ross ; Brussels East, G. H, Semis
and W. H. Kerr. It is expected the
Council will troika a grant as they did
last year, They meet in special Session
next week, Tag Day will be put on for
Friday at the Fair Red this work was
deputized to the Red Cross Circle to
manage A vote of thanke was passed
te the Turf Club for e donation of over
t$22 00. The annual meeting will be
held'.Cueedey evening, November 7t1i.
•••••••••••••••••••r►••••••• •••••••••••••••••••41•••••• •
• g —Ladies desirous of having Miss Glenn call at residence, kindly
• leave address at Hotel.
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••4••••••0•••••••
Canada's Hair - Fashion - Store
Ilam- Goods
\Vith a full line of Hair Gonda, including Switches,
Partings, Transformations, Motor -waves, etc.
If you are not satisfied with the appearance of your hair
consult Miss Glenn. -
People We Talk About
D. M. Scott, Port Huron, is here fpr a
short visit.
Lieut. Frank Scott arrived home
Wednesday evening for a few days.
Miss Annie B. Ross made a visit with
relatives and friends at Kincardine last
Harry Stephenson, of Coneston, has
been visiting at the home of his brother,
Lance Corp. Scott Ament, 'loth Bat-
talion, is home for last leave before go.
ing overseas.
Jack and Mrs Goodwin, Kincardine,
were guests of J. A and Mrs. Kyle fur
the week end.
Rev. A. T. Mane, B. A., attended a
meeting of Knox College Board Thurs.
day of last week in 'Toronto.
Percy '1'huell is home front Camp
Borden failing to pass the last medical
test. He says he will try it again.
Lieut Frank Gerry, of the !Loth Bat
talion, and Mrs Gerry were visiting
here for a few days this week.
Reeve Leckie was at Goderinlh this
week attending to his duties as one of
the Auditors of Criminal Board ac-
Will. and Mrs. Lowry and Miss Retn,
London, were visiting relatives and old
friends for a few days. They came by
their car,
Mrs. Jas Menzies. of William Street,
was 89 years of age on Sept. 2nd and
keeps quite smart for a lady of her ad-
vsneed years.
Sergt. Eimer Ewan is off duty and in
the hospital at 'Toronto. He probably
may not be able to accompany the loth
Battalion overseas.
Pies. Roy Burton and Leslie Lowry
are here from Camp Borden and are
looking up recruits Camp life evi-
dently agrees well with them.
Lieut C. G Vanstone, Wingham, of
the 161st Battalion, ha been awarded a
captain's certificate. He is a former
Brusselite, We congratulate him,
Mrs. Lorne Stephenson and baby,
Harold, are visiting at the home of the
latter's grandparents, Cathcart. Before
returning they Intend visiting in Hamil-
Ptes. George Manning and Geo.
Davis, of the 110th Batt., are here for
their last leave before the Battalion goes
overseas, which will be sometime in
Miss Ena, daughter of Rev. George
and Mrs. Jewitt, Springfield, and grand
daughter of Wm and Mrs. Jewitt, Brus-
sels, isattendiog Alma Ladles' College,
St. Thomas,
Mrs, 'Thomas Lott has not been hav-
ing rely good health for the past month
or so but we hope she will soon be
better. She is in her Both year but quite
smart when health is normal.
G. A Deadman left for Merlin this
week to close up his honey business for
the season and to put his bees in Winter
quarters. Ha is being assisted by
Angus Campbell, of Brussels, who is a
good steady hand
Owing to the illness of her father Miss
Mina Hunter has been compelled to re-
sign her position on Stratford post office
staff, after an enjoyable occupancy of 3
years. She has many a good word to
say of the Classic city.
Mrs, Wm. McKelvey went on Mon-
day of last week to Southampton, where
she purposes spending two or three
weeks with her sister in-law, Mrs Neil
McPhail, formerly Mrs Robert McKel-
vey. .
Mrs. Edmiston, formerly Miss Minnie
Miller, of Brussels, who has been seri.
coaly ill with typhoid fever at her home
it) Paltnerst on, is making a good recove-
ry. She bee been nursed by her mother,
dirs. Win. Miller, Kincardine.
Church Chimes
"The finished and unfinished task"
was the subject of the evening discourse
in the Methodist church Sabbath last.
Seethe Sunday School lesson notes on
page 3 of nix POSY Next Suoday's
lesoo is a fine one, viz :—"Paul before
Felix "
evening of 1'hursdey, 12115 inst., the W.
M. S , of Melville church, will hold
their annual '!'hank -offering service,
The address will be given by Rev. Trio.
Little, of St. Helens, A musical pro-
gram will also be rendered,
At the monthly Missionary day in the
Moihocliat Sunday School last Sabirath
Misses Addie Catdtlf anti 7essie Ctin-
ningham sang a fine duet, the 8. li.
Orebestre rendered a selection and Mine
Vera Hoover and Clarence Anderson
gave appropriate readings. The offer -
was 85 22
On Thanksgiving Day a union service
will be held in St, rohn's Choral) at 80.30
a, m, when Rev. R. E Page will C011..
duet the eervtce. An offering will be
taken for Red Cross funds to take the
place of the usual monthly offering at
prayer service, The public cordially
invited to attend.
A car load of Potatoes has
just arrived. Guaranteed
stock for Winter use. Price
$2 00 a bag of 90 pounds.
Car Hnusehoid Flour and Shorts
to hand and ready for the cus-
Choice Stock of Canaries always on hand,
Goods delivered to any part of
the town. 'Phone 43.
W. J. McCracken
Next Sunday Rev. R A. Miller, of
Milverton, will ocoopy the pulpit of the
Methodist church, Brussels. Rev. Mr.
Wren will preach anniversary sermons
at Milverton the same day
Lest Sabbath Organist Mulheron of-
ficiated at the organ in Melville church,
this being the initial Sunday since his
engagement, We welcome him to Brus-
sels His card appears in this issue of
Owing to lack of time to properly pre•
pare "The Junior Garden" for Thanks-
giving Day evening, the Methodist Sun-
day School will hold an Ar Home in-
stead in the School room of the church
on that date instead An interesting
mand literary nrnr'nm will be
given and candy and fruit nerved at the
In connection with Mu:, the Church
Communion Rev. D. Carswell, of Mc-
Killop, preached an excellent sermon
Friday afternoon at the preparatory ser-
vice The pestor's discourse Sabbath
morning was 05 the subject "rhe Shep-
herd work of Christ," (r) He was the
Good Shepherd ; (2) He wea the Great
Shepherd ; (3) He was the thief Shep-
herd. A large percentage „1 the mem•
bees was in attendance, In the evening
a memorial service was conduct-
ed, having reference to the death of
Plc: Chas. McMillan, who fell doing
his ditty to King and Empire, in the
terrible battle of the Somme. France.
The pulpit and Roll of Honor weredrap•
ed in black and purple. Congregation
filled the church Rev. Mr. Mann's
sermon befitted the occasion. He spoke
from two lox's, 'The test of Divine
Love," from the words "He delivered
him to his mother," and the test of hu•
EaT'D 1973
A General Banking Business Conducted.
Accounts of Farmers,_ Merchants and Manu-
facturers receive careful attention.
TRUST FUNDS should be deposited inmit.SAVINGS
DETARTMENT. Highest •urreut rates of Interest aro
paid half yearly. 214
G. H. SAMIS, El [i PI Manager.
to Christ as be spends his time In bear- !
ing fruit by laboring as did Christ for
men. Not the creed saves but the
sanctified save, the one who breathing
deeply of the spirit of God which is
Love, loves his 1 rolher and seeks to lift
up the fallen and become a fulcrum to
humanity. The choir sang an anthem
at each service, which was much ap-
preciated, solo parts being sung by J. G.
Tones and Miss Marie Crump.
ARMSTRONG—BM rma —A t"Maple Grove Ferm"
the home of the brine's mother, by Rev. R.
E, Page, on October 451i, 1010, Mr, Lewis B.
Armstrong, Morrie Township, to Mies
Martha, daughter of Mrs. Jno, G. Smith,
Grey township.
HAtvxINS — RTNOBTON — At St, Andrew's
manse, Wingham, Sept. 20th 1918, by Rev.
D. -Perri% Mr. Edward Hawkins, of Pres-
ton, to Mies Cora Hingston, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A, Hingston, Wingham.
WEDNESDAY. One.o 11TH.—Fenn stark
Lot 20,Oon12, Circur
Township. Sete mare -
served at 2 p in. Valentine Noernter, Prop.
li. S Scott Aus.
THURBDAY, OOT. 12TH—Farm stook, Imola.
mento, 40., Lot 80, .Con, 6, Morris Township,
(adjoining Brussels.) Ante unreserved nt 2 p.
m, Richard Griffith, Prop., F. 8. Scott, Auo,
TUESDAY, 005 24.—Farm stook, implements,
-- &o , N55 Lot 22, Con 2, Morris, Sale unreserv- •
ed at 1 p m Arthur Shaw Pi•
opJno Purvis •
Drug •
0• d •
Store t
.H ++4•h+++++++++++++++ e
• Xmas
s Cards •
2 May seem a little early to a
2 think of Xmas these beauti- a
ful Autumn days, neverthe- •
• less it will not be long until 2
the season will be with 00.' •
IWe have just received abook 4
• of very handsome sample'
ICards at prices ranging from •
• 15c up, 2
• Wo will be glad to allow you •
to take the Sample Book 2
home and look it over at
your oonvenionce and any
order placed with us will re-
ceive prompt and careful at- •
tention. •
While the are pleased to ex- I
tend the above privilege we •
• wish our customers to feel •
• • ft ee to look over the cam- I
• plea without feeling under •
any obligation whatever to •
buy, •
This le the Fourth Western Ontario
Unit 1:I1co1y to Sail
The fourth Battalion from Military
District No. 1, and the fifteenth unit
in cants, the 101st Huron Battalion,
was warned fur overseas last week.
No. 1 Division notified (headquarters
at Camp Borden that they had a
vacancy for an immediate overseas
unit, and left the choice to Major-
General W. A. Logie, who selected
the Hurons.
They go Thursday for home for 6
days leave and although they may not
be one of the brat units to move in
the overseas exodus it is rumored that
they will not be long in camp after
their ratter).
Brussels Council I Notice
Aum. I
Wheat 5185 0188 •_
Peas 1 i 0 2 00 •
Butter 8i 5285 i Soldier's Pneket Photo. Holder, ••,
Hay 17 00 iso 1 m 2 Photos, 75c.
Potatoes per bag 180 200 •
Some Useful Articles for
Our Soldier Boys
Teacher of
Organist and Choir Master Malvilie Church
lege of Music Examinations. Phone 60x
Brussels Pupils prepared for Tot•ontoCol-
Regular session of the Council was
held Monday evening Reeve Leckie
and Councillors Walker' and Hewitt
Minutes of last meeting read and
Following accounts were presented :
J, A. Sharpe, electric light, .,$ 139 65
Win. Robinson, street work,. 2 25
W,,1. McCracken, grass aeed, 90
R. Oliver, salary, ...... .... ........ 80 00
A. McGuire, street Inspector... 01 25
Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lisle
Aot, byHts Honor the Judge 0f Otto County
CourE of the County 0f Huron, at Township
Had, Ethel, on Friday, 20th day of October,
1916, at 11 80 o'elook a. m. to hear and mine e' List of
of errors and omiaelona in the
Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town -
Ship of Grey. for 1016
Dated the 28th luta September, 1918.
Clerk Twp. Grey.
Moved by Hewitt—Walker that ac-
counts be paid. Carried.
Several orders were handed in with
an account from T. McLean & Co„
Street Contractor. It was moved by
Hewitt—Walker that no orders be ac-
cepted or further money paid until
the work is completed and accepted.
Grant to the British Red Cross was
discussed at some length and laid over
to a special meeting to be held next
Councillors Hewitt and Walker and
Clerk Scott were appointed a Com-
mittee from Council to attend next
Red Cross meeting.
The Reeve read a draft of sugges-
tions he had prepared to be sent to the
Government, relative to conditions
after the war.
Council then adjourned.
' Notice is hereby given that a Court will be
held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters Lista
Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the Count
Coors o1 the Cseety 0? Huron, at the Ceunoh
Ohamher, 1n Oke Village of B 1916, s, on Thura-
dey, she 19th day of cOctober, 7016, at 2 p. m., to
bear and determine oomplainta of errors and
omissions lone
n the Volare' List of 21'91
he ManlcI-
paliEy of the Township of Morris for 1510
Dated thls 28th day of September. 1016.
Clerk Twp. Morris.
Auction, Sales
&0 —F. A. Scott, Auctioneer, has received
instructions from the underaigned to sell by
Public Auction at Lnt 20, Con, 12, Grey,
Wednesday, Oot. lith,"1910, at 2 o'clock, the
following valuable property; 2 cows supposed
in calf, 1 fat cow, 2 heifers auppoaed to milt, 1
heifer 2years old, 8 steers 2 years old, 8 steers
1 year old, 1 heifer 1 year old, 4 calves, 4 ewes,
8 ewe lambs, 1 ram Iamb, 8 pigs 4 months old,
1 brood sow due to farrow Oot. 18th, number
of Ilene, a quantity of mangolda in the ground.
The farm, containing 102 sores will also be
BORN offered for sale. Sale unreserved as barn hoe
bean burned. Terins.—All aunts of $500 and
RoRrneoN.—In Edmonton, Alta., on Sentern- under ooeh; over that, amount 10 menthe
her 22nd, 1910, to Mr. and Mre. Nedby credit given on furntaltbng approved joint
Robinaon, a daughter. notes. 0 per Dent off for cash on credit
STEYENe—In Wingham, on September. 14th, amounts. Terms for farm made known on
1910, to air, sud 3/i.e. Gilbert Stevens, a day of Sale or upon application to
• •
2 • The Penslar Store •
01.0e01) leather, suitable for •
Soldier's Pocket Writing Case, 2
in leather, at 750. •
Soldiers' Active Service Mirrors. I
Price 500, •
Soldiers' Money Belts in canvas es
mad leather, at 50n and'85c.
Any one of Lire above will make
a suitable gift. •
PLEtiRNTS, 40.-1f. S. Scott, Auctioneer,
has received instructions from the underalgn-
ed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot
00 Con. 8, Morris. (adjoining Village of Bras -
sols), Thursday, Oat. 12th, at one o'clock, the
following valuable property: -1 heavy horse a
yaare old, 1 general purpose mare 12ears old
1 driving mare 5 years old, 1 standard bred
pacing mare eyeare old, 1 cow due to calve
Nov, 21,1 sow due to calve Nov. 27, 1. cow due
to eulve Nov 28, 1 f roah cow, 2 mows supposed
with calf, 1 steer 1 year old, 2 heifers 1 year
old, 6 Spring c0lvea, 1 calf 2 weeks old, 0 steers
1 year old, 2 heifers 1 year old, 5 pigs four
months old, 12 pigs six weeks old, 1 brood cow
with litter at foot raising 8, I brood aow due to
farrow Oat. 8, 1 brood sow, about MO bushels of
onto. about 8 tons of mixed hay about 1 acre of
turnips, about 1 acre of man olds, 0 bene ono
year old, 12 Plymouth Rock pullets, 1 Ply-
mouth Rook rooster, 1 Massey -Harris binder,
1 MnsaeyBarris seed drill, 1 Massey-Harrls
cultivator, 1 Frost .0 Wood mower, 1 Frost &
Wood hay rake, 1 double farrow plow, 1 walk-
ing plow, 1 wagon box, 1 hay rank, 1 etootr
rack, 1 gravel box, 1 flat top, 1 set of sleighs, 1
turnip pulper, 1 muffler, 1 wheelbarrow, 1
water trough, 1 rubber -tired buggy 1 set of
double harness brase mounted. nearly nate, 1
set Of Riegle harness goldlna trimmed nearly
naw, 1 half Het of heavy harness nearly neer, 1
hay fork, oar, pulleys tend ropes nearly new, 1
Melotte cream Reparnter• nearly new, whiffle.
trees, reek yokes, Olieitta, forks. alloyele and
otter articles too tumorous to mention. Sale
without reserve as the form has been sold.
Tertns:—All O,,l,le of $0.00 andunder cash;
over that amount 12 menthe credit on furnish-
ing approved joint notes. 0 per cent off for
cub on credit amounts. G. A. Best, Clerk.
1f, GRIFFITH, Prop.
4..•044444•••44041441.110••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I
man Love, with the Scrip''15e, "Greater n•
Love hath no man than lb's that a man Brussels Da lI ht Store G N McLaren •
should lay down his life for his friend." Y 9 a N. •
Miss Isabel Strachan sang the beautiful
sLrL nt ashetssebseAh pa sest L,slh,E,,„tsetns ,headastryna IU'4u4daeeiur,o'oi fiLsLnI. IR.
E,MJ'Idets/4i i I1in'IJnt'M'tip1146'MdOi ati isrW'4JiIPG,4J60ine,ab9ut
solo "Ha wipes the tear from every eye ”
Widespread sympathy is felt for the • I •
bereaved in the sudden cutting down of ' •
their heroic loved one. I •• •
The annual Harvest Festival services z }}}}}}}}}}}}, }}}}•r4• •
^i• •} •
were held in St,John's C hureh, Brus-' ss •
sol lastSunday,Church NEW
sOctober 1st, C FALL
GO 0 •i•
was tastefully and beautiful,y decorated •+•
by the young people with the fruit, • i. 1 •
vegetables and grain brought in by the 2 es + ••
church members 'there was no special •r •
appeal made, neither were the services I e •
advertised. t service
was as nlu,l I We are showing Exceptional•
▪ •
sttlhisannual service and lire afferiues } Values + •
slightly in excess of lest Year, The ser ®6 }
vices were taken by the Rector, Rev R. • •t• }
i +
E Pagewhose subject HI the mnrning } •1^
was "The recognition of man's depend- ;` IN
once upon Nature and Nature's God", • + +
founded on Deut. xxvt-to, Man's at- '1•
Merle a thanksgiving depends $ Ladies' and Misses' Fall and Winter Coats 2 •
upon his conception of himself, and • } + 4
the Supreme Being, As a father so • } 2 a
often utilizes the gifts of the child in 2 ✓ • Men's, Boys' and .Children's Winter Suits and Overcoats g. •
owlet to develop a child's character so a 4.'I' •
God co-opera!es with our endeavors and •
utilizes our sacrifices. Thanksgiving le •}l• Men's and Ladies' Fur and Fur Trimmed Coats •
not a time of paying an assessment ac• a 2
carding to blessings received but our •
tecognizing this, surreeder to Him AS $
Lord's, eveu the man who toils, we then • +
• All sizes in the Celebrated Turnbull make
acknowledgment. The eertih is the.. Ladies' and Children's, Men's and Boys' Winter .Underclothing
are consecrated to His Service aelaborers • 2
auto the harvest by being spent In ser- • All sizes in Boots and Rubbers Grand Rubbers wear like Iron)
vice of our brother man. The eveuiug • 2 y2 •
address was based on John xx-4• Men + + •
are brought into touch with the church• Men's and Boys' Wolter and Fall Caps 2 A
In childhood not for their own self -fu • I
terest or their own development aloes I
but to bear fruit for Got. There are s
many so•oalled Christians, church meta- s 1 We will be pleased to show you our Stocks r •
hers, who are like to the branches, al I + I
most dead, that the feast breath of • I+++++++++++++++++'i.++++-5-++'+++++4++++++++4'+•-+++4'+++++4'+++++++I •
doubt or tempest of difficulties would : •
sever from the vine ---the Chrlat. If • •
they are to hear fruit they must draw •
deep from the spirit of God as the sap
flows into tl c branch of the tree and
fruit is borne t he more the Highest Prices for Produce
living sacrifices, men and women who 0
G. N. McLaren•
nourishment roust be dream from the - 0
parent tree by the branch. The •
Christian draws deeper and lives closer►••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••?• •