HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-5, Page 5•r
tike to the PING *Mee, Ethel, 90.4
• nen,. will soil for better prloes, to
bettor menIn loos time and lens charges
than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or
he won't charge anything, Eaton and orders
las always ne arranged at this office or by
nal application,
Y V u Barrister, Solicitor, conveyancer,
Notary 1'nbllo, &o, idea e --Stewart's Block
L door Nor th of Central HotelSolicitor for rho 'Metropolitan
a Bank
"re GAILVXD `T! er.IY'.8i &'win*?
Express 7:18 a to I Mail 11:22 a 1n
!Express 8:8?n m Express 8:67 0 m
- .r
To Toronto To Goderich
Express -7:60 a m I Express 11:58 a m
Express 8:15 p mIEExpresa 8:54 p nt
Going East - 7:06 a. m. and 8:40 p. m.
Going West - 12:19 and 9:58p, m,
All trains going East connect with C. P. R. nt
Orangeville for Owen Bound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GEO.ALLAN, Local Agent.
Fine, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infer.
matin. apply .gent.,
r" 95Ki • : StWToronto
Agent Allan Line, Brume's.
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stook, &c.
]jepairs to Purnps promptly
attended to.
av Glicall.
At BAYMANN Cranbrook
U ,
Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy Departmonte
Students may tinter at auy time. We `r
place graduates in positions. During 10
4 July and Augtmt we received npptioo- p,
010 EMons for over 200 :!rice u0gistnnte we
could not supply. Write for our free
catalogue at once.
D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal.
4Si46 rr at.leeeel.d v.-r-ge.Wd'�,Mk .J
Best Brains
in Canada keys nrtiol n in the pre -
partition or our splendidtHome Study
0002,es In Snaking, Eoonondes, Higher
Accounting commercial .Art Show
• Cur& trStoryPWriting,
Short iwn•Selec :the work
andbb Boon intonate
Select the work
which most it s, .Ad you and write no
fir pnrtlonfllrs, Address
381.7 Ventre 88. Toronto
I+honoand0 of ,ulbitiooe young pew
their OWn
tort fest preparing in.
re t
p i g
p iii es positions as
lieenog apher ookk ep is
piton. eivll servants in foot. every
sphere or notivittoa. -Von may finish et
oollege if see FM wink. Poalltolle goal'•
mltetlfi, IEutercollege any dityy, Indi-
d 1 1 tion, Expert teachers.
Thirty nstrt o
train nos ods teSev.
y y 1 + g
1 d o � colleges.
Spool ns i Cut n n, Soo, 0
Epoch ootarne for teo,nine,
A Ii5ej0 with * Onnad , rialtos•
tor'oAssooiation of Canada, Smmttler
Soltool et tannins Spottonl3uelneso Col,:.
loge. tendon. .
Wingham . Busin
ess College
Geo. SPo'r'roS, Ve. T. Monate,'
President,. Principal.
Duel noss Cards
S enssorto
ue Moore, Office
eon Bros. Livery stable, Brunets. Telephone
No. 20,
T. T. M'FdAE
M a., C.P„4$r G,'
Al. 0. El„ Village or Bruaaola,.
Physlofao, Surgeon, Aaoouehell!'
Offioo et residence, appool'o Melville Church,
wfllhen street.
IDurrant; junior Epworth Lragtle work,
Miss Helloed ; Round Table Conference,
Rev, j W. Hibbert ; Collection
Hymn ; Reports of Committees; Social
Lt uc served in the School
room. Evening Session Chairman,
President elect, Service of Praise led
by pastor of church; Introduction of
Officers elect ; Music ; 'l'he challenge of
the'1'o•morrow, F, H. 'Gilroy ; Music ;
Offering ; The Sunday School Teacher,
Rev, 2, J. McCormick, B. A. Closing
Boobolor of Medicine, University of Toronto ,
Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur
goose, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offioes of late Dr.
A. McKovey, Smith Brook, Brussels.
Rural phone 45,
G. H. ROSS, D:D,S., L.,D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dontal Sur-
geons of Ontario and Graduate University or.
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office in loard Block, Wingham
Phone 249. Poet Office box 278
Painloe, Extraction, Plato work and
Bridge Work a Specialty
'Peroonal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, MoCormiok Medical College Chicago,
111., le prepared to test eyes end tit glaeeeo at
her office over. miss Inman'n millinery store,
Office days—Wedrienday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
to 12 a. nti. ; I to 6 p, m. Evenings by appoint-
ment, Phone. 1219.
Honor graduate of the Ontario \reterinary
College. Day and night calla. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
licensed Auctioneer For Huron Co.
Satisfaction ensured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone If not convenient to gall.
Both Brussels and North Huron Phones.
e arrlator., 8ollcitory Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
H. J. D. Cooxn
/oat bans Pins
COUNCIL met last Monday.
TNR showers last week were dandies.
Swoon Board Friday evening of next
READ the Weather Forecast for Octo-
ber on page 44
BRD,1ELs Fall Fair Thursday and Fri-
day of this week.
TER high winds last week blew down
piles of apples from the trees.
DON'T N miss the Fall Fairt
a Concert in
the stink Friday eveningof this week.
,,coo laughs are promiseeverybody at-
Nxx'r Monday will be 'Thanksgiving
Day and a public- holiday. Business
places will be closed, Postoffice hours
8toga.in, and 5to6p.tn.
25 CENTS gets THE PosT for the
balance of Igt6, excepting to the United
States. 15 cents has to be added if
papers go there for postage.
THANKSGIVING rates on the railways
are single fare for Monday,returni
u ,
same day. Fare and a third good goiug
Saturday, 7th inst, and returning Tues-
day, October nth.
TURNBERRY street South has been re-
ceiving a good - costing of broken stone
and when well rolled it should be much
the better of it. This part of the road
was notoriously bad last Spring but this
work should remedy it.
Boort{ AT BRUSSELS FAIR.— Brussels
Women's Instituteur ose having a
p p g
refreshmeut Booth on the grounds on
Fair Day. Exhibitors of stock and alt
who wisb, will be served- a good sub-
stantial lunch at the noon hour, Pat-
ronize the Booth during the afternoon
and evening and help along a good
FROM CALGARY.—Following letter is
from a former Brusselite who has spent'
a good many years in the West.: --DEA.
EDITOR —Enclosed find order for $2,00
to apply On my subscription to THE
POST. .We are always glad to get it as it
is like a letter from home, I are by the
paper that some crops in the East are
very poor this year. Alberta is very
fortunate in that respect this season hav-
ing a very good crop and with the high
price of grain the farmers here will iso
well. Our old friend, 'Thomas English,
here is very poorly with heart trouble.
[go otter to see him quite often, Our
yr ,
suldier boys are leaving for overseas
quite regularly now, three Battalions
basing gone in the Past six weeks and
two more are to go shortly. Cana !fans
are getting hit pretty (hard lately. I see
t in paper that by a stalemeu your p D at the
war is to end this year and I sincerely
hope it aloes, We are all well and hope
this will find you and yours in good'
health, Yours 'Truly,
tglg-loth S•. West, Calgary, Sep', 23
ONverenON—The Annual Convention
C o
of the •lepworth Leagues and Sunday
Schools of the Wingham District will be
held in the Methodist church, Wingham,
on Weduesdey, Oct. 1115,E 1g16. Dunc-
an Mc'J'rvish, of le p'ee, is President of
Wingham District Epworth Leagues •
oho Kerr Wing ham, Sec, -'frees..
„and Rev, 14, B, Perutibv; Belgrave,
Sunday School Secretors for Wingham
District. Morning Session—Chairman,
Rev, H,B. [ arsonY Registration.
Devotioal Exercises, Rev, A. Love ;
Missionary challenge to Epworth Len -
gee and Sunday , School, Rev P, E.
Clysdale ;. Discussion led y DnucanMc-
Tavish ; How to develoti Christian
workers, Rev, D. W. Williatns, 13. A, ;
Discussion, led by Rev, A, R. Kellam ;
Evangelism in she Sunday School, H.
Hopper • Election of Committees Col-
lection, General oral businesscrusts exer-
cises. Afternoon Sessiotl— Chairman,
Rev, i W, Hibbert, Chairman of Wing..
hast District, Song Service led by W.
H; Willis; Address of welcome, F.
duan' 'Three minute report from
r P
each Epworth League iu the Wingham
District„ The Ep�worth League,' Liter-
ary and Social, Ltee, George 1leuaett
The etficieut Sunday School, Rev, 0, Its
Some people who speak in Il -iris-.
respeolftil way about our etoldiers and
Patriotic work in general might prof.
it by reading some of the daily
ANNIVERSA7$Y SEEP](. se -Cite an-
niversary services of the Methodist
(hutch, Ethel, will be held on Sunday
and Slonday, Orr ober Band 9. Rev.
0. 0. Keine, L'uidesboro, a former'
juminn' pastor, will mouth at 11 a in,
and 7 p, ur , nn Sunday. Special offer-
ing at each service. Oiloice music by
the choir. Monday evening a Fowl
Supper will be eel ved from 0.10 8
o'clock, in the Township Hall. Fol-
lowing this a tine program will be
rendered in the ohm ch, as follows :—
Solos byas. in Goderich • and
M King, g,
Airs. J. W. Jo nt Luck now ; address
Joy r
by Rev. J. L. Mrdulineh, °tntenok
instrumental selections by Ah'. King.
Goderich ; and r'eaclinga by Mise Alt -
kin, Goderich. Atwood Quartette will
also conatibute. Tit:kets, 50c; children
25 cents. This program should be
worth the admission fee without the
supper and a large crowd is antici-
Peter Navin, of the Red Cross
Medical Corps, Aurhergtburg, paid a
flying visit to friends t:round Seaftnah.
The many friends of George Hov-
ard,.are pleased see him about again
after a severe attack of appendicitis.
Anniversary of Dutf's church, Mc-
Killop, will be held on Sunday, Oct.
15111, when Rev. Mr. Abney, Londes•
born, will preach. On the following
evening the usual fowl supper and en-
tertainment will he held.
Silo tilling is now the order of the
all Fair Concert to be given here
on Saturday evening, Oct.
Mrs. George Watrell, Toronto, is
spending a month with her sister,
'Mrs. Geo. Galbraith, and other rela-
1ivestn Orange 11111 vicinity, while
Mr, %Varlell is in Cochrane rebuilding
his brick -block of three stores which
was destroyed by fire on July 29th, -
Jubilee ainiversery services in con-
nection with Newbridge Methodist
church will be held Sondey and Mon-
day, Oct. 8110 and 9th. Rev. R. I.
Hocking, a former pastor, will be the
preacher on Sunday at 10.30 a. in. and
7 p ri, Monday evening supper will
be served iu the basement of the
church, after which a musical and
b roivene g1 will literary tarn 1
. P g
The Salvation Army held its annual
Thanksgiving service in the citadel
Weduesdity night of last week with a;
good attendance. A feature of the
evening was the auctioning of rabbits
and fowl and all varieties of fruit and
vegetables. These were donated by
farmers. W. J. Weamee, of London,
acted as Auctioneer. Although he
held out for high prices everything
wits'n edie used of. Those inchar
the arrangements were Oapt. Hnbaof
\Vinghalu ; Capt. Frond; Clinton •,
Lieut. Saunders, Clinton. $10.00
which will go to the wo, k of the or-
ganization was realized by the sale.
A. D. Sutherland was a visitor in
Miss Grace Weir left for New Yolk
' for a nurse ill the Presb le
tenni totuu 1
au 14ospitai.
Win. and Mts. Sommerville have
returned 5,1(11* their trip down the St:
Om l; 1hr lit tie son of John Knight,
was nettled Monday of hast week by a
jar of hot fruit, which its mother was
Oarrying, dropping on him.
Lieut. 'Rex Pearce, sun of W. K.
Pearce, Tot onto, rued formerly ulama.
ger of the Dominion Beek het e, was
killed in action in France.
David Back well, Rochester, __spent a
few days with his parents, W. and
Mrs. Haekwell, before leaving to at-
tend the \lediclrl sebum in Buffalo.
While working at the Ogilvie Flnnr
Mille, Alliin Powell had the misfor-
tune In have his wrist', caught', and la-
v stitches C
Led, ll 'tl> several el 0 O
la -
tenet IN 1 quit
rinse the wound and laying him up a
few days.
'1 t the tweed, g
e d, t of the See. .
='n n nndvilla church, Rev.
n of the L ,
� leave
111. Argo was granted 3 months
of absence owing to ill health. I•Ie
will go to.Calgnly and his many
friends here hope that the trip and
the change will restore him to his
usual goixl health.
Miss Doi ()thy Tierney left for 'T'ot-
onto whet e she Rill attend University,
Fred. dogma and bride, London, are
visiting with his parents, W. and
M, s, Masan.
Jag. Mao. i)odds and Thee. Pate,
were in attendance on a Petit July in
Goderich 1081 week.
Rev, W. 1). 'Turner preached his
fatewoll sermon as pastor of 51. An-
dre•v's Mmes.]) on Sunday.
'Mrs. \Vin, 0, nig has returned home
from an extended • n ed visit with friends in
and Pott Stanley.
Mts. T S. McKinnon and daughter,
\ ', .. In Philips Ottawa •
'Por oto Ings Lu n
and Mrs. J. Ritchie, Wingham, were
guests at the home of Di. and Mrs.
Mrs. P. E. Robinson received word
that her brother, Pte. Lorne Volker,
is seriously 1 as the he result of wnnnds
'e • d while hi action at the front,
He ie now in a hospital in England.
FMienrls in Myth and vicinity con.
dole with Dr. Perdue in the death of
his mother, which sad event took
place Ptidt
night,Sept., 22nd,at the
home .of her daghLer, Ms.
Chamney, in the 70th year year of her
age. The femoral took place on Tues-
day to the Wingliam cernotery. De.
TOO ��� 1 A disastrous Tire OWedn ona the
' 9rd line, Wallace, an Wednesday of
last week when W. Holt lost hie reel -
and all Lho contents. The
1,,,.„„,,,„,,, ,
eaUn heir
4 d user who
i n
To WORK e as noticed, at whloh time It
n ad gained such headwt4y Lhttt
nothing could be sieved, Tt is thought
that the fire was eaueed by a apatk
Ilse chimney,,
BED MOST OF TIME U.nnrelssilnee J, W. Richnrda, Ter-
1'ilnrial. Commander of the Salvation
Argy in Canada Past, will resolve a
Her Health Restored by Lydia politic welrnrne Ln Listowel on Wed.
E. Pinkham's Ve
getable nesday, October 11th. The welcome
g + service Ice will be held in the Presby.
te,ian church kindly loomed for this
Indianapolis, Indiana. — "My health
was so poor and my constitution 90 run
down that I could
not work. I was
thin, pale and weak,
weighed 'but 109
pounds and was in
bed moat of the
time. I began tak-
ing Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound and five
months later I
weighed 133 pounds.
I do all the house-
work and washing for eleven and I can
truthfully say Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound has been a godsend
to me for I would have been in my grave
today but for it. I would tell all wo-
men suffering as I was to try your valu-
able remedy.”—Mrs, WM. GREEN, 332
S. Addison Street, Indianapolis,Indiana,
There is hardly a neighborhood in this
country, wherein some woman has not
found health by using this good old-
fashioned root and herb remedy.
If there is anything about which you
would like special advice, write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
ceased leaves to mourn her loss, 3 sons
and 2 don t:tere, namely, Dr. .7. N.
Perdue, Blyth ; Henry, on the old
homestlad,East Wawanosh ; Albert,
in Oalifnl•nia Airs. Jos. Chalnney,
and Mrs. David Chainney, Last VY
waunah, to all of whom is extended
sympathy in their beeeaveiheut,
Genies Limited have purchased a
Focl Motor Truck for the produce
Sergt. Oras, Cavell, 110th Battalion,
won the checker championship of
Camp Bordeu.
Hugh Darroch was in Seaforth and
at Mitchell acting as judge of light
horses at the Fall Fairs
The anniversary services of Knox
church, Listowel, will be held 011 Sun-
day, October 8th, morning and even-
ing. Rev. 11. E. Abraham, B. A., St.
Andrew's Pr'esbyteian Church,
Guelph, t will be the
Edward 'Miller, who hoe been in
charge of the liuotype at the Banner
office, has resigned and has accepted a
position in another town. bliss Hazel
Brovnsnn is taking Air, Miller's pnsl
Lion on the Banner. Mr. Schmidt,
fol'rne,ly of Ayr, has taken a position
BS f0reluam at the Banner office.
Kodaks and Kodak Supplies
o Let the Kodak tell the++
story of your vaca- e
• tion trip. +
See one No. Sit Post Uhied size +
Developing and Printing U
$2 10 worh of good
Packed Completelets for
fi $1.50
4•, • Bring your Films to us forex- j
• pert Developing aid Printing. .i,
Fountain Pens
$2.50 and up
We carr a Ili n
t Mee assortment
oftea , 1
11 a Pens and also sell
Wntet•luttn's Ideal alFont:
to taiu
Pen Inks the bet. for Pn
taiu Feu nae. un •
IJ . R. Wendt
i EW 13 &
Wroxeter, Ont. +
service. The service will be presldr'd
t 5, H.(Dy(Dye,.
v„by H H. Mor Ih ' K. 0., Al, l'„
supported by the A.Gaynt' and it num-
ber of local ministers and proulineut
ell izetis.
(lnpt. U. 1: Dowding has cabled of
his safe arrival ill Jingiand.
and elnll Hl ng, have already ship-
ped Milli- 5,000 baskets of plums.
11",• 1)r. Htewo't was the preacher
in Willis church 111. bond scrvirr's on
Sunday and will have charge for the
next fele weeps.
Miss 1larion h'aiu, win nnden went
a opera ' -P „
U Itioi foe 1 •t n • r'
I n dei rl twit.
I 1
to ,oils in a Montreal
hospital ree,
is (low nicely„erwer,.d.
Willi the advent t
stonier weather
nein het. of local young penple have
Pnrnred 1he,nse1)'e( into a walking
club and on one evening in 1'he week
they Lake a l.haurp , f five utiles or
Miss ('ampbell, who has hpPt1 towh-
ee in Art at the Oollrgiate since Mid-
summer of last rent, has re'igoed and
le',veofur Ste ingfleld at the beginning
of the month, Miss Sinclair, Walker•
tons, will hP her anecesao•,
A er„nmi1.Lee appointed by the Pres-
bytery 11101 11te congregation of Willis
chu.•h with 1'Pget•d to the ,'eaiglpatinn
of Rev. F. 0 harper. Rev, W. D.
Turine nceupied the chair and Rev.
Mr Sim peand others addressed the
meeting. 0n a vote nf the meeting it
wire decided in accept the resignation
and the pulpit will be declared vacant
111 l he POOPSP of a few weeks.
,intoes Snell h Sons, Hullett, sheep
1111,44 Ilvve heongli1 great honor to
Enron Comity. They made a clean-
ne al the Slate Fair field at Syracrose,
N Y., with it fl ,ek of 8 .beep, They
won the grand champion prize for the
belt. Hoek of Leife9LP1'0, champion
131 iso fur ewe and champion prize for
runs, 'nifty also tonic first foe flock.
beet ewe la nth, two year old ewe,
Sll•'e„'li,lti *HO rem, dwelling rani,
real lend, and miler prizes. There
w, r,• 1"ur enmprtitnes. James Snell,
eve., had ohm go of the flock, sold thein
all bermes ett:ming home.
Airs Arthur• Peebles is visiting in
Mic higen,
10ana Onnncil will ,neer in the Agni-
111 Hell
nullllell on Satotduy, Oct. 91st,
al l0, clock.
PL in McRain left fm' Hamilton
wle• '• ?PIIll. ,osil'tin with
Beeson Johnson & Uu. of that city.
DBITOARY.—Once more the silent
messenger has been in our midst and
called to his last resting place an old
and respected resident of the township
of Elute in the person of the late Luke
Lucas. Deceased was barn on the old
Lucas homestead, Lnt 5, Oml, 10, 50
years ago and there he spent his boy-
hood days and years of early manhood.
At the age of 27 he married Miss Mar-
jo'yE. Beokenshire, of Stephen town-
ship, and settled down h on Lot 4, Gott.
where he enjoyed 9,d wane ears of
1 Y
appy unn•lied life, afterwards mov-
ing to Lot 4, Cor. 10, where he spent
the remainder of his days. Mr. Lucas
was a fine type of Canadian manhood
having been blessed with an open,
friendly dispnsilion. He was ever
!Pally and willing to lend a helping
hand to a neighbor in need, and was
always among the first to offer assist-
ance and sympathy at the bodside of
afliiction. Deceased was blessed with
a strong 110(21111y constitution and
scarcely knew what it was to be sit'k
up to the sally months of the present
year when he fell it victim of the dead-
ly cancer. ;daily weeko lie lay on a
bed of effliction, yet during the long
and hopeless squiggle no *0211,11)01' or
eoiuplairlt passed Isis lips, but calrnly
and without fear awaited the sunt -
mons to fathom the mysteries of the
Great Beyond. Deceased was a life
long 0onservative in politics, a promi-
neutmember of the Atwood Metho-
dist Church, and Sunday School
Superintendent. He leaves behind
him a faithful and devoted willow and
three brothers to mourn his loss.
Presbytery of Maitland
'The Presbytery of Maitland met'
Tuesday, on
\Vin hathh ,
8 Y, Sept,Se It 1 ,
when a call from the unitedon re a-
c g g
bona of Whitechurch; and' Langside
was presented in favor of Rev. J. M.
Diaksou in Lhe Presbytery of Handl-
ton, It wits sustained and ordered to
be forwarded with relative documents
to the Clerk of that Presbytery.
A call was received front the con•
gregetioae of Suthei land and Cress-
well, in the Presbytery of Lindsey, in
favor of Rev. A. R. Gibson, Belmo•e
and McIntosh, The translation was
granted to take effect on and after
Sept. 24th.
Rev, 1V. A. Bradley, -of Teeswater,
was appointed :interim Moderator of
the vacancy.
Rev. D, B. McRae, of Arnow, who
has given mune than 40 years' service
to the °hutch, was granted leave to
retire from the active duties of the
tnini trY,
and vil1 receive ve an annirY
fom the Aged e and I, r t!firm Ministers'
fond. Rev. T. Ai, Wesley, Wroxeter,
who has enlisted inh
L .101st But cr
13attalinn, forwarded his resignation,
The Presbytery ordered the r:signa-
tion to be laid on the tiabi'e and a re-
quest. sent 10 Mr. Wesley to recon-
sider his resignation.
Gordon Rintoul and
'Hugh McMillan
s .m dthemselves
pr e e to as candidates
for the ministry, and were approved
and recommended to the senate of
Knox College, Toronto.
wl 1
Commissioners o had attended
the meeting1 General era
of the e 1 Assembly
in Winnipeg reported. Rev, Mt, Icer•
ria and AlexI. Campbell, of Wingham,
were appointed ,Auditors for the en-
suing year,
0000•••••••••••••0 400•40.00+ S.05,+4+404.4.®44,90.0 000040, •
• •
A fine stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly j
Reduced Prices• as they were bought before the rise. •s
s Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be
sold at Bargains while they last. Belonged to the Mul- •
j cahy Bankrupt Stock. j
j• If you are a Bargain Hunter
•your wants can be supplied
at our Store.
• •4••'b•44I
Call and get our prices and we will be o
abide die result,
satisfied to
John Kruter,
East Wawanosh Council
Minutes nf Council meeting held on
September 181h. Member s all present.
Minutes of last illeetil`g,'ead and ap-
proved, Thos, A1. Walsh and othrrs
presented a petition I'nr the (must rue -
don of 11. Municipal Drain at Lot 42,
Con. 6. The petition was granted and
a enpy ordered to be forwarded to the
Regarding claim of R. J. McGee for
sheep destroyed by dogs, left over
from former meeting it was moved
by Mr. Currie, seconded by Me. Irvin
thot on Recount of being unable to
discover the owners of the doge in
questlnn $20 be granted Mr. McGee
for compensation, Carried.
Following accounts were ni den'ed t0
he paid :—.1. Sutherland. drawing tile
and repairing culvert Oon. 19 $500
I Brown, lament tile, $4(10(1 ; V.
Rah ne, corn ri,utat tton Statue [aline
tax, $625: For ern vel—.1, E. Nn61e
$1.10, 8. Ftishy SD 80, J. Pfeffer $7 20,
G. Bentley 85 00. S. McBurney $8 20,
W. Fnihergill $420, D. Cook $4 10,
W. Salter $4 50, S. M nr•I nn $8 00, T.
Beaduock $5,00, J. Melodeon $8 (10,
Mts. A Patterson fe30, R. Thomp-
son $1 40, J. J. Kerr $5 10, R. Scott
$2 D0, 0 Johnnie] 70 els Shevelliug
gravel—W, Setter •800. W. Hleir
$2 00, G. n ler $s 411, .1. Snorers $2 00.
Council will meet lI onday, Oct, 10th.
A. Pnht'rEIW/KLD, Olen k.
C t
A grant of 440 was made to the
Mitchell Fall Fair by Hibbert town-
ship Council.
Pte. David Davies, Staffs, Ont., ap-
peared in the Roll of Honor list pub-
lished an having been killed in action.
W. Edwards and H. Wurdel, Mit-
chell, were awarded 58 fleet and 24
second prizes at the Seaforth Fair tot
the various kinds of chickens exhibit-
Willard Ingram,
Mitchell, is re -
paring to buid aother brick house
on his perk Int on Montreal Street.
This will be the eighth house he has
built in the past few years,
A car owned and driven by Chas.
Oluff, of Seafoi th, took a dangerous
plunge near the corner of Ontario and
Blanshard streets, Mitchell Mr.
Oluff and a lady occupant of the ear
wet e about Wetting the corner and the
car • 'd ns
skidded nim , t around and facing
t clog
the sidewalk, passed over and took a
plunge of about 8 feet, The driver
had presence of mind enougih to shut
off the power and apply the break m
the result *right have been dist:strong,
The oar slid down the bank squarely
and no more damage was done than
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
held in 13russels this season as follows :
THURSDAY, Nov. 2nd, 1910
Dec. 7th, 1910
Jan, 4th, 1917
Feb, 1st, 1917
Mar. 1st, 1917
April etlt 1017
leadinglocal end outside buyers will he present
the bending of Lhe fender. With the
assistance of a team of horses the car
was again placed on the road and pro-
ceeded on its journey.
PALACE 13URNE1..—The burning of
the Agricultural Building at Mitchell
while the Fair was going nit and the
"palace" crowded, canoed quitepanic
but every one got slut safely and all
the exhibits of any value were l:n-
etted. The only articles lost wetea
fele roots fe v a and t
t odtt•
being moved away from the side of
the burning building had run under it.
The firemen were much handicapped
by having such a long lou and the
great distance to the neatest hydrant.
The fire gained such headway in a
few minutes that the firemen could do
nothing to save the building, which
was in flames in five minutes after the
firs was first noticed. Their attention
was turned to prevent the fire from
spreading to other property. The
grand stand came nears cin al
y going o s
and was on fire many a y Limes. The
crowd which had taken their seats in
to watch the races soon got away.
No one was hurt in the panic, but the
Society's Ines -will be in the neigllbo-
hood of $2,000 an the building, with
only $1,400 insutanre. The cause of
the fire is snppnsed to have been a
cigarette stub thrown against the side
of the building, stn, line a file which
hP the strong ng wind was soon Fanned
into ,
1 Lr aHtuuP. ThP'1', S, Fold Go. had
about $1,500 worth of valuable furs of
exhibit. These were all taken out
safely. The fire means quite a loss to
the Society as besides losing the build-
ing, several hundred dollars in gate
receipts were also lost, as the crowd.
wee just cooling in.
El -
,\ �1
ll `�,\„
�- Till :
,-./r�I1, III A.�
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1� II1 ' I ]libV
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I Illli
. �`; at
The 1917 Ford Touring Car
f. a, 1. ford, 0,1t.
Streamline effect, tapered hood, crown
fenders, new radiator with larger cooling
are , P p a .the tinct I new features
Of lire 1917 model
The demand for this
e o new model d has been
so great that I am having difficulty in ob-
tainIng sufficient cars to satisfy mycos-
lou) ers.
To insure delivery of your car, I suggest
placingan order to -day.
Call Ca 1 and see me—
S. CARTER Dealer
II i
_ _ 1�IItII