HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-13, Page 504J3IIYESS CARDS, JNO. SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED INSURAVC 76 APdir PNmw° WM. SPENQE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES (aloe In trio Pest peace, Ethel. 80.4 AUCTIONEERS. Li 3. SCOTT AS AN AUC'T'ION• a aa5, will sell for better prions, to better men, in leas time and loss *bargee than any etber Auctioneer in Emit Huron or he won't abarge anything, Dates and orders: can always be arranged at .this Othoe or by personal application, LEGAL Attu! CONVEYANCING. \XT M. SINCLAIR— V 0 13arrieter, Solicitor, Uouveyaueer, Notary Public', &o, Ulflae-13tewart'o Block 1 door North of Central Hotel- Solicltor for the Metropolitan Bank. l/w` taxa ritfE NVIR AilZ Ail.war BRUSSELS Go1N0 SOUTH' GOING NORTH' Express 7:18 a nol Mail 1t:22 a m Express 8:83 n In Express 8:57 p m Coveanzaav cave, WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 7:80 a w I Express .........1 1 :58 am Express 0:10 p m I Express 8:54 p m W ROXET ER Going East - 7:05 a. m. and 8:40 P. m. Going West - 12:10 and 9:50 p, m. All trains going 'East connect with C.P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. station, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or 95Fti' i St -W- Toronto W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. A. HAY ANN is prepared to st pply the best goods in Windm lls, Iron and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &c. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call, Q, HAM 'ANN, Cradrook elf feiileTeVt' a`. l l CENTRAL iTRATFORD, ONT, You Can Secure a Position If you take It course with as. The de- ?,?6i mend upon n -i for trained help is many tr, times the number graduating. Stu- dents are entering each week. You yr only enter nay tune. Write at 00800 for a our free ostnlogne. �' D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. ettele.nrbrra\%5a e ynvevenelvb'�Sc vs' A_ 0000,0020/00/00 THE Best Brains fu Cemada have participated in the pre. aeration Of our splendid Rome Study courses 10 Balk lug, Eaonoudcs, Higher. Accounting,Commercial Art, Show i thud Writing, Photography,JourlioI lam, Short Story Writing, horthand and Bookkoe1)(ug. Select the Work Which moat ititerosto yon end welts us i for partlinlere. Address THE SHAW COHHESPONOENCE SCHOOL 301.7 Vongo St., Toronto SERTARCIESEONEEfg=122 COLLEGE AT HOME Thousnuda of mnbiti0us,ming pee• pplc are ''net prepar4Ug In their 01011 110m00 to °acuity hiornlivo positions es stenographers, bookkeepers, telegra- phers, elvil servants in rant every ephore. of notivities, seat/ants, 11152 fin halt at college lfntrallYigear- einem), Eeeogo telly day. Idi- victual instraation. Expert tuaohors, Thirty )oars' experience. Largest trainers in Canada. Seven eolleeee. Spode' ootu•so for teachers. Ainitiate' With 00mtnm'01n1 Edam. tot's Aa00alatiota of Osnoda, Sumner School at finnoas Seaton Bosnia/is Cob loge, London. Wingham Business College Geo, Srommee, VV. T, M0110)1, President, Principal. Bulginess Cards JAS. ANDERSQN, VEER A T !N RY SURGEON, Suo000501' to M. lx, Moore, Omoe at Ander- son tiros. revert stable, J3rusesls. Telephone leo, '8, 1 I don't lil)ow where Sunny Petrels or Ettore are yet but They lance my red. 11rese so will likely hear from thein We soon \ a '� Lia ll# 4' ]!1 la ' b t happy t. If l'1 ] Y lP Canada, butwdl be here some limo so tion't worry. Write and tell me all the trews Remember me to all the neighbors. I will close new with love. BILI„ T. T. M'RAE M. B., M. 0, P., di. S. O, ' M 0, H„ Village of Brussels, Physleisn, Surgeon, Aeeoaohour office ovor Standard Bank DR. F. T. BRANS 138oltelor of blodlolne, Unlveralty of Toronto ; Lleentinte of Canoga of Physicians mrd Sur- geons, Ontario ; ex -Senior House Surgeon of Western Hospital, Toronto, Offices of lute Dr, A. Malieve Smith 131055, Bruseels. RIaral phone 45, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate ooureee London (Eng.), Now York and Mingo Hos. pitals. S eels' attention todlooaee of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glaaoee, G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate of Royal Oolloge of -Dental Sur. NO0118 of Ontario and Graduate University of, Toronto lPsouity of Dentistry. Office to Ward Block, Wingham Phone 248. Poet Office box 278 Pawnee Extraction, Plato work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHT!4ALMOLOOI$T Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, MoCormlak Medical College, Chicago, I11„ le prepared to test eyes and S5 glasses at her office over M(0e Inman's millinery store. Office days—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -30 to 12.a. m. ; 1 to a m. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1218. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Dayand night calla. OMae opposite Flour Mall, Ehel. JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Setlofnotlon assured ; Charges moderato. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call. Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P. 0. PHOUOFOOT, NILLOHAH & PHOUOFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Moe on the Square, 20d door from Hamilton Street, G0DBj3I0 e. ONT. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. w. PROODrooT, IC. 0. .T. L, EirMI TAN wit. Pnounrooe Ja. al is ttct • leb Mrs. (Rev.) W. lleLean and daugh- ters, Florence and Joy, Hanover, are vjsiting Mrs McLean's pareute, A. and hl es. Elder. In the casuals list was recorded the death of Pte. casualty Hawkins, of Btlud Riven a cousin of Rev. W. B. Hawkins, of 13191.11. )Alias Myrtle Livingstone has return- ed borne from the hospital, Toronto, where she had uudefgone treatment. She is much improved in health. Blyth Council voted $75 to Blyth Band to assist in the putebase or uniforms. They are to give a weekly Concert during the Summer months. Harvey Gulley, who has been fire ranging nu a government preserve, North of Spanish River, has at rived home and will likely take the 0001 - agement of the gents' furnishing de- partment 1m his father's store. THE LATE 5185, :NO. EMIGs,-She was a fine pelsou, beloved by a wide allele of relatives and friends. Fl Ir several years she has been troubled with rheumatism but a few weeks be- fore her demise she was compelled to take to her bed from at attack of dropsy, from whish silo never recover. ed. Mrs, Enrigh was boa n in Beech. vine 60 years ago and in 1807 was inverted. In 1870 Mr. and Mrs. himigh moved to Bly1li Mrs. Emigh was a life-long euetuber of Trinity Church. She was a great knitter and had knit no less than 125 pairs of socks for the soldiers since the war commenced. Those left to mourn, beside her hus- band, are a family of two sone and three daughters, namely :— Arthur, 13nf3:alo; William, Whil owned, Saisk.; Mrs. A. E. I3radwin, Godetieh ; Mas. (Judge) Jackson, Lethbridge, Altar, ; and Miss Alice at home, the pro- fusion of flowers showed the high respect in which the lady was held by the whole community. AtWood Miss MacMillan was presented with a gold necklace by her scholars, Miss MacMillan has been a very ellleient teacher. Frank Tort y, 1Tonkton, who has heel' teaching at U. 0. Onllege, Talmo - to, has enlisted with tate 65th ArEi1- levy, Guelph anti is in training at Pel- ISWIIWat, 1'heu0 diad 111 .=''wood nn Tuestitty of last weir idly ' McGregor, beloved wife of D00l'n• 15,(21', aged 49 v ettre, 11 months trod 2.i days, Fettered service wee held at het. Into resident*, Atwood il. '1 sdu9 t. i fain and inter - men 0 1 lug c i It a k a l i t 6 Wits nut4e at Ful le le Ln ire came- eery, Pt terbat'u, nn Felder, July 7th. Fatter Tau FR11N't.—Following letter is from Pte. Wrn. Rirbmond, Who is now 111 Frnnoe 13olnetr1it't'a in France, ,linea 12th, 1910 DEAR HIOT00810.-18111,005n yon will be surprised to hear nhaan' 1 nor bet so much happens in a 111 1I chile, that we are never bothered shout anything. We at'e billeted in a barn, so the rue ifavitlg to good time behind tine lines. I and in the 42nd Black Watch, 13uL- taiinu. They are Highlanders so .I tun wearing the !alts. Just think whet a bonnie scaly 1'11 make, We are with a good 13attelion and they have tion a gt'eat name for themselves. We left I$ngland rather suddenly, we had ;just gotsettled down after Coming back Froin London. 1 was in a bat- tery (,here for a while but was disband- ed and pet in the 581(1, then when reachieg France Wee put in the 42nd,, Gorrle Jolla Ardell Is somewhat indisposed but the hope he may sonar be all right, Pte, 11'I, B. Nash was 00001111y pre: serried with it gold wrist watch by the menthe's of L. 0. L, No, 707. airs, Fulton, of his village, has re- ceived word that her son, Oharles, who is now in France, hue been seriously wounded, Chester E. Gowdy, of Mildmay, nephew of John Gowdy;: and grand- son of Samuel Nay, of town, was a- mong the wounded at the battle of Ypres on June Stell. He was hit by a splinter from an exploding shell and put nut of oominiesiou. His father re- ceived a tetter ie nm him recently and he says it is nothing to worry about. Trowbridge W, and Hire. Freer, of Cayuga, visited with friends Ilene. Lawrence MCOr'ae, Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents here. Miss May Melvin, teacher tat Bur- lington, is home for Llle holiday sea- son. Miss Hattie Turner, Clinton, is a guest at the Lome of her uncle, J. R. Oode. Rev„ I. Recldiu, Everett, is spending a few days with his brother in our village. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Gnclerioh, spent at few days with their daughter, Mrs. Tabor, Rev. 0. J. Mnorehouse and family left for their holiday trip to the lake near Kincardine, J. R. Code and family attended the femoral of Jae. Leech, of Got vie. Mr. Peppier took them twee in his car. bliss Martha Collins, Deaconess of Flint Oiler, Aiiehiga'', is spending her holidays with her mother and slates. Dlr. and .Alm. Boomer, of London, returned to their home after speeding a fete clays with their sou -in-law, Rev. 0. J. Moorehouse. Rev. T. Wesley Oosens and wife, formerly of Landon, pair' a flying visit tiers. They wee e nn their way to their new charge at Cornwall. Listowel Monday, July 81st, will be Listowel's civic holiday. The Ale'hndist church will hold a picnic at Victoria Park, Stratford, on that date. Listowel Lodge I. 0. 0, F. will hold their annual decotatiou service on Sunday afternoon, July 16th, at 2 20 I o'clock, J. and Mrs. Watson, J. A. and Mrs. v. heliy, L. A. and Mrs. Windsor i ndao• and Alex. Weeerhea. hattended t d the. Buffalo,IJu ya11, 12a n118, Shrine in Miss Mabel Kemp was the guest of honor at a social evening in the Parish Hall, Tuesday evening of last week, when members of the Anglican choir and a fete of her girl friends of the church made her the recipient of a Grown Derby salad bowl. A fishing pond was the special feature, each one present "fishing" some little trinket and Miss Kemp "fishing" her gift. A short program was given and lunch was served From a "bridal" table decorated in rose and green, IMPROVEMENTS TO TOO ME1710DIST CHURCH,—The church has undergone extensive repairs installing a new steam heating system. 'There have been 8 new class morns added to the Sunday School, making 12 class ss rnoma in all. There have been two rear entrances made in the galleries so exits can be obtained in case of emergencies. The management of the church have instnned a new Kar 11- Mot'ris two manual pipe organ et a cost of $2,600, besides an addition to pipes raid other' material used from former organ, making the cost up- wards of $8,000. The old windows have all beau replaced with modern strained noes and a now hardwood floor has been laid in the main audi- torium, also 500 yards of new carpet THE IONIC 1IMT BRINGS HEMOTII "Fruit -a -tines" Builds Up The Whole System Those who take "Fruit-a-tives" for the first time, are often astonished at the way it ballets then: up and makes then: feet Getter all over. They may be taking "Fru it-a-Liyes" for some specific disease, as Constipation, Indigestion, Chronic Headaches or. Neuralgia, Kidney or Bladder Trouble, Rheu. matism or Pain in the Back. Aad they find when "1! suit-a-tives" has cured the disease, that they feel better and stronger in every way. This is due to the wonderful tonic properties of these famous tablets, oracle from fruit juices. . 50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size, 25c. At al dealers or sent postpaid byFruit- a-tines Limited, Ottawa. ih various parts of the aliment. The walls and ceiliegs of the auditorium and vestibules have been newly de- corated, and the basement and class room svelte and ceilings have been painted and grained. Lavatories and otietconven1eoces have been placed' in two parts of the 01,51..1 and a thnrnugh, modern and up-to-date kitoheu has been equipped for the ladies; besides a number of other im- provements. Total noel of all altera- Lines is in excess of $10,000, which has been ptovided for with tun allowance for shrinkage of 60 ter cent. A new pastor's vestry, watch will be decor- ated with portraits of Fa151'1001' panenl's es far back es 3870, has been Added. The proceeds 2' the re -opening ser- vices atimented to $275, in addition Lo subscribed amounts. Airs. 11, F, Zurbtigg and 151,'. Zee- brigg's mother met with a serious tcc- cident on Wallace street on WedneO- day afteruonn of last week. They were going up Wallace street. in Mr. Zurbrigg's auto with Mrs. Zurbrigg driving, when in some unaccountable way the car turned completely over with both occupants underneath, Mrs. M. F. Znt•btigg WAS able to get from unifier the cru'. Mrs. Zurbrigg, sr., had her shoulder dislocated and Mrs. Zurbrigg, jr„ severely strained her leg. SUCCESSFUL NORMAL STUDENTS 1'he final exantinatione of the Nor- mal Schools at Hamilton, London, North FnBay. Ottawa, Peterbtro Sra t- 1 t td and Ottawa 0 •e h , w.er held 11 n n June 2nd to 8t1tThe names of the suc- cessful students from Stratfned, with the certificates obtained, appear be- low. Those candidates who have failed at this extunivation will be required to attend another session, hue they uta, enter iu September and take the Easter final examination, or at the re -opening in January and take the examination in June. PERMANENT SECOND crass CE2tgeTet- CATL 141.-11aeAethur, Isabella A., Lorne. INTERIM SECOND CLASS CTERTIFICATE A.—Aitken, Margaret I., Glarannan. Allan, Marion E., Wingham. Armstrong, Dorothy M., Hanover. AMelvin i Agnew, , a vtn L, L rckuoty, 13.—Bain, Helm), 'L' B , H e , S tat'o•tl. Ballantyne, Anna L. Brussels. Barber, Winuifeed E., Arkwright. Barr, Dora I. N1., Olinta°. Berry, Olara, Se. Marys. Bateman. Ruth I„ Mount Forest, Beaumont, Nellie, St let trued, 13ierwnrth, Hilda 17 , Elmwood. 13oese, tether, Berlin. Borman, illarjorie Mae, Bright. Boruhold, Ruth E., Berlin. Bower, Lucy, Wingham. Boyle, Rachael E., Lucknow. Barns, Edna NLPaisley. I Beau, Howard ., New Iiambnrg. •+4+1+4+44444+•4•+•+• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •+•+•+4••+•'i'a+411+4044+•+.444..4•+• • + Ladies' Fine Shoes. Handsome to the eye Artistic in design. First-rate workman- •y�.)� ship. •--o"`VIS"'` Made to wear and + y . ,� 1 �1 �, keep their shape. •�• � mi„/,r Beautiful finish, easy 6 comfort, very durable. When you discard I them you want another to just like the last ones.” 4. Then our prices are not the least pleasing part or 41 • the buying, Here are a few:-- + + Doug. Rid Us 2.30 to $4.00 Gun Metal 3.00 to $4,00 • Patent Buttoned Shoes, 3.75 to $4.00 • • . Trunks and Satohela, nice Stock Repairs In Sh'oes4 Harness and Collars Promptly Done. I •• + • •• + + + •+ Light and Heavy Harness and everything In Harness line in Stook, RICHARDS 84 Co. I + 44444.1144+04.+•+04.•4414.•+•+•44441.4+•+•40+•+•+•+•4444.4 1J3ecking301st,Ge, I3arvogoE., Plaey, TeeewaitlIovillere, , O Ottert n Mary 1„ W0udlutm, rhrrl G L Tice Sau 11'L 1 A rt 1, Olu'8, Mary 13., Godet'ich. j 031t� k, Mav Hari iston. 11 Uule uta, Verna, New Dundee, Outvau, Luella b7„ Lucknow, Culbert, Intl M., Ripley, °eerie, 117aryy G., W111ghluu. Cressnlan, Linyd, New l'anlburg, D. --Dickson, hft'y E., W11151'501, Dudsworth, Georgina, Elmwood, t Donnelly, Verna A., Pinkerton, i llorranee, Mabel, Seed'orlh, Dahl', Genegina, 1.'horudale, E.--J5dgeconlbe, Ethelwy 1, Stratford. EIliott, Anna M„ Bayfield. F.—Ivaliis, Prances N1., o, mid Bend. Fenn, until I , P0,1101111, Fitzgerald, 3ennie T., Thorndale, G.—Gaffney. Genevieve A., Stratford, Galbraith, Annie, Mount Forest. e 0m, Jessie 141., ?anent -Foveae Gibbons, Kathleen A., Wlugharn. Green, Janet L, Bayfield. (*neve, Ilelen 11„ Parkhill. Guenther, Letter IL, Dashwood, 0lennie, Erie W„ Rockwood. H.—Fktgedoru, Elsie 0„ Paisley. Hallman, Sylvia B., Pl'ttisvllle, Hamilton, Alice '1., Nlllverinn. Hamilton, Martha, Lucknow. Harper, Leila R., Fel est, Harwood; Lydia F., Rockwood. Hay, Beth A., Listowel. Hayden, Eva 13., Fergee. Hayter, Ruth A., Olandeboye, Hickey, Addie, Palkhill. Hill, Flovica, Otediton, Hoeflin, Ada M., (3hesley. Hofetetter, Irene, Baden. Hallman, Beulah, Ohesley, 14udelmaier, Florence B., New Ham- burg. L—Iftvin, William R., Ripley. J.—Jameson, Gladys 0., 8t. Marys. Jordan, Teeessa, Dublin. K.—Kaiser, Ora, Stratford. Katbfleiseh, Freda M., Zurich. Kempton, Tabithe NI., Lucknow. Kerr, Jennie, Neuetadt. Kincaid, Selena G., Oheeley. Kleiufeldt, Serum D , Exeter, Rutile, Ida Nl., Baden. Kuntz, Lily 3„ Baden. L—Large, Mary W., Listowel. Lautriy, Gladys E„ Blyth. Leckie, Edith H., Stratford. Little, Sarah Ii., Walkerton. Lobb, Hannah V., Olinton. Long, Hattie 0 , Walkerton. L ouch, Annie E., Bettor. Lott, Charles W„ Brussels. M.—MacArthur. Annie H , Lorne. MacDonald, Annie, Ripley. AlacDouald, Sadie F., Durham. elecDonald, Lena A., Ripley. Maachan, Mary, Brussels. MacKenzie, Anna, Lucknow. MacKenzie, Grace, Dnngatnion. Itlacbeuuau, Marguerite, Laurier. NlarPherson, Ada 13., Parkhill, MacTavish, Elizabeth, Ripley. Marshall, Annie M., Dm'ham, Martin, Grace E., Guelph. Martin, Ida J , Waterloo. Martin, Una G., Teeswater. Master, Grace, Platteville. :Maxwell, Jean E., Ohesley, McCannel, Oro 11„ Ohesley. 1 er t non 1 c0 d c Hannah G, retest. McMillan, Oral 11. Stratford McPherson Margaret M., Moukton. elegr•aw. Gent oda, Paisley. elielhanseu, Sylvia C., Elmwood. Miller, Annie, Tara. Moffat, Alexia E , Nerve. Morrison, Ohriatina E., Parkhill. Murray, Madeline, Nenstadt. Martin, Angus, Ripley. • McBride, William H„ Paisley. N.—Nairn, Ethel G., Godeticb. Noonan, Patricia, Mount Forest. Nethercott, Frederick A„ Stratford. 0.—O'Brien, Alice J" Forest. O'Brien, Olive M., Zurich, Oestreichee, Lydia E., Oeediton. Oliver, Ruth E., Pateuerstou. Ottswel l Fiances G. W iart on. Ottewell, Olive P., Wi1R't'on. P.—Palmer, Hazel 13 , Ripley. Park, Sara R. M., Tara. Parker, Thelma, Ailsa Craig. Phelan, Margaret at areaM Blyth. th. PPaoymneer,E,arDloFra AS.t,IFalnfloadr.to n. R.—Reid, Katherine B., Londesboro. Robinson, Christine A., Kincardine. Robinson, Eva, Hepworth. Roe, Florence A.. Brussels. Ross, Christina, 17arriston. Rutherford, Marion, Millbank. 13.—Schaefer, Anna, New Hamburg. Shackleton, May. Dungannon. Slater, Blanche i., Stratford. Smith, Mary A., Palmerston, Slobo, Mary G„ :Peeswater, Sweet, leen N., Exeter. Schuler, Andrew A., New Ham- burg. Seaman, John R„ Mount Forest. T.—Tiohbo'ne, Olive M., Goderich. Tiudale, Lanett E Chatsworth, Triebner, Florence L., Exeter. Tripp, Hazel F. I., Barrie. W.—Wallace, ..Felicia D., Chippewa Hill. Wankllyn, Geneva, Berlin. Wa'ruingtou, Edna J., Allenford. W eiuert, Charlotte N1., Neustadt. Willis, Ada V., Exeter, Woods, Anna, Seaforth, blonds, Nina R„ St. Helens, Waddell, Wilfrid Ii„ Britton. Z.—Zurbrigg, Mildred T., New Haln- burg. 10 addition to those listed above Hazel Brenchley will be granted a second -cross interim certificate on nub. milting satisfactory y proof of being a British subject. LietvrE1 '9HIRD•CLASS CERTIFICATES 8,-13risson, Helen A., Zurich. Brown, Olive P., Hensel', D.—Darroch, Annie, Palmerston, E.—Eastel'blook, Thelwtt, St. Marys. Evans, Ethel M. A., Mount Forest. Everett, Jean, Walkerton. G.—Gardiner, Nlary, Moult bForest. Grahan, Jean 51., Sb, Marys. .Gunn, Nettie, Glamrnis. H,—I-ilunilLon, 1Llinor S. NL, Wroxe- ter. Herron, Robert E. L., Linwood, Holmes, Grace M., Ripley. I•loltnee, Laura, Bluevale. Hatton, Elizabeth R., St, Marys, J. --Jefferson, Gordon, St. Augustine. K,—Itea•ns, Margart'L Ht., Parkhill. L,--Lauldsborough, Arnold M., Sea- fnt th, M. ---Mitchell, Alicia, Lucknow, MacPherson, Meths, Wingluttn. McDowell, Gladys, Belgrat1e. McLay, 1)enddda, Ripley. N, --Nixon, Clifford J., Granton. R,—Robel•tson, Marry 16., Wingham, S.—Shantz, Olive, New Hamburg, U,-17ren, Sadie B., St, Marys. o os•YYIBUGGIES "oaas� �,�N8• 43 • in • M 1• • 0 • • • Largerand More Assorted Stock a • • of Buggies this Season than ever A o • ALOOthrough EWAN & Co's three s11ow rooms will convince p any intending buyer that It doesn't pay to purchase any Tither than these Buggies, They are made of first-class material, host 0 • desirable in style and design together with easy r'''aft, and gently] teed a • to last lunger than any othermake, When repairs are required every a` • part eau be found at EWAN & Oo's Factory at half price and shot't. • notice, No advance in prices on our Buggies this year. Prices are el • low and every Buggy guaranteed. • Buy a Ewan Buggy and encourage home trade. Give Ile a call and e) • we will satisfy you in price and style, co A A Number of Wagons always on hand, fit all Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices. •d 4A 1 • Rige Re -painted and Repaired and promptly looked atter, d iW- Please call and see our new Home-made Buggies, gd • "BOOST BRUSSELS" is our motto, gA • • Iu thanking ow' Oustnners for nasi patronage we would like to rehave a record -breaker business in 1010. For low prices go 8.0 • D. fat Carriage, Ewan & Co9 SF��to�-y • Re-rubbering Rubber Tires a Specialty. 411 S •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4:11:1260•100•• W.—Waddell, Samuel P., Britton, Walton, Ethel A., Wellesley. Watson, Dora, Brussels. Webb, Mary, Glemenis. -Webber, Jessie M., Palmerston. The following former lot;,l students obtained interim second-class certifi- cates :—Rose Bryce, Paisley ; Bertha Mural, Arthur ; and Katie Queenan, bt. Marys., THOSE IN KHAKI The following members of the class 'of 1916 have donned the khaki: George Avery, Ripley Eugene F Martin, Ripley ; Gordon Mot 1.-y, Lucan ; Lester Nimmo, Ripley • Hes,, y Ravi tali, Mitchell ; Rosa Veitci , Platteville ; Rutherford Walton, Poi - est all in the IIOth ; Henry Baker, Barrington, 66th Battery ; R. J. Bue- glass, Lucknow, 4th Pioneers ; James Clinton, Kincardine, 16(123113ruce ; Jos. Densmore, Stratford, 161st Heron ; Mnrroy Findhty, Durham, Signallers ; 131. F. Payne, Stratford, 64th Battery ; Alvin Pen; ire, Parkhill, 185th Batta- lion, Middlesex ; Nelson Robison, 161st Huron ; A1'nold Nethercott, Stratford ; FI. T. McLachlan, Listo- wel ; Ohas. 1V. Lott, Brussels ; W, R. Irwin, Ripley ; N. I. Bean, New Hamburg ; S. P. Waddell, Britton. Niles Bianshe Thompson, Listowel, tend Wm. J. Cleary, Seaforth, were ill at the time of the final examination but will be granted limited third cer- tificates and may wriLl,,.00 the examin- ation missed without furUter attend- aline at the Nn,1ua1 schen'. There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomachand Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up.the e whole system.Take oneatnigbtand you're RIGHT in the morcng All drawer., 255,orbymail from Chamberlain m crinin Modiciae Company, Toronto. 16 CHAM BER[AI N can="SA:S:n"i'9 Even the Wheels on a Ford Car cost you 61 per cent less than on the av- erage Car priced around $1000 and under Figure it out for Yourself $12.$7—cost of new wheel on average car priced around $ woo or less. 5.00—cost of new wheel on a Ford car, $ 7,37—the 6o per cent saving secured by the Ford owner. And this merely indicates the general saving in every item of upkeep in which the Ford possesses a big advantage over any other make of car. An assembly of Ford spare parts— enough to build the touring car complete —costs only $4o more than the standard list price of the car, while on the average car priced around $1000 and less a com- plete set of spare parts costs $941 more than the car—over twenty times the Ford excess cost. And yet tests conducted by one of the most authoritative Government laborator- ies in the world have shown that the quality of Ford constructive material is actually superior to that in most of the best cars made, Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited S. Carter, Deal BRUSSELS Ford Runabout 5480 Ford Touring 500 ]lend doupelot 700 Pont Peden 800 Forel Town Oar 780 1. o. b. Pawl, Ontario er Alt cars e0mpletely 1•Iltt(ppeti, including electric headlights. 11tlnlpment deem net heeled n spnld0n1atar itotsmeilraOr