The Brussels Post, 1916-6-22, Page 5} RoRar�..Yo'wrkMSd�i:•R�ir�.,.*, 'a�bwv,,.:,wuN BUSINESS CARDS, Business O.artls AND JN0 iSUTHERLpND• SONS JAS. ANDERSON, E N. & VETERINARY SURGEON, LIMITBD V �7.wA Sucaassor to M. H, Moore, Office at Ander. pv ti��� �r�� son Bros. Livery stable, Bruseuls, Telephone No. 20, G8br• ARTS Owstatuo WM. SPENOE OONVEYANOER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIQENSES Nee In the Pest cairn, saheb 80.4 AUCTIONEERS. 1.0 S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION. eon,. will Bell for better prl000, to better loan, in lees time and lose chargee than any ether Auotfoneer In East Huron or be won't obarge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at 85(1 office or by personal appitoation, LEOAI ANiD CONVEYANCING. +(`/A/T M. SIN GLAIR— 7 V • Burrloter, Bolloilor, Conveyancer, Notary rublie, 4ko. canoe—Btevrart'e Block 1 door Nor 1.12 of central Hotel. 8oliolter for the Metropolitan Hauls. Gratin; T eyem liazzirar BRUSSELS G01N0 80001 GOING /tonsil Express 7:18 a m Mail, 11:22 a In Express 8:45 p m Express 8:52 p m Qiyd misiIlaZdly "r' a ezedua WALTON To Toronto To Goderloh Express 11:88 am Express 7:60 n m I Ex p Express 8:19 p in Express 8:54 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 a. =and 8:40 p. m, Going west - 12:19 and 9:5B p. m. All trains going East connect with O. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T G. B. stations, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent, LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON -HAVRE.. Fine, modern steam- ers — equipped with every oomfort and luxury. For infer. motion apply agents, or StWToronto W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels, A. RAYMANN is prepared to supply the best goods in Windmills, Iran and Wooden Pumps and Stable Fittings, such as Piping, Wat- er Bowls for stock, &e. Repairs to Pumps promptly attended to. Give me a call. raobroo 11 SAYMANN C k Oreg. ria" ®`4e21, r� aWrsaveesa` CENTRAL // X11 TRATFORD.. ONT„ You Can Secure a Position Y 74 If you take n °purse with us The de - mond upon us for trained help to many thnes the number graduating. Stu- to p,r2 dents are entering eooh week. You ,.1 111our8y enterfreeontelanyoguetime. Write at once for u 174 . tr D. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal. •taM xe,ir 1/4l1n/.4.CSe. vbY,dG3YGtlS1r�GvE�i stive.. THE Best Brains In Canada hive participated in the pre- paration of our splendid Home Study Ooursee In Banking, Economics, Higher Accounting, Commercial Art Show Card Writing,, Photography Journal• thnl. Short Story WriTti ng, Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Relent the work which most interests you and write us for partioulnre. Address THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 301-7 vongo St., Toronto ®lElie® COLLEGE i4T HOME Thousands of nnlbl Hone young pea- tle are fast preparing in their own 101110s t0 °Coney 10011 11101 positions 118 etenograpbers, bookkeepers, telegra- phers, own servants, in foot every sphere of notivitlos, You long finish at oollege if You so wish. Positions guar- anteed, )Outer college hely day, hull, vldual hlntruotimn. Expert tenohers, Thirty years oxporimmo. Largest trailers In Cando. Seven (choses, Speolal oottree for tea0itere, Affiliated Wlth OOlnnlerotal Edwin - toes Association et Oanoda. Stammer S&hoof at famous Spotton Buslnoso 001 - lege, Leeson. Wingham Business College Ono.:41OTTON, W. T, 5801048, President. Prhtelpnl. OIMIEMEMNIENNEEmitmo T. T. M' RAE M.B.. M. O. P., R. O. M. 0. H., Village or Bruosels, Physician, Surgeon, Aeoouohour Office over Standard Bank DR. P. T. BRYANS Baoholor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate of College of Pllyemiana and Sur- geons, Ontario ; ox•Senior Hopes Surgeon of Western I7 oopital, Teron to. Offices of late Dr, A...Mogevey, Smith plook, Brussels. Rural phone 40, DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Phystoian and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitals, Special attention todlooase of eye, ear, nose and throat, Eyes tested for glasso0, G. H. ROSS, D.D.S„ L.D.S. Graduate of L2oyal. College of Dental Sur. Toronto Faculty of De Ibl tate Univerelty ot. Office In Isard Block, Wingham Phone 249. Poet Office box 278 Painless Extraction, Plate work and Bridge Work a Specialty MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, McCormick Medical College, Chicago, Ill„ is prepared to test eyes and 111 gleecee at her office over Mies Inman's millinery store, Office davo—Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -10 to 12 a. M. ; I to a p. m. Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1219. OR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night malls. Office opposite Flour M111, Ethel, JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Satlefaotlon assured ; Ohargeo moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Braesele and North Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P.O. PROUOFooT, NILLOHAN & PROUOFOOT Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c, Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, GODERICH. ONT, Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. PnOODFOOT, K. O. .7. L. K1LLORAN WM. PROUDFOOT JR. zstrirt ¢ s Fordwich Robt, A. Ashton, Ford agent, of Gorrie, delivered a new 5 -passenger car to Neil McDermitt, 4th line. Wm. and Mrs. Goggle i G 1 ails Allam and gg Mrs. Spence were i11 London attend- ing a d - ing Synod. The two farmer also visited at Kenwood. Annual meeting of shareholders of tlih'Furdwich Union Scale Company will be held au Lite 0. 0. F. Hall, over the Post Office, Saturday, June 21511, at 7 o'clock. Animal meeting of the shareholders 0f Springbaunk Telephone Company, Limited, will be held in Brown's Hall, Fordwich, Wednesday, June 28t11, at 1 o'clock. While John Darroch,. Lakelet, was out of hie store for a few minutes, the cash till wag tampered with and (vet $30 takeu. The culprit was a y0uug lad belonging to the village and the money has been 1 eturued Lo ile right- ful owner. A. goose, belonging to Mrs. Joseph Williamson, Boundary West, hatched out 8 goslings this Spring and now has commenced laying again. Listowel The Orangemen of this Incality will celebrate July 12511 at Palmerston. Rev. W. 11. Dunbar and H. Heins- wurth attended the annual meeting of the Huron Synod at Louduu, Listowel has about a dozen cases of measles and wile' al cases of mumps al. the present time, but they at'e all of a mild type. The schedule for the junior series of the W. F. A. is as follows :— June 28—Poole vs, Hessou July 1—Wroxeter vs. !lessen July 7—Poole vs. Wroxeter July 11—Bes8on vs. Wroxeter July 18—Itessoi vs. P11010 July 24—Wroxeter 09. Poole Employees of the Malcolm Furtfi lure factory organized a Busebell team, the following officers being elected : President, A. 18 M'ticolw ; Vice President, A. Wahl ; Manager, O. Rocher; Secretary, A. 7Hallman ; Captain, D. Small ; T'rwtei nor, .14, Bennett'; Managing onn,Mit! ee, D. Yager, E, Ogden, J. Stew- art, J. Moorehead, H. Hamilton, J. Blackmore, E, Weppler. Clinton George Garter is confined to his bed with 1ofhubtint 1,wy rheumatism. L. 0. L. 8ervi9l• on 801111ay after- noon, July 211d, in the Town Hall. \'V. G, ;Medd, IVinchelsea, purchased a large Clinton truck for hauling hut- beraud cream. Miss McLaren, nurse, left for Spokane, Washington, where she will visit iolatives for a while. Sunday evening the O. 0. F., of d visiting in Clinton, g elhren attend- ed divide set vice in Wesley church, when Rev. W. L. Rutledge, D, D., preached. At a recent meeting of Ilie Clinton branch of the Viral, Auxiliary the re- signation of President, Rev. 3, IC, Fa115 111, who recently enlisted i11 the Huron 13utalion was received. John Torrance was elected to the vacant Shall,. ' The officiate and congregation re- flteed to accept the resignation of Pester T'airfull, who enlisted with the 161st., granting 111111 instead leave of absence fol' an indefinite period. Ar- rangements have been made with Humid Eastman, Arknna, a student, to take charge of the work at Clinton and Auburn during the p1185010 ab- sence. Nese • ,Among the young men Ordained in. to the trilobite), of the MethodistChurch, at Toronto (111nieence, was M Hartley W, Watts, son of 1110 tale Er ��Fired, Walla, fpl 011111 of Clinton,�IlL CHIEF Hartley was born in ('I atoll, and re- connection ueived hie early religious training in , or LOVEflVOMAN with the Ontario street church, St at'orth Mrs. James Archibald is on a visit to friends in Saginaw, , N. T. OIntY, who was in the London hospital, is improving rapidly, Mee, \V, Harley was called to Whit- ton owing to the serious illlees of Dr, Russel Hat try. 'Mrs. F, A, Larkin has returned from a pl",tram visit; with Friends in Galt and Guelph. J'llare will be an afternoon picnic on the grounds of the Catholic Church, Seltforth, on Dominion D.Ly, The millinery staff of Stewart Boos, held a picnic on Monday evening of last week at the Egmnndville dam. Mts. 11. H. Roes received word that her brother, who has been serving in the trenches in retinae, was wounded. Goderich County Clerk Lane accompanied the Road acid Bridge Committee in in- specting bridges after the June ses- sion. Last week's arrivals at the elevator were the Mariska, with 150,000 bushels of wheat and oats and the Dottie with 143,000 bushels of wheat and oats. Mrs. ilobt. Clark left for Chicago to attend the graduation of iter daugh- ter, Miss Pearl, as trained nurse, who stood at the head of her class in the North Western University. Jamas Steel, who is enlployed at the Paget GrainDoor Oo's plant had his left baud cut off by the swing Saw he was operating. The rope holding the balance wheel broke and the saw came forward and severed his wrist. The people of the Nile presented Ohae. and Mrs. Girvin, who are mov- ing to Goderich about the let of July, with a handsome silver tea set and chair and an address expressing the esteem in which they are held in the community in which they have re- sided for many years. • St, Patrick's Park, Lhe little triang- ular beauty spot at the intersection of St. Patrick and Arthur street, upon which a Sag pole has been erected, has been presented with a handsome new Union Jack, said to be one of the largest pieces of bunting in town, by Capt. Ed. Robinson. A successful medal contest in reciting and singing was held at the Temperance Hall under the auspices of the local branch of the W. 0. T. U. Silver medals were awarded both for singing and reciting, the winners be- ing Miss Mande Howell, in reciting and Miss Agnes Smith in singing. A gold medal contest for the district is to be held shortly in Exeter. HURON CO, COUNCIL (Continued from last week) Messrs. Powell, Cooper, Knight and Sawyer appeared before the Council giving information and asking the Council to appoint a constable on sal- ary to assist In enforcing the Can- ada Temperance Act. E1 win and Smallacomhe that the Warden, Messrs. Govenlock, Stewart (Seafortb), Stewart (Ashfield), and Taylor be a cominittee to look into the gond roads question and report at the December meeting of the Coun- cil; also that the reeves of the dif- ferent municipalities take it up in Muir. icipal Councils and prepare to report the feelings of Council at the De- cember meeting. . Moved in amendment by Shortreed and Arineteong that no action be taken in the good roads question at present. The auleudi1neu1 was lost. Elliott and Lobb that we recon- sider the matter of increasing the grant to the War Auxiliary for the 18180 13at1alinn. Carl led. Nairn and Love that the following words be added to clause three of the report of the Executive Committee : `'that auy further expenditure that the Warden and Treasurer find neces- sary, over this =omit, will be guaranteed by this Council Carried. The report of the Equalization Com- mittee was presented and considered in committee. Moved by Messes. Doig and Powell that the assessment of Howick and 'I'urnberly townships be reduced $3 per acre. Lost. Bisset 111181 ()rich that the equalized value of Colborne township be reduced to $38 per acre. Lust, The report .vas then adnpled as read. Govenlock and Ellerington that for yelling the debentures each member .211111 committee be paid his actual expenses a11d 1650. Carried. On Motion of Lobb and Laithwaite, the Council adjourned to meet again OP the first Tuesday in December, Special Onmrnittee , eporled ae fol- lows Re menial Convention of the Ontario i\inuicipal Association, we re- commend than no action be taken. Rr organization Uneetiug called by Lhe Mayor of Toronto, for June 125h, we not having any direct information tegurding the Association, we recom- mend no action be taken. Re motion to hold the December ses- sion of the Council in Exeter, we re- eomntend that on account of the late- ness of the weskit) that we do not ac- cept the kind invitation of the Reeve of Exeter. Re inter-nt ban roads communication •o l n from united oountiee of Stormont, Dundas and GIe"garey, we recotu- mend .no action be token. 1Le motion of 0. A. Nair n and J, A. Stewart we iecotnmend ae follows A central executive committee of the Soldiers' Aid Commission be formed in the town of Gbderieh, also a local branch in each munillipality 00nsi8t- ing of the Reeve and the War Auxili- my for the purpose of looking after the interests of the returned soldiers of the municipitlities and to report to, the Central Executive at Goderich. We recommend further that the County Soldiers' Aid Onutnti0810n be linked up with the Provincial Soldier's' Aid OOmuniseion and Lillian necessary expenses al (sing 51(eee2rom be met; by the County Council when certified by Mon of Juetiee, $104000 ; /Rill ✓ 000 ; Division Court Jury, $1100 ; Schools, $261)001 School Management, $8,200 ; Gtants $2,005 • Municipal G lv et u- oe $B4ODU , Stationery, eta . $1,000 ; Lon,tice, oto., $500 51)-,elhuneuue, 4,500 , County Propel ty, $1,500 ; Roads 1111(1 1311(1gl s, $,422,71 ; InduelrlLtl Ilorme, 1(7,000 1 Bi10'hlge Uobeuture Ln- tele•rt, $1,200 ; Bridge Debenture, No. $oft, Clear, Smooth Skin Comas With 2, Interest $80Q ; Patriotic Deben- Lnres, hltoleal, $3,000 ; Pith 'olio De - The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TIVES". beaLure Sinking Feed, $8,800 , Patri- NORAH WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto. Nov. 10th, 1915. A beautiful complexion is a handsome woman's chief glory and. the envy of her less fortunate rivals. Yet a soft, clear skin—glowing with health—is only The natural result ofpure Blood. "I was troubled for a considerable mei leasanL disfiguring. time with every ¢ Rash, which covered my face and for which I used applications and remedies without relief. After using'11•'rult-a- tives" for one week, the rash is com- pletely gone. I am deeply thankful for the relief and in the future, I will not be without "Fruit-a-tives". NORAH WATSON. 50c. a box, 6 for •$2.50, trial size, 250. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. the 'Warden, the County Treasurer, and the President of the Executive of Goderich: Re motion of J. A. Stewart and C. A. Nairn, we recommend that no ac- tion be taken. Re motion of J. M. Govenlock and Charles Stewart, we in our opinion think this to be a move in the proper direction but we would leave this question to the Council as a whole to decide whether any action at present be taken or not. Executive 'Committee reported as follows : That no action be taken no application of O. M. Robertson _in yfor in- crease on tender rice for supplying P Ppg potatoes to the jail as the saute might establish a bad precedent. Re motion of Dewar and Mitchell asking for the return of Money grant- ed and paid by municipalities to- wards recruiting the 161st Battalion, we recommend that the demand of the motion be gtanted, as all neces- sary expensesforrecruiting is being paid by the County grant. Re motion of Sinallacolnbe and Hardieg asking for a graunt. of $8,000 to the \Var Auxiliary with similar re- strictions to grant of $2,000 made in January last. we recommend that a grant of $2,500 be matde. A communication from Hon. W. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, notify- ing the 0nunty to 'deposit the sum of $2,82082 to the credit of the Li- cense Fund for the year following the 1st day of May, 1916, we recommend that the deposit be. made. Re letter from Sheriff Reynolds con- cerning discharged prisolees, we re- commend that no action be taken at present. The Road and Bridge Committee commended as follows : That the En- gineer's n.gineer s report be accepted and print- ed in the minutes. Re motion of Er- win and Ford 1e Bayfield bridge we recommend that the Eneiueer and Road and Bridge Committee inspect same. - Re Taylor and Elliott motion re- specting Exeter bridge that no action be taken. Re St. Joseph bridge that she En- gineer and Road and Bridge Commit- tee inspect.same, Re Bissett and Steuart motion te- garding OolboLne and Ashfield bound- ary, we recommend that Engineer and Committee examine sande, Re Ruller and Pike bridge—that we accept the ruling of the railway and municipal board as final. Re motion of Leckie and Milne re- gaeding Brussels bridge, we recoup. mend that the County grant $145 Ito Smitllac0mbe and Erwin motion re Deviation Road between Turn berry and Blast Wawanoeh, we recommend that the solicitor be asked for advice. Re Bissett and Doig motion regard- itigr Stilt fel d Wage, that, the saute be lett in the hands of the Oo,mnittee. Rs motion of Stewart and Dalton regarding the Dungannon bridge, we recommend that the commlttee ex- amine the same, The County Treasurer estimated the Expenditures and Receipts for 1015 as follows : Expenditures—Adutinistra- Rlan€s Choice assortment of Geraniums and Annuals :zing Cabbage, Cauliflower, g , w , To mato and House Plants Agent for Dale's Out Flowers. MISS KELLY, LLY, 48-4 Brussels Greenhouse, otic Debentures No. 2, Sinking Fund, $40000; Pt p'io( lo Deb. No. 2, lo - I Paull, $91,722.72. Receipts—Surplus, 81,:307 20 ,• Lieenses, $1,0(11) ; Inteleel, $100, Tota', $2,407 20 ; 13alance, $90,- 31 5 90,-315 48. L•ducetinn Department repotted ae I'ollon's : Wermeoummend the payment of $40185 to the Haeriston High 7chn ,l, 1 his being the amount due for ilium ()meal pupils attending the 11111.1 is1ou School, less $142, the a- un.awC of it e;' paid. That the resigna- tion of Itev. D. \V, Collies, be accept- ed ae lie has moved out of the County and that William Lane be appointed kti hid 5(1000581OP, \V09 recommend the expenses 01' Rev. Collins to last meet- ing of the Senate, amounting to $8,90, be paid. County Property Commit Lee report- ed that they had visited the jail and found all departments clean and in good order, the two prisoners express- ing themselves an hawing no fault to tied with their treatment. They re- eonlrnended that the request of the jailor for repairs to the eavetroughing on the house, be repaired, That the steel raises and boxes ordered last veal, for the Registry Office, had been installed 01001 d(ig 50 contract. Court -House building and offices are in good condition, clean and comfortable, House of Refuge Committee re ort - ed thatLhey had made a careful e x• anivatinn of the House of Refuge, outbuildings and farm, and found the new keeper. itIr. Brown and the new matron, Mis. Brown, and the assist- ant matron, Mies Hicks, very compe- tent, careful and painstaking 0ffieiale. They recommended that the salary paid to the old keeper be now paid to M e. Brown and also that Mrs. Brown's salary be raised to the old figure. The salaries of the keeper and the matron will now be $800 and $400 respectively, The tender of 141r. Gas. eels fol meat at 15e. per pound per quarter was accepted. They recom- mended that Dr. Shaw act as phyei- clan ab the House of Refuge during the absence of Major Dr. 3. W. Shaw. COUNTY COURT Judge Dickson Receives Compliments of the Bar on His Elevation itu. • The sittings of the County Court and the General Sessions last week were marked by the first appearance on the bench of Judge L. H. Dickson, and the occasion was trade an oppor- tunity interchange for the interchae of kind words and felicitations between His Honor and the members of the legal profession %vim were present. On the opening of court on Tuesday afternoon Crown Attorney Seager, speaking on behalf of the other mem- bers and as the oldest member of the bar in Huron, expressed his pleasure at having the privilege of congratula- ting His Honor on the occasion of his elevation to such an important posi- tion. He referred to the feeling of confidence which he shared with the other members of the legal profession that the newly appointed judge would uphold all the best traditions of the bench. In replying Judge Dickson express- ed his appreciation of the kind words which had been spoken. He said he appreciated the honor which had been bestowed on him. He recognized that his position was one of deep resp0nai- bility and it would $e hie utmost en- deavor to uphold all the best tradi- tions of the bench. He was determin- ed to do, what in his opinion and best judgment, was right and proper, nn matter what the consequences might be. In the administration of the criminal law he would endeavor to overrule justice with mercy, wherever the circumstances would justify such action. He was always in favor of giving criminals a second chance. This did not meat) His Honor continu- ed, that the path of the criminal would be easier than in the past. He would endeavor to judge with all candor and to reprehend with every feeling of mercy. His appointment to the bench he said, was under pleasing conditions. His predecessor, Judge Doyle, had re- tired with an unblemished record and with the admiration and respect of the bar and was now enjoying a well- earned rest. Referring to his collea- gue, Judge Holt, he spoke of the long friendship that had existed between theta and expressed the hope that Judge Holt's long experience on the bench would be of great assistance to him, So far as he was concerned there would be no.distinction between the junior and senior judges and he hoped for a constant co-operation. The barristers present were Messrs. Proudfnot, Garrow, Killoran and Dancey and Crown -Attorney Seager, all of Goderich ; Major Hays and 3. M. Best, both of Seaforth and 1. R. Carling, of Exeter. Of the criminal cases on the docket Roy Metcalf was acquitted with the charge of arson, and the charge of subordination of perjury against Wil- liam Hendee, was adjourned to the December sessions, as the defendant failed to aPPThe tai:1 charge o n f theft g t against David Brown was not tried, certain representations being made by Crown Attorney Seager to the 001105 which rendered it advisable to remove the case from the docket. In Lhe list of civil cases to be tried by jury the first case was that of Dunken vs. Decker, in which the plainlif1 Dnnken ie claiming damages for injuries suffered in an accident at the races at Hayfield Fair last Fall. The grand jury which completed Re- work on Wedrnesday, Made the follow- ing presentment : To His Honor Judge Dickson. Your grand jury i11 making their presentation to the tenet now 111 ties - elm) take this opportunity of compli- menting you, sir, upon your elevation to the bench as Miler judge for the sN••••e••Bn••••••••4••••••o•••eseelreeseee ieeeoese+� r s • *BUGGIES! ES! BUGGIES!, Mao• ei 2 HO dit •Largerand More Assorted Stock • • a of Buggies this Season than ever o ® ALOOK through 111 WAN & Oo's three show Looms will 001(0)1100 •a any intending buyer that it doesn't pay to purchase any other s • than these J3uggiee, They aremade of first -plass material, Inoet • • desirable in style and design together with easy draft, and guaranteed • to last longer than any other Make. When repairs are • required every • • part can be found at EWAN & Oo's Factory at half.prioe and short ,• • notice. No advance in prices on our Buggies this yeas. Prices are • •• low and every Buggy guaranteed, •• • Buy 11 Ewan Buggy and encourage home trade. Give us a call and • • we will satisfy you In price and style, A Number of Wagons always on hand, • • all Oak and Rock Elm, at Low Prices. 0 Y Rigs Re -painted and Repaired and promptly looked after. • • E/"Please pall and see our new Home-made Buggies. • "BOOST BRUSSELS" is our motto, • • • In thanking our Customers for past patronage we would like to • •' 11/11/0 a record -breaker business in 1010, For low prices go to • • • Carriage 4••i • d. Ewan &COS Factory Re-rubbering Rubber Tires a Specialty. 48.8'• • • ••••••••••••••••••••l,••••9 ••••NN•••••••••S•••••••• • • •Get Your • • S • • •• MADE AT • 3_ free Bros, Studio • and SAVE MONEY THEREBY • Z All work guaranteed, •• • Appointments can be made for • • taking Family Groups or out- • ea door Pictures through the ; • Country. • • We sell all • kinds of Picture e • Frames. • 3 Free Bros. le • ••••N•n•N•••••••••••••••• County of Buton and may we express the hope that you may long be spared in health and strength to perform the duties appertaining to your judicial position. In our visit through the County buildings, court house, regis- try office and jail, we were pleased with the state of order and cleanliness setae() was applicable to each institu- tion. We are pleased to find only one prisoner in confinement and he being there for no fault of his own ; he ex-. pieseed himself as having no com- plaints as to his treatment. We were also pleased to learn that the County Council at their recent session had continued their grant of $55000.00 per month to the Patriotic Association for the benefit of the wives and mothers of those who are fighting our cause in this terrible struggle ; also that they have provided means whereby Dar county regiment, the 181st, will be second to none in equipment and com- fort. In the matter of recruiting we feel very strongly that the present system is too Blow and expensive and think itis the duty of the Govern- ment to enact some form of national registration of conscription whereby the younger men in a position to go would be called upon first to fill the existing requirements at this most critical time. After reading '0 t the r ee rt and satis- factory y repot t of the House 1(t Refuge Committee, we deemed It unnecessary to incur any expense at the present time in making an inspection of that institution. If there is nothing further to de- tain us we ask that we may be dis- charged from further ditties. GRAB. A. NAIRN, Foreman. Perth County It was unanimously decided at the district meeting of the South Perth County Orange lodges held in Strat- ford that they celebrate July 12 at Clinton, The appointment of Rev. Father Lowry, curate at St. Joseph's church, Stratford as military Chaplain for the district, is confirrned and he has been instructed to hold himself hi readiness to report for duty shortly. Mrs. Vance, wife of Rev. Mr, Vance, of Merlin, formerly of Woodham, was elected second Vice -President of the London Branch of the Women's Mis- sionary Society ab the St. Thomas Convention. Mrs. (Rev.) T. E. Har- rison, formerly of Granton, was elect- ed first Vice and Mrs. McGamus, late of St. Marys, Supt. of Christian Stewardship. Yon should always keep a bottle of Chamberlain'e Stomach and Liver Tablets on the shelf. The little folk so often need a mild and safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures. For item a c h troublesand constipation give one just before going to bed. A11 dregglets, 26c, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO' le What does a bevel gear cost ? The Ford owner saves $12 that the other fellow has to pay for one $ 16.00—Average cost of the bevel gear of . cars priced around $l000 and less, $ 4.00—Cost of Ford bevel gear. $12.00—This stays in the Ford owner's pocket book. Other Ford spare parts are just as•low priced in proportion—the 26 most called for parts altogether cost only lY $8.04. And less than a dollar a year as a total ex- pense for spare parts is not at all an uncom- mon experience of Ford owners. S. Carter,Dealer e■ Ford Runabout $480 Ford Touring 680 Ford Oonpola 780 Ford Sedan 800 Ford Town' Oar 780 5. 0. b. Ford, Oatarie All entre emnpletely BRUSSELS All lneludhng electric liondlighte, Equipment does not hlolttde seeedoln eter