HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-9-14, Page 1VOL. 45 NO,' II
W. H. KERR, Pro,itiietor
New Advertisements
Pratt Bulletin,
Millinery -Mimi ROM
)fl Beery-M1saDimon,
Local -Tindall Ritchie,
Cow for Mala -D. Shialei
MIIlinory- l lha Bunter.
Flies ore bad -F. R: kndtsi.
Plums for sole -Miss Holly,
Millinery -Goa. DI. Mltelielt
Ta oontraotore-A, Maoltwen.
Overcoat found -Oliver Dorris.
War Loan-Fhranea Department.
Ranges and Beaters -John Kreuter,
Notice to oredltors-Elizabeth D Harris,
Mistrict gebas
C. Neable b e had a successful raising
Friday last.
Miss Ella Fraser is visiting at Lon-
don and Dutton.
Robeet McIntosh has sold his lot in
the village to Helene Mitchell,
Thos. and Mrs. Marponald, Toronto,
are visiting at Thomaa McDonalil'e;
Henry Howe weave a broad smile
now as a little boy has come to stay at
his place.
Attention of thea dies
is directed to the fact
that our
t f a l l Millinery
Under direction of Miss Snell -
.+p•. grove, will be held
a Friday and Saturday
j A choice stook of new goods
+ made up in latest styles and
4. at reasonable prices.
+ You are invited to come and
3• see them, They will be sure
to please you,
GeaM. M
Ile. and Mrs. Buck are visiting at
Abs. Rein. A'Iitohtal's, •
A number look in the Garden Party
at Gerrie oe Friday night.
Mrs. Bell addressed the Missionary
meeting at Brnesels last Thursday.
Thos, and Mrs. Robertson, Kansas
City, are visiting at Geo. Robertson's.
Mrs, Baird and grandson, Pittsburg,
Pa., were visiting at James Browne.
Norman Lamont met with an acci-
dent by falling of the separator while
threshing at Jiro. McIntosh's last
Annivereary services of the Metbo-
dist church here will be conducted on
Sunday. Sept.
24th at 10:30 and 7p.
in. by the pastor, Rev. G. J. Keri.
Special music will be -given by the
choir. Instead of an anconal Tea
meeting the Board is asking for liberal
contributions to be placed on the
Council meeting here next Monday.
8 new bruins have been added to the
interior fittings of Trinity Church.
Mrs. Will. Proeter was taken ill
last week but we hope she will soon
regain her wonted health.
Robert McKenzie has faith in grow-
ing Fall wheat and has put in 31 acres
on his fano, 4th line. 'We hope he
will reap a bumper crop,
Lieut. Ferguson, who was home for
a short visit from Camp Borden, ex-
pecte to go overseas shortly. He is in
he draft chosen for- the promotion.
We hope he will return in due course
to tell the 'story.
afternoon of next week the regular
meeting of Belgrave Women's In-
stitute will be held at the home of
Mrs, Nelson Higgins, at 2 o'olock,
The subject, "Our Canadian Women,"
will be introduced by Mrs. Jno. Clegg.
A musical program will be rendered
in which everybody i expected x acted to
Y Y s P
to nor
pay take part a afine of25 err
e to
triotic Society held a successful. Field
Day, Saturday of last week on the
field of Mr. Jordan, adjoining the
village. Day was_ all that could be
wished for and a splendid crowd turn-
ed out to enjoy the afternoon's sports.
There were two baseball matches
played, the most interesting being the
one between the 0th line and Mc-
Gowan's girls, which resulted Mayor
of the latter. There were other
amusements. one in particular being
the Fishing pond. Mr. Dingwall en-
livened the crowd by playing several
pieces'on the bagpipes. Supper was
served and everyone left feeling they
had spent a most enjoyable time.
Total receipts amounted to 3169 00.
•N•••••••••••••••••••••0• ••••••••••••N••••••••••••• •
E have much •leasure in extendin t •
p g o all our Z
friends and patrons a cordial invitation to e
attend our Autumn Opening which will take place
on above dates.
Our stock is complete in all the latest designs 4
in Hats and Novelties in Trimmings.
Millinery Opening
Friday and Saturday
Z September 22nd & 23rd
4 •444 1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e
• RA•♦♦NESanrH(ATE3'
oA fine stock of up-to-date Stoves soil at greatly
4 Reduced Prices as they were bought before the rise.
Also a number of lines of Hardware that will be
• sold at Bargains while they Belonged last. Belon ed to the Mul-
cahy Bankrupt Stock.
t If you are -a Bargain Hunter •
your: wants can be supplied•
4• at our Store. •
• Call and get our prices and we will be satisfied to •
4 abide the result, •
4 2
s •
4 •
e •
John tai e
2 4 •
• •••••♦♦p••••••••••••••••4) •••4+••••A••••••••••••••••
Next Monday the' annual Fall Dist-
rict meeting will be held in the
Methodist church here, opening at 9
a. m, Tn the afternoon a Miesionary
Conference will be held to be address-
ed by Rev, Mr. Ai'nup, one of the
Missionary Secr'etar'ies, and Rev, Mr.
1'3azen, of Sarnia, an ex -President of
London Conference. A goodly at-
tendance of delegates is expected as
both speakers ate competent to deal
with their subjects. The evening ses-
sion will be held in the Methodist
church, Wingham, opening at 7,45
CARD OF THANKS. -We wish to ex-
press our thanks to a large number of
Pi -lends and especially Re's church
Epworth Leage forRoe's
and sym-
pathetic words in reference to the de-
mise of our daughter, .'.nnie. -Surely
"kind worde can never die" and we
appreciated them greatly in our time
of sorrow. Your truly, DAVID AND
Don't forget the Musical and Liter-
ary Entertainment in Victoria Hall,
here, Friday evening of this week.
Program will be good and will be
taken part in by Misses Strachan and
Hingston, Mrs. I. Parker and F. 11.
Gilroy, Brussels ; Mise Aitcheson,
Bluevale : Mies Fern Eckmier and
others of this locality. Instrumental
numbers will also Ile rendered, Ad-
mission 25 cents and 15 cents. Pro-
ceeds will go into the Hall Fund. An
enjoyable evening is promised.
110011 or Wednesday of last week al
the home of A. J. and Mre. Holloway,
Clinton, the marriage took place of
their only daughter, Hattie Alberta,
Lb Isaac Rance Rattenbury, son of the
late J. Rattenbury and Mrs. Ratten-
bury, of Clinton. The bride was
daintily gowned in ivory satin with
trimmings of lace and white rosebuds
and carried c briquet of white roses
and lily -of -the -valley. Ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. Robinann and
was witnesss'd b immediate relatives
and a few of the girl friends of the
bride. The wedding feast followed
the ceremony, and later Mr. and Mrs.
Rattenbury left on a' honeymoon trip
to New York. Both bride and groom
are natives of Clinton and have a large
circle of friends.
Grose Society held a successful field
day on the agricultural grounds and
committee is to be congratulated on
the success, which is more commend-
able considering that all the arrange-
ments were made during the week.
There was a splendid crowd in to see
the game's. The races were all for
children, and were keenly contested.
The most interesting event of the day
was a Baseball match between the
young ladies of Harlocle and Blyth,
which resulted in favor of the latter.
to .
There were somea
plays lYs made on
both sides, Receipts amounted to
about 375. Blyth
band furnished
splendid selections of music, and in
the evening held a Concert in Industry
Hall, which was well attended. This
closed one of the most successful day's
sports that Blyth has had for many a
Mrs. M. McLennan, was a visitor in
London this week.
A. Lowry, Brussels,is a visitor at
the home of his brother.
Alex. Oasemor'e has moved to rooms
in the Rasmussen block.
Miss Grace Stocks, Toronto, is holi-
daying at her house here.
Mise Annie Munroe left last week to
attend Normal school at Hamilton.
Gen. tackle and R Lowry are at-
tending the London Fair this week.
Elston Cardiff and family, Brussels,
spent Sunday at the home of Juo.
Jno. ,lMoffatt, Gotlernch spent sever-
al days of Iasi week with hipatents,
0. and Mrs, Moffatt, Turnberry,
A number of young people attended
a coin roast at the home of Chester
Higgins, Hnwit'k, Monday evening.
A number of our soldiers returned
to Camp Borden on Tuesday, having
spent four days at their hones here.
Jas, AirEwen, Sault Ste Marie, was
a recent visitor at the home of his
parents, Jno, and Mrs. McEwen, of
Amnnget those who attended the
Toronto Exhibition last week were
MI eS I1 Ii 14 letynnrlTown, v J.7 n Arra.
R. F. Cru•r, Thos, and Alta. Hemphill,
p I,
Jas. and bits Allan, Jnr. Dangles,
Gen. Worming, A. H. Moffitt, D. Mc-
Tavish and T. Brown.
Busts fires are cleaning up some of
the stashings.
Misses Pearl Harrison and Win-
nifrcd McNaught have gone to West
Montrose for a few week's visit.
Jas. and Mrs. McKay motored to
Woodstock last 'Thursday to attend
the funeral of tine fo'rner•'s cousin,
Ratty Vogan.
Miss Margaret, Letson, West Mont-
rose, i•etnrned home after spending a
few weeks with friends at Monorieff
and Brussels.
We are sorry to state Jas. McKay
is laid up with a very bad erase of blond
poisoning in his hand. We hope he
will seam he o. Ir.
Mrs. Waiter McTavish, bummer,
Sack., returned home last Tuesday
after spending a couple of months
with het parents, Jas. and Mre. Mann,
huroln and
Sunday Y
1YDhv service will be hold on Snnda>,
Sept. 24tH, and the 0. E. Rally Day
service will be held a week later, Sun-
day evening, Omt, 1st, in the church
here, Everyone its cordially invited
to attend both servioee.
jVatclen Livingston was at Godericb
attending Courtin which Lhe County
is being prcerred' by West Wawanoelr
to assume a bridge immediately West
or Dungannon. The County don't
think they have to, hence the suit.
The Buchanan chopping mill has
been raised and a cement basement is
being built which will greatly int•
peeve the premises,
Friday afternoon of this week %VaI-
ton Women's Institute will pay a
sisterly visit to Brnesels Institute end
wilt give the program. An enjoyable
time is counted on.
The much talked of event -the School
Fair -will take place Wednesday
afternoon on the school ruin church
grounds. Exhibits must be in their
plicae by 1 p. In. so that judging may
commence at 130. There will be a
program of games and sports, Nn
entrance fee nor admission fee, W.
Hartr'y, Settforth, and others will give
short addresses. In the evening a
Concert will be given in the A. 0. U.
W. Hall, commencing at 8 o'clock.
Prof. and Miss Kelly, Gueiph, assisted
by local talent, will give the program.
Admission 25 cents and 15cents. Pro-
ceeds of Concert will be applied to
School Fair funds. Six schools are
expected to take part in the Fair.
Refreshment booth on the ground.
Officers are Gilbert McCallum, Presi-
dent; Hattie Bolger, Secretary, and
Gordon AlcGaviu, Treasurer. With
favorable weather there will no doubt
be a large attendance.
Township rate for 1916, is 8 8/10
nolle on the dollar.
Next Council meeting will be held
next Monday, Sept. 18th.
Miss Annie Brydges is spending a
week with her cousins, the Misses
Grasby, 2nd line.
A grant of 325.00 was made to each
of the Redr
O ase Societies by the
Mies Me Grasby has returned home
after spending the past couple of
weeks with her grandmother, Mrs.
Brydges, of Belgrave.
Tenders will be opened at next
Monday's Council meeting ata p, m.
for the construction of the McNeil
drain. See advt, in this week's issue.
Messrs. Sherrie & Sharpe are finish-
ing up the sowing of 17 acres of Fall
wheat on their farm, Btit line. They
had good returns from their
in the harvest of 1916.
Last Saturday, Arthur Shaw took
Mrs. R. Shaw, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs.
Jun. Mustard, and Miss Martha Fras-
er to Mitchell to attend the funeral of
a relative, iu his automobile.
Next Sunday anniversary sermons
will be preached in the Johnston
church, 1st line, at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
m., by Rev. Mr. Grainger, White-
church. A Thank -offering will be
One daythis week people had tad to
turn out on the 7th to line fightfire s
that were spreading and endangering
property. Great caution should be
exercised in setting out five in so dry
a spell.
It is reported that Newton McOanl-
ay, 0th line, has purchased the 100
acre farm of Wm. Conk, 515 line,
51r. Conk takes Mr. McOaulay's house
and lot on Queen street, Brussels, as
part pay and will likely trove to it.
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
Farm Stock, implements, etc., at
Wm, Davidson's, S. } Lot 4, Con. 0,
Tuesday afternoon of this week, with
F. S. Scott as Auctioneer. List of
Bale may be read in another column.
Wm. Ziegler, 13111 Con., drives a
Ohevolret car now.
The threshing machine is making
busy days for many people in the
It, and Mrs. Hacebrronk, of Grand
Rapids, Mich„ were holiday visitors
at the home of Wnr. and Mrs. Hall,
8th Con.
Pte: Charlie Buttery was home
from Camp Borden for a few days.
We are always glad to welcome the
boys home.
A number of bush fires are burning
in several places cleaning up hash,
stumps, etc. Hope no harm will mune
from thein.
Gorden Whitfield, who has gone
West, will visit at Earl Grey, Sask.,
and Calgary, Alta. \Ve wish him a
pleasant stay in the West.
Alias Gertrude Speiran is attending
the Normalat chool r I:
S St n Po•dhi
t s
term to complete herqualification
We wish her success,
AWAY, -Last Sunday Alice, the 8 year
old daughter of Wm. and Mrs,
Thompson, of St. Augustine, Huron
Co„ died after an illness of sorsa time
from diabetes. The funeral took
place 'Pu'5day to Dungannon
tery, Rev. Mr. Conway
the service, Alice was a bright lassie
who had many friends. She was a
niece of James and Mrs. Armstrong,
10th Con„ who attended the funeral
n.e did Misses Bertha and Beatrice,
Chester and Joe Armstrong. The
bereaved are deeply sympathised
to state that Mrs. Charles Hull, pass-
ed away at the borne of her brothers
in-law, .Jno. Wortley, 15th Con„ early
uesday morning of this week, aged
48 years. She had been in failing
health for some time. Deceased's
maiden mune was Isabella J. Dnncan-
eon, being a daughter of the late Neil
Duncanson, an old resident; of this
township, The funeral will
lame Thursday Y aftereoon of thin
week at 2 p. in., service et 1.80 o'clock,
Interment will take place in Brueeele
cemetery. Air. Hull and other rela-
tives share in the sympathy of the
community, Mrs. Hull had a wide
circle of relatives and friends.
Chester and Mise Beatrice Arm-
strong were visitors at Toronto during
the past week.
Thomas Whitfield and Mrs. William
Robinson, of Case city, Mich., who
were here attending the funeral cif
their sister, have returned home, ac-
companied by thele neice, Mies Flo'-
euce A7. Whitfield,
Ailes Verde Pollard is visiting at
Hau,tlton Mill Toronto,
lames Sharpe, Brussels, was calling
on old friends iii this place thio week.
Connell meeting was held here Aloe -
day last. Next meeting uu Monday,
October 101.h.
Special bargains in stoves and a
numbader' of lines of hardware, from the
Mulcahy stock. Read the Kramer
The addition built to the chopping
mill of W. E. Sanders will prove of
value in affording more accommoda-
tion for his business.
P. and Airs, Lamont, 3. Sleutmon,
Geo. Addy, W. Poknrier, D. Duubar,
and Gail. and Mrs. Dunbar are off to
the Exhibition.
Millinery Openings will be held at
Geo. M. Mitchell's and Miss Hunter's
stores, Friday and Saturday of next
week. Read their advts.
Keep the Fowl Supper and fine pro-
gram in connection with the Metho-
dist church anniversary in mind.
Watch out for further particulars on
Dr. Wardlaw has been under the
weather for about 2 months but we
are glad to hero' he is improving and
will soon be able to take hold of his
business again,
Two of our quoit pitchers got trim-
med in Brussels on Labor Day. They
wonld like to have it over again in
Ethel on Thanksgiving Day, Phone
A. H. McDonald.
W. E. Brown, of Ethel cheese
factory, took 5th prize at the National
Exhibition on August colored cheese.
listaw s a large aentry. rY Atwood
factory came out attend,
Mrs. Richard Lindsay and family,
who left for Marengo, Sask„ some
time ago leached their destination all
right. Mr. Lindsay had preceded
thein ane. was ready for their arrival.
Last Monday G. W. Pollard, black-
smith, received a severe blow on the
side of his face from a piece of metal
flying from the anvil. It made a
nasty wound but might easily have
been worse.
Wm. McLeod hasi
just finished
drilling a well for 0. Rttynard. He
found a good supply of water at 105
feet, rising 18 feet from the surface.
He has moved his outfit to Barker's
school to try his luck again.
Harris Eckmier, son of O. Eckmier,
was home for a short holiday. He is
at present in the Standard Bank,
Newtonville. He has offered his ser-
vices for King and Country twice but
was turned down as medically unfit.
Women's Missionary Society of
the Methodist churchhere a forwarded
5 large bales of good clothing, bed-
ding, for etc f the fire sufferers a if cera in New
Ontario. Goods were shipped to
Cochrane. Thanks are extended to
all who helped so willingly.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr.
Parnaby, Ph. D. Belgrave, occupied
the pulpit of the Methodist church
and gave an excellent discourse on
"Christianity goes beyond material
power." Rev. Mr: Johnson took the
work on Belgrave circuit on Sunday.
A number of young people enjoyed
a trip to Henfryn Monday evening
and had a tine corn roast. They also
got an insight into the manufaotury
of brick and tile. They bumped all
the way on a lumber, wagon but
haven't heard of any serious results.
Tuesday morning a good number of
our town people turned out to see the
soldiers off and also the Huron Bat-
talion pass through. They are a fine
looking lot of young men. The khaki
looks better on sten than on kiddies
in war time.
While a couple of our citizens were
marring out of town one day recently,
on bearing a sharp report, they ap-
plied the brakes very quickly and
lumped out expecting to find a blow
out, but failing to locate the trouble
drove away. There was an old gentle-
man shooting birds in the garden.
meeting of the Women's Institute will
be held at tine home of Mrs, A. H. Mc-
Donald, on Thursday, Sept. 21st, at
2 80 o'clock. Topics, "How can I
snake my home look best with least
labor and time expended on it P"
"Itonshold Sanitation and Ve tiln-
lionby A
to be led I�lnn
Aire. Wm. Brem-
ner. and MrsVodden Recitation by
Alta T. Dougherty. Roll call with
responses by favorite quotations. A
gond attendance is asked.
OIITUARY, - Airs. Inc.. Lamont,
whose death occurred at the home of,
her daughter, Mrs. Wm. McLeod,
Ethel, on Sunday morning, 3rd inst.,
in her 75th year,•was born in the isle
of Mull and carne to Canada with her
parents when a child. After a short
sojourn 01 Pickering they came West-
ward in 1858 to Huron and located 011
the 815 line of Grey township. Here
in 1858 deceased was married to John
Lamont, of the same Concessionand
they lived continuously on the home-
stead until the death of Mr. Lamont
9 years ago. Airs. Lamont had been
iu Ethel 21 years' at the time of her de-
mise. She suffered considerably dur-
ing the latter part of her illness but
loving hands administered to iter re-
lief as far as was possible. Out of a
fatuity of 8 children one son (Norman,
on the homestead) and 4 daughters
(Ales, Win. McLeod, Ethel; Mrs, J.
A, 'denary, Purvis, Man, ; Mrs. W.
W Garter, Toronto •and
T s.
lurnbT ll
, Gvey township)
survive. 3
sone Allan, John and Donald rede-
ceased. Afro. Lannont's surviving
brother is Hugh Lamont, Brussels,
and a sister, Mts. Stenon Grant, of the
same place. The funeral took place
Tuesday afternoon following the de -
Fall +
• 4
+ illiner
•3 \\\\\\�\\\'CSA//////////// I
+ The opening days for the display '
+ of our new Fall Millinery will be +
Friday and Saturday
& 23
when we will exhibit the newest
Fall Styles in Millinery and Mil-
linery Goods.
Every lady in Ethel and locality
is invited to call and inspect the
new goods.
,L Our stook is neat, natty and not- •B'
++ ably good value for the money.
+ Oome to our Opening. 4.
+ + 4.
* Miss Hunter
+ es+
mise to Brussels cemetery. Rev. Mr.
McCulloch conducting an appropriate
service. Pallbearers were :- Chas ,
Will„ and P. Lamont, J. P. McKay,
Geo. McCall and Ivy Campbell. Th='
subject of this notice was a faithful
member of the Presbyterian church,
highly esteemed in the neighborhood
and beloved by a wide circle of rela-
tives and friends.
en s,
MRS. BERNATH: filers
died at New Hamburg on August 81st,
1916, Matilda Sheard, relict of the late
Conrad Bernath, formerly of Ethel,
She was born at Mirfield, Yorkshire,
England, .April 23rd, 1838, and came to
this country with ber parents, the
late Titus Sheard in 1847. They set-
tled on a hush farm near New Dundee
and in 1888 she married the late Con-
rad Bernath. They bought a bush lot
on the 10th Con, of Grey township
and afteran
m ears of hard work
sold out to F. Oxtnhy. Then they
lived retired in Ethel for many years
till Mr. Bernath died in 1911. Since
then the subject of this notice has
lived with her niece, Mrs. A. Sararas,
of Hamburg. They had no family
but an adopted nephew, Tom Bernath,
who was very dear to her in her de-
clining years. Of a large family of
brothers and slaters only two are liv-
ing, Mrs. Cochrane, of )3russets, and
Mrs, Cyrus Sararas, of New Dundee.
Mrs. Bernath was for many years a
member of Ethel h
l an Presb torichurch
and was much respected by a wide
circle of relatives and old friends.
The floral gifts at her interment were
beautiful tokens of love. The burial
took place at St. Thomas. The eche
tives from Wessels were Mrs. Ooch-
rane, Mrs. T. W. Bone and daughter,
Mrs. R. G. Smith and sort.
Most of the 101st boys were home
for the week end.
Pte• Herb. Powell visited friends at
Gerrie last Sunday,
Kra. Bailey, Ottawa, is at present
visiting relatives here.
Pte. Wm. Hall visited friends at
Wroxeter on Saturday.
Mrs. Robt. Musgrove is at present
visiting friends at Toronto.
Several from here took in Field Day
at Belgrave last Saturday.
Harold Procter spent- a few days
this week with Jas. Masters.
David and Mrs. Jewitt visited rela-
tives at Dungannon on Sunday.
Quite a number from herga,are tak-
ing in the London Fair this week.
Mrs. Geo. Haney is seriously ill at
present and under the doctor's care.
Miss Viola AfcLeod entertained a
number of her girl friends on Labor
M s, Rolph and Mrs. McLeod spent
a few days this week with relatives at
Henry and Mrs. Patterson, White••
chintoh, visited with Henry Matiwir's
on Sunday.
Pte. Ar, t
W lbur,
the week
end with hie'
meter Mrs,
Bert McCall
Wm Thornton is having his house
painted this week, which adds greatly
to its appearance.
Mrs. Hugh Allison is at Woodstock
with her brother, who as seriously ill
in the hospital there..
Rev. D. D, Thompson and sons
motored to London and spent a few
clays at Western Fair.
J. W. Masters Was at Palmerston
last Thursday attending a meeting of
the G. T. R. Patriotic Society,
Mrs. R. Shaw and Mrs. Arthur
Shaw motored to Mitchell to attend
the fuueral of their couein last Setur-
Jno. and. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs.
Thos, Stewart motored to Bowling
Green on Sunday and spent the day
with the former's brother.
John Wilburn, ex -soldier, has se-
cured employment with 'Toronto
Street Railway itif motorman and will
trove his family to the city next
Harry and Mrs. Fear.' and dao htets,
Misses Lizzie and Doroth. and Ernest
and Will. 11. Smith
n all y
of BY th
Smith, Y spent
Sunday at Olae, B I
a, 2nd
Methodist church anniversary will
he held Sunday and Monday, Oat, 8
and 9.1 Special sermons on Sabbath
and a Tea -meeting on the evening of
Thanksgiving Day,
Corporal D: 0. Toole, of Barriefleld
camp, Kingston, spent a few days last
week at tire home of Jos, Robb.
Holmes, seethe) ' re 1 n
A, .e 6 L 1 In 1 e
lOI mal, i•
Toronto this week attending an Arbt
11000n meeting between G, T, R. and
its maintainance of way men,
Wm. Gullies received a telegram
on Monday statingdeathi
M Y the of bis
brother, John, Thrsealon. This is the
second brother to pass away in the
family inside of one month.
Robt. Warwick, Mrs, 0, Campbell,
W. S. and Mrs. Forrest and niece,
Miss Christie Forrest, motored to
Seafotth last Sunday and spent the
day with Robt, and Mrs. Forrest.
Anniversary services se tc In ton e
s n
church nextSunday,
Sept.Se 17th.
Rev. Grainger, of Whiteahnecb, will
preach at 11 a. 10, also 7 p. rn. On
this account there will beino preach-
ing service in the village and Sunday
School will be at 8 p. tn.
A peculiar accident happened on
Monday night, John Stewart's cow
and one of Dr. 3..P. Kennedy's had
been fighting and Stewart's cow got
her horns locked around the other
cow's neck in such a manner that she
could not release them end evidently
strangled the Drs. cow which was
dead when found Tuesday morning.
A rescue party had to saw one horn
off Stewart's cow to get them separ-
ated. Mr. Stewart's now was a little
dizzy when released but not much the
worse. This is a serious loss as cows
are valuable now -a -days.
The Palmerston Spectator speaks as
follows of the demise of Airs. A.
Bruce's sister -3n -law :-The death of
Mrs, John Orme came as a shock to
her friends few of whom knew of her
sickness. The deceased lady was sick
a very few days and succumbed to an
attack of pleurisy on Friday evening,
at 9.80 p. In., 'Aug. 18th, She was a
native of Ireland, from whence she
came to the township of Nichol, over
40 years ago. At her marriage to her
late husband chard she removed�I
to Aar -
boron h and later to Miuto,retiring
from the form in 1900 to go ther late
residence on Raglan street, Deceased
was a prominent and usefa member
of St. Paul's Church of England being
fleet Vice -President of the Women's
Auxiliary. The church and neigh-
borhood have lost in her a woman of
sterling qualities and merit, She
leaves as utonrners, a son, JohnHenry, who lives on the farm in Min-
to ; a daughter, Verna, at home ; a
broth the a Messrs. Nesbitt and
tho live
in Alma
The funeral was conducted by hr
pastor, Rev. R. F. Nie, assisted by
Rev. Messrs. Cranston and Watts.
Interment took place at the family
plot in Bethesda cemetery, Con. 10,
Maryborongh. The flowers from the
W. A. and others were very nice.
Rey. E. G. Dymond; rector of St.
Paul's church, Wingham, will preach
in the English church, arch Henfryn, ,
Henfr next
Sunday, Sept.
17,at 3 nt. DyeY r -
hod welcoine,
Miss Hazel Oosens is spending some
time in Stratford with her sister.
Elva and Mrs. Vines are rejoicing
over the arrival of a daughter, Con-
Jas. AlcCltae has been installing a
new boiler in his mill and will soon be
ready for. the Fall work.
J. R. Code took in Toronto Fair last
week. While there his brother-in-law,
Mr. Large, of Toronto, died.
A happy bond of merry children
greeted Miss E. Gordon as she took
up her duties for another year in the
Mrs, Thos. Daily has been sick for
over a week with a serious attack of
heat t trouble. We hope she will soon
be able to be about again.
Our cheesemaker, W. Morse, was
successful in winning a goodly num-
ber of prizes on his cheese at Toronto.
I•Io has stood among the best for the
past three years.
Rev. R. J. McCormick and son,
Harry, of Blyth, were spending part
of his holiday at his old home, On
Sunday evening 8rd inst., he gave to
very eloquent eermon on "The minis-
try of suffering."
The Stratford District hold their
District. Educational Sunday, Sept.
17th. Chancellor Bowies, D. D., L. L.
D„ of Victoria College, Toronto, will
preach writhing and evening at Trow-
bridge and at Molesworth in the after-
The anniversary services for the
church here are being arranged ed for
October 8th and 0th Rev, Henry
Berry, of Manstng, a former pastor,
will be the preacher for the day, Tea
meeting and Concert are being at
ranged for on Thanksgiving day,
Miss L. Higgins, Brussels, is visiting
at A, Fitch's,
Mrs, Wm. Nichol, Toronto, is visit-
ing friends here.
Miss Annie Baker, 'Wingham, spent
Sunday with friend's here,
Rev. Mr. Gibson will preach his
farewell sermon next Sunday.
Jacob and Mrs. Willits, Mrs. John
Abraham and son, Thomas, motored
to Huntsville last week,
Private Sterling Haskins and tSeo.
Inglis, 101st Camp Borden, spent the
week end at their frontes here,
PriveSes Roy Jackson and J. Bar-
ber, 160th Battalion, London, were
visitor% at Wm. Lowry's last week.
Lieutenant Clayton Lowry, 220th
Battallou, Camp Hughes, Manitoba,
spent the week end with his parents
The to Bazaar Mosel
Red dross
which was hale ostlerho a
t uspnces of
the Women's Institute on Saturday,
Sept. Dth, was a grand suacese, the
Society realizing about 328,00 for the
Red Oran. The ladies intend having
another soma time hater at which they -
trill sell their Patriotic quilt,