HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-27, Page 8Hot Weather Helps slate lealm Leaf Fans A neat size se each, Talcum .Pewders A great assortment. We are almost sure to have your particular favorite kind, Orangeade and Summer Drinks We keep the ingredients for melting up these popular home recipes— Citric Acid. Tartaric Acid, Essence of Lemon, &c, Harmony Glycerine Soap A great hig value—one of the best ateround bath soaps that care and skill can produce. 2 large j Ib, cakes for 250, Effervescent Soda phosphate and Citrate of Magnesia They cool the blood. Rexall Foot Powder S Relieves tired, sweaty feet Rud makes walking a pleasure, 25c a tin. The No. 2a Folding Autographic Brownie Price $8.00 'fakes pictures of lbs popular zkx4l size. The thinaess and compactness of construction wilt appeal to the one who wants to carry just as little as possible, and then it has the new Autographic feature recently put in Rodlike exclusively. Perhaps it is just what you bave been looking for for your vacation. Films Developed and Printed. 2 -fie )7.4f,e0,24 Stare Fs SMITH DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, prat b ebbs 4tems Woos. is a good price, DAYS begin to shorten. Hoc market $11.15. PICNICS are often on the program, NEXT Tuesday will be the xst of Aug- ust, Cu'r the weeds and keep them from Reeding, Tau Pope machine shop, Brussels, Is rushed with work. THE eontlaued hot weather has been hard on the ice supply, WHn are your vigitore I Why don't you let Tux Pose trbow Taws are as automobiles owned in Brussels and more to follow. A SEW plank covering was put on the bridge over the culvert, Brussels, North last week. SEVERAL from this locality took in the Sabbath School Excursion iron] Walton to Goderich on Wednesday of this week. REGULAR meeting of the W. C. T. IT. will be held Friday afternoon of this week in the Public Library Audience room, CHorcax language on the part of some of the bathers in the Maitland would not cost much but would leave the impres- sion of ordinary decency. MttSSRS. GALBRAITH & MULD00N shipres• ped a car of heavy horses to Montreal U end another car of the same class f equines to Winnipeg this week, • tri CONTRACTOR MCLEAN is making fairly good progress on the street work. on When completed Brussels will have e of the finest front streets in the Coumy, GUELPH Mercury says :--"Let's b e one final whoop about that affair in North Perth, but after that, for the love of Mike, let's quit that joke about the hay crop in North Pertb. MEN were engaged this week remov- ing the accumulation of the past seaSon from the macadamized roadway put down last year. This should reduce the clouds of dust raised by the vehicles, FARM 13ou021•r -- Edmund Brewer, town, has purchased the 50 acre farm adjoining Brusrels.on the South, from George Robb, of St. Catharines, and gets possession next Spring, The pres- ent tenant is R. GrifM b. RED CROSS.— Tuesday evening of next week t he regular monthly business meetiug of Brussels Red Cross Society will be held In the Board Room of the Public Library at 8 o'clock. If you are a member try and be there. LEG HURT,—Last Sunday afternoon Douglas Currie, son of Andrew Currie, Flora street, fell off the mill dam, a dis- tance of 04 feet and injured one of his legs quite seriously. He had to be helped home. We hope the injured member will soon be e. k. Rex) Cams AT SEAi;oiTH,— Wednes• day of next week Seaforth is putting on a big day in the interests of the boys the 161st Battalion, Program of sports, music. Refreshment booths, Mid - Way, &c. Concert in the evening, is Seatorth'e Civic Holiday, NOT FORGETTING THE BOYS.—Pte Fred. Campbell and Harvey Hoover, who were home from Camp were pre sented with a wristwatch and monogra ring respectively, for which- suitable ac- knowledgments were made, Pte. W frid Lott's gift of a wrist watch was se to him at Toronto, His written rep returned thanks for the token. CIRCLE TEA, — TuesdAy evening next week the Circle Tea will be held the lawn of Tames and Mrs. Ballantyn Queen street. It will be presided ov by Mrs. James Fax and Mrs, Robe Thomson, assisted by Misses Downie MuLauchlin, Buchanan, Baeker, Cun- ningham, Grewar, Ament, Bailey, Eryane, Hingston and Wood, From to 8 o'clock are the boars for tea. Ic cream will be ott call. A short interest+ Mg program will be rendered, Pro- ceeds go to Brussels Company of tb 16tat Battalion, You are specially i vited so be sure and attend. of It s. '- m ll- ut ly of On e, er rt g, e ing e n. THE Goderich Signal of last week says :—There was a non+jury sitting of the County Court last Saturday morn- ing• His Honor Judge Dickson presid• ing for the trial 01 an action for ,medical services. Dr. Rotates, of Brussels, was the plaintiff and W. C, Stiehl] and Mar- garet Smith, of the satne place, were the defendants: Some complication or mis• Understanding between g t110 Counsel AS to the right or propriety of trying Rn action during the holidays arose, Judge Dickson in it few concise words unravel. led the controversy and ordered the trial to take place before hitnself on the 15th Inst, The great dramatist's view8 Anent "the law's delay" received t countenance from Judge Dioksoo. It is gratifying as fwell as profitable to suitore end litigants to.bave the Courts' rind the Judges s ifs use ot their bust. 4545 with despatch and promptitude, at never in the history of the World was ' time so valuable es te.day, c Tors is the year for tall bay. Some of It measures about 6 feet. ' THE. POST expects ;— Holiday biking. Harvest time rusb. High prices to prevail. Honey to be a good crop, Ho es ek c m e era' Excursions. s. Honors to Canadian soldiers, Huron County still at the top. W. V. Mo8t•A'T writing from Sault Ste. Marie Ont. s' - n says E closed find v express order to ply eubecription to THa Pae, It Is a very welcome weakly visitor, We are all well. EVervthing is growing good up here, with tots of work for everybody. Men are working night as well es clay on the' now power canal. They are also busy making %bells at the steel plant, —0 — A NEW sweat collar pad was found and owner may have it by paying for this notice at Tux Pose. SreoTACLEe found. Owner may have them by paying for this notice, Tan PoeL, WILL the person who found the child's gray coat and pinafore on the road North of Bros. eels please return to Mae. 1,005, Brassele. SALEsLADIE5 wanted to fill positions open on our sales staff made vacant by men Banat. ed, Either temporary or permanent Income three dollars per day upwards. Address The Scarborough Go, of Canada, Ltd., Map Pub- liehers, Hamilton, Ontario. • Two thor'bred Berkshire boars for sale. Fit for service. ,TAs. NIOaor., R. R. No. 4, Brno• eels. Phone 8814, SERVANT wanted, Apply to MRs. W. M. SItaosAia, Brussels. between, Lot 8 stake russels,18 Call phone 28818 If you found it. PM for Bele—BO of them -5, 8 and 2 weeks old. Gno. BAEHa, Oranbrook, Phone 524. Co0ieoRTADLs house on Turnberry street, Brussels, for sale or to rent, lately ocanpled by J. F. Rowltnd, 3 acre Of land, with stable, well, cistern, fruit trees, &o, Good location, Good cellar, furnace and eleotrto lights, Ap- ply to Miss WALRaa. LAWN mowers put in lIrat-class shape and Sharpened by Geo, Edwards, Mill at„ Brussels. A 000D house for sale with stable and fruit trees. .Apply to L C. RICHARDS. —0 -- THE POST congratulates Henry Toole, who is visiting bete, on his success in passing the Lower School Exam. He wrote at Cayuga where he was attend- ing school. MISS JITNEYS TAYLOR, Brtssels, has been eugaged to teach the Glenannan School, 'L'urnberry township, at a salary of e600. Duties will begin in Septem- 'ber. She bas met with splendid success as an instructor. School is 5 miles from Wiogbam on the C, P. R Schoolhouse is new and modern. John Watson, Listowel, Was elected District Deputy Grand Master of Huron District No. 5 for the ensuing term. THE Pose joins with Mr. Watson's. numerous friends in Brussels and vici- nity in extending heartiest congratula- tions on the honor conferred upon him at the Masonic Grand Lodge. He will fill the bill all right. A LETTER from W. P. Ritchie, of the Ritchie & Watters Construction Co„ Portage 15 Prairie, in remittiug his sub- scription to The POST says: --Enclosed fend postal note for THE Pose, one of the links that bind us to the old town. We are having beautiful Summer weatb• er and promise of a bountiful harvest s again this year. Wishing yourself and THE POST prosperity, LT, -Coe, COObtBE has succeeded in obtaining leave of absence for the 161st Huron Battalion baud to attend the Greed Fair of the Allies in Victoria Park, Seaforth, Wednesday. August 2nd. Phe band is acknowledged to be the finest Military band in Canada today and citizens from all over the County will do honor to their own on the 2nd, Tee Fair is not of a local nature but a County Celebration, the receipts going to the rent Battalion, BRUSSELS SCHOOL.—The results of the Lower School Examipation wee publish- ed last Saturday, In the list of success- ful candidates writing from Brussels are the following, arranged alphabetically: Gertrude E. Ames Jean A, Grant Edwin C, Miller Katie McDonald Margaret Perrie Doris E, Ross Ada Fulton (Art) Hazel M. Stewart (Art) Byron Wright (Art) The last 3 may enter Corm III, write on theNormal Entrance next year and take ArtasA esu supplemental, pp al, I: Addition the above there are 4 boys to Cerruti: Beet Harold Currie Stanley Hall Chas. Sellers whose certificates will be awarded upon completion of work on farms where they are now engaged. The exemination toss stiff, some of the papers long and p,trplexing berme the thawing is credit - Ales i n cum oris as with h other Centres and Tuts PoiT extends congratulations and hopes the su0nesses tnay be long. antieued, Young Men Orothers who are unable to enlist for overseas service, can serve. their King and Country by helping • on Munition' work. Steady work to good men. Apley to. The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co, ltd., 3.3 Seaforth Ont. Church Chimes Melville church pulpit will be oc- cupied next Sunday by Rev. Mr, Mc- Arthur, Kincardine, who is exchanging with the pastor. Rev. Mr. Tale, Bluevale, preeebed two good discourses in the PresLlt e'en and Methodist churches last Sunday and will be welcome back. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Hart, °ESt, Marys, will preach at 81 a. m and 7p, m, in the Methodist church, The past- or will be back for the tollowing Sunday, which will be the quarterly Communion Applications for the position of organ- ist and choir leader in Melville cburcb, Brussels, bave been rece ved and con- sidered. The names selected for trial will be given opportunity of demonstrat- ing their proficiency in September. In the meantime Mrs. Geo, Thomson is officiating.' Rev, Mr. Powell, County Secretary of Huron Co., gave interesting and instruc- tive addresses in the Methodist - and Presby'erian churches in town last Sun- day on the Temperance question', past. present and Future The b 'ass g does not grow under hie feet as be attends to the many duties of his office in the combined Counties of Huron And Perth, Rev. Mr, Powell is very optimisticof results if the lovers of Temperance do their duty, People We Talk About Mrs, R. McAlpine, St, Marys, is visit. ing relatives in Brussels, Miss Vine Bowman is back from an enjoyable visit to Cobalt. Miss Brown, Stratford, spent the week end with Miss Stella Gerry. Barrister M. G. Cameron, Goderich, was in Brussels last Fr:day, Athol MrQuarrie, of Goderich Signal staff, was home over Snndsy. Miss Mary Livitrgstone is here on a visit with relatives and friends. MissEthel Churchill, Bluevale, was a visitor with Miss Minnie Edwards. George Edwards, jr , was a visitor at Megaw and Goderich this week, G. W. Colvin is borne from Fergus enj tying a holiday of a few weeks, Wm. Garniss, Bluevale, was calling on old Mewls in Brussels, this week, Mrs. J. Duncan, Atwood, was calling on old friends in this locality last week, Harold Gerry was holidaying at London and Stratford during the past walk Geo. and Mrs. Barkley visited at Camp Borden on their return trip from the West, Miss Mabel Haycroft, of Port Arthur, is renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality. Frank Oliver is visiting at the borne of his uncle and aunt, Granton, for a week or two, ince Livingston, Detroit, is here on a visit with his mother, Mrs D. Living Ston, and sisters. Tames Close, Woodstock, was a holi- day visitor at N, F. Gerry's, He is a cousin to Mrs Gerry. Reeve Leckie had a touch of lumbago for a few days during the past week that was not enjoyable. Pte. George Manning, of the 'loth Battalion, is home for a few weeks and will spend the time in'farming- Mrs. George Lowry spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. A, L Porteous, Seaforth, during the past week, Mrs. R. Henderson has been on the sick list but we hope she will soon re- gain her customery good health. Mrs, Wm. Newsom, Queen street, is home from an extended visit with her daughters in Chicago. She looks well. Mrs. H. B. Churchill and Miss Norene 'are here for an extended holiday from Megaw. Mr, Churchill was here for the week end. Rev. W. T. Cleff, Stratford, a former well known S•usselite, underwent a severe operation at Stratford hospital r. Tuesday morning. g Mrs A/ ex Smith b a nd Mrs. Geo. Jack- son were in Clinton on Tuesday al tending the funeral of the late Edwin Jervis, of Weyburn, Sark. Rev. James E, and Mrs. Hunter and children, of Charing Cross, havebeen enjoying a holiday at the former's paren- tal home, John street, Brussels. Miss Pearl Backer has accepted a position on the Berlin School staff She will commence her duties in Sep. tember and will no doubt do well. Mise Gertrude Ross, who has been filling a position in her father's Dry orals stare, will go to Fort Willlem after the vacation to leach the young idea. Miss Berea leryans, Queen street, was operated on last Saturday for ep- pendlcitis and is, making favorable ,pro- gress toward recovery we are pleased to state, Version Ross is home for a short vacation from tate Ontario Dental Col- lege, Toronto, He enters upon his 4th year at once, following out Gte Summer course, Lieut, Frank Gerry, Sergt. Elmer Ewan. Corp. Mustard, Stewart Fox, Tee. Mctauchlin, Hervey Hoover, Ver- non in I ' r Angus Kerr Geo: Davis and others came home' last week Vona Camp Borden, Misses Jessie end Jean Elliott, of Stratford, •accatnpanied by their niece, Gracie, were visiting Mrs I. 0, Richardss and other old friends In Brussels end locality, 'Phey returned to the Classic city in Mr. Ri0ltards' ear, Dr. W, L. Relines, Mra. Hoimes and Missr Dorothyhave g nth gone West tor ra❑ extended holiday, They will go to the Pacific, visiting relatives and friends enroute, We Wish them an enjoyable stay,. The Dr, ]les not decided where Ii hill 1,110114 15ut tyliilpk ills vsfl tied May take up post grltdtlate work, Bluevale Miss Ample Abram is not improving as Past as her many feieeda would with, A, 13 and' Mrs, Hersey, Brussels, were Monthly vieltoes at the home of John Mester, • Frank and ltTrs, Nichol and little. Miss Mildred spent Sunday at Mee. Nichui's fathers, Jos. Breckenridge, Jun. lord Mrs. Miller, sr., received the' ince news of the death of. uteri grand-dattgitter, Miss Mary Miller, aged 13 years, We sympathise with Mr, and Mrs. Miller in their. bereave - metre. CAMP BORDEN, DEAR Fox,gs —We have been busy getting settled and things ha been happening so feet I did not has time to write till this morning wh we all have been having a holula We cube front London by waxy Stratford, Berlin, Guelph, Georg town, Inglewood, Celestas, Allende.' then to Angus and fr'orn there Oaenp Bordeu station, Stopped Slt'atfot'd and the Band got off at played a few pieces while they we supplying the ease with ft esh water stopped a fewininnbes in Georgetow to let a troop train from Niagara pa ahead and stopped again afew en menta at Allendale where the ban played again. It is 19 miles. from A landale to the camp: When we 1 Allendale the first thing we begs looking for was the pine stumps an sand and we did not have long t wait. The laud is all sand, •itothin else, there are no rocks and no Ino quitoes. Land at one time has bee covered w' r with lame red pines. he g P Whe 142nd, ',tendon's Own, came hat the ground wbich we occupy was 8ti bush, covered with red pine about 3 feet tall an there h re era t w 2,000 me working on It clearing it up. Whe we got here 11 was all cleared excep two large piles of wood put up int stove length which were right on th camp grounds, You can itnagln what ottr'grounds are like just cleave and burnt, Sawdust, ashes and dir all mixed with sand, jest as dirty a our swam was after we had it jus clear pp ed, It did. not. take as long t get our stuff off the train. Our cam is right next to the station and th runs along the side of ou lines. Next morning they shot us nigh out to the big parade grounds. I certainly is a big place and very leve as far ae you can see, aregular prairie There are yet great parts of it tha have stumps on it and it also has a swamp or two, with here and there a big red pine stands alone. Itis all a sandy waste, covered with dry parch- ed wild grass. There were 9 Brigades—the Lon don Battalion formed the lith and 9111 Brigades, There are in all 36 Batta- lions, somewhere near 35 or 40,000 risen, you might realize what it was like when I tell you there were 4 Bat- talions deep for 2 miles long. We happened to be on a little raise once and could see the whole mass at once. First morning we were out they did not tell the men to take water and as soon as they gob away about 3 miles in that hot sun and sand they were all yelling for water and none to bo had, In the Brigade ahead several fainted, some took sunstroke and you might have some idea what a dust such a mass of men would raise with Batta- lions moving in mass. Everyone was nearly choked. I don't know' When 1 WAS so dry and the ashes, sand and sweat ail mixed in one fine mass nn our faces and clothes. If the 40,000 had been at the dirtiest threshing in Ontario they would not have been half so black and we were an awful ooking sight. I have no hesitation in eying I was the dirbieat. By the ime we got back to camp everyone was cursing Sir Sarn Hughes, Camp Borden and everything connected with it. We got washed and had inner then after dinner the Ool, wanted the groups] cleared up some tad the ofeleer's tents put up. We ad just fallen in when the 188th Ox• oris came tearing over yelling, fall - ng down Camp Burden and wanting ut' fellows to join them in a general tarnpede, also the 149th 118th, 135th nd 142nd. Some of the 118th joined nd some of the 142nd and 185111. ome of our men sympathized and heered but we held them well in land and ld Started O t work. Of course t was only a few minutes till we were tacker than the devil, juob like Ing - ging. When we were having supper the 108th and the 133th Norfolk as well as some men from a great many other Battalions, came up through our lines, demanded that everyone be let ot0t of the guard tent and the guard disarmed. The Col. had this done because he had no other course open under the circumstances. I don't think anyone frorn our Battalion went' with them just then and the mob went on liberating all prisoners in camp and about dark they gather. ed in front of headquarters, Now don't imagine there were 40,000 men in this nor was there 1,000 when they started, These were about 10 yelling and of course it increased by specta- tors who gradually got into ib. They climbed on the roof of headquarters in swarms and stood around tell Isliould judge about 2,000 were yelling and cheering, everyone with a stone or elu-b, blessing Sit Sam and Camp Borden.- Somebody threw a stone through a window and in a minute every square inch of glass in from; Was broken, General Logia came out and bt•ied to epsak but it was nn use as howasdavit. howledd r. w All the want. Y ed was to be scuts beck Co Niagara or London. You will have seen an 50- cofnt,le the papers end if you will »mice It blanied the London 'Batta- lions but every 13attelion was into 11 and probably Lbe'183rd 'Norfolk and 108th Oxford were to blame for start- ing the fuss. But it did nob represent by any manna the feeling of the camp. About 11 o'clock they were still raising rr e Oain ancC.it aconic like g d 1k the French Revolution or something strut• lar. The 17011) Battalion was einty Battalion, that Is they are responsible While air duty far the behavior of the ••••••••••r••••• so ve ve en of e- e, to at xl re n Ss 0d 1 eft d 0 s 0 u 11 e 0 n n t e 1 g somebody threw 0 d t• s' t O ho t' THE StANDARD, DANK OF CANADA HAD OFFiC8 ' - TORONTO A. General Banking Business Conducted. Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manu- facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS should be deposited in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Highest current rates of Interest are Eel 'D 1013 paid half yearly. - • 214 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ! O D Manager. Fruit Bulletin Every hopsewtfe can pub . down a good supply of Cuthbert Raspberries. The very best of all Niagara Peninsula NIi" Mfq grown. Black cur- rants are also now at their best for n n Oa nt 8. 51nnt Fou vwwg m9renoy Cherries _ rncan9e are attheir best. 0 HERS No. e'4 Haveyour Grocer order at ones. Look for this label on the basket, It Is your guar- antee of Honest Fruit, Niagara grown, EAT MORE CANADIAN FRUIT. camp. The snob started through their lilies and the guards halted them and the whole Battalion turned out with fixed bayonets. ay nets. By this time some of the highland Battalions were going to raise Old Ned and things looked black for Camp Borden. blob gather- ed round the 170th and dernanded they release all prisoners but nothing 'oing and as the line of steel did not look cod to 1118 0101 ser t a' stone and hie 505Ue0ne so in went several thousand stones on the tante , and men of the 170th. About thle time some of the mob fired 8 shots in the air with revolvers and the 170th got ready and charged the mob with fixed bayonets. Talk about `urnting away they went like the dell, One fellow from Exeter, belonging to the 16141, had an ugly 'gash put in his arm and several around his head With a bayonet, A Wroxeter soldier, had a bayonet, gut through his tunic and shirt and cut his side slightly and out the other side. Another fellow had a small cut on the side of his head. They took a number prisoners, includ- ing three officers of the 149th, who happened to be standing in their lines which ie, near the 170th. Several of l e d f 0 9 a a S c 1 b our men disappeared and have not + JERWT.,—In Clinton, on July lard, 1910, Edwin been : seen since. This. soon . cleared year, vis, of Weybur6, Sask., in his 44th. them °tee and things quieted down year, in abodtt 5 mhnites. We were very .. much afraid they would gather and raid the ldlst because they had not BRUSSELS MARKET taken part so we slept under arms all Wheat night, I had my pants and shoes on Oats and my revolver loaded in . my Peas pocket. Barley Next morning Sir Sam was there and the 1491h, 118th, 142nd and 101st all refused to go on parade and form- ed in a mob yelling again but at lase the 135th, 118th and 149th went out and last of all we got the men in our Battalion to fall in. We got out about 10 o'clock. Sir Sam spoke to. th'e officers and we marched nest. It was a most . wonderful sight but very few saw it. Sir Sam made no refer- ence to. the riot whatever although he was quite nervous. When he was speaking to the ofecers the men were cheering and shouting away down in the London Battalions, He did not give anyone a calling he gave them all praise. Last night the'whole °amp was pre- paring to raise Oain again . and head- quarters ordered 200 men from each battalion to be placed around the lines of each Battalion with fixed bayonets 1 in charge of oifleevs.. Guards were given .bail ammunition and the officers carried their revolver's loaded. The ' rioters were just collecting when the pickets were mounted' and then they eats it Would be very dangerous to start anything, So it would because someone would have been killed be- cause we were going to stand for no l nonsense. '1'hete certainly were% lot of Jessie James' in Damp last night, bub we had no fun. A big guard was on the station as a mob had stolen about 4 sestet of oranges in the after - 1 noon. To -day everything is quiet, and ie, will be froen thie out. As fat, as I am -concerned I lather like .11 here. It certainly will be healthy and we will get lots of sleep, They bave splendid water. here and have one theatre that rune till 10.15 at night. The Muskoka Battalion is here. Parry Sound is still in Sundridge. I have r ve sl 1 knew from Tor- onto. It certainly is a wonderful camp. they have a rifle range le, miles long. I don't know when I will be able to get home but it will not be long, I have told you about the/use ae is actually happened au it was a bunch of young gaffers that were easily led into it. It really did not atnountto a great deal. 'Yonne, &o. A, B, 0.. • BORN EORMraa.—In Morris Township, on .1uly 14th, 1018, to Mr, and BIM Louis Eekmier, a daughter. Pao,—At the Rectoryy Brussels, on July 24th, 1015, a eon to Hae Reverend and Mrs. Rich. and E Paga, Snr1010, to Idn r, and Township, Wililona Smon ithga2aoe. MARRIED W'LLIArte—WATBON, —At the bolas of the bride. en Joty 22nd, 1918, by Rev. W. B. Hawkins,. Blyth, Mr. MBlvnle Williams, Winghant, to Hiss Florence Ethel, daugh- • ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno...Watson, Morris township, DIED 0 D50. 9 50. 100 150 Butter 00 244 Eggs 27 27 Hogs 11 15 11 16 10 00 - 14 00 Hay Potatoes per bus 2'10 210 first-class farm in Morris Cheap The undersigned Is prepared to - sell the North half of farm lot No. 18 in the let Con. of the .Townebtp of Morris, . cheap and on easy terms, 87 acres cleared and 10 acres in bush. mouse 1s good frame on,etone foundation, 214 story, 20x80 t kitchen 15x20 ; barn with stone stabling 50x40 and 55x85 • concrete doors in stable. Soil good and clean with 2 Berea of orchard. Fenn fans away front the buildings and has considerable tile drainaso, Fences , wire and cedar rails in good epndition. Farm has 0 wells and spring creek at reel.. Roads good, Only Otte mne from Bluevale R. T, R,. station, Poeseesloit at end of year. 8'or fur• ,cher, particulars apply to the undersigned, F. S. SCOTT, Brussels. • Our Pates Green is giving per- 2 ` fent sitlisl'eteeion, every pound . • r guaranteed to be f tasbquali' y, 2 ♦ In lbs, and 3 lbs, Gr any gown- • • tltydesired, • Photo • Frames • • 2 Ni ce new line of Photo Pearnes • • just received In Dark and Site • 2 ver, 80c,50u, 75c and $1,00 • + Ansco • .' • Cameras • • • Don't forget the new line we • • have inset laced ie stock' -•an 2 espeelully fine line of Cameras. • Films developed and Printing , aleo done, All work guarart- IYteed to be entirely satisfactory. Brine Us OUY 0 I next Films :New 3 Perfumes 2 Have you tried out 2 new ed. or.g." "Diana' DI la slid "Blue • a Biu Bells?" • s • 7hry are both very fragrant, • ♦ $1,00 the metre, • 1 2 2 0 2 2 2• i 2 z 25c pet can ♦ at O Tired Feet Nn more tired feet if lyou nae "Penalar treead•easy. Anti- 82 acrylic and soothing. . Gives • the gretttegb comfort these hot days, A trial' will convince. • • 2• . 2 9 o Fs • DRUG STORE O ♦ • The Penslar Store • • • t••o••••••••••••••••••••••v The Sessional Statutes of Ontario FOB the year 1916 have been received by the undersigned for distritrui ioi, to the persons en- titled to. the same, Magistrates a,td Justices of the Pesoemay obtain them on application at the office of the undersigned ; or copies will bo,sent by express on request. ORtae of the Clerk of the Peace. Godertoh, 22nd ;July, 1016. 0. SEAGER, 4-2 Clerk of the Peace. VR vers' List 1916 Muntcipatity of' tho Township of Croy. County of Huron. Notice le hereby given that I base transmit- . ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8. and 0 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by Raid fieotione to be so transmitted or delivered . of the list made, pursuant to aaid Act, of all persona 'appearing by the last revived Aeeeeament Rolof tiro Munielpallty at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly end at Municipal Elea - tions ; and that the said list ' was first posted Up In my office 1n Ethel on. the Nth any of July, 1816, and . renmine there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the bald list, and, it tory ontlssiooe or any other.errors are found therein to Mtge Immediate proceed- ing's to have the said errors corrected accord. hut to law. Dated this 27th day of ,ruin tete - A. Et, MACDONALD, .., Clerk of Grey. 2•x•.4•••••••••••••••4•0'S r••••••••••••NN••o••Mi••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i Brussels Daylight ht -Store t • 2 Y 9 G. Re McLaren• • 2 g2 ••2 • 2 2 • 2 • • •' 'Ladies' and Misses' White Muslin and Embroidered Dresses, • • ur404nh'40A, W'4140ap1sy0V nl,'a0114U la'la'h'40'Id'6 sebit,e,s P .01J414,soes,li to tees. 10'11060041m'1040 .IlieieltA.'bOAPoIgAAl040 llteb lelie1t'll.S Itelb'4A4A td'tliteaSe''luS • • '2 2 •• • • • • • • • • p♦ 2 •0 Complete stocks of Summer Underclothing in Ladies', Men's and Children's sizes, • • ♦ Ladies', Misses' and Children's Middies and Middy Dresses. • • 2 2 A splendid stock of all Wash Goods:in White Voils,Embroidered Voils, Colored 2 $ Mullins and Voils, White Duck, Reps and Picques. 2 2 HOT WEATHER DRY G000S Splendid Stocks of all lines of Seasonable DryGoods Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats. 2 • 2 1 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers. First-class stock of Ladies' White Waists, Melt's, Bos' and Children's Suits—Big' �'; Stocks and I31g Values. •. 2 2 2 • for Produce urs IVIcLa.ren. ii•..•4••♦•$•••••••••o••o•••••••••&e,4•t+•••C4CH•••••••••e,4, e Highest Prices 9 e •