HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-8-24, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, JNO, SUTHE LAND & SON$ LIMITED iie/h' nitiyr$'rJv rod WM. SPENCE OONVLYANQEj AND ISSUER of IIARRIAGI+J LIGI±;NSES Mott in . Iho Pest (Nilo, Ethel, 8e-4 AUCTIONEERS. ' S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION•. estiwill Nell Cor -butter prides, to bitter once, lu teas time and loss chargee Clan x11 otiot Anatlouoo 10 nr be won't charge anything r LtHaat nd orders eau always 1.e arranged at this oiiae or by r ^8 ,nal apple nation. Rump pusinees Oartie JAS, ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON. Suoea000r to M, a. Moore, Oleos at Ander. Son Broil, Livery etable,Drusools, Telephone No, 29, T. T. NP RAE M. 8., M. E. P., ,5 S, 0. 82, 0. R., vllh,go of Brudsols, Phyaleian, Surgeon, A000uvheur OIOooatresidence, eppod'e btelvl)le Church Wlllinm street, DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, Unlveroity of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Pkysiciane and Sur. gone, Ou tm•fo ; ex -Senior Ho nae Surgeon of Western Boapital, Toronto, Oiluea of late Dr, A. Molfevey, Smith Bleak, Brussels, Rural phone 45. LEVAL AND CQNVEYANiCINS, S. FM SINOLAIR•— Y o 13urrioter• Solicitor. Ounreyu000r, Nutea'y rubllo, &a, l lfeoo-Stewart's (stook I, door Nor 511 of Central Hotel Sol!oitm' for the Metropolitan flank, Wasov» Fitovvo liaxzwatr BRUSSELS Goren SOpTIT G01N0 Rowse Express 7:18 a m.Mail 11.22 a m Express 8:81 n 10 I Express 8;97 p m atR°.Jsoiiddi'113.1V1,10 WALTON To Torouto To Goderich Express 7;60 a to I Express 11:58 a m Express....:..,, 8:19 p m Exproes 8:54 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. m, and 8:40 p. 01. Going West - 12:19 and 9;58 p. All trains going East connect with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations: GEO. ALLAN, Loots) Agent. LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mstioe apply agents, Or 'r 9-5king SiViSronto W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels, Al gAYMANN is prepared to supply the best anode in Windmills, lion and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. r +r J epairs to Pompe promptly attended to. Give me a call. ease, 1' A. HAYMANN, Cranbrook EWA, ��L� l& SSIwwE 1M1 0 Commercial Shorthand and Tonography Departments - d Our graduates ere pin,od In positions. In 8 moths we received 210 applica- tions for trained help. Write no at once for our free catalogue. D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. rsrA.',,prey,&. yilay,VOT1 126 t fall Term from August S 0 �y V Ilgst2 v1 ENTpp �c �� 1 r2 i o ��aC, 1 ATFORD, ONT..+. r 1" THE Best Brains in °amide hays parttoi noted h, the prey Coration of our splendid Hone S0uiy ourses in Bunking, Economics, Higher Accounting, Conmerolal Art - Show Clod Writing,Photography, ,tonrnhl• 28m, Short Sory Writing, tSltorthnnd and 13ookkeephig• Select the work \ihicit most interests yen and write us !orerblo it r p t a s. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 891.7 Yongo 8t., Toronto GOLLEG.E AT HOME tlo rant i their h t l y l G , ai Glans as g 1 ga, y uopu a, talogln pia o e �' t fl y (Minh at Y v , Positions gent o� • Thouennde of ambitious young pee. 1 Orn nn pt'epnr ug in l,nr Own enter 0 eeetll ae19, IVa' o stenographers, bookk r • pliers, civil 0,• 0tita hi fact .:every a r,a activities.oto t, collego if you so ttsll •• nnteed. Enter 12111,11' O011Ogll 5127 day. Ind1- vitluel inntructiot, Expert teaehei'o, Thirty years' experience, - 1;orgo8t trniaers. in Oneida. Seven oollege8, SpoWni ooursa for teachers. Affiliated with Ooumlot'otnl' Educe' tor's Aosoclntiol of Chemin. Sumpter Soho) at fnrrmns Spottot Business. Col. logo, London, Business College G s ,.TON, W, T, 'MORSE. Wingham` . zo. rO • President, Prbtolphl, G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur. geone of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, Office In Isard Block, Wingham Phone 248. Poet Moe box 278 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of OpPhthal. ,00logy, McCormick Medical CollelRe, )Meese, Ill„ he prepared to toeyed and flu glaeaos aL bar office over Miss Inman's millinery store, Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a, m, t to 8 p. In. - Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1219. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of . the. Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour M111, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. $ot1ofaotton assured ; Charges moderate, Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, • Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELORAVE P. 0. PROODFOOT, KILLORAN & COM Barristers, solicitors, Notaries Pubiio, &c, Office on the Square 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH, ONT. 'Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. P11000700T, IC. C. ,T, L. Ki LLORAN H. J. D. Coosa �strict sibs Goderich At -wording in the Assessment Roll of Goderich for this year the population is 1655. At a meeting of the. Goderich Board of Health A. D. McLean was appoint- ed Ohah•man. Third annual pienic of Po'd car nwnel a of Goderich and tbe Stewtu t Orchestra wits held at Bayfield Wed- nesday. y Ar,d re 8 v Porter e has tented the Buchanan residence on Church street and will occupy it from Oct 1st. Miss Buchanan expects to spend the Wint- er in Toronto. The electric pump at the Goderich hydro -electric substation is not sabis- fitctney, not up to specifications and not capable of doing the work expect- ed. Dr. W. F. Clark has heen appointed by the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, nn the list of expert judges on light 1101%88 at Fall Fairs through- out the Province. Mrs. Sidney Malconson -(nee Miss Cowan) of New Westminster, B. 0., win lids been visiting relatives in this neighborhood during the past month, is at the hnme of her brother- in-law, P. A. Maloomson, barrister, Kinoarl' 1 cue. It has been decided by the War Auxiliary. that the women of this t'iwn turd eomnlunity should provide the soldiers of the1t31et battalion from this vicinity with two pnit•s of sox before they go overseas. These will be 830 pairs needed. Sunday afternoon of last week shortly befor% 2 n'dnck fire was dis- covered in the basement of Ales - sande) 'a fruit store. Alarm was rung and firemen turue(1 nut and snot put the blaze out; 101r. Alessandro hart a gaeolinestove in the basement for the purpose of ripening the fruit,- of which et large quantity Was in the cellar, and probably the fire started from this stove. Water did consider- able damage to the fruit, hh'. Ales sandro Gaye he Bird $280 worth 06 melons., Clinton The Olinttin Boy Scouts are camp- ing on the shore of L tke Pinion, un Hey the direction of Rev. J. A. Robin- son. 0, D. Houck, who }las been at Brace - ; Midge for the Summer Afole) School term, returned and is now busy with the Model trent here. Clinton Model school opened lust week. This is Lhe only Model school iu \Vestern Ootnl in this year, but the attendance w 8110811. ()lItt'en0O Pat ley, of the Royal Baulk staff, at SL 8118, 08, and a son of Coun- cillor Paisley, of town, has been mov- ed to the head mitre aL Montreal, Doherty Piano factory has been very busy :hillr the past several months and has helm doing some over- time rk 0 0 vo in (Valor t0 keep no with the incr'enatng orders. t Norman Kennedy MO thei'ept'e. sentatiye of Cln1toe Fite Bt'irad4 to the animal Onnvenlioe at Hamilton last week. The toted) Lnurnttment was cancelled on account, of the war, Several motel' loads of cil twos fr0rn' Clinton went to I lanovey hist week to • attend the rimmed r,f'IV. 1. 1Si1(0110l, •• t>t oprie0or of the News Record. Rev, A J. A. Agnew nfficittted and the pall- • bear ere were Clinton business men. • After making the announcement that taxes could be paid at cei Lain tines with a discount, the Council could not get the plan working and • the old style, with Chief Wheatley : Repairs in collecting sonic will be the wiry the • taxpayer will Hand over the money • this year. Chief Wheatley will be • around with the slips in a few weeks. I Dr, Mills Shipley, soh of firm, Shipley,- who has been practising medicine at Invertuay, Seek, for some 44 few pdis, has just tjualifted aR Captain at Port Osborne -Barracks, Winnipeg and is nolo with the 0, A. M, 0., Sal cee Camp, Calgary, prepar- ing for ov0100ns service, Trowbridge RAISED PASTOR'S SALARY. The Trowbridge circuit Itt 010 lust official business meeting" of the stewards after heatiltg the report read stating blur the bean11011 church property oousisling of a very flue and mini, tn m cions bhis!k church,Cod brick nr- sonitgeend Enable toether with one of the largest cement sheds in the London Conference, are all free front debt the -Board raised the -salary of Ilhe minister, Rev. Clayton Moore. house for the present year. The church members feed they owe their prosperity and happiness to the p8011ched gospel. Blyth Blyth Fall hair, October 8 and 4. • Mrs. David McGill left o1 a visit to relatives in-Nebh'neka. Rev. Walter McLean, Hanover, will conduct the set vices in St. Andrew's church on August 271h. Minn Ada B. O'Dell left on a three months visit with relatives in Win riipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. Miss Gladys Laundy hue secured a school itt Oolpny's Bay, near Wiarton and will 000iulence her duties next month. J. M. Hamilton is in receipt of a poet card from Pte. Andy Habkirk, of the 03rd Battalion. He is in the trenches and is well. R. G. McGowan, P. GV: Scott motored to Halton and Hamilton, miming hone on Tuesday, gang via Harristan and Guelph. Friends or Miss Myrtle Livingstone are pleased to see her able to be about again. Some weeks ago she under- went treatment in a hospital in Tor- onto mei has since been steadily gain- ing strength. Miss Mand King, deaconess, who is Superintendent of the Deaconess Hume and Veining School in Dte Aloinee, Iowa, has been given two menthe vacation, is at present visiting her brother anis sister in California, John Hatn ltnp Wallieceb11rg; was judge in the Binh Agricultural Seaie- ty Field Orop OompetiLion in white oats here. Ile. was well pleased with the class of farming in this section, anis the oats inspected, lie said, were good and clean, with the exception of a ' few fields which had wild oats amongst them. The fallowing are biose to whom' he awarded prizes 1, 5', .. J. Laidlaw ; 2, Jauhe,.lacksoh ; 3..7. JC W. Gray ; 4, David Laidlaw 5, Win. ,McGowan ; 6, Jtts. Charming 7, Duncan: ereOallunt. - Blyth Schnol Trustees have engaged two new teachers foe the coining pear. Miss Money, Stratford, as Plummet and Miss Barnby, Toronto. These ladies ci)u1e well recommended Md with the two teachers who were on the staff last year should bring this selioot up to the high state of excel- lence it formerly' held and there should be no need of the scholars go- ing to other High Schools, as they have been doing for the past few years. THE LATE JAuuos: GIBioN.—It was with sadness that the public generally learned on Wednesday morning of last week, of Lhe death of James Gibson, 9112 Oon., Morris. On Sunday night he Was stricken with paralysis which left hila in a precarious condi- tion, but even the immediate family did not realize that the end was so near. Few mea were bettor known or more highly esteemed- than the late Mr. Gibson, his genial manner and kindly disposition endeared him to his immediate fatuity and claimed the respect of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Ile was one of the older residents of this -section and played no small part in the making of the early history of Blyth and vicini- ty. Mr.. Gibson was born iii the township of Kithy, Leeds Co , 1844, and cameo n t Morris is Po the lin me o1' his 11 n cousin, J lin i\looney, 5111 Con., -when 10 vear8 of age. Here Ire resided until 1871, when he took iy] Lot 6, Oen, 9, Morris, w111e1) was }ken .in its prim- eval state and in the sante year was married to Miss Phnehe 41111 McOracic-. en, 4th 0nn„ of the same. township, To th)s 11111011 was horn a family rf 8 girls and 2 buys, namely :--Miss EIl'a and AL's 1 E. Taman, Blyth ; Mrs. McCall, Mortis ; Airs. Atkinson, Hag- ersville ; Mts. Cole, Fenbisher, Sasknt- ('11etVttli; Miss Ruby, Milliner, Edmon- ton, Alta. ; Miss Gertie, n1111iner, Thamesfo'll ; \Villinm, 0111 of 111 orris and 3liso Sarah and James at home. Deceased was sup enLllusiastio member of Lhe Orange Order, having been connected with that association since he 0718017 years of age and at the time • c'mair� 9roblem How 'to Feel Well During Middle Life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Change of Life is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Read these ,letters; Philadelphia Pa."I started the Change of Life five years ago. I always had a headache and back- ache with bearing down pains and I would have heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and nervous feelings. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I. feel like a new person and am in better health and no more troubled with the aches and pains I had before I took your won- derful remedy. I recommend it to my friends for I cannot praise. It enough."—Mrs. MARGARET GRAM- MAR, 759 N. Ringgold St., Philadelphia, Pa. Beverly, Mass.—"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comi ound, for nervousness and dyspepsia when I was going through the Change of Life. I found it very helpful and I have always spoken of it to other women -who suffer as I did and have had them try it and they also have received good results from it"—Mrs. GEORGE A. DUNBAR, 17 Roundy St., Beverly, Masi. Erie, Pa. —"I was in poor health when the Change of Life started with me and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, or I think I should not have got over it as easy as I did. Even now if I do not feel good I take the Compound and it restores me in a short time. I will praise your remedies to every woman for it may help them as it has me."—Mrs. E. SIssLING, 931. East 24th St., Erie, Pa. • . No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman's suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received and answered by women onlay -and held in strict confidence. of his demise was the oldest member of Blyth Lodge. Re had filled all the offices in the primary lodge and has for some years been Master of Cere- monies. Besides his wife and family, deceased leaves to mourn his loss, 8 brothels and a sister. They ate:— William Gibson, in the West ; Samuel in Winnipeg ; Thomas, in Smith Falls and Mrs. Gardiner, of Kitley Twp.,, Leeds County, all of whom have Clue sympathy of the community at ln,ge in their bereavement. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon lo Blyth cemetery and was hugely attended, Rev. Alf. MoOurmick conducted the service assisted by the Orange breth- ren. Lis #owes Listowel Fait, Sept. 19-20. I3. B. Alorph}, K. 0., M. P., has re- ceived word from his sol, Lieut. Boulton Mo•phy, stating that he is novin the e trout line lien 1 c fes with Lhe 8th Battery, 12th Brigade, Lieut. Murphy went intra the trenches on July 2211(1, anti 18 now in thethink of Lhe fighting, - Eli and Mrs. Snelling's little daugh- ter, Ethel, 273 years old, had a narrow escape. In some unknown way she got some poison and drank it. As soots as her condition WO% noticed :medical aid 07019 secured and after careful attention the child was gotten out of danger. Two gentlemen from neighboring townships learned last week that it may be pleasant to get "tanked" and conte to Listowel but blurt itis not profitable. They - appeared before P. M. Terhuue charged with tieing dlauk and disorderly. It cost them $80 and costs. The sooner penple realize that geese .se••see •.0•••••••••e •••••••••ee•••eeeeS sees • • • • • n...._.r_.. n�--- • O O A • e n� ��r', 4 And Light • • Footwear at • x n ✓'� S 1 • • t" .r t,' e o Li •p Lowest Pieces q „3� r "e a • �'M1-? :.. See our VVi.udoh\ s • • „ • •.t a Qb for Bargains.8 Single. Harness Dusters giln , and Fly Sheets Nice assortment of Trunks, Satchels and Suit Cases. 8 • • et • Shoes; Harness, Collars, &c, Phone •47x e • •• • Richards &'eo. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••• Mi ! they must obey the haw the better for all concerned, for Chief of Police Tay- lor is determined to enforce the law irrespective of whose toes he tramps on. On Wednesday afternoon of last week a picnic of rather a unique character was held in the Jackson grove, when the descendants and rela- tives of Henry and Mrs. Moore held a family gathering in the form of a private picnic. The event was held 111 honor of Sergi. Harry Moore, who is leaving in the near future for the leant. There were 47 members and relatives of the Moore families present and needless to say they bad a de- cidedly happy time together. Gorrie i Rev. \Vat. J. Ashton, London, Wtte visiting With his father and other fi t0nch, Johnn 1 H este n has purchased 'the t1v1 storehouses s at the s rationt f om Hay Bros., Listowel. Ales. (Rev.) Keil. *511(1 Mrs. Douglas Tier r end little daughter are spending their holidays at Bayfield. Inn. and Mrs. SionIgoinety and family, Ktuisack, Alan., are visiting with friends in and nrotnd Gerrie. Win. Macdonald, M. P. P., and Ray Ankenman motored over front Ohesley ail(1 were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Whitley. Mies BettbeiceHardie, who has made her hone with J. R. Williams for some years, left for Stratford where she will live with a Miss McKenzie. Perth County Rev. A. McKibben, Woodham, has purchased a new Ford auto. All teachers for the coiling year iti Mitchell High School are university geminates,. The Inst half of July make, Monk ton factory's cheese tvae sold to the Ingersoll Packing Oo, at Id cents. The make will amount to almost 5 Lon, and will bring in the neighbor- hood of $1,600. Mrs. Henry Ronnenberg, 16th Oen. Logan, on Sunday, ilad tile misfortune to fall and break a small bone in her log, Mts. Romnenberg had just re- covered from Lhe effects of a fall she received in the Spring. The Committee hi charge of the cyclone fund, Mnnkt0n, report having received 83,063 80 and divided it along those sustaining loss as fol. lows : -Jas. Bannerman, $850 ; D. Bannerman, $50 ; John. Shane, $10].0.- 50; William Dittinee, $750 ; Isaac Parkinson, $10() ; Robert Rayot'aft, $21:3.80 ; Mr's, Sam, Gill, $60. The committee and nillee,8 gave their serviette freo in colinrrtio1 with the collection and diulribnti0n of the fund, Thos. Moot e, 4112 Con., Logan, died soddenly on 'SVedhesday evening of last, weep, Deceased was about 65 yeas of age, and had been . troubled with an affection of the heart for some time, Deceased was 11well to -do - farmer and prominent in the town- ship, having been a inember of the Council for several years. He was highly respected anti always stew the bright side of everything, His death will. be deeply regretted. flit wife pt'ade10aseti hitt a number of year's ago and he leaves two sons and three daughters to mourn hie.loss, Reuben Otirt's, 4th Oen„ Fullit6tOi, has a 5, acro gold of oats that is ill CANA1 N AN NATIONAL ePptioutelly gaud. The straw will CANAD V er1 eo1u e neatly5feet and 1s well heed - While engaged in the cement guar• r v, St. Marys, Mr. Oapling was badly Injured by the cloy bankfallingit) nod burying him up to the waist causing a rupture of the bowels, Hai ry Oonbert, Oarlingford, hid the misfortune while unloading (Mheat, to fall from the hay 1110IS and landed on his back ark across the fanning uli = mill, breaking the ribs from the back- bone, one broken rib puletueing the Halog of the lung. The members of the Quarterly Off1• ria) Board and their wives on the Kirkton Circuit, were entertained at the Methodist Parsonage 'mute:lay evening. 11 seemed to de the 1110111 - berg good to get tOgolher, Financial Meeting for the Stratford district of the Methodist church will be held at Milverton on R1e(luesdaY, Sept. 20th. Afternoon 80881011 will be devoted to the into eats of the 111is- sionary Propaganda planned for in St, 'l'hntli Fred.aa, T. Loffr, St. Marys, has re- ceived a kindly acknowledgment from J. 0. Massie, Lieut. Col, of the 71st Bal talion at Oxney Catnp Emden, liauts, England, for the preselltntion of a Lewis machine gun to the Battal- ion by the young men of Snnth Perth. St. Marys Chapter, I. 0. D. E., have decided to adopt as a prisoner of war, Hazelton Moore, son of Jae. Moore, of that town, who is now a prisoner in Geiinnsnllteyti. They. will undertake to send hits a hamper- of food eaceach,t, George E. Ramage, B.A., a graduate of McMaster University, has accepted the position of Science Master in 1 he Mitchell High Sellout, and Miss Flor- ence M. Adamson, B. A., has been en- gaged as teacher of English History end Art. She has been Leaching in Norwood High School. The enviable locoed of \Viisnn Me - 'Peevish and D,lvld Bell. two students Of Stratford Collegiate Insti1nte at the recent examinations of the -Uni- versity of Toronto, is wet thy of sp vi- al notice. Both these young 111011 conte from the village of Shakespeal e. The former a son of Jas. McTavish, and the latter a son of David 13e11. Miss ,Sperling, Missionary, who is returning in a few days to China to resume her work, was given a fare- well at Lhe Methodist church, St. Alarys, and a puree of money. A pleasing program was presented in which Rev. Mr. Page, Prof. Iiling- worth, Mrs. Dale, Miss Colley, Miss Freda Hopper; Miss Gladys Butcher, Miss Cart ie Rea and Mrs. Moore participated. The address was read by AL's. \'V. H. Marshall and the pres- entation made by Willie Oardwell, Miss Sperling made a pleasing reply. Refreshments were set ved and a social ' evening spent. EXHIBITION sf yt. Empire Federation Spectacle 1,200 Performers; rmer P rY ' 10IYlassed S Bands; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power . Mammoth Scenic Reproduction' of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. W ON AND UNDER SEA A ON LAND A- R 1111 THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pire Re-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Immense Munitions Exhibit Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Grenade and Bomb Throwing, De- struction of Warships by Hidden Mines, Bayonet Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. AmmerThe King's Horse Government Exhibits, Superb Showln,l of Live Stock and Agricultural Products, Acres of Manu- factures. Toronto, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 Tux Collector W. N. Haitisen. St. Marys, is greatly pleased with the re- sponse given by the citizens to the tax appeal. Over $50,000 taxes have been paid in out of tt total of $08,000 for the year, leaving but some $18,000 for the last half. On the second last day for payment $12,500 rolled it) and on the last day $15,200. More took adveut- nge of the liberal discount this year a id the result was that a much great- er amount was paid in than 111 past years. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SIXTEEN For calendar and terms: R I.Warner,M.A„D.D.,Alma College, St. Thomas, Ont. J. "No more headache for you ---take these” Don't just "smother" the headache without removing the cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tablets, They not only ours the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because that' tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them, All Omaha, 25c, sr b sail VI CHAMBERLAsr N MEDICINE CO. BERtAiNr$1ABLEtS t3M New Prices August 1, 1916 The following prices for Ford cars wall be effective on and after Aug. 1st, 1906 Chassis $450 00 Runabout . 475 00 Touring Car 495 00 Coupelet . 695 00 Town Car . 780 00 Sedan . 890 00 f. o: b. Ford, Ontario Thoee Prices 184'0 positively guaranteed against any reduction before August 1st, 1917, but there is no gnarentee against an advance inpt•iee at any titn1, S. Carter, Dealer BRUSSELS