HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-27, Page 5NOW CAROL JN .5 ERLAND It SONS LIMITED &GLFR vwdN t A4',!ALPII ' • arrow) WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LXQENSEB male in the Post Office, Ethel, 80.4 AUCTIONEERS, .13'. SCOTT AS AN AUO'TI.ON- - 1 .- ass, will sell for better prioe9, to better men, 1u leas timeand less oharges.. than any other Acotloneer in East Heron or he won't charge anything, hates and orders can alwaya. be arranged at this officeor by personal applloation, LEOAL AND CONVEYANCING. �X/7 M. 9[NOLAIR- 11' a Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary t'ublla, deo, Chloe -6 towurt's Bioo5 1. door North of Contras Hotel. Solioitor for the Metropolitan Bank.. Gamma 2!!f! Rat& WraW? BRUSSELS Gorse Some Golan NORTH Express- 7:18a m I Mall 11:22 a m Express 8:89D m Express 8:57 p m Caziasehex Pa awry WALTON To Toronto • • To Goderioh Express....,.... 7;50 a mExpress 11:58 a m Express 8:19 p m I Express 8:54 p m WROXETER Going utast - 7:05 a. m. and 8;40 p. m. Going West - 12:19 and 9:68p, nt. All trains going Eastconnect with 0. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T O. B. atstions, GEO. ALLAN, Loan! Agent. LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort end luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or StWlbrontb W. H. KERR. Agent Athan Line, Brussels. A. HAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods iu Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. A, HAMb1ANN, Cranbrook , Fall Term from August l 0, CENTRAL er -etre STFIATFORD,ONT, 7 V�c Commercial, Shorthand and rci Telegraphy Departments • rD \ys Our graduates are pinned in poeltione.. g 1In 8 meatus we received 219 applicn- .,r Sons for trained help.' Write us at once for our free eatalogoo.- p' ri �t D. A. McLAOHLAN, Prinolpal t"��+3��1 tut VA tutMtM,iy MAY WVMiay 11;,Y (111iiilp.Yi %▪ Nod' ,JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, M Y S1lcoes0o0 50 M, 13, Moore, O1Bve tit Anew - 001n Broe, Ll vary stable, Brussels, 'reiephoue No, 29, T. T. M'RAE M. B„ M. 0, P., & H. O. • 81, 0, H., Village of 13rneao18, Physician, Surgeon, : Aroouohenr. Office over etangard Bank • DR. F.. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, UnlVeralt of Toronto Licentiate of Oollege of Physicians and Sur - aeons, Ontario T -ex-Senior House. Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of late Dr. A, hlo2eveyy, Smith Stook, Brussels, Rural. phone. 95, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hoe" pitals. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Ayes tested for glasses. G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur• goons of Ontario and 'Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, Office in Isard Block, WIngham Phone 249. Post Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of O hthal- o10logy, 91o0ormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill., is prepared to test eyes and fat glasses: et her office: over MDT Inman's millinery store, Office days -Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a. tit. ; 1 to 8p. m. Evenings by appoint - anent, Phone 121. OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla. Office opposite Flour MI11 Ethel, JAMES. TAYLOR LIceosed• Auctlooeer for Huron Co. Setlofeetion assured ; Merges moderate, Write or Telephone if not convenient to. call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P. 0. PROUOFOOT, IILLORAfF & PROUDFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICB. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rotes. W. PaonnvooT, B'.'0. J. L, IiiLLORas Wm. Paounvoo0 JR. istrirt Molesworth - A Red Cross Garden Party, under the auspices of the Women's'Iustitute will be held nn the School Grounds, Molesworth, Friday evening of this week. 28th i sr. Tea served frau Oto 8 o'clock. Interesting program in which &thai Orchestra and vocal talent hour Listowel, Trowbridge, Got rie, Jamestown, Cranbrook, Ethel and Molesworth will take pas t. .A. Foot Ball match will be played from 7 to 3 o'clock. A good time is as- sured, so be sure and attend. Gerrie Harry Dane was in Oshawa on bust. tress. Chevrolet agents disposed of a new car to John Hyntlmai. The contractor, Mr. Hutchison, Clifford, is pushing walk on the new public shed. E. A. blade, Fort William, formerly principal of our public school, was in town visiting old friends. Dr. and Mts. Armstrong, Tem, were visiting at the home of the fot'm- er's brother, James, here. • Word has been received here that Pte. Ohas Bunlows who worked for John Steulnoll, Orange Hill, a few years ago, has been killed in action in France Mrs. Tolton, of this village, teeeived the follnwing welcome lelte, :—"18 Sbatinnary hospital, 13ologne, France, June 24111. DEAR MADAM :— Pt•ivate 0. D Tolton has asked Inc 10 let you know he was in the above hospital, wounded. He was wounded by shrap- nel in several places, arms, lege end chest, but so foe is going nu quite satisfactorily and expects to he going act088 to England -shortly and willlet you know as soon as he gets there. Ho is very well looked • aftelt in This hospital and has all Ise could wish for, and is very cheerful and wonderful, like all our splendid fellows in this terrible war. Yours ttttly, Irene S teph en." THE Best Brains WIIINNESSIESTEIN la Meade have partioipated in the pre- Cmration of our splendid Home Study ourses in Banking, Economies, Higher Accounting, Commercial Art Show Card Writing, Photoggraphy, ,tottrnal- isne,'Short Story Writing, Shorthand. and Bookkeeping, Select the Work which !Hast interests yon andwrite nu for particulars. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE' SCHOOL 395-7 Yong° St., Toronto cesismssesusesammsausetsnmesseassel INIMPIEMEDESSESSIEWEIRESEMEZENEWITRISEIS COLLEGE AT HOME Theasauts of ambitious yoing peo- Iple are feat preparing 1n their own lbmea t0 0001177 lum'ntfve ;moieties RA stenographers, boolckeepers, tol,egra• pliers,. civil servants, 1n foot every sphere et activities, Von may finishat college If von So wish. Positions goer- anteed, ]hater college any day. Iudb vfdunt Instruction, Expertanohers. Thirty ,years' expeeienee, Largest tremors in Canada. Severn colleges, Spocint crowns for ten0hors, Affiliatyd With Commercial Entice. S5aerhsaAl eeodnieonnsSoPf o0tnmnnud}au.shSieusmmDeIr• lege, Loudon, Wingham Buslnass College 9e Goo, SycOOTOlr, W. T, 245580%, President, - Principal. 6111111WINSOMMESES Wroxeter (Intended for lost week) iiarry Smith is holidaying at Paris. Elmer " Ilurkinghaw1, \Vittgltapt, visited friends here. Miss Etta RIM mil, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Moil Reis. 31,0. and Alis PON, Brussels, called on 81 lends int In, village. J. Cott, Godetid,, spent a few days of this week 0 111, \V: Robinson. • T. G. 151)11. alts. Hemphill and Jas. and ilirs. Allan WAIT visitors 10 Galt., Two rinks el' le ti hes t11t!! here et tended the Toni 'lament held in Mt. Forest. Mee. Leslie it:Lnughlin, Ilosthern, Sask., is a visitor at the hone of itlis. (a. Davidson, Frank and Alre. Sanderson and lit- tle daughter', Toronto, are guests of Mrs. J.'liitchie. Misses Leta Sanderson anti Janet Dickson, Toronto, oro oijoying a few weeks holidays here. Merton Hove olid family, Dunn- ville, are spending •e week with the fornmer's father, Gen, Howe. Misses Lilo and Clad- Rolle efor•d, teachers, Toronto, arrived home for the remainder of the Sumner vaca- tion, Miss Margaret Earls, of the West- ern Hospital, Tm onto, is speeding a three weeks' vacation at ]ler home in r3nwiek, 7*4iss, Annie 1\Icillwen, teacher of Pilot Mound, Man„ is visiting her pitrents, Peter and Mrs, ilicliwen, lttrnberry. welliAgsgravg • Rahs,'t and Mrs, ]poria, .rYnwtc)r, re.' ,Y[ASnelveil word that ttheir eli10e4eon John�q ,'Hurls, who left Iii gine with the 0811,y, Balt„ som0 5wo ,nolle he. ti o, Ilad been iiO s g ivotlnded in France. Wim 1a1'tiuulals are to hand but we trust the wounds 6t1'ellotgstii rhe. DE SUFFERED Amongst the soldier's who were home from Qanmp Bordeu for the week end were Sergt, R, Nash, Ples, E. Lowry, T, Meehan, P, Hoffman, H, WTe0ihrlu'. Frank Westlake, .1. Angst Jon. Vit tie, W. Oo'uwall, H, .Walley, (1, 'Volvo) and IV; Carter. Listowel Mies Bradley has been appointed Organ lab at Oht'ist Church, Rev. J. &. J, Millyard is away on his holidays, William Gibson, ',melon, had chaage of the set vices Sunday, Lutheran coigregetioe in Listowel during the (last weeks have had thele church re -decorated and now have a very beautiful bnnse of warship._ A. .1. Vatelrielt put chased the old Royal 131ocic nn \Valla,',, street and since then has had tl number, of men busy slaking alterations. Air, Vcu,- driek has moved Mtn his new prem. lees. He has 3 fine stores, a grocery store, a flour and feed store and the auction 1000518. At a special meeting of the Conlioil the recommendation of the Finanoe Committee was adopted and the tax -Sate fixed a182 mills on the dollar, made up of the school rate of 10 mills, ()minty rate of 4 mills and general rate 18 mills. This year's rate is an advance of two mills over, that of last year• Finance committee estimated the total expenditure for the year at $43,314.51. List of successful candidates for Eutt•ance. Exaplitlatiou at Listowel centre. The Haines are arranged in order of Inert,.. Honore—Oscar Nickel, 14. Dickson, Bert, Twamley, David, Park, James Brock, Melville Alexand- er. Prise—Anna Mester, Gordon Har- graves, Carl H. Fritz, Al vise 0. Bas- ted°, Elizabeth L. Climie, Lenore Hewitt, Viola Hartman, Mary Bridge, Mae Armstrong, Ira B. Large, Violet Dierltun, Eva Hamilton, Jean Mae Dick, Frieda Saltman, Charles L, Holtman, Lorne lilarkwell, L. Wen- zel, L Falun, Jelin EARWIG, Lorenzo Thompson, Weldon H. Ellison, Frances W. E alillyard, Isabel Cle- land, Johan McGeorge,' Beagle Chant. 1109'. Annie Nelsnu, Norman Hamilton, Violet Harvey:, Franklin Rogers, Clara Thompson, Bert Porterfield, Luella Hiles, Edward Wedge, William 0, Blackmo•e, lidmeN. Liebold, Wal- lace 1.1. Collie, 0. Faulkner, Marjory Hamilton, Margaret Tindall, Charles Curtis, Marjorie VonZuben, Thelma Rennie. Atwood I:hua Council met on Saturday last. Mrs. Maxwell and children, Toronto, ore visiting at, the home of Geo. and Mrs. Greensides. Miss Ethel Horn was sncressfnl in passing her Primary Pianoforte Ex- aminations in the Toronto Conserva- tory of music Bert. }Jewitt Rime,had - r tune to break his arthe mhefn. This is the second tion he has broken his arm in 4 Months, Dr. Farmer, Dean of McMaster Uni- versity, will preach Anniversary ser- mons, in Baptist church, September 10th. Monday evening September 11th, he will speak on the war, Ewart Angus, son of hill, and Mrs. Angus, Street for (1, and formerly of. Atwood, won the city scholarship at the recent Entrance Examination and Geo. H. Brunner, a pupil of the Mill- bank public school, won the County Scholarship. The Patriotic Garden Party held oil the Agricultural grounds, proved very successful. The Indies provided sup- per and the program was varied and well enjoyed, the Milverton band en- livened the evening with many selec- tions. Rev. J. M. Shaw orenpied the chair. Prnceedq were $16319 Monday and Tuesday of last week two rinks of thee bow twood bowlers; took A in the tournament at 1511 Forest. The days were tine for bowling and a sucressful tourney was the result. The two 5001159 were composed es fol- Intvs :-Geo. Lnahhead's rink, Wee Robb, Jnn. linger and W. Blackwell w•hn reached the semi-finals for the trophy and were defeated by a smell margin by the winners at Mt. Forest rink. The other rink was E. Swing, Wm. Lambe T. 0, Ratcliffe and slci 14. Porter, who wore successful in carrying off the Consolation prize. . -Blyth Myth Uivio Holiday 1Vednesday of this week, A. braid stand, 143{14 feet in size has been fleeted mi the lot adjacent to S. 1-1. C idll'y's she 0. Alis, Aaiun- Sims and sot, Willie, Dewitt !mitre, Stole, ore guests at the homer f Wut, Situs. Alts, 1V. W. Sloan and son, Will., Toronto, nye spending 1110 week as guests nfiter aunt, hiss, a1. Young, W. 11. Dr. AlcTaggaet, P. 1A7., J. M. liantilton and P. M. A. W. Beacom were in attendance li an ce ant 1 be Masonic! onie Grand'Ledge at London lasb week. W111, ILutigh, who ;vas Called home a couple of weeks ago owing to the 11111et4s and cleetll of Itis mother, left foe his home at. Whitewood, Sask. 0111 r—There depa'ted this life in the person of Janes Gillespie, one of the piOnerrs of this village and vicinity. lie ivas burn in the Oounty Tyrone; 11011tnd, in 1835. When re young man he emigrated to This Oo., remaining mete a yea' when 1te re - Moved to Rhode Island, U. S., and in the city of Providence ho met Maria Hnlott, of 0o. Wicklow, it•eland, ,tad they wet e unibed in tnaviage by Rev. 1V, 13, Crocker, rector of St. Johns Chnnch, of the sante place, In the year 1861. To this union were born 4 ritildret), namely: — Mas. \V, 3, Rather', \Vinghaul ; Nis. M. Sheffield, Owen Sound ; John, who is deceased r tilA 0 yeaes ago, a c bliss Alice, at home. After 505,10 time he decided to snake ()amide his Monne and moved to ON vicinity settling oil Lot, 26, Gem, 14, Hallett, when it }vas in its primeval state, hewing mita house for himself. Deeea9ed Was one of the sturdy pion- eei's who emigrated from the NotLh'nf Ireland and tuts anitxcelleut,specimen of phyelettl manhood. He was a life tong rnetnber of the Orange Order, 'fFruif-a-tires''. Made Him Feel As If Walking On Mr Camera, Orli',, Nov. 28th. 1914, c'Fer over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lath of Appetite and Heartaches, One day I saw your sign which read "licit-a-tives make you feel like walking on air." This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very snort time, i began to feel better, and naw Ifeel fine, 1have agooclappetfln, relish everything I eat, and the headaches are gimp entirely. I recommend this pleasant frail menacme to all my friends". ,DAN 11IoLEAN, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 23e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. having been affiliated with the Royal Black Pieoeptnry in the Old Land, The hate Air. Gillespie had been In df- eJiuiug health fns same years being confined Ln hi, home. Tlie end carne peacefully 0o) Stn,dlty, July ]OI h, tit 11 a, w, The funeral eervic:e was held horn the late residence nn Tuesday, tib 2 p, m. and was conducted by Rev. it. 3. Mo0ormick, pastor of the Metho- dist0htu•011, the service being very impressive. Singing was led by Ales. 13t'owuand Mts. 11. alai shall. After the service the n emuins were eOnvey- ed to the Union een1elety. Pallbeaur- ers were David Cowan, Isalac Cowan, Joseph Stothers, Alex. Elder, 301111 Mains and John Denhohn, Goderioh Dr. W. J. R Holum,: and son, 1ltll•- ten 5401,0es, of Fort William, went 1111 a motor trip 10 Windsor. Ohuir of Knox rhureli held its AM - picnic at Menesetw,g Park aid had a most enjoyable noting. Huron Lodge, No. 62, 7, O. 0. P., have decided to hold a picnic at Mcnesciang Park nn the afternoon of Civic Holiday, Wednesday, August. 2nt1. Dr. A. C. Hunter, medical officer of health, senta sample of the Gnderich water supply to the Institute of Pnh- lic Health, Landon, and received the following report : — ''The analysis would indicate a water of satisfactory sanitary quality." J. L. Killorarf tendered his 1'esigna- tinn from the Library Boatel on ac- count of his appointment to the Col- legiate Institute board and AV. A Unlluret has been appointed to Lake i as representative n the h a lacef P Separate School The action brought in Division Court by Alex. Sterling, Colborne township, to recover $42.00 from Hor- ace Horton, of the same township, for a decrease in value, from blindness of a horse which the defendant Horton sold to the plaintiff, was dismissed by Judge Dickson. At the recent "commencement" of Oilario Ladies' College, Whitby, one of the graduates was Miss Alm gory Trueman Moore, a fomes Gnderich girl, daughter of the late A. J, Moore, 13. A., fol' malty yPal's nnttileluRtiC,l master of Gnderich Collegiate Insti- tute. Miss fsloore, who has given special attention to elocution, took the Hamilton. gold medial for highest standing in the expression course. Don't let 8t run too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the 'meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, ner- vousness, depres- sion and sallow wcomplexion,Justtry GH•AofBERLAIN'S STOMACH&LIVER TABLETS. They re- lieve fermentation, indigestion -- gent] but surely cleanse the nvnten, and keep the stt+nnch and lfverin par feet running order. At .11 dr rriw, 214., or by mil Iran 11 e Chamberlain Medicine Co., Tcronto a 1S ,g areeerr„Saari .i'++4-e-t•'1•'ii' lefee++++eeee'•+++++++ The Farrners' Slacksmith Shop ETHEL The undersigned is now pi 0;. pawed to do all hinds of wood- work end painting repalee as well as horse -shoeing. All my work to guaranteed. if not satisfactory you will co11101 It favor' by returning same. PRICES [LIGHT. NH and uutke yourself et Immo, Gibson's old stand, Ethel. John McNeil 4.++t"1•'t•4I'ti' 'did•d•'N•F!1•'I•+'F4.1•'1'•l•++il; Pi lee of N+5 n0'orial' to aha )111111111 nf' .,. the Gudbrioli fiaparate +quinol getting • the highest marks at the High -School •' VIII' r 'e lti a e. exon r 1 li tatiotl was s won by (.hut li.e 3 1 tterhlor. • Mies Gladys Field, daughter of Dr':. • J, M. Field, of town, has been at the 1 ; O L 0. the past te111) and wen silver • and bronze tnedala and eruftcieney • certificates given. by the Royal Life r Saving Society, of England for the swimming and lll'e-aetving course, • Fordwlch •• 5pringbauk, cheese facto- y proprio- • • for, W. J. Wallace has purchased "ltr,i" 1'111 ing vat. a P ho) ce Hitt sale of patriotic Buttons commented in this vil4,ge, Miss Oral • Wade hes sold nearly $41) worth. • W. J. \Vette-Qv, Ste ingbatk, is sure- t Mg a 801 y euro arm, he ,'esu t of 501 • ars tlril while crauaking his auto, • fl- o ge \Velrlee, eldest son of Rev, • anti airs. Wattle'', hul the wisfottulle u fall out of a o,iu I I tree and h int: tu'- • ed his right hint. • 0eneee turd oldies, Toronto and alis+ Wi1tnnand diaster Fred, Jahns- • toil, Sault Ste. Alone, are spending a • few clays at Mrs, Jos. Hmutdersnu's, Alias Lily Doig, 4t•1n Coe., Mrs. And. • Doig, sr., and son, Ross and apse Oughliu, Listowel, motored to London and Port Stanley and visited 1 etal}vee and friends. • Sabbath evening a union tnemnrial • service in 1 ieuroty of the late Pte, • Thomas Wilfrid Montgomery was held in the Presbyterian ehnich here. On account of this there was no ser- vice in the Methodist church. What To Do In Case Infantile Paralysis Appears Y pP Owing to the impending danger of an epidemic of infantile paralysis, Dr. alcCulloch, Chief Officer of Health for Ontario, has issued R circular explain- ing the nature of the disease and the care that el:mild be taken to prevent it from Spreading when it appears. The circular is herewith published in full :— WHAT 1S 1T ? Infantile paralysis, also called An- terior Poliomyelitis, is a communi- cable disease chiefly of children be- tween the age of 2 and 14 years. Older' children and adults may also be affected by the disease. The cause is unknown. It is known however, that the agent causing the disease is present in the secretions of ..the nose and Month and in the intes- tinal tract from being swallowed. '1'he disease is epidemic in some United States cities and in at least one town in Ontario. It is believed that infantile paralysis is spread from one child to another by means of the secretions of the nose and 1000511 by direct transfer. It is possible also that it is spread by flies which have been in contact With intes- tinal discharges. It maybecome Wyart well as in widespread in country 1 as we P crowded city district=, and persons who have been in contact with cases of the disease may harbor the con- tagion and give it to others without contracting the disease themselves ; that is they me "carriers." WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT (1) Every case must be quarantined for a pertocl of 0 weeks. (2) All children who have been in Contact with a case must be quaran- tined and kept under observation for a period of 2 weeks. (8) Adult members of the family who are wage-earners may be allowed to go about their work subject to the regulations of the Provincial Board and of the discretion of the Medical Health Officer. (4) Where there is an outbreak, gatherings of children, such as picnics, picture shows, and playgrounds, should be prohibited, (5) The source of origin of each h0uld be carefully111(.111120d into cases in order that proper quaeailiue may be maintained (6) In houses whets eases appear all doors and windows should •be screened, the premises kept clean, and no aceutuulalion of gat bage or waste permitted (7) All cases should be at once reported to the Medical Officer of Health, and by him to the chief officer of tine Provincial Board. (8) Mild cases showing slight head- ache, rise of temperature and vomit- ing persisting for a few days, with slight musculo' weakness and absence of paralysis, should be quarantined. These are probably one of the chief sources of contagion. (9) As infantile paralysis is a most serious disease and in the present epi- demic giving a high death -rate, the public is urged to second the efforts of the nuthalitfes in every way hi order to prevent a severe outbreak in the province. (10) All materials, such as cloths, etc., uttrying secretions and dis- chaeges from patients should be burn- ed, boiled, o• disinfected. If the disease shows any tendency to spread, special quarantine measures may be necessary, THE FAMILY BOTTLE. To the Editor : As Prohibition approaches, a good many Who still believe iu the virtues of alcohol as a family medicine may be dis- turbed as to how they eau have the bottle replenished. To all such 1 ad- dress this letter, asking them to examine the matter fairly and candidly. Alcohol as tnedictne is rapidly' being given tip in all the large hospitals. This is shown by the collated reports of seven of the largest hospitals in England, Iu 186a 1$374°3' oo was spent for alcohol and only $tt4675.00 for milk, In loos only $13126,60' was spent for alcohol and 843835,0o for milk, with about the seam number of patients, Sir Victor Horsely tells sus that some of the present day rapid recoveries are due to the fact that after operations, tile patients are no longer dosed with alcohol, Many of the most successful physicians of tate day never prescribe it even in the smallest quantity: That being so, Would it not be wise to leave it out of the family medicine chest. ..Cr...A•®.ee•..rp..4`• ...0. • • •.6.•60$....b.e trp.B 5 . es eternFair A e • r 7 51 6 LONDON, ONTARIO September 8th to 1 Gth, 1916 ( WESTERN ONTARIO'S' POPULAR 'S ' P P LAR EXHIBITION Art, Music, Agriculture & Amusements A FINE COMBINATION AT LONDON'S EXHIBITION A Real Live Program of Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT New Process Building. Every Building Full of Exhibits SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all Information From the Secrotary. W. J. REID, President, A. M. HUNT, Secretary •••••••••••••••••••O••i•••a•`•••••®•••toss••••►®o•+e®a4' It is now beyond dispute that alcohol even iu moderate quantities, lessens ef- Clciercy, lessens power of endurance, weakens the memory and eyesight. it does not require any 'neat iutelligeuce to uodersteud tbat what does all this must lessen the power of a patient to fight disease. If a single glass of beer lessens a man's enduraoce by seven per cent end his power to remember thiugs by fifteen per cent, it follows that it also weakens his power of recovely from disease, Dr, Welsh, of Johns Hopkins University. said "Alcohol in any form or in any quanti'y lessens a patirn 's chance of recovery," If that be true of an adult, bow much truer it is of the delicate tissues of a child. Some years ego the German Government issued a poster, warning parents to give their Children "not one drop of beer, not cue drop of wine, not one drop of whiskey or any other form of alcohol." Not ouly does alcohol lessen a p t tent's chance of recovery from Illness, bat it greatly` increases bis tendency to cot: - tract, No one will accuse military meu of being temperance cranks, but )et the Handbook of the Royal Army Medic,.31 Corps takes great pains to put lllat fait: beyond question. On page zo of thus book experiments are described lh;t would 001vince any man that even Gra glass will render a titan 'note liable to any contagious or infectious (tisane. • Not long ago the Academy of Med+• cine of Toronto, unanim ,us:y declared against the are of alcohol in auy torsi of a medicine. Finally let us remember that in the U, S. whiskey and brandy have been left off the American Pharm', eopeia, which is the official list of medi- cines recommended for the use of Physicisnr. If that bo so, are you not quite safe in tlroop'ne the use of it 90 family medicine 7 Sometime I may ail - vise what to 000 in its place. H. Aaxor•r, M. H., M. C. P. e. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SIXTEEN For calendar and terms, R I. Warner,M, A., D.D., Alma College, St,Thomas, Ont. A®MEINEINEWIONMIESCI Even the Wheels on a Ford Car cost you 60 per cent Tess than on the av- erage Car priced around $1000 and under Figure it out for Yourself $12.87—cost of new wheel on average car priced around $f000 or less, $ 5:oo-cost of new wheel on a Ford car. $ 7.87—the Go per tent saving secured by the Ford owner. And this merely indicates the general saving in every item of upkeep in which the Ford possesses a big advantage over any other make of car. An assembly of Ford spare parts— enough to build the touring car complete —costs only $q.o more than the standard List price of the car, while on the average car priced around $ woo and less a com- plete set of spare parts costs $941 more than the car—over twenty times the Ford excess cost. And yet tests conducted by one of the most authoritative Government laborator- ies in the world have shown that the quality of Ford constructive material is actually superior to that in most of the best cars made. Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited S. C arter Dealer BRUSSELS Ford Runabout 8980 Ford Touring 5110 Ford Ccupelet 700 Ford Soden 0 o ,o1et 90 Ford Town Ota,' 0 8. o, b. Ford, Ontario All sills aonr,plately equipped, Including eteetrie headlights, Egnipmeut does 10 include speedometer•