HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-10-5, Page 4Ole teas els past
WnEN a fellow save "cheese it" he
pays the.parly addressed a great corn
pliment as long as the who'esele price
of cheese canters round 2u cents per
Gammas of `Irish pills" are urged to
m eke a careful selection of seed "taties"
this Fall to ensure the proper class of
tubers before the prophesyed famine
prevails next Spring.
Now its'roronto aldermen who throt
tle oue another and bump their heads
against the wall. The electors should
leave these hot headed pugs at borne
next January and perbaps they'd learn
S ase talk again of Fort l'Vllllam and
Port Arthur uniting under some name
to be agreed upon. It would make e
great city if it could be consummated
with a malty of purpose and good feel
icg. '-
EVERY Canadian woman should be
pnt on tem 11 terms with the men in the
use of the franchise. Ontario should
set a good example by enacting a female
suffrage law. Such a day is not far dis-
tant and the sooner 5t conies the better,
PxussJAN militarists are said to have
preferred a charge against the allies for
using the "tanks" on account of them
beiug inhuman If some people were
guessing they would say this is surely a
case of Satan reproving sin. The
"gentle love taps" administered to the
allies in the past 2 years were delight-
fully humane and jolly, you know.
Now would be a fine time for every
Christian man and woman to buckle
into a forward crusade in the congrega-
tion to which they belong and stir up
the spiritual life of the membership and
seek to draw into church connection
those not now enlisted, both old young.
Will you be one of the number?
A COUPLE Winnipeg editors were jail-
ed and fined for being too free in criti-
cising a Judge who had called them
down for their misdeeds. The pen 5s
said to be mighter than the sword but a
fellow needs to have sense enough to
know who he is prodding with either.
As a rule the press is to he commended
for the course they followbut sometimes
a man's judgment 5s badly warped by
his politics and perchance be walks into
bis own trap
WRY do you swear ? Is it because the
Deity has not been good to you ? A few
things should be remembered by users of
profanity :—It is a violation of the law
of the land, as well as a Divine com-
mand. A man should set a better ex-
ample before children and youths. It
does not add weight to statements being
made by interjecting an oath into every
sentence. There might be some possible
excuse for being profane if a man were
in a passion and his blood hot but to
cooly and deliberately spue out the vilest
kind of talk deserves a touching -up in
the shape of the largest fine permitted
by law, A few such object lessons
would probably impress on the swearer
the folly and inadvisable character of
continuing such a senseless practice.
Tex verdict of Police Courts 511 many
cities is that the Prohibition law has
nearly cleared out the long docket of
drunks and violations of law attributable
to the use of booze. There should be a
strikingreduction in law w costs and the
removal of officers to maintain law and
order. Business men say they have al-
ready felt the benefit in cash sales in-
stead of a credit system that was a const-
ant dread. Violators of the law who are
well fined for their unwillingness to
respect the Statute should soon wake up
to the fact that it is not only a costly job
but a mark of disloyality to set at deft
anee a plainly written law. The fellow
who aids and abets and thinks he is do-
ing a meritorious deed has another
''think" coming.
Ger ready for a united "lift" on an-
other British Red Cross offering during
October, Trafalgar Day is suggested
for a genuine hustle. While such a gift
goes to the Motherland many a Cana-
dian soldier boy may be a recipient over-
seas as he may require the attention of
physician and nurse, This locality made
generous donations lest year when the
call was made and the same willingness
will be in evidence now. When
everybody does their part the load is out
berdeusome to anybody, Brussels cor-
poration through the Municipal Council
voted SSoo in I0r5 and to this sum was
added S7oo or $Bon by the personal sub-
scriptions of the people. The Red Cross
Funds of either Britain or Canada are
Worthy of hearty and liberal support and
it should be regarded as a privilege to
aid such a cause. We get off Very easy
if the payment of a few hundred dollars
Settles the bills in days 0f such stress
and strain to the Empire, Get behind
the effort and shove,
Ir will noon be time to select treat
y •at 's Council. The work should not be
, left to the last minute but tlonti:fel
eleetots should consider the best avail-
able timber who will do the meat for the
t careful management of the municipality
(concerned and broad minded enough
I end p-raseseed of enough public spirit to
Flee that coo't5slent progress is made
from year to year. They shou'd lerd
the way by promoting everything for the
public good.
CANADA'S desired war 1010 of a lu5'-
110n (1 ,hers was grab", d at with such all
onrush that the emouat of coin . ffcred.
doubled the sum asked for. Military
authorities say another 01(51100 men will
be needed if the war tuns lute rims.
Wonder if couscription will lie necessary
to secure the necessary contingent in
the Dominion of Canada ? All honor to
the heroism of the soldiers who roe -n
to the trenches from the hot pitals and
twice or three titters vfrer convalescence
stead in their place), fi;le5ng our battles
a rd often at the cost of their lives. They
deserve oar heartiest support in every
possible way.
Rtnos'rew•N Fall Fair will be held .
next week. In a long list or Special
priz s are the following ;—Best looking •
baby one year runt ucder ; Best looking ,
bat"y 6 months and under. For the
smallest and hest looking lady on the 1
grounds ; Largest family at the Fair.
Talose Kent Co. folk must have more
nerve than Huron County to put on 3
beauty shows at one Fair and no stipo-
lation as to wbether they must be blon-
des or brunettes, naturally curly hair or
the paper or rag variety, stub nose or
the Roman type. The judges should
have wire cages and police protection to
permit of their reaching their own fire
side without broken heads, dislocated
neck or being kicked on tete shins. So
many Kent mothers think their little
cherubs are "It" and a man who runs
contrary stands a good chance of having
his heirs drawing bis life insurance,
Friday afternoon of this week three
prizes are to be given at Brussels Fair
for best looking kiddie under 2 years.
People who pride themselves ou their
ability to pick the winners shou'd be on
band. There was a day when 'ere Poei'r
man could have awarded the red ticket
in short order but our ecuy now weighs
200 pounds and is over age,
Pte. Will, Cook Writes from
DEAR FLORY —Just a line to let you
know I am o. k. Received your letters
and THE POST. Am just waiting for the
parcel. Some of our men were in Lon
don when the mammoth zeppelin was
brought down at Enfield. Millions of
people travelled to see the wreckage,
One great mass of fire in the sky it
dropped right by a farmer's house.
There were 13 on the outskirts of Lou-
don. It's raining every other day here
and we are up to our ankles in mud.
We are pulling down our tents with the
intention of going to 13ramshott for the
Winter and will be in huts of course,
We have lost two more of our officers
Sergeant Major Massie, of Stratford,
bas gone to, Whitley as Brigade Major
and Capt. Rewald as Brigade Capt.
The 71st is gettiug all kinds of promo-
tions here, besides doing good work in
the trenches. They have made a name
for themselves already. Col. Suther-
land is with the 52nd Battalion in
France. Have only 6 officers left out of
36 Everybody well at home. Remem-
ber me to all Brussels folks. Capt.
Galbraith. our Quarter -master, is just
seeing his son off to Egypt. He sent
bis wife back to 'rillsonbur•g, Canada
She sails ou the Olympic, the same boat
that brought us over here. It's getting
cold here and we just paraded to the
Quarter -Master's store for an extra
blanket. Not before its beaded. It was
a welcome visitor into my tent I can as-
sureY ou. Well,I guess I must close
now, from your ffectionate brother,
W ILL I a.
Borden, Hants, Eng., Sept. 5th, 1936.
Pte. Thompson Writes
from France
To MRs, Whl. Stale -MON, Ethel,
DEAR FRIEND —Jest a line to let you
know that I am well, hoping these lines
will find you the same. I received your
letter some time ago and was glad to
hear from you as a few lines from home
always cheers one up very much out
here where one knows very few except
those whom he makes friends with but
that isn't what you would call very hard
either as we are all working together in
a common cause and all seem like bro-
We have here a nice Y. M, C. A
where we do all our writing and buy
what little we need. We have them •
richt up from the trout line as well as
back in the billets. I am certain there
isn't an institution in the world to -day
that has done more for the men than
the Y. M. C. A. 'rleey have a concert
somelimes and at one p'ace where we
were they had a regular theatre, It is a
fine place for any soldier on active ser-
vice to spend his idle hours in. .
Well 1 suppose you know by this time
We are not allowed to say anything In
our mail about where we are or what we
are doing and it is very hard to write
letters when they are subjected to cen-
sorship but anyway this Is an awful
place out here. I have been in France
since June and and we have had it
warm et times too, I hada very liar- l •
trbweenc es, as while coming not of Richards & �
the trenches, as a big shell burst over •
my head and others all around me but r1
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., M.P.P.
THE first appearance of Sir Wilfrid Laurier in
two years will mark the annual meeting of
Federation which will be held at � London,
Mr. N. W. Rowell, K.C., M.P.P., will also be
gathering of Liberals from all parts of Ontario
the most representative in the history of Ontario.
Hon. T. C. Norris, Premier of Manitoba, is among the long list
of the best speakers of the Dominion who will discuss the vital ques-
tions of the day.
There will be two sessions, one in the afternoon and the other, a
Monster banquet, in the evening. Bath meetings are open to the Liber-
als of Ontario, and the banquet tickets may be had from Mr. C. C.
Ferguson, London Liberal Club, London, Ontario, price one dollar,
which must be remitted with the re quest.
Ontario in nearly
the Liberal Club
Ont., on October
present, and the
will probably be
Delegations will be present from all parts of the Province, and the
requests for reservations are so numerous that those desiring tickets
must apply at once.
hope I am one of the lucky ones, I sup-
pose you know I have been in a Kittle
Battalion since coming to France and
have been wearing the kilts for some
time. Some Scotties, believe me.
They are fine fellows and 1 am very
proud to be in a Highland Battalion.
This is all I have to say for this time. I
must close and I ask you to extend my
best wishes to the boys at the Y. M, B.
C. of which I am still a member. Hop-
ing to hear from you soon, I am your
friend, PTE. RoaT. L 'I'HOMPSON
Since receiving the above letter word
has been received that Pte Thompson
has been wounded 511 action and is pow
in the General Hospital, Rouen, France.
A reactionary sl orris period is cent-
ral on the 2nd, Bed and 4th. The
moon is at greatest South declination
on the 2nd, and at first quarter on the
4511. The Mars, earth and mercury
periods bear with their combined per-
turbing forces on this period. We
pact that the mer-
cury brace,n
e coming with t
he Mars nrul
earth periods over from September,
will bring a prolongation of cloudy,
unsettled and even stormy weather
with it, over into the period central
on the 2nd, 8fd and 4th. 011 and
touching these dates storm forces will
be angruented—the bat .uneter will
break down, temperature will rise,
and increasing cloudiness, merging in-
; to rain, wind anti probably snow and
sleet, will take up their accustomed
I march over. the country from West to
j East. These reactionary storms will
reach Eastern extremes about the 4511
1 to 5th, with high baromel n I, pressure,
Westerly galea and touch eulder wea-
ther pressing closely behind.
A regular storm period is central on
the 9th, covering Saturday the 7511, to
Tuesday the 12th. The Moen is on the
celestial equator on the 9th, the cent-
ral clay of this period. apd in opposi-
tion with earth and atm on the llth.
In the West there will be indications
of brewing storms as early as the 7th
and 8th. These indications will bring
clouds, wind and rain promptly in
Western States. By -the. 9.11 storms
of wind, rain and possibly thunder
gusts, will develop and start on their
Eastward journey. 0.1 mat about the
10th and 11th these elnrtns will be
central over a vast area, stretching' tip
and down the great central valleys.
Heavy galea will naturally attend
h ,
these storms breaking. into possible
as theypass over the lake regions.
p g
Close on the Western flanks of these
storms the barometer will rise rapidly,
still, boreal gales will set 511 from the
Northwest, and an unseasonably cold
wave will follow 5n the wake of these
storms, over almost the entire
country, -
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••e•e••e•e••••••••••••••• •
Boots and Shoes
At former Prices
Early buying and with the
cash enables us to place
Footwear of all kinds before
you at former prices: We
have our Fall and Winter
stock nearly all complete
and your early buying will
save you money. •
Harness Department
Heavy and Light Harness, Robes, e
Blankets, huge, Whips. A full
stockret Lowest, meas.
r Pi •
• •
• Repairs in Shoes or Harness promptly done, Phone 471 •
never got a scratch. Sometimes I think , •••e•it�li•e••t+ o.•
more forthnate than others and I•••••S•••••e•••••e••••••••e•••••••
I am••••
A. reactionary storm period is cent-
ral on the 14th, 15th and 16tH. This
period finds the moon est greatest de-
clination North on the 151h. Tho in-
fluence of earth's autumnal equinox
is about elnsing at Ghia time, but it is
near the ceuler of the Mars period.
The perihelion of the planet Mercury
falls on the kith, that is, mercury is
nearest the sun a5 that time. As the
moon moves Southward from its high
ppbintNorth, boreal cut rents will fol-
low from the North, adding to cold,
discomforting weather.
A regular storm period is central on
the 20th, reaching over Wednesday
the ]8th, to Tuesday the 210. The
moon is in apogee and at last quarter,
on the 18t1), and nn the celestial equa-
tor, going Southward, on the 28'd.
We artive at the center of the mars
equinoctial disturbance on the 21st.
We conclude that this will' prove the
most violent and dangerous storm
period all r5 ng this month, There ale
also etloug 111'nblhillli'5 that, nu41"28
the genual strain of the ware (lister -
bailee, a stet my prrind, beginning at
tide Hie will continue foi weld into
the tea11'matey storm period I'ulluw-
tug 1111 the 25 it, 26th anti 27th. Ae
au ly rt le, 18 I,, 10 h nod 20111, in all.
11',•-„tu'.t- I1uia 11 the rnnntry,ex-
blur.> Pam Ow Paving coasts Haat -
M,ll,l 'iv, i• lIR. 151.0:v Moon tt1112,
uuuJ,rd iwlinnW n s 1,1' phenomenal
finrtlltthal, lied dem fissions in the at,
111,sp11in e, l bid leillperninre will nutke
.1,11 tier '.5 (dee ripe, al mitt dom..
re,'1 51 111'11 ' 111 rnarlops 1 111611
,.5•,11'1 ”' 11 , 1111 u. I l'''ets se id all
1'.'''eli low 111e ',pp' each of fall tateh-
leg and violent 813.11111. fly Ilie 2181,
hr'1e au"uls+sill ,.t lain a, high stale
• f 1L y'•' 1'e'w.l, ,rpprntu'ling the omit -
1t1 peel, ff Ilse cow b low, A we ye of
(l tum went her and t hrerttertil.g fall of
Ilse b u•nutPtl-r w'111 precede the sloths
into the 31issis 1pp1 Valley told rah
I1 slnvml as lh" sloinl2 liu.h closely
tune the West, Prom .Lite 21st to the
24111, thesestlimns will rrarh lauger-
1 t s al ages, first in the form of rain,
th,rntlei-and violent wings, till fellow' -
ell by tepidly rising barometer, shift-
ing winds to filth Westerly gales will]
honer snow for thesentare, nod a rola
wavy out, of the re Money tot October,.
This 58 another thin) nrrisk and danger
noel' all lite great. Nm'lht'rn laltele-
ginns. The 'Saeger crisis will binge
en anr•ni S,nitedav, Sunday and Mon-
day, the 22ed, 28ra ane 2111).
A reartitrunry slot m period i8 centrtd on the 25111, 2611 and 27th. The
(11001 le in co1.'jtnlrtinn with sun anal
earth on the 20th. At suoh times the
'nom) IS Masi rig -between the eat lh and
ei113- sometimes directly an -a11 - all
other limes a little to one side lir other
or the sten. But 111 all cases the emit-
033 .bitted action of the sun and moon on
the earth, 5s surds ns to increase 'mean
tides, barometric phenomena, increase
of 521512 ature, eelthqualtee, storm')
and allied disturbances. Centering
on and next to the 20th, therefore, ex-
pect 0 telrlrn of decided storm con-
ditions. 'Rain, wind and thunder,
merging 5050 snow, and followed by
rising barometer and chenge to much
rnlder, are among the things to ex -
pent. Thr moms will be lit extreme
South declination on the 29th, which
fart, will contribute to prnlongetl cnlrl,
with the atmospheric tides fennel the
North Change to warmer will be in
sight 130,33 Westerly directions its we
pass nut, of 0 :tuber. A regular storm
period, with the moon in perigee, be-
gins in the far West on the 31st.
E trly Friday evening last Mrs, W.
F, slay, 8lllchell, had nraasion to open
a tin can con ulin1ng rhlm'ir:dine. '''Ire
moment the can had been punctured
an explosion meanved which sent Lite
can anal contents to the ceiling and
causing no little disorder in rho room.
Constipation --
the base of old age
is notto be cured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For a gentle,
but sure laxative, use
Chamberlain'. Stomach
and Lever Tablet., They
stir up the liver, tone the
nerves and freshen tho
stomach and bowels just
like aninternal bath.
Ase. -10.
Woman's best friend.
From girlhood to old age,
theee little red health re-
storers are an unfailing
guide to an ac ave Ilver a nd
a clean, healthy, normal
stomach. Take a
Chamberlain's Stomach
Tablet at night snd tho
sour .tomech and fer-
mentation, and the
headache, have all
gone by morning.
All druggists, Ole.,
or by mail from
Chamberlain Medicine
tonne, Toronto 12
f'Fruit-a-fives" Made Nim Feel
As If Walking On -Air
ORILLIA, ONT., Nov. 28th. 1914.
07P+or over two years, I was troubled
With Coytslipalion, Drowsiness, Lack of
Apfielile and Fteadacher. One day I saw
your sign which read /° 1''ruit-a-tives
make you feel like walking on air."
This appealed to me, so I decided to
try a box. In a very short time, I
began to feel better, and vowlfeelfffae,
nave a good nppeLi te, relish everything
I eat, and the Headaches are gone
ebtiyely. I recommend this pieasa,sf
(mil medicine to all my friends ".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a•tiv'es Limited, Ottawa.
Mrs. Slay was pitifully butnerl alln0t
the face, while her daughter, Miss
\I: y, 11151 rowly escaped the same 1t1 -
Abraham, belt, win has been
etre' cling lilt' Sunsuit • tit 0131111 Bend,
is ton 511 10 Le Irpt yea to his house in
Loudon. The news still be 0na with
regret by the citizens of aliteIell.
Up to Is few ,rents rgn Alr, limit wits
senior no usher til' Ilse law 111In of
1)eirt &,'l'hi topsoil, Alilehell, and his
uncle nopens as solicitn1' on 0101)11 of -
i10181 paper. Ali., 1)en1 was a model
resident. told his dew lore fiv.nl Mit-
chell was 11111111 regi eked,
Notice la hereby given that e court will be
held, pursuant to the Ontario Voter's -List Aet
lir His Honor, the :Judge of the County Court
of the County of Baron at Council 1.31011. Bros•
sols, on the ,Ieeteeallt day of October, 1915, at
ten o'clock In the forenoon to hear and ds•
rennin(' enmpleinta of errorsand omissions In
he Voters' List or the Mueieipslity of the
Village of nru"ael. for 1910.
Dated this 29th day or se ,m
2' 51tesCober.'rT,
Vllln ge Clerk, Brusselit.
lip to $5- full or broken seta. del to es
and we will more of -r, If unsatisfactory will
,return teeth. Cl'lY TOOTH WORKS 5115
Chamber Commerce Building, Roeheeter, N Y.
Heifer Strayed
Strnyod from the premises of the undersign.
ed, en or about Sept, 8311, n roan year old heir-
er. Any intormetiot leading to her recovery
will be thankfully received.
celeattBs R:ERR, Ethel P. 0.
first-class farm in Morris Cheap
The undersigned is prepared to sell the
North half or farm lot No. 18, 1n the 1st Con.
of the Township of Morrie, rhoap and on easy
I erma. 87 sores olenred and 18 nares in bush.
l3o1113e is good frame on atone foundation, 135
story, 211x80 • klleheu 15.20 ; ham with stone
stabling 20xl0 and 55.85 t concrete floors in
stable. Boil good and clean with 2 aeree of
orchard. Farm falls away from the buildings
andhas considerable the drainage. Fences,
wire end oednr retie in good condition. Farm
has 8 wells 001 spring creek et rear. Roads
gond. Only one mile from Bh,evnle G. T. R.
station, Possession at end of year. Mor fur-
ther partleula re apply to the undersigned.
F. S, SCOTT, Brussels.
pare of lend for axle, well located, in ttie
Village of Et11 el. Alen 50 acres pasture farm,
Nj4 Lot21, 01111 0, Grey townehlp Good wet.
er un farm. will also dlapoee of pony, hat,
nese, buggy and cutter, Apply to
Wet Phone 5019 Ethel.
For Sale
Groin Warehouse w I th horee power elevator,
scales, curte, floor ones, &e.
Also part of Lot 80, Ceti. 5. Townehtp of Mon
rift, 29 acres, adloinIng the Village of Brussels,
and 6 building Lots on Turnberry street. For
particulars apply to the owner. - LECKIE.
mee•oesseeoo •+•••••••••••11•e••••••0•.••eee0•Nleee*O••••••••eee•eee•ee•••••••• s
�� a
a 6
Chevrolet Poor Ninet O
y •
a e
® "The Product of Experience"
Q e
t3 G e
re Valve-in-headtT�a �"� Powerful and
s Motor Quiet Running••
9 Yao i..T ,
e UM.•
e Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa ••
i I
Regular Equipment,- Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains. Electric
• Rom. Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. Speedometer. Electric Starling and Lighting • o
System. Ammeter anti License Brackets,
• NOTE. Owing to the great demand for this Carl we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery.
We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Startingand e
• P Lighting Sys- e
tett), with Bendix Drive, came typo and grade as need no tire high-priced care.
• po
• •
• •
A complete line of Repairs will always be in stock.
P. AM ENT, Agent Brussels
i•eeeeeef•••a••eleeso eeee ••••seeeeeeeeeeeeeeseesseeeee•••••e•eseeee••••••ee =.