HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-20, Page 54=rr fXresia seXicet2`=',czWAVrx^a46A rg'AY CENTRAL 'Oil/dill, STRANT. You Can Secure a Position oIf you tone n torr to with us The de• vF mond noon -u+ for troinod help is meny ��SS times the a tern graduating. Stn- ri dOnte 'ore entering en0h weok. You piny enter oily time. Write et once for rccff unr free catalogue. wi D. A. M¢LACHLAN, Principal. J&D tr.AtEDAVALW.i.vldeD.WDAtvsYAZ.vtf_,e J BUSINESS CARDS; JNO. SUTHERLAND &5 SONS S LIMITED IVSp4OPeAep . WM, SSPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE 'LICENSES mee la' the Pest Santee, Ethel. 80.4.. AUCTIONEERS. • 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - Li • non, will sell for better prices, to better mon In less time and leas 011000 5 than any. ober. Anotioneer In E'aet Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this ofoe. or by. p 0050001 application, 11A1' AN.D CONVEYANCING. ' INT M. SINCLAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, 0ouveyan0ep Notary Public, deo. Oatoe-Stewart's 13look 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solloitor for the Motropolitan:Bauk, maxi; T SWIX Rate war BRUSSELS • GotNO:S00rn • Goitre NOatin Expre0a - 7:10 a m ('Mail 11:22 a m Express 8:82 y m Express 8:57 5 m CB.N.g101 N 1 JP,fe WALTON To Toronto. -- To Goderlch Express7.60 n m I Express 11.:58 a m Express 8:19 p to Express 8:54 pin WROXE•TER Going East - 7:05 a.m. and 8:40 p. 10. Going West - 12:10 and D:68 p. in. All trains going East connect with 0.P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations. GEO, ALLAN, Local Agent. ALLAN LINE To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agent., or "95Ki'; StV'Thronto W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Braasele. • A. RAYMAN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iron and Wooden Pumps and • Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls I'or stock, &c. )}epairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. A, HAVMANN, Cranbrank THE Best Brains In Canada have participated In the pre- pnlat1on of our splendid Rome Study Courses in Banking, Economies, Higher A000nitin , Oommerolnl Art, Show Oard Writing, Photography, Journal - Ism, Short Story Writing, !'shorthand and Bookkeeping, Select the work whish moot interests yon and write us for pnrtloulare, Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 3817 Vongo 8t., Yoronto ' liar COLLEGE . . AT ROME Thousands of ambitious young pane 1110 aro fast preparing in their own. homes to (moony luerutive positions ae stenographers, bookkeepers, telegrn-• pliers, civil servants In foot every sphere of aotivltles, servants, luny finish at college if You so wish, Positions .guar- anteed, Enter o011og0 any day. Ind!• vldnnl inetroot)on, Export 80001)e•s.' Thir'ty yoo'0'.. experience. La'gest. trainers In Canada, Seven.00llegus: Spode.' Course for tonehers, A Blunted with Commercial Educa- tor's Assooiotlon of Ognode, Satirnner School nt famous Spotton Bue)nGes Col• lege, Laudon, Win hamBusiness College G000, Sre00T0, W. T. 200000. President, po'htoipal, tfiliftEllitnineMmeilloloammONNIE IBusi„ess Oards J AS. ANDERSON, VETERINARYS •GElv UR O Boal Sloe, Wren' stftble,tBr0 eels,o T e)nt ephone No. 2e, T. T. M'RAE M. B.. M. O. P., & S, O, M, 0. tl., Village of Brume's. Pbyeleinn, Bargee'', Acoonehour Office over Standard Bank DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Physicians and Sur. techs, Ontario ; ex+Senior Honk' Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Offices of late Dr, A..MoKevey,Smith, Block, Brussels, Rural phone 45, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT, Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate courses London (Log,), New York and Chicago Hoe. pitals. Spe(101 attention' to disease of eye, ear, none and throot. Eyes tested for glaesea, G. H. ROSS; D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur- geons of Ontario and Graduate University of Toronto Enmity of Dentistry. Offloo(n leard Block, Wingham Phone 249. Post Office box 275 Painless Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Speolalty MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHA'1MOLOQIST Personas graduate Deportment of OPhtbal- mology , Mo0ormiok Medical College, Ohicago, Ill., is prepared to teat eyes sndat glasses at her aloe over Miss. Ionian's millinery store. Office days -Wednesday, Thursday,. Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a, m. ; 1 to Op. m. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1210. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary' Oollege, Day and night calls, Offioe•oppoeite Flour MBI, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Sntlefaatlon assured 1 Ohargeg,moderote. Write or Telephone If not convenient to call, Both Bruee010 and North Huron Phones, BELGRAVE P. 0, PROUOVOST, NILLORAN & PROVOST -etarrlbtere, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, Office on the Square, 2nd door -from Hamilton Street, GODERIOH. ONT. Private funde t0 loan at lowest rates. W. PROUnrooT, K. O. - J. L, KILLOI AN • War. PROUDP000 Jit ,iStI`:C.Ct R.ei>s, Blyth Blyth L._.0.'L. celebrated 'the an- niversary of •the Battle, of .the Boyne at Clinton, Miss Lily Taylor was attending, the Summer School of London Conference in St. Thomas. Annual Union Sunday School Pic- nic to Godetich will be. held Wednes- day, July 26th. - Miss Lottie Bentley left on a visit to her sister, 2irs. B:oward Alexander, at Owen, Alberta. Mrs. P. Gardiner and Master Cecil left Monday on an extended visit with Winnipeg friends. Miss Lillie M. Carr, who is engaged 'in Deaconess work in Toronto, is home for a 1.101)Ill's holiday: In compliance with a largely signed petition. Reeve Milne has proclaimed Wednesday, July 6th, Civic Holiday. Jas. McMurchie's garden is profuse with many varieties of roses which are new in full blootu and the admira- tion of all who see them. Mrs..d.. M. Babb and children, Tees - water, visited hat. Mother, Mrs. H, McQuarrie. Mrs. Babb will shortly leave on an extended visit to the West. Mee. McLean, Godel'ioll, is a !meet at the home of A. Elder. She is the widow of the late Rev. Dr. McLean who for many year's was pastbr of St. Andrew's Ohm ch, bel0 The erection of John Brigham's new residence. N.uliett, is well under way. It is of solid pressed brick, two storeys, and 30x37 ft. in size. Robt. flowered lute the untsou wink and L. Hill the frame work, Wni. li. McElroy, Toronto, , and George McElroy, Hamburg, were visitors in town for a few days, hay- ing avIng come up on the Huron Old Buys' Exenrsion, It is 17 yer•e since the tetter visited Blyth, The Wou1a11'8 Institute is offer, ing a special prize at Blyth Fall Clair for the best collection of Red Orns0 !Knitting to consist of four pieces (one pate of Cocks included), work to be done by girls 20 years and under. Prizes -1st, $8, 2un1 $2, 3rd $1 The girls of town and vicinity are asked to compete. WinEham Rev. D. and Mrs, Perrie and family left for ('((Hulk's vacation at Meir Sentinel. cat me at Brace Beach. Annual picmin nl' SVingbaln Branch of the Wouen's Institute will be held at the home 01 Alps. Weller, 0(8 after - neon ofWednesday, 31117 2601. Owing to 111e ab.ence of the pastor, the pmlpit of St A!id etv's elini'cll will be oceepled for Ill next few Sundays as follows : July 231-11, by llev. Mo. Boyle, Belgravo ; July 80112, Rev. Me. Tarte, Bluevale l and the following two Sabbaths by Rev. Mr, L"engirt, Hills- dale, Son of our respect el' townsnlao,' Robert Lot:khan. O111tatn-IinMP. -' Christ .Church,. Listowel, was the scene of a pretty July wedding on Tilesdny of last week at 1230 noon when Miss Mallet Idabel, daughter of R. '11. and Mrs. Kenlpp, Listowel, became the bride of R. A.. Currie, one of 'VVinghim'0 popm lar young business teen. Rev. W, 11. 'Dunbar, rector of the church, tend the beautiful marriage ceremony of the Anglican Chinch, The vested -choir preceded the bridal party up the centre aisle of the 'church singing, (The voice that breathed o'er Eden," Exide entered the ollorch on the farm of 1100' father• and was dressed in a ggown of fawn faille sills with pink Georgette Crops waist, with bat to match and carried a boquet of White bridal renes. Miss Gladys Kemp, uls- ter of the bride,' ltoted its bridesmaid and a attired ' n white etta silk a wa a til 1 It tnif And carried Ji1(t roses. Miss Isabel I lap Steaci , Bri seals the aid of honor, 1 tvweedressedsinlillitemaid and carried link 9 The rl'Oo 1 was supported ruse, lie rl vb Iiobt, J. Brooks, Winghnnnd 13. L,3. 11, I3aunfod, editor of the Listowel Standard,- During the signing of the register, Miss V, Walker, Brussels, sang "Pet feet Carve," After the core. Homy at the elinec 1 the bridal party and guests Were taken in tai's to the home of the bride's parents where a dainty werldiug breakfast was served, Tire house was tastily decorated for the occasion. Solos wets tendered by Misses'lhompsou, 1 )oOall, Bei !piston and Scott. Mrs, J. P, Walters escort• ed the guests to the hooch eoom and Ire, I+'• Wellington Hay and Mrs, A., J Oolii11s presided at the tables. The happy ynnng couple left o1( the 0. T. R. for a shot C honeymoon to Mont - teal, Thousand Islands and points Last, and upon their. return will take up residence in the gronlu's new home nn Centre 511(0),, The bride ie 01113 of Listotvel's most. popular young ladies and will be tuios•d'iti musical choles audio church work, B•Igrave A,, and Mt's..Taylor motored to Lon- don, Feed. Seauctrett is home from Tor - tri. Mrs. Bruce, Drayton; is visiting her brother, Joe Bralulnn., Jinn Ferguson is spending. his holt. days at his home here. Norman Wheeler and wife, London, are speps Ing a few days among friends ill the Village. .. Robert Stonehouse an'ti wife" and Harry Hopper and wife motored to Exeter on Sunday of last week. Rev, .81.. Parnnby and family re-. turne.l home on Friday 70h hist., after. emending n couple of weeks at Bauble Tolls, Letter From -'Former Brusselite • DEAR MI6. KERR,-Inasrnuoil as Mrs. Watson and I are doing auntie travelling eines selling . out the farm and stock last Fall and as THY; 33RUs- 5EL8 POST has been coning 'to our ''various homes ever since it's first publication by McGillicuddy Bees., around 1878, (I'm not sure of the date but remember its origin very well.) as we leave here on the lith for a trip .to tlls••Suath, •would respectfully -ask you. to .addl'ess it to Thos. Watson, Salina P. 0. R.4. Box 03, California.. \Ve anticipate spending some months In the South but will advise you later 00 as to the next change if any.- Yen will be' pleased to learn we have thoroughly e.joye(1 attending set Vices in. the .Otll• Avenue Methodist church, Vancertver, Bi 0., your:bgnth- er being -the poem!: We -think it a real treat.to attend maid -week services u"der•,1ii0..leo,de;'ship:' There is butch to admire in Van- couver, ancouvei sometimes and much to 1•e- realestate re- gret, the latter due - to the of a few years since. At the saute time I ata certain Vaimonver is destined to become a great city, due to its fine waterways and magnificent harbors. The city has done its "bit" i1( so for as supplying men for across the seas. Some 14,000 have been sent and more to follow. Notwithstanding the large Humber of foreigners there are fine people from all parts bf-the Dominion: - All 'denominations and few cities have as many grand churches and as well equipped, still we will ever re- member with pleasure our early days in Brussels. Not many of the old folks left. Some time we would enjoy a visit to the old town. Mrs. Watson joins in kindest regards to -you and Mrs. Kerr and our old friends. Remember kindly er us to •' Mr. Leckie, Sincerely yours, THOS. WATSON. Vancouver 11. 0., July 10th. LETTER FROM PTE. WILL. JEWITT. Belgium. DEAR, FOLICS.-)17011 here boes.for t' i1( lenthas another Inter of 1(l net tt 1 o g I$know just whatud it very hard' to � 1 can put in, and whet 1 dale not, and so to assure 'your getting the let- tere will be very caeefu). There is a report around here that in the near future there is going to be a month in which no letters cart be sent fl 0111 France, and so if you do not hear from rte you will know why. 1 suppose you are settled in Spring- field by the lime this reaches yohi. i rani waiting anxiously to hear from home but, know that 110W I will not be able to hens regularly and so will be patient. 1 hope you are finding out' new 11011(0 congenial and believe 01e we nye all wondering what kind of it spot it is, Inst 18 does not matter to ns what kind of a house, or place it I4,.so long as '111 is home and you three 10110 Well and happy. I sure am enjoy- ing illy best drys of soldiering here now, \Ve are not worried with shin- ing buttons, shoes, etc„ and parades, but have a free and Cosy time with the best bench of men -N. 0. 04., and of. flcers 1 have suet since enlisting. I nut having the easiest time I ever lead, but of course there will be very line times when nerve mils energy will be necessary land 111ope I may be able to do my duty along with the others. I sometimes now almost envy the fellows. who rejoice in adVeuture, but. as itis not in my nature' I will try and 000110 on ai bigger force and hope that the call of duty and principle will give we the requited nerve, etc. The count, y eteonnd here i5 rather pretty and I guess I have told von be- fore that I like it 'much better than England, that is the mid districts which seem fairly prosperous. The80 old countries are sere cursed with booze and its evils, There are 'so many dirty, filthy pubs. into tvhi011 men and women alike go, and drink, I have seer some awful joints in France and B8lgiuft but was not sur - }wised. However, I WAS very much disappointed with England as I el- pecked to Cee something different there. Of 00)1380 sive saw enla5t towuo. only and I guess they aro Worse than inland towns possibly and so I would hesitate before passing a general HEALTHIFST ONE IN THE FAMftY No Sign Of Dropsy And Kidney Trouble Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" HATTIE WARREN Port Robinson, Ont., July 8611,1915. "We have used "Fruit-a-tives" In for1ryearsantlhave our houseover three always found 'them a good medicine. Our little girl, /italic', Was troubled with Kidney Disease, The Doctor said she was threatened with Dropsy. JI erlimhs and body were altswollen endive began to think she could not live Finally, we decided to try "Fruit -a -Lives". She began to show ivifrroventent after we had given her afew tablets. In a short time, the swelling had all gone down and her flesh began to look more natural. Now she is the healthiest one in. l/refamily and has no signs of, the old ailment, We can nob say too much for "Fruit-a- tives" and would never be without them ",: • WILLIAM WARREN'. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent 'postpaid on receiptof pricoby,IYuit a-tivesLimited, Ottawa. • opinion upon the entire country. I miss my old churl doles here but have been able to make new pals which will in the course of time pos- sibly become real friends. There are four of us here from Ontario and we naturally bang around together, Johnston, an Englishman, who has been in Oanatda about eight 705015, is a fine fellow. Pearl', a farmer's son .frons -Burlington, who has been at Agricultiu'aI College and knows Light and others I know. Ile too is a fine :young fellow and with him from Tor- ' onto is another red headed 0h0p (Raines) He•and I have been paired n in our work around camp and I off 1 find him a very clean, decent 0}15011. He is an American from Buffalo but both he and his brother are in our army. We do not get around much, but am sure to run into some of the fellows' seine of these times. How- ever, the Tetentn bunch from Vic. are at quite a different point in the line to that of our Division, so may not see 6110111 unless there should bap:, pen to be some change. We are verl,* comfortable here with only eight of us i1( 0. tent and enjoying fresh coun- try air on et farm which is properly named when they call it rest camp, The farm people are still here and the war doesn't seem to have hindered oe discouraged them in their eultiva. tion of land. They have a store on a small scale ran in Ole house by the old la01y.in which she sells tobacco, beer, coffee, o s bread 'nm etc, and she i s well patronized even if there is a Y. ltl. 0. A. canteen a couple of hunched yards down 0110 road. The old lady is very clean and keeps the house clean ; their farm implements are very old fash- ioned, but they seem to have good crops and I would say that these peo- ple are among the most p0o5per0us fanners around here. They have two floe sized brick bat ns, one of which we use and also drive shed over which we slept for a while ; they also have very grind stock but not (illicit of it. They have 80 or 40 pigs now, and they, pay thew as they get all the food thrown out from our conk houses, about 5 nr 6 barrels a day ; they also have 5 fine looking 50100, and by the way we can grit and I Oft011 do get a bowl of milk for a penny, and as the place 18 clean . one can enjoy a good drink of milk. On Sunday we had a couple of Ser- vices one here in :camp by a Chaplain who is on duty around the hospitals here. He is a young fellow and only a short talk without taking any text. 4'4•+++4.4'ea 4.4•'84.4.4•'8. -felt °+++44++ The farmers' Blacksmith Shop ETHEL The undersigned 18 now pre- pared to do all kinds of wood- work tutu painting repairs as well as horse -shoeing, All my work is guaranteed, le not satisfactory you will confer a flavor by returning sante. PRIORS RIGHT. 0111 and make yourself at home, Gibson's old stand, Ethel. John McNoiI 014011F4.4.4••84.4'nr4'4'4•o''•'1 81' In the evening we went 10 the X, M. ' where we flail a good old fashioned alum -song 1711010 au Iau(IISh O11111.011 TO,bun dlthi a g8.000o as flue talta n"e! he y", 148 last Sunday was Trinity Sunday, the place was (troweled and 101)11)' people arty this s life hardens the fellness, so far. as 1 ata concerned, 1 cannot see it that wary, and think they show great interest in the real things of lite. I suppose you hear front 01. and Goo. regularly, L ant 11oping that neither of thein will get over hove, llpt 812(86 ! ant not enjoying it, as I 11.804 paver felt hatter in 10y life, but just a kind of natural dread that soti)eihiOg plight happen them. I'm sure however they won't feel satisfied to slay in England 111111 hope ciretum- etancee prevent thein coming for a little while, then, maybe it will all be over. I tune surprised to see that 01.. was more anxious to gel here than eves, after being bele anti seeing it, but both he and George have a nature that would thrive upon the exeite- went of this life. '1. hope you do not Worry Eno much about the present, but rat her, 118 the do, look 1'0lwan d 10 the blight tttlure and to 1 he end of the war 30318th we hope is not fat' away, We can do so much more and feel so much More comfortable' if the know that you al's not worrying. Will be glad to hear from you, am aleoex- pecting word anis some snaps from 01. and Geo. Well bye' bye, Love, WILL. JULY 12TH CELEBRATIONS PALMERSTON Perth district Orange lodges had a highly suceessfll celebration m Palln- 510101n on Wednesday of last week. 45 lodges were represented in the huge procession. among then) being Kitch- ener and Elmira from Waterloo, Brus- sels, For•dwich, Gm Ile and Wroxeter from Muton ;" Mount Rot est and several Wellington ()minty lodges. Special features for the occasion were the Kitchener band, a portion of the 153rd Battalion under Lieut. oyrno W. Scott, a Palmerston lad, the 153101 band and a ladies' lodge from Howick. The day Was perfect, although the heat registered 00, Itis estimated 10,000 were here for the occasion. The local churches as- siteci the hotels in catering to the multitude. CLINTON The town of Clinton Wednesday, was in possession of the various branches of the Orange Lodges, which came from far and near to join in the celebration of the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. Five special trains came in on the Grand Trunk and brought lodges from North and South Boron,. North and South Perth, South and Centre Bruce, also Smith Middlesex and large numbers were also brought in on regular trains. It is estimated that not since the 200th anniversary was celebrated bete. 26 years ago has there been so large a r crowd i1( town, there being over ver 10,000 visitors p!t Wednesday. The weather, although Warm, was on its best behaviour and the day passed off without the least sign of disorder. After the prclression had reached the park, over 40 lodges tak- ing part, splendid addresses were given by A. S. Hassard, Toronto ; A H. Musgrove, 11. P. P., Wingham ; Rev, Mr. Lowe, Lucian ; Rev. 0. O. Koine, Londesboto ; Rev. W. B. Moulton, Clinton, An address of welcome was given by Mayor Thomp- 8011 and \V, E. Southgate, Seaforth. The District Master acted as Chair- (11ar1. The prize given to the lodge coming the longest distance was won by the Greenway lodge. \Vingham lodge secured the prize for being the best dressed ; Lucknow lodge won the prize for the best banner ; and Bel. grave for having the largest number pi emit also the second prize for the best banner ; Stratford 8r'e and drum hand won the first prize and Bayfield Line Lodge, 1110 second ; the best fifer present was Thomas Rands, of Seaforth and the best drummer, George Pethick. The kitties band, Kincardine, was present and also three brass bands. Never berme in the history of the town were thele as nippy automobiles seen o1( the streets. • THE GOLIATH OF ENGLAND Arthur Mee, writing in a British Daily, tells the story of what he calls "The Goliath in England", and fear of beer instilled into every Govern- ment of Britain. He says a British Government that was not afraid of beer Mould be a spectacle indeed for gods and Kaisers. A British Govern- ment that could conquer beet' would slake counsels jump for joy and Ger- mans fly for their lives, For it has been the unwritten law of Govern- ments since most were born, that you must not touch this thing, You may take a man's house in England now, you may take his motor car or his workshop or the business he has built alp in Ole last fifty years, you may hake away his liberty and his only 5081, bot yon must tint t0nc11 his beer, And tvhat is this thing before which 'kings and governments bow down ? What has it clone for us in these bit- ter days, in the days in which we should' have found the strength which we need so sorely now ? If itis tree, as it i5, that in fifty years we have lheown away an army as great (05 we have -arida, arms today, it is beer that has consumed quite half of it, It has out down the flower of our man- hood less quickly but trot less horribly, than German shells tate doing now, IL hoe bred weak joints, weak muscles, weak brains and little, slanted bodies with feeble minds, where we should on d lets have had 'nen fit foe 101 women 8t to make a soldier's and home, It has chained our men in slums that are not worth fighting for ; it has pat a mill stole around the nark of in- dmstry, sn that we have lagged behind 0r enemy ; it has Toured our wealth to the gutter ; It has $written "re- jected its unfit" against this 11.80005 of half a million men 00110 were willing lit pin unr army, nd how did our beer god help ue tiil1010®119g6919042®p®Ve9@SWSafe 81"IS e i i • BUBCIE ij seeew;tces4 e s . Yaxvrr es 10 • • • • 10 O 10 10 w r • • • • • •• • • 10 •• • R bb Rubber T' 0 Larger alld More Assorted Stock of Buggies this Season than ever LOOK thrntrgh EWAN & Oe'e three show 1[1(11114 will 110001nce any intending buyer that it doesn't pay 10 perrehttse any other '1)1:11'116 itan 6base Buggies, they are moan of 0112 dt1.class niat5rhd, utast desh'able i1( style 11(101 deoiggu $((tether with easy draft; (1)111 guaranteed 10 11188 longer than any other Make. When repairs are required every Part can be foind at EWAN & Oo's Factory at half price and short notice. No advance in 1111050 on our Buggies this year.. Prices are low end every Buggy hu))'tunteed, r 1311 a na Bre" Buy t 1. 111 Buggy 5 and uncuulage hoots trade. Give us a call and we will satisfy' you 111 price and stylar. A Number of Wagons always an hand, all Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices, Rigs Repainted and Repaired and proutptly looked after', go- Please cn11 told Dee unr hely !owe -made Baggies. ''13005'5 BBUSSI'.LS" is out•motto. In thanking our Custnulel 0 fur po01 patronage we would like to have a eeoord.breaker business in 1310, For low' prices go to D. Ewe,'. n l~ Cogs Carriage Factory a e -r1( er'ii g a 00 il'es a Speed Lily. 111 s • 0010101010.1000100.1010010100.000fa5 a 60002,0•E100086490RS0 m £600100.47 when the hour of peril struck at Iast ? It is just a year sinceit imperilled our national safety and we are not likely to forget it. Phis time last year with the fate of Em ope in n he balance the beer god stalked abroad in 00e1•7 street and factory and dockyard and held sway so mightily that the direct- or. of Transports warned the Govern- ment that supplies to the Arany and Navy might stop ; the director of naval equipment warned the Govel n. mens that ship.building might come to a stand -still ; manufactbrels of ex- plosives- warned the Government' 11.,,1 they might not be able to deliver the goods ; and Admiral ;hillier* warned the Government that the efficiency (,7 the Fleet was imperilled. It is 1101 open to dispute that, with the money lost through drink, we could pay off as the war goes on, five shillings of every pound that the 1001, Is molliaig ;IS ; it i0 1101 open to allspice that. something like this is being actually dune in Russia now, 8811)) it Is not doubted that the stopping of vodka has saved the Ituo'darl Al 111y and the Rtlssinu people. Who, outside atm Asylum, cru believe this simple truth, 1110 power of !leer in ISugltxnd, that depending on foreign sources for nue f00d, we set aside as 10(1011 land foe beer: and whiskey as for bread 1i. ABBOTT, 11. 13., M. 0, P, S. Geo. Matthews, of Lindsay, well known packer, died in his Send year, Wm, Bothwell, employed in a muni- tion fselnry, was drowned in the Magog Raver, Over $25,00o waw raised for Verdun refugees on 1'1'100 n'1) French F:ag Day, Geo. Storey, toy:ars old, crawled for a block through a Loudon :ewer to re- cover a 25 mut piece. LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH: NINETEEN HUNDRED & SIXTEEN For calendar and terms. R I. Warner.M. A.,D,D.,AIma College, 51.1 -homes. Ont. 1 -twat Even the Wheel, o a Ford Car cost you 60 per cent less tn n the av- erage Car price around $1000 and under Figure it out for Yourself $12.87 -cost of •new wheel 'on average car priced around $ woo 017 less. $ 5.00 -cost of new wheel on a Ford car, 7.87 -the 6o per cent saving. secured by the Ford Owner. And this merely indicates the general saving in every item of upkeep in which the Ford possesses a big advantage over any other make of car. An assembly of Ford sparer parts --- enough to build the touring car complete -costs only $4.0 more than the standard list price of the car, while on the average car priced around $1000 and less a.com- plete set of spare parts costs $941 more than the car -over twenty times the Ford excess cost. by onef the a And t tests conducted A d ye es most authoritative Government laborator- ies in the world have shown that the quality of Ford constructive material is actually superior to that in most of the best cars made. Ford Motor Co .n � �gyp' J of Canada, Limited . S. Carte�"9 �I� ,...� 'ra,r.ler BRUSSELS Ford RnnabOut 7.180 Ford Touring '580 Ford Ooupolot 700 .Ford Soden 800 Ford Town Oar '180 0, o. b. Ford, Ontario All ears oemplet,Jy equipped, 'ipchtding elsntr10 1100411th. Eg0h,mmnit does ant- ineltulospeedoaeter