The Brussels Post, 1916-9-14, Page 7YOUNG FOLKS
The Cave Family.
Robert and Sara were greatly ex-
cited. They had found a cave in the
mountain back of their summer home,.
on the side facing the sea.. It was a
very small cave,—too small for either
of them to crawl into,—bub they could
see that it was very deep, What.
might there not bo living in it? A
dragonperhaps, • or, better still. a
real fairy! Indeed, before they found
the cave, Robert had seen a little grey
figure moving about near by—a figure
of just the size, Sara said, when he
described it afterwards, that fairies
were supposed to be.
On one of their visits, which they
made on the day when Robert was six
years old, they were allowedto take
their luncheon with them, and in the
luncheon was a little calve baked es-
pecially for that day.
"Let us leave a slice for the fairy,"
said Robert. So they cub a slice and
left it on a stone jest inside the open-
ing to the cave.
The next morning the cake was all
gone, save for a few crumbs lying on
the ground!
"The fairly has eaten it," whispered
Sara. "0 Robert, perhaps she'll come
out to -day!"
So the two waited among the
bushes, their hearts full of new hope.
Suddenly their ears caught sounds in
the cave, which up to that time had
seemed such a silent spot.
Robert grasped Sara's hand, for,
although he was a boy, he was just a
little frightened. The sounds ceased;
then they began again; and then, mit
of the cave and straight out to sea
flew a great bird.
"It's only an old sea gull!" cried
Robert, disappointed and disgusted.
But Sara tightened her hold on her
brother's hand. "Robert," she said,
"I don't believe it's a sea gall at all,
but the fairy herself in disguise!
Fairies never like to have anyone find
out where they live. What could be
easier than for a fairy to change her
cloak into gray feathers?'
So the two children went home hap-
py, and told thei mother that they
felt sure they had really seen the fairy
that lived in the cave.—Youth's Com-
Storage Batteries
Bean them 'for prompt
Dousing to
117 Simco. St., Toronto.
Willard AMA,. -
Machine Gun Fire Fails to Reach
the "Bombers" in Their
Shell Hole.
One of the most unusual tales of
trench warfare is told in a letter of an -
officer of the new armies serving in
France :
"It happened like this. .I was look -
i ing out from what was a little shelter-
, ed spot alongside the entrance to what
we call Stinking Sap, through a very
line new telescope some one had sent
to our C. 0., when suddenly I spied
a shovel sticking up against a little
mound, and Close to it was a gap in
the wet grass.
I stared jolly hard, and presently
the whole thing became clear to me.
The Roches had run out a new sap
fully fifty yards from tlieir lire trench,
which at this point is over 250 yards
from ours. It was right opposite our
Stinking Sap, and not more than 100
yards from the head of it.
"I walked around to company head-
quarters and informed the C. 0., who
swadelighted. I decided to take Cor-
poral Slade with me, because he's
such a fine bomb thrower, besides be-
ing as cool as a cucumber. I also
agreed to take one other man from my
own platoon and one man from each
of the other three platoons. .
Ready to Attack.
Will Be Sold and Proceeds Given to
Naval Orphanages.
Admiral Prince Louis of Batten-
burg has designed a medal to com-
memorate the recent battle off the
Jutland Bank. It will be the first of
a series connected with naval events
in the .present war which Prince Louis
intends to bring out at short intervals
and the entire profits of the sale of
the medals will go to the naval or-
Commemorative medals for naval
achievements were struck in England
in Elizabethan times. After the de-
feat of the Armada, in 1588, Queen
Elizabeth ordered some to be made
in gold and silver, of which a speci-
men may be seen in the British Mu-
seum. These may have been bestow-
ed upon the principal officers—of
that there is no definite information
—but nothing like a general distribu-
tion of medals to the officers and men
of the fleet engaged in action was us-
ual until a much later date. During
the Commonwealth it was decided to
issue medals to the. officers and men
who had "done good service at sea,"
• but after that the medals struck were
commemorative rather than decora-
tive, until June 1, 1794.
For the victory of the Nile in 1'198
Alexander Davison, Nelson's prize
agent, presented a medal as "a tri-
bute of regard" to every officer and
man in Nelson's fleet—gold to .cap
tains, •silver to lieutenants and war-
rant officers, bronze gilt to petty of-
ficers and bronze to seamen and ma-
rines. No authority was ever given
for these medals to be worn, and
they were not so intended, but some
of the sail ors fixed a ring through a
hole and wore them on their jackets
at home. Similarly, after Trafalgar,
Matthew Boulton, the partner of
James Watt, presented a medal to,
each officer and man who had taken
part; silver for the senior officers
and pewter for the junior officers and
Although the naval gold medal in-
stituted by George III. at the time of
the glorious June 1, 1794, was after-
wards awarded for all the great naval
victories, it was only given to post
captains and flag officers, and it was
not until 1847 that Queen Victoria•
commanded an official medal to be
struck for every officer and man en-
gaged in the battle, and to recognize
the services rendered by • the fleet
from 1793 to 1840. The admitted
claims for this naval general service
medal, as it is known, totaled 20,900,
and no fewer than 230 bars were is-
sued to it. '
There are two sizes in which these
medals aro being struck, one having
a diameter of 1rya inches, in white
metal at 1s,, in solid silver at 15s.,
and in.18-carat,gold at £11 10s. Thd
emailor size is seven -eighths of an
inch in diameter, and ,this is made
With loop and ring, in solid silver.
It pays to be polite, but anything
that pays soome too much like work
for some folks. •
The man who brags abolrt his past
Cr-'eer of wickedness is Usually a
Ir.r:•llb8a c's2I,, - • • _ M1
"The C. 0.'s idea was that we must
reach that shell hole close to the new
Booties sap as soon as possible after
dark and before the Brian"' resumed
work there. As it turned out, we were
all lying in the shell hole for three-
quarters of an hour before a single
Boche made a move: There was a fine
rain all the time and it was pitch dark.
We lay perfectly still and flat, hands
covered and faces down.
"By and by Slade gave a little tug
at my jerkin. I listened hard and just
made out footsteps. Two or three
minutes later six or eight Boches came
shuffling along the sap, carrying picks
and shovels and jabbering away nine-
teen to the dozen. I gave the signal
with my bet hand. There was a bomb
in my right.
"I could distinctly Blear the safety
pins come out of our six bombs and
could even hear the breathed murmur
of the man at my shoulder—a pug-
nacicus draper. 'A hundred an' one, a
hundred an 'two, a hundred and three
(he was timing the fuse of his bomb,
exactly as I'd told them).
"And then they all let go. Our six
bombs landed, one on the edge and the
other .five ,plumb in the sap head be-
fore us, right in the middle of the six
or eight Roches digging there. Two
seconds after they left our hands they
did their job. And when the rending
row was over we heard only one Rothe
moaning, so I knew that at least six or
seven would 'strafe' no more English-
Bullets Fall to Hit.
"We again lay absolutely still while'
Fritz rained parachute lights, stars,
flares and every kind of firework, and,.
Just as I had expected, swept his sap
head with a Beast a thousand rounds
of machine gun bullets, not one of
which so much as grazed us, whore we 1
lay in the mud of that shell hole.
Two Fellows
are trying to
get ahead
It's easy to see who'll win.
If you have any doubt
about tea or coffee holding
some_ people back—in fact
many: leave -the hesitating
class; stop both tea and cof-
fee ten days, and use
This delicious pure food -
drink, made ofwheat,
roasted with a bit of whole-
some molasses, has a de-
lightful, 111sappY flavor. It
le free from the drugs in
tea and coffee and all harm-
ful ingredients.
postum is good for old
and young, and makes for
health and efficiency.
"There's a Reason"
Canadian Postern Cereal Co„ Ltd.,
Windsor. Ont.
'Get your bombs ready,' I told my
fellows, A few seconds later we heard
the Roches ,streaming along their nar-
row new sap. They took it for granted
Sire had cleared bank to aur lines, and.
they made no attempt to disguise their
coming, We waited until the near end
of the sap was full and then we gave
'em our second volley; followed im-
mediately by a third. le must have
been a regular shambles,
"A few seconds later we heard a
fresh lot start on their way down the l
sap, and the draper and I let 'em have
our last two bombs well to the left,
and ourselves made tracks like
greased lightning for Stink Sap. The
luck held perfectly, and Slade was
hauling the draper over the parapet of
Stinklrq Sap before a sound came
from the Roche machine guns,
"And then, byJove, they opened on
us. They holed my oilskin coat for
me as.I slid in, and spoiled it. But not
one of my crowd got a scratch, and we
reckon to have accounted for at the
very least twenty Boches, may be
twice that number, Altogether a
splendid job. •
And the best of it is our artillery
has registered on that sap this morn-
ing, and this afternoon is just about
going to blow it across the Rhine.
Grow Into Weak, Despondent
Women—How to Overcome
the Trouble.
Healthy Girlhood is the only path
to healthy womanhood. The passing
from girlhood to womanhood lays a
new tax upon the blood. It is the
overtaxing of the blood that makes
growing girls suffer from headaches
and backaches, from paleness and
weakness and weariness, from lan-
guor, despondency and constant,al
health. Unhealthy girlhood is bound
to lead to unhealthy womanhood and
a life of misery. Nothing but the
blood building qualities of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills can save a girl when
she undertakes the trials and tasks
of womanhood: That is the time
when nature makes new demands
upon the blood supply. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills actually make new, rich
blood to meet these demands. In this
simple, scientific way Dr. Williams'
Pink .Pills give growing girls new
health, and makes their dawning
womanhood bright and attractive.
Miss A. Sternberg, Haileybury Road,
New Liskeard, Ont., says: "I have
much reason to be grateful to Dr.
Williams Pink Pills as they restored
me to health, if, indeed, they did not
save my life. In 1914 I began to feel
run down, and the doctor who was
called in said that mine was a bad
case of anaemia. I lost flesh, always
felt tired, and I got so nervous that
I could scarcely hold a cup to take
a . drink. My heart would flutter
alarmingly. The doctor did hot seem
to be able to help me at all and my
family and friends all thought that
I was in a decline and could not re-
cover. I was in bed for some weeks
when an aunt came to see me and
urged that 1 try Dr. Williams Pink
Pills. My father got a supply, and
by the time I had taken three boxes
there was a noticeable improvement,
and from that on I steadily progress-
ed toward recovery. I continued us-
ing the pills for some time longer,
and they restored me to my old time
health and strength. I shall never
cease to praise this medicine, and to
urge all weak run down girls to give
it a fair trial, as I have proved in my
own case their great merit."
You can get these pills from any
dealer in medicine or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2,50
from The Dr. Williams -Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Herbert Corey Tells an Interesting
Story of French
"5 bad rather go through the battle
of Champagne, over again," said Den-
nis Dowd.
Dowd is one of the young Ameri-
cans who enlisted in the Foreign Leg-
ion at the beginning of the war, A
graduate of Georgetown University
and a practising lawyer, he felt very
deeply that as a believer in liberty
and democracy he should fight for
Franco. After the battle of Cham-
pagne, in which he wag wounded,
there was little heft of his regiment of
the Foreign Legion. Dowd felt he
bad had enough of trench fighting.
He put in an application for leave to
join the aviation arm, writes Herbert
Corey, from France.
Just as he was about to go back to
Ids regiment he received word that
his application for a change of ser-
vice had been acted upon favorably..
He load passed the very severe exam.
!nation to which aviators are sub-
jected with flying colors. But red
tape unwinds slowly, and when the
time came for his return to the trench
he had not yet received the coveted
My hand is not coinpietely well,"
he told a sympathetic army surgeon.
"Give me two weeks in a hospital."
To the Madhouee.
"There," said ho, as he struck it on
Dowd's papers, that will give you two
weeks at the physfotherapeutioal in-
stitute at Epinal.'
It was the psycho -therapeutic stamp
Ile had affixed to Dowd's papers by
mistake. An Institute of psycho -thera-
py is a madhouse. Dowd said good.
bye gratefully and took up the route)
for Epinal, The train guards ad ,
at him oddly en the way, he
thought nothing of that. At Epin#1l,
he knocked' at the door of the hos-
t 'Come in," said a guard.
The door locked behind him with
a spring. Tile guard examined his
papers --with a lifting of the eye-
brows due to his surprise at a mad-
man corning In without a keeper—and
eroolted his Anger at Dowd without
a word, Afterward he learned that
the guard thought he had given his
peeper the slip --had perhaps murder-'
ed him—and by an insane freak had
corse in alone. Another door snapped
shut behind the American. He was in
a room absolutely bare, save for
benches bolted to the wall, On the
benches sat insane, soldiers. They
were quiet and motionless, Still
Dowd suspected nothing, His treat.
nicht was odd, that was all.
"Usually Frenchmen are kindly and
jovial," said he. "These men did not
look up or speak to me. But I did
not know they were mad,
That night he was locked in a ward
with 'six insane men, His clothing
was taken from him, with the ex-
ception of a brief undershirt and a
packet of cigarets which he managed
to conceal under his pillow, He asked
permission to keep his razor, but the
guard refused.
"If some of these men got bold of
a razor," said he, "they would cut
their throats or yours."
"None of Them Are" •
Then Dowd awakened to the situa-
tion. He told the guard that he was
not crazy, and the guard laughed.
"None of 'em are," said the guard,
as he locked the d^or.
The six insane men sat on their
beds, silent. So did Dowd. The elec-
The Late Dennie Dowd.
trio light snapped out. From the six
beds came animal -like noises. One
man talked to his wife, waited for her
replies, laughed, coaxed his little
ones to come to his knees. Another
raved incoherently. He heard their
bare feet paddling up and downs the
board floor in the darkness. Two
fought to the accompaniment of the
mindless laughter of their mates,
Dowd smoked his clgarets and waited
for the morning.
"It will be all right," he assured
himself. "I will tell them a mistake
has been made. I am not mad."
The doctor in charge made his
rounds oath morning. Dowd gave up
trying to convince him of his sanity.'
The third morning the doctor shot a
question at him suddenly.
"What did you mess around at
when you' were at home ?" is a fairly
literal translation of his question.
"I was an advocate," said Dowd.
The absurdity of the answer struck
him. Here he was, masquerading be -1
bind a dense growth of beard, clad'
only in a tiny undershirt, sitting up
in a bed 15 a ward filled with insane
men, and insisting that he was a)
lawyer, It seemed to strike the doc-
tor in the same way,
"Ah, said he, "a lawyer—in a var-
iety show ?"
They laughed together. Dowd had
tears of real mirth in his eyes when
the door closed. He laughs yet when
he thinks of it. The humor of it—
tthe American ability to see humor
under any conditions—saved hint.
Next day the doctor's assistant put
hien through an examination.
"This man Is not mad," said he.
There was still red tape to be un-
wound. Days passed before he got
out of ' the madhouse, but he went
through them cheerfully.
Mso Distribute "Tortoise Bombs" in
Abandoned .Trenches.
Philip Gibbs, in a despatch from
British headqull.'ters in France,
writes as follows:
"The German is beginning to leave
a lot of little things behind him, even
if he abandons a trench in a hurry.
This is a new dodge. One 'inven-
tion which has come into his ;fertile
imagination is the mantrap, which
Depends Upon
Healthy Babies
Properly reared children grow
up to be strong, healthy
Many diseases to which child-
ren are susceptible, first indicate
their presence in the bowels.
Thecareful mother should
watch her child's bowel move-
ments and use
Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup
It is a corrective for diarrhoea,
colic and other ailments to which
children are subject especially
during the teething period.
It is absolutely non-narcotic
and contains neither opium,
morphine nor any of their de-
Mrs. Winslow's •
Soothing Syrup
Makes Cheerful,
Chubby Children
Soothes the fretting child during
the trying period of its develop-
ment and thus gives rest and
relief to both child and mother.
Buy a bottle today
and keep it .bandy
Sell 4J' all druggists in Canada and
throaghont the euorld
he sets outside his parapet or inside
a shell hole on the way to it. As
soon as one of the British soldiers
sets foot on it it closes about his
leg with a terrific bite and brings
him down like a log.
"-Another little device in deviltry
is the 'tortoise bomb.' It looks very
much like a tortoise if you happen
to see it, which you do not in the
dark, and it stands on four little
legs. They waggle a little, but
should it be unwarily touched it may
detonate a bomb and blow a man to
Miaard'a Liniment Cameo DandruR.
She Could Make More.
!It was at the piano. Mother's
darling firmly refused to do her prac-
tice. "What a naughty little girl you
are!" chided the mother. "Don't care
grumbled the youngster, as she gave
the piano a kick. "Now, treasure,
you shall have a cent if you'll de your
exercises nicely," urged mamma.
"Shan't," retorded treasure, getting
off the piano -stool. "I call make
more than that taking castor-oil." •
• 5 ¢
G.G.Briggs & Sons
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs; I had a Bleeding Tumor
on my face for a long time and tried
a number of remedies without any
good results. I was advised to try
MINARD'S LINIMENT, and after us-
ing several bottles it made a com-
plete cure, and it healed all up and
disappeared altogether.
Belleisle Station, I{ings Co., N.B.,
Sept. 17, 1904.
Dog Trials a Feature of Agricultural
In no place in the world are sheep
and cattle dogs more in use than in
Australia. The grazing estates are
so enormous that it would be impos-
sible tohandle the great flocks with-
out dogs. The Australian pastoralist
could not possibly exist without his
dogs and that is the reason that sheep
dog trials are looked upon as some-
thing amounting to national compe-
tition. Every town-. has its agricul-
tural show and at all of these sheep
dogs' trials : are one of the most de -
screed attractions and the training
that the Australian sheep dog gets is
nothing short of miraculous.
Australians are among the chief
buyers of English legs, with the re-
sult that excellent specimens can be
found there. They boast that there
has never' been a case of rabies
among the dogs.
I3y Means of a Chart Dangers !%lay
Be Avoided.
To the ordinary observer the air
may seem quite guiltless of dangers,
but, in reality, this le by no means the
case. Aviators rarely inake a flight
without encountering some invisible,
and therefore all. the more dangerous,
peril. During the earlier days of
aviation these dangers often proved
fatal, but nowadays an airman, by
means of his chart, can avo'd, or at
least be prepared for, them.
A considerable amount of time and
money have been expended on these
charts, which are of incalculable ad, -
vantage to airmen.
From towers in various parts of
Europe kites, bearing with them ap-
paratus which records fluctuat'ons in
the strength of winds, are constantly
sent aloft, sometimes to astounding
heights. On these towers, also, are
placed special instruments which re-
(eord the force of the wind nearer the
earth, From the data thus collected
experts are constantly preparing new
air charts.
These charts show where the die-
t.u'bed areas exist, at what heights
they are encountered, and what is the
maximum force of gusts over local-
ities known to be dangerous during
various strengths of wind.
Aviators themselves play a big part
in the making of air charts.
At the Front, for instance, our air-
men are constantly coming in -with
news of fresh dangers they have dis-
covered. The air -pockets, eddy, or
whatever the newly -discovered peril
may be, is promptly marked down on
the chart of that region for the guid-
ance of other aviators flying over that
part of the country.
Minard'e Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
A Holiday Resort of Unsurpassing
Lovers of beautiful mountain and
valley scenery, towering rocks, thick
forests, pleasant glades, flower -clad
vales and plains, rushing and placid
rivers, roaring waterfalls and bab-
bling streams could not do better
than to select the Laurentian Moun-
tains reached by the Canadian Pa-
cific, as their holiday resort. So pret-I
tily situated are all the spots where ,
the holiday-makers make their head-
quarters that it is embarrassing to
choose the one that might be best
suited to the taste of the individual.
But all are enchanting, from Shaw-
bridge—the first of them—to Mount
Laurier—the last. Within easy reach
of any of the resorts there is excel-
lent trout and bass fishing to be had.,
The rivers and lakes are clear and
sand -bottomed generally, and are
well suited to the requirements of
the swimmer and bather. Row boat -
mg, motor boating, and canoeing are
favorite pastimes, and on a fine calm
evening it is exhilarating to sit by
the waters and listen to the laughter
and merry chat of the parties who are
on •the waters. Golfing can be had at i
Ste. Agathe, Ste. Margaret and Val
Morin. Tennis courts are attached
to some of the better class hotels.
Those who love mountain climbing
can have a variety of spheres for this
form of activity to select from and
the expense of a holiday in the Lau-
rentians is comparatively small.
I��' Granulated Eyelids,
ffi e Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun. Dust and Wind
quickly relieved by Murine
EyeRemedy. No Smarting.
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 500 per Bottle. Murine Eye
RalveinTubes25c. Forfook ellheEyerreeask
Druggists orMurineEyeRcmedyee.,Chicay$
No "Same Place" Then.
"Herbert," said a school teacher,
turning to n bright youngster, "cant
you tell me what lightning is?" "Yes,
ma'am," was the ready reply of the
boy. "Lightning is streaks of elect-
ricity." "Well, that may pass,". said
the teacher, encouragingly. "Now tell
me why it is that lightning never
strikes twice in the same place." "Be-
cause," answered Herbert, "after it
hits once the same place ain't there
any more."
Minard's Liniment Cures Suras, Etc,
Mary's Jam,
Mary had a little jam
Upon a piece of bread,
And everywhere that Mary went
She left so me, be it said.
They found it on the parlor rug,
And later irate dad
On his dress suit found traces of
The jam that Mary had.
If girls went' on parade in break-
fast attire there would be fewer hasty
Get the "Preaches'"
that are coming to you in the
peach season—but be sure
to . eat them on Shredded
Wheat Biscuit with cream,
a combination that ensures
good digestion, health and
strength for the day's work,
Cut out meat and kitchen
worry and serve this ready -
cooked, whole wheat food
with the choicest fruit that
grows—a dish for the up-
and-coming man who wishes
to keep at top-notch
efficiency for work or play.
Serve it for breakfast or
any meal with milk or cream,
with sliced peaches or other
Made in Canada
This is Awful.
"I see one lady missing from this
war who has figured prominently in
Who is that?"
"Minnie Ball."
"Well, there's Shrap Nell,"
Minard's Liniment for safe everywhere.
Talking 'Em Over.
"My husband is a regular rainbow
chaser," said one woman.
"Mine isnt," replied the other.
"Even if he knew there was a pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow, he'd
sit still and expect the rainbow to
come to him."
biers. Deleware, Carman. Order
et once. Supply limited. Write for quo-
tations. H. W. Dawson, Brampton,
I �® Peterbcro (pop. 22,000).
Choice situation and superb buildings.
Robt. Graham, R.R. 4, Peterboro.
Offices for sale In good Ontario
towns.. The most useful and interesting
or all businesses. Full infarmatlon on
pang, odes to Wilson PStree ing Com-
pany, 71 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
`1J Interal and external, cured with-
out pain by our Lome treatment writ.
I. before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont
Dag Remedies
D0051 ON
And How to Feed
!Tailed free to nay address by
the Author
118 West 31st Street, New York
When buying your Piano
insist havirlu an
OTT y { r O C L"
Piano Action,
1®--I 5---20
Tears from now the Bissell
Silo will be giving good
service. It is built of sel-
ected Umber, treated with
wood preservatives, that
prevent decay. It has
strong, rigid walls, air-
tight doors, and hoops of
heavy steel,
Therefore it lasts, simp-
ly because it can't very
well do anything 0158, Our
folder explains more fully
—Write Dept. L7.
T. E. BISSELL 00., LTD, tl, `i
Elora, Ontario.
a big knee like this, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on his
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat.
iso BINEiiEPAIv,nAlOtlli;G1! 5'.P40FF.
will clean it off without laying up
the horse. No blister, no hair,
gone- Concentrated—only a few
drops required at an application. $2 per
bottle delivered. Describeur ense for a canal Instructions
and Book e M free. AISSO1tBINhr, JR., the and.
septic llnlment for mankind, reduces Painful swellings,
Enlarged Oland,. Wena. Bruises, Varicose Veins; allays
Pain and lndammetlon. Price Sl and S2 a bottle at druggl.te
or delivered. Made In the 11 S. A. by ;
W, P. YOUNG, P. O. P„ 816 Lyman; Gldg„ Montreal, Can.
tebserbine and Absorbtne, Jr.. are made is Canada.
f ihner : For Sale
Wheelock Engine, 150
11,Pa, 18 x 42, with double
main driving belt 24 ins,
wlte,iandDynamo3Oi .W.,.
belt driven. All in first
class condition, Would be
sold together or separate-
ly U
ly , alsoa .lot of shafting
ata very greabargain
room is required immedi-
S. Frank Wilson & Sons
73 Adelaide Street West,
Eta. 4. - ISSUE 27 --MA