HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-7-6, Page 3usewife
Strawbepry Rec(pes. it will'keep the juice in and add flavor
Straiv err andwlehes,-These are and sweetness,
• u ar are
h b
iof, x b
The blossom buds,
delightful for ,afternoon teas, rineTh t
French brer'1 or bender baking powder said to make good greens if ateeved
biscuit peeves as the binding for large
sweet berries sliced and sprinkled with
sugar, Sometimes a spoonful of
whipped cream is added to the berries.
Strawberry Salad. -One quart straw
berries, 8 tablospoonfulls olive oil,
dash of salt, 2 tablespoonfuls honey,
136 tablespoonfuls lemon juice, let-
tuce. Wash and hull berries; cut in
halves, lengthwise. Make a dressing
by beating the honey, oil, lemon juice
and salt together until frothy; pour
like spinach.
Use cold milk to soak the bread or.
cake ]n for pudding; the pudding will
be more light.
To hurry the cooking of anything
in a double boiler, add salt to the
water in the outer boiler.
Any cooking that is done in yes,•
eels that are not thoroughly clean is
poisonous to the system.
If rnuelins are ironed wet, they will
be smooth; if ironed dry, 'they will
over the berries and let stand thirty have a rortrgh appearance.
minubes in a cold place. Drain aro- A good sweet sandwich is made of
range on lettuce leaves mal serve at banana cream spread between thin
once. slices of sponge finger cake,
Strawberry Roil. -Make a rich bis- Never allow a baby to use a nuns-
cult crust, then roll out the dough to ing bottle with a tube attached to it
about a quarter of an inch in thick --the tube can never be cleaned.
ness. Spread thickly with berries, Grapes are much more delicious if
dredge lightly with flour and a lit- they are allowed to lie in ice water
tle sugar; roll up, soistening the edges at least five minutes before serving.
lc them together, and tie in a When hamburg steals seems dry
great idea (Luke 12. 36ff.) It ie the
active "waiting" of the farmer `(James
6, 7), who plows and sews and then
eau only avait for the harvest, Which
he cannot' hurry. "They also -serve
who onlystatus and wait," From
heaven -1n view of Mark 14. 62 and
Acta 1. 11
we must bring in the symy
believe of the sky, which of course
supplies us with our picture -word for
the un"seen world. Raised -The re-
surrection guaranteed the advent
"with the clouds," wince the cross was
expressly the consequence of his claim
to fulfill the prophecy in Daniel The
r r er
in this context. It calls up the title
on the cross; and by its very meaning
("Jehovah is Deliverance") it, re-
minds us of his supreme function.
Delivereth-The word of the Lord's
Prayer. The wrath -As in Luke 8.
7. The word is eont}nually used for
Told by, C. W. fakes, of the Ontario Agricultural College.
[No. 2.] •
Now that we have a knowledge of
of the working principle of the en-
gine, we aro in a better position to
discuss troubles in starting, and for
that purpose we'll imagine we are try-
ing to start an ordinary lour -stroke
First, let us thoroughly oil the ma-
chine and be sure that the cylinder
is getting plenty of oil. Lack of
oil in the cylinder is usually shown by
over -heating and a subsequent tight-
ening of the piston. But this point
will be dealt with under the discus.•
the wrath, it being needless to rosy Sion of operating troubles. A. too -lib -
whose., Compare especially Rom. 1e. + eral supply of oil on all working parts trouble as the inlet valve is not sub -
19; "give place unto the wrath." It is much better than not enough, but jeet quits as much to the deposition of
It is well to recall the obvious cons:,`•.• the supply to the cylinder requires carbon and to pitting, then the valve
eration that "wrath" is a human word,l special carefulness. must be reground, With the average
which must mean something very dif-Now, see that the water tank or farm engine on intermittent duty, the
engine with leaking valved might be
likened' to a gun with a hole bored
into the firing chamber. When the
gun is fired, part of the force would
escape through the hole instead of be-
ing exerted against the bullet to force
it out. In order that the engine may
give satisfaction and develop its full
capacity the valves must tit tightly on
their seats,
Accompanying diagrams explain the
importance of haying the valve peals
free from any deposits.
Suppose in our examination we find
that the exhaust valve is leaking -it
is usually this one that gives tite most
ferent when we apply it to God. Such !hopper is full, or nearly so, of water.
words as angry and jealous, applied t-' In cold weather the hopper should al -
God, are perpetually 0 cause oil waye be drained, as freezing will
stumbling to men who forget this ob- cause cracking of the cylinder walls shows the presence of small holes or
vious caution. and a serious loss is entailed. pits due to the action of the burned
Next, open the gasoline valve, and gases which are of an acid nature and
'f the engine has no carburetor -most eat holes in the metal.
character of the pharsa better. Fall small engines have not -close the air To grind the valve, remove the lock
asleep -From time to time, to the valve. This makes the mixture a nut* and spring from the valve stem tory is the sum of the number of am-
t° two or three tablespoonfuls oflittle richer for starting, but it should and then the cap from the valve pai-
cheese cloth. Lay on a plate and putgreat distress of Christians who' peres given by each cell, and bhe total
set in a steamer. Steam two and a fresh cream and a few breadcrumbs in thought this would deprive their . be opened as soon as the engine has let, or better still, remove the entire voltage of the battery is total num-
with it. friends f th of Cho Advent made one or two explosions. If not cylinder head for greater ease in ber of volts given by each cell. Gen -
Remove fruit stains by pouring boil- which was Long expected to be rm opens , g working, and the facilitythus obbain- erally speaking, a current of eight am
ing water over the stained surface, ed of doing a much better jobw peres at a voltage of four is required
having it fall from a distance of three th repay for the extra trouble of remov- for make -and -break ignition. For
feet. Now close the switch and turn over ]ng the head. Now serape off all jump spark systems over 10 amperes
When warming a steamed pudding as old as Homer. a "hopeless- the flywheel quickly, A few smart deposits of carbon on the seat with a is required at about a voltage of
t 't ' r if it does 1 1 fall COin-
valves should be ground once a year.
We say that a valve is pitted when
the head or seat, as the case may be
4.: 13. Would not -"We won't have
you ignorant" gives bhe peremptee- i
Would canoe the Wells te be roughened F
ant beeauee emery duet in the cylinder'NEWS ROM cr► r t .h Ni�r
and abrakinde Then the valve seat
ie coated with the grinding compound
stud the Mile of a screw -driver le
inserted in the slot; in the top of the
valve head, and the handle worked
backwards and forwards by friction
with the palms of the hands, as, illus.
Now bhat we have the valves work-
ing properly, if the compresein still is
weak and a hissing sound is heard at
the end towards the flywheels, we ar-
rive at the conclusion that the piston
rings are worn, anld' allows the gas to
escape past them. If such be the
case, frequently changing the position
of the rings will effect a cure, that is,
Piecing the first ring in the second
and third place; the second in the fleet
and third place, etc, If this does not
prove satisfaetory, a new set must be
Ignition Must be Faulty,
If the engine still refuses to go, the
fault�`must lie in the ignition. Per-
haps we may have forgotten to clo: e
the switch. I have seen men crank
away at an engine for two or three
minutes and then when looking to see
what was wrong, discover that they
had forgotten to close the switch. The
current is generally taken from the
primary battery consisting of about
five cells depending on the size of the
engine The total output of the bat -
half hours for a medium-sized roll,
then serve with oweetened cream or
hard sauce.
Strawberry Shortcake for Five. -
A large cupful of flour, two teaspoons
k• powder, a teaspoonful of
d of butter. Mix with colic
bake in quick oven. Spit throng
center and butter and pour over same
one box of strawberries which have
been mashed with one and one-half
cupfuls sugar. Serve with whipped
eream-or ice cream.
Strawberry Sunshine Preeerves.
Select nice red, firm berries; wash
and drain. To every quart of ber-
ries have ready a syrup male of two
cups of sugar and one-half cup of wat-
er. When syrup has boiled five min-
utes Ned berries and boil exactly ten
minutes, no longer, and then skim out
berries, placing.them on a platter. Boil
the juice twenty minutes, removing
the scum. Then pour the juice over
the berries and place in the sunshine.
Cover platter or dish with a piece of
glass. One day usually suffices to
reduce to proper consistency -which
should be a jelly-like state. Reheat
and then seal, or place in jelly glasses
and covet with parraffin. This makes
a very delicious preserve.
Inexpensive Cakes.
Currant Cake. -One pound of house-
hold flour, one-half margarine, one-
half pound of sugar, one-half pound of
currants, half a pint of milk, one tea-
spoonful of carbonate of soda. Mix
o e keys n
d the engine ine will smother and
mediate, even by Paul himself (note !stop as it must. have air mixed with
on verse 177), The figure of "Sleep ogasoline.
and his brother Death" (Shelley) i
of baking
p put it in a colander and stand it in ness" of conemporary Gentile thought turns should star i going; knife andappy valve grinding lard an one ug pound, or if it be impossible to buy four.
milk, mold into two large biscuits and the steamer. This will make pudding is host illustrated by the great Roman not start there is something wrong, this in a hardware store, make a It is very important that all wiring
or cake delightfully light. lyrical poet Catullus, who two genes- and we must make an investigation. connections be kept tight and clean, as
Patent leather shoes should be wip- *tions earlier sang, "Suns may set and In looking for the cause of trouble paste -of fine emery flour and lubricat- a loose or dirty connection means a
rise again; for us, when once our there are three main points to consid- ing oil. Apply by rad ing the valve loss of energy anis a shortening of
short day has set, there is only circa-' er: (1) The supply of gasoline; (2) head from its seat, and place some of life of the cells. It may be that`the
ing through one eternal night." No. the working of the valves; (3) the the passe around the seat. Let the cells are run down and that new ones
d1 off with a cloth when they are re-
moved and then alittle olive oil should
be rubbed into them.
Sifted wood ashes will clean' tin,
agate or cookery ware. Dampen a
cloth and apply the wood ashes by
rubbing it on the stained place -s.
Time is saved by cutbing the dough
for baking biscuits with a knife. The
biscuits will be in pretty squares, and
there will be no waste.
Lesson IL -The Thessalonian Chris-
tians. 1 Thess. 1; 2. 17-20; 4. 13-
18. Golden Ttxe, 1 Thess. 4. 14.
Verse 1. Silvanus-The Roman
name of Silas, just as, Paul '.vas of
Saul. In God -Paul's "mystical in"
"In hire we live and move and are,"
even as human begins; much more
all the dry ingredient* together. Place does a'chureh, as such, only live in
the margarine in a basin a little way that vital air. Grace earl
from the fire until it gets soft, beat it peace -Both describes God's blessing:
r ani i is i
mix a good teaspoonful of carbonate, and unmerited character, the scond its
of sole in two teaspoonfuls of milk,' results
set aside until you have rtiixed with a r 2 Making mention -The phrens
knife the flour etc., with margarine (compare Philem. 4) is, a standing
up with a fo k t ] t like
cream the first emphasizes its spontaneous
hope of [final] salvation" (chapter 6.1 ignition or firing device ,$
phrase of the Book of Wisdom:'the, What of the Gasoline,Supply.
hope of [final[ .salvation" (chapter 5./ First we'll examine the gasolene
8) is to be his "heimet," pessimism.supply system. It may be that the much pressure, but lift the head fre-
tintellectual life from pessimism. i supply pipe leading from the gaso- quently and remove dirt balls that will
1 Cor. 16. 58 tells why this hope is so; line tank -.to the cylinder has become accumulate.. When the head turns
vital an so practical. I plugged with dirt, or if it has a pump •witli5dt friction, examine frequenbly
and discontinue the motion when a
bright, smooth ring appears all around
tains its original passive sense, salt to ascertain w e et
'- the head and seat. This chows that
we read ",tit to sleep" hr vernacu: ;ting gas not stand close to the ex- the head is now fitting snugly on its
head drop down into place, and then
revolve by twirling the stem between
the palms of the hands. Do not use
14. Fallen asleep through Jesus for forcing the gasoline into the car -
(margin) -The verb here probably re- buretor it may be broken. In order
h th ' the engine is get -
lar Greek the active is used for "fold - haunt pipe and have some one crank seat; wash all bhe parts with gasoline,
ing" sheep, and the thought of the
Good Shepherd "folding" his flock one
by one is not far away, even if the fig-
ure is not directly present. We talk
of the "Angel of death"; this verse
tells us that the Divine Messenger is
none other than He who died and is
alive for evermore. Bring with him
-In the retinue of "spirits of just
men made perfect" who attend the
Lord's Parousia.
15. By the word of the Lord -Dis-
tinctly suggesting that the Master's
own xpress statement lies behind this
declaration. This letter was written
long before our Gospels were com-
posed, and in all the Epistles we may
be sure there are many words of
Jesus quoted which we cannot identify
as such. We that are alive -since a of two revolutions of the flywheel. A be sate that the packing rs m prop
true perspective of the future, deter -d that thet are tight- start In cold weather the gasoline News has reached the St Andrew's
mining the relative distance of assured 1 d evenly de to prevent does not vapor Steam Fishing Company of Hull that
events, is impossible to man as manthe operator is not aware of the fact leak or probably a ow ou .
Care Needed '
igrinding,the value heat
should not be burned completely round
will have to be purchased. In order
to bell whether a cell has played or
or not, every engine operator should to the scarcity of doctors, Willesden
have a small pocket ammeter, costing Council have decided to suspend the
75 cents, and tests his cells from time medical examination of school chil-
e nes
when goodhome.
A i
to time. dren and of the maternity
will show about one and one-half volts,' The death has occurred at Buxtoaof
sometimes a little more, and a cur- I Captain Holland, for 19 years Chief
rent strength of from twenty to thirty Constable of Derbyshire. Captain
amperes. Holland was 58 years of age and was
With the battery in good condition, formerly with the 16th Hussars.
There being no prisoners for trial,
the Croydon Quarter Sessions were
nob held. The Recorder, Mr. R. F.
Colam, K.C., has had only one prison-
er before him since October, 1914.
Last year 626 boys between 12 and
14 years of age were allowed to leave
school by the Berkshire education
authorities for farm work. The
amount lost in grants was $6,250.
It is proposed to increase by about
4 cents per 1,000 gallons the charges
for weber in Manchester. The revised
scale will mean an additional annual
revenue to the corporation of $150,000.
London's first Polytechnic V.C., Sec-
ond Lieutenant F. H. Johnson, R.E.,
the engine. If gasoline is coming over, wipe dry and re -assemble. In sepia the fuel supply, the valves and il' was at the Battersea Polytechnic,
ro er1V, the en -
n where he was formerly a student, pre.
it can be distinctly smelt after one i ing the cylinder heads or valve cages, ignition woing something is broken, will seated by the governing body, staff
er gine, unlesssaid students with his portrait in oils
frequent cause of trouble is the fact positrons an a nuts vaporize so readily as in
that the gasoline tank is empty and ,one eve y in order warm, and in order to facilitate start -
t their trawler, "The Hawk," had been
or dirt of some kind or another has C N ed d m Grinding ing operations, warm water she sunk in collision. Four of the crew
gotten into the air valva and clogged
While first be placed in the water -hopper,
are missing and the rest have been
it, so examine that. changing to cold when the engine has landed.
The bowl of the carburetor -if th' and round, but rather backwards and gotten nicely started. - Canadians At the annual meeting of the Met -
engine has one -may have become forwards in a semi -circle, that is Countryman.
filled with sediment preventing the turned to the right, then to the left,
BULL AND 111111 t'EOPL$
' 1
Occurrences In the Land That Relgnd
Hupreme ie the Commer.
Bial World.
Windsor workhouse master has been
Instructed to send casuals apparently
f militaryage to the recruiting of!l-
cer, g 1
The Local Government Board has
sanctioned the appointment of twit
women as sanitary lnapecbors . at
Captain F. Stanley Clark, of the
Border Regiment, has been appointed
Deputy Chief Constable of Kent
County Police Force.
Godstone (Surrey) Rural District
Council at a recent meeting decided
to refuse to employ conscientious ob-
jectors to military service.
The Metropolitan Drinking Foun-
tain and Cattle Trough Association'
is erecting S0 troughs and 20 foun-
tains in London this year.
Ab the convocation of London Uni-
versity Sir Edward Henry Burk was
re-elected chairman, this being his
twenty-fourth year of office.
The Belgians at Letchworth, who
now number 4,000, have a special
constable of their own, who speaks
English, French and Flemish.
Nottingham Corporation has voted
$301,150 from the proflte of the gas,
tramways and electrical undertak-
ings in aid of the district rate,
For the second time in a week fire
has broken out in the gorse and un-
dergrowth on Littlenorth Common,
Esher. Altogether six acres have been
Nearly 1,000 old boys of the Church
of England Waifs and Strays Society
were serving in the navy and array,
of whom six have gained commissions
and 38 have lost their lives.
With a view to economy and owing
Fig A shows the valve head resting on a seat that is perfectly smooth end free from carbon deposits. Result
-no escape of gas and no foss of power. Fig. 13 shows the valve head re sting on the seat that contains some
deposits of carbon and has a pitted s urface. Result -an escape of gas an d loss of power,
and milk, then pots in bhe milk and epistolary formula found in pagan let- (Acts 1. 7) -was impossible even to
soda; beat well until thoroughly mix- ters from Egypt. Paul galvanizes it the Lord in his incarnate life (Mark
1.3 32) -it ds not sttrange that even
ed, place in A greased tin, leaving into life, as if we were to make "Yours the apostles foreshortened the interval
plenty of room to rise, bake slowly faithfully" mean somethingl p
for half an hour, hen in a hotter oven 3. Work emphasizes the results separating them from the end, and
for one hour. achieved, labor the toil and weariness feet sure it would come in their ,llsy.
Date Ceke. One pound of household it cot, patience (or, much better, en-
n- Yet herald it would not come till his
flour, one-half pound of dates, six ' durance) the refusal to yield to wears- gospel had been proclaimed to all the
ounces of margarine, a tablespoonful nese or opposition or discouragement. nations, and the world is far bigger
ropolitan Hospital it was stated that
e -3- the accommodation of the hospital had
free flow of gasoline, To prevent th' I alternating the movements. After How the Bayonet Was Originated, been increased to thrice its former
accumulation, some engines have at repeating these movements for some size to accommodate the wounded. Of
the base of the bowl a cock which time, occasionally life the valve pal -
The bayonet, which was thought to . 360 beds now available, 260 have been
of vinegar, milk (less than a quarter than they knewl Most assuredly should be opened frequently to drain let from its seat, turn part way round be obsolete three years ago, has come set aside for soldiers.
one-quarter pound of sugar Faith then produces, love makes labor "the end is not yet," thouh foolish it. The carburetor or air inlet niay an let it drop back into its seat and back into great favor with military
of a pint), light, and hope "endures to the eii♦i, cranks will go on proclaiming that p q
mixed spice, carbonate o£ soda Rub "as seeing him who is invisible" Far have become choked with .dna, and repeat the grinding operations as be- authorities, due to its fighting.
yes g. T a a,
all the dry ingredients well together, the three see 1 Car. 13, 13; for the they do "know the times and seasons dirt To prevent •this the source from fore. This insures even grinding all utility in hand-to-hand fighting. The
the carbonate of soda in the milk, an 1 for "hoe which the Father set within his own which •the engine draws its air should round Wlten the valve turns with- first bayonets ever to be used were IMPORTANCE OI VERDUN.
melt first two, 1 Cor, 16. 68, . P authority." Left -The word.bas a
and add o the mixture, then add the set on Christ," 1 John 3.3. It ire "by . be pure and free from dust, If the out any apparent grinding friction brought forth in a mountain fight in
vinegar, boat all well together and hope we are saved" Rom 3, 24; so tinge of wistfulness -even so early engine be set in the feed room or in take it out, wipe it clean, examine the Bayonne when the Basques, the wild A Sufficient Reason for the Fighting
g Paul could have aline*t envied those the workshop where the air is full seat, apply more of. the oil and emery mountaineers, tied scythe blades and in That District.
bake for one.and a hall hours in a scall'). ( p
moderate oven. who were "with Christ, which is very of floating dust particles, the air in mixture or compound and put it sickles to the ends of their muskets Why do the Gorman armies bat-
4. Election -The same Greek noun far better" even than being "in lot should be connected by •a pipe to through another course of grinding, when charging the Spanish enemy, So
Date and Currant Cake. -One pound comes in Acts 9, lb. God chooses " ter continuously ab the road to Ver -
d b one Christthe,•But it was not time yet for the outside atmosphere. This Process may have to be repeat- efficient were these weapons in the dun? Tho uestion has been asked
ht th t f Bowed that reports of a q
of flans, one-half yound
, cash of us far a special task which no a a
of flour, one-half pound currants, one- .one can accomplish. He calls us be it would
sentinel to be relieved, and aed a number of limos. fig b thousands, answered by few. Le
of granulated sugar, six ounces of ; Rum. $• 30 and when we have .an- after.. not cherish the wish even years When a good bearing seat has been new and terrible arm spread over Courier des Etats Unis, a. L reach
g after, when he wrote to the Philip-ff' ' t secured, goo the i valve pallet and Europe. The French appropriated the
margarine, one teaspoonful of car-' ewered the call which we are free to t g newspa er ublished in New Yorlt
borate of soda, one large teaspoonful refuse -the divine "choice" becomes pians from prison. Precelin-So that stem, well. as the valve seat and weapon and the name and the other gives the most reasonable of all the
of marmalade milk as required. Beat , apparent I the dead in Christ suffer no dined- look at H f sleeve, in which the stem works, ear nations followed in rapid order. explanations. The article, in trans-
-the butter and sugar together, add he •g, Imitators Hance Thomas a K m but the contrary.cont source of trouble to tirely free from emery, oil and grit. kation, follows:
tan s. ns- is takes the tithe of his Classic. The is impose'•
• t a engine Return the pallet to Fly in the Ointment. "The Basin of Briey, lying between
d bo example of Christ is the theme of. Advent follows the waiting time that leaky valves. Ln order to
findr out the n t lock nuts to lve the stemjust ing ser- Mrs. Higgins was an incurable Verdun and Metz, is the field of bat-
p > h thee the valves are leaking o bl r She grumbled at every- ble for the control of iron, and iron
Ifafter examiningthe feeding ap-
paratus we find theta the engine is get -
in gasoline in sufficient quantity for
normal operation we'llnow take a
the valves. Here is a 1'f
q the aver -
sits seat close up
flour, then the other ingredients. D' 16.Itble to note that the age operator ofgasoline-ud
Ma -
sieve the '"i in the milk an add
the. above. Mix all ton stiffish batter many sayings; hero and in 1 Cor. 11.1 the °lead spend to Hades, the art- tv e
Delco two hours in a fairly hot oven. 1 (see also 1 Cot•. 4. 16) we have the seen world," which includes "Pira- have someone turn the flywheels slow -
Keep two days. 1 thought that this example must be dise"'. (Luko'23. 434) or "Abraham's ly against compression, and keep your
Ging r Wm. -Three -guilders pound , first learned from its reflection in the bdsoln(Luke 16. 23). This is the ear close to the cylinder head If the
of flour, three-quarters pound of syrup I Christian. What a responsibility? next "abiding place" (,John 14. 2) in valves are leaking, the compression
ono -quarter pound of lard, two tea- I Afflection-Acts 17. 6 shows how the our; journey, and "heaven"lies be will be streak, and a hissing sound as
spoonful of spice, alittle candied peel, earliest leaders of the church at Thes-yond the Advent, Shout -The noun,
one teaspoonful of ground ginger, one ; aalonica had a stern trial atthe very used here only, is derived from the
teaspoonful of .car'nonate of soda, a ! outset of their Christian life. - That verb comnranii. Hence the pare -
little milk. Mix all dry .of
they stood it without flinching and pharse (see above) in George Raw-
eogeb'.ter, then add enough warm mills i found that "Holy Spirit" gave them son's Communion hymn. Archangel
to make a stiff dough. Bake one and? joy therein was the secret of the -Only elsewhere in Jude: 9. We need
a queeter hours in a moderate oven, I splendid start the church had which not speculate on these symbolic ac -
Currant Cake. -One pound of flour, receives glowing testimony here. companimente. 'frump -As 1 Cor,
one-half. pound of currants, six ounces 7, Achaia-The Roman province 15. 52. coming from Matt. 24. 31.
of sugar, six ounces of margarinee two (ocmpare Acts 18.. 12),`inchteling the
ounces of ,nixed peel, one teaspoonful whole of peninsular Greece south of
of ttn•honate of soda, one teaspoonful Macedonia. Corinth was the most
cf-powdered sugar, one teaspoonful of important city, though Athens was
mixed spice, one cup of milk. Melt stili its intellectual center,
the margarine in Cho milk, but do not Gone forth -Compare Rom. 10. 18,
let it hail; add to the dry ingreriients, where the page word is used. Speak
which should be well mixed. Bake anything -About the coming of the
three hours in a moderate oven, gospel to Th.essalonica.
Household Hints. 9, Icicle -The root of the word is the
idea of n phantom• -as a ghost, or an
If potato poolings are dried, they amenity. Hence, hero and in such
will make a quick fine: places as .1 John 5, 21 the contrast is
You can gat more juice from a loin- with the real or true Gocl, and often
en that is heated than from a cold am here,o with
itne Elijahhivngs God;Cdthe
subis s
Witstever fruit is in season should ; vivid continent.
be made the numb of, especially for ' 10. Wait --Service end waiting are
desserts, thus the two sides of Christian life,
The bone ihnulil he left in the roast, The Motor's own parable inspires the
First -The picture piesents Christ`s
family bagther. the dead reendowed
with bodies -the "s jritual body" -
and the -living "changed" into the
same likeness (1 Cor', 16. 50f.), s]sice
our present body "cannot inherit the
kingdom of God,"
17. In the clouds -As he -Wil aG lila
ascenaion, the symbolism of which de-
termines the whole picture.
18. Comfort is the uppermost emairr
ing here, though the more inclusive
encourage (hence often exhort) would
serve coldly well..
Riohas have wings but it is foolish.
to sit in a rocking hair waiting for
there to fly your way:,
runt e .
viae. : g
Where it is not possible bo remove thing and everyone. Taut at last� s 15 king Iiiy t ii war.
ed 28 Before the war tons of
the cylinder head or valve -cage, con- vicar thought he had found sor
tablingthe valve, provision for grind- thing about which she could make no iron ore every year.. Of this 21,000, -
complaint; the laity's of po- from that rt of the B
ing has usually been providoit by the
tatoes jWa2 certaioldnly thecrop finest for of000 Bricameey annexed inpa1870-74. Franasinco
1 1
of escaping air will be'disbinet]y mu manufacturer m the shape of
aro- miles around, mined 22,000,000 tons, and of this
]bio. This leaking is caused from movable cap, above the valve. The "Ah f ace ou must be well 16,000,000 tons was procured from
two sources: either an accumulation
of carbons --the residue left when gaso-
line or oils are burned, between the
valve head and the seat, thus prevent -
a close fit and allowing an escape of
following diagram may aid in showing of o y
how the grinding process may be as pleased," he said, with a beaming 'that portion of the Basin still in
cosmile, as he met her in the village French hands.
Ahndf in a case like'that;
A handful of waste or cloth is put street, "Everyone's saying how splen- "Since the war France, having losb
in the valve port or entrance into the did Your potatoes are this year." the Basin of Briey by invasion, has
gas, or from a worn and pitted sat- cylinder; to prevent any emery falling
face which has the same effect. The into the cylinder; this ire very import -
eereeretereee ,.
ya .1
This diagram shows how Cho Vibe is ground to e(ithieaie lifts.
The old lady glared at trim as she i been forced to rely upon England and
answered: 1 the United States :for iron ore. Ger-
"They're not so poor. But Where's :any, on the contrary, having occu-
the bail ones for the pigs? l mpied the iron district not only of
France, but of Luxemburg, has kept
the machinery going full blast, thus
India's Bice Crop, adding to he normal production of .
India's rice crop of this year is 28,000,000 'tons our 15,000,000 and
estimated at 76,192,000 acres, slightly 0,000,000 Inose from Luxemburg, a
in excess of the acreage of the year total of 49,000,000 tons of ore, In
before, The total yield is expected Germany 100 tons of pig iron give
to be 21 per cent, greater than last' 92 tone of steel, Probably, therefore,
year. Iietinatet for both area And over 40,000,000 tons of steel per an -
yield are the greatest on record.
Paid to Smoke.
Meitager- "I caught ,bat fellow
making on the job out there and
fired hint, I gave bhe his faun days,
pay and told him to clear cut."
(thee-"Gocil heavens that fellow
Was only looking for it job."
num make (,ermeny's war output,
"If the Germaps eould become mets..
tors of Verdon they believe+ thet
they could prolong the wait %detlin•
Rely, but, on the contrary, et we could
advance to Metz we would at one
blow put an end to the war, for we
would cot oto nine-tionthe of the total
steel produetion of the Geriiien 'SIn-
pine: "