HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-13, Page 4Che itirnsotis cyst PL tJ9,SAAY, JULY ra rein LIgooa and gambling are Barred at Cramp Borden and many a fervent Amen will be .uttered as this feet Is made known. Lt.ovn GEORGE has been appointed Secretary of War as successor to the LordKitchener. gteat He'll fill the important post with ability. Some folk doubt if tord8Kllchener would have been much flattered to have Berlin, Ontario, Palled after him, He would perhaps be more flattened than flattered. ALBERTA, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are now on the water wagon and Ont- ado rides there until after the war at any rate when the voters will pronounce on the measure. Ba practical as deeds usually weigh better than mere words, Themnsvi)le Girl Guides have a fine set of roles but they are growing potatoes to help the Patriotic fund Do you catch on ? Do your duty to yourself and your neighbor by cutting the weeds, Statute revival along this line would be produc- tive of good. Good fat ming cannot be done as long as seedbeds of weeds flourist. Ir Jailer Griffin grows very lonesome in the absence of prisoners in Huron Co jail be tnight be permitted to borrow a few from outside Counties where John Barleycorn still holds sway. He'll soon get used to rhe strangeness. Doairwros Day was a good date for the Canneks to start their fireworks in France and Belgium. It went so well on the rst the boys have been keeping up the celebration, to the dissatisfaction of the fellows on the other side. RUsotA and Japan have made an al- liance but the particulars are not yet made public. The enemies of a few years agorae are now fast friends. Sometimes it takes a "licking" to establish a platform upon which two parties or Nations eau stand. W HAr's your record as a swatter ? Lizzie Lynch, whose home is in Joliet, Ill., although only q years of age, swat- ted 7 zoo Ries in two days. Most of the flies went through the ordeal for the last time. Copy the energy of Lizzie and help banish the pestiferous fly. Ir coat a Montreal druggist $5o oo and costs because be neglected to put a 2 -cent war tax stamp on a box of tooth paste, There is such a thing as strain- ing at a gnat and swallowing a camel in the administration of law but it is wise to be on the safe side by living up to the requirements of the law, Ignorance nor neglect is no excuse. THE Duke of Devonshire is to be Canada's next Governor General. He is a great land owner and a man well acquainted with public affairs. His wife is a daughter of Lord Lansdowne, a former highly esteemed occupant of the office, who gave a good account of his stewardship. Canada needs a man of good sound sense and one who will not stand too much on ceremony. WE believe too much power is vested in some of our political autocrats who oftimes give an exhibition of one man power derogatory, to the cause they think they are aiding. If the old addage is true—•'In the midst of counsel there is safety"—the opposite must be the case when a free -rider urges his steed over the rights and privileges of others with out even saying "I'm coining !" A man at the helm is all right but he should not attempt to be wheelsman, Captain, crew and passengers. Some day the public will rise up en :nesse and swat the fellow with the big head and take part in the directing of affairs. If a man does not know his place he should be put sitting down hard, A literal 11. lustration is seen in the management of the military camps. DON'T allow the rural Fall Fair to de cline and die 'rhe big Fairs do not take their plane es thousands of people go to Toronto and Loudon Fairs who go for the outing and the special program and maybe never see the exhibits. The County or Township Fair represents the improvement or decadence of the immediate locality and on its mainten mice will depend much of the future history of the community. Everybody Should boom the local Fair and not leave it to a Director or two or the Secretary to shoulder the whole responsibility. It every Society had a membership roll of 40o a great stride would be made to- ward improvement and vim in the maintenance. '1'Itere are hundreds of farmers however, who are not linked up with the Fail Fair which should be one of the moat hustling features in the community. Get an exhibit ready and push the Fair. August 1st�is the Date Owing to the unprecedented ries to the eoetof peodneing a news- paper THE Posy, cumnn i with thother newepapers 111 Huron, Perth and Bruce Coutltiea, is com- pelled to increase the subscription rate front $1,00 to $1,50 perttnuunt and tie change f tartge willbe made on August 1st, 1910, ,Between now and then the $1 00 rate will hold good and we look for a large num- ber of those in a'reers to take ad- vantage of the intervening weeke. Even at the proposed increase there will be little margin as it on- ly means a cent a week to the sub- scriber. We purpose keeping Tug POST up to the standard of the best going and appreciate tate hearty support accorded us in the past 30 yeare, Save money by paying up now. W. D. KEERR., Proprietor. ++++++++++++s-+++++++++++++ THE PoiT hopes the Allies, who have been making the "oig drive," will hold the reins so skillfully that their steeds of war will soon reach their destination with the chariot of permaneut Peace. SOmEao»Y has; designated the fellow who chase, through the country with his car• with little thought of the safety of others, as a "speed maniac." He is well named, ouly he has no right to be at liberty, Mexico is either anxious to keep out of war with Uncle Sam or else their re- ply is a great bluff in using the oiled feather. It might be the best thing that ever happened Mexico if they were well spanked by the United States. Rt1�SIA was very short of guns during the year but lately has been adding big and little shooters of Austrian make, and many of them have been secured without the permission of the former owners. The Big Bear should soon be in a position 10 overcome the shortage to their harvest fields and we guess the Austrians and Germans would just as soon toil in the wheat and barley crops as stop the Russian shells or be prodded by the Cossack bayonet. If embody can invent anything crazier than war he should stand up at once and speak. WHtose is the better way to run a political campaign, with or without pub- lic meetings ? Neither party has a patent right on either as both applied whichever suited them. The old time meetings, where both sides were repre seated, appear to have gone out of date. Perhaps they did not make many eon- verts but they stirred up enthusiasm. Trouble today is to get electors to attend meetings. With the daily paper and rural mail and the rural telephone the country folk are oo longer in darkness over what's going on and often use these methods and stay at home. Then there is more independence among people and they do some thinking for themselves and mark their ballott an- cordingly. No more can some party hack go through a constituency and "whip the electors into line," as used to be said. Both political parties have shown that the pot could not call the kettle black and the man of independent views is not hounded bow as a turn -coat. Politicians should be made understand that they are the servants of the people, not the bosses as a few appear to think, Interesting Letter From Marine Engineer gi ser Ra W. Ross. Following are some notes taken from a letter, written to the home folk in Brussels, by Engineer R. W. Ross, who has seen mach of the world and is well known to many readers of •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••••••••••••• 8 • 1 • Western air• • a • •- LONDON, ONTARIO •• •• September 8th to 16th, 1916 • • • • • • ••• • • • • • ••• WESTERN ONTARIO'S T/�RI A os POPULAR EXHIBITION Art, Music, Agriculture & Amusements A FINE COMBINATION AT LONDON'S EXHIBITION A Real Give Program of Attractions Twice Daily Two Speed Events Daily FIREWORKS EVERY NIQHT New Process Building. Every Building Full of Exhibits G 5 e e O • 0 • • • • • e • • • SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto • SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS u Prise {.fete, Entry Forma and all Information • from the Secretary. • W. J. REID, President, • • • A, M, HUNT, Secretary • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0 are 8 locks close together to lower th boats to the level c•f the Pacific, whitl is about 4 feet higher than the At- Minie, We took on 1,300 barrels of fuel oil at Balboa just outside of the locks. After that it was dark. I went on the ear to Panama city about 10 minutes by car, It is a very old city with very narrow streets. Sun- day night I could not see much of it but the buildings are much Lite sante as other Spanish cities. The Canal Co. control the prices of stores, etc., for the boats. The toll is 81 25 per ton. We left on the 22nd at O 80 a. in. There are a number of islands about. We are pn above the equator and 124m in the engine room. Stich day it is a little cooler as we are getting farther from the sun as It. is pretty well North now. On the 25th we crossed the Equator and observed Neptune Day in proper style. Six candidates were initiated. Neptune, his barber, chief of police and two of- ficers attended to there, They had a bucket of black oil and grease. They put it on with a whitewash brush and scraped it off with a woollen razor, then dumped them into a can- vas tank of water and played the hose on them. Then the Captain took a picture and was yelling "Put more of the grease on their hair.!' It came off very well. The mate is fron Fergus. They let hint off as he got his face hurt in the canal and was bandaged up. We were well mit from land till 20111 when we sate Erquadnr. 8E0 in the engine room. On the 3011i we saw Peru and on the 431st Chili. Then lost sight of land, till tomorrow about 9 a. m. we should be at anchor. There is no dock. Saw a few boats and sailing ships. Had head winds all the way. June 411t—We got in yesterday at 8 n. nt and got to place in the evening. There are about 12 ships here. 4 big Gerrnans since the war began. We beard yesterday there was a battle in the North Sea. That is all the news we got. Will be here about 2 weeks. There is not a blade of grass or tree in sight, nothing but sand and hills. There are mil- lions of birds here and hundreds of sea lions playing about the boat. Mijillones, June 2, 1916. e farm of 100,000 acres, where the owner 1 keeps stock cattle and sheep. Popu- lation of Fresno is 24,842. The output of the County annually is 80,000 tons of oranges, 25,000 tons of inner dried fruits and 25,000 tons of calmed fruits. The Experimental Farm is about 10 utiles from Fr esuo. This farm teas owned by a man by the name of Ker- ney arid he gave it to the State. The avenue from the city to the farm is the Hnent I ever saw, Mrs. Bray was delighted with the floweta and palms. \Ve are going to Los Angeles to- morrow if all is well aucl I will write you again, Thanking you lot sending ate T A.I POST 115 it 15 like a letter from homy'. Think we will leave here in about 2 weeps. Yours Truly, W. P. Bn. . LeG rand, Cal., June 23, 1916. Le Grand, California, DE.u.FINEND,-I thought I would write you a few lines from California. Ave are with my sister and husband near LeGrand, which is a little town of 500, having a church and 2 schools employing 10 teachers. It is a very lively place, everyone trying to do the ether fellow. Have not omen regard for the Sabbath. Last Bouclay they had a game of ball and they say they have to have it on Sunday because there is no time through the week. I was nut to see a harvester work- ing this morning. It was run by an eltg ine and the machine cuts and threshes the grain at the sante time, Saw one the other day drawn by 80 horses. Everything is done on a large scala We went to Fresno the other day and passed a farm where the own- er keeps over 4000 cews. Saw another Turnberry Council Connell met in Bluevale on Monday, June 20th, as advertised. Members present. Minutes of last regular meeting and also minutes of Court of Revision of Assessment Roll read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Wheeler and 9Ic Mat. Geo. Otnikshank, T. J. Moffatt, and Isaac Wright waited on Council and asked for grant for the Agricultural Society. Moved by Messrs. Adair and Moffett that it grant of $25 be made the Society. Carried, Following accounts were passed and cheques issued t—David Welsh, 82,00, Refund Statute labor ; Win, Boll, 810.00, Grant to Volunteers 101st Batt. ; M. ato Sh!�arpen .$1.00. repairs to road ; Duff SLewer t $7.N8, plank ; P. Powell $20.00, By-laws Burke Drain. Next meeting of Council will be held in Bluevale, Monday, July 31st, at 1 p. tn. P. POWELL, Clerk. Seaforth Joseph Riley has disposed of his barbering business in the Commercial block to Walter Robinson. Mrs. John Goveulock and daughter, Miss Rae and Miss Alva Graves have gone for a trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Seafo th Lawtt Bowling Tournament which was originally 591 for July 5111 and Oth, was postponed until the lOth and 20th. Miss Ruth VanEgmond, who is ttaiftiug for a nurse in Bradford, Penn., is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, W. D. and Mrs. VanEgmond, Rev. 111. A. Corbett, Montreal, visa- ed with .his family at the residence of his father -in -late, S. Dickson, Mr. Corbett left for Regina to assume his new duties as National Student Secretary for Canada. Friends of Pte. W, G. Pulkingham, of Hamilton, it nephew of Mrs. J. Archibald and Mrs. J. McNay, Sea - forth, who is at the front, received the joyful news e aha t ho is still living ad not even wounded, although lie had been in one of the fiercest engage- ments and had nearly all his alnthes torn off with shrapnel. Fie had got behind the lines arid he happened to be reported missing, THE POST :—•••••'F•+Mt••4•MF0•F•`t'•4•'M•'i•3'•4.•'A•d'•+•d••+•3'•+•9'•'M•+•+•4': We left New York May 5th. It was • • very warm for a few days before we A Pocket r._ _ ll . a + got to the Canal. 126 in the engine I a•• room. We anchored off Colon Settle- 1 • �. day night, May 17th. Sunday morn- + 0 iY 4 ing the Dr. carne on board and let us go so we started for the canal with a • I I! i i gang of nigger nowsrs. It was rain- • Kodak • ing as it only knowss how to ruin in the tropics, eo it was cool all da en There are 3 locks at f aturn, the At- •• • !antic gide, They are close together 1 + + arid raise the boat 85 feet {.'hen we i! I Means Bushel ss ss dam that o nor a 1 d 136 1 e miles 1 were in a fresh water lake made by a sc oar of cunntry, It is 80 miles long and one time was cultivated and Lhe trees are showing above the water. The higher land ii wi I batteries, ti er s covered t 1, • • etc. We fined nor water tanks rand i 4 ALL THE NEW THINGS FROM THE + 0 every etre had a bath in the fresh + water% When we got near the other I ,•t, KODAK FACTORY IN STOCK side it was muddy with them working I • at the slide. There are many dredges ; re to working and it looks as though they i • • will have trouble for years as there We will Develop your Films + are mountains to elide yet. They are • only letting boats through every other i !i by Up-to-date Methods , e day so they can work. I counted 50 • ♦• • locomotives on a siding that had been I * + • used at the renal and there are rnoui•• •• e tains of machinery covered with vege-'t talion that have been there since the + • French were working at the canal in ,t•, • De Leseip's time, when they had the • Chinese working and buried 15,000 • who died of fever, Full of Fun + The Farmers' Blacksmith Shop ETHEL 'Pile undersigned is now !me - pared to do all kinds of wood- w,mk and ptintiitg repairs as well as hm'sa.shoeillg, A11 my work is .guaranteed, 11' nut satisfactory you will confer a fawn, by returning same. PRIDES RIGHT.' Oat1 and make set e t' ttt hone. Gtbsen's old stand, Ethel, • John McNeil ++++'0+++ti1D�4'•F'if•'i-:'i•3 d'•t•'A•y+++ A special patriotic service of a very interesting character was held in the Methodist church, Sunday evening, 2nd Inst., which was well attended, The pastor, Rev, G. McKinley gave an appropriate address. The {Honor Roll containing the names of 35 young men who have enlisted from the cotgrega- lion, was unveiled by ]Aliases Donna Layton and Daisy Hamilton and read by' Lieut. D. Reid, who also gave a well -rendered vocal solo. Suitable patriotic selections were also render- ed by the choir. Qoderich Seaforth Sunday School excursion WAR in town lust Friday, Miss Mary Tom and Miss Grace Dickson are visiting in Columbus, 0, Major P. N, Lewis was home from Petawawa for the holiday. He ex- pecte to go overseas shortly. L. 0. L. No. 182, Gnderich, attended divine service in Victoria street Methodist,clttirnit nn Sunday evening, D. and Mrs. Stnddm't left last Fri- day fol' Rochester, N. Y,, where they will visit their son, Rev. W. W. Stod- dart. Wesley Walker has rented St. George Price's house on Waterloo street and expects to move his family shortly. Rev. James Hamilton's many friends will be glad to hear that a marked change for the better is repotted in his condition. About 40 members of Lite Ladies' Aid Society of Knox church gathered on Monday afternoon in the lecture room of the church and presented D. Stoddart, I.he retiring sexton, with two handsome oak /Maim Captain W. 11. Gundry and Mrs, Gundry, of Regina., are welcome- visi- tors in Goderich and are being wat•m- ly greeted by their many friends here. Captain Gundry is ill excellent health and is enthusiastic over the Western country. Fruit Bulletin CHERRIES, the delicious white Ox - heart Cherries are now arriving daily, The Red Sour Cherries for pie and preserving ere about ready. Red Currants coming along next week. Ask your Grocer for the real Niaga- ra Peninsula Grown Fruit. any without this label. It is Your Guarantee of Quality, LOOK POR THE MAP NIAGARA PENINSULA GR rate VALUE ERS N WERa 10.2 4 Don't take Adult Bible Claes of North Street Dletitaitlsd , Itur'ob Sundey School held tlteir amulet pleule at Harbor park Wednesday elterm 11 of last neck, liieut, 117. 1V Port 0r, Gadeelett has been successful in 11L irling his Colt: utaehl te• nu eertifiuttte, lie attended the elatises field at London last Fame - Mr. hiulplp •ees of the Paget Gtatn Anon On„ gitttiered in the h11a111rea Mlles (trill j'ltterl with the office staff in a presentation of $50 to Jautes 11 Steels, who rerenely lost his loft laud by an accidentit to f •tn •'. ill atll \l Is, 141cBeien, mother of 0. 111, 1(111ntt, of town, went on '1'ueetlay of last week to Visit her son, John, who le principal of Lite High School at Mitchell, She is one of the few left of the pioneer's of Colborne orne township, having settled on the Oth Con., 119ar1y '70 yeltt'a tten'n on the farm now owned by her nephew, A. 911111111, Though in her 00tH yeast, she is still bright and hearty. Fordwich 1Zev, G. J. Kate, Gerrie, preached to the Distt•ict Orange Association of f-l.owick and friends in the Methodist Church, Fordwich, on Sabbath after- noon. 13 G. and Mrs. Gibson and Tittle daughter, dale of Ethel, spent a few days at the home of the former's father and mnther,.2110 Con. They are proving to Blyth where they in- tend to reside. Perth County BLAZE AT ST. MARYB —Pipe Sunday July 2nd, caused great excitement and for a while looked as though iL. (night au great damage in the busi- ness centre. It started in the Sum- mer kitchen at. the rear of the prem- ises of George 11. Mot ris, which was formerly the Grand Central Hotel and is being reutodalled into stores and apartments. Mr. Morris is using the Summer kitchen temporarily and it is believed that a spark from the stove ignited some loose shavings and tans ed the blaze. There are sheds and stables near and it is itr Lbe centre of the block bounded by Queen, Ohnrch, 4Vellhtgtnn and Jones streets, The fire brigade was on hand in two ntirtu- I es and had three streams playing in few minutes. The darua;e is slight. Notice to Creditors Notice to 11055by given pertinent to the Be' vi, ed Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121, Section 50, that all creditors and othere having clnhns against the estate et Richard 8. Armstrong deceased, who died on or about the Twenty• ship of Morris i he Proyineel of O tnrto,o are required to send by post, prepaid, er deliver to 11 Vnnstone, winghnm, Outerie, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the Seventh day of August, A. D. 1810, their names and ad- dresses with full particulars of their olefins. in writing, and the nature of the securities 9f ;my t held by them dilly verified by a Statutory declaration. And further take notice that after the field 7th day of August, 1910, theExecutorswill pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the mord de- ceased nmongat the parties entitled thereto having regard only to Ole claims of whh•b they shall then have received, and they will not be liable for tate said nimets or any part thereof to any person of whose claims they shall not thea have 100017ed notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at wingham this 4th day of July A. D. 1010, 12. VANSTONE, wiutgham P. 0:, 1.4 Sollol for for the Executors. Farm for Sale The South ha Ivea of Lots Nos. 40 end 47, Con. 1, Turnberry, 100 norea, good brick hone and bank barn with strawsbed attached, Two miles from the Village of Blitevole. 7 ho Perm belongs to the estate of the date Thomne Big- gins and 1n order to close out said estate quick - IF will be Bold at 5. RANN,eWroxeter,Oat to T. F. Mt -3°1M } Executors. R. J. RANN, 62-4 Farming Prospects In many districts are not good, -with excessive rains preventing seeding, etc. You can earn good wages in various manutootur7tTg trndes— ell branches — for young µ•omen end men. Help out flnanoes at' home. Help supply our soldiers with neoeesnry clothing, war mnni- 110110, etc, Employment for whole families— workers over 14 years old. Write SECRETARY BOARD OF TRADE IlESPELER, Ont. iOWE MY HEALTH To Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound. Washington Park,Ill.— I am gthe mother of four children and have sof- feted with female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chil- dren's loud talking and romping would make me so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would n o t want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re- stored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth- ful looks. My friends say 'Whydo you look so young and well? I owe it all to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." —Mrs. POET. STOPIEL, Moore Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- ters written by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. MAC THISTLE 2 043 48971 A. T. R. The Grand Oiroult Race Stallion, Mac This- tle, is the fastest berm that was ever offered for service in this pert of the country. Ole need through the Inrgest racing oil cult In the world and defeated the Grand (Crena Stara no alter es they defeated him. Mao Thistle 2 041¢ is also n tall brother to Independence Boy 2 on the only two full brothers out of one derv, both with marks of 2 05 or better. Man Thf-tle 0481 has himself been miles In 201, 3 in 17 a,emnda. Ante Thistle is a grand big 'grown stallion. Be is a n,nde-order-order• horse, havhog size, quality, individuality, brain and breeding. Will stand et his own barn, Blyth, ibis season fora limited number of marcs at 51000 to in- sure. Acoornmodetion made for mares from a distance. Write for folder of breeding and felt welt:tilers to L. 0, OKA ALES WORTH or Tans. COULTER, Blyth, Ont. • CUMBERLAND GEM 188181150851 Enrolment No. 1887 Inspected and Approved, JOHN J. MOGAVIN, Prop. This well bred horse will stand for service during the present season at {rte own stables, Leadbn,y. hot 22, Con. 18, SfoIi.illop. Putts iron, this horse won 1st prizes at Clin- ton and Seaforth Sprtn g Faire, The People's Column For Sale Grant Warehouse with horsepower elevator, settles, carts, floor care, &e. Also part of Lot s0, Oon, 5, Townshipof Mor. ris, 20 norm, edboluiog the Village of Brussels, and 5 building lots on Turn berry street. For pnrtioulars apply to the owner. J. LIFIIIE. Farm for Sale The undersigned offers far sale his 150 acre farm, being E;4 Lot 14 and W31 Lot 15, Con. 5, nod 5l3� Lot 14, Con, 0, Gray towuahip Huron Co, 1e tailor is n posture fnrnt. About 70 neves under crop nn 04655 lots, balance pas- ture anti bush, Good brick !Ionise, Muth barn with windmill and water itt both house and stables; litter carrier, &e. Good orchard and farm to A 1 shop,. Only 34 mile to school ; rural telephone and rural mail. Reasons for milling poor health. Possession et once If de- sired, Good share of principle could be left an farm. For further particulars apply on prem - Mee to P..1. 835BOP, Phonon/ Ethel P. 0. •• •••••••••lass becesses•••ers ••••••••tlt••t••••••0111!••••••s•••0•••N•••••••••••••••• a m 4 • • to s• Chevralet "Four -Ninety"• • o • O 2 • ••"The Product of Experience" •• • • • • • 0 !— •• •• • �p7 � ■ e Value -in -head a i , 4 p�4pv►.9 �n '..'§ a ^a :eat ... El.., Powerful and it • m • Motor �. � � � � �".� �t� �'r�� h � 1 �.�; n_.e_r Running W Ise �. -a r ni• : -�.' iia '-P"f ."0y` gi 71 �t• s +� c ,f et„ i ✓' ot4t '°`'. Id1• 'i} co CD ®�� :lead / 0 9 . ' ' a+i a ,.; m' of � : ,f r; 41',.h tts6"4+Y+„�r,.,�/ ® _ .a s-. . + (. Ss..,' ...:5"11 et • o Price Complete $675.60 F.O.B. Oshawa s s 0 Regular Equipment. Mohair Tailored Top, Envelope and Side. Curtains, Electric Horn, Clear Vision Ventilating Wind Shield. Speedometer, Electric Huilrting and Lighting System. Ammeter: and License Brackets. • NOTE.—Owlog to the great demand for this Car, we would suggest placing your order early to ensure delivery, a We use the Stewart Speedometer, Two -unit "Auto -Lite" Starting and Lighting Sys- tem, with Bendilc Drive, same type and grade as treed on the high-priced cars. A complete line of Repairs will always be in stock. • JEW1?LER • e p p y d J. R. Wendt, • ENGRAVER • • t • • Wroxeter, Ont. 0 At the Pacific side, Oulibra, there .1.•Y•A+4,+4+••444+•+•.+0+•+•+44•+0+4+4+s444.4.444MlMF44•••s••••••••N••••••••INN•••••••o••••••e••sees•e•a••t•••••••••••••••••••••••Iisse • •M P. AMENT, Agent Brussels y `es ar •.l 5,. 0,