The Brussels Post, 1916-9-7, Page 4iBralostio
Wssrette Fair, London, opera luntor-
1'ow, Septt miler 8th and runs for a week.
They have a great Prize list this year,
W1eA•r about those entries you said yon
were goiug to get ready for Eat Huron
Fall Fair ? One month hence the Fair
will be on so get busy and give the
. Soolely a boost.
'Tice days are fashioning themselves
like sone of the fashionable garments of
the fair sexcouside^ably abbrevin'ed
A program of clearing up work ready for
the coming ot another Whiter will not
be unseasonable.
Ru,s1AN soldiers have been making's
phenomenal advacee against the best
armed aid largest betty of well drilled
soldiery of the clay. It looks as if the
Great Bear is no. going to stop short of
PREMIER BORDEN baa Peceptt(1 the
Colonelcy of the 851h liattalion of the
Nova Scotia Highlaud Brigade. We
don't know whether the wearing of the
kilts will be necessary in the Commons
but we trust no attempt will be made to
outshine our owe Sir Sam, but two sups
ie one sky is going some.
AFTER wasting a great deal of energy
and hot air the city of Berlin, Ont., pass-
ed off the map and Kite'^ever took its
place by proclamation of Order in Coun-
cil From the Provincial authorities. If
it lives up to its worthy namesslce in
loyalty and thoroughness its future
should be marked by greater forward
atridea than they have yet attained to.
We hope this will be the oRee,
OFFICIAL count for H. H. Dewart,
K. C., M. P. P , in Southwest Toronto
bye election is 663. He lead the poll in
every ward in the constituency. Barrister
Dewart is 55 vesrs of age, a fine speaker,
a hard bitter in debate and will take a
prominent place in the House. His
course will be closely watched by both
political parties.
FROST and a snowstorm did consider_
able damage to the crops in some parts
of the Great West. Ontario may not be
able to compete with the Westerly Prov-
inces in the quantity ot grain, although
we compere favorably for acreage, but
our fanners usually bit it in some de-
partment on account of the wider char-
acter of farm operations as to profit
bearers. Even Oaterie is not as free
from danger of wind storms since the
clearance of the woodland. Forestry
will be an essential in the older Prov
inees in the day s to come and the soon.
er the Governments tackle it with vigor
the better torrealizing50 optimistic out-
DESPITE what politicians or a rabid
party press may say about the Prohibi.
tion• question both tike Provincial
Government and the Opposition may
make up their minds that is is not a
dead issue and the wobblers will have
to face it whenever a general Election
is decided upon. The candidates wilo
don't know which side of the question
they are on will be given time by the
Temperance electors to find out after tbe
ballots have been marked and counted.
There was a day when it did not make
much d'fference whether the nominees
were linked up with a black bottle or
not but things have changed end the
fello.vs with the cotton string for a
backbone will not be able to flim-fiam
the stalwarts who stand by the white
banner of Prohibition. Wobblersshould
take notice and either brace up or make
room for zoth century men.
LINDSAY boasts of a young woman
who has exchanged her cotton apron for
a leather one and takes her place before
the anvil in a blacksmith shop, There
is little doubt if she sticks at the job that
she will not miss calisthenic exercises of
a Ladies' College very much, Present
greet war has obliterated many en old
fad as to proprieties relative to employ.
ment of the so called weaker sex. In
cases out of to they will "clean up" on
alrnost any task they undertake as good
if not better than many men, Black.
smithing will be one of the strenuous
jobs Tux Posy would thick, Many a
British soldier is supplied with an
abundant supply of munitions because
of the heroism and industry of some-
body's sister or mother. The world has
not much room for the lazy or good -for.
nothing male or female who finds them -
eaves incompetent to turn their hands
10 the accomplishment of oommonpiece
duties and tasks. Everybody should
have old fashioned "spunk" enough
not to he a wart on Society but by
practical application end thriftiness
pram their ability to fill their place in
life so that If necessary they can paddle
their own canoe independeut of the
wliims, fauoies or Manges to be met
with in the busy walks of life. Gat the
notion out ot your heed -1f you ever had
if—that the world owes you e living. It
only awes it after you earn it,
Fruit Bulletin
Peaches --- The popular Draw-
ford Peach. Yellow free stone, now
At its hest.' NIAGARA
Bartlett Peal's PENINSetii
and Green Gage
Pitutte are alae
Housewives are
advised to see Oltve• WENS. NO.2 4
their grocers 1t
come a5the erop will be taken quick-
ly tilde year. Look for the Map. It
is your guarantee of quality from
top Lo bottom,
HOCH CLARK. M. P , Editor of tbe
Kiueerdiue Review, says in one of his
Editorial jokelets n— "S. W. Toronto
granted Gordon Waldron a bier lieense
only " Mr. Weltirou ran RS an opponent
to Prohibition in South West 'rot onto
and got the magnificent record of 13:
Mos' commendable is the attention
pail by the C. P. R. in the matter of
beautifying the Station plots with li'were
end lawn. When competed with the
euatotnely 1 areuess and barreuuets of
such premises as a rile the newer order
is a great delight to the people of the
comnmut'y end the travelling public
It is an object lesson that sbonld prove
of practical value in showing the im-
provement that is possible. The C. P.
R deserves credit for spending some
money over the esthetic Some other
institutions, such as church p,operties,
school premises, &c., might take a leaf
out of the C. P. R.'s book and set a good
example to the people of the community.
We wonder if the G.'1', R. could not be
induced to limber up on the flower Led
and flower bisket business 1
MANY people wonder why the tnill'nry
authorities of Camp Borden permit
prize fights. Is that the of the essential
points in the training of young men who
may soon be called upon to face life and
death issues 1 It surely is no credit to
the camp to permit such degrading and
uubrotherly exhibitions. Yes, we know
it is designated as a "boxing bout" but
the fact that one pug scored several
clean knockdowns and the other fellow
"had to take the count of 9 three times"
proves the blows were no "love -taps "
What is the use of appointing Cllap'aias,
and permitting Y. M. C. A. to put forth
their best efforts to inculcate the best if
the base and inhuman have full sway ?
One report of the prize fight says :—
"The bout was witnessed by a crowd of
r5,000. Every officer from headquarters
was present. The result was Followed
by a wild scrmnh'e to the rings•de to
carry the victor back io his camp." All
we have to say is it is no recommenda-
tion to the development of high morals
end is a poor standard to set up For the
Cdnadisn youth to follow. The news-
paper reporters are cute enough to
smooth over the particulars when writ-
ing their report so that the law could
have no catch on the pugilists but that
make it nous the less vile for the on-
lookers. Surely there are dozens of
forms of amusement outside of such do.
fngs even if the law winks at it.
Clinton Modelites.
Model School opened Wednesday,
August 10th, and up to date there are
21 pupils with 3 or 4 more to report
yet. At present James G. Beaton is
the only male pupil this term. Fol-
lowing are the attires of the pupils and
their home addresses ;—
Jessie E. Barber, Durham
James G. Beaton, (Minton
Blanche V. Bessie, elooeefleld
Jessie F. Black, Ohesley
Olive F. Broolts, Mitchell
Elizabeth M. Clifford, Dunnville
Willa It. E. Oox, Goderioh
Margaret L. Drummond, Mitchell
Ellen E. Evans,
Mabel F. Hillman, Newbury
Norma MacLennan, Ripley
Anna I. McDonald, Zurich
Isabel 19. Mclean, Mitchell
Edith McMichael, Seuforth
Gladys elino', St. Thomas
Marie Murray, Ripley
Edna L. Smith, Merlin
Edna Warman, Clinton
Clementine A. Williams, Goderioh
Sadie J, Woods,' Bayfield
Margaret A. Youill, Goderioh.
8optomber 8th to 18th
The Poultry Exhibit at the Western
Fair, London, in September, penalises
to be a very large one as usual. Poul-
try breeders have come to the conclu-
sion that a win at London's Exhibition
means considerable to them. The
prize list is a very liberal one and the
cups and trophies offered by the Ex-
hibition Association in addition to the
cash prizes makes it very attractive
fr'orn an Exhibitor's standpoint, Pros-
pects are very bright this year for the
whole Exhibition. A very large
amount of space 15 already allotted
and applications are coming in daily.
A. real live program of attractions will
be given twice daily before the grand
amid. Prize Bete, entry forms and
all infotmatiou regarding the Exhibi-
tion will be given on application to
the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London,
on the LiswlH gh
School, has enlisted with the Queen's
Red Cense Ambulance, Kingston. If
nt ceaeary 111r, Jackson can resume his
duties On the staff of the High School I
during September, after which he 1
Meld report for duty,
By Rev, F, t,. Brown, n. A., Missionary
BRILJISSELS Superintendent0pd_dise
Area d ed ver pension I sone t nn
these added retntu•I(a on the gt'eui ili e
in Northern 0, lario, \Vv vet eyed the
burned area (11 Iiamae,'t12) miles
Norte of Tolron'o, A ,.held dialnuor
110111 heir' the euu11tly li etnnw'(1 Its
fill' Its 1 he eye ran retn•h NO lirt,t 1111(1
West of t110 rltllway. F1'0111 the ex -
beet of the fire, atel the complete
destruction of all oouhbusLble
material, one would LUppnse Hint
large rw'oay Will, in the near future,
be melee 011111 eel 1011, and diet ef"r0
bhr iho,gor 1'I,n11 forest !tree be gt'eet-
ly r'e lured. 1\'beceee; we sew grain
flshle W,' found that these 011; a btn•-
rier, to the advancing flames. 51aury a
settler today in the fire '1(1110 owes
net only 111s buildings, but -his life end
the lives of hie family, In Lhe.J'11et That
hie Irene-. ,was atm mi minded by the
green getri11..
At other poi11le, however, the fire
simply' left n spent slash, and unless
111e utmost entre is taken, tvhelr 0011.
ditione become favdrahle ligalit, this
will be a great uu'Irace to llie safely of
Thursday and Friday
Oct. h6th 191
& . 6
Speeding Contests
2.50 Trot or Pace Purse $55.00
Hobbles allowed. Mile heats 2 in 3
2.50 Trot w w Purse $55.00
Mile heats 2 in 3
Standard Bank Special - Purse $15.00
Open to local horses. Trot or pace, hobbles
barred. Committee to reserve the right to name
the starters in this race.
Foot Races, &c.
BOYS' RAGE, under 14 years, 100 yards
BOYS' RAGE, under 10 years, 60 yards
GIRL'S RAOE, under. 15 years. 100 yards 75 50 25 25
GIRL'S RACE, under 10 years, 50 yarcis 50 25 25 25
BEST FANCY DRILL by School Pupils. Not less than 12 tour mote
than 24 persons in each. 1st, $5.00 ; 2nd, $8 00 ; 3rd, $2.00 Pupils
and Teachers admitted free to Fair.
POTATO RACE ON HORSEBACK—Three potatoes for each competi-
tor will be placed 100 yards from starting point. Comet 1 .,trs stand
by horse, moult and ride to fleet potato, disuhouctand pier. lip potato,
remount and ride back to starting point, dismount and put potato in
pail—repenting the operation for mob potato. let, $1 50 ; 2nd, $1.00 ;
3rd, 50c. No entrance fee.
FST 2ND 3111
75 50 25
50 25 25
Special Prizes
THE BANK OF NOVA SOOTIA. will donate a silver cup of the value
of $15.00 for the best dairy cow of any breed. Winner' to become
possessor of the cup permanently.
DRS. J. A. McNAUGHTON, T. T. MORAE and F. T, BRYANS, offer
$5 00 each for a Baby Contest. Must be under' 2 yours. Pi izea—
$5, $4, $8, $2, $1.
A. C. Dames and Tom Armstrong offer $2 00 each for Ladies' Hitch-
ing and Driving Contest, Prizes—$8, $2, $1.
I. 0. RIOHARDS & 00., offer a $5 single. Bridle for the tides` single
driving outfit, including horse, buggy and harness.
ALFRED BARKER niers 100 lbs. of Jewel Flour for beat. 2 Inavee of
Bread anti 50 lbs. for 2nd y also 25 pounds Pie Cleat FI. t11' for beet
Apple Pie. Bread and Pie to become his property,
GEORGE THOMSON offers 50 pounds 5 Roses Flout' fur beat 2 loaves orf
Lome made Bread,
DOWNING BROS. offers 52.00 for best Oulleetion of Poultry.
W. H. KERR, will give TILE Poste for a year for the best two loaves of
Home matte bread ; and TILE POST for a year fee the best 13 pounds of
butter, both articles to become his property.
J. L>;oxr
E, Brussels, offers $0 OU for Lhe best 80 pounds of tub latter
and $8 60 fur the best 10 pounds Table Butter, the butter to become
the property of the Donator.
WILTON & GILLESPIE offer a Nickel Tea Kettle, value $2,00 for best
2 loaves of Brown Bread.
GERRY & WALKER (Mee Berry Spoon lot prize ; Meat Fork, 2nd
for winner of most prizes in Children's Department.
MRS. JANE THOMSON offers a gold trimmed parasol for best collection
of preserved fruits:
A..S'I'RAOHAN offers $2.00 cash for beet collection Asters,
WALKER & BLACK offer $2.00 for lady whining most let prizes in
Bak ii g,
G. N. MMCLAREN offers a felt hat wm Lh 52 50 for best 1 year old Filly or
Gelding, Roadster 0)nsa,
H. L. JACKSON, jeweller, nffersa Out Glass Berry Bowl, valued at $4,60
fur the best 10 pounds Table Butter, Butter' to become his property,
J. T. WOOD offers $5 00 for the best pen of Sheep, (Downs) if no Downs
beet pen Leicesters.
W. P. FRASER uffe'e 50 cenLE for beet pair of Burr \Vyandoties,
P. SCOTT nffets $2 50 for best 5 lbs. Table Butter. Butter to become the
property cif the donator,
JAS. FOX offers 0 piece of Limoge China, $2,00, for one winning great-
est number of 1st prizes for flower's,
Grand Concert
Friday evening, October 6th
Agricultural Hall open to the public Thursday evening
Seaforth Brass Band
Has been engaged for the Fair,
04.•+404••4.•++4.•+••N•4••N •4••+•'F
hntll 1111' 9,I1 prepartee sees eat
there w„ W01a'peeled wit 1 b poll+
tory h •lite chat has (+reaped Clestruo-
tiou, These were havene of shelter
for the lees I'„rtrutnie nl'Iglthere.
Paehtng lhrnugh Matlteeou, Neshka,
i{el,u nett 0.I j et, the flames seemed
to hero leer hed 111 it' greatest in
Lenb,ly. `Abet yowl) uutiling remains
of 11;,' 1ht4n' li'I-I'tu11ed \ilhtgrs. A.t
M.1.,,n '1nl l , 1,1 hien Ing,i;i'use,
1.11tt1 1',unl 11s 1,uIc;eJ po,lUnli escaped
the ether th•vasltilitas that have
raged oyer this uutnmtinity and tviped
out the Inutile -1140A , 1' a lust stone al' its
knew ae ';MoDiiiiaral'e ()butes.” 0n
the West of the 'railway four houses
valiant. Military tents are i11 evir
dams' reel yehrre,
1L is ,,,,d indeed to leek upon the
dspot where Nuslika. stood aid hull
rat nine smell military tent 'house
all the iutrabitauta of the place. 11
was at This point, and in the town-
ships about idittheson, where the
heavy hiss of lire occurred..
Monteith, where is situated 1
perimental tearer, received shat
age, owing to the lenge clearing,
toile fare her North the whole count ey
was swept. Desolation reign
rime. At Kelso, another
places that has suffered' Neve 1
runner flreep 'everything that l
burn has gone up h1 smoke,
are glad to find that the loss of
this point has .not been heavy.
Poe -
quote Juection cause off well.
several of the homes were dust
yet the bulk of. the piece remains.
Front here to Ir' quo`s Falls,
tame of seven miles, everyll
gone, and the toll of life- has r
•" twenty -form.
The saving of the new town
• gook Falls is due to the Are -fl
appliances, of the company et
4 heroic work of the citizens.
• }tomes were destroyed, but IU
der is how so many were
Thirty-five thousand cords o
4• wood, together with large qui
• of manufactured pulp, were des
} Few of our Methodist people h
•feled, and we batt no peeper`
We have been using the hall c
company's glare tie a place to
service In, and this was mitoucl
was also the home of the pastor.
1110 swept past along the river.
Front Nellie Lathe to Caohr
(Valance of twenty Mlles, tit
thenatm'e of the country fU
were not en severe. But at this
bitious town the loss of prop
heavy. Every business house
twit was - wiped on1 or existence.
Buildings that were supposed t be
Ito Ii x
11 dam
s stip
of rho
rely it
51111 we
life at
ling is
of Iro-
kll ting
and the
4 pulp-
ere sttf
y Inas,
ver the
ted as
1115, a
ving{C to
e fires
erty is
i" the
fireproof could tint withstacid lilt fur y
of the flames. The water -pipe lending
to the tank or reservoir, which was
placed on a steel frame one hundred
feet high, were melted off where it
entered the tank, and coltergnently all
pressure was orf. After destroying
the Methodist chnrele and parsonage
and the Anglican 1ectm'y, the flumes
leaped across Commando Lake and
swept 00111 their fury Until the last
house in the pathway had been re-
duced to ashes. • 'L'he death toll so far
reported in the district is 252.
As one would expect, :among, the
people there is a feeling of sadness as
they recall that every possession,
keepsake, picture, etc., etc., is gone •
but theyfew are tvho are discouraged,
or who even talk of leaving Ole
country. Many are already had at
work putting up tenhpnrary homes or
business places, while others are clear-
ing away the debris preparatory to
rebuilding the old stand.
OUR LOSS AS A 01100011
• Kodaks and Kodak Supplies
Let the Kodak tell the :
story of your vaca-
tion trip. •
t' . 4.•
• See our No. 8a Poet Card size +
Developing and Printing Qu1fit, •
• 82.10 worth of goods neatly i
packed. Complete for 4
• $1.50
+ Bring your Films to ne for ex- +
+ pert Developing and Printing.
Waterman s
• 1 l
• Ideal
O +
•`. Founts
in Pens •
• Prices •
• •
$2.50 and up
+We carry a nice .assortment
of these Pens and also sell
q•. Watet man's Ideal Fountain
+ Pen Inks, the beet for Foun-
tain tain Pen use. ••
8. •
.t•, +
1J. R.. Wendt
4.4•+•+•44+•4•+•+•444..4411+• among our people was very cantly.
At Cochrane.—The church and par-
sonage, with all contents, Value,
$5,800; insurance, 52,000.
At Pot quis Junction and at Kelso,—
Two small pal: o Cages, with contents.
No insurance,
Rev. A. A. Wall, of 0uchrtute,—
Library, piano and all personal effects.
Rev, F, J. Vowels, in charge of our
work atGeantaud Arrnslrong, on the
G. -T. P.—AFI personal effects.
Rev.• B. P. G1een, who, with his
mother, is in charge of We mission at
Pmquis June:hon.—Lost part of his
+GRAVER • g oods. Mrs. Green lost all save what
+ she had o1(.
• We are thankful tint the lives of all
Wroxeter, Ont. • our missionaries and their feunilies
4 were spared and that the loss of life
"Fruit"a-lives" Soon Relieved
This Dangerous Condition
682 GSlndAiD 51, 5Asri ToclosrTO.
"For two years, I was a victim of
Acute Indigestion and Gas In The
Stomach. It afterwards altacked flfy
pearl audl had pains all over my body,
So that I could hardly move around,
I tried all hinds of Medicine but none
of them dill nye any good. At last, I
decided to try "Fruit-a-tives". I
bought' the first box. last Julio, and
now I am well, ajler ming only three
bores. I recommend `Fruit -a -tires"
to anyone suffering from Indigestion":
-60o. n box, 0 for $2,10, tried size, 25c.
Al n11 dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit.
a.1ives Limited, Ottawa,
The l'eustee Beard n t. Cochrane, at
a meeting ml the 711 illi., una111-
uwnsly agreed to earned as soon as
Ituesihie, the bnllding to be brink
veneer, nec"rding In the hy•10(8 of the
loran, \V' shall also hove to build at
P'o(pis 55111111111 darty.
Mark len dgItIsloins smiting flit' Or-
ange Lodge, ceh'bl an Din Saida Sat-
in day. A number from rth•Itton and
\Voodllau intended,
Sale of Lands for Taxes
Notice 1s hereby given that 1115 Hat of lands
ter ludo for a'rea's of boxes baa bean prepared,
that maim thereat may ho hod nt thin o$1ee,
that the 111 le being publt'hed Is the Ontario
Deaetto of Anruat 12th, 1901, 20111 and Pnptem.
Law 2„d, 1510, and that in defoult of the psy.
moot of the taxes and cost» the land will be
veld by Public) Aviation at the Court Hoene in
the Town of Godertah, on Tuesday, Ole 1411;
ley of Novrmber, 10'0, et 1 o'clock p.m. Lot
•79, Brussels, is in 1 his lint
Wer, HOLEEB, Treasurer,
Comity Treasurer's Office,
Goderioh, Aug. 12111, 1915, 7.4
First-class farm in Morris Cheap
The undersigned is prepared to sell the
North half of farm lot No 18, in the 1st Omt,
of the Towneh'p of Morrie, rhenp and on ea.y.
terms. 87 norma oleared and la nares in bu0h.
House is good frame oe 01005 foundpption, 135
story 20580 t kitchen 19x20 ; barn with stone
stable, 25x40 and `5x88; concrete doors an
orcha, dell good and clean with 2 norm; of
orchard. Nunn fajl away drainage.
e bPeeves, and hes oonayderahle Hyo dronditio scores,
`vire mrd cedar rails in good condition. Form
boa 8 walls and aprtng arae( nt rear. Roads
good. Only one mile from Binevale G. T. R.
station, Passimr nend
t.end of year. ('0, fur.
titer particulars apply to the nnderalltned.
F. S. NCOTT, Brussels.
The People's Column
nor° of land for solo, well located, in the
4111age of Ethel. Ales 50 acres pastoro faro,
NA Lot 21, Con 0, Grey township Good wat-
er on farm. Will also diopoae of pony, har-
ness, buggy and cutter. Apply to
0.0 Phone 5819 Ethel.
Debentures for Sale
County of Huron offers 102,000 of Debentures
for sale. The Debentures oro ars`-blow se-
curity and will be offered to the residents of
the Canny ltrst. Drawn at 5 or 10 year» Ile
tercet t% Payablehnityeerly Fer perOaulars
n 1 to Reber w
PP y t (sc re'»; or Warden
signed. R. Holmes, Treasurer ; or the under.
61 W, LANE, Clerk.
For Sale
.Groin Warehoi so with horns power elevator,
scales, carts, floor Sara, d&e.
Also part of Lot80, Co,,. 5. Townnhln of Mor-
ris, 20 aures, adjoining the Village of Brussel.,
and 0 betiding lots on Turnberry street. .1for
partiouln re apply to the owner,
leasee eeeee• 51••••0••a•••fi c ••••••••••••N••••Ili••••Ill&I••••••••••••0•••••••••••••• s
Chevralet "Four -Ninety••
Valve -in -head
"The Product of Experience"
Powerful and
Quiet Running
Price Complete $675.00 F.O.B. Oshawa E.
Regular Equipment. Mohair Tailored Top. Envelope and Side Curtains. Electric
Horn.. Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. Speedometer, Electric Stet Ling and Lighting
System. Altimeter end License Brackets. ••
NHL--Dwiag to the great demand for thls Car, we would suggest placiu9 your order early to re delivery, ••
We use the Stewart Speedometer. Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting Sys-
tart, with 13endix Delve, sauna type and grads ae used on the high-priced curs, y •
•••••••••..M•••fate••••••••••M•••••••s1•R•••••••••••••tilt•••••••••i�tlt•••••e••••••• w
A complete line of Repairs will always be in stock,
P. AMEN', Agent Brussels