HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-9-7, Page 1VOL. 45 NO, lo BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1916 W. H. KERR, Proprietor New Advertisements Fruit Bulletin, For sfils-A. E. Moffett, Lillian, wheels removed. Onshion lost nosy. Yonne wen -Hell Engine 00, AUction Davidaon. Gocart wheel lost --le Farm for salo-G. M. Obambera. Live poultey-Slineoe Poultry 00. . istrizt Reins Bluevale Mrs, Jas. Masters put a ante in the toe of one of the fleet pate of socks she knit for the soldiers and this week she received the following froth a soldier in the trenches in Fl111100 1 -DEAR MADAM -1'01'11a 1110 to thank you for the sucks received and I must compli- ment you on your first pail.. They were Issued to me the day we left for the trenchee. A soldier needs things of this kind for we have to go several days at a time without having our boots off. Once more thauking you, I remain, yours Sincerely, W. it. WAED, G. 151825. "•- France, Aug, 10, . RED (Mose .DAY. -The Red Cross Garden Patty, held in Bluevale on Friday afternoon and evening 25th, ult,, wasa gratifying 111100808. Wea- ther was ideal and after the steady work of harvesting for many weeks the Peewees were just in right mood to enjoy an outing. Lawns and flowers at the new school were look, ing their best and the spacious grounds proved to be splendidly adapted for a large gathering. Al, night, when the scone was illuminated by the soft glow of the Ohinese lanterns it made a fine picture. Total proceeds amounted to 810700 and this makes a record for a Gardeu Party In Bluevale. As expenses were coinpaea- tively small the Women's Institute will have a large sum with which to carry on their patriotic work during the coming season. The feature of the day was the Ladies' Base Ball match between the Gorrie and Blue - vale girls. Gatne W/1.9 called at 5 p. by umpire R. A. Currie, Winghant, and was witnessed by a large throng of enthusiastic spectators: Npt hav- ing been oeganized thie season the Bluevale team had no hope of winning but after a disastrous opening, which piled up the sepia agninst them, they succeeded in holding their own and the game provided the best of enter- tainment for the Onlookers. Score of 28 to 18 represents a victory of two to one in favor of Garde but the Gorrie girls were "gentlemanly" opponents and the best of feeling prevailed throughout. The line-up was e.s fol- lows :- Bluevale Gorrie F. Ai tchison pi M. Speir taller A. Earl M. Messer catcher E. Hupfer M. King let base M. McGuire L. King 2nd base 0. ()ethers A. Spence rind base 11. Gathers I. MacEwen short stop J. Earl A. Diamond r. field J. Edgar M. Spelt o. field L Gathers Mrs: R. Stewart 1 field- A, Gathers After supper through the kindness of local and visiting motoeists, the two ball teams were taken for an enjoy- able automobile ride. Simper was served by a busy staff of waiters until a generous supply of eatables had been exhausted and during tbe even- ing an excellent program was render- ed with Robert Black in the chair.. Addresses were given by local pastors and by Rev. Mr. Kane, Londeaboro', who proved to be a vigorous and ready speaker. Pte. John Wilburn, who recently returned from training camp in England, gave itn excellent tent on 'unitary experiences. Miss Jean VanNorman and Weir Elliott, Wing - ham, delighted the audience by their solos and duet, "Excelsior," and an- other charming number was a duet in costume, "Take sue to Old Toronto Fair" by two little girls, Jean Black and Margaret Gantlets, A very pleas- ing feature of this Garden Party was the hearty cooperation received hems all classes is the community, showing that the endeavors of the Women's Institute have the warm approval of the public. Such generous support makes theirwork a pleasure, PEOPLE WE Lams ABOHT.-Misses Wiliam ;red Ltielle Shaw snent 11 few days last week with friends at Tonntl- to,-Oliaa, Oneidas reeeived a car of Weeteen flour this week. --Mr. Gil- bert, Mrs. Sturgess, Geo, Gregory and eon, St, Malys, spent a few days last week with Wm Thoenton.-MiSS 001.4 blesser has returned home to, Tovonte after spending the past' few weeks with relatives here.- Wm Gaimise took in the Toronto Fele this week. -Win. and Mrs. Gallaher spent a few days this week with relatives in Hamilton.- Geo. McDonald made a brightens trip to Listowel one day last week. -Misses Lama, Rolph and Grace Ourtis spent the week end with rela- tives at Mitchell. -Dr. E. S. Coultas has returned to Philadelphia after spending past couple of months with his parents here.- Misses Mary and Annie Diamond are visiting at Col- lingwood and Toronto, -Miss FIneence Aitchison has returned to her school at Inlittriboro and Mise Luella Shaw to her school at Sarnia. -S. Paul shipped a aarloacl, of hoge this week.- Mise -Lama. Relines has gone to her school at Walton. --Rev, Sinclair, of Ilohnee- vine, preached in - the Methodist church Sunday evening and gave a fine discourse. -IL A. and Mee. Mc- Call and J. F. and Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Snitch Motored to Seaforth on Sunday and spent the day with friends there. -J. J. and Mrs. Wil- burn are spending a few days this week at Toronto. -Wm. Jewitt spent the week end at Guelph with his mother, who has not been enjoying very good health lately.- Robert Aitchison wears a broad smile -its 0. girl. -Miss Mabel Cioultes has retorn- ed to Toronto atter spending past few weeks at her home here.- John Johneton and Wet. Smillie left for the West on Saturday on the Har- vesters excursion -Mrs. Hayes ie orr theeick list. We wish hot a speedy recovery.- J. P. Kennedy and 3, Menzies each shipped a car of cattle feout here last week. -Quite a number from, here are taking in the National Exhibition this week. Miancrieff Mies Mary Meehan has gone to Logan to teach school. She is sure to succeed. Jno. and Mrs, Spence and children, Ottawa, and S. and Mrs. Porter and daughter, Smith's Falls, were visitors at John Meehan's. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Machan. Belmore Miss Margaret Burdett visited with Teeswater friends. Mrs. Charles Nichol, Toronto, is visiting friends here. Win. and Mrs. Irwin spent a couple of days with Moncrieff Mends. blaster Thos. King, Whitechurch, was visiting at Wtn. INoGrogan's. Mi.. and Mrs, Murray, Lucan, are visiting their daughter, Mre. John Itlnlrey. Gordon. and George Inglis were 'spending their vacation at their grandfather's A. Inincllater. J. Kerr, "Whightun occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on „Sunday owing to the absence of pastor. Mrs. Gray and children, Betty and Jack, of St, Pani, are' visiting her sister, Mrs. Jos, Hall and btother, John altilvey. The Vkanen's Institute held their monthly meeting in the hall on Saturday, September 2iid, Mrs. John Mulvey gave a splendid paper on "Hospitality and Sociability" also a paper by Mrs. Sohn Duffy on "Pick- ling," which were enjoyed by all. Mrs. Jas. Ballagh gave a reading on .the "Home" arid AliMPS Helen Mul- vey, Jean and Annie Hall, Pearl and Annie Douglas sang a chimp, entitled "Sweet Little Daisy." On Saturday, September 9th, the ladies- are holding aBazear and sale of hotne-made baking the Hall at 2 o'clock. All the ladies are invited to attend. BEIRECT NEWSLITS.-M iss Madeline Taylor., Teeswater, spent it, few days last week with Mrs. Virtu, Ferguson. - Misses Myrtle Gitlloway, Lily Oilman and Annie Darling attended the 'Env - onto Exhibition last week.- bliss Lilian Lewin spent Sunday with Mrs. I. Walker, East Wawanosh.-Pte. • ••• 4.•••••i••• •••• .•••••.•.• ii•••••••• Ethel . • HardwareS••t••o••••r••e•••••• •... O :*•••••• NWISISMEINESIELUMEN11 • • • • * • • • > Having purchased the Hard- • • ware Stock of D. M. Mulcahy, i 0 * at a rate on the $, 1 am pre- • • • * • • pared to offer Genuine Bar- * • 2 • gains to the people of this • • • locality. • * • * • 2 Your patronage solicited. • • 3• Up-to-date stock. • • • * • • • • e h Ethel • 1. : : :•••,••••0•••••••••••••••••4,0••••••••••••••••••••••••• Job Lawrence, 1601,11 Battalion, Lon- don, spent Sunday with friends neve. -D and Mrs, Web., Teeswater, epent Sunday with friends bere,- Raleb Metcalf weals a broad smile these days. Ins asboy.- Wna, and Mrs. Elliott motored to Toecnito last week. -Wm Chalmers and J. jewars, billytteton, spent Sunday at the home of James _Fleming. Wroxeter Clifford White was a visitor in Stratford on Mooday, Mrs, Geo. Gibson has been seriously ill but is 000: improving. In. Davey and family spent Sunday with relatives at Ayton. Gordon Morrison, London, -is holt- (laying at his home here. Mies Jean Barnard, London, is the guest of Mrs, Jno, Adands, Mise Oassie McDougall was the guest of friends at Owen Sound. Mise Bessie Bailey, Palmerston, is visiting with Miss Sadie White: Miss L. Martin, Exeter, spent a week with Mrs. T. G. Hemphill. Jas. and Mrs. Fox, Brussels, spent Labor Day with old friends here. Miss Della Rutherford, Toronto, is encircling two weeks under the parent- al roof, Miss M. Duke, Leamington, spent seemed days recently with Miss Beatrice -Howe. Ashton Morrison left Inc Hamilton this week where he will atteud Normal School. Miss McDonald has returned from. Durham and is preparing for the Fall millinery opening. • 5,11.0. R. (lover and two children, Coldwater., are guests of the fortneee aunt, Mrs. W. M. Robinson. Jos. and Mrs. Barnard, London, former residents of the village, visited over Laboe Day with ft lends here. Miss Cassie McDougall left this week for Mt. Forest where she has ac- cepted a poeitinn in the Royal Bank. Miss Madge Lovell, whole; in train- ing 10 0. Chicago hospital, is spending a few week's vacation with relatives in Turnbeery. Miss Alma Rann is holidaying in Toronto. Miss Hazel VanVeleoe has charge of the telephone office. in her absence. Mrs. R. Ballantyne and ▪ children 'a- ttuned nn Monday to their home in Rosthern, Sask., after spending a few months with relatives here. A number of girl_ friends gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Mar- garet Brown at the home of Miss Sophie Robinson on Saturday even- ing. A successftil Red Cross Tea was given by Mesdames A. H. Moffitt, Alex, Gibson, D. D. Sanderson and Gen. Weaning in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday afternoon. Amongst the Exhibition visitors to Toronto are : -W. E. VanVeleor, L. VanVeisnr, Wm. and bin. Robinson, D, Robinson, D. McTavish, J. R. Wendt, Thos. Brown, R. and Mrs. Black and Jas. Wylie. B. HENNING DEcEASED.-The peo- ple of this community were much sur- prised when it became known that Benjamin Henning had passed away, early Sunday morning. About two weeks ago he had been assisting Frank Wright, Turnberry, and while oiling a binder the berms moved for- ward. His a1.111 becoming caught was -badly mangled before it could be re- leased. He left at once for the West- ern Hoepital, Toronto, and was ap- parently getting along well when blond -poisoning and pneumonia de- veloped. He failed rapidly, passing away as above stated before Mrs. Hen- ning could reach his bedside. The deceased was in bis 56th year and had spent practically till his life farming in Turnberry township until a few year's ago when he timed to the vil- lage 'And later purchased the resi- dence of the late John S. aleTavish on Howick Street. He is survived by his widow, a daughter, Mrs, J. Tenny- son, Toronto, and 2 sons, Norman, Chicago, and Eldon, Ottawa, till of whom were wawa at the funeral. Deep sytupathy is expressed Inc the family in their sudden bereavement. 'Vire body al rived here on Tuesday afternoon and was interred in the Wroxeter cemetery on Wednesday ittleerinon. Service was conducted by Rev. MP/ Currie. • PRETTY WI -smut -10 -The home of Leonard and Mrs. Blown was the scene of a vet y petty wedding on Wedneetley of last week at noon, when limit only daughter, Miss Mar- garet, wns united in marriage to Chester Higgins, son of Mrs. Jos. Hig- gins, Howick, about 100 relatives and intimate Mende being present for the ceremony, which took placer under an arch of rents and flowers, The officia- ting clergyman was Rev. Mr, Tait, of Blitevele. Brine, who was unattend- ed, was given away by her father and e:ore (iti exquisite gown of silk ern- brnidered net over cream satin and ciu ried a botmet of cream and sunset lessee, her only ornament being a pearl necklet; the gifb of the groom. She also wore the oethoticix veil and orange blossotes, Little Miss Zelina Lenimic, Witighatn,'very daintily per- formed the duties of ring -bearer. She were a simple little dress of white silk and caviled the ting to a large white lily. The groom's gift to her wag a necklet, and to Mist' Mary Gibson 15)10played the wedding laarell, 11. MI:glass set of individual salt dishes. After the ceremony and congratolatintie a delightful dejenner was served on the lawn. Shealy after the young coup- le left on the afternoon train for Toionto, the bride travelliug in a tieey seit of biers silk poplin and large' White and black hat. On theie re- tuen they will reside on the grootin's farm in Howick. Many good, Wieling are tendered Mr. and Mee, Higgins for a long, happy and proeperous PASSED AWAY IN BEE YOUTH. -4 very sad incident 0('('med at the home of John Davidson, when his greed -daughter, Anna May Davidson, who had been visiting theta passed away After' a few days illness. The deceaeed who was 17 years of age was the only 'child or Walter and Alm Davidson, Morrie township, While not feeling well on Monday, she was able to go about as usual. Cin day a physician was consulted mid the ease diagnosed ns appendicitis. An operation was petformed but the appendix had suffered a rupture mid in spite of all that ;neatenl help could do she passed away on Fr May even- ing. The bet eaved parente have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their sorrow. The funeral took Mace front the parental home on Sunday afternoon to LIM Bluevale cemetery, Ethel Mr. Annett, of Grey Borinclaty, is sporting a new Find car these days. Mr, Young, Charing Cross, motored to Ethel and visited at Mrs. Mansuld's, The "Roht. Baer" farm, 10th Oon., ablrety, is offered Incsale. See the ar Deputy Reeve and Mrs. Brown are away to Toronto and Hamilton this Sveekie Ms Mary McLelland goes to Strata ford Normal this week. We wird' her success. Miss Panabaker, Heepeler, has been the guest of Miss Elizabeth Chatnbers. Grope are all about 'harvested and considerable threshing done. Yield only meditim. W. Spence is installing a new soda fountain. It will be a great improve- ment it, a dry town. Mies Allis Henisworth anti Miss Harper, Mitchell; are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Spence, Miss Ethel Dunbar and Miss Emma Ransom, and her sister, of Detroit, went West last Saturday. Jno. McNeil, successor to R. Gib- son has built a verandah and painted and improved bis residence. Mr. and Mrs. Judd and son, Buffalo, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Spence. Mrs. Judd is a neice. THE POSY has a couple of letters from former Ethel boys at the front that will appear in next week's issue. A fine address was given by R. McKay last Sunday evening from Solomon 2-15. Look it up, it's worth whilles.. mErnest Fletcher and 8 child- ren, of Roblyn, Manitoba, are here on a visit with Edward and Mrs. Flat - cher. Anumber of our young men have gone West to harvest. $4 00 per day, apparently, has a greater attraction than 8110. Neil McDonald and family motored here from Acton last Wednesday and visited his brother, Jno. McDonald, met chant. John and Nes. Forrest and Misses Evelyn and Verna, of Transcona, Man., were visiting with Jno. and Mrs, King. Mts, S. King, son and daughter, Chicago, visited at the home of Jno, McDonald last week. She is a sister of Mrs. Arnold. Visitors to Toronto Exhibition last week were John McDonald and sons ; Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson and son and Stan- ley Strachan. Misses Annie and Mattie Hems- worth returned home after spending their vacation with their gt•andmoth- er, Mrs. Spence. A L. McDonald has built a fine modern verandah at his residence and has also painted and otherwise ini- prnved the home. Geo. M. Mitchell was in Toronto last week on business. He took a run on to Millbrook and spent Sunday at his parental home, Among visitors to Toronto Fair are I. and Mrs. Raynard, Harvey Dnhson, Tno, Kreuter, Grover Gill and W. 0. and Mrs, Stevenson. •Ethel school opened on Tuesday morning. bliss Hardy is the new assistant teacher coming from Harris - ton in the Primary mem. Mrs. James Barker Caelingford, and Mre. W. L. Wells, Portland, Oregon, are visiting their sistere, Mre. W111. Annett and Mrs, John Nether- cott. Rev, Mr. Parnaby, nf Belgrave, will preach in the Methodist church here next Sunday. He will be at Roe's and Union also on the saine day at the usual houts. Wonder if Ethel and Incality might nob be able to capture a conple of those prizes at Brussels Fall Pair for the best baby under 2 years We could easily take it in the adult class, Our up-to-date barber, N. 3, Gil- christ and daughter, who have been away for a -week, are home again. They combined business With pleasure. Joe Nicholson had charge in his absence. H. Strachan, son of Wrn, Strach z is home frm W othe est looking hale : and hearty after 6 years' tthee deemed in tbe King's uniform. He is training at Medicine Hat. He has 80 days leave, Mrs, S. S. Oole is borne from Sarnia where she went to visit her, sister, WS. (Rev,) Blford, win is ill. She brought her nephew, Glenn A. 131 - ford, borne with her and be may spend the Winter here. Mrs, Munro and Miss Baker, 'Polon- to, Were welcome visitors with Miss L.Hall and Mee. Will. Hall, of this virilitity. Former is Miss Hann; sister and Mise Baker .is a niece, adanghter of Rev. George and -Mrs. Baker, of the Queen city. Mrs, G. W. Pollard nna Leslie have arrived home from Roehester safe and sound. Mr. Pollard is also home after a day's visit to Niagara, being a delegate to Grand Lodge, I. O. P. D. Milne, whe 'is a veteran Tubal Cain, kept 'Mop tinning his absence, Fertilizer Car of "Fall Wheat Spec- ial" Fertilizer, also a car of Basic Slag. Alf. Baeker Terms -Payable Dec, rst. miss nrae Wilkinson will teatime her music (ease Wednesday of next week. She is holidaying in Seaforth this week. Sunday last mrs. Jno, Lemont died at the home of her son-in-law, Wrn. ZreLeod, in her 75th year. Funeral Tuesday to Brussels cemetery. A fuller notice will appear in next issue, An niversai y sermons of the Metho. dist church will be preached on Sab- bath, October 8th and followed by a fine entertainment Monday evening following which will be Thanksgiving Day. The millinery shops are once more to the fore. bliss Hunter is back from Toronto and Geo. Mitchell has engag- ed Miss Snellgrove, Brighton, to take charge of the millinery department in his store. Wotd was received here Monday that Mrs. Conrad Bernath was dead and buteed. She died at New Ham- burg and was buried alongside her husband at St, Thoinae. Mrs. Ber- nath was a fine old lady and well re- membered here. August Eaktnier is under the weather. He was helping John King to draw in grain when on the barn floor the horses moved ahead unex- pectedly throwing Mr. Eckrnier back on the bridge head first. Result was a broken collar bone and a good shak- ing up in the bargain. Grey Miss Ethel Dunbar has gone West on a trip. A large number from this township have visited the Toronto Fair. lerrs. H. A. Sabine, London, was visiting at the home of her aunt, MI'S. 11. MacQuarrie. Thomas and Mrs. Davidson are away to Flint, Mich., on a visit to relatives and friends. Miss Kate Smith, Galt, is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, A. and Mrs. Turnbull. Public schools opened in this town- ship on Tuesday. There are fortun- ately very few changes in the teachers this year. Brussels Methodist Sunday School picnic was held in the Davidson grove on the banks of the Maitland on Labor Day. Miss Margaret Letson, of West Montrose, has been a visitor with Miss 011a Armstrong, 9bh Con. They are old friends. This week N. S. Grant left for Stratford where he witi attend the Collegiate. He is a good student and will do well no cionbt. Mrs. Jas. Turnbull and her grand daughter, Miss Millie bleFarlane, were holidaying with relatives and friends at Kincardine and locality. Mrs. (Rev.) R. Pearson and daugh- ter', Marion and the former's mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Coiling, of London, are visitors with Mrs. R. Pearson. B. and Mrs. Dark, Galt, were re- newing olci friendship in this locality. They made the tiip in Mr. Dark's car. Willie Shaw accompanied them. Wni. and Mrs. Brigham and An - chew and Mrs. Myers, of Allan Park, Grey Go., were visitors with H. and Mrs. Tyumen, gravel road West. Pte. John Kirkcontiell, of the 79th Battalion, is in the trenches and has seen active fighting. We hope he will suffer no harm as he bravely does his duty. Wm. and Mrs. Gampbell, of Au- burn, were visitors at the home of J. Hem y and Mrs. Hoover, llth Con. The former is a brother of Mrs. Hoover. A. Inimical and literary program will be given at the entertainment'in Roe's church next Monday evening, follow- ing the Sunday anniversary sermon by Rev, Mr. Paruaby, Tuesday of last week Wm. Rands, 12th Oon.' left fora holiday visit to the GreatWest where he will call on relatives and old friends and also lend a hand in harvesting operations. Miss Helen Murray Kelly has re - tamed to her duties as teacher near Blyth, after spending part of her vacation with Mrs. Alexander and Miss Margaret Stewart, 10th Oen. Pte. Tom Kirkconnell enlisted in the 289th Battalion at Lethbridge on August 2nd. He epent a week at the parental home before leaving for Val. cattier,. He is 111 the Overseas Rail- way Construction Contingent. John B. Stewart and Miss Mae Stewart, who have been spending pint of their holidays with their aunt, Mrs. Alexander Stewart, lath Com, have returned to their respective homes. Fortner is Principe' in North Bite, Ont., having 28 teachers in his S0110018. The taller went to her home in Listowel. They were both former residents of the 16th Con, One day last week in pinning into a trench at Oamp Borden, Pte, vey Hoover,. Oth Con., was severely th rupred. Kb W58 hurried to the Base Hospital Toronto, and on Thureclay underwent an operation. Latest Yes port sanehe it' making favorable pct. gresennd as he is a hearty young Man we hope he will soon lie able to be aborti MOO tnOre, His mother went to Toronto to. see him Wednesday Morning and thelshOUld do him geed, Mrs. Hugil Tyernran has been visit- ing relatives at Newmeeket and Tor - mite during the paid; Week. This week Harold Work commenced his duties as teacher of Belgrave pub. lis school. He'll 811 the bill all right. Mrs. .Jno. Slemmon, Jno. and Mts. Brown, with Hugh Cunningham as chauffeur, visited Mends at Moore- field and other points. Garrison and Joseph IL Jacklin, 4th Con.'Geey, left Saturday' on a busi- nesstelp to the West. They will call at many points before returning. A. H, Musgrove, M. P. P. and wife, and W. J. Greer and wife, Wingharn, visited at the home of the former'sister, Mrs, Robert Pearson 011 Sunday. OARD OP THANKS.- We desire to return our thanks to the many for sympathy expressed in the demise of Miss _Eliza Whitfield. It was fully appreciated. LEVI & MRS. WHITFIELD & FAMILY, MISS ELIZA. WHITFIELD OALLED Bows. -On Sunday, August 27th, miss Eliza J. Whitfield, third daugh- ter of the late Thomas and um. Whit- field, 121,11 Oon., died at the home of her brother, Levi, aged 59 years and 9 months. She was born in the town- ship of Cietwright, Durham Go, and came to this township about 45 years - ago. She was a fine person and en- joyed the esteem of a wide circle of relatives and friends. Funeral took place on the following Wednesday afternoon, Rev. me. Johnson, pastor and Rev. D. Wren, a former pastor, conducting the service. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery, the large turnout showing the respect felt for the deceased. Cranbrook The pastor will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church next Sabbath afternoon. There was no preaching last Sunday, Misses Lilah and Addie Sperling have gone to Hamilton where they will attend the Normal School, We wish them a. pleasant and successful term, A. fine program was enjoyed at the Red Gross Garden Party last Friday evening, barring the fact that the crowd was chased from the school grounds to the Presbyterian church on account of the rain. F. H. Gilroy, Brussels, made a good chairman, and the entertainers :-Mr. Pink, London ; Miss McMane, Milverton ; Mies Strac- ban, Beuesels, and Ethel Orchestra did their part splendidly. Short addresses were given by Revds. Messrs. mcCulloch and Wren. Pro- ceeds $110 which was splendid con- sidering the interference with the booths by the shower. Morris Bert Watson has gone on a trip to the West. Miss Maude Bell has returned from an extended visit at Wingham. Wm. and Mrs. Michie and daughter, Roberta, of Galt; were holiday visitors with Morris relatives. Mrs. Pinch and children, Stratford, were visiting the Sherrie and Brad- shaw families, 4th line. Alex. and Mrs. Hood, of Pontiac, Mich., are holidaying with relatives and friends in this township and Blyth. Last week Miss Dora Watson left for Hepworth, Ont., where she has taken a school. We expect she will do well. Eddie Mattelle and Miss Annie Rozell, Clinton,. were renewing old friendships with relatives and friends in this locality. S. T. and Mrs. Bobier and children, of Guelph, were holiday visitors at Harry Johnson's. Mr. 13. was former- ly G. T. R. agent at Belgtave. M. M. and Mrs. Cardiff, who have been visiting here for the past year at their old homestead, Oth line, have re- turned to the West. We wish there well. Tuesday of this week Miss Lovette Ballantyne, Brussels, commenced her duties as teacher in the }Sutton school. We wish her and the pupils SUC008S. Misses Ruby and Irene Clegg at- tended the Exhibition at Toronto last week. While there they enjoyed very much the play, 'The Birth of a Nation." Peter McDonald, Kitchener, Onb„ was renewing old friendships in this locality during the past week. Re is a brother of Dougald McDonald, 7th line, and a former resident of Morris. Arallue Sbaw, jr., son of Treasurer and MIs, SilaW, will commence his medical course this Fall in Toronto. He is a clever youngman and should do well in the profeesion of his choice. Many friends wish him splendid pro- gress. Mrs, Wm. Brown, Carsonville, Mich., and her 2 sons, George and .Taines and their wives were here on a Visit to Mrs. Hugh Hanna, 6th line, the formerns sister and Mrs. W. 11. Arrnstrong, 5th line, a neice, The patty came by motet, and had an en- joyable01111O tolt4IANKE3.-We wish to re- turn our warmest thanks to the many kind folk N,flio by word and deed gave expression to their sympathy in the sudden demise of our daughter. They helped brighten , a trying chapter in our history and were much appreciat- ed you may be sure. • Tours gratefully WALTER AND Mits. 'DAVIDSON, The trustees of the Miller school, 5111 line, have engaged Will. Hoover, 9th Gorr., Grey township, as teacher for the ensuing year, at a salary of $600. He commenced his duties Tries - day of thie week. Mr.' Hoover haft been teaching near Atwood foe the past yeat. Re has Normal qualifica- tion and we wish him success. Roy Purvey, who has been the teacher in the Miller school, Will take charge of the home farm it is said, An Auction Sale of Farm Stock, implements, isle., will be held by Wm. Davidson on S. Loi, 4, Con. 5. on Tuesday, Nth hist, Sale without reserve as he is giving up the farm. P, 5, Scott will he the Anctioneer. Jamestown We are going after some of those prizes offered at 13russels in connec- tion with the Pall Fair. John and WS. Fraser spent Sunday with the forrner's parents, Malcolm and Mrs, Fraser, Brussels. Arthur and Mrs. Shaw wet e amines the visitors to Toronto last week. They have numerous relatives in the city. The Invitations are out for the wed- ding of Miss Katie Scott and Robert McLennan, marriage to take place on September 19th. Miss Maggie, daughter of D. and Mrs. Richat•deon, has gone to Strat- ford where she will attend Business College. We wish her success. A grand Concert will be held in Victoria Hall ben Friday evening of tiest week. Proceeds will be applied to the Hall Fund. You will be wel- come, Jamestown Red Grose Circle put'- - p055 holding a Circle Tea at the home of Mrs. Forrest, lst line, Morris, on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 14th, at 2.80 p. xn. Everyone interested in Red 0208S work is cordially invited to come. Admission 10 cents. Andrew McLennan and Roy Mc- Oritcheon, 2nd line, Grey, left for the West, Saturday, Sept, 2nd. They in- tend going to Marquis, near Moose Jaw, Sask., to engage itl the harvest- ing operations as crops are reported line in that -.section. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Instit ute„1 itmestown, was held in Victoria Hall on Thursday afternoon, August 81st, 81 ladies be - login. attendance. Meeting was open- ed in the usual manner and reports of last Institute meeting and Circle Tea were read and approved. An excel- lent paper on "Pickles" was read by Mrs. D. -McDonald, which proved very interesting and testi votive. Roll call followed and was responded to by each member giving her favorite pick- le recipe. Questions and discussions on the various recipes followed and some very good ideas on the subject of Pickling were exchanged. It was moved by Mrs. D. McDonald, second- ed by Mrs. Snell that our uext regular meeting , be also held in the Hall, paper to be taken by Mrs. John Prasec, Moved by Mrs. McDonald, seconded by Mrs, John Mchlwan that we do not bold a Circle Tea on the afternoon of our regular Institute meeting as time for nark is too limited. Carried. It was also de- cided to have a program in addition to the paper. Business meeting was followed by a tasty lunch prepared and served by Mrs. Will. McDonald, Miss Jennie Simpson and the Misses Agnes and Mary Millet.. Meeting came to a close by singing the Nation- al Airtime:v. Proceeds of tea amount- ed to 53.30 making a total of $10,130 collected from 4 Citcle Teas, Walton Mies Humphries is taking in the T°Mmels'.taWb.igNPeaar' lispent an enjoyable welne.kaariLdBelaiYarl. eGiaa.rdiner were visitors to Toronto last week. Rev. and Mrs. Lundy are baok from their enjoyable vacation. A. and Mrs. Bruce and children are spending their vacation in Toronto, Don't forget the School Fair here on September 20%. A. great day is ex- pected. Mvs. Olark, Miss Mack and Miss Nester were visitors at Joseph Ryan's, • M wcKai pupils who are attending Brussels Continuation school gob to work Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of Mount Pleasant, Michigan, has been visiting at; the home of Alex. Gardiner. Jas. A. Rea spent a fetv days at the Toronto Exhibition and also visited friends in Toronto and vicinity. Mrs. A. R. Small and family return- ed to Stratford after spending the Summer at the home of her parents, Jim. mid Mrs. Bea, Walton. Last Sabbath Rev. 131. G. Powell, Clinton, conducted the services in the Methodist churches on Walton circuit. Rev. Mr. Craik will be home for next Sabbath from his holiday at Mont- real, The next meeting of Walton Wom- en's Institute will be held in the A. 0. U. W, Hall, Tnesday afternoon next; at 1.80 o'clock, to arrange for the School Fair and also the institute's conteinplated visit to Brussels, Large attendance asked for. Thos. and Mrs. Arehibald, Walton, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Margaret: (Mayme), to Roy C. Tuvvey, only son of Geo. 13, and Mrs. Tuevey, Bluevale, Ontario, the marriage to lake place late in September, SCHOOL FAIR.- A meetingof of- ficers and those ini terested n the School Fair was held in the Walton Public School, Aug. 23rd. Full at, rtmgetnents foe the holding of thie Fair on Wedneedity, Sept. 20th, have been made and the connui 'lees report- ed the following Special Prizes w inch have been added to the former Prize list :-1301.1 baguet, $1, donated by Miss Annie Shnoson ; best bird house made by exhibitor, donated by Stew - rut tiros., Seaforth ; best loaf of bread made and sxliibited by girl 00(101 12, $1, donated by Mrs, Geo. Herti pupil winning most prizes, 51, donated by Robt, jones Seaforth, The Sports' Committee' is busy menaving It large program of sports 'for the after- noon and a great, tints is expected at the Concert in the evening.Kindly keep bide date in mind and.loolt and listen tor further 4e1ails. a