HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1916-6-22, Page 8Good Days
for Kodaking
Summer is here, and with 11 the nu
shining brightly, the conditions are
ideal for Snap Shot taking, If you
own a Kodak let us load it for you
today. If you are 110E so fortunate
we eau supply you with oue at a
email cost.
Eastman Kodaks
Cameras and Films
No, 2s Brownie Camera (2;}x4}).,,. $3 00
Vest Pocket Kodak (Ifni).— 7 00
No. 2 Brownie 21x3}) 2 00
Folding Brownie, No. 2a, Auto-
graphic (2ix4}) ...., 8 oo
4 -Bring us your Films to be developed
and printed. We can save you time,
worry and muss.
Have you used the
new Yucca 'l'alenn'
pure, soft and sooth-
ing? It is delicately perfumed and
gives the last t0uoh to the finished
toilet, Attractive tin 250,
Other of the many Talcums
we have are :
Violet Deice 'Talcum,
—Rexall Violet 'Talcum.
—Hat moray Rose Talcum.
—Trailing Arbutus Talcum,
These are all differently perfumed and
will suit the tastes of the mostartic lar
p u
F. R. H
rural ;i etas Items
FRUIT prospects are said to be good.
GET a new Telephone Directory at the
'l.'1iE grass on Victoria Park was cut
last Monday.
WEDNESDAY WES the longest day of
the year and nearly 6 months of .916
have sped.
5o CENTS in advance gets THE POST to
the close of mtg. Send it to the absen-
tees of your household.
CARETAK"R OLIVER has been busy hay-
ing with the abundant crop that grew s0
luxuriantly this season on the sides of
the streets.
roller at work finishing up Turnberry
street contract done last year, which re•
quired more rolling.
Be a tall from a wagon into which he
was elmbing, H, L. Jackson received
rather painful damage to one of bis
limbs but be is getting over his lame-
ness now.
PTE. Cams MOCRAcKEN exchanged his
Ford automobile for a motor cycle with
S. Carter and took the machine to Lon-
don with him ou Monday when be re-
turned to camp.
plans for a new pressed brick residence
for W, F. Stretton, Jeweller, Brussels.
It will be erected on William street, be-
tween the residences of Reeve Leckie
and Druggist Fox.
Dott'•r forget the Auction Sale of
Household Furniture and effects at Dr.
Holmes', William street, Brussels,
Saturday afternoon of this week, at 2
o'clock. Sale is occasioned by the in-
tended removal from town.
telegram was received by S. Carter stat -
log that his nephew, Pte. Cleve. Deo -
bow, was wounded white on duty in
Belgium. He was shot in the shoulder
and is now in a hospital in England,
Many old friends here hope he will soon
recover from the injury.
CHANGE err TRAIN TIME,—After next
Sunday the afternoon G. '1. R. express
will arrive at Brussels at 3 32 iostead of
3.42 or in other words to minutes earlier,
The evening train gotog to Kincardine
will be 5 minutes later, teaching BI tas-
sels at 8 57 instead of 8.52. No change
in the time -card of other trains.
LOST AND FotND.—Last Muuday G.
A. Best lost his gold watch. While
playing near the G. T. R. depot Earl
Stark found the timepiece. It was
brought to THE PosT to see if the owner
could be located and 'Tuesday morning
Mr. Best received the missing timepiece.
It was none the worse of its fall. There
was no chain attached.
SOLD OUT.—Toe Nicholson has dis-
posed of his barber shop to Wm. Little.
The latter has installed Joo. McCreath,
of Kincardine, to attend to the tonsorial
duties as he purposes continuing his
work as lineman on the Brussels, Grey
& Morris Telepbone Co THE Pose' is
not aware of where Mr. Nicholson pur-
poses locating, outside of tumor. We
wish him success and welcome Mr. Mc-
Creath to Brussels.
POPE--STEWART.— Another of Stret-
ford's popular ladies entered into the
holy bonds of matrimony on Saturday
night, in the person of Miss Mildred,
daughter f Wm.and Mrs
g o, Stewart, 17
West Gore Street, who was united ie,
marriage to Sergt. Arthur Chas. Pope,
of the 'loth Battalion, by Rev. Dr.
Thos. Manning, at the home of the
bride's parents. The bride, who was
hecomingly gowned in a simple dress o[
white voile, entered the parlor on the
arm of her father who gave her away.
They were unattended. Miss Edna
Geldart played the wedding march, A
large array of presents testified to the
high esteem in which the bride is held
by her many friends. Only a few friends
of the family sere present among whom
were : W. sod Mrs. Bowes, 'Toronto ;
C. Pope, Brussels; E. and Mre. Corbett,
Wingham ; Lance -Corp. E Kiug and
Pte, W. Stewart, of the riotb Batt.,
London, Sergt, Pope is a former Brus-
eelite who with his bride, will share in
the congratulations of old friends here,
Ear—Rev, C. E. Stafford, retired Metho-
dist clergyman of Elora, who was seri-
ously injured when the C, P. R. train
which left Elora on Saturday nfternoon
wee derailed about a mile and a hall
West of the town, died Tuesday morn -
lug at his home. About a dozen other
persons were hurt, the most seriously
being, Sired, Heat, badly cut about the
head, suffering from concussion of brain
and several broken ribs, condition
serious ; Leon Scott, cuts and bruises ;
Miss Stafford, bad bruise over eye, cause
lug concussion ; Arthur Miller, band
, badly cut ; Mrs. McNeil, Mr, Hunt's
mother, badly bruised. The others
escaped with minor injuries. All were
of Elora, except Mre, McNeil, whose
home is in Fergus. Rev. Mr. Stafford
was a former Methodist pastor in Brus•
sols, being in charge when the present
etiurch was built. He was a fine man
and en extra good preacher when death
Will be deeply regretted.
SATURDAY of next week will be July
rst, and a public holiday. Come to
Brussels that day and enjoy the Cele-
bration under the auspices of the Red
FRIDAY afternoon of this week, at 4
o'clock, a prayer service will be held in
the Public Library audience room to
pray for the soldiers and the Empire.
All are invited.
St6,00 were realized at the Red Cross
Circle Tea Tuesday of this week at the
Public Library audience room. The
ladies who were the hostesses did their
part splendidly.
Jeaeny sow for sale, due to calve In a few
days. FLETCHER ROE, Brussels South.
LosT,—Between Brussels and Jamestown, a
gentleman's rain coat. Finder please leave at
STRAyiD on the premises of the undersign.
ed, Lot 10, Con. 4, Morris, on or about June
11th, a sorrel roadster mare, blemished on one
front leg. Owner is requested to prove prop-
erty, pay expenses and take her away.
WM. RUTLEDGE, Brussels, P. 0. Phone 547,
CasaoE otr BDerrses.—The barber chop of
Mr. Joseph Nicholson bas been purchased by
the undersigned who has placed Mr. John Ms-
Creath, of Kincardine, in charge. He is a first-
oiaas man and will give satisfaction to the pub-
lic. Your patronage will be appreciated.
FOR ,9Ar,R.—Grand piano, good action, wat-
not case, nearly new ; 1 white enamelled Iron.
bed with springs end mattress ; also a light
cutter. Apply Tan MANSE, Wroxeter.
MAID wanted, Apply t0 Mae. F. S. SCOTT,
WANTED.—Maid general,20.00 per month to
competent person. Position permanent.
Address Mrs, E. H. CHART, 69 London Road,
Guelph, Ont.
QUANTITY goad Timothy Hay for sale. Lot
19, Con. 11, Grey Township. D. HVETHElt,
Phone 567.
GRADE Durham Bull for sale 1 year old,
gray in color. Lot 38, Con. 1, Grey township.
Phone 2024. F. BALroUa,
SETTLE A0OotjgTs.—Owing to: intended re.
moval from Brussels all accounts must he set-
tled by each or approved paper on or• before
July 1st. DR. HOLLIES.
LAWN mowers put in first-class shape end
sharpened by Geo. Edwards, Mill at•, Brussels.
Oroesay. xsaswatdewrelling ro(omanARlD, over
LIMB —Use one or two tons per acre groand
Lima atom on your corn land. It prevents
crusting, tnm'easos yield and inakas absolutely
certain a catch 0f clover when '•ceded,
CARMEN' Sa DAMES, ldrueeels.
A 0000 house for sale with stable and fruit
trees. Apply to I. 0. RiouAana.
REV. AND MRS. WREN were called to
Hensel] this week to attend the funeral
of sits John Shepherd, an aunt of the
former, who died on Tuesday. The
interment was made Thursday.
IN Noah's time it only rained 4o days
and nights but in i916 Old Probs appears
to have an uullmited program, but cheer
nip for some prognosticator says it is go•
fog to clear up after the list. That was
Wednesday of this week.
Monday morning Mrs. J F Rowland
and children left for Tillsonburg to
which town Mr, Rowland preceded
them a few weeks ago. We wish them
many happy, prosperous years in their
new home.
Tune, July sad August the Publ c
Library will be open as follows :—Tues-
day, Thursday and Saturday afternoons
from 2 to 6 o'clock, Wednesday and
Saturday evenings from 7 3o to 9 30.
Clip this item out and pin it up for your
guidance if you patronize the Library.
Lts'r Sunday afternoon the annual
Decoration servicees helda
w bymembers
of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. O.
0. F., Brussels, About 3o members
marched to the cemetery, with - R.
Henderson as Marshal. The graves of
the 3 linked brethren were decorated
be a scarlet geranium i0 a pot after
which the service was taken part in by
Bros. F, S. Scott J, G. Jones and R.
A FINE OLD LADY,—Mrs, Peter Mc-
Donald, formerly of the 7th line, Mor-
ris toweship, who is now making her
home with her sou, Malcolm McDonald,
Hruseels South, was 91 years of age last
Sunday. Por her advanced years she is
a wooderlully smart person. spending
her time in knitting and other useful
employment. On Monday Mrs. Mc-
Donald's birthday was celebrated by a
gathering of a score or more of old
tr ends who were hospitably treated by
the host and hostess. After tea con-
gratulatory words were spoken by Rev.
A. J. Manu, B. A , followed by reading
of the Scriptures and prayer, The
guests separated with the expression of
many good wishes for this guest of
honor, who had attained to so royal an
old age, Mrs. McDonald was born in
Oban, Scotland, and came to Canada
with itet husband many years ago, the
voyage occupying 6 weeke. The
vera among the pioneer ,settlers is the
towushfp of Morris and worthily per-
formed their part, Mr, McDonald cliecl
It years ago, The children are.:—
Malcolm, of Brussels, South ; Dougall,
OD the homestead ; Peter, of Berliu ;
Mrs, W. M, (Hutchinson, Grey town-
ship ; and Mrs. Naismith, of Youngs-
town, Alberta. Peter eves here from
Berlin to visit ifs mother over Sunday.
Mrs, McDonald enjoys remarkably good I
health and ie beloved by a Wide circle of
frieeds who hope she will 'reach the
century mark,
Farmers' Convention Called
The Farmers' Ciuba of this district are Inter.
bated In a Convention to be held by The Unit
ed Farmers 01 Ontario atFalmelebon on June
28th, The Chiba 4n thle district have been
ngtlfied to send representabiyee to thle Oen.
The Farmers' movement is Ontario, under
the leadership of The United Farmers of On,
tarlo, lies aeaumed such pproportlone that It la'
Inlpoeeiblo for all the Clubs to send delegates
to the big Annual Convention held eaoh Win.
ter in Toronto, -For thla reason the Animate
Mon has decided to hold five District Oonven
Mons this month et oentrat pointe throughout
Ontario, The Convention for thin district la to
be held at Palmerston on June 28th
The announcement sent to the local Clubs
Show that the speakers will be men of prom-
inence In the movement, not only In Ontario
but from the West as well, among whom are t
T. A, Orerar, President or the Grain Growers'
Grater Company, Winnipeg, Men, or John
Kennedy,Vice.Preatdent of the Grain Grow -
ere' GraiCompany ; John Pritchard, Preen.
dent of the United Fanners' Co•Operetive Co. ;
R. H. Halbert, President of the United For.
niers of Ontario ; Anson Groh, Manager of the
United Partnere' Co -Operative Company ; J,
J. Morrison, Bea -Treat of the movement. E.
0. Drury, W. L. Smith and H, B. Cowen will
also take part at some of these meetings.
The local Clubs are invited to send as man
representatives as poseiblo. Morning and att--
ternoon sessions will be held, All fanners are
especially invited to attend as theintention is
to have the-epenkers explain fully all detetls
of the movement both in relation to the oper-
ations of The United Fer sere' Co'Operative
Company, and The United Farmers of On-
ARTIST FREE has traded his motor
cycle to S. Carter on a Ford car. The
latter will likely prove more usetui as
the cycle is rather a lonesome vehicle for
a young fellow.
After 44 years of publication, the Week-
ly Mail and Empire has ceased publica-
tion. Subscribers to the Weekly will
receive the Daily Mail and Empire in-
stead of the Weekly, to the extent of
the value they have paid for. In its
notice to the pnbiic the Weekly Mail
and Empire ara'es that since the
establishment of Rural Mail Delivery so
many former readers of the Weekly have
transferred to the Daily that the manage-
ment did not consider it longer advis-
able to continue the Weekly edition It
will be remembered that the 'Toronto
Globe and London Advertiser out out
their weeklies morethan a year ago.
A LETTER from Strassburg, Sask ,
say's :—DEAR MR KERR -- Please find
enclosed post office order for $3 00, We
have allowed our subscription to get be-
hind, but this will make it right again
for a while longer. We are always glad
to get our paper and see the names of
old friends. the are all well and busy.
Had a fine seeding time and since have
had abundance of rain so crops are
looking good and every prospect of a
fine harvest. We are all wondering how
the crop is going to be harvested for
there is scarcely a young men left in our
country. I see the names of many who
have gone from your vicinity too, to
fight for our country. With best wish-
es, I remain, yours respectfully,
MRs R. M Dovon,ts.
FORD PJC.NIC —Friday, June 23rd, is
the date set for the Ford Pic-nic, at
Atirili's Grove,-Godericb. All owners
of Ford cars in Brussels, Grey and Mor-
ris townships (which will' include the
villages located in this territory) are
cordially invited. Fetch the whole
family but don't forget the essential
basket. Tea and coffee will be supplied
with hot water necessary. Mr. Carter,
the local agent, asks all to accept this
invitation as it will be impossible to call
on everybody. People are asked to as-
semble at B. ussels at g a m sharp. A
photographic group will be taken be -
tore the start is made for the Co, town.
A photographer will accompany the
pic nickers. Everybody interested is
asked to lend a band to make the oc
casion a grand success. Mark down the
date Friday, June 23rd,
Ore account of the unsettled state of
the weather the meeting of the Women's
Patriotic Society was held in the Coun
cil Chamber, Clinton, as usual iustead
of on Mrs Guno's lawn as had been in•
tended 'lea was served during the
afternoon and duriog an interval the
Vice -President, Mrs. Fair called the
meeting to order and Mrs Gone read to
Mrs. (Rev ) Attie, the retiring President.
who leaves shortly for her new home at
Wyoming, a short address expressing in
a mearure the appreciation of the ladies
of her splendid work as presiding officer
of the Society since its organization in
the Fall of 1914 and the regret felt at
her departure from town, and on behalf
of the Society, presented to her a pretty
amethyst brooch. Mrs. Allin thanked
the ladies for the gift and for the kind
words accompanying it and expressed
the warmest wishes for the success of
the Society as long as its need remained.
The general feeling is that the Society
sustains a severe loss in the departure
of Mrs Allin es she is possessed of rare
execntive ability
andd discharged
arduous duties of her office
with great
a isfoction to all concerned though
often, it is felt at great personal incon-
venience. Those immtd[ate'y ali5opiat-
ed with her alone know how exacting
were the duties and how cheerfully and
painstaking they were performed.
Ohurch Chimes
"An hour with Canada and the British
Empire" will be the topic 01 a Patriotic
service in the Methodist Sabbath School
next $u'tcley afternoon, hearing on the
coming Daininiolt Day
Nrxc Sabbath mottling will be the
annual Patriotic service io Melville
church. The members of the Sabbath
School will attend and the pastor will
give an address on "Heroes '
Annual Congregational meeting will
he held in the Methodist church, Thurs.
day eveniug of this week. Reports tvill
be presented by the various departments
for the past year, Paster will preside.
Our informant was in error feat week
fu stating that Melville Church Sabbath
School would he held before morning
service for the Summer months, as was
the ease io some former years, 'There
will be no change of hour this season.
The Synod of Huron decided to dis-
tribute 20.000 printed copies of the
charge of Rev. Dr, Williams, Bishop,
who warmly supported conscription for
Canada. The Synod was quite in so-
cird with the Bishop's views in this
Rev. Pr, Blair, formerly of this
Parish, but recently of Wttlkerville, has
been transferred to Winnipeg, where he
becomes Viear-Genet& of the new Win-
nipeg Arelr diocese and Parish pries' of
St. Marys Church, His promotiion is a
fitting tribute to his good work and
Rev D. Wren was at London `Dues.,
day of this week attending a meeting of
the Special Committee of which he and
Rev Mr. ibnert pf Wigant
, are
members, called to deal with soma
exigencies in conoeetlon with appoint.
tnent5 of seyetal Methodist ;restore In
London Conference, No changes were
A meeting of Maitland Presbytery
was held' in Wingham, on.Tuesdtt tc
deal with the call from Dixie to Rev,
Mr. Siewert, of Whitechurch. The
transfer will bo merle to the regret of
the Whitechurch end Langside oongre.
piton.: 'The Executive of Maitland
Preshsetriai also met 013 Tuesday,
Rev, and Mrs. Mann attended these
respective meetings
A very helpful Missionary Institute
was be d in Melville Church 'Tuesday
afternoon, June 13th. Delegates from 8
surrounding Auxiliaries of W. M, S.
were pirsent and each Auxiliary gave a
paper 'elating to some department of
the wet le All the p.tpersswere excel.
lent and gave splendid ideas o
b the
Missionarywork of
the church. At the
close of the lr'ogram tea was served in
the basement. The program after de-
votional exercises included :—Words of
welcome by SI is. (Rev ) Ferguson ;
Woman's place i0 world wade evangeli-
zation, Jlelgrave Society ; How to
create a true Missionary spirit at home
that will be felt in the church 2 Cran-
brook Society ; 'Things that bar the pro-
gress of Missionary activities, Ethel
Society ; Solo, Miss Isabel Strachan ;
How may we teach our children the true
act of worship i` Walton Soviet y ; Mis-
sionary Consecration of Time, Talents
and Money, Moncrieff, Wroxeter and
Mulesworth. Question Drawer was in
charge of Mrs. (Rev) Lundy. Mrs.
(Rev) McCulloch presided during the
People We Talk About
Mrs Jno. Manning is visiting relatives
in Hamilton
Mit; P. Ament was visiting with Lon-
don relatives this week.
Mrs. Clifford Sherrie is home on a
visit at the parental home,
Miss Elsie Mayberry, Wingham, was a
week end visitor in Brussels.
Mrs, Murray, Seaforth is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Geo. Henderson.
Mrs Dora McFad'zean and son, Wil.
frid, visitedtwith Listowel friends over
the week end.
Mrs Wm Spence, Ethel, has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kramer,
Queen Street.
Miss Marie Long, Craobrrok, is oo a
visit to her grandparents, T. and Mrs.
Ennis, John street.
W. W Harris is hardly as well as
usual but many old friends hope he will
soon be able to be about.
Mrs Logan left for her home in
Minneapolis on Wednesday after an ex
tended visit in this locality.
Pte Harty Wilde is reported in the
list of wounded in a recent battle,
Hope the damage will prove light,
Rev E G. Powell, Clinton, was in
town while returning from taking ser•
vices at Bluevale and Jamestowo.
Mrs, H. Rirt y and son, Stratford,
were here for a holiday with Joseph and
Mrs. Querin during the past week,
Ed, and Mrs, Town, who have been
holidaying her for the past few weeks,
left for their home in Winnipeg this
Mrs, R F, Downing. who underwent
an oparetion last week, is recovering
quick'y and will soon be as well as ever
we hope
Mrs. Edward Lo,vey, Wroxeter, and
her sons, Pte. Edgar, of London Camp,
and Fred., were visitors in Brussels last
Last week Harold, son of Geo and
Mrs Henderson., had an operation for
removal of adenoids but is about quite
smart again.
H. W. end Mrs. Hart, of McKinney
Texas. are welcome visitors with L W.
and Mrs, Ruttan, Queen street, The
former is a nephew.
Robt, Thuell was home from London
over Sunday. Jno Nivins, of Blyth, is
in charge of Brussels Electric Light
plant meanwhile.
Miss Mina Hunter, Stratford, was
visiting a' her parental home this week,
She and Miss Hunter spent a few days
with relatives at Bervie
Sergts. Burchill,and Porter and fetes.
Lyle McCracken, Angus Kerr, Joe
Thuell and W. Sholdice were home from
the London Camp over Sunday.
Mrs. Jno. Bateman has been laid aside
owing to injdries from a fall in which
she spraiued her ankle, We hope she
will soon regain her usual activity
Mrs. S, Bell and little daughter, Wil.
ma, have returned to their home at
Teeswaler Mas IA Lamont, the
went former's sister ten balk with them
Harold and Mrs, N F Gerry went to
Guelph last Tuesday, the former to have
an operation at the hospital. We hope
he will soon he able to return improved
in health.
Misses Rocldlck, of London, formerly
of Brussels, are visiting at the home of
R. Douglas, near Wroxeter, MIs.
Douglas is a niece, being formerly Miss
Fannie Sample,
We are sorry to hear that Mrs, D. Me,
Quarrie, Albert street, is quite poorly
from a disabled limb, which is giving
her considerable trouble but we trust
she may 50012 improve
Mise Clara Hunter, of town, and her
sister, Miss Mina, of Stratford, were
visiting at the home of their brother,
Rev, Jas E Hunter, Charing Cross,
Kent Co , for a few days,
Wednesday of this week was the wed•
ding day of Miss Pearl Sharpe and W,
H. Ibberson, ceremony being pertarmed
at the home of the bride's sister, Dau-
phin, Man„ by Rev. Mr. Poole.
Lorne and Mrs, Pringle end Miss
Pearl Smith, sister to Mrs, Pringle, of
Toronto, are holiday visitors for a few
weeks with Mrs. 'Phos, Maxwell, John
street, Mr. Pringle was a former Bros.
setile. who is always welcome hack.
M and Mrs Fraser and Miss Ela at'
tended the Fraser—Scott wedding at
Morrfsbank, Wednesday of last week.
The bridegroom le a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser, The new'y wedded couple are
comfortably looalet] on the Fraser home-
stead, 2nd Con., Grey township.
Wnrtl was received of the death of
Pte. Donald McLeod. formerly of Trow-
bridge, who vas killed while fighting
the Empire's hait'ee on Js.ie 4111. He
enlisted at Fort Quie, Appelle, ,Mart,
The brave soldier boy was a cousin to
Mrs, N. 5, Mc-Gauchlin, of Brueseis,
Our Savings Bank provides a suitable and
convenient place for your surplus Funds,
A joint account Is specially adapted for
those going overseas.
LET'D foraApply to
G. H. SAMIS, O O LI Manager.
9•' e—++•ir'i•-FH-'i'fi'i++,r•r'F'i"h'F+'iF++•
Men , 11.4 +
•+++'FR'3'dd'$'i'i'♦d'.tA'p'p.';.'h ++++++++++++++++++++++•••
Senator Daniel Derbyshire died at
his home in .Bt.'oekville Sunday even -
Senator Derbyshire, who was ap-
pointed to the upper chamber in 1907
had been seriously i11 for three weeks.
He suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Pneumonia set in late last week and
he gtvutually sank, He was born
Dee. 11, 1846, at Plutn Hollow, Leeds
County. In business he had been a
produce merchant and took an active
interest in dairying, being Preeident
of the Eastern Ontario Dafrymen'a
Aseociation. He was :a Liberal in
polities and a Baptist Senator Der-
byshire married, in 1809, Mary A.
Cawley, who survives, with one son,
Counciilor John A. Derbyshire.
Three brothers and four sisters also.
mourn, namely : Blattltew, Vancou-
ver, 13. C. ; Wilifamarid Lindley, Mrs.
Andrew ()oboe, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs.
Jacques and Mrs. Dale, all of Nor-
wich, Ontario. The funeral was held
Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Lizzie Cardiff is attending a
Summer School at London,
Robert McMartin, of Hensall, and his
son, Wm. Allan McMartin, were here
to visit their mother, at Mrs, Wilton's.
Mr. Jeffersou, of Fordwich, and Miss
McNabb are presiding examiners this
week over the Hearten Class of 43
writing on the.exams at Brussels.
Dr. Geo, Ross, Wingham, was in
town on Wednesday as was l.ouncillor
W. Isbister and company. Both motor-
ed over.
A. 'Reymann is in London this
Pte. Fischer was home over Sunday
from London Camp.
W. Pennington caught a sucker in
the river weighing 2 pounds.
Chas. Gorsalitz, 12th Con., bas one
of the best gardens on the line and
maybe the best.
Walter Noble went to London last
week to enlist in the 161st Battalion.
We wish hits luck.
Although some of our boys are far
away they remember the Red Cross
by sending their donations.
Morris Council
At the Court of Revision held on
May 10th, on the Aesessrnent Roll the
assessment on A. Rose' farm was re-
duced $250 and on H. Rutledge's
farm $200. A grant of $200 was made
to the 141st Huron Battalion to assist
in procuring a field kitchen and a mess
tent. The report on the Burke Drain
was read and referred back to the
Engineer. Wm, Thuell was appoint-
ed Inspector of tile on the Robb
Drain.—The reports on the Warwick
Drain arid on the McNeil. Drain were Hoge
finally adopted. A complaint was re- Hav
Belgrave station on the t'oadaide.
This is contrary to the township By-
laws and the 0oimail decided to en-
force the bylaw to prevent this
Following accounts were paid ;—Dr.
Bryant, B. 0. 11., $25 ; J. Shortreed,
1-1. Johnson and A. MacEwen each,
$8.00W. Abram,disinfecting, $49.-
50 ; 1. Laidlaw, $14.50 ; S. Pard,
formaldehyde, $11.00; W. 13 Kerr,
13 -larva Warwick Drain, $12.00, Mc-
Neil Drain, $12 50, printing and ad-
vertising, $10.00 • A,. MacEwen,,
Clerk's fees and By-laws Warwick and
McNeil Drains, $72 50 ; Treasurer of
Blyth By -Tawe and Clerks fees Blyth
Creek Extension Drain, $7.00 ; T,
Wallace, filling washout, $1.00,; J.
rrown, cement ' culverts, $8..50 ; O.
Bembridge, fixing culvert, 50ets. ; J.
Gibson, 81 loads gravel, $30.00 ; W.
13, Humphries, board and nurse for
sick infant, $10.58 ; Walker &Black,
frame for Township map, $3.75:
Johnston, Fraser and Shot'treed, dele-
gates to Hydro -Radial -Railway meet-
ing, Toronto expenses, $0.00 each ; W.
Smith, culvert, $8.00 ; W. J. Scott,
filling washout, 138 00 ; J. Hunter, fill-
ing washout, $8.00 ; A: MacEwen, ex-
press, 25ets. ; T. Aller, salary, post-
age, express and map, $88.90.
Next meeting at the Township Hall,
June 28th.
A. MAOEWRN, Clerk.
DeNNreoN.—In Walton, on Stine 951t, 1918, to
Mr, end Mrs, J. C. Dennison, a eon—In-
grain Bolton.
FORSYTH —At Frobisher, Seek., on June 8rd,
1916, to Mr. and dire, Hugh Forsyth, a eon,
HOLM ee.—In Brusreie, on June 16th 1918, to
Mr, and. Mrs. Welber Holmes, a 16th,
MITCHELL,—In Ethel, on June 16th, 1918, to
Mi. and Mrs. George Mitchell, a daughter.
MOINNEe.—In Grey Township, on Tune 19th,
1916 to Mr. and Mre, Wm, McIenes, a eon—
Wilbur Scott.
MCOALL,—In Morris, on June 14th, 1916, to Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, A. McCall, a son—John
Doasox—WooLaIDaa,—On June 1411), 1018, by
Rev George Hartley, grandfather of the
bride, aseleted by Rev. A.B. Dobson, father
of the groom, Ada Batelle, daughter of the
iondleto Mr and M.re. E. Weolrldge, Palmer-
ston, to Mr. W. P. Dobson, Df. A. So., Tor-
FRAesa—Suopr. At Maple Grove Farm, Turn -
berry Township, on ,Tune 14th, 1916, by Rev.
Crawford Tate, Mr. John G. Fraser, of
Grey Township, to Mies Florence Mabel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. 0, Scott,
Turn berry.
HOIT2e—EDGAR: At the Presbyterian church,
Weyburn, Beak., on .Tune 14th, 1918, by Rev.
Mr. McIntyre, Edna F., eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Edgar, Wroxeter,
Out., to Mr. J. A. Bonze, Mayronne, Sask.
Pons—SToWART.—In Stratford, on June 17th,
1916, by Rev. Dr. Manning, Sergi, A, 0.
Pope, of the 110th Batt., to Miss Mildred,
daughter of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Stewart,
WARDLAw--ERNaY.—At the home of the
bride's parents, on June 19th, 1915, by Rev.
T. W. Johnson, Dr. Wardlaw to Miss Mary
LuellaofE, thdnnghtel.er of Mr, and Mre, M. Henry
Wheat t 95
Peas 1 15
Barley 60
Eggs r 29
14 00
2 10
ceived that garbage was dumped near Potatoes per bas
�0 �k:
i! StorE:
• A few Seasonable Articles •'
• Sulpha Tobacco
Z• Soap
♦ For use on piants, shrubs and •
trees, A epleudid article for 4'
i the treatment of rose bushes •
• when applied in the form of
spray or wash will effectually •
destroyaltsuckinginsects •
I such aaphis, mealbug and •
red spider. ••
leo and 25c P package per acka e •
i 1701' worms on you bushes use
Hellebore -10c and 150 pkgs. ••
Housekee ere
r o
t •
i a
Ware Paper •
IGrease proof, Dontain82
• sheets fine whitewaxed paper •
1248 inches. Very useful for •
lining baking tins to prevent
sticking, also packing sand-
wiches, &e., for lunches—ex-
•cludes air and dampness.
100 per package
• Blanco
• Very serviceable for cleaning
• white eltoee, &c.
5c per cake
: • Colorite
• Colors old and new straw hats,
= making them look like new, in
•a great variety of colors.
• 25c per bottle
Straw Hat
Z Cleaner
• For cleaning straw hats of
i every kind. Can be done in a
•. few minutes and with most
0 satisfactory results. e
• Fly S
• Swats •
• Kills but does not crush the 2
• fly. Will not break glass. •
• Will not scratch nor soil the •
• most delicate fabric or surface. 0
• . l0c each •
• —A1' 0
• •
• e
• The,Penslar Store4.
SATURDAY, Joan 24th. Household Forni
tura, Mo,, at 2 p. in., at reofdenoeof Dr. Hames,
Brussels. Dr, W. L. Holmes, Prop ; F, el.
Scott, Ana
Steer Strayed
Yearling steer atreyed from the premises of
the undersigned, Red in color with while
markings and small borne. Infnrmatinn an to
his whereabouts will be thankfully ren' ived,
Phone 624 Ornnbrook,
Teacher Wanted
Normal Teacher wen ted for 8. S. No. 1, Mor-
ris Township. Applicant to e'fate salary and
amid testimonials. Deities to commence alter
vacation. Send appltcatlono to
TAS. W. SCOTT, Blyth P. O.
Farming Prospects
In many districts are not good, with exeesiive
$ p6 rains preventing seeding, eta. Yon can earn
6o good wages in various manufacturing trades—
'50 all branches — for young women end men.
60 Help oat finances at home. Help au it onr
soldiers with urcesesry clothing, war tenni-
MMus, eta, Employment for whole tamihee—
g to workers over 14 yrore old. Write
2 10 HESPELER, Ont.
• ♦..••• ♦♦/,NN00440004404 ♦•4 000•N00410N♦•♦••♦•00♦00 •••••♦♦♦N+
Brussels Dayli•
ght Store • G.B. lareo
•♦• ••
0 •
.Bi _
ghest Prices for Produce
Splendid Stocks of all lines of Seasonable Dry Goods
Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats.
Complete stocks of Summer Underclothing in Ladies', Men's and Children's sizes,
Ladies' and Misses' White Muslin and Embroidered Dresses,
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Middies and Middy Dresses.
A splendid stock of all Wash Goods in White Voila, Embroidered Voila,
Muslins and Voils, White Duck, Reps and Picques,
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Slippers.
First-class stock of Ladies' White Waists.
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits—Bi Stocks S cells and Big Values.
r■■ ■ u ■
" •
•Colored f,
y e•♦•e•N•♦•♦•••••♦•••••••*44.00..400••••••••••••••••000•o•••••••••••••••••+••