HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-20, Page 7r✓
Poetic Who Complain of This Trouble
Usually Ake Thin
Thin blooded people usually have
stomach trouble. They seldom recog-
nize the fact that thin bloodis th
cause of the trouble, but it is. In
fact thin, impure blood is the most
eomnbon cause of stomach trouble : .i
affects the digestion very quickly. The
glands that furnish the digestive fluid
are diminished in their activity ; the
stomaeli muscles are weakened, and
there is a loss of nerve force.. In this
state of health nothing will more
quickly restore the appetite, the diges.
tion' and normal nutrition than good
rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills act directly on the blood, making
it rich and red, and this enriched blood
strengthens weak nerves, stimulates
tired muscles and awakens the normal
activity of the glands that supply the
digestive fluids. The first sign of im-
proving health is an improved appe-
tite, and soon the effect of those blood
making pili, is evident throughout the
system. You find that what you eat
does not distress you, and that you are
strong and vigorous instead of irrit-
able and listless. This is proved by
the case of Mrs. J. Harris, Gerrard St.,
Toronto, who says : "About three
years ago I was seized with a severe
attack of indigestion and vomiting.
My food seemed to turn sour as soon
as I ate it, and I would turn so deadly
sick that sometimes I would fall on the
floor after vomiting. I tried a lot of
home remedies, but they did not help
me. Then I went to a doctor who gave
me some powders, but they seemed ac-
tually to make me worse instead of
better. This went on for nearly two
months, and by that time my stomach
was in such a weak state that I could
not keep down a drink of water, and
I was wasted to a skeleton and felt
that life was not worth living, I was
not married at this time, and one Sun-
day evenir(g on the way to church with
my intended husband I was taken with
a bad spell on'the street. He took me
to e. drug store where the clerk fixed
up something to take, and my intended
got me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. By the end of the first week I
could feel some improvement from the
use of the Pills, and I gladly continued
taking them until every symptom of
the trouble was gone, and I was again
enjoying the best of health. These
Pills are now my standby and I tell all
my friends what they did for me."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Write Their Letters From the Front
in Melancholy Tones.
The "Kolnische Zeitung " remarks
that it has been generally observed
that numerous • letters from German
soldiers at the front are couched in
melancholic tones, giving to friends
and relatives the impression that the
writer is sad; and filling the hearts of
those at home with uneasiness,
And yet, after exact investigation,
says the " Kolnische," it has been
proved that the writers of these let-
ters are in excellent spirits. What,
then, is the explanation ? The writ-
ers are simply afflicted with home-
sickness. They are thinking of their
homes. They do not wish to make
those at home sad or cheerless, but so
long as they have a pen in their
hands they see their home life swim
before their eyes, and hear the chil-
dren's talk, they see the friendly faces
of wives, parents, friends, they see
the sunshine round their homes, and
a longing"for the old life and peace
comes over them. It is this that casts
a shadow over their surroundings, and
this shadow finds its expression in
their letters.
As a matter of fact, says the " Kol-
nisehe," they do not know what they
have written. After they have writ-
ten and sealed their letters they for-
get all about them, and they wonder
when they hear from home, why
their friends are all so anxious' about
them. That is the explanation. It is
only home -sickness.
Lending to Russia, France, Italy and
t Serbia, and Supporting
John Hart, political economist and
director of " London Opinion" Cor-
poration, who has just arrived in the
United States, gives a lucid explana-
tion of the financial conditions of
Great 'Britain.' He says :
" Notwithstandingthe heavy ex-
penditure of Great Britain since the
outbreak of the war, and the heavy
drafts upon the public, the debt of
Great Britain to -day is only abou
of what it was per capita a
the and of the Napoleonic War. Si.
1816, just after the Battle of Water-
loo, the public debt per capita was £43.
That amount in proportion to the in-
come of the country at that time, coin -
pared with the income of the present
day, represented a debt of £120 per
head. In August, 1914, the public
debt was 114 per capita, and every
one thousand millions of pound sterl-
ing issued since represents £20 per
capita ; so that the present day debt
of` Britain is not much more than 50%
of the equivalent debt at the end of
the Napoleonic War.
A Creditor Nation.
Simply Ferocious.
"Yes," said the cynical old sea cap-
tain, ".when I was shipwrecked i n
South America I came across atribe
of wild women who had no tongues."
"Good gracious!" exclaimed a lis-
tener. "How could they talk?"
"They couldn't," was the reply,
"That was what made them wild."
�•�m Asnorted Cellnlold ARS i'�
20 Patriolle Dnttona c
said Plt,gs for
The above illustration shows throe of
the twont different Patriotic But-
tons and Flags of tho A111od Nations
:which Canadians aro proudly wear-
ing today. do order to advertise our
Tag Day Suppllca we will Bond you
these tWonty designs, upon the re-
ceipt of 26 rents, This is a collection
you Will prize and .keep. Ask for
Price on a large Flag for your homo,
Dopt. t'T,„ Xse-3,41 soul St,, lnoatreal.
S5anafaeturors Ili Diadgoe, Battens,
Plage -end '5 Day Sa,ipitee.
Thoroughbred` Stallion "Anmer" Will
Be Seen at Canadian National
In the intereste of the breeders of
Ontario and the united efforts of the
various breed societies to encourage
the farmers and breeders of Canada to
raise horses that will meet the ,de-
mand 'expected from buyers from
foreign countries during the years
succeeding the termination of the war,
the Canadian National Exhibition, ,at
Toronto, has arranged with the . Do-
minion Government and the Canadian
'Thoroughbred Horse Society to have
Anmer, the thoroughbred stallion pre-
sented by His Maety, King George,
as a sire suitable to improve the stock
in Canada, paraded every afternoon
during"tile Exhibition.
As an enrsouragement to breeders the
Thoroughbred Horse Society has de-
titled to distribute the revenues ob
ttained from "Anmer's" stud fees in
premiums at Agricultural Shows to
classes of horses sired by a thorough-
bred, which are best suited for re-
mount and cavalry purposes.
" It should be borne in mind that
England is financing France, Italy,
Russia and Serbia in the present war,
and is carrying the entire charge of
Belgium. The money so employed is
loaned to these nations so that Eng-
land is still largely a creditor nation.
The financial condition of Great Bri-
tain at this advanced period . of the
war is most remarkable. The mar-
kets are all buoyant, the minimum re-
striction on sales of stocks is being
removed, and as they reach a proper
level as regards the value of money
to -day (due to war conditions), there
is a tremendous amount of money for
investment. A large part of the
money whereby England is financing
herself and other nations is the pro-
ceeds of the sale of American securi-
ties, made by private holders to the
British Government, which is being
used as it is collected. Another large
part is derived from the enormous
amount of profit being made by manu-
facturers of war supplies. Then a-
gain, the restriction imposed by the
Government on the investment of Bri-
tish capital outside of the country is
responsible for a tremendous amount
of money being kept at home which
would otherwise find investment a-
Benefits of Advertising
"Strange as it may sound, an
enormous portion of the money raised
by the British Government has been
due to advertising. For the first time
in history the British Government has
made use of the gratuitous service of
some of the leading advertising men,
which service has been immensely
profitable to the Government. The
British Treasury has used the same
methods adopted by high-class mer-
cantile houses to sell their goods and
they have succeeded beyond expecta-
tion. A very large amount of the
five-year Treasury bonds has been sold
to the working classes. The lowest
denomination of these bonds is 11,
which is sold as advertised for 16s. 6c1.
for which amount the investor obtains
the face value of the bond at maturity;
or, in other words, he makes a profit
of 4s. Gd., or a little over 29% in the
five years, which represents nearly
G% annually.
" It is calculated that 70% of the
war revenue is contributed by payers
of income tax and other direct taxa-
tion, that is by persons whose in-
come is above $800 per annum, and
only 30% by those with smaller in-
comes, The entire taxation, direct
5nd indirect, last year amounted to
about £350,000,000.
" Of the £5,000,000 daily war ex-
penditures of England about 40% is
coming back to the country in wages
and expenditures for war supplies ;
about 40% is money loaned to the
Allies, the colonies, India, and other
dependencies, so that of the total a-
mount only about 20% is an actual
charge against the Government."
British Soldiers Planting Between
Camp Huts.
The army has started to grow its
own potatoes. Instructions have been
sent, or aro being sent, from the
War Office to every command, indi-
cating the lines which should be fol-
lowed, says a story from British army
Military requirements are very large
and little more than half the usual
supplies of potatoes are coming into
the markets, with the result that pre-
war prices to the public are nearly
At one camp in Surrey digging
operations began last week, and the
seed potatoes aro to be planted in a
few days ie rows between the huts.
A number of men are being told off
each day for digging, and others are
being asked to help in spare time.
At a camp in Yorkshire potato grow-
ing began some weeks ago. It is un-
derstood that instructions will soon bo
issued for the growing of vegetables.
And the more some people aro
worth the more worthless they are.
Thoroughbred Stallion "Anmer."
"Amer" is a beautifully bred horse
and stands over 16 hands, with plenty
of quality and substance,' and a good
disposition. He was elected by Lord'
Marcus Beresford from the Royal'
stud as a horse most suitable for the
Canadian requirements, and has been
pronounced by successful breeders to
be the best stallion that has ever left
the shores of the world's greatest
It will be remembered that in 1913
" Anmer " was the King's Derby can-
didate and was running well up in
that historic event when a suffragette'
ran out on the course, endeavoring to
snatch at the bridle. "Anmer" was
thrown and the woman was trampled
to death. The fall also nearly proved
fatal for the jockey, Herbert Jones.
"Anmer" was a winner
in England in the 11/4 miles Hastings
plate, second in the Payne Stakers,
third in the Newmarket, St. Ledger
and Royal Stakes. His aire, Flori
zell II, was a winner of the Ascot
Gold vase, Jockey Club cup, Goodwood
cup and Manchester cup and an own
brother to Diamond Jubilee and Persi-
mmon, both Derby winners for the
late King Edward and both successful
sires. Diamond Jubilee was sold at
the end of his racing career for $150,-
000 to go to the Argentine Republic,
where he has headed the list of win-
ning sires for several years. Guinea
Hen, the darn of Anmer, is also a
winner and the dam of Brakespear,
Pintadeau and Jungle Cock. She is
by Gallinule, sire of the great Pretty
The gracious and timely action of
King George in presenting' to Canada
such a stallion for the improvement
of thoroughbred stock is very much
appreciated by horsemen. "Anmer"
has been quartered at Enniaclaire
farms, Oakville, but will be brought in
to Toronto for the whole period of the
Exhibition, the only place where the
Thoroughbred Horse Society has con-
sented to exhibit him.
The Fine
Flavou r===
the delicate taste of malted
barley blended with the
sweets of whole wheat—
is sufficient reason in itself
for the wonderful popular-
ity of
Grape Nuts
But it is more than de-
e-liciousit is the finest
kind of concentrated nour-
ishment to thoroughly sus-
tain body and brain tissue
—a food that benefits users
A short trial proves
"There's a Rfacon"
Sold by Grocers everywhere,
annillan'Posttnu Cereal Co Ltd.,
Windsor, Ont.
The Circus Baby.
Before Billy Hail was a year old
and of course long before he ever saw
a circus, or evert knew what a circus
was, they called r'm "the circus
baby." It came about this way:
One Saturday in June just after the
circus calve to Bolton Dick and Dore,-
thy, who are Silly's brother and sister,
joined with a dozen or more other lit-
tle folk of bhe neighborhood in hav-
ing a circus of their own in the Halls'
big stable, Dick was one of the
clowns. He wore a long gown, spot-
ted with many colors, a big rtiff round
his neck and a pointed paper cap on
his head, Dorothy was a Spanish
dancer, with a dress of bright colors
and many ribbons in her hair.
What fun they had that day' , To
be sure, the cat that was to be the
tiger in the menagerie got out of the
box and ran away; and old Major, the
Newfoundland dog, was boo good-na-
tured to make the right kind of lion;
but most of the other animals did very
well indeed, especially .the rabbit that
was a kangaroo and the toy snake
that jumped out of a box.
The performance itself was wonder-
fully pleasing to those who saw it
from the row of boxes that served for
seats. When Tom Skinner hung by
his toes from the flying rings abovo
the haymow there was much hand -
clapping, but there was 'even more
when Dick, the clown, tried to do the
same thing, only to tumble into the
hay below. And when Dorothy had
danced gracefully on the bottom of an
overturned box, Dick climbed up on
the box to do the same thing, and fell
through the bottom of the box and
disappeared inside.
When the performance was over,
"Roddy" Carter, the ringmaster, made
an announcement.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he shouted,
"don't miss the great side show! It
i sbetber than the main performance!
Step right into the house and see the
wild man of Borneo! He has been in
this country only a few months. No
one can understand a word of his lan-
guage, and he has to be kept in a
'strong cage. Step right in and see
the wild man of Borneo!"
So everyone that was there, with
many giggiles and whispers, filed into
the house. There they found that
"the wildman of Borneo" was Baby
Billy, who was lying in his crib) which
was indeed a strong cage for him.
AM' of course it was true that no one
could understand a word of his lan-
guage, although it was plain that he
was trying to tell his callers some-
thing very important.
When they had all gone, Dick and
Dorothy lingered a moment beside
Billy's crib.
"Wasn't he a dear?" cried Dorothy.
"No one did his part better than
"That's so," agreed Dick. "And
see, he's trying to stand on his head
"No, he's just trying bo get his
foot into hi mouth," answered Doro-
thy, "but he's doing it easier than any-
one else in the circus could."
"Next year well have him in the
main performance," said Dick, "and
perhaps he'll make even more of a
hit than he did to-day."—Youth's
Seven Out of Twenty Males Engaged
in War Duty.
The Bulletin of the Armies of the
Republic, which is sent to all French
soldiers at the front, published re-
cently a page of statistics showing
how the whole of the French nation
actually takes part in the war.
Out of every twenty Frenchmen six
or seven are actually under arms or
engaged in manufacturing munitions.
The unit of twenty is composed of the
following : One aged or infirm, two
small children, two boys at school, two
young men under military age either
studying or working, four to five sol-
diers mobilized, one or two men work-
ing in munition factories, three en-
gaged in agriculture, three uncalled
working men or clerks.
There is only one man in France
out of every forty in governmental
positions, such as functionaries,
judges and teachers.
A " just and lasting peace " cannot,
in the present ease, be negotiated. It
must be imposed.—Cecil Chesterton.
He who does wrong does wrong a-
gainst.honeself, Ile who acts unjustly
acts unjustly to himself, because he
makes himself bad,—Marcus Aurelius..
Men serve the wealth which they
seem to command. There is no slave
so helpless as the greedy man whom
gold makes greedier still.—W, H,
A man cannot speak but he judges
himself. With his will, or against his
will, he draws his portrait to the eye
of his companions by every word.—
There is some help for all the de-
fects of fortune ; for if it man ean-
not attain to the length of his wishes
he may have his remedy by cutting
of them shorter,—Cowley.
A spinster says ase old bachelor is
a man who has overlooked an oppor-
tunity to make some woman miser-
able for life.
wiLasthhinpilingmay give a LazytemLipoveraryr T ACROSS TUE BORDER
relief—but the pill habit is not
a health habit. It will put the
liver out of business in time—
and .'then everything else
goes out of business. Get
the health habit • by eating
Shredded Wheat Biscuit,
the ideal hot -weather food,
which contains more digestible;
brain -making, muscle -build-
ing material than beefsteak
or eggs. The tasty, delicious
crispness of the baked wheat
gives palate joy and stomach
comfort. It supplies the
maximum of nutriment in
smallest bulk, and its daily
use keeps the bowels healthy
and active. For breakfast
with milk or cream, or for
any meal with fresh fruits.
Made in Canada
Pepsin Supplanting Rennet.
A Wisconsin cheese firm, in a let-
ter to the Trade Bulletin, states there
is a revolution in cheese making in
that state, owin gto the use of pepsin
inatea!d of rennet. It coagulates the
milk better, ib is of uniform erength,•
and the test of the whey shows that
there is less butterfat and solids in
the whey. The price of pepsin is
very much cheater.
They have cheese on hand made
with pepsin that are four to six weeks
old, and the'curing process seems to
be identical. The factories are us-
ing about 3-8 to 1-2 ounce of pepsin
dissolved in warm water at about 90
degrees temperature, then emptied in -
bo a bucket of water and put into the
milk the same as they have always
done with rennet.„ The use of pep-
sin will materially relieve the situa-
tion on the scarcity of rennet, in fact
they believe that in the future pepsin
will be used instead of rennet.
Mtaard's Liniment rasa by Physicians
On the Safe Side.
Jones and his wife were seated at
the dining room table perusing the
evening papers when the doorbell
rang. Jones arose to answer it,
when his wife said:
"Let me hide those umbrellas be-
fore you let them in."
"Why, do you think somebody wil
steal them?" asked Jones.
"No," replied his wife. "Some on
might recognize them."
SoreGranulated Eyelido-
Eyes inflamed by eye -
sure to San, Duni and Wm
Eyesgqsiekly relieved by Hartle
.E reedy No Smarting,
lust Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Morin Eya
Salve inTubes25c.ForeookollkeEyefree ask
Druggists orMurlaeEye Remedy to. ,Chicesa
"Is that fellow a member of this
"Does he come regularly?"
"Yes, every Sunday."
"That's a surprise to me. I've
had several business deals with him
and I'd never suspected that he was
ever inside a church."
I fell from a building and received
what the doctor called a very bad
sprained ankle, and told me 'I must
not walk on it for three weeks. I got
days I was out to work again. I think
it the -best Liniment made.
Redd—An- automobile is so differ-
ent from a horse.
Greene—Why, of course.
"You see, a horse goes faster when
he's going home than when going
away from home."
"Well, doesn't an automobile?"
"Oh, no; you see, en automobile of-
ten has to be towed home."
net for Minard's and take no other
A Flat -Dweller's Stratagem.
Mrs. X,—"Bothered with time -
wasting callers, are you? Why don't
you try my plan?"
Mrs. Y.—"What is your plan?"
Mrs. X. "Why, when the bell
rings I put on my hat and gloves be-
fore I press the button. If it proves
to be someone I don't want to see,
I simply say: "So sorry, but I'm just
going out.' "
Mrs. Y,—"But suppose it's some-
omo-one you avant to see?"
Mrs. X.—"Oh, then I say: 'So for-
tunate, I've just come in."
Taking a Chance.
Lawyer—What evidence have you
that be promised to marry you?
Girl—What evidence? Why, my
'facet , Ivy form, end my sweet diaposi-
Lawyer—Well, I'll do my beet to
get a near-sighted bachelor jury.
The trouble is that by the time a
girl is old enough to help Mother
Wash the dishes she is :also old en-
ough to know that sort of Work makes
her hand's red.
Latest happenings in Uig Republic
Condensed for Busy
the shta"
Bary, at Frankfopsoratt,the KyS„ te wetspenitende-
, strayeAlld by fire,
, Fifteen hunhdred Sioux Indiana in
South Dakota have offered to enlist
for (service in Mexico,
1 Thirty Chinese citizens of Tuscon,
Ariz., have formed a company of
, home guards as a protection eigainst
Mexican rattlers.
This year the United States will
yield 125,000 divorces, the Rev. If. M.
Moody, of Chicago, told President
1 Wilson, at Washington.
Twelve Brooklyn physicians are to
Abe prosecuted tie a result of a recent
crusade for alleged negligence in re-
porting births of children within ten
Chicago packing houses have closed
contracts with the army quarter-
master there for a monthly supply of
1,5000,000 pounds of meat for the
In his will as probated, John Black,
a retired Baltimore financier, who
died recently, gives more than $276,
000 to religious and educational insti-
Miss Rose Pitonof, of Dorchester,
Mass., was married to Dr. Frederick
Weene a dentist of Somerville. She
saved itis life in Marblehead waters
last fall.
Ties were found bound to the tracks
of the New York Central main line
at Lyons,. N.Y., over which trains
'carryirg the Massachusetts National
Guard were to para.
Reports were current that Frantz A.
Munsey, owner of the New York
Press, and William C. Reick, owner
of the Sun, are contemplating a mer-
ger of their properties.
Five million dollars was added to
the fortifications bill as it passed the
House at Washington, to be used for
purchase and manufacture of moun-
tain, field and neige cannon.
Private Clifford Green, Co. F., of
Dover, Me., after being summoned to
his company, walked 150 miles from
Elm Stream through the woods be-
fore he could strike a railroad.
A protest against the promiscous
removal of -tonsils from children was
voiced by Dr. Royal Copeland, of New
York , in a paper read before the
American Institute of Homoeopathy
at Baltimore.
K. D. Taliaferro, aged 18, son of
R. M. Taliaferro, general agent of the
Norfolk and Western Railway at
Yynchburg, Va., committed suicide
when Miss Bertha Pfeister refused to
elope with him.
Kinard'' Liniment Lnmberman'e Prfend
Usambara Described as the Gem of
German East Africa.
WiIhemstal, the capital of the Us-
ambara Highlands, was occupied a
short time ago by General Smuts, and
as the enemy have abandoned its
seaport, Tanga, it would appear that
the whole of this region, the most set-
tled and most prosperous part of
German East Africa, will shortly be
in undisputed possession of the Bri-
Its healthy climate, picturesque
valleys and mountains, and luxuriant
vegetation attracted attention to *M-
embers from the first establishment
of German rule, and its nearness to
the coast rendered it easily access-
ible. To -day it possesses scores of
thriving plantations, pleasant and
well-built towns, and excellent roads.
Its European population is about 3,000
Bordered east and west by arid
achub ?covered steppes, north by open
country, and south by dense jungle,
the highlands form an oasis in the
wilderness. Extending southeast and
northwest for 75 miles, they vary in
breadth from 1 to 45 miles. The 'tills
rise tbruptly 1,500 feet to 1,700 feet
from the surrounding plain, and the
most lofty peaks are over 7,500 feet
above the sea. The valleys, deep and
narrow, through which rush pic-
turesque torrents, and the hillsides,
are under r.fitivation ; the native
population is dense, and long before
the coming of the white man they had
flourishing and extensive shambes.
Soon after the proclamation of the
German protectorate a site in one of
the south-western valleys was chosen
as a Government post. Named Wil-
hemstai, in honor of the Kaiser, it
has grown into a considerable town,
with find public and private buildings.
Vigilant Pido,
The man getting hie hair out no..
tired that the bar'ber's dbg, which was'.
lying on the floor beside the chair,
had his 'eyes used on his master. alt
"Nice dog, that," said the customer,
ukle is, Nuri,
"lls• $eebis very fond of watching
you out hair," 1
"T ain't that, sir," ecplained the
barber, "You 800, sometimes I make
a mistake and snip off a Little bit of
a customer's ear."
Seep Mlattrd's Liniment In the house
Marriage may be a lottery, bub nine
times out of ten if a man picks a
loser it is his own fault,
biers, Delaware. Carman. Order
at once. -Supply limited, Write for quo.
tatlens, It W. Dawson, Brampton.
LABORERS, good wages. Apply
or write Firstbrook Bros. Limit
ed, Toronto.
pHs and Pattern Makers, steady
Work, state age experience and -wages.
Roving Hydrauilc & Engineering 00„
Lfill lted, Lindsay
Mill, Carders Weavers, Fuliere
and Napper Tenders. Good wages paid
In all departments, and steady work as -
Mired. We have several openings for
inexperienced help, where energyand
ability will bring promotion, rning
para to apprentices while learning
Weaving. Special inducements to
Family workers, Write stating ,full
experience 1f any, age, etc to The
Slingsby Mfg„ Co., Ltd , Brantford, Ont.
Offices for Sale In good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Corn -
Pally, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto.
Internal and external, cured with.
out pain by our home treatment Writs
as before too. late. Dr, Hellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont
11 Hudson -on -Hudson, New York, of-
fers a two and a -half years course In
instruction and practice to young wo-
men who wish to become nurses The
School is registered For full inform-
ation apply to the Superintendent.
Beat for
Write for
e0-52 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont.
Seventh Annual
Toronto Fat Stock Show
will be held at
Union Stook Yards, Toronto
DECEMBER 8th and 9th, 1916
For further particulars write
C. F. TOPPXNG. Secretary,
Union Stock Yards, Toronto
Agents Wanted
To represent well known
FerWiser Manufacturer, At
trae a proposition to energetic
and responsible parties,
apps, with full particnlgrs to
0/0 Wilson Publishing Co,, Ltd.,
93 Adelaide St., Wort, Toronto
Bog Spavin or Thoroughpin
but you can clean them off promptly with
and you work the horse same time.
Does not blister or remove the
hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 Al free, ABSORBINE, JR..
the antiseptic liniment for mankind,
pit reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
Muscles or Ligamenta Warred Glands, Went,
Cysts. Alloys polo quickly. Price 51 end 53
*battle st druggists or delivered. Mede In the U. 5. A. by
W F. Mee, P. B 1, 616 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Ban.
llbsorblae and Absorbiae, Jr.. ire made In Cenadk t
Machinery 1.or Sale
Wheelock Engine, 150
H,P., 18 x42, with double
'vain drivingbelt 24 ius.
wide, and Dynamo 30 K. W.
belt driven. All infirst
class condition, Would be
sold together or separate..
ly ; also a lot of shafting
at a very great bargain as
room is required Tumid'.
8. Frank Wiisari & Sons
73 Adelaide Street West)
BD, 2. ISSUE 0,--14,