HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-9-21, Page 5kn lni>)
notes CAROL
�,otv,� LIMITED
,�rl tab6'/ILIAP6D�p S
GVN,+ff,PII ®.A"rasze
thee la the Poet Orrice, Itthel. 80-4
• nee, will eel! for better prime, to
botter,meu, In less tuna and lees chargee
than any other Anotiooee' in Plast, Huron or
he won't charge anything, Dates and orders
gall Always he arranged at this office or by
personal application,
a Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
H Office -8 arta
Notary rata dm, )ffiH few
1 door North nt Central Hotel
Sulio3tor for the Metropolitan Bank,
&MAW Fiume Rtl 'all& W,sr
Express 7.18 n to I Mail 11:22 a in
Express 8:82 nut I Express 6:87 p m
Ca4,draszem rrof(VFW
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express, ...... 7:50 R01 Express 1l :68 am
mExpress 809 P to 88 press 8:64 pm
Going East - - 7:06 a.m. and 8:40 p. m.
Going West - 12:19 end 9:68p. m.
All trains going Beet connect with 0. P. B. et
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
0.B. enstione,
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Fiore, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
"95K1'; StWToronty
Agent Allan Line, Brussels,
is prepared to supply the best
goods in Windmills, Iron and
Wooden Ptimps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowls for stock, &a.
lj,epairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
NTHAL / . /
Commercial, Bhor,hand anal i
�r Telegraphy Department...
Students mny'entor at any time. We
�tl lace graduates in osib! n During a Au Cts u o s' p L
t�{ Sul nod oyer 2 received 10 amnion- Hoa
titome for over 200 race essietents we
li could not supply. Write for our free 0,
7�t�7t catalogue et once. Y�
tri D. A. MCLACHLAN, Principal.
YYY� r ravb drivb.N rXAMElf l,Ae3 dA,4WA„..'
Best Brains.
in Canada have partici rated in the pre- •
aeration of our splendid Heine Study
0onreet In Banking, Eonominee, Higher
Accounting. Oonnnerolnl Art Show
Card Writln a Photography Journal-
1strt,- Short Story Writing, Shorthand
end Bookkeeping, Select the work
whish meet Interests you end write us
tar partloulero. Address: .1
' " 300-7. Yang° 8t:, Toronto
Tltotnlondtt of ambitious young pee. 1
1le.are hist preparing in their own
lionise to weepy luomtiive positions es
stenographers, beoltkeipel's, telogen.
pliers, '101 0or9Yants in feet .every
opltero of notivitiee, you may finish lit.
college It Yon se while, Posit lolH guar.
no teed, Enter college nay day. Ind(•
vidttrrl hmbructiao. Expert tenchere,
Thirty' years exporielie6. LN'guet
'trainers In Canada, -Sever oolloges,
Special oouree for teachers,
Affiliated with Conorereinl Edeas
'tog's Association of Ceneda, Sonnet
Sohool At'fniiious SpottouBtislness 001-
loge, London,
nWiagham Business College
Ono, 1500000N, W. T. ht'olisle,
?remittent, Prhnoteal,
IlUMINiiiti ilY►i�.
Sucoeeeor to M, 01 $toore, Office et AnQbb'•
eon Bros. Li yell, stable, Brussels, T010p4003
1.4. 29,
M. 8.. M, O. P.. el S. O.'
At, 0. H„ Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgcon,. Accoucheur
OMueatrestdence, opposite MelyHto (Mural
William i•trett.
Baohetor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;
Lleentiete of College of Physicians and "m-
esons, Ontario ' ex-Senlor. Sense Surgeon of
Western Hoe nal Toronto, Offices of late Dr,
A. Molteve Smith Bloola, 'Brussels.
Rural phone 46,
G. H. ROSS. D.O.S,, L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College ,of Dental Sur•
geone of Ontario and Graduate University of.
"'pronto Faculty of Dentistry,
Wilco In laurel Block, %Ingham
Phone 249. Post Office box 278
P alnloes Extraction, Plato work and
Britlgo Work a Specialty
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mologyl'MeCormick Medioal Oollege, Chicago,
Ill., 10 prepared to test eyes and fit glasses at
her office over Miss Inman's millinery store.
Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of every week.. Office hours -10
to 12 a. m. ; 1 to 8 p. m. Evenings by appoint.
hent. Phone 1210.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary.
College.. Day and night. calla. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for NM Co.
S tiefeotlon assured ; Charges moderate.
Write or Telephone if not convenient to call,
Both Brussels and North Haien Phones.
• arristers, Soli°Itora, Notaries Public,
OtBaa on the Square 2nd door from Hamilton
Privets funds to loan at lowest rates,
H.1. D. OooxD
Pad belvs�
THANKSGIVING Day, 9th of October.
EAST HueoN Fall Fair just 2 weeks
BRIGHTEN. ftpyour premises for the
WRITE your friendsto come for the
Pall Fair.
Have you subscribed for one of the
new War loan bonds i
Goon MORNING Have you. renewed
THE POST subscription at $1.00. The
new rate begins Oct. t
AUCTION Sales are loomingup. THE
PosT is a great advertising adiu t g m m as
nearly everybody reads its.
Annul October.: 1st rabbits will have
to lie towaod rue•fast when touring to
elude R. J. MoLauchlio's recently pur-
chased hound';
EA '1' HURON Fall Fair in Brussels on
Thursday and Friday, October 5 and 6.
Mark down the date asit is, one of the
events of the Season.
SPLENDID RECORD.—Up to Sept. 1st,
8916, the splendid sum of $3,491,30 has
been received by Brussels Branch of the
Red Cross Society. Total disburse-
ments have been $2,932,31, leaving a
balance of $558 99 on hand at above
75 TON per day of "hard beads" put
through the stone crusher in 02 hours is
doing good work. Some of the
"shooters from t1smschiae take asky-
k -ward trip occasionally that give some
idea of what a shellfro m aBritish can-
non might do,
IN HOSPITAL— Richard Wbittard,
brother to Ben, Whittard, Brussels, who
is an able seaman on the warship, Prince
George, was wounded inTurkey and is
now in the Seaman's Hospital, Green-
seen-wich, England. where he has been for
several months. We hope he will soon
be convalescent.
assert that the coming Winter will be.
one of the mildest in recent years.
They base their assertions on the fol-
iowing signs :—
The oak trees have no acorns.
Squirrels ate seldom seen.
Muskrats bave not started to build.
Fur. bearing euimals have thin. Boats.
Bark on poplar trees is loose.
There are some other signs they go by,
Cur their assertion that the Winter will
he mild and short. They seldotn go
hospital shirt some titue ago for Red
Cross work Mrs. Dae. Denmati, •Brus•
cels, enclosed a uote ill the pocket. A
few weeks ago she received the follow
tug letter written in a fine hand, from
Pte, W. L. Mitchell. General Hospital,
Staples, Fret/ca.—DEAR MRS. DENMAN.
—IC accoedauce with your wisb, I am
ovriting W thank ynu'for' the new shirt.'
'which you so kindly sent I was for-
tunate enough to be the wearer and it is
just the thitlg fur the hot days Red I can
assure you we have some very hot ones
here. 1 am a South African_ and I re-
ceived wounds ill the. Great Advance
'l'hey are progressing quitefavorably
however. I don't know whether you
know much about Sottth Africa, but sl
don't think 1 would care to live any
where else. It has a fine climate. 'Prue
it is a bit hot in the Summer, but we
are used: to that and the Winter weather
is very fine. Of coarse this doesn't ap-
ply all ever Soutlt. Africa. I should
have told you that I come front Dur-
ban, tvhicil is in Natal..; 1t is a great
place 001 sugar farming- Rud there is a
aand deal of cote mining- clone. It it
lso a seat fruit producing country And
there are a lot of agricultural• rums
The town bf Durban is very pretty. 1
happen to have a little photo of it se am
enclosing it to you. It is a greet holt.
day resort. Well hope you will excuse
ole for taking tide liberty of writing to.
yeti. Wrtll kindest regards, i remelt.
Yonas sincerely, •
26 General Hospital, A. W era,
• Maples, Frabee.
t)Wlka li3 the enliel toil Ihs41i1gti Iii
the potatb.etot3 tide veer bee 1{ew9peder
proposes that tltty be el-apped in lin
foil ahtl sold separately, it is a great
loss ter thecountry to be she rt on 1110
tubers Rs they nonce next toIn cid as ei
hotiSehold necessity 011 the bill of tare,
Grow •
Baker' le go[:tirig a pew silo
ft Mr, j�ran1Pr,
Miss Muriel Owens la visiting Miss
Myrtle Speiran at the present,
Gat field Baker and wife and Will.
Stevenson and wife took in. Toronto
J. K. end Mee. Baker visited friends.
at Hamilton and 131entfin'd and also
took in Toronto Exhibition,,
1 The little Misses Speiran have been
holidaying with their grandparents,
1 .1. K. and Mr's. Baker for two weeks.
I . bliss r31ttiselie 1VItildrlil has returned,
160101'10 n1''J0 l h's visit with ('elati Ve9
and Itiends at 'Alliston, Newlott,
Bond head, 0Ieueaien and el her
Like Lucent died from a cancer in
the Unmet. 7''he fpner ail was a large
one. HR was it kind Wall atirl tt good
neighbor. always willing to help others
in time of treed,
Bolger, fiemerly of this tonality in1i!-
witting snbactiptilm to TRH PosT,'
writes as follow: nn Sept, 801 :—We
have n gond crop this year and most
of the cutting is. clone, 'We eRenped
hail and rest except a little red rust,
batt not In do any I may say
we feel very forl11nate to have two
1),nn.pei, crow) ono' after the ether..
Wheat is selling $1 40 a bnahel and all
other gentile are a good twice. 't'hey
had hail in quite a number of Parts of
Seeketrllewan this year:. We had
abundance of rain this Summer in
feet T never sate en omit rain fall in
ono Sumpter before, Plenty of grass
and itay, Men are plentiful on ac-
re -runt of crops daninerd in other parts.
but wages are high $8 50 a clay so far
'for stook eve, Ynur' 611117,
accident, ecclnred on ?thirty, Septem-
ber 841. when hhe 0 year old son of
Vin. arta Mrs Grainger, living West
of Molesworth, llttdilia right hand en
badly injured by a shot from a dntthle
barrel gun, thnl,ght unloaded, that it
WAS nreess0ry the amputate the arm
above the elbow, The lad with other
ln'nthees, located the gun in the -driv-
ing shed and was not aware that. one
of thesebarrels was. loaded. While
the one brother was shooting off cope
the gun discharged, while the young
Or boy held. big band at the 11100th of
the batrel to feel the Wind pressure.
Williaiu Healey received weld that
he had been awarded the gold medal
a the - t. Catharines Hort.icnl u•
t s a 1 tt at
Society flower she
for gladiolus.
The funeral of Lennarrl L Mantel,
former Principal of the Seeforlh puh-
Ole echriol, took place from the Pres-
byterian church Wednesday of last
%reek to the Maitlandbank Oemetery,
services being conducted by Reveal'.
H. Larkin and D. Carswell. The pub-
lic school and Collegiate Institnte
(dere closed for the afternoon, the
trustees attending the funeral in a
Mies Vera Johnston has gone to
Strittfotd to attend Not mal.
Jim. and Mrs, Gowdy were in Wood-
stock attending the funeral of the
latter's brother, the lute Henry
Tile funeral of the late Robert Boyd,
who made his home at Hugh W.
Edgar's,4Ili Line,place Satur-
day: afternoon, 91 it, to the Presby-
terian cemetery, Foidwich, Rev. Mi'.
Dobson officiating. His wife. eurvivee
Anniveieat y servires of IOIethodist
church will be conducted Sunday,
at , b an p
Sept. 24111,10 3 m. 1 7 01.,
the. ester, . Rev. G. .) .Kerr.
by P
Special untsic will be given by the
choir. Instead of nn annual tea meet-
ing, the Board is asking for liberal
co11tributfnn to be placed on the
The Red 01 mss social here was most
•ter•cessful, total receipts being about.
$100.00. The autograph quilt was won
by Miss Fern Baktuier; who had it sold
fry nuMi,nr and donated the proceeds
to the lied Cross. Ladies' Aid pur-
clie'.r'cl 1 he quilt and they will ship it
to the Red Cross Society.
Stone lads and Itt16008 llllde1• the age
ILutiL 1118018 110tm spurting cars about
List owel let ely.
Henry. Godd,ud, chicken fancier,
made 8 entries at the London Fair and
secured 7 pi !ZOO.
Dr. and alis. Lrdeoman and child-
ren have 1(f I ter • their home in Re-
gina, Mrs. J. IL NICI3neeld accom-
pan:lug theta as far asToronto,
First in December has been
fixed as the day for the Methodist
(111111 ell tenniversary. Rey. Dr. Flan -
(0013, of the First. Dletbodist church,
London, will preach.
Owing to shortage of care itis al-
leged, the 'Grated Trunk • for some
several days back, has been refusing
shipments of freight froth ,Listowel,
iesnitingin the 0, P. R. doing all the
Mee i nese.
Stratford 'Herald nominated 11.:3..
Mol'phy, M. P., for North Perth, for
Postmaster•Gener'al, should Hon, T.
011ase0Rsgrain be translated to Paris
as°needa's I'epresentali ve there.
Rev. Thr'mns J. Smith, for 32 years
to the Melindiet ministry, passed
away at 9 o'clock Theist -lay morning
in his 501h year at his home 111 Listo-
wel, whore he has lived retired for the
past 3 years, coming ihere from Glen -
Rev. D, W, S. Urquhart, of Oolfing-
wood, owing to 111 -health, has tesigH-
ed his charge. Hie congtegaiiol, be.
shies paying his eatery to the and of
eeptetuber, voted a $500 hottorat'ium,
The reverend gentleman was i'Menerly
paeto• Isere, Of the Ptesbytel'ien
omen gee
Now . in .Good Health Through Use
f Lydia. Pinkham's Vegetable
etable y g
Compound. Say it is Household
Necessity. Doctor Called it a
• Miracle.
All women ought to know the wonderful effects of
taking Lydia E. Pinkharres Vegetable Compound even on
those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases:
Harrisburg, Penn.—" When I was single I suf-
fered a great deal from female weakness because
my work compelled me to stand 'all day. I took
Lydia E, Piilkham's Vegetable Compound ^i'pr that
and was made stronger by its use. After I was
married I took the Compound again for a female
trouble and after three months I passed what the
doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle
that it caine away as one generally goes under
the knife to have them removed. I never want to
be without your Compound in the house."—Mrs.
FRANK KNOBL, 1842 Fulton St., Harrisburg,Penn,
Hardly Able to Move,
.Albert Lea, Minn.—" For about a year I• had sharp pains aorosi
my bank and hips and was hardly able to move around the house.
My head would aohe and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, I
am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months
old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be without your
remedies in the house as there are none like them."— Mrs. F. E.
YOST, 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn.
Three Doctors Gave Her Up.
Pittsburg Penn.—"Your medicine has helped
me wonderfully. When I was a girl 18 years old I
was always sickly and delicate and suffered from
irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and said
I would go into consumption. I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and with the third
bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular
and I 'got strong and shortly after I was married.
Now I have twonice stout healthy children and am
• able to work hard every day."— Mrs. 0LE31ENTINA
DUERRinw, 34 Gardner St., Troy -Hill, Pittsburg, Penn.
All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkhatm Medi-
cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special advice, it will be confidential.
The Banner says• -111e local hotel-
man who so brazenly sets the law in
defiance should be taught a severe
lesson and made to realize that aside
from the few "soaks" who enrnln'age
ilio in his law -breaking, lie lists the
sympathy and respect (f no, loyal
Charged by Irene Meteor), daughter
of Mrs. E. L. Mason, with paving
used grossly insulting language,
Bertha • Rtitledge, daughter of Mrs.
Gtun geRutledge, was recently fined
$2 and costs by Magistrate Terhune
and on a counter charge by Ale.
Rutledge against MI's. Masai, the lat-
terwats fined $5 and costs for a similar
offense. It is cheaper to have a civil
Howick Fall Fair—Satnrda Oct.y,
Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby-
terian clinrell have decided not to
give a supper nit Fall bale night.
Pte. Frank Rogers (vent to London,
haying 1'ecovesed franc his reeellt
severe illness.
Harvest Th i hcivi1 Os
service i
connection witi 'nullity hrch
held last Sunday, when Rev. J. 0.
Mantel, Teeswater, wee in charge.
Anniversary services in connection
with Fordwich Methodist church were
held Sunday last. Rev. P. H. Lang-
ford, B. A., Secretary of Sultday
School Wok for the Methodist
Church 111 Camels. was the speaker for
1110 day.
Ptes. Roy Oattetlnch, Prank Rogers
and Octal elersend, the two forma• of
the 168rd BaLtalicn, and the 1410 tor of
the 101st, have each been presented
with a wrist watch front the citizens
of this•vill8ge and vicinity. One had
also been purchased for Pte. T. W.
Montg.mety, who was 000rsens, bot
as the news of his death was t'eceivetl
sown after the purchase was 1110e,
the watch was presented to his Inotiler
hr remembrance of him, The watch-
es Were of silver arld suitably en-
• 01 baton.
Peter to leaving town W. Gtollyer, of
the .Taekson Mal,ttfact uetng OOlnpany,
was 1)1es0uted with e. lltwdanme club
bag by his farmer associates at the
Rau. A. MacFarlane, of 'Hayfield, re-
ceived the sad news that his son Wil•
liaw had been killed 111 action some-
where iii France... Word has Done that
Jack Hail, afornler Clinton boy, and
now with the Cluutdittll .17ngineete,
bad been wounded, and is notein the
Thos. Watts and Fred 13e11, of toren,
were among the exhibitor's of fowl at
the London Fair ;last week. Tho
former made 12 entries, carrying nif
10 prizes. In Light f3rabmtt9 110 took
4 firsts, end in English Red Cps, 2
firsts, 3 seconds' tend'.I 'third. Me.
Bell's chickens were Black ,lavas, and
he took 4 firsts and two seconds,
carrying on everything in the class.
) RESIDENT tE hnJ nr
Ott st NT D s. Jw anke o,
a merchant in Clinton for 40 years,
and a resident shire 18544 died at his
1 n n R ttetil l l treat on t•
00 leo 16 ) 1 y s Ved.
nesday of last welik in his g5Uo year,
He vette the hast Onlviving member
and .official of the dist Methodist
church. church' establfebed in Clinton. Ile
was of i
quiet disposition, britamong
the most highly respected
of citizene.
He is sortvived by two beothers, Isaac,
of Clinton ; and Richard, of Hartney,
Manitoba ; also by one daughter and
five sons, Mrs. Steep, Tnron to ; Frank,
Barrie ; Walter, Branifo•d ; Sydney,
Lethbridge, Alta. ; Arthur, Kansas
City, and ed, Clinton..
Wesley Walker was in Toronto at-
tending the Undertakers' Convention.
Roy Walters, of the 101st,. came sec-
ond in putting the shot in the sports
at Toronto Fair.
Word was received by Town Solici-
tor Garrow that his brother, Lieut,
John Geu'row, of the 74th Batt., had
been killed in action at the front.
It is proposed to hold the annual
meeting of the County Obildren's Aid
Sn iPtv thisyear in Clinton,if sat
nctoy an ut gaenls can be made,
A congregational meeting of Vic -
thrift street Methodist church was
held and among the matters talked of
wits the penpnsnl for the union of the
two Methodist elm cites of Goderich
which hits been dropped.
At Clic mom Illy meeting of the Pub-
lic Literary Board the tender of Mr.
Lynn for repainting the exterior of
the library and reputtying the wind-
OWS was accepted, the amount to be
$80 and Dir. Lynn to supply all
Joseph T. Goldthorpe, Goderich,
Ont., announces the engagement of
his eldest daugh ler, Alma Df., to Wil-
liam G. MacEwan, son of the lase
Peter and Mrs. MnuRwao, Goderich,
Out, The marriage will take place
very quietly late in September.
Mrs. James McMath received wend
that her only 0011, Pte. Arthur Mc.
Math, had died of wounds received
Sept.8 Pte. McAlath enlisted with
the 38111. ,He was a fine specimen of
young manhood and wits an employee
of the Goderich Signal.
Following 1105100 of the acceptance
of the call from Knox church, Gode-
rich, the induction of Rev. Mr, Mc-
Dermid wits' appointed to take place
at 7.30 on the evening of. Tuesday,
October 3i d, Rev, Mr. Abery will
preach, Mr. Carswell address the
minister and Mr. McFarlane the
Another tangle in connection with
the Doty plant cants when a bailiff ap-
pealed oe the Beetle to take possession
of certain boiler making machinery at
Machinery ill question was
purchased from H. W. Petrie, Ltd , in
August, 1012, and lien nates were
given: Then when Mr. Thorold be-
eanle connected with the plant ice
bought up the liens tend in this way
had a claim of 5805 00 againet the
machinery which the town looked
epee as it0 Peeing'y for its mortgage.
Cort Goderich No, 32, 0, 0, If.,
held its eternal decoration day me
Sunday, 10thiust, abnnt;eighty-five of
t'.he brethren o1' the Order, including
visitors from Dungannon and Ben
miller, being in attendance, On 4e -
count of members of the Goderich
hand who were home ffonl Camp
Borden, hot having their instruments
with them, tite Goderich band Cyte
linable to fill the engagement for the
day and Ileo Clinton Kitty Band was
secured, tend gave gond service, head.
ing' the procession to Maitland come•
tery and playing appropriate tnttsio.
4oa44.0444•o••4444444•444.4 •••••••••••0••4•••444446+0•
A fide stock of up-to-date Stoves sold at greatly
1 Reduced Prices as they were bought before the'rise.
Also a number of lines of Iardware that will be
sold at Bargains while they last, Belonged to the Mul-
cahy Bankrupt Mock.
• If you are a Bargain Hunter
• your wants can be supplied
• at our Store.
• Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to 0
irade the resut.
• •
• 6n O
John Kravter,
• •
s -All but fifty of the boys of the 161st
battalion were hone during Lim week
for a five days' leave front Camp Bo-
den and on (Monday afternoon the
Gnde'ieh boys of the battalion took
the oppotnnity of telling George
Porter, who was very active in seeing
to the comfort of the boys in the
Khaki 0118b looms, and 111 other ways
rook a vet y lively interest in the 101st
Battalion, what they thought of him.
Me. Porter was invited to step over
Nom his Move' into the Square end
Sargeant-11njm' Jaynes lead the ad
dress and he was presented with tut
ebony cane,
Normal School Students,
The following students from Huron
County are attending the NiirIal
Scheid at. Street ford :—
Alyrtle Evelyn Allen, Deng111.nnn.
Laura Gettrude Anlent, Brussels.
Annie Areit bald, Senfnrtb.
1\'iuuie 11. Denman, Brussels.
Eleanor F. I)nnghert y, Sheppard ton.
IXi Mt 'VV. Fillkheillet', (1101111081.
Annie Aland Harding, Gerrie,
Ethel hone Hain, Sea forth,
Hazel I. Ilat•twell, Goderich.
Rlabel G Isurd, \Vinghatn.
Edna IPL Jamieson, Clinton.
Vera A. Jnhnstno, Got tie.
Mary E. Kennedy, W'inghnm.
Annie Louise King, Bayfield,
Elva di. Little, Senfo•Ih,
Maria " i, S. Ln r
r g Luoknnw.
Lillian O Longman NVhite1hu1eh.
Ada Luella DI I 1
A rG l `Vin l au .
Martha 1 McLanchlnl, 13ressels.
Mary A. M1Lelland, Ethel.
Margaret H. Mende, Lncknow.
Agnes McKay, Seaforth,
Amite H. Noble, East Wawauosh.
Lillian E Pentland, Dnngannon.
ltlay Rubertsor, Wiughtem.
Elizabeth O. Sanderson, Blyth.
Helen Frances Scott, I,uckunly.
Hattie 13. Shaw, Bluevale.
Gertrude B. Speiran, Brussels.
Mary R. Stoddar t, Goderich,
Margaret E. Walsh, Seaforth.
Grace E. Wootton,,Godel'ich,
Jean 0. Young, Goderich.
Harry W. Alton, Lueknow,
Addison V. 'Tiernan, Dashwood,
Eldon H. Twamley, Lucknow.
Al. E. Alm gall, Hens/ell, is at London
Normal School.
Lila AddleSperling,tnrlfng,
and Aun'eMtul Wroxeter,
IS IT A 0013N1'7 BRIDGE i'— The
question as to whether a bridge on the
4111 Concession of Ashfield should be
County o' a Township bridge was
heard before Judge
n at the
Court House, Goderich. The legal
reference in the ease is to section 440,
chap. 102, of the revised Statutes of
Ontario, 101.4, which Stales that 11
bridge of a greater length than SOU
feel inn town or township having an
equal izod aOSe00nletlt of less I11an-
$1,IN)0,000 on application of the Oouo-
ril of serif town or township, slutil be
derhu•ed to bea county bridge where
(0) 3t is used by the inhabitants of
et her municipttliliea; (b)itis sit nal ed
on en impoettult highway atfet'ding
means of comm�uicati011 Lo several
rnanicipalilies ; (c) and on aeeount of
its leuglh and for thereat:ens mention-
ed in elaueea (1a) and (b) it is 111131155
Clint the butelem of maintaining and
10pairing it should rest opsin the ace -
5olvtt.inn of the town or township.
W. Pruutifnnl, K. 0., appeared for the
township of Ashfield and Oh01.108
Garrets, for the (jaunty of Huron.
The witnesses for the tnwnship of
Ashfield {{Pie :— Ellsworth Bolton,
Adrian Dialler, Nathaniel Cunning-
lino, Jau10s Johnston, William Carr,
William Dongins, Norman Treleaven
and \Viliiarn McOlnre. The witnesses
called for the 00ltnty were Thomas
Stnthers, Abraham Culbert, Charles
Elliott, The,mas J. Richardson, Ohne.
Stewart, Thomas G. Allen and Fred.
011'. Farnconlh. Other witnesses. gave
evidence when 0011rt resumed its
sitting 71111117 of last week.
Young Men
Young men or others wile are un-
able to enlist for overseas service
can Set'7e their King and Country
by helping on Munition work.
DOING HIS BIT. Steady work
to good men. Apply to
The Robt, Intl Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd.
Nearly e v e ry o D e has
ripping. tearing headaches
at times. Disordered 810111'
ach—elug 'shliver does it.
Cheer a 1 here's the real
relief up brl
i — e. nin'a
They put the 5eomac
Stomahch anapdd Livorfrwels Tablrighets.t.
All druggists, 26c,, or by mail from 9
Chamberlain Medicine Co.. Toronto
New Prices August 1, 1916
The following prices for Ford cars wil11
be effective on and after Aug. 1st, 191(5
Chassis . $450 00
Runabout . 475 00
Touring Car 495 00
Coupelet . 695 00
Town Car 780 00
Sedan 890 00
$ o. b. Ford, Ontario
'these prices are positively guaranteoti against any red net ion
before August 1st, 1917, but there is no guarantee against tui
advance in pt'ine at any tittle,
S. G Dealer