The Brussels Post, 1916-7-13, Page 7A WOMAN'S HEALTH
When the Blood Becomes Poor
Disease Speedily Follows
Evevy woman's health is peculiarly
dependent upon the condition of her
blood, How many women suffer witb
headache, pain in the back poor appe-
tite, weak digestion, a constant feeling
of weariness, palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath, pallor aid ner-
vousnes. Of course all these symp-
toms may not be present—the more
there are the worse the condition of
the blood, and the more necessity that
you should begin to -enrich it without
delay. Dr. Williams Pink Pills are be-
yond doubt the greatest blood -building
tonic offered to the public today.
Every dose helps to make new, rich
red blood, which goes to every part of
the body and brings new health and
etrength to weak, despondent people.
Dr. Williains Pink Pins are valuable
to MI women, but they are particularly
useful to girls of school age who be-
come pale, languid and nervous. Thin
blood during the growing years of a
girl's life useually means a flat -chested
hollow-cheeked womanhood. There
can be neither health nor beauty with-
out red blood, which gives brightness
to the eyes and color to the cheeks and
lips, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do all
this, as is proved in thousands of
cases. Mrs. Wm. Rowe, Carlow Ave.,
Toronto, says :—"1 have received so
Much benefit from Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills that I feel it my duty to recom-
rnend them to others: r was about
completely prostrated with anaemia.
I had no appetite, was terribly weak
and subject to fainting spells. I suf-
fered greatly from dizziness, and the
various other symptoms that accomp-
any a bloodless condition. Remedy af-
ter remedy was tried, but to no avail
until a friend advised me to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Before com-
pleting the second box, I was again
enjoying splendid health, and have
since remained in that happy condi-
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any medicine dealer or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Prisoner's Testimony of His Splendid
Treatment in England. -
No greater contrast to the letters
which come from Germany from our
heroes imprisoned there can be
imagined than the following letter
addressed by a German prisoner in
England to his "Dear M—, my dear
children and my dear mother" in Ger-'
many, says the London Sketch.
"I have hitherto not been treated
as a prisoner," he writes, "bub have
received nothing but love and care
for my wounds.
"Everything is done for me to re-
lieve my pains; in fact, everything
that can be done for a wounded man.
"Therefore, my dear ones, respect
our enemies.
"I always had a great dread of
falling into English hands, but now
that fate has overcome me I have
learned better, and I -see no trace of
anything but tender love, on the part
of my former enemies.
"I have a splendid dinner every
day, plenty of meat and potatoes,
beautifully cooked.
"They give me almost too much,
but for the sake of good manners I
eat till ib is all finished.
"Tea does not snit me, so- coffee is
specially prepared for me. Could a
wounded prisoner ask for anything
"Do you, therefore show nothing
but kindness towards our wounded
enemies, particularly Englishmen."
Pure Goodness
and delicious, snappy flav-
our no other food -drink
Made of wheat said a bit
of wholesome molasses, it
has rich color, aroma and
taste, yet contains no
harmful elements.
This hot table drink is
ideal for children and parti-
cularly satisfying to all
with whom tea or coffee
Postum conies in two
forms : The original
Postum Cereal requires
boiling ; Instant Postum
is made in the cup instant-
ly, by adding boiling water.
For a good time at table
and better health all
'round, Postum tells its
own story.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocereverywhere.
comedian Posture Cereal Co, Ltd„
Wineleor, Ont.
From the Middle West
Items From Provinces Where Many
Ontario BoLycitvianng.dGirls Are
lieg%a observed "Care for the Ani-
mals" Day in all the schools.
The entire' village of Steelman,
Sask., was wiped out by fire.
The Saskatchewan Legislature has
made it lawful to kill cow moose.
Two Women were appointed to sib
with the Manitoba University Council.
A Bantam Battalion for Alberta's
short men is now recruiting in Cal-
The citizen e of Unity, Sask., pre-
sented a field kitchen to the 65th Bat-
Property amounting to $300,000
will be sold for taxes in the city of
Calgary was one of the first cities
to adopt the weekly half -holiday dur-
ing summer months.
Joe Bernie and A. McDerrnid, of
Moose Jaw, were 'drowned While oub
canoeing on the river.
George W. Young, grocer ,of Cal-
gary, was fined $100 for giving voice
to seditious sentiments.
Wheat acreage in Manitoba is much
smaller. The high winds have played
havoc with the seeding.
A. Gussek, of Edmonton, a Russian
soldier, committed suicide by banging
himself in a police cell.
Fire desbroyed the North Star Ele-
vator Co.'s elevator at Kelsey, on the
C.N.R., 17 miles east of Camrose.
J. C. Williams, Edmonton, who
stabbed a conductor on a C.N.B. train,
,was sentenced to 5 years in the peni-
Mayor Weaver and Lieut. Drabble,
both of Edmonton, are in a London
hospital, after being wounded in the
The wives of Winnipeg soldiers are
indignant over the action of Dominion
Government in retaining part of pay
Sir Rider Haggard, the famous no-
velist, paid a visit to Regina. He is
on a tour of the Dominion on behalf
of the British Government.
Terry Carroll, of Lethbridge, is dead
as the result of striking his head on
the pavement when thrown from the
Dallas Hotel, by an Austrian porter.
Nevilina St. Laurent, Winnipeg,
was accidentally shot by her sweet-
heart, Herbert Manning. Ile was
showing her a revolver at the time.
Calgary is proud of a talented son,
R. H. MacLachlan, who made a clean
sweep of all the prizes in the third
year medicine Mass of McGill Uni-
The body of Miss Mabel Booth,
Brandon, has been found in the As-
siniboine river, two miles from the
spot where hex father's body was
found 24 hours previously.
George L. Roberts, of Winnipeg,
claims to have discovered that creo-
sote oil can be used in an -ordinary
automobile with 50 per cent. greater
efficiency than gasoline.
Harvey M. Elliott, physician, at
Swalwell, Alta., is being sued by Wal-
ter Parge for ppm, alleging that his
son was subjected to unnecessary pain
through ineffective methods.
Dr. A. 0. MacRae, when speaking
to the Women's Canadian Club of
Calgary recently, said that Calgary
women were indifferent to the war,
their extravagant clothing being but
one evidence.
Hudson's Bay Co. refused to close
liquor store in Manitoba. The Gov-
ernment has acoepted the challenge.
The company will set up test case in-
volving the question of their privi-
eges to trade without interference
since the year 1870.
One Has Launched a War Craft a
Month Sifine War Began. •
In the shipyards of Great Britain,
where fleetd are born, there has been
tremendous activity since the com-
mencement of the war, and the ef-
fort to provitle the navy with all it
requires has been stupendous.
James Bone gives a picturesque ac-
count of the wonderful work that has
been accomplished.
"When we speak of German's indus-
trial inventiveness and resource," he
says, "we are apt to forget that she
neither discovered the application of
steam as a motive force nor did she
invent any of the great devices by
which nations have been brought clos-
er and time and space have been teles-
coped. The German navy exists only
As the result of British inventions.
"Now, in the great world -struggle
all our shipbuilding resources of peace
have been tremendously expanded for
war One yard albne has launched a
battleship, cruiser, torpedo boat des-
troyer, or submarine every month
since the war began. One famous
marine engine hop has produced
1,000 horsepower of machinery every
day since the beginning of last year.
"Wonderful engine shops, up to a
thousand yards in length, of cathe-
dral height and spaciousness, splen-
didly lite with railways linking up
every part of the organization, have
sprung up in many parte"
It's easier for trouble to find your
address than it is for good luck,
" Did you ever realize anything on
that investment ?" "Olt, yes, "What
did you realize on it ?" What a
fool I had been."
For ,Summer Camp I
or Bungalow—the ready -
cooked, ready -to -eat food --
that keeps in any climate,
that supplies the greatest
nutriment in smallest bulk,
is Shredded Wheat l3iscuit,
the ideal Summer food,
becaue t sipplies every-
thing the human body needs
in a form that is easily and
London i'llerdeitin Advises Fruit Diet
to Kill Disease,
"Every death from cancer is a
death from, suicide, because cancer is
a self-imposed disease due to a per-
sistent defiance of dietetic and hYe
genie laws," is the opinion of Dr,
Robert Bell, president of the British
Medical Association for the Reduction
and Prevention of Cancer.
I d f th disease
• • • After a c ose etu y o e
quiciriy cligestecl, LOmDUIeS
deliciously 'with fresh fruits.
Always clean, always pure,
always the same price.
Made'in Canada
From the Ocean Shore
. —
Items of Interest Prom Places
Lapped By Waves of 'the
.A census of school children is plan-
ned for Fredericton, N.B.
The next .convention --of fire chiefs
is to be held at Truro N.S.
Fredericton soldiers have been quar-
antined on account of measles.
Mrs. Hayes, widow of James Hayes,
Dorchester, was found dead in bed.
A dog saved the life of a little St.
John girl when she fell off a small
boat. n
Henry Whittle, a young English-
man, of Sydney Mines, committed
suicide; cause unknown.
After twenty years' service .as yard-
master of the I.C.R. at St. John, N.B.,
T. L. Irvine retired.
Conductor James M. Lewis, of the
C.P.R., died at Fredericton, N.B., as
a result of blood poisoning.
Fred Woodard, a South African
veteran, fell and broke his leg in the
Saint Andrew's, N.B., soap factory.
Joseph 0. Gallant, editor of the
Acadian Evangeline, died in Moncton,
N.B., last week after a long illness.
Frank La Montague, watchman of
the Quebec Bridge Works, was killed
by a huge piece of steel falling on his
Mrs. Julia Angers, Quebec, dropped
dead just after church service. This
is the fourth tragic death in the
Angers family.
The schooner Nellie Dickson, under
Capt. Cook, arrived at Beaver Harbor
from the Magdalen Islands with 1,000
barrels of herring.
Timothy Sullivan, sr., of Oromocto
N.B., died last week!at the age of 103.
He was born in Cork, Ireland, and
came• to N.B. in 1845.
A. L. Kerr, manager of the Bank
of Nova Scotia at Sydney Mines, was
presented with a chest of silver last
week, as he has been transferred to
Newcastle, N.B.
Mrs. IILarose and her daughter-in-
law, of Lorette, Que., were terribly
burned, the result of the explosion of
a petrol ironing stove.
Mr. W. H. Irving, of Moncton, and
four bandsmen were seriously injured
when their recruiting car went over
the bank near Riverside.
Mrs. N. H. Otty, of St. John, N.B.,
has received from her son, Sere. Al-
len Otty, Widmer Hospital, a very
interesting souvenir in the shape of a
buoy from a net used by the British
so cleverly in capburing enemy sub-
Sometimes -a Man does a sensible
thing by mistake.
G.C.Briggs & Sons
80.00 a year protects ydtir nes
Ford Touring Car from loss bY
fire to the extent of $500, inolud4
Mg loss from explosion and self.
Covers (Ire lose while car is tts
'any bundins-s-or on the road--
lOwer rates and more liberal terms
than any other policy you can
Writo for rates qn Ford Oars up
to three years old.
Similar rates and coliditIona
are granted to owners of Cliov
rolot oars,
11EAD °Ma .33 Scovr Sr ThrsONTO
C di N
ana an at opal Exhibition W
Feature IL
Through the wool dittplay of the
Dominion Live Stook Brach, Ottawa
, which will be preeented at the Can-
adan National Exhibition, farmers W1 11
bo given a splendid opportunity for
obtaining a thorough knowledge of
Ithe sheep and wool industry of Can-
ada. The exhibit has been prepared
by T. Reg, Aiken, chief of the Sheep
and Goat Division of the Branch, who
will bo in charge with Mr. James A.
Telfer as demonstrator. The object
The Disobedient Rabbit.
On the edge of the woods and not
far from Farmer Brown's, lived two
little gray rabbitts with their father
and mother, One was named Greedy-
kins and the other Goodboy, Greedy-
kins was a source of great worry to
his mother, because he liked to eat
thinge that he ought not to eat.
for nearly forty yeare, Dr, Bell is fof the exhibit will be to explain the Now Goodboy was different. He
loved his mother so well that It made
to show how wool may be hantelea
convinced that cancer is curable with- various classifications and grades, .and him happy to do the things that pleas.
out operation,
"I have not operated upon a can-
cer patient since 1894," he stated,
"and since that time have had some
remarkable cures."
D. Bell maintains that the alarm-
ing growth of the disease has cor-
responded with the great increase
in the consumption of meat, and
that a fruitarian diet will maintain
the purity of the blood and blood
cells and make itimpossible for
cancer to develop.,
A well child sleeps well and during
its waking hdurs is never cross, but
always happy and laughing. It is only
the sickly child that is cross and peev-
ish. Mothers, if your children do not
sleep well; if they are cross and cry
a great deal, give them Baby's Own
Tablets and they will soon be well and
happy again. Concerning the Tablets
Mrs. Chas. Diotte, North Temascam-
ing, Que,, writes :—" My baby was
greatly troubled with constipation and
cried night and day. I began giving
her Baby's Own Tablets and now she
is fat and healthy and sleeps well at
night." The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box, from The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville Ont.
No Drill Needed.
Dentist—Excuse me a moment
Patient—Where are you going?
Dentist—Before beginning work on
you I must have my drill.
Patient—Great Scott, man, can't
you pull a tooth without a rehearsal?
Slinard,e Liniment rannberman's Prim*
Ideal Combination
Miss Gotrox—"One can be very
happy in this world with health and
Dedbroke--" Then let's be made one.
I have the health and you have the
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gents,—I cured a valuable hunting
dog of mange with MINARD'S LINI-
MENT, after several veterinaries had
treated him without doing him any
permanent good.
Yours, &e.,
Prop, of Grand Central Hotel
Drummondville, Aug. 3, '04
Deceiving Them.
A submarine commander has but
one means of judging the speed of
the vessel to be attacked—by noting
the size of the bow wave thrown up
by the intended victim. The correct-
ness of the estimate means either a
bit or a miss. To deceive the sub-
marine in this manner British ship
owners ha* devised the clever ruse of
painting a huge bow wave on the
sides of a ship, rendering it extreme:,
ly difficult for the underwater craft
to judge the speed accurately.
idinarcPe Liniment naed by Fliriticianti-
Quick Aid Needed.
Beggar—Stranger, I have a sick
wife; could you help me out?
Passer-by—I can give you a job
next week.
Beggar—Too Intel! She'll be able
to go to work herself by then!
Handsome Prizes Will Be Given
The Management of the Toronto
Fat Stock Show announce their in -
tendon of holding a show at the
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Decem-
ber 8th and 9th, 1916. We understand
the prize list -will contain many new
classes, and offer handsome prizes to
breeders and feeders of cattle, sheep
and hop.
A New Steam Philosoph.,.
ed her; and so Goodboy had a sunny
Such a way as to secure the best ad- disposition and was well and happy,
vantages to both the producer and
buyer. In order to command the but Greedykins was cross and often ill.
highest market prices, wools should be All day long the two little abbits
presented in a arefully folded and
played under the trees and among the
bushes, and sometimes they would go
packed condition and should containbushes,
as far
as little foreign matter as possible. away as Farmer Brown's pas
ture. It was vele fun to play in the
Actual demonstrations in grading and
sorting will be given daily by wool ex-
grass and hunt fax Mover!
perts. One of the most interesting One bright, sunny morning Father
and Mother Rabbit called Goodboy and
and instructive features will be sam-
and Greedykins to them, end said, "We
ples of wool in both the greasy
scoured condition, showing the injuri, must go to see your aunt and little
ous effects of using insoluble paints, cousins who live over bhe hill, and we
which are difficult to remove, rather
may be gone some hours, for we can-
not walk in the road, lest bad boys
than the standard dipping fluids for
throw stones at us, and it takes much
marking purposes. Samples of wool
that have been bled with binder twin longer to go through the fields. Now,
be good children." And looking sev-
will show how the sisal fibre becomes
erely at Greedykins, mother said, "Be
incorporated into the wool 'with the
very careful what you eat; do not
consequent defect in the finished pro -
touch anything that you are not sure
duct. The injurious effects of shear-
ing wool while name) or permitting it
Preserve the Equilibrium.
Native—There are the Oldboy
twies, They are 98 yeaes old."
Stranger--" To what do they credit
their long lives ?"
Native---" One 'cause he used ter -
backer, and one 'cause he never used
ore Granulated Eyelids;
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to SUS, Dust and Wind
quickly relieved by Marina
yes Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merin Eye
Salve inTubes25c. Fettle ok el the Byenreeas k
Drugglits or Madge Eye Remedy Co., Chime
The hope of somehow getting some-
thing which we have not earned,
whether in power or privilege or en-
joyment, is the chief source of human
Seep Ulna -errs r.intinont In the hottno
The Lady—"Why, that doesn't look
like my husband; he never smiles,"
Artist--"Thenget this go as a picture
of him before he married."
to become damp while in storage, will Both rabbits promised to be good, BOX NAILERS, SAWYERS,
be shown, together with the dama LABORERS, good wages. Apply
ge and after they had watched Father
caused by the incorporation of strat anti Mother Rabbit out of sight they or write Firstbrook Bros. Limit -
and chaff into the fleece. ran back to their play. ed. Toronto.
1 400 NURSED BY SWISS feel hungry "Let's go over to Farm- I W AkITRIDannaleirni e r °sItjelsit;
But after awhile they began to
er Brown's and get some of those de -
French and German Prisoners on
licious carrots that we had for dinner
yesterday," said Goodboy.
Neutral Ground, "That will be fine," said Greedy -
The work of bringing back to health kins, and so they started.
and activity the hundreds of sick and After eating all the carrots that
wounded war prisoners who are not so two little rabbits could eal., Greedy-
ope ess y noun e as
for repatriation is described in des- growing close to the grotmd.
patches from Switzerland. "It looks good to eat," ha said,
It is in this healthy country, among "You must not touch ib," replied
the kindly people of the various health
resorts, that many of these prisoners
who have been transferred from he
crowded prisons of Germany and
France are being nursed back to
They are still prisoners,. of course,
and will remain so until the end of the
war, but their chances for recovery in
Switzer' d are far eater than in
h I 1 • d d to be eli ible kins savr a round smooth een thing!
an ET
the necessarily uncomfortable quart-
ers in France and Germany."'
The arrangements for the sending
of wounded prisoners of War to Swit-
zerland were originally made between
Germany and France and Germany
and Belgium, but negotiations for a
similar agreement between England
and Germany have been nearly com-
pleted. About 1,400 sick and wound-
ed prisoners have already been sent
the health resorts of Switzerland, 500
Germans and 900 French. The
French contingent, -which includes 100
officers, ha been quartered at Mon-
tana, Montreux, Interlaken, Wilders-
will, Meiringen and Brienz, and the
Germans are near Lucerne and Davos.
The, guarding of the prisoners is
simplified by an agreement with the
Governments of the soldiers that all
who manage to reach home will be re-
turned to Switzerland. The camps
are under the supervision of sanitary
officers of the Swiss army medical
department. Non-commissioned of-
ficers chosen from among the prison -
are entrusted with the mainten-
Goddboy "You know what mother
told you,"
But Greedykins had already begun
to nibbe. "Oh, it is so good! I am
sure mamma would not mind about
Greedykins nibbled as fast as he
could, nor listened to a word that
Goodboy said. At last the round,
smooth green thing wan all eaten. and
they started for home.
But they had not gone far when
Greedykins began to cry with pain.
Goodboy tried to comfort him and to
help him home, but it was of no use;
Greedykins could go no farther, and
he rolled on the ground in misery.,
Goodboy was obliged to leave him and
run home..
Father and Mother Rabbit were just ,
crossing the field.
"0 mother!" cried Goodboy,
"Greedykins is ill, and 1 cannot get:
him homer
They hurried to where Greetlykins I
was, and found him just where Good-
boy had rift him, moaning and toss-
ing about. Between them they,
managed to get him home, and after!
putting him to bed Father Rabbit ,
went at once for Doctor Carronet, a
large brown rabbit, who lived all alone
in th h 11 f t tr
e 0 ow o a grea ee.
Pretty soon in came the doctor, of
whom all the habbit children were
afraid., because he was so gruff and
gave such bitter medicines, He look-
ed Greedykins all over, and then Raid
ance of discipline among the men. 1t1 "As I thought, he has been eating
is probable that, so successful has I something green. A week in .bed and
been the experiment, the number oil this medicine three times a day, will
make him well." Then he looked at
17 %erased.
Greedykins over his glasses so stern -
The sick and wounded men are se- ly that poor little Greedykins cried
lected at the various prison camps inlharder than ever; but Doctor Carronet
Germany and France- as cases sofawent on: "Young rabbit, this is what
ciently serious for transportation to i comes of not minding your mother.
Switzerland by medical -commissions 'The next time you see anything round
composed of two Swiss medical of- and smooth and green, let it alone."
firers and a physician of the country And with that he stalked out of the
in which the soldiee is held. These house.
The week following was a hand one
commissions, of which there are
twenty, move from camp to camp se- for Greedykins, who had to stay in
loevcetrintgbetihrewevoorrkstiscaexseesr.ciseSaubpyervaissulopubed and take the bitter medicine, and
could have nothing to eat except gruel.
erior Commission of three French. an' He could see Goodboy at play, and he
Iwo Swiss physicians at Lyons,
thought, "Oh, if I had been good, like
three German and two Swiss at Con-
my brother, I should nob now have
stance. The judgment of the inferior to stay in bed and take this awful
) IneItaietivnaes."
however. a hard lesecni for Greedy -
commissions is very rarely challenged
kins, but he learned it well, and re-
membered it all his lifen-Youth's
Lok for Minard41 ald take no alum
Prisoners in Switzerland will be great -
Bombay averages more than sev-
enty-two inches of rain a year and
gets most of it within foer-. or five The Weight of
Malachi O'Rourke,
a familiar char-
acter in Chicago, had occasion to ap-
His Daughter--"PaPa, did you know
pear before a police magistrate to an -
"Papa," said the hopeful youth, manunn long before you married
1"can you tell ole what is natural phi]. her?" Her Father—"Just between
osophy ?" "OP course I earn" said yOu and ine, my dear, I don't know
papa, proud and relieved to find that her yet."
there was at last something he could
tell his offspring. "Natural philoso-
phy is the science of cause and reason.
Now, for instance, you see -the steam
coming out of the spout of the kettle,
but you don't know why or for what
reason it does 80, and-" "Oil, but
1, do, papa," chirped the hope of the
household, "The reason the steam
comes out of the kettle is so that
mamma may open your labors with-
out your knowing it."
Distance and Enchantment.
Wilie-e"Ma, may I have Tommy
Wilson over to our house to play,
Saturday 2"
Mother—'"4o : you make altogether
too ravel, noine. Iteti'd bettor go aver
to his house and play."
work, state age, experience and wages.
Bering Hydraulic & Engineering Co..
Limited, Lindse.Y.
der o y limi
quotations.A.R. Dawson. Brampton.
HELP ventamED.
..LTJL branches of Finishing trade, in.
eluding Rubbing and Polishing. also
Cabinet Makers and Trimmers. Steady
work and good wages for competent
men. When applying state experience
and whether married or single. Apply
The Can. MoLagan Furniture Co., Limit-
ed, Stratford, Ont.
... -
Offloes for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful ,and interesting
a all businesses. Full information oa
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany. 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto.
`4../ internal and external, cured velth-
matrtterml7r.trlrItlninieant bird=
CO.. Limited. Colltegwood, Ont.
For Freezing Ice Cream
you get best results with
A more oven freeze. Smoother Ice
Cream. Takes one-third leas salt and
keeps Cream hard twice as long. Write
60-62 d'arvis Sq., Toronto, Oat,
Iknosy because I was Deaf and had Head
Noises for over 30 years. My invisible
Antisseptic Ear Drums restored my hear-
ing and stopped Bead Noises, and wilido
him you. They are Tiny Megaphones.
Cannot beacon adieus:ern. Easy to put
envy to take out. Me "unseen Corn-
Wtritintor Booklet and
22. Suite 223 / 202th Ave. - - N Y .City
ewer a. charge of larceny. Atter
hearing the testimony of two witness-
es, who thid that they saw Malachi
take the goods, the judge said.
Milarbi, I think you are
"An' what mattes 7001' honor think
that?" asked the Celt.
"These two limn, who say they saw
you bake the goods."
"An' is that all?" nsked Malnehi, in
surprise. "Why your honor, I can
bring 200 men Who will swear they
dide't see me -balm the goods,"
But It's There,
Jinks—P How did you get that paint
00 your trousers 7"
Spinks—"I didn'b, I got the trim -
sere on the paint when 9 sat dowin"
Arint---" You've wourited up to eight
nicely, deer. Blit dot' 1 ran 'know
what comes ther eight'?" Elsie—,
" Redtitne
Mills is the most wonderfal Phonograph
.value in v.:Innis. It is neat, compact.
land finished «1 ta.auttral bleak and Menai,
will harmonias with the furnishings of
ithe beet lames.
'Inexpensive, durable and ttreetive. Just
the Phonograph Per the rural home. 00111
.piny Mars 52 neh or smaller.
Sent in 11000 5005,0 1100 with 102 needins
on recolpt of price,
,Wright 15 pnoked.
Dept. 4
'Board of Trade 12s1115015,
Montreal, Otte.
Machinory For Saio
Wheelock Engine, 150
18 x42, with double
main driving belt 24 ius,
wide, aiil 1ynarno 30 K. W.
belt driven. All in first
class condition, Would be
sold together or separate-
ly also a lot of shafting
at a very great bargain as
room is required limed'.
S. Frank Wilson & Sons
73 Adelaide Street West,