HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-9-14, Page 8Fiiee: are Bad. This is what we are eopstantly hear. !ug these days but there 19 really ub need of enduring them they een be got rid of, in a hurry by using some of the Fly Polsone we keep. Tanglefoot, 4 sheets for 5c. Flyoscopes (can be hung up) 2 for 5c. Wilson's Fly Pads, 1oc pkg. Lightning Fly 'Pads, sc pkg. A much more comfortable time will be had at pickling and preserving if these are on hand. Don't overlook that we keep a full stock of Whole and Ground Pickling Spices -strong and pute, Bottling Wax, Paraffin Wax Jar Rubbers, All sizes of Corks PUT A KODAK IN YOUR POCKET ss Have it ready for the unexpected that alet - ways happens. There's a size for the vest as well as the coat. Kodak, you know, means Photography with the bother left out, **4**+4444$4l s e4i + s+6 *'4+Pse t•3it+** • F i • • Fa11 Millinery OUR OPENING DAYS FOR THIS SEA- SON WILL BE Friday and Saturday September 22nd & 23rd When a cordial invitation is extended to the Ladies of this locality to call and inspect our new choice stock of Fashionable Millinery. The Store F. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Prat beb3s Pius READ the local on page 5. FALL apples are a drug in the market. THANKSGIVING Day, Monday, October. 9 5, FALL Fair Directors met last Saturday afternoon. HALF of September gone with Friday of this week. THE Anderson bus look, Ane in its Dew suit of paint and decoration. THE dry weather has told on the milk and cream supplies going to the factor• les, A NUMExa of Bruaaelltea are at Lon. don Shia week attending the Western Fait'. gog,000 was the record of paid admis- sions to Toronto Fair this year, Some crowd. ScxouL Board did not meet last Fri. day but meeting will be held Friday evening of this week. 25 CENTS, in advance, secures THE Posr 10 January 1st, 1916. This is cheaper than borrowing, READ the particulars concerning the new War Loan on page 4 of this issue of THE POST and get your applications in early. TUESDAY of this week Mrs. Charles McKay, 'rurnberry street, North, Brus- sels, underwent a successful operation and we trust she will make a speedy re - cove TYNDry ALL RITCHIE, drayman of Wing - ham, formerly of Brussels, has added a new hand to his staff, The young fel- low's name is Ritchie and commenced boarding at Tyndall's last Sunday. Congratulations. BEST DAIRY Cow. -The Bank of Nova Scotia is donating a Silver Cup for com- petition at East Huron Fall Fair for the best Dairy Cow, any breed. Winner becomes the owner of the cup perman- ently. It is valued at $15.00. FRIDAY and Saturday of next week will be days of interest to the ladies of Brussels and locality, these being the opening dates of the Fall Millinery dis- plays at the stores of Miss Inman and Miss Ross. Don't miss these JAM, JELLY AND HONEY -Brussels Red Cross will make a shipment in October of Tam, Telly and Honey for thesoldiers and will be glad to have volunteers who will agree to supply one or more gems to be left et the store of Mrs. Jane Thomp• sou when ready. They must be shipped in the month of October so now is the time to get busy, THE monthly leave of absence to the residents of Camp Borden brought a large number of soldier biddies to this locality last week. They returned Tues- day moraing. Camp drill is growing more realistic and the home furloughs are looked forward to by both the boys and the homefolk with even greater in- terest as they contemplate the possibility of an overseas voyage one of these days, Hoxricuivreax.- Tuesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock a meeting will be held in the Public Library to discuss the organization of a Horticultural So- ciety. W, Hartry, Seaforth, who is well posted in the work and an officer of the Provincial Society, will be present and address the meeting. Everybody inter- ested in flowers is asked to attend and especially those who would like to see a wider range of good work done along thr line of beautifying our village and surrouudinge. Come and hear what bas to be said and express your opinion, Tuesday evening next. MADE A Las MEhrBRR.-One of the interesting{ features of the regular meet- ing of the Woman's Missionary meeting of Melville church Brussels Thursday rsda of last week,was the presentation of a Life Membeship Cert ficate by the So- ciety to Mrs. D B. Moore, a member of over 20 years standing, The following address was read by Mrs, Wm. Gillespie and Mrs. Wm. Martin made the presen- tation :-DRAa Mas. MOORS, -The mem- bers of the W. M. S. desire to Chow their very hearty appreciation of your unselfish devotion to this department of Christ's work. Your untiring energy andzeal in the work of ear Sewing Circle is ever an inspiration to the mem- bens to do better work. We realize that as we clothe and provide for the poor and needy, we are laboring for the Master, who said "Ineemuch as ye have bite it unto the of the least of these tnv brethren ye have done it tanto Me," We ask you to accept this Life Member- ship Certificate of the W. M. S. as a slight tokeh in recognition of your work. We pray that God may in His goodness apace you for many years to labor in our. midst 10 the work yon love so well, Signed in behalf of the Society, Man. MANN, Pres., MRs, Fox, Secv„ MRs. K. THostsote, Treas., Mas, GII,t,Ear1E, MRs. MARTIN Mre. Moore made a brief reply most be• fitting to the Occasi00 in expressing her thanks for the fever shown her, DON'T forget the meeting next Tues- day evening to chat beer the lormatioo of a Horticultural Society, You are in- vited to attend by this notification, Public Library audience room at 8 o'clock, Goon MORNING ! How's that baby of yours coring on for one of the Fall Fair Prizes at Brussels Fall Fair. 5 swards are offered viz $5,00, $4.00, 03 oo, 02,o0• and $r.00. Contestants must be under 2 years. HAVE YOU A SPEEDY HORSE 7- Con- siderable interest is being mauifested in the Special prize of $15 00 offered by the Standard Sank for loud horses at Brussels Fall Fair. Committee to re- serve the right to uanrjfthe horses, 0 BLUE and yellow plume for sale, Bio per basket or $1.00 per bushel. Alms KELLY, John street, Brussels. Goon Durham Cow for sale due to calve April 17th. D. SEIELs, Lot 55, Con• 15, Grey Twp. EIOOAT found and owner may have it b proving' property and paying for this notice Lot 12, Von, 16, Grey township. Phone 286, OLIVRn HARRIS. Num off left aide of wagon lost between Brussels and school West of Jamestown. Will finder kindly leave at Tan Posy or with Tin. dal Ritchie, Win sham. NusaSR of pigs O weeks old for sale. Also several well bred Collie pups. Apply at the Currie Butcher shop, Brussels. FOR BALE. -1 new calved cow, 1 mulch cow and 5 good calves. S3O Lot 12, Oun. 6, Morris. Phone 8810 A. H. MONEIL. LOST on Thursday evening, August 81st, be- tween Brussels and Leadbury, a patch work cushion, valued as a gift from loved one. Will finder kindly leave it at Toa P06T Publishing House. FOR SALE on To RENT. -The undersigned of- fer, hie premiees, containing 635 acres, Turn - berry street South, Brussels, and upon which there is a comfortable house, good stable, or- chard, well, &e , for sale. If not Bold it will be to rent. Apply on the premises for other par. Mellitus. Phone 610. ARTHUR WARD, STRAYED -A red yearling steer, without horns. Any information leading to its recov- ery will be thankfully received Phone 4714 DUNCAN MCKAY. CoironwLBLE house on Turnberry street, Brussels, for sale or to rent, lately occupied by J, F. Rowltnd, i5 acre of land, with stable, well, cistern, fruit trees, &c. Good location. Good cellar, furnace and electric lights, Ap- plyto Muss WALS ER. A Coon house for sale with stable and fruit trees. .Apply to I. 0. RICHARna, To THE THE LADIES, -If you are a good hand at harnessing and hitching up a horse you stand a chance of winniug one of 3 prizes at Brussels Fall Fair. The donaters of the prizes in this hitch- ing and driving contest are Fletcher Sperling, A. C. Dames and Tom Arm- strong. The Willing Workers of Melville church, Brussels, purpose haw ng a de- bate some time in September, The subject for discussion will be "Which has done more for the development of Canada, the English, Irish or Scotch 7" Further announcement next week. COLLECT YOUR PAPERS FOR SATURDAY, SEPT 30TH -Alt parties wishing to get rid of their waste papers, newspapers, magazines or papers of any kind are ask- ed to roll them in bundles, each kind separately, and leave them out on the sidewalk opposite your home. They will be collected between the hours of 8 and 1t o'clock a. m. HAVE FALLEN IN LINE. -Tuesday after- noon Mrs P. Scott, delegate to the CO. Convention at Clinton on Labor Dav, presented a most interesting and instruc- tive report of what was done (a synopsis of the meeting appearing on page of this issue) By resolution the Brussels Society foils into line and in future will ship goods, &c., to London via Clinton, as the centre for Heron County. Mrs. Scott was thanked for her report. IMPROVEMENT',- The new cement stable whose ownership was credited last week to S. T. Plum should have been to Ernest Plum. -Cement founda- tion has been placed under the house owned by Wm. Bryans, corner of Thomas and Elizabeth streets, after it was raised several feet. -Joe. Schwad- roo is improving his recently purchased property on Elizabeth street, -A cement sidewalk is being put down at the home of Simon Grant, James street, CtecLE TEA Tuesday evening Mrs. Parker and her Sunday School claw of yottbg ladies, were in charge of the Red Cross Circle Tea, A dainty bill of fare was given with A e service and the tidy stein of $16.65 wasadded to the Treasury. The young ladies and their teacher are to be congratulated. A large attendance of Workers 16 invited to the regular Red Cross meeting next Tuesday afternoon in the. Public Library audience room. 'WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. - Friday after- noon of this week, at 2 3o o'clock, the regular meeting 0f the Women's Insti- tate will be it the sutliebce room of the Public Library. After the trans• sullen of regular bueioess Mrs. P. Scott, President, will report on the Clin- ton Convention. Walton Institute will visit Brussels that afternoon and will supply the program. Refreshments. wiil be served and a social half hour en- joyed. A large attendance asked for, The date is Friday of this week, M. E. ROSS Richards Block - Brussels e OOT D 1873 STANDARD BANK OF' CANADA HEAD OFFICE - 'TORONTO Subscriptions to the New CANADIAN WAR LOAN will be received by this Bank free of cost. Fullest information supplied by applying to the Manager of this Branch. 228 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, In O O Manager. fYoung Men +11,+.11P+41+4114,÷114•114.+4,4444411+4 •h•'F••Y•+♦•Y•i••-1-•eh•t•• • 4.L•+++G Brussels Council The monthly session of the village Council was held last Monday evening. Present the Reeve and Councillors Walker, Hewitt and Machin, Minutes of last meeting were read and passed. 02t 85 was reported as receipts from the town scales for the month of August. Following accounts were presented :- A, McGuire, 50} days, Inspector 0126 25 Anderson Bros., teaming 4 50 Geo, Henderson, teaming, &c,7 75 R, Oliver, salary,.....- 40 00 Moved by J, Hewitt, eeconded by D. Walker, that above accounts be paid. Carried. Certificate from Jno . Roger, C. E was received as to completion of the macadam street work on Turuberry street from Flora street South, passing the same. Circular from Senate, re improviug Trade conditions and relations after the war. By-law No. 7, 1916. was read and passed relative to borrowing money to carry on Municipal business until the taxes are collected. Council then adjourned. People We Talk About A. J. Lowry is visiting at Gorrie this week. Alex. and Mrs Smith were visitors at Toronto last week. Mrs. George Jackson spent a holiday with Toronto friends. Sergt, and Mrs. Sinclair and children were in town during the past week. Miss Mina McRae, Armow, has been vis.ting relatives and old friends in town. Lieut. Stewart Scott and wife were visitors at the former's parental home, Brussels. Mrs. Brown, Stratford, is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. Ennis, who Is still real poorly, we are sorry to state, S. Carter made a business trip to Ford, Ont., tor additional oars, tor which he has the local agency. Duncan and Mrs. McMartin, fiensall, were in town for the week end, Dune's next visit is due to the Fall Fair, Scott Burchill injured his left leg, near the ankle, last week but we hope the !addle will soon be as active as usual. Mrs (Dr.) Percy Richards, of Saska- toon, and Miss Tessie Elliott, Stratford, have been visiting Mrs. I, C. Richards and other old friends. D. and Mrs. Hawman, Collingwood, are visitors at the home of B. S, and Mrs. Scott, 'rurnberry street. Mrs. Scott i, a daughter of the guests. Mrs. Alfred Lowry and Miss elezel are in London, where the latter purposes entering upon a Nurse's course of train- ing in one of the hospitals, We wish her success. F. H. and Mrs. Gilroy and son Bar- rington spent the week end with rela- tives in Mount Forest. Miss Meikle, woo was visiting here, accompanied thein in their car. We sorry.to bear that Will. Hun- ter, of Oshawa, foe merry of Brussels and Cranbrook, is ill with typhoid fever and is in the hospital. Hope he may have a speedy recovery. Wm. Curry and wife and Wm. Hodges and wife, Woodstock, were visitors at the home of 'rhos. and Mrs. Curry, Queen street. The former is a nephew and Mrs. Hodges a niece. Harry and Mrs. Bartliffe, Clinton, were in town last Sunday. They took Mrs. Juo Cardiff and Mrs. Ballantyne, Mrs. Card ff's sister, of London, who was vielting here, back with them. c Mrs. J. 13.Lark Handcock, of d o , Mich and grand daughter, Miss K Eisler, of Calumet, and Miss Frances Mack, of Houghton, have left for home after an enjoyable visit with friends and relatives at Walton and Cranbrook. Roy and Mrs, Hacebrook, of Gran.! Rapids, Mieb., were visitors at the hone of Wm and Mrs. Jewitt. Brus- sels, this week. Mrs, Hacebrook is a grand daughter, her parents being Tao. and Mrs, Wilkinson, formerly of Brur- sets. Mrs. W. H. Kerr is spending a few days at the home of ber son at Clinton, She motored over with Dr. Fred, and Mrs, Gilpin es they started homeward, via London, Ridgetowa and Detroit. to Milwaukee, after enjoying a few weeks vacation in Ontario. Wm. Norton, wife end son, Trout Creek, were visiting at Wm. Wilton's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Norton were residents of Brussels 24 year:: ago during this time he has worked for one firm Mr. Norton has not been in town for 4 yeara, J C. and Mrs. Cummings, of Buffalo, N Y., are here on a holiday visa at the home of Wm. and Mts. Oakley. The former was a one time typo on Tem PoeT in the 70's When he was also leader of the town Band, Mrs, Cummings is a daughter of Mrs, Oakley, Miss Beatrice Harris is visiting at Stratford. Lt. Col, Coombe, of the tent Huron Battalion, in of n cn'1'u t v Tuesday sda Miss Annie B. Ross will attend Sea - Forth Fall Fair next week to judge the Ladies' work. Elmer McKay, of Moucrieff, is now driving the George Thomson delivery van and assisting in the store, Dan. Demme is at London taking in the Fair. Allan Adams is renewing old friendships on Mr. Denmau's mail route on 5th and 6th lines, Morris township, Miss Hattie Grills, of Harriston, is visiting with her cousin, Miss Laura Leatherdale. The vlaitor Is a trained nurse and came to Brussels for a holiday. Mrs. Duitaage and L V. Delmage end wife, Rothsay, and Mrs Lurch and B. Tha!u, Palmerston, were visitors at the home of Mrs. W. W. Harris, Brus- sels, Church Chimes Organist Mulhero, of Campbleford, is expected to officiate as organist in Mel. villechurch next Sunday On Tuesday evening next in Metho- dist church, Sept. 1915, Rev. D Wren will give an address on "Pastor Russell and Millennial Dawnism." Next Sabbath morning Rev. D, Wren will take as his subject Facing Jerusa- lem" and the evening top's will be "Shaving with a hired razor " 'J'HANIX"GIVING PRAYER SERVICE -Fri. day evening of this week at 8 o'clock. a public prayer service will he held iu the audience room of the Public Library to rffer Thanksgiving for the coming of Prohibition in Ontario on Saturday of this week. Everybody will ba welcome. Usual Friday afternoon patriotic prayer service will be cancelled tl is week. FALL MEETIN3 OF • V' 1,1111AM DIS- TRICT -The Wingbam D .r 4 •et will hold its Fall session in Belgrirte Methodist church, Monday next, Sept, 18th, Ministers and laymen will meet to trans- act District business at 9 o'clock in the morning. In the afternoon a Missionary Conference will be held to discuss Mis- sionary siluation for coming year. Ad- dresses will be given by Rev, J. H. Arnup, 13 A., assistan' %lissionary Foreign Secretary and Rev. G. N Hazen, B A, Sarnia, ex -President of London Conference. Four laymen from each circuit in the District are expected to be present at this Confer- ence. Rev J. W. Hibbert, Wingbam, is District Chairman and Rev. D. Wren, M. A„ Brussels, Financial Secretary. Young men o1 other a who are un- able to enlist for overseas service can serve their King and Country by helping on Munition work. EVERY MAN SHOULD 'BE DOING HIS BIT. Steady work to good men. ' Apply to The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co,, ltd. 10-3 SEAFORTH, ONT, On the evening of Monday, Oct. 9th, the Methodist Sabbath School will pre- sent in the Town Hall, Brussels, the In. teresting musical composition entitled 'Theunior Garden," Other numbers will also be added. Watch out for further particulars. JAMES IRELAND le having a number of repairs and Improvements made at the recently purchased property, corner John and Church streets, which he ex• pests to move to shortly. Oranbrgok Mr, and Mrs. Prangley, of Dawn Mills, motored to Toronto Exhibition and Camp Borden and while there called on the 101st Battalion (Huron boys) and the 188th Kent Batt. The Keats were very pleased to show their Reid kitchen which had been present- ed to them by the people of Kent. Major Campbell dies of Injuries Major Warren K. Campbell died at Buffalo on Thursday evening of last week from injuries sustained in a fall of 500 feet, while testing a biplane at the Curtiss Aviation School. From outset little hope was held for his re- covery, hie skull being severely frac- • tured in the fall. Death came about 7 30 in the even- ing. The news reached Mitchell about 10 o'clock in a telephone message to Efts. W, J. Greenwood, aunt of the eeeased, An interesting story is told of the young aviator. On going to Buffalo, he carried with biro a letter of intro- duction to a fainily who resided near the aviation grounds. This Major Campbell presented it in a novel man- ner, dropping it from his aeroplane. It was not generally known that Aviator Campbell held the rank of Major at the time of his death, hay- ing been promoted to that rank re- cently by the British War Office. The deepest eyrnpathy of the com- munity will go out to the bereaved family. , A despatch from Buffalo says :- "Major Warten K. (Pete) Campbell, of Mitchell, Ont., died at 7.30 last night without hay irig regained con- sciousness after a fall of 600 feet from a biplane driven by a student yester- day afternoon. He WAS a son of F. A. and bus, Campbell, Mitchell, and had achieved fame as a flyer in Eng. land during the present war. He was injured in a fall at Upavon, England, ,where Ile was forced to return to Can- ada. The remains will be taken to Mitchell for interment." Major Campbell was employed as an instructor at the Curtiss Aviation School and was recognized las a care- ful flyer. Yesterday he was a pas- senger with a student Theodore De Ketejff, when the accident happened. Major Campbell was about 23 years Fruit Bulletin Niagara District Omar rd Peaches are now in, and the best varieties of pears and pinlns NiAGA)fq are ready for ,' PENINSULA presery i n g o r V 3. .1: - table purposes. .; Housekeepers should not delay ro r>( g tellin their P,ro- PARNe OR •WGRS N0.2!q cera what fruits to order for them, and should insist. on the label with the map, reproduc- ed here. It is a guarantee of Niagara Peninsula Grown Fruit. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••• • •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N w White Canvas AND' Summer Shoes At Reduced Prices to Clear Harness Department Good assortment of Sin- gle Harness at attractive• • • Y ,, is prices, s e 'ter- Trifnks, Satchels, Whips, e 5 Dusters at Clearing Prices. • so • Repairs in Shoes, Harness, Collars, 8ti;, Phone 47x • Ona Set Second Hand Single Harness -•166.5(7 Richards & eo.ii •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • •0 0 old and had a clean record in every respect. Ile was an undergraduate of Victoria University, Toronto, before going overseas in the present war. At Toronto he held some disLinetion tae an athlete, being a member of the Varsity teams in rugby and hockey. Deceased was a cousin to Mrs. S. Walker, Gthline, Monis, who attend- ed the burial. "Funeral took place hot Monday and was under the direction of the military. • Morris Council • Morris Council meeting met August 04)11, 1916, The construction of the Warwick drain was given to Felix Cur- tin at 01,147 0o A grant of $25 was made to each of the Red Cro a Societies of the township. Township rate for 190 was fixed at 3 8fro mills on the dollar, Following accounts were pre- sented, passed•and paid :-Peter Scott. drain and•ptpe, West boundary, $02 75 1 Gravel -A. G. Campbell, 03 70 ; Jas. Lawson, 02 7n ; Dan. McDona4d, $I 5n; J Gibson. 08 7o ; Albert Jackson, $ts,8o ; W. S Skelton, $4,no 1 T. H. Sellers, Os 8o 1 A. Pollock, let 40 ; G McDonald, $2,30 ; A. Campbell, 4nc ; Agar Bros, $tt oo. Shovelling. -D. Laidlaw. $t 5o 1 A Smith 03 00 ; j. H. Pear, 03 00. Gravel. -Thos. Miller, 05 30 ; Jas. Hall, 6oe ; T H. Fear, 01 8o ; Richard Johnston, $5 8o ; Thos. Warwick, 02 3o ; John Barr 5oc ; J. Breckenridge, $2 8o ; J Leitch, 08 oo ; R H. Garniss, $6 to ; C. Campbell. 04 90 ; W. Salter, 04 00 ; Bert. Jackson, $3.00 ; Treasurer of Brussels, Bridge East Bdv:, $14 8o ; T. T. McCeughey, Branch 'A' Grashy drain, 063 35 ; Geo, Armstrong, cleaning drain, $63 35 ; Geo, Armstrong, cleaning drain, 6th Con.. 02o 20 ; C. Cole, gravel. 07 5o ; shovelling, $hyo ; Jas. Anderson, gravel, 017.70, on Looby account, 06 4o Council will meet on Monday, September 18th. A MACEWEN, Clerk, BORN PoPe.-In Brussels, on September 10th, 1918, to Chas and Mrs. Pope, -a daughter, RITCHIE -In Winghem, on September IOW, 1918, to Mr. and Mre. Tyndall Ritchie, a son, Watsersl -In Grey township, on September 12th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Wheeler, R Soll. DIED HULL, -In Grey township, on September 12th, 1018, Isabella J, Duncanson, beloved wife of Charles Hull, aged 48 years. .. AUCTION SAI. S TUESDAY, SEPT. 19th -Farm stook, Imple- ments, &o. at S% Lot 4, Con. 0, Morris. Sale at 1 p. m, 'Wm. Davidson, Prop, ; F, S. Scott, Auo. BRUSSELS MARKET Oats et #16 1 65 $67 Peas 1 75 1 76 !gee 00 80 Hose 1128 11 Hey 7 00 700 Potatoes per bus 2 00 2 00 To. Contractors The Municipal Council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for theoonstruc- tion of the McNeil Drain, Plane and specifica- tion, at the Clerk's residence, Tenders open- ed at the Township Hall, Monday, Sept. 18th, at 8 p. m. Enclose a $60.00 good faith marked ehegne, A. MACEWEN, Bluevale, Sept. 9, 1016. 01erir, Farm for Sale The IW -sure farm, Lot 21, Con, 8, Township of Grey, known as the Robb. Barr term, is of. fored f]r sale. A desirable property. First. °lase buildings. Farm in good working order. Gan be bought on very easy terms, Phone or Write G. M. CHAMBERS, Blyth, Ont. 10-2 4.0..r'la. f..t* .eee4�'e0 i Drugx :ruAg Store w ....„...„.+++....„......... • i Fruit Jar Dings r e NICs 110w atonic of best (teal- • •,' • icy Red Rubber quarts and • pints, l0c per doz, w e I For .fired feet • • •• There is nothing, will give 0 your greater comfort thio hot wc'atller thiol "PSNSLAR • TREAD -EASY," an absot•b- • enc and deodorant powder v • for tined' and aching feet, • Try a can an25d be cpnviuoed, c. Willard's Fork Dipt Chocolates O • The came old favorites. Our • stock is fresh and well as- • • sorted. Always Mee for an •auto ride. 0 ♦ • • 0 ♦ •0to. • 0 • 0 • 0 • Cameras Don't forgot the "Ansco" line when you are thinking of buying a Camera. Nice assortment always (-inhand. ,t J:he "Uyko .paper is giving great results, We guaran- tee absolute satisfaction. Y • le • • • • •• fly Time • - • • O • • G • a • O • • O •• The Files are beginning to be tronhlesomo. Keep the home free of thein :-Fly Swatters lOn ; Tanglefoot, Insect Powder and Ely Pois- on Pads, 5 and 10c. FOX'S DRUG STORE The Pensfar Store • e AIIOTION BALE. OF FARM STOCK, IM- Pmcalanms,. &0.-F, B, Scott, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to self by pubuo-auctlen at SM Lot 4, 0on, 6, Morrie. m1 Tuesday, Sept. 19th, at 1 p. m,, the follow. Ing property :-1 heavy horse 6 years old, 1 heavy mare 13 years old 1 driving mare 10 years old, 1 cow due to calve Sept. 21, 1 cow due to calve Sept 22, 1 cow due to calve Oct. 27, 8'cows supposed in calf, 1 yearling honer,. 4 Spring calves, 1 store pig, 1brood sow with lit- ter at foot (raising 11), 18 Barred Rook pullets, 6 dozen hens, 1 wagon box, 1 'wagon nearly new, 1 spring tooth cultivator, 1 set diamond barrows, 1 snuffler, 1 buggy nearly new, 1 pal- lier, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 gravel box, a gnantlty of timothy hay, a gaeutity of oats, n quentlty of mixed grain, 10 cords of hardwood, 1 Daley churn, 1 Favorite cook stove, 1 washing machine, 1 set double harness new1 set single harness new. Neokyoke, forks, chains and oth- er articles, Terms -All sums of $10 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months credit giv- en on approved joint notes. 6 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. WlaI, DAVIDSON, Proprietor, Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William W. Harris, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, butter maker, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, Seotion 08, that all creditors and others having claims against the estpte of Wllllam W. Harris, de- ceased, who died on or about the Thirtieth: day of Juno, A.17 1916, are required to Bend by post, prepaid, or deliver to Elizabeth D. Harris, Brussels P. 0., the Executrix of the es- tate, on or before the Twelfth day of oetobor; A, D. 1010, their names and addresses with fullparticulars of their claims in writing,and the nature of the securities ;if any) hel-by them duly verified bye Statutory declaration. And further take notice that after the said 12th day of October, 1918, rho Executrix will proceed to distribute the nesota of the said de- ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto hawing regard only to the claims of whlnh she shall then have received, and she will not be liable for the Raid assets or ant' part thereof to any person of whose elating she shall not then have reeelved notice at the time 07 such dributlon. Dated atlatBrussels this 12th day Of September A. D. 1910, ELIZABETH D. HARRIS 11.8 Exeontrlx, Brussels P. 0, • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4B••6e44moomefi•O••••••••e•O • • ••• • • O • e • i • • • • • • • • • • w • • s • • • • • HAWES' HAT S JUST ARRIVED THE FAMOUS • • • e 0 • • O • • • • 0 0 • • 0 W 0 0 69 0 0 HAWES' HAT IN ALL COLORS e AND STYLES. FEATHER 's WEIGHT. GUARANTEED TO KEEP ITS COLOR. TRY ONE. s e • • Rt nal • • r•tiss•••e•••••• sessessseei••••••••••s•b••ss••s••••• • R. FERGUSON Tailor and Outfitter - Brussels ��1 r