HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-8-10, Page 8THE KODAK that goes with you on your vacation will come back with a complete story of the Summer's fun—astortthat wi haveve a freshening K interest as'time passes. Take a Kodak With You Films Developed affil Printed, mv':�ea.ri,ni• ♦�r"A,l{ „l-,:w,rM,F::.i..rrx PiekIing Time Your own particular Recipe • for Pickling Spices will receive careful attention here and will be filled with pure Spices from our stock of Turmeric, Curry Powder, Mustard, Mustard Seed, Celery Seed, Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, Allspice, Pepper, Ginger, Ac. Prices will be found most reasonable Paraffin Wax—In 1 lb. and Ib• cakes— 20e lb Bottling Wax—A generous supply in tin dish tor loc. Jar Rubbers -1 tlez, in a pkge., best quality, roc pkg Corks for Pickle Bottles—We keep on hand a complete lineof the different sizes that these are made in, also Corks for Catsup Bottles The Stare Fe DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. road beb3s Puts Hors $11.6o. READ the local news on page 5. EARLY apples are on the bill of fare. TORONTO big Fair opens on Saturday, August 26th. HEAT hes been more moderate for past few days. SCHOOL Board meeting Friday even- ing of this week. THE showers of this week were very refreshing to all concerned. HAND THE POST the names Of your visitors. We take it as a favor. - Byrne and eggs hold up at good stiff price for the Summer season, COUNCIL meeting was held Tuesday instead of Monday evening this week. SOME of the soldier boys have return- ed to Camp Borden, their furlough hav- ing expired, LAST Monday was Toronto Civic Holiday and the evening papers were omitted as usual, A CAR of horses was shipped from Brussels for overseas. There were some fine animals in the lot, Tins week Wm. Little. P. N. G., is at Chatham attending the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows as representative of West- ern Star Lodge, No. 249, Brussels. GARDEN "sass" bad a hard run during the dry spell and extreme heat. By free use of the pump some spots were kept growing very well. Monday night's rain was a great blessing. DURING past week S Carter sold four Ford touring cars to the following:— Oliver Hemingway, Duncan McKay, Alex Barrows jr., and Geo. Robertson, all residents of Grey township. A GOOD share of the cement curbing has been put in on the macadam street contract. The drain down the centre of the street is finished and rolled by the steam roller. George Barkley's cement mixer is at work for the curbing. THE auction sale of cattle, last Satur- day, hardly went with the usual swing of such events Probably the busy time in the harvest fields forbade the large at- tendance generally found at sales of stock. A good share of the offerings found purchasers however, IT is rumored that Tames Ireland, 3rd line, Morris township, has purchased the brick residence owued by Mrs. Cameron, corner n r e f Church and John t s reefs, tenanted by Duncan Taylor. Price said to be $Iron. The purchaser will move to the new home in the near future, it is said.. THANxs to the generosity of the con- tributions for the homemade baking sale last Friday , afternoon and the readiness e ss ofurchaser proceeds s be p t oceeds kotalled quite a respectable sum. A Committee of ladies was appointed to assist in its distribution. The willingness of folk to aid in a deserving need is commendable to Brussels and duly appreciated by those benefitted. CAN'T GIVE EXCURSION TRAIN IN AUr.U,T:—After keeping up negotiations with the G. T. R. for several weeks as to train service for annual Excursion to Kincardine a telegram was received by the Secretary of the Committee Tuesday afternoon stating inability to handle ex- cursion on any date in August. The use of rolling stock for military pur- poses appears to be employing the equip- ment. The notice will cause disappoint- ment to many but no blame can be at- tached to Committee. The railway people might probably have said 2 weeks ago what their wire gave Tues- day and saved many an enquiry. GERRY—BROWN: A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized at St, James' church, Stratford, Wednesday, August. and, when Miss Elsie L. Brown, young- est daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Brown, Shakespeare street, was united in mar- riage to Sergt. the g g . F. Gerry, of11oth Overseas Battalion, son of N. F. and Mrs. Gerry, Brussels. The ceremony wss performed in the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends, by Rev, H. A. Thomas, of Wallaceburg, who is in charge of St, Paul's church while Rev, Mr. Hodgins is on vacation, The bride looked charming in a gown of cream Bedford cord with coral trim- mings and leghorn bat to match and we attended by Miss Irene Roome, who Was prettily attired in a white corduroy gown. The groom was attended by the bride's brother, Pte, Gordon A. Brown, of the Mott} Batta?ion, Atter the cere- mony the guests adjourned to the bride's home, where a dainty wedding breakfast was served, The gifts were many and handsome, including two cheeks, and indicated the high esteem in which the young 000p1e ate held by their many friends. The happy couple left on the X. 45 o'clock train for a trip up the lakes. The bride's going away dress was a navy bide chiffon taffeta. The bride was an esteemed member of St. James' church choir for seine years and will be greatly missed. The many old friends of the grown in Brussels and locality wish flint and his bride many happy, prosperous years, Goon news—another drop of 20 cents a cwt. in sugar, the second iu two weeks, A COMPANY of gipsies have been let- ting the light of their countenance shine on Brussels occasionally lately. Some of their business methods are subject to criticism, BRUSSELS Voters' List for the year is in the hands of the Clerk and was first posted up Tuesday of this week. There are two divisions, Mill street be- ing the dividing line, excepting as it relates to Lot No. 7. Part I of the list contains 223 names, Part II has Izo, and Part III 6. 129 are competent to serve King George as jurors. —o— LOST July 8rd, on 12th Con. McKillop, be- tween Leadtmry and Harlook,a double woolen shawl, Will finder kindly leave at Tau Poem or W. G. Neals, Walton. Loam.—A lady's red wool sweater, between Brussels and Donnybrook. The loser will be 6read • y obliged if it is returned to Tee Pose., Brussels. FIRST Claes span of horses for sale, broken to work. Marais rising 4 years old and horse is 9. Bold cheap as proprietor does not need them. Apply to 8. 8. Oota, Ethel. GOLD brooch lost. The owner will be great- ly pleased for its restoration. MRs. %RYe, Queen street. Fort SALE.—Cushion tired covered baggy, nearly new. Apply to Edward Collis, Lot 84, Oon.7, Grey. Telephone 8557. Two thor'bred Berkshire boars for sale. Pit fbr 9erviee. LtS. NICHOL, R. R. No. 4, Bras - eels. Phone 8914. SERVANT wanted. Apply to Mae. W. M. SINCLAIR. Brussels. OontsoI'rAntx house on Tnrnberry street, Brussels, for sale or to rent, lately occupied by 1, F. Rowltnd. 35 acre of land with stable, well, Cistern, fruit trees, &e. Good location. Good cellar, furnace and eleotrio lights. Ap- ply to I41re8 WALKER. LAWN mowers put in first-class shape and sharpened by Geo, Edwards, Millet., Brussels. A GOOD houseforsale with stable and fruit trees, Apply to I. 0. 111o8ARDa. —0 PATRIOTIC service, held once a month, was conducted Wednesday evening of this week is St. John's church. Rev, Mr. Page, the rector, gave a suitable ad- dress An offering was taken for Red Cross Fun3. WRITING from Denfield, Ont., in re- mitting subscription tO TAE POST, Dougald Simpson says :—We enjoy the weekly visit of THE Pose.. It comes like a letter from home, telling of the good or ill that comes to both friend and neighbor. May it prosper. CIRCLE TEA. --The Red Cross Circle Teabe will held at the home of R and Mrs. 'Thomson, Queen street ee West, next Tuesday afternoon. It will ein charge of Mesdames Thomson, Mc- Naughtou, D Walker, P. Scott, R. Henderson, Strachan, Galbraith, Mc- Donald, James, Sbarpe, G. Kerr and Barkley'. Everybody is invited, ed In case of rain ill tea e w be served in the Library Audience Room Don't forget. MISS JARDINE ENGAGED.—Mise Coch- rane, Owen Sound, who was given the vacant position on the Continuation staff of our school, was unable to hold it lacking Art qualification certificate The Board has since secured Miss May Jardine, of Port Credit, who will be here for the opening a month hence. She comes well recommended, Thls completes the staff which consists of Principal Scott and Misses Jardine, Bell, Henderson and Buchanan, MISS BROWN HONORED BY STRATFORD FRIENDS —The Stratford paper says of the bride of Sergt. Frank Gerry, well known in Brussels:—A happy event took place on Friday night at the home of Mlss J. O'Grady, Church street, when the employees of the J. A. Duggan store met and sheat the evening in dancing and music. The guest of honor was Miss Elsie Brown, a former member of the staff, who is to be married short- ly, and this occasion was taken to present her with a beautiful cut glass water set, Mise Sullivan made the pre- sentation, and read the address, voicing the good wishes of all, and wishing the bride-to-be every happiness in the future, Miss Brown was taken com- pletely by surprise, but thanked her frieuds in a neat little speech, A dainty lunch Was served, after which the gathering dispersed. Bat/seats SCHOOL DOES WELL — The report of the departmental exams. for Entrance to the Normal Shoots for Huron Co. is published in another column. Although the exam. was stiff Brussels school made a good record the following, whose names are arranged' aipbabetteally, being successful ;— Laura Ament, Myrtle Bowes, Henrietta Denmsn, Irene MeLauchlin, Addie Sperling, Lawson Wright. In addition these pupils pass on their tesis when farming operations are carpleted, viz:— Stewert Grant, Elmer McKay, Roy Stewart, TIM POST congratulates both candidates aril teachers and hope a successful future awaits all cohcerned, Several of the number Will likely attend the Normal School next terns. Begs C01111igty iota KOOS to Loudon to. take A positlon with the Caufrdiait acifie Railway He should fill the bill. J3AgltisTER DUbLES Howes, Wing. tam, now driyes a Ford car, Inspector ons, , Wast Hur, n, has purchased en Overland: Ix reporting the proceeds of Its Circle Tea at Mrs Jas. Ballantyne's last week the receip's were over $27 oo without ebuutiug the Birthday party gift or orangeade couuter sale, which amount- ed to over $to 00 A LETTER. from Will. Kaye, Plum - bridge, Sask„ writing THE Pose. remit• ting his subscription says :—Crops are looking good in this district. Harvest is expected to commence about Augustt loth, There will be a shortage of help this year it is feared, WINGHAM •District Missionary Com- mittee of the Methodist church will be beltl in the Lucknow Methodist church on Thursday to arrange for a missionary convention to be held in Belgrave on Sept. 18th. This committee is com- posed of Rev, J W. Hibbert, Chair- man I Rev, A, R Kellum, Ripley, Secretary ; Rev. S. J. Brigette and D. C. Taylor, Lucknow, and F. H. Gilroy, Brussels. FIRE AT TESSWATER. —One of the most disastrous fires that bas visited Teeswater for some time occurred when G. H. Hasenflug's general store was gutted on Thursday evening, Aug. 3rd. Fire originated at the back of the building, where some papers and refuse had been burned in the evening and it is thought that a spark from this source must have set fire to the building. Mr. Hasenflug will suffer heavily through this misfortune, as he carried a large stock and it was only lightly insured. People We Talk About Sergt. F. G, Gerry and bride were in town on Monday. Mrs. John Long has been visiting with relatives in Kincardine. Mrs. S. C, Wilson and Miss Margaret are spending a week iu Toronto. Mrs, (nurse) Ballard, of Berlin, was calling on relatives here last week. Mrs. George Henderson and children were holidaying with Sesforth friends Miss Sophia Sparliug, Toronto, spent the Week end with relatives in Brussels. Lieut. Frank Scott and Pte Milligan, of Camp Borden, were here over Sun- day. v Fred. Htinter is enjoying an outing at Meaford, Toronto, Oshawa and other points, Mrs. (Rev.) Ferguson is spending a tew weeks with relatives at a cottage in Muskoka. Jno. H. Galbraith is back from Win- nipeg, to which city he went with a car of horses. Miss Ella Inman is enjoyiug a vaca- tion tvith frieuds at Stratford and Shakespeare. Druggist Fox spent a few days in Toronto last week combining business and pleasure. Miss Vivian Harris has been on a visit at the home of her uncle, James Donald- son, Atwood. Mrs, Addie Wright and sons, Lawson and Byron, were visiting in Toronto during the past week. Wit'. Long, of Bank of Nova Scotia, Toronto, spent the week end at the parental home here, j, C. Pridharn, Toronto, was a visitor at the home of P. and.. Mrs, McQuarrie, Brussels, for a few days. Mrs. Roderick McKay and children are back from Saskatchewan. Mr. Mc- Kay is continuing there. Jim. Henderson is filling a position as checker with the Canada Bread Com- pany, Toronto, during the vacation. Miss Mary Forbes, Winnipeg, is re- newing old friendships in Brussels and vicinity. She was a former resident. Sergt, Burchill has been promoted to Sergt. t Major in the .16rst at Catrf g•P Borden. - He returns to duty this week, Jaynes Irwin, Toronto, was calling on old friends here over the week end, Monday was Civic Holiday in Poronlo Mrs. Harry B•trtliffand children, Clin- ton, are holidaying with Mrs. Too Car- diff, Princess Street, the former's mother. B. and Mrs Gerry, Fort William who were visiting here, left for their home. last Saturday intending to visit Toronto friends en route Miss Minerva Jones has gone to Rose Point, Muskoka, for a holiday with rela- tives at their cottage. Miss Humphries, Toronto, accompanied her. Miss Sara McLaughlin, Toronto, is en- joying a short vacation here with her sisters, the Misses MoLauchlin, corner Tnrnberry and Queen streets. Mr. Pollard, of Clinton, has been re- newing old acquaintances in Brussels and Morris township The old gentle- man stands the passing years wonder- fully well. Misses Belle and Mary McDonald,, Margaret Ross, Margaret Stewart and Kate Menzies, of town, attended the funeral of the late Mrs Geo, Menzies, at Molesworth, Monday of last week. Wm, and Mrs. Goodwin and Baugh• ter, Vi, end friend, Pte. B. B. Biebig- hauser, of Chesley, spent Sunday and Monday with W. J. and Mts. Kyle, Al- bert street. The visitors came in Mr. Lippset's car. A. Ili and Mrs. Treleaven, Dungan- non, formerly of Brussels, were calling on old friends this week. Mrs. T. was formerly Miss Olive Norton before her marriage, Mr. Treleaven was in busi- ness for a'while in town W. P. and Mrs. Bray arrived back to town on Saturday'after a most enjoyable trip of 4 months ill California, British Columbia and the Great West. It was a very fine experience' Th, y report great prospects for crop in the West. A motoring quiotefte, consisting of F. S Scott, G. N McLaren, M. Black, Alf, Baeker and W. A Grewar, visited Owen Sound This week In the latter's car, There were horse races slated for Monday hut rain interfered somewhat. Misses Mabel and (.in. Colvin are home for strert vacation from their millinery positions in 'Brandon and Menge Jaw, respectively. They will at- tend the millinery openings in Toronfn, Chicago ,and New York before going back West. Conductor and Mrs. Coffey, of Vats• couvet, 13, C., have been enjoying a holiday visit at the hone of D, C, Rose, the Ames and Duuhar families of Grey and Ethel Mrs, Coffey is a daughter of Semi, R Ames, of Brookdele, Man formerly of this locality, belttg a son of Mrs, Ames, Ethel, Mrs. N, S. 'MoLaunlllIti (a Vielting Wingham trlends, Mr, Close and sisters Woodstock, were holidaying at N. P. Gerry's, The Misses Downing were visitors withthe Misses Ferguson,nWalton. rs E. Harris, Thomas street, has uot'been as well as usual but we hope she will soon be as hearty as ever. Mrs Blals, Mrs, Quinleo and Gordon Htinter, all of Brantford, are visitors at the home of John Hunter, John street. Tltey'are relatives. Misses Lou. and Doris Ross are sway on a holiday outing to Detroit,.Petrolea and other points The latter will visit at" Pillsonburg before she returns, Miss Clara McCracken is home on a visit after a sojourn of 3 years in Edmonton. She will take a position in Toronto after spending a month in Brussels, Wednesday's Toronto Globe says ;— Dr, W. L Holmes, of Brussels, and his family have been visiting R. H. Holmes in South Parkdale and are now going to British Columbia to visit his married daughter. They will return to town in September. Right. Hon, Edgar Dewdney, P. C , a former Lieulenant'Governor of British Colutnbiia, died Tuesday afternoon at Victoria, B. C. He was a famous -old- timer and to the early days built the Dewdney trail named after him. He was 81 years of age and was born. in Devonshire. George Buchanan, 13. A., Weyburn, and Dr, Harvey Buchanan, Winnipeg, are here on a holiday with parents and old frieuds. They made the trip, teoo miles by motor coming via Detroit. Il was greatly enjoyed. One punctured tire was the only mishap to their car,, a runabout Ford. Church Chimes Last Sunday was the quarterly Com- munion in the Methodist church. Rev. D. Wren, pastor, gave two fine dis- courses. Lawrence Wheeler was chosen lay representative from Brussels Methodist Church to the Wingham District meet- ing which will meet at Belgrave. In St. John's church uext Sabbath morning the Rector's theme will he "The teaching of the Church of Eng- land," the first of a series. Evening subject "What ars we to understand by the fall of man 7" 45 minute service. The ministrations of Rev. Dr. Mc- Crae, of Loudon, were received most ac- ceptably last Sabbath by Melville con- gregation. A special interest is always felt in former residents who have "made good." Dr. McCrae will conduct the services next Sunday in the same church. Brussels Council Council met Tuesday evening in Council chamber, with Reeve Leckie in the chait. Councillors Thomson and Walker absent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Following accounts were 'present- ed :- 0. Pope, water, &c $ 20 30 Cardiff & Dames, coal ' 9 96 Geo. Kerr, gravel,.-,., ....... 3 50 J. W. Sanders, running grader 13 50 J. W. Sanders, work at bridge 5 50 W. Dark, traction engine' on grader 40 50 Wilton & Gillespie, account85 81 W. Robinson, work on street1 50 R, Thnell, electric lam -pe.. 1 05 J. T. Wood, coal for engine 2 82 T1 12 POST, printing .... 18 75 R. Oliver, salary 40 00 Insurance on Town Hall 41 00 On motion of Hewitt—Burchill, accounts were ordered to be paid. Report of scales for month of July, 531.05. Telephone Extension By -law, -laws No. 6 1016, was read three times and passed. Tender from T. McLean for $175•for. macadam work on 128 feet of road- way North of iron bridge was read. County paysefor 100fee of this:. On motion, money for yarn for Mrs. Lunn was advanced so as to aid her in the use of her knitting machine. After chatting over several other matters, Underwriters' report, &c., Council adjourned. Entrance to Normal Schools The results of the ,Middle School examination for entrance into the Normal Schools were given out by the Department of Education last week. Certificates of the successful candi- dates and the statements of marks of these who failed will be mailed to the Principale'or Inspectors. Suceeseful candidates who desire to attend the coming session of the Normal Schools are notified that their applications for admission must be made to the Deputy Minister of Edu- cation not later than Monday, Aug- ust 21. They are advised to make early application, If applicants will state clearly in their applications when and where they passed tine Normal entrance examination, they need not delay such applications on account of not having received their cerci flcatee. The Normal Sellable will open Tues- day September 5, at a. m. at which time all candidates must present themselves. Applicants are required to be 18 years of age befote .October tat, (HURON W W Ament, L G Ament, K F Bur - Vows, M E Bowes, R Oantelnn, W 13 Denman, 15 P Dougherty, 3 kti Geddes (hon.), 11 0 Gray, N W Hibbert, H I Hartwell, J 3 Johnson, V A. Johnston, M P Jaluleton, J I Kerr, L A Ring, E M Little; 10 L Lockridge, L 0 Long- man, Lr A Marquis, L A McKay (hon.), A McKay, IC McLean (lion.), A L Mc- Gill, .1 W MnGregor, NI 7 McLenchlin, A 11 Noble, 0 10 Powell, 0 G Pickard, 0 0 Robinson (iron.), L K Rtitheeferd, E P Scott, 11 B Shaw, A A Spatling, 133 Seldon, 10 J Waeman, L Wright, G E Wootton, ' P.ER'CH A `7 l3abit, 0 F Brooke, R'G Bailey, L W Oartled e, E Ceara, iii 13 Coyne, A T Clarke, M Carry hon,), Ti. E Dickinson, 10 V T&esley (hon.), M J WW1 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrrICC • TORONTO Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department [IT'D 187a SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, El O O Manager. somenimmomor o. Freeman, G 19 Fawcett, tt 0ll Gabel Elliott,(renhon.), V G Gray, M O leipel, M Henry, E 13 Bishop, M Irwin, J G Inglis (hon.) D W Jameson, D B Kaiser, V M Kerr, Z M Lang -Ford (hon.), M L, Mcllhargey, M M Murray, NI 0 Meagher, (1 E Mitchell, M A Mc - McLelland, N1 16 Marshall (hon.), M Neven, 11 Oddy, A Patterson, I Rid- dell (hon.), E M Rutherford, B 0 Shore (hon,), M V Slatterie, G E Smith, G 13 Stuart, L 'Tobin, E Wal- lis, S H Wyatt, P M Wagner (hon.), 0 Webster. Perth County• Mitchell. Nursery Co. are installing concrete bedding forms in . some of their houses. Geo, Betinewiee, Fullartou, thresh- ed some of hie Fall wheat last week. It tested 62 pounds to the bushel. After occupying "Poplar Hall", Mitchell, for 22 years, and the family having all left home, W. R. and Mrs. Davis purpose moving about Oct. let, to their new home, patchased on the corner of Main et., Mitchell, opposite Dr. Ru, bunt's residence. Mooney BIscuIT COMPANY ASSIGNS FOR CREDITORS —The Mooney Biscuit and Candy Company with Targe branches in Stratford, Winnipeg, Vancouver and Montreal, has made an assignment in favor of its otcditors the necessary documents having been filed at, the Court house Tuesday morning. Malcolm H. Robinson, of Toronto, is mentioned as the assignee. A meeting of the creditors will likely be held soon. In the meantime the Stratford plant is continuing to fill orders as they come. BORN DorlaLAs.—In Tnrnberry township, on July 88th, 1916, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doug- las, a son—William Stanley. Bsronni: In Broseels, on July 29th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ritchie, a eon, MARRIED %RLLY—ANnEReoN.—At the Manse, Belgrave, on August 8th, 1818, by Rev. A. M. Boyle, Mr. W IIL Kelly. of Swift Current, Saslr , to Miss Jean, 2nd daughter of Mr. Robert An- dersen,, Morris township. Ross—CCTe..-At the home of the bride's par. ants, Montreal street, Goderieh, by Rev J. B. Fotheringham, on August 2nd, 1918, Mise Jean Muir, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Cult, to Thomas Edwin Roes,•son of Mr. and Mrs. ;Tames Ross, of the 4th Ooneeesion of Goderioh township. DIED GLonearan,—In Morris Township onAuguet 7th, 1916, Prances J. Al000k, beloved wife of Jno, Glouehier, aged 20 years, b months and 10 days, MANN.—In Grey township on August 8th, 1010, Bessie, youngeet. daughter of James and Mrs. Mann, aged 20 years, 6 months and 12 days. SPera,—In Morrie Township, on August 4tlr 1910, Mary Evelyn, second daughter of Alex. and Mrs. Spear, aged 2 years, 10 months and 7 days,- COMFORTABLE- BRIOK HOUSE and 3S sore of land for sale, well located, in the Village of Ethel. Also 60 agree pasture farm, 2135 Lot21, Con, 0 Grey township Good wet• er on farm. Will also: dispose of pony, her. nese, buggy and cutter. Apply to JACOB HOLLINBEOK, 6-tf Phone 5919 - Ethel, Notice to Creditors In the matter 05035, Mulcahy, of the Village of Ethel, in the County of Huron, Meacham, Insolvent Notice is hereby given that the above named has made an eeslgnment to me ender R. 8. 0 , 1814, Chapter 184, of all his estate and effects for the general benefit of his Creditors. A meeting of Creditors will be held et my - office, 84 Wellington street, West, in the 01ty of Toronto, on Friday, the 11th day of August, 1916, at 8 80 p. m„ to receive a statement of of. fairs, to appoint Inspectors and for the order.* ingg of the Estate generally, Creditors are requested to file their claims with the Assignee before the date of such meeting: And notice is hereby given that after thirty days from this date theaosete will bedietribut• ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice ehnil have been given, and the Asatgnae Will trot be liable for the assets or any part thereof so die-' trtbuted, to any person or persona of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated at Toronto this Fifth day of August, 1816. NORMAN L. MARTIN; 6.2 Assignee, Voters' List 1916 Municipality of the Village of Brussels, County of -Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the personn mentioned in Sections 8 and 0 of the. Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said Sections to be an transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all persona appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll or the Municipality at Elections for members of the Longhand that.tbseatt listtwas, Brett lrotated up to my office, in. Brussels, en the 8th day of August, 1916,and remising there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and; if anyontiaatona or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceed- Inge to have the said errors corrected accord- ing to law. -- ' Dated this 8th day of August, 1910. P. 8. SOOTT, Clerk of Brussels. �aa�4so+lr�e�a�A�fie4*seb#ff� rnve,Drug I UA Store +++++44+4.4.44444.4.444.44+ .. • fruit Jar Rings • Nice nets stock of best qua1- ity Red Rubber quarte and • pints, 10c • per doz. for Tired feet s There is nothing willgive • you greater comfort this hot weather than "PENSLAR • TREAD -EASY," an absorb • ant and deodorant powder for tired and aching feet. : Try a can and be convinced, 25c, Willard's fork Dipt : Chocolates The same old favorites,. Our Z stock is fresh and well as- • ♦ sortedAlways • nice for. an ; • auto ride. :. • : • _I Cameras • •S • 2 O y fl. Time • • • The Flies are beginning to' 4, •• be troublesome. Keep the 2 • home free of them :—Fly a • Swatter's 10e ; Tanglefoot, • •• Insect Powder and Fly Pois- : • • on Pads, 5 and 10c. • • •4 IF X'S: 4 • DRUG'$TORE a 2 • The Penslar Store a • o••••••♦•••••♦•••••••••••♦ :. Don't forget, the "Arisen": line when you are thinking Y '0f haying a Camera. Nice • assort men talways on hand. • 'Che "Cy Ito" paper le giving • great reanits. We gnaran- • tee absolute satisfaction, : • 0 • • • BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat $ 90 .f. 06 Oats - 60. 60 Pans 150 160 Barley _... - W 8255 Hoga e 11 00 11 0 00 Ha v 8'00 •800 Potatoes per bus , 200 .200 • 4. ♦Od/oNNONrN•N NN•♦•••••••••••••••••••••♦N••••••••••••♦•♦•••••••N•• • • • ••• Brussels Daylightg Store ♦ : • • • • • • •• • • •••• • • • Y : a • •• • • 2 • Men's and Youths' Special e �i:al c G. H. McLaren• • „rl,l'Ii Pli'11�1i�'li'Ili"I,'lii'la'I,ali'� ,a1 sli Ilr'II, I„'Ir'I„'I,rli"li'1,"1'h11„'I,rl,l'I,IVi IIr1,INa'I,I'Ir'a1,II'srl,l�sall'11i IL'4rta1.'lli'V.'4,s1� Ili la'1„'I,"I,'tli t,'t.'ly'Id4,il�i Ili Ili Ia„I, Ili 1„'Ili 1a'1.'I,a,,ntal,'1„'I.s • • • 0 • e: Y •: • • a August Clearing Sale E are holding our Annual August Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods. The prices are all to your advantage and some of the BEST BARGAINS we have ever offered. Call' and look through whether you buy or not. Summer Dresses, Waists and Middies A good assortment of Wash Dresses and Waists at 25 to 50 per cent less than regular, and one lot of Waists regular up to. 51 t25. August Clearing Sale— Your choice for 50c Men's and Boys' Summer Shirts, reg. 1.00 & 1.25 59c Men's Fine Shirts, all sizes in the lot from 14 to 17. Slade up of odd lots and samples, some slightly soiled. Regular prices $L00 and $1.•25. Special for August Clearing Sale— Your choice for 59c • • • • • • s • • 2 P, S,—These prices' are for Cash - 84 Men's and 'Youths' Worsted and Tweed Suite, well made, potfect fitting with good linings. Regular price 18 00, 1400and $15.00. All sizes front 38 to'42 in the lot. August Clearing Sale Price— Your choice for $9.98 Cali and look this lot over. Slippers and Canvas Boots . Here's eomething worth while—A splendid lot of Women's Pumps and Strap Slippers, Children's and Misses' Slippers and Oxfords and White Canvas Boots. All sizes in the lot from Child's 3's to Women's 7's, 1,11 at 25 to 35 per cent less than regular prides Summer Coats A few Lntliee' and • Misses' Light Weight Coate, in silks and light weight tweeds and serges, Good assortment of sizes. • •••• • : Y : • • •Y • • • 2 • • es :. • • 4 Many at Half Price ••• Straw Hats for •• Men and Boys• .A11 Straw Hats MUST GO. .A pod lot of ” • Sailors and soft straw hate for mail and boys. • Leather sweat bands and this ear's best H .. styles in high and medium crowns. See them, Regular -prices ft'mrt 508 to $2 50. Many at Half Price August Clearing Prices on all Summer Dress Goods and Muslins. A first'class stock of all Staple Dry Goods at the Lowest Prices, Highest Prices for Produce N. McLaren or Produce, •A•••••4'•••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••H4•• ••N•••••••••••••N••••••• '3 . 217,1 1