HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-6-29, Page 5COLLEGE
Thousands of ambitious 7011g Pao -
pie era hint preparingin their own
hopes to Cooney Merritt NOW tfona ire
stenographers, bookkeepers, telogrn-
pliers, olvlt 80108)110 In Not every
sphere of activities. Yon may finish 0t
college If yen RCN/hill. 'Positions emir-
nnteed. tenter college nay day. Indi-
vidnal !ustrm:Alen, Exp0'f teachers,
Thirty yenr9. experience. Largest
trainers in Canada, Seven ooll4900.
Spooial course for teachers.
Affiliated with Commercial Educn-
too Association of Canada. Smother
School 1)t famous Smitten 6sinessCot-
tage, ono Ldon,
Win..9 College
ham Business 9
(gun. NPOTToci - W. T." 22011011•
Preslrl'�ent. Prhlaipal
off 411111•4
i er6igVele
Mod la the heal Office, Ethel, 80-4
•wan( will sell for batter .prices, to
better men In lens time mull Looe charges
than any other Anotioneer In East Huron or
he won't charge anything, Dates and order@
can always be arranged at this onloo or by'
e crooned application,
r • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
Notary 1'obllo, &o, Uffioe—Stewart'Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,
Solfoitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
Gamma 2/Remo ROV4Wdir
Express 7:18 a m Mail 11:22 a In
Express 8:89 o m I Express 8:57 p m
CaLird'3?' Id .lie �eP�'IFI�r
To Toronto To Goderioh
Express 7:60 a m Express 11 :58 am
Express......... 8:10 p In I Express .., 8:54 pm
Going East - 7:06 a. in. and 8:40 p. m,
Going West - 12:19, and 9:68 p. ln.
All trains going Emit conneot with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T
G. B. stations,
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.
Fine, modern steam-
ers — equipped with
every comfort and
luxury. For infor-
mation apply agents,
"9bKi.: StWTeronto
Agent Allan Lime, Bruasela.
is prepared to supply the best
WDods in Windmills, Iron and
ooden Pumps and Stable
Fittings, such as Piping, Wat-
er Bowie for stack, .etc.
Repairs to Pumps promptly
attended to.
Give me a call.
Al RAVMANN, Cranbrook
(,n`4�tSr�+a'vs�"y�'ya`a?� a2�t�t'4Ca'4�a`.rsa�t�
�i! �Ct2!�G'f�.l
You Can Secure a Position
If you take a course with us. Tho de- fa
mond c torn uv for trained help is many t+
thenuanber graduating. Stu-.
dMines e ,e
mays are entering tomb Wr week. Yon_ ea
anter any time. Write atonaofor -'i
our free antulo
D. A. MOLACHLAN, Principal. �4
taCAZG VS10` ;Da Da trea al.;ynr�o�j
Best Brains
In Canada our m
eneed in the
nitration0f our splendid Home Study
Courses 10 Banking, Economics, Hg
Ancounthln(onnrainl Art Show
Card Writg,
Photoggraphy, journal -
lain, Short Story Writing, Shorthand.
and Bookkeeping. Solent the work
which most interacts you and write us
for particulars. Address
391-7 t. Yon a n
G 8 ,Toro to
Business Lards
80000asor to M, H. Moore, 01110e at. Ander.
son Bros. Livery stable, Brussels, Telephope
No. 88,
M. 8., M, 0, P., de S, 0. '
21. C, H„ Village of Brussels.
Physician, Surgeon, A000unheur
Office over Standard Bank
Beo0elor of Medicine, 'University of Toronto ;
Licentiate of Oollogs of. Ployeun0ne anti Sur-
geons, Ontario.! ex•Senior House Surgeon of
Western Hospital, Toronto. Offices of lata Dr,
A. M01(evee Smith Blook, Brussels, I
Rural phone 45,
Physician mrd Surgeon; Post Graduate courses
London. (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos-
pitals, Special -attention to disease ofeye, ear,
nose and throat, - Eyes tested for glasses.
G. H. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur•
goons of Ontario and Graduate University of.
Toronto Faculty of Dentistry.
Office In Ieard Block, Wingham
Phone 249. Poet Office box 278
Painless Extraction, Plate work and
Bridge Work a Bpoolalty
Personal graduate Department of Ophthal-
mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago,
I11., is prepared to teat eyes and 1)t glasses at
her office over Miss Inmen'e millinery store,
Office days—Wednesday, Marie/ay, Friday
and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10
to 12 a. in. 1 1 to 8 p. in. Evenings by appoint.
meet. Phone 1210.
Honor graduate of the OntarioVeterinary
College. Day and night calla. Office opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Co.
Satlefaotion assured ; Charges moderate.
WrBoth Brussels snd North HuronoPhones.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton
Private hinds to loan at lowest Vrates.
WM. PROUD000T 31t.
a, is ri ` I•elus
Rev. and Mrs. Dobson were in Tor-
onto attending the wedding of their
The latest Ford purchaser in this
rh Dred ' Harvey C ` • ,
neighborhood is H t ey alntlu_g, 4111
The trustees of 8. S. No. 11, have
re-engaged Miss Myrtle Spence as
teaches' for the coming year.
Alex. Hutchison, son of A. 0. and
Mrs. Hutchison, of this village, has
given up his potlition as fire -ranger in
the West, and will take an aviation
course 00 Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. Spence returned from
Toronto where she attended the
ordination of her grandson, Rev. Ful-
ton Wallace, 011 Sunday, the 18th.
Mi. Wallace has been Itpplain ted
Curate of Lhe 01 ,Petr of the Redeemer,
Prov. Majnr E. N. Lewis, of the 31st
Battery, 0. F. A,, has been granted
Ms certificate at the Royal School of
Artillery conducted at Kingston.
Alex. Saunders has returned leoxte
front Toronto, where he luta been
undergoing an operation in Wellesley
Hospital. Ile was accompanied by
MIs. 5,1111111 e1 a.
David 13e11, Britannia Rnnd, is hone
on sick leave. He is suffering from a
severe meld. His work is to superin-
tend the conking for 40 orneriest. -Pte.
Victor Bell is again ill the 010nches.
DOWNING. — Word was received
Thursday morning of last •veek of the
death of Mrs. Bphraini Downing, at
Leamington. The deceased lady was
one of Godetich's most respected
citizens for a great many peals. For
some tints before leaving our town
sheN as in poor health and has since
been rapidly declining, Her tuniden
name was Joanna Burrows and she
Was a native of Yorkshire, England,
Funeral took place Saturday after-
noon at Leamington.
Mrs. A,L,Bt
Nf Brad r G
rt win, err
d c n h is
!olein her other, Mrs. . Lrni 1
v m J G
g R ,
who is quite ell
The many fi10114e. of Ahs. .7. 0.
Enligh, will regret to learn of her
serious ilintess but hope for speedy re-
covery, ecovery,
1t has been decided to nIlileel the
ion n h• held litMyth 1
Celebration 1 1 tel n LI o
Wednesday, Iv l ,i, and out. lodge
wilt likely gm o
Miss Nora McCaughey end Mins
Alberta tette hot 0 left for Regien,
yank where they have secured posi-
tines on the teething staff of the
school there.
fl.ev Mt. ;len it p(enrhe(i his fare-
well solemn lost Sabbath and remover,
to his new 011111ge at Springfield.
'1.'he rev. gentlernite and family filled
a large place in their 4 year's here and
old • felends by the scare wish them tt
prosperous.and happy time at their
now post.
A letter received front Capt. R. 11.
9210e1n who is loeated let Sh0tucli fe,
Eng„ Camp, &mess that the 38rd.
J3atlalion have about all gone to the
ti e' employed training
trenches. He Is cep q d illtin
at g
duties and expects to remain in Eng
land for some time,
At the awn utl meeting of Myth
h 1 g y
Telephoto Company L. hill, 3, Brig-
hon and Jnn, Arthurn were a dieted,
and (3. X. Taylor and
R, B McGowan Auditors. The an.
71718.1 rale of 'phones WAS placed at
$12.00, subject to change, at any an•
1)(1111 meeting. L, Hill lecelved $25.00
for hie services 84 President last year.
Next Sunday Rev, Me, Me0oemiok,
who luta silent the dust 4 years 00
1•Iolrnesville, will prewar hie 10190-
thettory • discourses as paster• of the
Met 104190ehuidi, We welcome Nle,
and Mee. McCormick ,and family to
Blyth and confit o, the aecouplieli-
ment of MAW, 010020500.
MATXOInIONIAL.—e1. pretty wedding
was solemnized 1)t Life bom0 of 1'. 0.
34ngereon, Morrie, tit high noon ob
Wednesday, Julie 210, when 1110
second daughter, Amy, became the
beide of R. ltuehalarl,.Sarlti11. The
cereuromy ryas performed by Rev. (4.
Jewitt, in the peesence or the im-
mediate relative& 1)1111 friends of the
contracting parties. little blies Mary
100gersah, sister of the bride, acted 0,0
ring bearer, and Privates Bert and
Leeree McElroy, cousins of the bride,
and Misses Florence and May Roger-
son, sisters, anted as attendants. The
bride was beoontin9ly gowned in
white silk with Georgette etop0 bodice
with pearl trimming. After the core.
minty et tastily prepared wedding din -
7101' was partaken of and a couple of
hours enjoyably spent, the newly
wedded couple left Blyth on the 4
p. m. rhes, for Sarnia where they will
,lake their home The bride's going
away dress was navy blue with black
hat end Kitchener blue trimming to
Match. May their joys be many.
Rev. Hugh J. Fair, of Arkona, is
the nets pastor of the Methodist
church, who will preach his inaugural
sermons next Sabbath. We bid hint
and his family, a hearty welcome to
Atwood. Rev. Dr. Hussey and family
have removed to Harrow, Essex
County, as their new hone,
Luke Lucas was iu Toronto last
week consulting a specialist for'U'eat-
ment for cancer of the throat.
J. 13. 11010111011 and Ivy D. Smith
are im Lnudun this week attending the
High Onue•t of the Oauadian Order
of Foresters.
M. R. Morrison left for Winnipeg.
He has been in the bank here for over
3 years and daring that Lime proved
an efficient clerk and at the tittle of
his clepiuture was teller. He will be
greatly missed' in all Literary circles,
Lodge, Tennis, Bowling and Y. P. S.
0. E. wot'k. The Literary Society
presented him with a watch fob be-
fore going away.
110011 of hrfclay, lO.h inst., there as-
sembled at Chas. Mitchell's Apiary,
Molesworth, a goodly company of
some 25 1)r 30 persons, all interested in
Bees, to hear the very able demonstra-
tion, given by the Bee Inspector of
the Counties of -Bruce and Huron, J.
S. Shremk, ably assisted by Mr.
Mitchell. The whole of Mr. Mitchell's
large and well appointed apiary, con-
sisting 110 over 100 colonies, was placed
lit the Inspector's disposal and for 2
hours those attending were delight-
fully instructed, in the interesting
and penfltable industry of bee -keeping,
The different forms of font brood, and
hots to get rid of ir, were thoroughly
explanted. Swarms and swarming,
Qtteeue, Themes, Workers, their triodes
of life and how their wont is Carried
on, hnw to Winter the bees in the
most approved manner and maty
,bier allied subjects were discussed
and thoroughly explained. After the
demonstration, Mrs, Mitchell enter-
tained the company at luncheon,
which owing to the threatening rain
was served in the well appointed Bee
House, where seats hurl been provided.
Visitors were present from as far
Sonde as Monkton and as fttr Last es
Tralee and although the audience was
smelt, all were enthusiastic and well
pleased with the instructive demon-
stration and the kind and hospitable
treatment of Mr. Mitchell and his es-
teemed lady.
Mrs. 0. Querin is at peeselr1 in Galt
visitiug her sister, Mts. Clark, who is
i 11.
Last Sunday Rev. G. W. Rivers
preached his farewell sermon as pas -
tam of
as-tnaof the Methodist church and has
removedto Dorchester. "s
move Dot. les et. lie 1 suc-
ceeded by Rev. G. J. Kerr, from Dor-
chester. The latter was a one pastor
I tory Pollee Wee and I must say that for ONOlgs9001,p0000BOi B0�Ots0001ifObO000e0000001itfiO�0001�MtIVP
so many 11101 (solcliers3 (dean) condi-' a 17
. B� Ly 1?.1S al's sntllt as IO Aran pcni ,,thing 60 hit
HEART but praise f,r the mep; In all about lz,• e O
ouo are camped cera We spend our 0
rn spore limo to games, football, baseball,
FFCTED on thi g m are fro &c., &c. My hours • on this job are from 6 p, m. t 111 or 2 n, o
01. so That al present I do not get much
sleep but next week they are going to
"Fruit -a -Brest" Soon Relieved
This Dangerous Condition
"For two years, I was a vi01}m of
Acute Indigestion and Gab In The
Stomach, It afterwards allacked yay
Heart au di had pains all over lily herb',
so that I could hardly move around.
I tried all kinds of Medicine but none
of them did 1210 any good. At last, I
decided to try "Fruit-a-tives'', I
bought the first box last June, and
SOW I am well, offer =iv only ?brae
boxes. I recommend "Fruit& tives".
to anyone suffering from Indigestion".
500. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 28c.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
at Teeswater hence knows a good deal
about this locality.
The tnarriage of Minerva F. Taylor,
youngest daughter 1)l' the Tate D. S.
Taylor, Corrie, to 0. Ross Rester.
Stonffyille, Out., was eoletuuizecl at
the Methodist cherub on Wedneschty,
June 14th. Rev. G. W. ILivers, B. A.,
B. D, officiated. The bride was un-
attended and wore her travelling soil
of navy blue taffetta with hat to
match and a co'snge linguae of cream
rose buds, Imtuediatety after the
ceremony Mr. and Mts. ICester left011
the 3.37 train for ,Tot•nnto and other
places, after which they will go to
their home neo' Stnuffville.
OAR TABLE,—Mrs. i4ev. Kerr, who
for the past 4 years has been teacher
of the Excelsior Bible Class and
President of the liarristoai Mission
Circle at Dorchester, was Feld/3y night
taken by surprise when over 50 mem-
bers of the two organizations stet on
the parsonage lawn. Until dusk they
participated in the game of basketball
then owing to the coolness of
the evening, they gathered in
the chuecharlors. Ernest Smith
read art address and Eva Finch pre-
sented Mrs. -Cert', who leaves ,this
week for Goy tie, with a handsome
library table, in fueled oak.
Following letter is from Pte. J. A.
Sillough, formerly of Grey township, to
Mrs, Marsden smith and daughters:—
awhile since I rote You people a letter
but I was down to the mill to -day and
saw Eli so I thougbt I would write you
a short letter just to let you know I bad
not forgotten your people. I have been
pretty busy since I enlisted with the
neat Hurons and find my time pretty
well occupied with drills, marches, par-
ades, polishing, cleaning, shaving. for
remember we must keep ourselves all
polished up cm this job. It don't matter
bow dirty other ways one must appear
clean. Well I suppose you would be"
somewhat surprised to hear of my en-
listing but do you know I just could not
help it, I felt I was needed in this great
cause so decided to do my bit at all costs,
hs a good deal of a sacrifice maybe but
not nearly so great as if we sacrificed
the rights and privileges purchased tor
us by our forefathers at Waterloo, and
on other hard fought fields where the
glorious traditions of bur glorious Em-
pire were maintained, Then too this not
merely a war its more than war it will
prove the refiner of Empires and out
ill come nations prepared to uphold
the banners of Truth and Equity or in
other words a nation of "Do as you
would be done by" people. Well I am
in it to stay if I do not get turned down
at the next medical examination which
will be shortly now I think. I enjoy
the life all right but would rather of
course the occasion bad never come
which make such conditions possible or
necessary. Lam on the Garrison Mill.
•4.4'44'•4-411+4,+e3•e't'e.1444+41.1.•+•+44+•+•+•+•'1.6+•+•4•e+44 •
t •1•
• •
+ +
Nanto h dooms eye
Artistic des•ign. d, 1 d Slgn. •
4. 4.
6iBeautiful $eautiful finish, easy;
i 03 comfort, very durable. '
Whenou discard
Y +
them you want another " just, like the last ones."
$ Then our prices are not ,the least pleasing part of
• the buying,
Here are a few: --
Dong. Kid Bats 2,5o to $i4.,00 Gun Nletal 3.00 to
• patent Buttoned Shoes, 3.75 to $4,00
Trunks an>d Satchel*, nice -Stock
Repairs in Shoos, Harness and Dollars Promptly Done,
tight and Heavy Harness and everything
In HMOS tine
in Steak,
4% Co.
+.444.40+4,4.414•44+•+•+•+•44+0 .14+1.4.0+•4.40*44.41+0+044'6 +•
wet'k it in 31 Mont ' -shifts so we will have
a hit mote chance to sleet,. Well I hope
your people are all real well, 1 am
keeping well myself. Remember me to
all enquirers, Give my love to Gussie
and hubby. Well good bye from ever
your loviug cousin end nephew,
PTR. Jos, A I ittouoX,
B, Co, 141st Hurons.
11111 Crest Camp, Loudon, June 17, 3916.
A reactionary &toren period is cen-
tral oe the 2 id, Sect and 4111. The
met olio, [tet incl ie central on the 3rd,
3116404 is 177 aphelion, or at greatest
distance from the Sun, on the tad,
and Venus la lit inferior ('oujuoctiott,
of between Earth and Sin, on the
3rd. On and touching Sunday the
2nd, to Tuesday the 4111, the barome•,
ler will fall, beginning in Wester,
parts about the 211d, and advancing
progressively Eastward, bringing in
ereaeing cloudiness, with ',estiess,
theeaLeueug winds autl high tetnpera-
Lure. Rain slid thunder storms wilt
break in many sections, at the center
and around the flanks of the advanc-
ing storm area. These storms will
culminate in a crisis about the 3rd
and 4011, passing from central parts of
the country to Eastern extremes on
and next to those days, The Mercury
influence will cause a spell of prolong-
ed cloudiness, with tendencies to driz-
zliug rain, beyond the limits of this
reactionary period. The probabilities
are that electrical storms may in.
crease to another crisis on and touch-
ing the Oth, the moon being on the
001050ial equatnr on that day, Tem-
porary tis0 of the barometer, and
change to somewhat cooler will
naturally follow these storms.
A regular storm period is central on
the 9th, extending over Friday the
7111, to 1Vednesday, the 12th. Die-
tn0bi11g causes and things to expect.
The moon is at Rest quarter on the
8th, and at greatest South declination
on the 12th. The 161010uty distur-
bance will ttiso continue in its dis-
turbing Porte into and perhaps to the
close of this period. By the 7th and
$th, the temperature will be rising
very high in Western extremes, frill-
ing barometer will attend high tern
perature, clouds will form, and these
conditions will begin to move East-
ward across the Onttntry. 7.'heee
storms will be immediately preceded
by a phenomenally cold wave, all a-
cross the country, giving rise, in a
great many localities, to very violent
and dangerous Summer gusts. 'there
is promise of rains along with these
storms, but not in proportion general-
ly to the amount of threeg and
Muscat.. There will be local down-
pours ]tele and there, as the storm
centers move Euskwardly across the
country, amounting to clotd-bursts
and local floods ; but an over -abund-
ance of diffused resins is not to be ex-
pected: Rising barometer, shifting of
winds to Westerly, and change to
cooler, fair weather, will move in from
the West for several days behind
these storms.
A reactionat3' storm period is cen-
tral ou the 141.11, 15th and 16th. The
full 1120on, lir moon's opposition wish
the Sun and Earth, fails on the 14011.
This opposition is at an eclipse node,
bringing an eclipse of the Moon on
Ole 140(1. This implies, of course.
that the Sun, Earth and Moon will be
on a direct line with each other at that
time, thus aggravating and intensify-
ing thewave or lines of physical
force plying between the Sun nthe
Ianett body, mr atl increasingin the
probabilities of magnetic, eleotrio
atmospheric. • convulsions ; seismic,
volcanic and earthquake unrest is
perceptibly increased at such limes.
There will be a decided retu011 of
storms; and general storm conditions,
central on the 1418, 15th and 10011. A
thee/getting fall of the barometer will
precede ominous, black Moods, the
temperature will rise to phenomenal
degrees of warmth, storms of lightn-
ing, thunder and rain, attended by
gales, amounting to local tornadoes,
will very probably result in widely
separated se2Liols. It is not improb-
able that the Venus distttthence will
begin to affect storm and weather
E 1 time, ill which
condi eons at this 1)e, w
event, look for vicious electrical
storms, attended by hail storms of
destructive force. These -storms will
end with a rapidly rising barometer,
change to Westerly winds and decided-
ly cooler nights.
Aregular storm period is central on
e 2 tl reaching front the 18th to
UI 0 t n t of
the 23rd. Disturbing causes and
in 1 e
things to xpect.
The moon is 00 the celestial equator
on the 18111, is ie conjunction with
Jupiter of the 22111, and at last quar-
ter 00 the 21st. Mercury is in peri-
beiio1 on the 20111, and Venue is in
aphelian on the 22nd. The Venus
equinox blends with the regular "Vu1-
cttu" period,' while the conjunction of
the planet Ne tune with Earth and
8071 on the 25111, extends its perturb-
ing influence quite over this Whole
period. :L`lreutll-Sum er draw-
backs" may be said to xist at this
time—that is, the tendency to mini.
morn rain feeds will be strongly 1n
evidence, when not and scattering
rants only are expected to result, Bot
the beginning of the Venus period,
blended with the other astronomical
causes named above, give good pro -
Liaise of tome than minimum resins at
title and following ,inly periods.
Pram the ISLit, the date when the
Moon is on the celestial equator, pass-
ing to Noyrth declination, there will
be a *larked and rapid fall of the
barometer, in Western parts, high
temperature, increasing at the wave
moves Eastward, and growing c}oudi-
nese, breaking into violent thunder,
wind and tniu stormss may be reass
ably expected. Alt these a will ui eeh
in snacessive order teeth \•Vest 10 East,
ootsntming several days it passing
from their origin in 0110 West, to their
appearaanoe 111 rho East, A reaction.
cry stolen peeled is 'central on the
• 101M1i11
so Larger and More Assorted Stock
O of Buggies this Season than ever
o LOOK through SWAN & Oo's three show 1,001.09 Will convince
d any intending buyer that it doesn't pay to purchase any other
O than these Boggles, They are made of first-class material, roost
O desirable in style and (.!coign together with easy (haft, and guaranteed
to last longer than any other make, Whew repairs are regime/1 every
O part can be 9001171 at III WAN & Oo's Factory aL half petite and short
c notice, No advance 117 prices on Dur Buggies this year, Prices are
• low and every Buggy guaranteed.
O Buy a Ewan Bulgy and encourage home trade, Give us a call and
• we will satisfy you in price and style,
as A Number of Wagons always on hand,
O All Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices.
Rigs Re -painted and Repaired and promptly looked after,
1 Please call and see our new Home -wade Buggies.
"BOOST BRUSSELS" is our motto.
In thanking our 00010 neve for past patronage we would like to
have a record -breaker business in 1010. For low prices go to
D. Ewan 84 Co's
Re-rubbering Rubber Tires a Specialty, 40 8 sl
• 000000••••••000000•••00.06 0000•000000660017es060ea08e60i6045
2518, 26th and 27th. Moon is at
highest North declination on the 25th.
The quadrature of Jupiter with Barth
and 813 II, and the superior eonjnnctioll
of Mercury with Earth and Sun are
on 27th and 2803, This period leads
up to new Moon 011 the 20th, on which
date there is au annual eclipse of the
Sun. Moos is also in apogee or at
greatest distance from the Earth on
the 28th—tt fact which changes the
potentials of magnetic' and electrical
forces, breeding unrest and active
squalls and storms in our atmosphere,
adding greatly to the probability of
seis,nic trouble about the 2601 to 20111,
We may expect a great increase of
warmth through the 25111, 261h, 27th
and 28111, all culminating on the 201.11
in a 1119x1mum heat wave, Notwith-
standing the fact that the annular
eclipse of the Sun on the 29th is on
the opposite parts of the Earth, being
central through Australia, our parts
of the planet will not escape wholly
the meteorological disturbances re-
sulting therefrom, The 'storms and
other dietur'banoes orginating on the
251b, 20011 and 27th will not subside, or
the barometer' will not rise, or tem-
perature fall until we pass the crisis
incident to the Moon's conjunction
with Earth and Sun on the 29tH.
Bail etnims will be mixed with rate,
wind and tbnnder at this time, and it
marked and sudden clrop iu tem ern
Buie will follow the stamps. Upon
the whole, we believe that July will
prove a favorable mouth for agri-
cultural interests. Some sections
may suffer shortage in timely and dif-
fused rains, but we (]o nut calculate
suffering front severe and general
Premier Scott, of Saskatchewan, has
returned from the South improved in
Some two hundred and fifty members
of the Toronto 13oard of Trade visited
the Ontario Prison Farm and the On-
tario Agricultural College at Guelph.
"No more headache for you ---take these"
Don't just "smother" the headache without removing the cause.
Take Chamberlain'. Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only care
the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeing became they
tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them.
A11 Oswego, 25o., or IV ala
Toronto Ont.
Free Gasoline for
thirty-three hundred
miles--- the Ford
owner's saving in one
The light, economical Ford with its
smooth running engine averages about
twenty-five 'I
U' gaso-
line. y miles on a gallon of �,aso
Compare this with the gasoline con-
sumption of the Sixteen -Miles -To -The
Gallon car.
Then figure the difference, having an
eye on the present price of gasoline.
Six thousand miles is a fair season's
travel. The Sixteen -Miles -To -The -
Gallon car, goingsix thousand miles,s
burns up one hundred and thirty -fives
more gallons of gasoline than does the
Ford going the same distance.
This means that the Ford ow
saves enough during a single season to
Ian additional
for gasoline for
thirty-three hundred and seventy-five
You can travel a year and a. half in a
Ford for what it costs you to travel
one year in the Sixteen -Miles -To -The
Gallon car.
Ford Motor Company
of Canada, Limited
S. Carter, Dealer
Ford a R bouts 980
Ford Touring 700
Ford Sedan 800
Ford e Snn 700
Vete Town Car o
f. o, h. Ford, Ontario
All rO om Iata!
A n n ,
t y
equipped, Inehtdhng
Moabite headlights,
I/ele men t, demerit
inehul0 speedometer