HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-6, Page 8seefitileekiesibleir
The Kodak that goes with You on
.your vacation will come back with a
complete story of the Surnmel "s fun
-0 story tbat will have n refreshing
interest with each succeeding year.
Take a
With You
Films Developed and Printed.
Yee cant have el good orop of pete
tees if you Jet tbe bugs overrun the
vines and clestrOy them. Pet them
001 of the WRY by applying Peri$
Green, and the sooner this Is done
the easier the work will be. We
have a fresh supply of 13erger's
Paris Green just to hand which cats
he depended tepee to be pure and
stroeg, We have it to t Ib and e lb
pkgs, but we also bave it done up
in roc. and 15c. pkgs. for the bene.
fit of those who only have small
patches of potatoes and would not
need more than this amount.
For Flyless Place
Fly Swatters, IOC tacit.
Tanglefoot, 2 double sheets se,
Wilson's Fly Pads, um pkg,
Flyoscopes-etick fly paper that can
be hong up -2 rolls for sc.
Lightuing Fly Pads, 5c. pkg.
ea'$),47;tia Store F. p smITH
�r1 etPuts
Six mouths of 1916 bave fled.
SegooL Board Friday evening of next
NUT Wednesday will be the historic
Weser about the lamps not lighted n
Your car al night? TbN is not accord-
ing to law.
A LARGE number of people are paying
up their subscriptions trestle the dellar
rate prevails,
Tax new heavy joistiug and plauk
flooring were put in position on the iron
bridge on Wednesday.
PRAYER meeting in the Public Lib-
rary audience room, at 4 p , Friday
of this week. You will be welcome.
Orangemen of Brussels Lodge decided,
Monday evening, to speud July ezth at
Palmerston as the train connections
are so much :better thee to :any other
DIED AT CHYSLEY. --Last Monday J.
R. Orr, of Chesley, brother-in•law et;
Station Agent Kyle, Brussels, erissecl
away from an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and children vent
to Chesley Tuesday afternoon.
NoRMALTTES PASSED. - We congratu-
late Miss Lovette Ballantyne, Miss Atny
Roe, Wilfrid Lott and Harold Work on
the success of their Normal Scbool
exams., all having passed. 'Phe former
bas taken Button's School, 8th line,
Morris, and Miss Roe, Turnbull's school
r5th Con, Grey townsbip.
ANNOLINCENIENT,- Reeve Leckie re-
ceived an announcement of marriage
regarding Ms niece, Miss Marlene
daughter of E and Mrs. Garrow, Co-
balt. who joined hand and heart with
Roy D. Develin. Wedding took place
Wednesday of last week. Hearty con-
gratulations are extended,
mencement on the work of macadamiz-
ing Turnberry street on Monday. The
ground In be covered will be from the
iron bridge over the Maitland to the G.
T. R. ralway. Street will be drained
and cement curbing put he the same as
was done in last yeer's contract. A.
McGuire is the Inspector. We hope a
pe msneni job will be done es this part
of the Main street has given trouble for
TRAvaLLeRs -Among the passengers
ticketed by H L. Jackson, C. P. R. local
agent, are the following :-John Mc-
Kinnon, via boat, to Fort William ;
Mrs J. Queen, to Seattle, Wash. ; Mrs,
Alcock, to Deloraine, Man. ; Miss M.
McNabb, to Stockton, Man, • Roy Hall,
to Shaunavon, Sask, ; Miss Mary Ross,
to Brandon, Man. ; Mrs. Cbas. Ritchie
and son, to Moosejaw, Sask. : Mrs, D.
Maadzean and sob, Moosejaw, Sack, :
Mrs. Cleve. Beaker, to Milestone. Sask, ;
Mrs. D. Walker, to Sault Ste. Marie,
W, W, HARRIS DimitesEre-With deep
regret the people of this locality heard
of the demise, last Friday morning, of
W. W. Harris, a most estimable citizen
of Bruesels. .He passed away very
quietly and peacefully at his home, cor-
ner of Queen and Priucess streets. after
an ex;encled illness borne with a courage
aud optimism worthy of a knight. He
was burn in Cromarly locality, Perth
Co. and came to Brussels 39 years ago.
He followed cheesernaking for a number
of years and was the popular cheese
buyer for Messrs, Ballantyne, of Strat-
ford, for 14 years. Atter running the
cheese factory 2 miles North of Brussels
for years he guilt the creamery in town
On the site of the Ronald Fire Engine
Works aud carried on a large and in.
•creasing better manufacturing busies,
Nobody doubted his integrity as his
ambition was always to do What Was
square. For the paet xi years he lied
not enjoyed rugged health aud yet he
WAS ever on the alert and ready to ven-
ture if at all able. Many a man would
have eurreeded mime ago but that was
not the make-up of "Billy" Harris. In
2894 the eubject of this notice was tear-
ried 10 Miss Lizzie Delmege, of Rothsay,
who proved s true helpmate. There are
3 children, Beatrice, Will. arid Vivian.
Mr, Harris' mother ale° Survives and
resides iti Brussels. Deceased wan a
worthy member of the Masonic Order,
the Odd Fellows and the Canadian
Order of Foreseers in all of which he
took an interested part when health
perillitted. Funeral service was held
Suedes+ aftereobn, conducted by Rev, am
R. 19. Page, assisted by Rev. Mr, tier
Lehtly, of Walton, who wee preacelug put
in the Presbyterian church that Sonclair, not
• burial service was of the Masonic Cider, teS
There was a large atteedance and gen- hav
erat regret was expressed over his de. Will
raise ansi eympathy for the bereaved kin
Mr. Harris enjoyed the hearty goodwill are
of the ermititheity and hl name was bef
svnouymout; with uprightness and fair this
dealing, Pallbearers were M Black, of V
S. Wilton, W. Gillespie, Jno Wright, I half
Geo. Dunlop Med Geo, McFarlane,
brother Masons. The flot•al tribetee
open the (casket were beatttifiti, MIS
How fast do you run your buzz wagon
wheu you go through town? es mi en
an hour N the Statetory speed. Con.
stable Oliver has been asked to band in
the names of law breakers.
A SPECIAL meeting of the W. C. '1' 0.
will he held in the Public Libra's,
Audience Room Friday afternoon of
this week at 3 o'clock All members
are requested to be present,
Ptes. Milton Lake, Lyle McCracken and
Roy Thuell, of Brussels Company of the
e6ist Battalion, have joined the machine
gun section which is in charge of Lieut,
LOST. -A pearl crescent pin in Brussels or at
the picnic in Davidson's grove. Please leave
Boox DitaiYieny.- Bert Lott wishes to re-
mind his subscribers in Grey and Morris
townships that he will deliver their books
next week, Kindly bring this notice to the at-
tention of your friends,
EyEsioriT PPP:a/Amex,- Sties J. J. A 11511,
Eyesight Specialist, will be at the Queen's
Hotel, Brussels, Thursday-, July- 18th, Hours
8 a, in. to 10 80 a. in.
COMFORTABLE house an Turnberry street,
13russels, for sale or to rent, lately occupied by
.7. P. Rowland. .!..j acre of land, with stable,
well, sisters, fruit trees, &e. Good location.
Good cellar, furnace and electric lights. AP -
ply to Anse IVALicsn.
OliArti lost from motor wheel between
Inmestown and Mrs. Hugh McKinnon's, 8th
Con. Grey township. Will the finder kindly
leave It at Tan POST.
JEMMY now for sale, due to calve in a few
daYS. PLBTOBER. ROE, Brussels South.
Pott SAT:IL-Grand piano, c.00d action, wal-
nut case, nearly new 1 white enamelled iron
bed with springs and mattress relso a light
setter. Apply TBR MANSE, Wroxeter.
LAWN mowers put in first.ciase shape and
sharpened by Geo, Edwards, Mill st., Brussels'.
CONTBNYBST dwelling reonis to let over
stores. Soft water. 3.0. RIOBARDS,
A Goon house for sale with stable and fruit
trees, Apply to I. 0. RICHARDS,
THE beautiful display of roses in the
garden of D C. Ross, Tranberry street,
has been a drawing Card thin week to
lovers of flowers.
CAPTAIN BARCLAY, a Divisional Officer
from London, was here on Tuesday
transferring the Militia stores in Brus-
sels from Serge Campbell to Lieut.
Page, owing to the removal of the torso-
er overseas.
CeurioN is urged in driving stock
along properties where thee and money
have been spent in the preparation of
boulevards so that the good work done
will not be destroyed or disfigured. A
little care and close attention will obviate
the danger.
CATTLE, - Saturday Afternoon of this
week at 2 O'elOek, Wm. McNair will hold
an Auction Sale of 18 prime yearling
steers, 6 yearling heifers, 5 heifers 2
vears old, 4
dry COWS and 2 mileb cows
F. S Scott will be the Auctioneer, At-
tend the sale.
REsERYR Monday evening of next
week and attend the Illustrated Trave-
logue on Bible Society work in Melville
church. Mr. Murao, of Osaka, Japan,
Will give the address, which should be
Particularly interesting and instructive.
Everybody welcome. Offering will be
taken for Brussels Branch of the So-
cietv. Boys and girls will be welcomed.
WllorreRs.-Last week Mrs. T. Mc-
Gregor, Queen Street, presented the
Editor watt a generous sample of Ins
aloes strawberries of giant dimensions.
Berries rue from 3 itiches up to 6
inches and are great yielders. It is a
new variety but Mrs. Mac. has forgotten
the name. They ale dandies anyhotv,
She bas our best thanks for her thought.
June 2151 a well known resident of West
Huron iu the person of Harry 1. Morris,
missed away at his home in Gocierich,
aged 63 years. He was born in eel -
borne township where he lived until
moving to the Co .town in 1909 In
/876 lie married Miss Annie Pointer, of
Dungannon, who survives him as do 3
sone Rod 8 daughters, Mr. Morris took
a live interest In Farmers' Ittstitotes and
the A. 0, IT W. Order. He was a
chewy matt aud always welcome to any
PResseneertoN - Wednesday of last
week at the close of the exams, which
were held in U. S, S. No, 4, Elma and
Grey, Miss Hazel Lowry, tele, N leaving
the ,Section was pleasantly surprised by
her pupils when Irene Hottentots read
the following addreeS. and George Wit-
ten presented her with a cameo ring t --
Ns LOWRY -During your stay
Ong OS you have by your kindly mac -
won the love of not only we, yoer
tits, but our parents also, We could
let you go without wishing yole
s in your new field of labor. You
made a noble choice in which yea
have a great opportunity to show
duess and to help the sufferieg. We
early to lose you as our tetcher and
ore ieu Neve sve wish you to accept
Mall token es a silgbt remembrance'
oeamong es. Signed in be.
of your pupils, Teviet HALL,
s Lowry made en appropriate reply,
Tettebeet Wee the "Glorions 012,4
oar Americeu esteems were fevered
11 beautiful tiny.
Toe Poet Editor was not overlo
by Mts. W. Aide/eon, Crtuthrook,
presented hito with a box of very
strawberry of specially large size
are a flue crop this season but req
rain now,
afternoon Miss P.Stiter, daughter Of
ward and Mrs. Pollard, Bruseele,
brated ber gth birthday, A compan
upwarde of a score were present to
tend congratulations and enjoy
afternooe. Instead of presenting
to Esther She asked that they be app
to the Red Cross funds and the resp
Was so hearty $5 10 were handed ove
the Red Cross Treasurer on Tues
The lomil Society greatly appreciate
spirit of the birthday: and wieh
Esther many happy returns of the
aod a life of service to every good
worthy cause,
and Bible Societe'. Offering be taken for
with the melee, Doe't fail to attend this in-
tetest ng meeting,
oked Weduesdny evening next the monthly
who Red Cross Union Prayer service will be
flue eeld in Melville eherch, to be acleressed
They by Rev A. J. Mane. Offering for the
sire Red Cross will be takee,
Last Sabhath mottling Rev, Mr,
Wren commenced the 4111 year of his
Ed- pastorate in Brussels Methodist cherch,
°elm by taking the Pale text 61 00 his Initial
Y Of entry to the congregation. "I am de -1
ex- terminect to know nothing nmoug yos,
the save Jeeus Christ and Hint ctuoified"
gifts Was the ecripture elemen and the seen
lied Will not soon be forgotten. Iu tee.
onse evening the topic was "Tim Land We
-rIo love," an excellent pati•iotle address bt.
day. ing op Canada and the Confederatien
the wrought 49 years ago• Special musical
Miss program was given by the choir, A
clay short gospel song service preceded the
and serinote
GOOD Boom. -A letter from Alex L.
Stewart, Detroit, formerly of Brussels,
100 ‘Yill find my cheque for $1o,00 in
payment of my subscription to THE
POST. Thankiug you for the weekly
messenger that keeps us so well inform-
ed regarding the constant changes that
are taking place in the old home then,
and trusting that your lb tle paper mey
for many years to come, fulfill as ac-
ceptably its destiny as it has in the past.
I am, Yours very sincerely,
This puts Mr. Stewart's subserip, ion up
to July eet8 and is the sort that cheers
the Editor's heart and helps remove a
lonesome feeling in his pocket.
The Goderich Star says :-"Niue Ford
car owners from Brussels, Grey and
Morris townships arrived in Goderich
shortly before noon on Friday last for
the aunual Ford owners' picnic. Mr,
Carter, the agent at Brussels, leading
the procession. Walter Kelly, the
Goderich agent of the Ford, drove out
in his car to meet them, taking with him
the Deputy Reeve and the sporting
editors of the local press. He had gone
only a short distance out in Colborne
when tbe party from Brussels appeared
In sight, aud after a welcome, Mr. Kelly
led the procession into toWn, once a-
round the Square and down to Harbor
Park, Hot water was provided by the
town and the party had their meals
picnic style and put in a good day in
spats at the park, returning about 5 o'.
clock. The visiting ALDOS Were well
filled with the owners' families or
thusiastic Annual meeting of the Centre
Huron Liberal Association was held et
Seaforth ou Turscley afternoon of last
week. Addresses were delivered by 3.
C Elliott, M. P P., West Isliddlesex,
and Wm, Proudfoot, M P. P., Center
Huron ; Thames McM1llsa aud A.
Hislop Resolutions were adopted ex-
pressiug admiration; at the manner in
which /4, W. Rowell, the opposition
leader, is influencing public affairs and
stamping Liberal principles upon tbe
statue books, also indorsing Sir Wilfrid
Leerier aud the course of the Liberal
party in the Dominion Parliament.
The following officers were electedfor
the ensuing year :-President, M. Murd-
le, Meleolop ; est Vice, L Kerr, Clin-
ton ; 2nd Vice, N Keringhan, Ben -
miller ; 3rd Vice. J. D. Hinchley, Sea -
forth ; Secretary, J L. Killoran, Gode-
rich ; Treasurer, Gordon Young, Car.
PRETTY WEDDING.- Dauphin (Mao.)
Herald of June 2aod, speaks as follows
of the marriage of Miss Pearl Sharpe,
formerly of Brussels. to W. Ibberson, of
Saskatoon ;-"A very pretty wedding
was solemnized on Wednesday, June
arse at the Baptist parsonage, when
Miss Mona Pearl Sharpe, sister of Mrs.
Poole, was united in marriage to Wit -
liana Ibberson, of Saskatoon. The petite
bride carrying a sheaf of bridal roses
was becomingly gowned in exquisite
white crepe-de•chene with dainty pearl
trimmings and wore the conventional
bridal veil with a wreath of orange blos-
soms arranged in Juliette slyle The
young couple were unattended. Dur-
ing the signing of the register Miss
Beulah Griffin sang very sweetly "Alt
Joy be Thine " The party then retired
to the clinittg-room. where a delectable
buffet luncheon was served. The formal
wedding cake made a very suitable
centrepiece. During the evening ati
auto ride was enjoyed by all, the bride
and groom leaving on the 22,40 train for
Winnipeg amid showers of confetti and
numerous gond wishes. The bride wore
a snit of Joffra blue silk poplin with
passamentrie trimming and coat opening
over a blouse of white georgette crepe
flowered in shell pink and blue. Her
hat was a small turban crowned with
shell pink and blue roses, White shoes
and crocheted hand -bag completed her
costume. After a brief trip East the
young couple will take up their Iesi-
deuce on Spadica Crescent. Saskatoon.
The ceremony was performed by Rev,
G Poole, B. A, brother-in-law of
the bride." The numerous relatives and
friends of the bride here will be a unit in
extending cnngratulations and wishing
Mr, end Mrs., Ibberson a long, happy
and useful life.
Church Ohlmos
Rev Mr, Llitidy, Walton, preached
two forceful sermons in Melville church
last Sabbath The pastor was at Walton
and Monerieff
The usual evening service In Si. John's
church was •withdrawn last Sunday As
Rector Page wee at St. Ge, rge's church,
Walton, that evening
The .Self -Denial fund of Melville
church Yining People for the month of
June totall,scl the fine sum of $97 It
will be Applied to the (stretch dsbt,
Net Sunday Rev. fe D. 'Mohnen,
Bluevale, will occupy the pulpit of the
Methodist church at both services
Rev. Mr, Wren is taking his vacation a'
A bee was held on Mondry afternoon
at the Methodist church grounds in
levelling up the lot and seeding it clown
'Phe intention is to use the plot ee
park, Monday's; work matte a decided
TRAVELOG/it-Men/lay evening, 17111
inst., Mr, Mune°, of Osaka, ,japan, will
give anillustrated Travelogue
"Through Canada with the Colpotteura"
and special referanee to the good work
in Japen,in Melville chureh school
mote at eticlock, Under the auspices of
Brussels Breech of the Upper Canada
People We Talk About
J. T. and Mrs, Wood were vieitors in
London over Sunday,
Misses Cora and Carrie ellngston,
Wiugham. were here for July rat
:CRS Elsie Wilton is home for Her
vacation. She is teaching at Harristou.
Thos. end Miss Fannie Ross, Chesley,
were renewing old friendships in Brus-
seitesiss M. McNab, Qeeen street, has
gone to Stockton, Mate, for a visit with
0012Ms fuss. •
Miss Margaret Kay, Galt, is the guest
W. H. Kerr. The ladies are
Miss Addis! Lott is holidaying et her
home, Mill street. She has a position in
Hilton Hunter, of the Wingharn Ad-
vance staff, and family were in town for
t h e Eli
took a run home from Lon-
don over the holiday to visit bis mother
arid sisters here.
Mrs Joseph Querin left last week for
a holiday to Seattle, Wash., with rela-
tives and friends,
Mrs. R. Leatherdale is beck from au
extended visit with her daughter, Mrs.
R A Pryne, Toronto
Mrs J. D. Warwickand son. Douglas,
and Miss Millie Grewar spent Dominion
Day with Woodstock friends.
Mrs. Parker Foster, Kincardine, was
a week end visitor with her sisters, Mrs.
Parker and Miss Mary MeNsiughton.
Arebie Scott, Sarnia, was here over
Demirtion Day visiting his brothers, F
S. and Peter Scott, and old friends of
the locality.
Wyman Sperling, mail clerk on the
W. G. &t., N home for a holiday this
week, He aud his mother visited Mc-
Killop friends.
Miss Maggie D. Shedden, who has
spent some time in Michigan, is visiting'
with relatiees and old friends in Brus-
sels and community,
Dr, W. F. Cameron and Herb Cun-
ningham, well known Palmersioniaus,
and former residents of Brussels, were
here for the week end.
Mrs. D, Walker left on Tuesday for a
bol day visit at the homes of her brothers
_ledge McFadden and Barrister McFad
den, of Sault Ste Marie.
Miss L. Barks, milliner at Mise In -
Man's, has gone to her home, at Chat-
ham, for her vacation. • She leaves
many warm friends here.
Harold Gerry arrived home last week
from the.Guelph hospital and N regain -
ng his strength. His host of friends
rust he will Soon be beartier than ever,
Mrs. jno. Pugh and her daughter,
Mrs Geo Larkworthy, both of Mitchell
nd former residents cf Biussels, are
ere for a holiday visit with old friends.
Mrs. Alex. Sutherland and Mrs Nor-
nati Graham and daughters, Misses
Margaret and Muriel, ot Loudon, were
isitors with Mrs. A. Hunter over Sun -
1'm. Wilson, harness maker, who
ecently disposed of his business owing
o poor health, may go to British
cement where he formerly made bis
Miss Helen Kay, Stratford, is visiting
at "Riversyde Villa", the home of her
uncle.and aunt, The visitor is the only
daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. Kay,
of the Classic City. -
Misses Eva and Carrie McCracken
hive gone to St. Paul, Min., for a
pleasere trip to visit their brother,
Robt. G. Their expect to meet tbeir
sister, Miss Clara, of Edmonton, there
alltl'av, D. and Mrs, Wren, Stewart and
Helen left lest Tuesday for a vacation at
Belleville and locality with Mrs, Wren's
reletives. They will be hack for the
first Sabbath of Aueust. We wish them
an enjoyable holiday
Mrs, James Ireland, of Sasketnon, is
here for a visit. She is a sister to rotor J.
H. Hewitt Brussels, and was a former
resident of this locality before going
West The land of promise evidently
agrees well with her,
Mrs Chas Ritchie and son, Mre D
MeFtelzean and eon and Miss Mary ttoSS
left Teesclay morning for an (mottle in
the West, where they have nemeroue
relatives end Mende with whom they
will spend a month or so,
Miss Mina McKelvey left Tuesday of
this week for Montreal where she will
visit her brother, W. L. MoKelvey,
2418 Wine Street. She will Mop off at
Toronto for a short time to join soma
friends stem are going with her.
Jno. Wren, it A., end Mrs. Wren,
Toronto, and Not man and Mrs. Brand-
on and cleughter, St. Marys, were we'.
come visitors at the Methodist Parson-
age .The former, end Mrs Brandon
are brother and sister to Rev. D Wren,
Pte, Will, Henderson and Jno.
Henderson, of Toronto, were both home
for Dominion Day The latter has me
comptinieel a contingent of cadets to
Sniffiest/m.0n, Oet , where be and Muir
Thomson will put them through a drill
course while they enjoy Lake Huron 2 .
ire zrs.
Mies Muriel Brothers has tendered
her resignation as teacher on Brussels
Public School staff with the; intentiou of
attending 'rcron'o University, She lies
been a proficient and dutiful teacher,
firelesein her clergy in promoting the
best interests of her pupils We wish
het success 1/1 seeking higher attain.
Cline end We, Sager, of London,
Were here over the holiday calling on
Old friends It 1 34 years since they
moved to the city Mid since Mr, Sager
was in Brussels He is a steady goer
and has e good job no tool maker with
George White & Sou and looks much
the mime at of yore,
.EIST'D 1573
_ vemilettee-
EVERY good Book has a RESERVE FUND es a pro.
vision for Joan years and the inevitable rainy day.
This Fund bas boon accumulated from Surplus Earnings
and is a source of strength and stability.
Eyoryono should have a RESERVE RIND, •Without
It no one is in a safe finanoial condition,
Our Sayings Department offers on ideal opportunity for
establishing YOUR RESERVE FUND, 209
G. H. SAMIS, M I In Manager.
Miss Gertrude Deadman has gone to
Muskuka for her holideys.
J C. Pridhant, 01 Toronto, spent the
week end with friends in town.
Miss Clara fones, of Elora, is the
guest of Mrs. A, C. Dames. town,
Miss Ethel Churchill, Bluevale,
visited with Miss Minnie Edwards.
Master Frank Oliver is enjoying a
visit with the Moore boys in Listowel.
Miss Juneve Taylor Is home for her
vacation from her school near Fordwieh.
Miss Myrtle Kennedy, Toronto, is a
holiday visitor with Miss Amanda Mc-
Alfred Fowler, of Winghane was
threierencifoz Domieion Day on R visit with
Chas. Howlett and Miss Pipe, Queen
street, ware visitors with Myth 'needs
on Tuesday.
Mrs, Jessie Kerr is away on a well
earned holiday to Toronto, Buffalo and
Ithaca, N. Y
Blake Howlett, Ethel, spent a few
days at the home of his uncle, Chas.
Howlett, Brussels.
Rev. and Mrs. Mann were out of town
for the holiday, the latter visiting her
sistere, who are not well.
Miss Marion Houston, St. Marys, was
a visitor with Mrs Geo, J.RCICSOU, Mill
street, Brussels. ou Dominion Day.
Trueman and Mrs. Burgess, of St.
Thomas, rise welcome visitors with Dr
3 A. and Mrs. McNaughton, They are
consMusiissLillian Sellers, 3rd line, Morris,
Was a visitor with Esther and Reta
Brussels, attending the birthday
party on Monday.
Mrs. James McArter went to Toronto
on Wednesday and will spend a few
weeks with her daughters, Mesdames
Crersr and Work.
Mrs Gen Jackson was in Hullett last
week helping in the care of her nephew,
Robbie Smith, who underwent an opera•
tion for appendicitis.
A C. and Mrs. Dames were at Terries
to last week attending the wedding of
their nephew, Russell Zimmer, and Miss
Olef Woodcraft, of that city.
Mrs. Cleve. Seeker left on Tuesday
for Saskatoon, to visit her sister, Mrs.
Garfield Long, whosellealth is not extra
good. Many old Needs here hope she
will soon be as hearty as ever.
George Robb, St. Catharines, was
visiting in tbis locality for a few days.
Mrs. Robb, who had spent the past
month renewing old. friendships, re-
turned with him Miss Fairy left last
Monday. St. Catharines evidently
agrees well with the trio,
Wednesday of this week aueold and
well known Brusselite, in the person of
David Ross, Elizabeth street, celebrated
his 90111 birthday. He is wonderfully
smart for a man of his years. He was
heartily congratuiated by old friends in
which THE POST is pleased to join.
Jno. Lynn, formerly of town, is back
from a trip of 4 months to England, in
connection with an aeroplane patented
by a Walkerville mau, who took Mr.
Lynn with burn to the Old Country
where the machine was tested. "Jack"
greatly enjoyed the voyages and his stay
in the O'd Land and a stop af 3 weeks
in New York. He is visite-1g at the par-
ental home at Fordwich and also in
Dr, and Mrs. Holmes and Miss
Dorothy vacated their lice hotne Wil -
limn street, this week, giving poseession
to Dr, '1', '1', McRae who recently piers
chased the residence and practice. We
wish Dr. and Mrs. McRae many happy
years in their new premises. Di.
Holmes will take an extended holiday
before locating anywhere and the prob.
abilities are the trio will visit British
Columbia and other -points where they
have relatives and old friends. Thee
have been residents of Brussels for r6
Years and will take with them the good
wishes of a Wide circle of acquaintances
as they leave Brussels.
Thos, W. Smith, son of Mrs. Walter
Smith, and bis wife are renewing old
friendships in Brussels. It Is 35
Years since Mr. Smith went to Newark.
N J , where he has lived continuously,
Mr, Smith bee taken a deep interest in
Repnblicau party polities and was elect-
ed a member of the Board ot Chosen
Freeholders, with a salary of $2,50o per
atenum. He is having a great time
loking up old acquaintances and living
over old days in the years now long
ease This week Mr, and Mrs Smith
wee visiting at Seaforth, Clinton and
other meets. Mrs, Smith is a sister to
Mrs Robert Henderson and a daughter
of the late Jyo. and Mrs. McCallum.
Otionortmr..-At Ream. on July 4tii. IBIS, to
far. and Mrs. E. 13 Churchill, a daughter.
THOMSON -..S1 the Parsonage,: Bluevale. on
July 8rd, 1916, to Rev. D.D. and Nre. Thom.o,a son.
11313asSON-SnAttpst-At the Baptist Pareom
age, Dauphin, Man., on June 21,4, 1016, by
Rev. F G. Poole, B. A.,' brother -In-law to
the bride Mr. Wm Ibberson, of Saskatoon,
to Nies Mona Pearl, daughter of mt.. James
Sharpe, Brussels, Ont.
RUTTAN-RNeLL.-At "Cloverdale Farm," on
June 28Elt, 1916, by Rev, Corp. Wesley, Sir.
Anson Rattan, of Howlnk, to MIPS Chren-
d04110, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 5,9.,
Snell, Morrisbank.
WILLITS-MoLicAn.-At the Manse, Whighem,
on June 27th, 1010, Mki Ethel McLean,
youngest daughter of John McLean, Row -
Ink, to Mr. Webster Willits, Turnberry.
Z[MMER-WOODOROFT.-In Toronto, on June
3811, 1916, by Rev, J. A. Nankin. /dr. nits.
sell Zimmer, formerly of Brussels, to Miss
Olef Wooderoft, all of Toronto.
Hallam -1n Brussels, on June 80111,1916, Wm.
W. Barris, in Mg &Snd year,
LB/SOIL-In Gorrie, on July End, 1016, James
Leech, aged 88 years and 11 months.. '
$ 00
1 60
Barley 60
Hoge 11 00
Hay 18 00
11 00
14 00
Farm for Sale
The South halves of Lots Nos, 46 and 47, Con,
1, Turnberry, 100 acres, goad brloic house and
bank barn with strawshed attached, Two
miles Iran the Village of Bluevale. 0 he farm
belongs to the estate at the late Thomas Elia.
glne and in order to olose out said estate quick-
ly will be sold at a reasonable price Apply to
R 3.114.03050, Virrozeter, Ont,
T.10. HIGGINS, / EMtMU O. J. , 624
i FnR Drug I
U Store
. Ulla
i Sulpho Tobacco
: A Few Seasonable Articles
* Soap sY
• FOr use on phinte, &webs and er
z trees. A splendid article for ;
6 the tvesetenent of rnee buebes •
• When applied 111 the (01111 of ,t
I spray or wash will effectually ;
4 s destroy sell sucking insects ryr
such as aphis, mealy bug and :
• red Spider.
es 150 and efic per package es
• For worms Mt, you bushes use t,
2 Hellebore -10c and 15c pkgs. 0
4 Housekeepers' •
/ Waxed Paper •
?I eeeatiitee if peroof. white i'voat.ileidtaipilp: 1
12x58 inches, Very useful for •
• lining baking tine to prevenh •
se• atioking, also pecking sand- :
; Niches, &c,, for lenches-ex- se,
chides air teed dampness, ar
• Blanco 10c per package •,_
* Very serviceable for cleaning :
white shoes, &c.
• 0
f, • fic per cake
• tt
• Colorite
• t•
• Colors old and new Meaty hats, es
• making L110111 'look like hew, in •
li a peat, yummy or redoes. •
• 250 per bottle 0
Cleaner fi .
:-ren:ii11 am.Its°fi !:,,,:i:CluIPbeeliTeiir
4, satisfactory 'results. ' Is Sire
T, few ininutes and with most •
4. 4
i SFwilYats
. • Rifle but does not crush the •
• fly. Will not break glass. Z
• Will not eeratab nor soil the •
: - most delicate fabric or stieface. 2
• 10c each ;
o •
• -AT---- 4
• es
• Straw Hat
• 4,
• 50
• The Penslar Store •
••• ********** ************9
cattle. Central Rotel yarde, Brussels, Sale at
2 o'clock. WM. SIONAln, Prop, P. S. tiCoTT,
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re.
vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 14, Seaton
56, that all oreditors and others having claims
against the estate Of Richard S. Arnistreng,
deeeased, who died on or about the Tweatc•
eighth day of Slav, A. 0 UK at the Town.
ship of Morris, In the Province of Ontario, are
required to eend by post,prepaid, or dAlvor to
11. Vanstone, Winghnin, Ontario, Solicitor for
the Executors. on or before the Seventh day
of August, A. D. 1010. their MIMBS and ad-
dressee with full particulars of their Maims,
In writing,and the nature ot the seourities dr
any) held by them duly verified by n Statutory
And further Nthe notice that after the said
7111 clay of August, IMO, the Executors will pro -
mind to distribete the assets of the said de.
ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto
having regard Only to the claims of which
they shall then have reoeived, and they will
not be liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to any person of whose claims they
shall not then have received notice at the time
of b011 distribution.
Dated at Mush= this 4th day of July A. D.
WInghein P, 0.
1.4 ' Solicitor for the Executors.
• • IM 11.11 NI •JiMME
•• ,................................ . . 44......
t . . •
i Brussels llaylight Store G. N. McLaren I
• „„„,,„,„,„,,.,0,,,„„„„„,„,„„„,„„,„,„„,„„.„,,„,,„„„,„,„,,..,„„.„,„„,,,„,„„,.„„..,,,,..,..„„„....„,.....„,,.„..„,„........„.,...0..„,„,,„„„„,.,..,.,„„„•„.•„,.„,,,..,..,,,,.„,.„,,,....„,„.„„...„,,,....,
• ...
: •
, •
• .
• .
. .
• .
Spiend41 Stocks of all lines of 'Seasonable Dry Goods •
• •
• •
Men's,13oys' and Children's Straw Hats, :
• •
• •
: Complete stocks of Summer Underclothing in Ladies', Men's and Children's sizes. e
• •
• •
Ladies' and Misses' White Muslin and Embroidered Dresses,
• •
• Ladies', Misses' and Children's Middies and Middy Dresses. •
4, •
• •
• A splendid stock of all Wash Goods in White Voila, Embroidered Voils, Colored '2
Muslins and Voils, White Duck, Reps and Picques. •
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers. •
First-class stock of Ladies' White Waists,•
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits -Big Stocks and Big Values, •
. . .
Highest Prices for Produce G. N. McLaren
• ••• ••• • •••••••••••••• • • • • • ,c'•,..•...,6••..•.,..•,•,• • •44( +•••40** • • • • • • • ••••'s•+